1:32 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY a WASHINGTON, 0.0. 20450 or (91, ?x PROTEO July 28. 20]? OFF ICE OF HE EXECUTIVE SECRETARIAT Mr. Austin Evers American Oversight 1030 15?" Street. NW Suite B255 Washington. DC. 20005 Dear Mr. Evers: The Freedom of Information Act request you ?led with the US. Environmental Protection Agency seeking ?All emails between Scott Pruitt. Ryan Jackson (C hiefof Staff). John Reeder (Deputy Chief of Staff). or Mike (Acting Deputy Administrator) and any email address containing a house.gov or senate.gov domain from June 1. 2017?. to June 15. 2017'" was designated 008852 and assigned to the Of?ce of the Administrator for response. The Of?ce of the Administrator?s ?nal response is enclosed. The Of?ce of the Administrator sent you an email on June 29. 2017' indicating that the EPA could not process your request given that it did not reasonably de?ne a set of records to search. The email also provided you an opportunity to further clarify your request. 1 received an email on July 5. 2017' from Sara Creighton. an attorney in organization. providing no further clari?cation and indicating that American Oversight considers the FOIA request to reasonably de?ne a set of records subject to search. Since the EPA cannot process your request as currently constructed. your request is being denied. 11? you have any concerns. you may appeal this ?nal response with an email to hq.foia@epa. gov or by writing to the National Freedom oflnformation Act of?cer at: US. Environmental Protection Agency William Jefferson Clinton Federal Building Records. 01A and Privacy Branch 1200 Avenue. NW (2822T) Washington, 11C. 20460 Please note that correspondence mailed through only the US. Postal Service can be delivered to the address above. If you would like to deliver your appeal in person. via courier service or via an overnight?delivery service. you must address your correspondence to 1301 Constitution Avenue. NW. Room 6416J. Washington. DC. 20001. Your written appeal must be received no later than 90 calendar days from the date of this letter and should include the request number listed above. The EPA will not consider appeals received after the 90 calendar-day limit. In addition, appeals received after 5 pm. Eastern time are considered as having been Internet Addresa (UFILJ I Recycledl?ecvclable 0 Printed with Vegetable Oil Based inks on 100% Postconsumer. Process Chlorine Free Recycled Paper received the next business day. For the quickest possible handling. the subject line of your email or the appeal letter and its envelope should be marked "Freedom of Information Act Appeal." Additionally, you may seek dispute-resolution services from the FOIA public liaison at hq.tbia@epa.gov or (202) 566-1667 or from the National Archives and Records Administration?s Office ofGovernment Information Services. You may contact the Office ofGovernment Information Services with an email to ogis@nara.gov; by calling toll free (877) 684-6448 or (301) 837-1996: with a fax to (301) 83 7-0348; or by mail to National Archives and Records Administration, Office of Government Information Services, 86H) Adelphi Road. Room 2510. College Park, Maryland 20740-6001. Sincerely. f? WM Victor Farren Attorney-Ad visor