MAGUIRE PEARCE & STOREY ---PLLC--A TTORNEYS AT LAW Rita P. Maguire Direct Line: 602-277-2197 rmaguire(Q) July 21, 2016 DELIVERY VIA EMAIL AND U.S. MAIL Ken Petruzzelli, Attorney III Office of Enforcement State Water Resources Control Board 1001 I Street, P.O. Box 100 Sacramento, CA 95814 Re: Transmittal ofAs-Built Drawings with Respect to SBNF Special Use Permit #7285, and related Operation and Maintenance Information; Request for Exemption from the California Public Records Act Dear Ken: We have been asked by our client to provide the State Water Resources Control Board ("SWRCB") with the attached "as-built" drawings of the Nestle Waters North America (NWNA") pipeline and related improvements located in the five-foot (5') right-of-way pursuant to NWNA's SUP #7285. We have also been asked to provide certain operation and maintenance information concerning this pipeline and related infrastructure. This data and information has previously been provided to the San Bernardino National Forest Supervisor. We understand that the State Water Resources Control Board ("SWRCB") may be asked by third parties to provide the above described information to such third parties, pursuant to a request under the California Public Records Act ("CPRA"). Thus, this letter also provides you with NWNA's objections to disclosure under Exemption 6254(K) (trade secrets) and Exemption 6254(e) (geophysical data) of the CPRA. Specifically, the "as-built" drawings include: (i) trade secrets and/or commercial information whose release could (A) "cause substantial harm" to the competitive position ofNWNA or (B) "impair the government's ability" to obtain information in the future; and (ii) geophysical data that could create a significant risk of contamination and/or malicious tampering, even the perceived risk of which could significantly harm NWNA's business, its market position, and customer perceptions and confidence. Accordingly, NWNA requests that the "as-built" drawings and operation and maintenance information be considered exempt from disclosure under the CPRA and/or as otherwise required by law. In the event any third party requests the release of the "as-built" drawings and operation and maintenance information, NWNA requests that the SWRCB not release the data and 2999 North 44th Street, Suite 650, Phoenix, Arizona 85018 Phone: (602) 277-2195 Fax: (602) 277-2199 MAGUIRE, PEARCE & STOREY July 21, 2016 Page2 information on the basis that they constitute Exempt Material; and that upon the receipt of any such request, the SWRCB immediately provide NWNA with a written copy of such request so that NWNA may take whatever measures it deems necessary in order to prevent release. NWNA expressly reserves all rights to: (A) object to any release of the "as-built" drawings and operation and maintenance materials on the basis of their constituting Exempt Material; and/or (B) file an action in its own name and on its own behalf to prevent the release of the materials. The Exempt Material is enclosed with this letter and are labeled Item #1 and Item #2, respectively, to correspond with their identification by Christine Hill, District Ranger for the San Bernardino National Forest in her June 20, 2016letter to NWNA, and described in my email to you on June 29,2016. If you have any questions about the information attached to this letter, or the request for exemption from the CPRA, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, 1#-~ Rita Maguire Maguire, Pearce & Storey, PLLC Attorneys for Nestle Waters North America Inc. Enclosures Cc: Larry LaWrence, NWNA Natalie Stork, SWRCB Victor Vasquez, SWRCB 2999 North 44th Street, Suite 650, Phoenix, Arizona 85018 · Phone: (602) 277-2195 Fax: (602) 2.77-:2199 ITEM # 2 Attachment F CONFIDENTIAL Summary of Arrowhead Sprtn&s Tunnel • nd llo<'ohole Ccnsuuctlon NestY Waters North America Borehole Borehole Length Diameter (inches) (feet) Seal Length (feet) casing Material 126 SCH40 Galv. Steel 2.5 66 Horizontal Borehole No. Date Completed 1 6/14/1976 290 2.5 1A 8/9/1993 130 Screen Screen Conductor casing Survey Diameter Perforations Sheet Diameter (inches} (inches) (inches) 0.1875 2 2 1.5 SCH40 Galv. Steel 2 1.375 0.1875 2 SCH40 Galv. Steel 2 1.25 0.1875 4 7 9/29/1992 290 2.875 126 7A 9/6/1992 230 2.875 95 SCH40Galv. Steel 2 1.25 0.1875 4 7B 9/10/1992 397 2.875 121 SCH40 Galv. Steel 2 1.25 0.1875 4 7C 7/18/1993 300 2.5 168 SCH40 Galv. Steel 2 1.25 0.1875 4 8 8/20/1993 120 2.5 100 SCH40 Galv. Steel 2 1.875 0.1875 2 10 12/21/1978 305 2.5 162 SCH40 Galv. Steel 2 1.5 0.25 s 11 5/20/1994 310 2.875 67 SCH40 Galv. Steel 2 1.375 0.1875 5 12 6/9/1994 320 2.875 152 SCH40 Galv. Steel 2 1.375 0.1875 5 Tunnel No. Date Completed Tunnel Length (feet) Tunnel Height (feet) Tunnel Width {inches) - - - - Survey Sheet 2 1947 37 - 4.66 -34 - 2 1947 89 ~s - 34 - - - 3 - - 2 ITEM #2 Attachment CONFIDENTIAL MOUNT SPRING WATER UNITED STATES FORESTSERVICE INFORMA TION REQUEST ITEM #2 CONFIDENTIAL TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. 2. 3. Location of Facilities a) ~~rap b) Description of Facilities of Facilities Spec ial Use Permits a) 1930 b) 1934 c) 1946 d) 1960 e) 1976 (Act of 1897) f) 1976 (FLPMA) Water Rights a) Summary b) Judgment 4. Record of Continuous Use 5. Hydrology . . I. dafzmraln . 13.-.: . its.rg#1111}. 0? 4 ..(fur? . at fd?b?. .. u. I ll, .. ..I IfMOUNTAIN SPRING WATER CONFIDENTIAL ITEM #2 ITEM #2 CONFIDENTIAL Description of Facilities SRRINGS The Arrowhead Springs are located on national forest lands and include the following springs: Spring II 1: Spring II 1 is a horizonta I borehole 290 feet in length. Spring lilA: Spring 1/lA is a horizontal borehole 300 feet in length. Spring #2: Spring #2 is a horizomal runnel 30 feet long, 8 feet wide and 8 feet high. Spring #3: Spring #3 is a horizontal tunnel approximately 70 feet long, 5 feet w ide and 8 feeL high. Spring #7: Spring #7 is a horizontal borehole 290 feet in length. Spring #7 A: Spring //7 A is a horizontal borehole 230 feet in lengLh. Spring I/7B: Spring #7B is a horizontal borehole 397 feet in length. Spring #7C: Spring I/7C is a boreho le 300 feet in length. Spring //8: Spring II 8 is a horizonral borehole located between Spring //1 and Spring #2 approximately 52 feet in length. Spring 1/10: Spring #10 is a horizomal borehole 305 feet in length. Spring 1/11: Spring /Ill is a horizontal borehole 3l0 feet in length. Spring #12: Spring #12 is a horizontal borehole 320 feet in length. £lPELINE The pipeline canying water from the spring locations to the reservoirs consists of sections of claylined ductile iron pipe (both four-inch and eight-inch diameter), and sections of four-inch C-900 polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe. The portion of the pipeline located on national forest lands is approximately 21,400 feet in length. The remaining portion of the pipeline and the pipelines between the upper and lower reservoirs and the reservoirs to the loading station is located on private property. The pipeline from the upper reservoirs to the lower reservoirs is four-inch C-900 PVC. The pipeline from the reservoirs to the loading station consists of s.ix-incb C-900 PVC. ITEM #2 CONFIDENTIAL RESERVOIRS The two spring water reservoir storage locations, referred to as the upper and lower reservoirs, respectively , are loca ted on private properry . The lower reservoirs consist of three concrete bunkers which have been lined with fiberglass and the upper reservoirs consist of twelve 20 ,000gallon tanks. Tile total s torage capac ity o f lhe upper reservoirs is 240,000 gallons and the lower reservoirs is 77,000 gallons. LOAD STATIQN The loading station is also located on private property at the intersection of Old Watem1an Canyon Road and Highway 18. The loading station consists of two stainless-steel stations for waterhauling tankers to fill up and a turnaround area for ease of entry and deparrure. ITEM #2 CONFIDENTIAL rcrnU.ssioo i! hereby g'l"&Jlted t.o~.~:Jil..8sA...~t.a.,:L.1[Uan~..... ..A....J..:c:o.YiwLd..~:.::.g: -« eo~~:l.D.JS6R &o t&:~,L!a.:s.~L~~..t.!tL-L..C!~~!.!~l.i!9.r»iA _ _ _ _ __ u,se the follo" "'IICJ .. l. The p· .: . T~e permitt~ 5b.,a.l.l comply with the regulntions o! tbe Dep&rtl%leat of A..gricultun tba· Xuttocnl Forest , sh.a.ll observe o.ll SIUUc.&ry laws !llld ~tions appUc&ble to the pr-em,i.!le~ . t.Od shad krrp the prelll.Ues U1 a oeat lUlU orderly condition a.od d.i!~ of &1l nttll3e &,Qd locate outhou5es &fl•l l"r ·,~pooi:; 11.5 re-qwred by Fore:st officers... T i,i, pet"'I1it i! subject to al.l vrilid . .; _ The permittee ~hal.l :w Ul re~ocable pteellutions to prevent. L!ld suppre:ss forest tires. ITEM #2 CONFIDENTIAL .1eu, sh.nll conduct um.e ia an order 5. The permittee, if en,.-s..,-ed . a.nce with ~1 ~quiremenu of the laW'! of t,he St.&te c! -.C.AJ,i!orn~• Uniud SLates. , u well u the lnw. or ti.r 6. The permittee sh&ll pa.: the United S~tee for a.ny d&.lll&g'& to its propany- I"'JSU!ting from :hi• u~ . . The perm.i t~ sh.tJl fully repai,r all da.msge. other t.h.Ln ordin Ul the exercise j. tn.lls io the Nation&! Foresta ~U!ed by t,he pertn,~t~ permit. an ~a.: and tea.:. to rond- ol the pnvileg-e gn..otetl I"· ~~ · 8. Construc:tioo worlc (or occupa.ncy a.nd U5e) under t.hi! permit shall begio W' moo~, be completed withln ___tl... :.e ___ from da.te o{ the a.c:tu.a.,lly exe~d at lust . 365 perm..iL, and ---2~e. .... th,i., \L5e su:.J l be d,ays uch yenr, unless the time is extended or shortened . s.b.all 9. In cue o( daog-e of a.dd.ress, pe:-m.ittee ~medi.&tely notify 'the Forest SuperTisor. ~ 0. The ch~ '!~r this ~y he rea.djwt.ed w~eoever ?eces.ury to p~ th.i! permit oo c. hA.•i. the Cll.ll"g-e to or.oer pertD,Itt,ees for li,lce privl,le:ges. A. geoen,l rea.d)U!tmeot -n-ill be of five frdm the dAte o( i=lsua.nce of permit a.nd &t thi end o! ea.ah fin-yenr prno¢" t,nere&f conslS~llt Wlth ~aoe at the eod 11. Ko Nationa.l Forest timber may be cut or destroyed without first ob~ a permit from thl Fo.~t. ~u~or.• 12. l.:ooo the,ment. term,illa.t.i.on, or reToc.ation o{ t.hi, permit, and in t.h.e absence of AC agrumeo < to coot.rary, the, ii t.ll .the rental c~arges due the Gove,rn.ment b..ue been paid. ID,Ay, "'lrl~ a ~a,soor.ble penod t.o be de~ed by the LSSll.l.llg officer, nmon a.ll 'tructUrM 'l'riueb have beeo pla.ced oo r.h,e premises by him. ucept wl:re%'6 the z:aat.eria.l· wu;urn,WJed•by the Fon:n. Service . but uooo failure to reman stTOc:ttl,n!IS within period they ahal,l become the propeny of the on.ed :;ta.tes. · 1 u 13. ~ t>ermlt ma.V ~ tnns:fe.."Ted ...-it.b the approT&l Of the officer by whom it~ gjno OT hilt rucces.sor. subject to suco conditioll! a.s m.av be i,m~d at the time of tra.n,sfer. It. ail&J.l ttrtnJO&t• upoo of &D) of the.cooditioll! huein at the discretion of t,he Rt,pon..t.l Forestu or FortStct. or 1-4. The pc.roUttee shall provide. wheoenr requested by Forest office.n , a way &eross the !&.ad by t.l:i,ts perouL for t-40 free ing're:ss or egreu of Fol'!ISt office~ a.od for uen of Natioo&l Foresl con~d la.oci e.nd pa-"'ciu.s~ ~f product.:~. Na.tion&l Forest 15. . .:..,• -:,,-!?. ,y_.,_:..!.~U~-~J.;:!f_~ & -o.y-t o! .i~.!I_E_~~~~------ ..··------ 13-, Kll>oW>4l. wsu. ra"""'" "'a ro..1 .. l.i!)..e...J.'.. ~ . &... a; . J.ZOO.! .. lQn&; .. .. ct -.i l•t:Donrtl loOWII PQIC.._ Clll'OCUO:I. &lid la.oOs oa:ap.c!J co..~ ...o.!....ihe..SE..qu.a...-±.et:.D:.....S.e.c.t.i:lll.30~ •.L..Z. .N........R .... .3..Yi ..... .S~3..~•.., ..Yd..t.h:Lt1 ..~-­ Sa.n Bemard.:i,no N-ational forest, & ru, south sliB}ltly we5t 1 as shown on map on . the.. Di .r:i,k..of . .t.b..e. ..F.on st. a.----·-·--·----------._·----.··-·-------- _ ..................... .................. ...... . ............................ - ···-····-··--------. -- ----- - ---···· · ~ -- fur the purpose of !:OD!lt...."UCti,n.g. .& . !J9-i,nt~.a .. canduit..llne (llndlr b UL..-riJ CII>OC:'Ibol U>O UJO, IP~I . - ol J..odDauw., .'loJ.V..e..~ LDd WldU> ol !111>1 1>1,...7, Ole. ) v E. W.O..~ .of.. ~p-w-1 rna t .., ; . ~- . c:u. .. yd .. . .o! .. aa..rlh;. .! . .a..ccncr~t'!. . .tll.D!lel. ld · boldine be!!is & wei rs; 100 ' of 1; 11 0 . D. Seamless rrt.eel tubing; 100 1 of 3" O. D. sea l ess . .ateel . .inJ~ . ani . ,3CXXl! .. or ..2....,.J/.8 ~'..0 ... D.....S.eamlel!la.. At.eel. . .t~----------:... _ __ subject to the folio;;lng condJUon.s : I . Tbe pe rmitt.~e &.ball pay to t he Re~ooal F a.J .Agent designated by the Forest officer for de posit to the credit of the Treasurer of t he united, in consideration for this use, tht: sum of Thi~ pe~t is ia~ed free of charge under the provision!! o! Regulation l-2 (H). --···----......... ......... ---· ·--·-· ·--···-------··---------- ·---------- (I ________________ _) for the period fro m ..... ... ....... ................ ...... . 1£1 ... .• . w ........ ....: .... .. .......... ............. , 1!? ...... , o.nd thereafter &lllluaUy , oo . .. ............... .... ... .. .......... ....... . ........... .................................... d ollars (S ... ________________ .) . 2 . Tbe permit~ shall cowply "'Jlb ~ regulati ons of th e DepUUDeoi of .Agriculture governine t.he Nati one.l F orest, shall observe all iiaoituy laws and regulations applicable to the prem.ises, ltlld shall keep the premises io a nea t a od orderly condition a.od dispose of rJl a.nd locate outhouses· e1d cesspools as required by the Forest officera. 3 . Th,is permit is subject to rJl va, claims. t . The permittee shall rJl reasonabl~ prec~utipn t.o preveoL a.nd 11uppress forest fire~ without cost to the For-est Serviee. ...;::. ·.. ,_J::·• · ITEM #2 CONFIDENTIAL ' . .... .- ~ : .... ( ... *',."'1.-. ... -••.. . .- .r· ;·-·. ~~. _-·.: -~::·: ·= ~· ~:t*~j\~ . . .. ... ....... ~.... r• • • :· . ;! .. ·-~-:~·-~\;• ~ . :.•:.~~ -· 6. The permitt.M , if engr.ged in business, eball Mndnct aame in LO LOoe with al) requirements of the laws of the St~u of ..•..C.e.ll!Qm.i.o_ United States. orderly mLODer &nd ___, u ·i~ ~;_.a:'t:-· ·<.\ ·..;..,·:·. .well a.s the l~m -~the .·.-.< · ·.: .~- ' _ 6. The permittee 'llb.a.U pe.y the United St.a~ for Uty damage to its property ~ultin; from tru;·~.~~:.'< · 7. The permittee sba.ll fullv repair .all damage, other tha.o ordinarr wear and teu, to roads ina'.' by the i.D the exercise o1 the privi,lege gra..ot.ed by t.bia • ,"· . ... ~ll. . . . .. :-; .,, :.d:...;;.;:..; ~z--·~: ::~-~- CoD,&truction work (or occ:upa.ocy and iae) under th,ia permit shall begl.o within .. -~:on~~--~·:-:::.:;.~ :~. . ... .::, ...... :).,. . ... . . . . ': '\ . . · ~.,:.-."" .!-•· .. : . . ~ ·:~·o-~ths, be compl~ted ..-lt.hio ........ from the dr.t.e or the ~~t, ~nd this . ~~- sb.~"'be ~ · . the Nr.t.ional Forests caused ·... adUAl,ly exercised at least ..... 36~------- days each ye&r, unless the time is extended or Gbortened. 9. In case of change of address, permittee shall immediately notify the Forest Supervisor. 10. The charges for this use m,ay be rea.djust.ed whenever necessr.ry to place this permit on a. basis consistent with tbe charge 'to other permittees for like privileges. A geneMLl readjustment will bt> m&de at the end of five ye&rs from t he date of issuance of permit and at the end of five-year period thereafter. 11. Ko N ationa.l Forest timber may be cut or destroyed, without first obtaining a pernUt f~om the Forest Supetn.'lor. · · · 12. upon-the abando~en t, tetmlDil.liOn , or te>ocation of thi.5 perm,it , and in the absence of &n agreement to the con t:rar; , the perm.Jttee. if' all tb~ rental charges due the Government ha'l"e been, may, within a tf.'asonabli penoa to be determined by the issuing o~cer, remo'e. a,U structures which han been placed on the preiDlSes by lum. e:tcept 'W'here the ma.t.enal 'W'a.s furmsbed by the Forest. Sen-ice. but ueon failure to remove the structures within that period they shall become the property of the t'ntted ::>tates. 13. This ma'\" be transfernd 'll"itb the appron1 of the officer by ""·hom it "'as given o! his --sucussor, subject to such cood.Jttons as ma.y be imposed at. the time o! t,rn.nsfer. It shall'lD.Ul&t.e upon brearb oi any of the cood.Jttons h~reto or at the discretion of the Regiona l Forester or the Chief Forest Scrnce . • 14 . Tbe shall pronde. \l'bent>;er requ ested b;; the Forest officers, a ""OY across the land co>e rP d by tbts perp1it for tl..t e free w~r ss or e~ess o,f Forest officers and for users of ?>; auona.l Forest land and purrhaHr: of 1\ a.tio nal F crest products. . 15. ?\o ~{ember of or D~ lc~at.R to Coo~ess shall be nd.mitted to any or port of this ap-eemrn t or t o or:; henefit t hat may an;;!' hrrPirorn uo.less it is made with a corporation for iLs general bem:fi l. 16 . ..;.,t t.acllecl.sli;lul..3..t.ian s .. are .m..:~de .. a .. part .. aL:thia . ..Pi'J:t'Qit..&.. ______ ______ ____________ , _____ _<>l.l IUPUI&IIODl ........,rr) - - - -- - - - - - - -----------·---·----·--············----····---··---· ...... ....ll~.22,. . l93,4. ____ (D oLO r • • ...-u . ......, ..,..,,_ ..... ,,, - . ,, . .... -... · . .. _ ITEM #2 CONFIDENTIAL - - ------ ----------~ .. 16. 'Ihe right o! way gr-,oted und,er thie permit i,nc1udea ·only that area actually occupied by the conduit iteel!, 17. Thie permit conveys no rights vpon the permittee to the u~e of the water involvE 18. Compensation ahall be made !or da.msge caused to the property of the United StatE th,rough overflOw of water. 19. ln consideration of the !ree right o! way !or this conduit, the permittee grantc to the United Statee Forest Service the right to tap thie conduit and to take t t ~lue water from it for ite ~ use or that of other permittees providing ~hat -e·151Jeh connection shall not deprive the permittees therein of eu!!icie.nt water for -their own use; a.nd further provided ~at if zruch connection ie made by ot..l-)ar oe! mittees euch pennittees ehall pay the pro rata coet of installation of said pipe or portion !ran bene!i t ill received. 20. The right o! way for thie pipe line is to be cleare approx:l..m.ately 5 1 wide and the brush will be ove~ast to the satisfaction of the local forest officer, 21. v:hen weldinf is being done there will be in attend,ance in addition to eaeh weldt one hel~r, one shovel ma.n and two back pack pump men llho will use a ehield on each "eld be sides dampening down the area around each weld. Before weld,in.g ie done the foreman in charge of the job will contact the local District Ranger, ~o ~th the for~ ~11 see that everythine ie done ~ prevent ~ fire from starting from this weldint;. 22. The pipe line w:U.l be laid on the surfsce of the ground and will have the necessary air vents to reduce the pressure besides one pressure reducing valve at the bottom of the line before connecting toto the m~ line. 23 , .:-J,l blastin£ tm.1st be d:me .C. th electric detonators. 21. . Sooking v.i. ll not be a,llo,.,ed durin£ the period that the is in effect on t he National Forest. 2 5. :..11 easoline ope:-a ted m.sct-..::_:Jery will be equipped '>'lith spark arresters or carbon a rresting dev ice s approved by the local district ranger. lf tr:~ctor o: bulldozer is used they shall be equ,ipped with e.wvel and axe and one quart ?yrene fiN ex':.inguisher. 26 . If the 11 no sm:>ld.nff 11 reeuJ.ation ~ire season and !ire danger warrant it, it may be necess~ry for the to e~loy th e servi ~es of a !~ warden approved by the local f orest officer to see that the stipulations in this permit are carried out in full . coo?~Y 27 . Pe rt:ission is also p ven ':.o a temporary road from the main highway high gear road, starting from a point in the northwest corner of the eoutheast ~uarter of Section )0 1 !. 2 N., R. 3 TI., runnin~ a southeasterly direction approximately 2()(X)' to z eprine knol!Tl ae No. 7. The firet 800 1 of thie road llri.ll be new and the next 1200 1 'Hill be merely lriden; of the pre sent trail to 5-:J_/2'. to permit passage of a Caterpillar road grader to be used i,n excav~tic 'lrork at the spring. lt h ert.y resulting f~m this t15e. a.noe with all requirement.s of the laW'S of the unj Led st.& tell. Sta~ ,..., 0 of ___!ami.L___ • 0 0 0 • • . ' 7. The permittee sha.ll fully repair all da.mage, other th&n ord.ina.r.v wee.r s.nd tear, to roa~ and tr&.i,ls in the 1\ at.iooa.l Forests caused by the pel'lliJttee in the exercise ol the prinlege gnntad by thj.s permit. . . . . 8. Co0.1t.ructioo work (or .. . · . - :.. . ~upa.n~y· a.nd uae) under t.h.i3 ·Pe~t.. ~A.p ~gin .wi lhin _..:__tuiL::~ . . • ·. .. . .. :: . . . .• . . ·. .:.v : '. ·· .. - : montbe, be completed wi~ __ .om:___...:__ yea,n; from the date of the permit, a.nd tJiis . . • -·. 'lise a.hall be actually exercised a.t leas t .. 365.......... days eath yeu, tmless the time is extended or abortened. 9. In CIL.'Ie of chAnge of &ddreas, permitt.6e shall immedia.tely notiiy the Forest Supervisor. 10. The charges for use ID.A,Y be readjusted whenever neoess&ry to place t.his permit on a basis consistent with the cha,rge to other permittees for like privil~. ·.A. general rea.dJU5tmenL -rill be , made at the end of five years from the d&ta of issuance of permit a.nd a.t end of each five-year period there a! U!r. 11. No N &tionrJ Forest timber may be cut or. destroyed without. first obtaiDing a permiL from the Supertisor. · · ··- ·· Fore~L 12. t"pon the aba.ndonmen ~, U!rmination. or revoca.tion of t.h.i:l permit, and in the absence of &n B.fTeemeot to the contrary, tbe permJtLee , if a.U the remal cha,rges due the. Government have t>beo Eaid, may. ~~run a reasonable penod w be -determined· by tha i!,suing officer, remove Ill) structu,res -.rl:Ucb have been placed oo the premises by him. except where the materis.l was furnished by the Forest. Sen-ice.. bu t upon remon the structures with.i.p that period they sb&ll become the property . of the united States.. . 13 . This permit maT be tn~nsfe~d with the approva.l of the officer by ""hom it was giveti or his 6\IGCessor. subJeCt w such coodiuon:; as ma:r be imposed at the time of tra.nsfer. It ah&ll terminate upoo brt•arb of any of t he coodn10ns hereto or at the discretion of the Regional Forester or t he Chief F ores t Servtce. J.l The permitee sbe.ll p rond e. "'beot>n~ requested by the Forest officers, a ~a:r ncross the lBlld ro'l'ered by thts permtt for the free w~nss or e:?ress of Forest officers and for users of National Forest land aod purr ba.sers of ~allC'Ioal Forest products. 15 ~o :'-lt>mber of or Dele[!st.e to Coo~ess sha.JI be admitt.ed w aoy share or part of this n~ee ­ m e ot or to soy benefit thc.t mny ll.It s~ berefroD,l unless it is made with u corporatton for its general benefit 16. J.ttacbed_alipuletians are .made ..a .. p&rl ..Q .L~l'.i~-~~~.a ....------·················--·cs '*'w au p~ uaD.J a.c:.::wrrl This pe~t. ca,ncele and supe r!ledea permit issued to the al::ove named perso~ de" ~ goa t.~d ..aba'lle ..and .. a16ned .lq:::il.J..i.,. ..l930~ .. ~-.ACtifl8 .. fcre:~~.. ~P-~ffi~R:r.. ~-~ .. tl.s_~t. ··········· ·-··-·--· .. --·· ······· · · ········ ·· ···· ·------~--- ...J.\Ule ..ll,.. ..l9.3L.. ___··---ro.... ,. r l ' ··- ~..._.fJ.II.OTI'..... f.!:It.ronafltl"able I. , • ......,..,. 0..-nt IC'T ,.. 5 rnnted to ADMJ.U AD~UU vnva Jw•. P. 0. 3ox 229"" Terminal lnnu: · 1 54 of 154' •d Vu)ahd- 1 li4a Aa. .l .a 111 Oalif•.,.,h , hereinafter c:.alled the permittee, to uae aubJect to the condjtiona aevout below, the followmi' de.scribed Pum.Wion is hereby l.clca or improvementa : .' ; ' • ~\-4!-wQ Mt . . . . . ., .teri 1a 1~ aa:rea . L .l ••• L 4 tift (5) , ... 1a riCU .... ·~)12'0:d.Jra\el.T peru-.. ef/~' laM u g n, v., lll_IW, ... ~ U. ...U• '• t. 11. 1 n,120 h. D IV, kni.- .J1 U4 .• IV, A. 1..-ti• ~. t. Z 1., D'UI.t . aa ..., .a... • _,. Ut.le( . ., ~ le•tia .r .,~. plpeli.JIM, . . . -.1.atah•t ftd.l• et tll.e ~ .... hritu Yaten, he. ta\.H .. .,.."., lt5) ..., Pmzlb 6 . .pMU• .U •u a ,art J--}-V., . .11. ~~·• k~t. I' / I I ·!'WRlillj':'J I•• l:f '\ - - ·.... v I ·'·~-4 Th.u; permit covers - -- -- - acr~·~~~--'~:oo.&J-00-._ I miles and is issued for t.}le purpose of : ·, \ eea•tnrt~ &al -.1Jtt..atw1wl ~•n«a ~no \ftaaaba1oa l1au, ..... -.:17 traUa k pipella. _ . .au -ta% ..Ueni• -.a-la u.t ••rrt" ·, ap~.._.. / ~ . .j . I I ; _j I i The ex erctse of any of the pr1vii eB"es gTa nt.ed hereby constitutes acceptance of all the conditions of thu penn1t. / 1. I.n con.sideration for this w e, t he permittee shAll pay to the Forest Service, U.S. Department of AgTlc:ulture, the sum of "'~"" ••" Dollars ($ \,,J; ) for the period from 1 19-"L, t6 'S1 , 19ML_ , a.nd therea.fter &nDually on I•DeJ:7 1 , h~ •v M,/lDI- • - - •- -Dollars($ ~.): Provid ed, Mwet~f!'T, Chare-es for t,his use may be made or readjusted whenever necessary to pla c:e the charges on a bui.!l commensurate with the v&lue of we authoriz.ed by thia permit. ,.._._.u ,,....... ,...... AAOO • • • • '"-M% ~, DOPllCATE ITEM #2 CONFIDENTIAL r. ~- f· ~ . . . ~ 2. Con,rtruction or OCCUP-4.;;.;,) &Dd uae undu thjs perm,it &.hall bqix:~in monlh.a r.. if a:ar; ah.t.ll ~ ~~ wtOli\.i ... · •··'man!ta, wt'mt.he~au of the permit. ~ ~ ~ be ~y ~-at ~ · · . ..4;z · ·d.aya\i'~eu· o~ &\lthori.ted in ~~i· : • r- . . . . :, ·. . . . . . . . . ~- Development p' ; {&~out -pli.D.I : cona~ction_ reco~d:ioU. .0~ ..aluntian o! inl'pro.vemenu ; or reva1on o! layout or CDUStructwn plans for thu ue.a mun be approved .m advance a.nd in 1l-Titizli by the !oren 1upervi.ulr. 1 ~ or ahrubbery on the permitte subJ ect to CJinceliation . But if the person t.o whom t itle to said tmprovemer.t.s stu. II h.a ve oeen .trans! erred tn esther manner above provided is qualified !lS a pertDJttee and i.s wtlltng tJlat h1s future occupancy of th e prerntses shall be subject to such ne~· conditions a.nd sttpulattons as extsttng.or p r ospecttve drcumstances ma~"''ll.'arrant, his continued occupancy of the premises may be authorueMa. ,.._ 11!.\\M &p'MI to. ~ tM li i a 1J"N Jd.,. t.bzoMII nt.l.ta _. ..... a 1.001 t..t. .uta"Y&lJJ a1q \a. ..u toiiR1' tv rue ~ PIU pow, 19. l:a t.M ..r.ct. et n.r., =.1 I ao. - n. tH natrt-et--.r Win- ~ ..,.. ~ 1- 1m4a W• ,..C\ ·iacl•• .-l;r \at . . . ~ ~.eia u.n., ~ - ai.nb& ~. . u. .s. t...ela, ""'"'' au., !M .U.oaal . rv..\ la4 b \hi &!"M . . , . . , . . . '\!IU pew!.\ 11 . .ject to. .al.Nve 'i.e mtz7 h:rl.q \he tCil"Nt :UO. HUGD ~~at ~eultltH, will M r-cpon«1ble 'i.e ... t.a&t h1.8 ~~ ~~ ad ~ ebt&i.D c..l,.D•ed c\r7 pendta, -.a l'Wqld..Joooe4, - ~ ~iDe a.( -....J.4b& pend.t.a f'!ooaa \he ,..~ llla ~ &anpr pri.a1' ' perf~ R6 ~· lfll:rft t.b&t u ll.M. .IIa'T 'i.e \U ~ at \811 pewit., hna:itt.M t.ue- \o ~ 1d.1Jk all rUN n,W,..ti.OU )Nt. 1ato atf•t. \e Jll9f'Ct t1.J'ee a!ld \e afti!'H N1d l"\ aDd ft&Ul&Uoa. 111'\a 111.1 -.p~, ~~ IIDd ~. u-.a ·ill\!:·· oiUl,i jjj !!¥Jill am _j r.zrlac \M w. &! tJt:U ~t, . - \e u.\&ll ... all uo .... w:rr C"'Ci.a eoe1nl. ~ w ,.....U..... ' - ,. . , . . w llll,Jd...lliH \e \.be hll..t p:rartiulll.a m.crt., ..u tlr'NiezL. e.h ...c &ball - .&aoe \o I \ae uti.a! ..Ucm at U.. D!.rt.rl G"\ . . , _ • . I I ,.I Z, o r-v.i t t.M ~ \o al,l..ft t.he Jo:rM't 8cr'T1M \e 1Mt,alJ. ell ~ at ll:q>«4 • ·nun SAN 8111U,AaDtHO. (;ALIP'OIIINIA ADDICIJ l!r HT TO ..-ou r Suocov ~t oa • AIO Itt II TO 2710 l, 1962 ~eember NOTI ct TO PERMI'rl'E!;: No. 1 o! :rour permit p.rovidel5 for periocti.c fee adjustment. A statewide study is bein& undertaken during 1963 to i f current hes :represent fair land rental Talues. Any adjustments tbat are warr~ted will become effectin Janua,ry l, 1964, or the beginning .o! the permit 7.-r neareat that 4ate • ._. Fees in connection with this permit ~e due and payable by not later than January 1 annually. Hon-p&)"'Dent within ?5 da)'a !rOIIl the bi,lling date h,ereon v.Ul result in permit cancell.ation. When permits are e-. neC!Ued, a reinstatement aenice charge, to be made !or any late payment or commercial pertri.tteea, will be baaed upon 1% per month or fraction t~reo! of the unpaid :fee due the Gonrment 1 with a ~ of 125.00. Please keep Forest Supervisor, ~ Bernardino National Forest notified of &DY cha.nge in addre&S. Your failure to notify this o!!iee wben :rour address 1.8 ch.Lnged, renders :rour permit liable to e..aneellation. Sincerel y your£, OON R. BAUER Forest Superviaor _!_~/)l ___;;ehv/ ~;~~::: 'l llill!:t: jl!i·:·· By :,,:,::... I 1::... illII!~!~ I" ~ IL :no Arrowhead & Puri t as Nate~s Inc . hater Trans. 11-29-60 ( ( ITEM # 2 CONFIDENTIAL i ~ I 1 to£ SPECIAL USE PEOOT -- -=-. Tb&t c:ortain spKial &a.~e penit inueci 011 Nonaber 29. 1~ Arrowbeu ud Puritu Iraten be., 1S66 East Wuk.i.Dcton, l,.os Aqeles 21. Califo~a. coYcrlul a wate-r trana,inion located ill HE KE, Secticm 11, 'r. 1 11., 11.. 4 w., Sl/2 SW, st, fl/2 NE, Section 6, T. 1 N., ~. 3 ~ •• SE, NE, HE HW. Section ll aDd £1/2 sw, SE, SectiOD 30, i. 2 H., i. ~ r., SBB~ Cajon i&n&er Diatric:t 1 is bcreby l. ~oed Cla.ue 124 is a:aendod •s.uc:h ... : " . , I ; · 111: 1\::,,! ..... Ii! as follow5! ri~t.s &~.~t I~ t>. U) iacludt: obta.iaed ud retaiucl a, Suu• %. Claae 11 Ulet.ed. 3. Clau.u 126 is clcleted Uld tile follovin& is ~sdtuted: \1 I I •. '1. '"Th• potraitt. . ab.all i,.nd..;if1 the UIU.ud St&tu a1&iut any li&.bility for ....._,.s U) U.,h cr property ari lin& fi'OII tlae a5t authDrhed by t..b.ia perait, p!'OYi.Ged t.bJ.1 ab.a.ll .at be c:cnstru.4 'tO i.Ddea.a.if:r the lJnitad Suus aaainst litl 8 d ao,liJen.c.o •• 1 t is I:I.Adaratood t.Ut t.hh ~llt 1b.all DOt opente to alter a.or aaend a.aid penlit ill aJly other r-,pect ~ h Mnia apeci.fied and aha.ll cot in any way constit.ut~ a wa.her o{ l.liT part, pTOVision. or c;oDd.ition of said ahall apply equdly to t.llU aaandaent. DC»i L Date: •rff/n. J~ Decni,.T 11, 1964 'Tbh .... Ddaant tQ ap&e.ial use fort.h above. ~ .., iAIJfll., Foru t Superviao r u a.cupted &ubject to ~ conditioau AiaOWHEAD ' PUilTAS WATER,INC. 'Illy [late : /J.- { 5' ... ~ Y <%. p Title IL-'-<.P u-0 I'~ COPY FOR FOREST SUPERVI!:OK ITEM #2 CONFIDENTIAL .. - ) SJIIECIA.l.. USE Ji'ERMli AMENDMEN"r NO. _ _......__ _ P. 0. io.a; ~29.3l, Tarw.ina.l Mnu, Loa Anlelu 5.4, Calif. ----NI:iljQOI.lYII.IftCII;;.Ibllolel.l:r;.......:?~a.,.,...... • ... e6111001.1---· Rx for I wate+ tran•mi•tiM !.r.a T, lr., T. lN., R.. 3W., T. 21\., R. 3W., SBr.:.; _ _ _ _C.,f~:.1o.: . en:'-&:• ..:.R!n;:::&j..,L:.JI:e.&.r-.P..,h~:.t,l,jr~.,~it.l<:.,L._ _ _ __., as HEJU:ev .u«HDEO ~ ,.o~ws: ».. fh',, St).pul&tion b &dd..C a,o.d mraberodl "28. Duril:lg the pe..~ormance o! tbis pe:rcit the permittee agrees: ,_,.._ a. In coDDection with the performance or vork tmder ~~ pe_""JJlit, 1ncl.ud.izl8 COD.5'tructian 1 ma.i.nten.!Ul':t: &n4i operation Of the !acll.ity1 the permittee liball no't discrim.1D&te ~'t aey employee or applicant !or ecployment because of race, color, creed, or n&tional origin. b. The pe..'""tlittee and b.i.s ettployee& shall not diacr~te by aeg:regation or othe..?Wise ~'t any pe:son on the basis of race, color, creed or national origin by c1,Il'ta.i.Ling or refusing to !unrl&h acccmm:od,&tion.s, facilities, ser.~ce&, or uae pri~eges ot!ered to the pub~c generally. The pe.n:U ttee sh,all i.Dcl.ude and require compliance wi tb the above DOD• disc:ri!nination provision.:; in any &UP-contract made wi tb respect to t)le operatic~ unae~ this pe~t. Signs IH~tting forth Ws pol,icy o! non-.?ftLY ECUAU..Y TO THIS AMENOMDn'~ ~ 0. I .111r. ~ AU~ By li Ill'' AND tv£~ SUCH I"AJn' 1 l"ltOVISION, 0111 COHDI.- • ~ ~~nr • ~l1 .q 1966 Do~~;n: ----------------------- T~.______&l&ll~u~i~n~g~O~f~f~i~C•C~t----~----- THIS AM I!:H OW E NT TO 'Tli t u june~ . II"· ~ . R-,.-().4) •· llo--.1 - · Cl-2) ,..~. 53 __ Uaor 1-;-...,..~••-,•....,,.,• •..,..71 -0-6-+h-. and nantrwl\&l erwble (Rol. FSiool_1710) 12 I -~~ ~~;~3 ~ 1. 1!197 ~voeooble QS ic. F...,.,(~l IC.o104 tl ••• (l).JS ---- §_ ~1-201 Q?! ~~ - c. .... ""· l Permission is hereby granted to of Arrowhead Pur1tas Waters, Inc. P.O. Sox 2293 Teminal Annex, Los Angeles, t111forn1a 90051 ~~~~~~~~~--~------­ hereinafter called th e perm it tee, to use subJ eCt to the conditions set o ut below, the fo or improvements: A right-of-way not to exceed five (5) f!et 1n w1dth and approx 1n length across portions of National Forest land 1n Section , T.lK., R.JW., N~ of Section 12. T.lK., R.4W., ~of Section 30 and Section 3 , T.2N., R.3W., SBS&M as shown more oart1cu1arly on the map entitled •Arrowhead untas Waters, Inc., • (916) System and Supply, dated June 1976 by A.W. Hess an made a part hereof. 2 5 This penni• covers _ __·_ _ _ _ :~c-rPs and/ or ---.'----~11es and is issued fo r the purpose ·o f: ~intain1ng thereon water transmission 11n , necessary service trails to maintain pipelines and water collection nnels, wells and spring Uoxes. : Cons: ruc u or. or occupanc y and e unde r tins pl'm•it shall be~in within mon ths , and cons1ruc l 10n . i r an v. sh<~ll be co mpiP d w••h•~ months , from 1he date of the permi1. This use snail i:>e actu:di~· exerctse ci a1 eJS l 365 days each year, un less otherwise authorized 1n wnlln~ . : . In considerat ion for th1 Atmcu ll ure . the sum of One fro rr. March 1 us e . ,,,,. ~h;:,ll pay to thP Forest Service, U.S. Department of Dollilrs!Sl58.00 ) for the period ~~-- . ,0 Df!!cember 31 , l 92Z.- , and thereafter p•rm l ltl'" f1ft -ei ht and no/100 Dolla rs(£ 190.00 ~--~~~~~~~~~~~--~--Proutaec, however, harges for tnJ.s usl' ma' he made or readjusted whenever necessary to place the charges on a bas · commens ura 1e wtt h t he value of use au! hori ze d by this permit. 3. Th1s pe 28 it is a ccepted suOJeC I to 1he conditions set fort h herein , and to condit ions attached herel o and made a p art of this pennit. SIGNA TUllE OJ" AU THORIZED OJ",.ICEII\ '"' ("• .lhJ . + l c···n-..·.. :y I . · /J~ ;.TLE L ;t· l 7'.· . . L:: "t -r. I ( CONT/NU~D ON I!EV!:IUEI 18 to DATE 7/;;..../71.:. DATE TITl.t Forest ): Su~rv1 sor 7 I700 · 4 171711 ITEM #2 CONFIDENTIAL .4 .. Development pi a:ns; lay~ut ~ .. •IS; c:onstrvction, reconstruct,ion, or ah non of Improvements; or rev1s1on of la.yout or construction plans for this area must be approved il! advance and in writin~r by the forest superv1~or. Trees or shn~bbery on the permitted area may be remove<3 or destroyed only after the forest officer tn charge has approved, and has marked or otherwise designated that which may be removed or destroyed. Timber cut or destroyed will be paid for by the pennittee as follows: Merchantable timber at appraised value; young-growth timber below merchantable siz.e at cum:nt damage appr:.~isal value; protJided that the Forest Service reserves the right to dispose of the merchantable timber to others than the permittee at no stumpage cos t to ~he pennittee. Trees , shrubs, ann other pl ants may be plan ted in such manner aod in such places about the premises as may be iipproved by the forest officer in charge. 5 . The permittee shall maintain the improvements and premises to standards of repair , orderliness, neatness, sanitation, and safety acceptable to the forest officer in charge. 6 . This pennit is·subject to all valid clatms. 7. The permittee. in exercising the pnvileges ~ranted by thi s permit , shall compl y wi th the re~ulations of the Oepartment of Agriculture and all Federal. State, county, and municipal laws , ordtnances, ~r regvla· lio ns which are applicable to the area or operations covered by this permit . 8. The permittee shall take all reasonab)e orecautions to prevent ancl suppre~s forest fires. Nomaterial shall be disposed of by humin~ in ooen fires during the closed season established by law or regula· tion without a written permit from the forest off1cer in charge or his authorized agent. 9. The permittee shall exercise diligence 1n protecting from dam~~ge the land and propert y of the United States covered by and used in connection w1th this permit , and shall pay the United States for any damage resu lti ng from negli!l'ence or from the viol ation of the terms of this permit or of any law or regulation appli· cable t.o the National ForesLs by the, or by 1.11y 118enLs or employees of the permittee a.ct,ing Within the scope of thei r agency or emp loymen~ 10. The permittee shall fu l ly repair a ll dama~e . other than ordinary wear and tear, to national forest roads and tra ils caused oy the permittee 1n tile exerc1se of the privilege granted by this permit. 11. 1\o Member of or Delegate to Con~ress or Resident Commissioner shall be admitted to any share or part of this al!'reement or to any benefit that may anse herefrom unless it is made with a corporation for its ~reneral benefit. 1=:. lpon aband onment. terminatton. r~vocation . or cancellation of this pennit,the permittee shall remove wi thin a reasonabl e ti me all structures anci 1morovements except those owned by the United States , and sha ll restore the s i te , uni ess o therw1se acree o uoon tn wri ting or in this pennit. If the permittee fails to remove a ll such s tructures or Improvements ,..· ,thtn a reasonable ·period, they shall become the propert y of tne l.i ntteci States . bu t t ha t will not re l1e "e t he permittee of liabilit y for the cos t of the i r removal and restora tion of th~ sue . 13. Tn1s pe rnut IS not transferabie. If the perm111ee throu(!h voluntary sale or transfer. or through e nforcement of contrac:. foreclosure . t 01x saie. or ot her valid legal proceed in~ shall cease to be the owner of tn e pnys1cai Improvements other tnan those owned by the United.States situated on t he land described 1n th is oerm it and is unable to furntsh adeouate proof of ability to redeem or otherwise reestablish title to s a1d tmprovements. this permi t shal l be sub)ect to cancellation. Bu t if the person to whom title to said tmorovements shall have been transierre c 1n ellner manner provided is qualified as a permittee and is willtng tna t h1s fu ture occupanc ..- of the prem1ses shall be subject to such new conditions and stipul~tions as ext sll nc or prospective circums t ances ma" warrant. his continued occupancy of the premises may oe au:nonzed. by perm it to him if. tn tne oo1n1on of tne 1ssu ing officer or his successor, issuance of a permit 1s des1rab le and in the public Interest. 1.:. In case of change of address. the permittee shall immediately not ify the forest supervisor. 15. The temporary use and occupa ncy of the premises and improvements herein described ma y be sublet by the permittee to third parties onl~· wit h the pnor written approval of the forest supervisor but the permittee s hall continue to be responsible for compliance with all conditions of this pennit by persons to whom such premises may be sublet. 16. This permit ma~· be terminated upon breach of any of the condi tions herein or at the discretion of the reg1onal fores ter or the Ch ie f, Forr>:st Serv1ce . 1:-. lr. the event of any conf11ct bet ween any of the preceding printed clauses or any provisions thereof and an)· of the following clauses or an ~· prov1sions thereof, the following clauses will con trol. 01'0 ...... , ITEM #2 CONFIDENTIAL Page 3 Arrowhead Pur1tas, Inc. System, Supply (916) 18. Servtce Charoe A service char9e in addition to the re9ular fees shall be made for failure to meet the fee payment due date or any of the dates specified for submission of statements required for fee calculation. The service charge shall be one (1.0) percent per month of the fee from the date statement and fees were du~ or $15, whichever is qreater. If a due date falls on a nonworkday, the service charge will not apply until the end of the next workday. Service Fee fo~ Issuance of New Permit A service fee of twenty-five dollars (S25.00) will be charged for issuance of a new permit as a result of any change of ownership. 19. Nondiscrim~nat~on 1 Serv1_ces During the perfonmAnce of this permit, the permittee agrees: 20. a. In connection with the performance of work under this permit, including construction, maintenance, and operation of the facility, the permittee shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. b. The oerm1ttee and his employees shall not discriminate by segregation or otherw1se against any person on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national oriqin by cvrtail1ng or refusing to furnish accommodat1ons, facilities, services, or use privileges offered to the public generally. .•. t•; • .~ .. J • ' ..,. c. The· permittee shall include and require compliance with the above · nond1scr1mination ~prov1sions in any subcontract made with respect · to the operations. under this permit. :·.. d. Sions set~ i ng forth this policy of nondiscrimination to be furnished by the Forest Service will be conspicuously displayed at the pub'ic entrance to the premises, and at other exterior or inter i or locations as directed by the Forest Service. lndemnif1ca~1on of Un i ted States The permittee shall indemnify the United States against ariy 11ab111ty for d~age to life or property arising from the occupancy or use of National Forest lands under this permit. ITEM #2 CONFIDENTIAL Page 4 Arrowhead Pur1tas, lnc. System, Supply (916) 21. Es thet1 cs The permittee shall protect the scenic esthetic values of the area under th1s permit, and the adjacent land, as far as possible with the authorized use, dur1ng construction, operation, and maintenance of the improvements. 22. Erosion Control The permittee shall be responsible for the prevention and control of said erosion and gullying caused by permitte~ either directly or indirectly, on the area covered by this permit and lands adjacent thereto, and shall provide ·prevent1ve measures as required by the Forest Service. 23. Penm1t Termination Unless sooner terminated or revoked by the Forest Service in accordance with the provisions of the permit, this permit shall. subject to annual revalidation by the Forest Service and payment of fees by the permittee, expire and become void on December 31. 1986, but a new permit to occupy and use the same National Forest land may be granted provided the permittee w111 comply with the then existing laws and regulations governing the occupancy and use of National Forest lands and shall have notified the Fo~est Supervisor not less than one year pr1or to said date that such new penm1t 1s desired. 24. Riohts Reserved The 1and herein described 1s subject to certain rights reserved by or outstanding in .oart1es other than the United States, and nothing herein shall abridge said rights or authorize prevention or obstruct1on of the reasonable exercise thereof . 25. Area Access The permittee agrees to permit the free and unrestricted access to and upon thP. premises at all times for all lawful and proper purposes not inconsistent with the intent of the penm1t or with the reasonable exercise and enjoyment by the permittee of the privileges thereof. 26. Water Riohts This permit confers no right to the use of water by the permittee. ITEM #2 CONFIDENTIAL Page 5 Arrowhead Pur1tas Waters, lnc. System, Supply (916) 27. R1sk·and Hazards Avalanches, rising waters, high winds. falling limbs or trees, and other hazards are natural phenomena 1n the forest that present risks to tne perm1ttee•s property wh1ch the permittee assumes. The permittee has the responsibility of inspecting his site, lot, r1ght-of-way and immediate adjoining area for dangerous trees, hanging limbs and other evidence of hazardous cond1t1ons and, after securing permission from the Forest Service, of removing such hazards. 2B . Suoerseded Permit This permit supersedes a special-use permit designated: Arrowhead and Pur1tas lnc. System. Supply 11-29-60 issued by O.N. Tucker for O.R. Bauer, Forest Supervisor IT EM #2 CONFIDENTIAL SPECIAL. USE PERMIT AMt::NOMEHT NO. THE ARr-o:·.'HEAD s,.Ecw.. usE "E"Mrr 1ssu£o TO ~; _...;;.... l __ PURITAS \tATER.S, INc. ---l~~rc~ · ~J~~. •~1\:-:..,.:-:s:-,:-:U~l:-:l!;:':t:-:o:-:n~U-:-J.:-:v-:-:d:;-.-,~l..u~s~i=-~-c-:l~c-$.-,~l.:. a-:.l-1-:.-.-~ October 17 , 1£\M --- ~ C&ion !'lcinzcr District Stipul~:ion "27. , is oddcd for a , '~ ater tr:Inmissi(ln ~n Scctien 31 , T . 2~: . s·n.·J IS HEPmBY AMENDED AS P'OL.1.0WS: ~nd r~bcrcd: Du:rlng t.'le perfonna.ncc o! this :pe...-:li.t the permittee a.grees: e.~ lll connection 'IIith the per!o..""ma.nce o! vork under this :petmit, incl.~ construct:. ..,n, o.aintena,nr:e and operation of the ta.c.illty, t,he :pe~ttee 5hall not disc=-i::inat£: ~' ney e.cployee or appllcant for c:Iploymer.t · because of rncc, color, c:.=ee~, or national origin. b. The pe_···mi:ttee P-DC. his ~loyecs shall. not by seg:reBation o:othe.rt-risc agili.ns-: e.I.:J' p~son on the basis of ra.c:e, color, ereed o1· n&tional orir;i:1 ·o:r cu:"tail.:L"lg or re!u.s~ to :furnish acco.mmoda.tions, facilities, services, or :privi.leces of!.ered to the public .ee.nera, c. l'.be pe.rmittce shall i:lcl.u,de a.nd require c0%:!plia,nce witb the above oondisc:.rimination pro\'isions in a.ny sub-contract made with respect to the operation:; u.:'ldc.: -:::U.s pe~t. d. SiF;nS setti~ fo:--:.h tr-is :policy of non-disc:imina.tion to be furnished ey the :F'ores-:. Se=vicc ';-'.2.1 be conspicuously d:i.s~d at public loce.tions as directed by the Fores-:. Se.ryice. " IT IS UHOt:RSTOOO THAT THIS .I'.MEHCM£ ...1 AX'( SHALL NOT OPERAT£ TO AJ..."Tt:PI NOR AMEND SAID P'£RMTT IN OTHER RESPECT TKAM IS Hl:hi::IN SPt.CIF'I£0 AliD SHAW.. HOT IH AHY WAY COHSTIT\IT!: A W AIVt:JIIt OF AHY ,.ART, PROVISION, OR C,ONOITION OF SAID PtRMIT, AND EVERY SUCH PAJfT, PR.OVISIC't-;, Oil CC:.HOI; TIOH OF SAID PERMIT SKALL A?PL.Y £0U.A.LLY TO THIS AME:NOMENT. .. / ' .· t,;.•, . -~.:: ~ . ·..- .'_,- By~------~~~~~~----------­ Ll. R. S.WEi\ DAn: JUL 1 ~ 196E ----------------------- T~------~F~Q~B~~-s~r~s~•~~-'·' 1 l~V~I~·~.Q~P-------- THIS A.ME HOM ENT TO Tl'i!: SP CC I.a.;.. USC P CRM IT ISSUED _ _ _ _ _ ___:0:.;C:..t.::.;o:.;b:.;e:.;r:......;l:..7:....r........:l:..'J;,;(:..•d______ I S ACCEPTED SU&:J::CT TO THE: C:ONOITIONS SCT FORTH AEOVE. A,RRO\,'h,EA,IJ f. PUft iTA.S !\AH.itS , H!C. R-s :noo-rA a ISS: 2•CiA v .... ,•• ,............... tt.... 0...~.-....t 114 A.pi..c..te . . . ITEM #2 . CONFIDENTIAL ..... ·~ •••• _... - · f1·ll ........ · 4. l.llotr .t (l~l Act of Oc~ !4-!19) Thle 1a ,.,.ocable 11Ki eoatraMieftble (Aol. I'S.W 77101 P~nni11sion is hereby gnnted to -- 53 I· heM (1._17) -- oc -- I·· "-·· ( $.4 ) ~ 70 SPECIAL USE PERMIT ( ).~ ) o: U••--'-!t·l2) 7285 "· c-.,. ·n'- 211 071 ------ U. I. CI .... Mvw(ll-JS) ~1_6_ ~.c...~- Cll) l - Arrowhead Pvritu VatlrS, Jnc. ' of P. 0. Sax Z2t3 Ten!1M1 Alw!x, los Angela, CA 10051 het"eina!ter call~ the pennittee, to uae au.bje<:tto tbe conditione aet out below, the followiD«deacribed lmda or improv~menta: A r1ght-of-tii,Y ROt to IICied fht (!) fMt fn wid~ IM approx1Mta1y 23,020 fHt fa length acrosa portforts of Nltfon.l 'o.-at 1ar'ld tn Stct1on I, T1N, llW, liE 1/4 f1f Stct1on lZ, U 1/4, SE 1/4, S«tton 1, T1N, ~4W, I 1/2 f1f Section ~ and S.Ctfot'l 3\, mt. l3W, SIBIM u shown .,... par· tfcular11 on the aap ~t~t1tltd •ArT'owhud Pvr1tu Wltars, Inc., (016), S.)"'t. and Supply. • attd June 1r76 by A. w. Hns and rwbed lO ~~oo~..w 1177 b)' c.n. Taliaf., and •d• a part -.of. s. -Thia pennit covei"S_-=2!::.,•;:....7_ _ _ act?s andl ol"' 4,3e milea and i I iuued ror tbe PUrPole o(: •fntafn1ng thlreon wttr tnntafnfon 11NS, M<:Hsary ltt'Vfet trtna to •tnta~n pfpelfnts and •w co11ectfon tunnels, W1ZOttt11 wlls, and 11"'1 ng boxes. , J. Construction or occupancy and uae under thi~("nnit ah-.11 begin withi.n ·- . months, and '',"'nMructinn . if any, shall be completed within ___ ..!~ months , from the date of th~ pennjt. ~his use shall be actually ex.erciaed at leut d.,-a each year, uDJess othei'Wlae authonz.ed in "'ritin~. 2. In consicieration for thia use, the pennittee shall pay to the Forest Service, U.S. Department of All'T'icuhure. t ht" awn of tim tlmdrld twrlty Doll au (S !20.00 ·. ) for the period from ~ry 1, 197'1 , to Dic-.r 31, , 1210 , and thereafter annu:.ll~ on tliru&ry 1 , lliiiD llllflllfHd iiiCrliiiii§' "'"~itlrd, ~a;;~;;;,; Chargea for this Dollars (S !20.00 ): Ulf' may he made Of' readjuated whenever necesaary to place the C'hnt of Apicultu~ and all Fedt'fal , State, county, and muni ci pal law!, ordinances, or regul .. lions whic-h art- applicable to the area or operations covere-d by this permit. 8. ThP r~>rmittf'l' shall take all r..-asonable precautions to p~vent IUlcl !Uppress forest fires . No Ill .. lerial shall b.,. disposed of by burning in o~n fi~a during the closed !eason establish.ed hy law or regul .. tion without a written pf'rmit from thf' fo~st oiTicer in charge or his authorized a~nt. 9. Th,. pPnnittee shall exerdse diligence in protee1ing from dl!llll'lage th..- land and propeTty of the United Stat"'! rnvPI'f!d hy and used in connection with this permit, and aball pay the United States for any dam~f' rPsultinll from nefriiflf'nCf' or from thf' violation of the terms of this ~rmit oro( any law or re!fUlation appli· cah le to t he National Foreats by tlle penni~. or by IJIY agenta or employees of the penni !.tee acting within tht> scope of their agency OC' employment. • 10. ThP OPrmittee shall fully ~pair all dama~. other than ordinary wear and tf'ar, to national forest roads and trails caust'(i by thl' permittee in tlh: exerci:se of the privile~ granted by this permit. 11. No Member of or Oelep:ate to Congress or Resident Comnissioner :shall be admitted to an y share or part of this aiZT'f"f!ment or to any benefit that may arise herefrom unless it i! made with a corporation for its lrPnPral bt' nt'fit. l ::?. l 'ron abandonmPnt, termination, revocation, or cancellation of this permit, the ~rmittee shall ~mo,· e within a reasonable time all structures and ifnl>rovements exc~t those owned by the United States, and shall rt-storf' the site, unless otherwise agrt!ed upon in writing or in thi!: permit. If the permittee fails to rt'move all such structures or improvements within a reasonable period, th ey shall become the property of the Uni ted States, but that will not relieve the permittee of liability for the cost of their removal and ,. restoration of the sitf'. 13. This permit is not transferable. ((the penniNee rhroU«h volontary salf' or transfer, or throtJ«h • Pnforct-mt'nt of contract, foTedosure , tax aale, or other valid leg~l proc~in!l shall cease to be the owner nf thto physical improvements other then rhostt owned by the United States situated on the land described in thi .!< flPrmi l and lS unable tO furnish adequate proof Of ability to ~em 0T Otherwise l'l"estabJish title tO saiJ improv~ment.s, this permit shall be subject to cancellation. But if the person to whom title to said imrmvf'mPnt!l shall have been transferred in either manner provided is qualified u a permittee and is willinp: that his future occupancy of the premises shall be subject to such new conditions end stipulations as f'Xi ll ti n~ or prospective circumstances may warnnt , his continued occupancy of the premisea may be euthorit.ed by pennit to him if. in the opinion of the.issuing offi~ or his successor, issuance of a permit is df'sirablf' and in the public interest. 14. In C'a.!IP of cha~ of addren, the permittee shall immediately notify the forest supervisor. 15. ThP ti'TT1porary use and oc~upancy of the premises and improvements he~in described may be sublet hy rhr pPrmittPP to third parties only with the prior written approval of the forest Supi!rvisor but the permittrr :Uforunee of 110rk undu thU perait,. iDcludina eoutruetion, MiDtencee, and opantion of the facility, the penittU thaU aot d11c:.riain&te q&Wt auy ~l.oyee ar . appl1.cant for -.p~t Mcau.e of race, color, reli&ioa, ea:, or MtioG.Jl ortci.n. b. The pcraittM and bU .apl.oyeu &hall DOt diacria,inate by •e&r-.Pt.ion or otherri.aa qa.inat arry peJ'IO!l on the bub of race, c:olor,-rU;1&1ou, 1a, or national oriaiD by curtailing or ratnain& ta furu1.,1b ae~au~. fac:ilitiu, . .:rYic.. , "'!! •• ~ . . .. • or use prirllea.. of farad ta t.M public saar ally. 21). c. Tba penittM •ball include and nqaira ~plia,Dce with the ahova DOndilerW.catiOG pl'01ri,aioaa 1D any nbeontr~&.et ude with respect to tM operation.~ =dar th1l pcnit. d. lipa . .ttina forth t:hU pol1ey of DODdiaer~tion to be furnab.d try tba ' " u t larviea vUl be coupic:uoualy cliaplayed at the public etraDCe to th• 1 and at other atar1oT or iJltarior loeatiou. u directed ~~elorut Service. !Ddenifieation of United Statu 'l'ha pusittu shall iDdlllln.ify the 11nited Sutu agaiut auy liability for dam.aa• to li!• or property frCil the occupancy or UH of lCation&l Jorut land• tmdar thia pe:rait • . .,; . ... . .• , I , """' ;:: -- • ~t• .· ITEM #2 CONFIDENTIAL lpage 4 ArTCNbu.d 'Purit.te, Inc. Syet~, 21. Supply, (916) l'!athatic:a The pendttH aWl ~rotact th• aeanic: -'tb•U• nlau' of tha area under thi.a permit, and the adjacent land, u far u })Otlaible vith the authori.c• u.aa, duriDg cout:ructioa, oparatipu, ud aaint~mAnCa of the i=prov•.nu. · ·. - • : 22. .i Rroaion Control 'tbe pcaittae ab.lll be rupondble for the prnentiou and coutr, ARROWHEAD PURITAS WATERS, INC. (916) SYSTEM & SupPLY -- LEGEND -- Pipeline--------Tr"BII ····· · ··: • •·i • • • • Sprl ng/Well 30 Nov- 7T June 1976 ...... - ... • -, ITEM #2 CONFIDENTIAL o.,.....•.., ,.,...., 14nl..t U••••lll , ,.,. • •f Aaru..Uwe Act of Oct. 21 1• 1976 (PL 94-579) ~ ...· -;-.:___.10..~E"~T*/ ..j -... . .. . ·-4- ) (1· 21 ATTACWIO TO Aiel) MAO I. A ~AIT D TUM c. '•'••• U·-4J Q~ •· u... _.., t,.lll 72£5 ~J 4. Dl-"l•t (74) Ref: I'SW 2714 . THIS ANI NCIMINT I I THit ~I 70 5PECIA.L. US! PER.WJT 0~ ~. II •· ~o•·m lt... ~ -~,g c-ry ( 11 · 20) k. c....... (2\l QZl 06 (X).W.IIUAI.. , , _ T I. 11:1.., oJ ••• Ill-U l l ,_______ iasued Syatem, Supply (916) f or ________________________________________________________ 1111010 el' ArTOlolbud !uritu 'Jiaters, I nc. ~Ul. . TI ~------- 8/'1/1978 ----~--~--~~~--------~--~,.~AW~&~o~,~~~a~-.~T~T~C~~~---------------• OD---,~a-.~T-c-o~~~.-~..-,~T,---- which is bcreby 1meaded u followa; c:h.&nge cl.auae .2.3 Permit Termination to aa follows: "Unleu aooner tendnated or revoked by the Forut Service in accordance with the provisions of the permit, this permit shall, subject to annual revalidation by the Forest Service and payment of feel by the permittee, expire and become void on 8/2/1988 , but a new permit to occupy and uee the same National Forest land may be grante4 provided the permittee vill comply with . the then existing lawa and regulation• governing the occupancy and use oj National Forest lands and shall have notified the Fo~est Supervisor not le~a thah 1 year prior to said da t& that auch naw pet' ia deaired. 11 This Amendment is accepted subject to tbe coaditiona aet forth herein, and to conditions -=======:=:==...•tacbed hereto &ad 1 pan o! thia AmendmeaL NAMl 0' I"CIIIUTTII PERWlTTf! I ~~~I. TITLC ISSUING OfP'IC!~ CDP1 FOR DIStRICT RANGER 0' AU,!MO~ ~D OH_IC.~II 7........-.."' 1/, q · ~ -1 ~'- 'C ;;>~ .: . .- 4 r ======-.10 DATI /' ITEM #2 CONFIDENTIAL ARBOWH~AD WATER RIGHTS The water rights being exercised by Arrowhead are valid pre-1914 appropriative water rights which were originally obtained by (he Arrowhead Hot Springs Hotel Company and Herben Royer. Arrowhead also acquired a ponion of the Del Rosa Mutual Water Compa,ny's pre-1914 appropriative rights through a stipulated judgment discussed below. Arrowhead's predecessors in interest. r,he Arrowhead Hot Springs Hotel Company and Herbert J. Royer, used the statutory notice procedure under the 1872 Code provisions to obtain water rights in Srrawberry Canyon. Under the 1872 Code provisions, water could be appropriated simply by diversion and use of water or. from 1872 to 1914, by filing a notice of appropriation. Under these 1872 Code provisions, notices of appropriation were filed for irrigation. domestic, mechanical and manufacturin~ purposes. These water rights were then adjudicated in an action "Del Rosa Mutual Water Company, a Corporation. Plaintiffv. D.J. Carpenter, et. al., Defendants No. 31798, Superior Court, State of California. County of San Berna,rdino" brought in 1931. In a judgement entered October 19. 1931, the Court established the rights of various parties including Arrowhead's predecessor, California Consolidated Water Company. The releva,nt portion of the judgement states : 5. That the defendant. California Consolidated Water Company . now is and it and its predecessors in interest have been engaged in the business of diverting water from East Twin Creek and/or its tributaries into reservoirs and ta,kes and from t.hence transporting the same by means of cars and o(.her conveyances to the City of Los Angeles. where said water is bottled for domestic ~JSe and used for the manufacture of beverages and other purposes: tb~t said defendant. California Cons,olidaJed Water Companv. has ent$!~ed in and v.pon the SRrim~s at ~he headwa~e~s Q( saj~ S,trawbem Creek (\nd developed tb~ water ~1 said SQrin~s that would .nQt nawxaUY OQW tQ plamti(f' s said pojm oj divers Jon and djvened the water of said s.prim:s includin~ ,the water so developed into a pipeline and by means thereof conveyed a pan thereof to its said tanks and reservoirs and transported said pan thereof from such tanks and reservoirs to Los Angeles where such water bas been and is now being used by said defendant in its said business . That said defendant bas expended large sums of money in so developing said springs and conveying said water, and has developed an extensive business dependent entirely upon such supply of water. and it would be inequitable to enjoin said defendant from cominumg to so take and use said water; that saiq de(endam reQUires the use of aU the water now 0Qwin2 and hereafter developed and flpwinl: frQm said spri.n2s' tributarv to said Strawberry Creek !yin~: nprth of the noah line of the south half of sr;ction 31 a_nd nQrtJ'l of tbe nonb lin.e of.the south half Qf Sectio,n 32. boUJ in townshiP. 3 north. riij]_2e 3 we~t.. S.,B,B.&M,. an,d except as Umit~Q by the proY.IDQ.ns of para2raph f 1) bereof. is ~ntitled to take apd use said water; that the taking of such water will be injurious to plaintiffs right. but such injury can be compen,sated in damages and such damage is hereby determined to be and is the sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000). That such diversion by defendant, California -2- ITEM #2 CONFIDENTIAL consolidated Water Compa,ny. will not. subject to the t.erms of paragraph (i) hereof. impair any right of a.oy ot,her parry hereto." Also, "B. That defendant, California Consolidat~ Water Company, is, subject to the provisions of subdivision ( 1) hereqf. the owner of the ri~~ to take, impound djven craospon and carry away water of tha.l certain SllriDi knQwn, as "Indian SpriJJi" and anv and all of the water QJ all. sprim:s SI,ruated or obtainable in that pan of East Twin Cr~~k lcnowo as "Strawberry Creek and Canyon" and canyons lateral thereto lying north of a line drawn east and west t.hrough sections 31 and 32, township 2 north. ra,nge 3 west, S.B.B.&M .• coincident with the northerly line of the south half of section 31 and the south ha.lf of section 32, township 2 non.h, ra,nge 3 west, S.B.B.&M. ,and it rnpy enter in and upon that ponion of said Strawberry Creek and Canyon a,od lateral ca,nyons thereto lying north of said line and develop, by means of runnels or otherwise, any and all springs or water siruated or obtainable fTom said area non,h of said line, and .maY take and diven all of said wa1e.r Oowi.n.~: and to fl_ow in .apd from said spriDiS and/or obtainable in said area jmo a p!peltoe and djven and carry th~ same. by and throu2h such pipeline to tanks and ,reservoin ~ppn s.aid Arrowh~ad S_prin~:s propeny. aoa. m.av t.lke and transpQn the sam~ beyo~ and om of said watershed for bonlin2 o.r oths:t purposes Qr uses.· (emph,asis added) The judgment adjudicated California Consolidated Water Company's water rights and established its right to use water of the spnngs based on the pre-1914 water right~ acquired by the predecessors in interest to Arrowhead . -3- ITEM #2 CONFIDENTIAL WIR u 11/24/;:l, IN Tl!Z: !lO'l'l:::RIOil COUnT Of TII::: ~T..\'f£ Cl' CJJ.D'Oi'U ill Ill A)ID YO!\ Tl~ COUtm OJ' SJJI DJIRN.\RDIJIO DLL llOSJ. tlt7':UJ.l. tl.I.Tt:.R COI.I.P JJlY , • oorporatlon, ·) Pla1ct1tt , l u. D. J. CAR!'Eirr!R, ISJ.llf:L C, TURli~R, J. B. JEFfERS, OtOROt S. ~ON, UATIOII:.l. TIIRirt' COR!IO!UTIOI: OF ,I.J.Ltfil c... , a c o rpora t1 o c, 10101 DOl UoK.t!!or;, l..l..LBY OU:.&.SO II, C. U. CHRIST, ORUT VI:;TI 'II..&.Ti>R OOW'JJI'Y, li!TTU 0. I'I!Illlf'S, PJ.CIF CC-SOUTIDII.ST TRUST & 5AVHIOS BJ.HK, 1 oorporat1on , AnTIIUR ~ . I'EOK, CiRRI! J.. PIO~, i:LU:I'I J. . loloU.UOJn.:rn, JJUlOIYJli..&..O SPRIJIOS CO RPORJ.!ION, a oorpora Uoc, AnROWHLAD SPRING COWPAHY, 1 oorpora t 1 on, 1. N,!l , c .U..!YO lUlU CONSOLIDATLO ( ) ( ~J.TER COW'J.NY, a ( l I } Uo. ~17!18 L!L!?.Q~~.!!! ( ) 1 } I } ( ) ( ) ( ) oorporot1oc, O.U..IJ'ORNI.l COII!:Uiol~ CO U'Oon U.1 ba 1nJur1ou.a \o the r11h'• ot datendan\a ancl 6 D. J, CLrPIOter, oro••-oo~lalnanta, Iaaba~ 8-':---: O, TurDer, 1.B.J•rt•r•, 7 . .1.7 orr 6.6 10 7 28.2 2j J !23 orr orr 189 406 18 30.1)1 26 I 9.02 1983 orr 1982 13.6 58.9 25.4 1981 10 01 84. 16 IS.OI ~~ 0 3.62 1.81 n 0 201.84 z -c""' m z I ,..-t l> =t m 3::: ~ N ITEM #2 CONFIDENTIAL tONf!DENJQ8l The HYDRODYNAMICS Group studies in mass &: energy transport in the earth December 17. 1997 Mr. Mark Evans, Esq. The Perrier Group 777 W . Putnam Avenue Greenwich, CT 06836 Subject: Results of Arrowhead Spring FDA Compliance Studies Dear Mr. Evans: In response to your request, we have completed our hydrologic srudies of the Arrowhead springs. The purpose of our studies was to establish that the Arrowhead springs arc in compliance with the recent Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations concerning spring water use. Springs studied include No.'s 2 and 3, Complex 7 and Complex l and 8. At your requesL. a copy of our study results has been forwarded to Dave Palais in your Southern California office so that he may assist you in rendering any legal opinions. The studies concluded that the Arrowhead Springs No.'s 2 and 3, Complex 7 and Complex 1 and 8 are in compliance with the recent FDA regulations concerning spring water usc. Our studies detennined the following: I. Spring tunnel No.'s 2, 3, and 7 are natu ral springs. 2. Springs 1 and 8 are natural sprin gs that discharge through bore-hole developme nts. 3. Flow at Spring No.'s 1, 2, 3, 7, and 8 has been recorded since 1945. 4. Bore-hole lA is in hydraulic connection to Spring No. 8. 5. Complex 7 bore-holes are in hydraulic connection to the Spring No. 7. 6. The chemical similarity of the waters .be tween the springs and bore-holes has been verified by Piper Diagrams. Michael J. King, C.HG. Principal P.O. Rox 352, La Honda, CA 94020 Phone (415) 747-0441, Fax (415) 747-0273 .. . >' .· ITEM #2 ' CONFIDENTIAL lJ N!Tl':CJ 5 rATES D EPJ\Ri'~i EWf OF 1\r-: R ICUL '{'tj;:.:::::; FORE<.:.T SEHVI;:E Lytle Creek nnnGar St a t ion f!L ECOPY Stnr Rout<; , gm, 100 Foutan2, Calffo1~ ia 92335 CERTIFIED Z.U\lL .October 18, ).97?. r Arrowhead Puritas Waters 1566 E. :ia shington Blvd. LoG A-;-:gf! le s, forn ia 90021 L Attn : Nr. Hyles lV . Norris LETTEH OF 'flEPJ·ti SSION G(!n.tlemen : By this l e tte r you are dtrec;ted und pen11it t e.d under your .1.1- 29- 60 Special Usc Permit to move you·i· exis tin g \·:atet· tr.a.ns id ssion line for e.p?1~o~·imatcly 1,500 feet a long the Strc::..,herry Truck Trail. Tiv:.·. {-iC:rk is to b"' c;:ompleted on or before January 8 , 1973 . transmi ssi on line t~ he r e loc ated and to be buricd iu t he Str;mbt:>rry Truck Trail :1 m:.nir.:um of J.R inches :is t hat portiou r e vieue d vJi t h you :md lf!.·. Joe F e tr.c:r.~ on September 22., 1972 by mysel f, Mr. . Thom }1ye.ll, c::nd ~·ir., Joe Cott ier . Th~ w~tcr PJ.e<.:se submi t a revised pl c.t chn\·Jing locaU.on of l i ne ~s relocat ed . If y ou ha~e '.!:i10~il My~l 1, Sincerely , ~1 .1 te-r t r.:mst~~ission any further questions: pl ease contact Resource Officer! at the Lytle Cre~k Rc>.rJgt".r. Station (88 7-2576). ..... _; ·.: . .· : "· ITEM #2 ·~\ CONFIDENTIAL •• • • !<' . ,•'. ,, UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Reply To: Subject: To: FOREST SERVICE Cajon R.D. 2720 - Special Uses 3-12-91 2720-913 (FLUR 7285, 8-2-78}, Arrowhead-Puritas Files I met this afternoon with Arthur Ramirez (Perrier Group, new owners of A-P), Roger Bravo {Ron Lansing's replacement within A-P itself) and Maintenance Foreman Dick Henderson. We reviewed a· 3-12-91 written request to replace about 2500' of damaged and deteriorated pipe, per the map attached to that letter, in two separate areas designated as Area 1 and Area 2. Area 2 is on private land. Our only concerns are three-fold: 1) that the integrity of the Forest Road (lN24, Strawberry Truck Trail} be maintained, relative to vertical and'horizontal alignment, and to drainage patterns, structures and rolling dips; 2) that Southern California Gas Co. be contacted for involvement in the planning and construction due to the line they have located in the 1N24 roadbed; and 3) that any welding etc . be done under the proper permits, which should be obtained from P-36 . Area 1 is on Forest land. The pipe will be airlifted in by helicopter, and dropped off at points along the 500' of needed work in Area 1. No vegetation will be cut or cleared, the new pipe will be joined by mechanical means as opposed to welding, and all old materials will be removed within reason. Crews will be dropped off by helicopter in the small meadow immediately north of springs 10, 11 & 12 in Area 1. No helispots etc. wi ll be cleared or established . All litter and other debris will be removed upon completion of construction. A-P will notify me of the beginning and ending dates of construction. This activity is of a very low impact, and is covered under the maintenance provisions of A-P's Special Use Permit. ~~~~~Lands i. ~=~tion (714)887- 2.57~ cc: Art Ramirez Roger Bravo Offi cer ITEM #2 CONFIDENTIAL rILE . UNITED STATES DEPARTI•lENT OF AGRICULTURE FOIIEST SERVICE San Bernardino National Forest Star Route, Box Fontana , CA 923 2720-S LUR 7i Arrowt. .Novemt Bill Lindop Director, Production Operations Arrow head Puritas Waters, Inc. 130 W~st 'Fogg Street Colton, ·cA 92324 Dear Mr. Lindop: This letter is to bring to your attention the fine job Production r.1anager Ron Lans ing did on the recent pipeline upgrading project in the Strawberry Creek area . of the San Bernardino National Forest. The project consisted of replacing <~bout 3,;000 1 of pipe north of Forest Road 1N24 in Strawberry Creek itself, of removing old unu sed pipe that was r easonably accessible, and of extend ing the new line undergr~und from the creek down 1N24 to lands owned by Campus Crusade for Chr'i st. During this ·p roject Ron worked 'tJel l with Lands Officer Gary Earney, the Forest Servi ce adm ini st rator of your Special Use Permit, and was sensi tive to the environmental needs connected with the Creek and our road. Ron ins ured that the contractors ~ttended preconstruction field reviews with him and Gary so that they would clearly understand the nat ure of the pro ject and the Forest Service expectations and constraints. Rqn monitored the project with Gary and insured that things went as .all had i niti alli agreed . The result is a new line secu rel y located in the creek area ~lith a rninimurn of envi ronrnental disturbance ,. Final inspection by Gary revealed minimal vegetative or stream disturbance, no trash or materials left behind by the contractors, removal of all reasonably accessib l e old pipe, excel l ent closure and scr&ening of the access road l eading up tho creek, and a good job of returning the road surface of 1N24 to its ·pre-project condition. Please extend my thanks to Ron for his fine work in helping to making this project a succ~ss . Sincerely, ELLIOTT GRAHAM District Ranger ITEM #2 CONFIDENTIAL ; ·' , I, ' Jllly 25 , • t , ,· t I ~'• I ; , ,, ., ... ' ~ (.,, .. ... . 1 988 Mr . Gary A. Earney Lands J..s;:;istant San Bernardino National Forest Ca~on Ra~ge r District Star Rou ~e Box 100 Fontana, CA 92335 Dear Gary: Thank you for taking the time to talk to me on the phone last week reguarding our User Permit No. 7285 . As ':re discussed this permit is due for r e newa l on August 1, 1988 , and we were concerned t hat i t could expire and the possible problems that could cause . It i s my understanding from our conversation that because of a heavy \..rorkload it is almost assured that you not get the ne 1•..r permit comp leted by J>.ugust and possibly not until late in th e year. It is also my understanding from our conversation that all this vrill mean is the present permit, conditions, and fee structures will remain in place until the new permit is issued. It \vill not in any \vay jeopardiz e our abili ty to conduct "busines s and usual" in reguards to our springs and pipeline. am looking foreward to our meeting with you later this year on this matter . I Sincerely, .}' / / i.--r.-. . RL/kmw c:c: : ·B.:!.,ll '· .Li,ndop. Bob 'r-1c ' oonough .--::/' ; . - -..;.·! -~:-)! ~ · I ~ (. I Ron Lansing ./ Production Manager !'' . . . •..: ITEM #2 CONFIDENTIAL ·' September 19, 1996 Gil Garcia 1-lydrogeologist U.S. Forest Service 1824 S. Commercenter Circle San Bernardino, CA 92408 Rc: Arrowhead #3 Sprin2 Development Dear Gil: As per our meeting on Monday, September 16, 1996, enclosed for your review is the report by Dr. John Mann regarding the hydrogeological characteristic of the Arrowhead #3 spring source, and copies of the recently enacted FDA Bottled Water Regulations. Although the Dr. Mann report was completed in 1988, to this date we have continued to monitor and record the same historical production/flow characteristics based on the interrelationship of annual precipitation and geological flow paths, as described in this report. As it relates to FDA compliance, Section 4 entitled "Spring Water" outlines the reqttirements for spring water identity. In concurrence with Gary Earney tht~t the proposed project is a maintenance issue, your immediate review of the above material nnd response will be greatly appreciated. If you ht~ve any questions please call me at (21 3) 888-8394. Sincerely, a~ Art Ramirez Spring Engineer i\R:mvw enclosures cc. Gnry Earney (w/allachmcnls) Mike Brunell (w/J . Mann report onl y) Dick Henderson (w!J. Mann report only) CONFIDENTIAL RESTRICTEDSUBJECT TO PROTECTIVE ORDER GSWA0270651 ITEM #2 CONFIDENTIAL ·. .;,....- .... , . i. THE ARROWHEAD SPRINGS I :. • \' John F. Mann, Jr. Consulting Geologist and Hydrologist April 1, 1988 \. .... CONFIDENTIAL RESTRICTED· SUBJECT TO PROTECTIVE ORDER GSW A0270652 ITEM #2 CONFIDENTIAL JOHN F. MANN, JR. CONSULTING GEOLOGIST AND HYDROLOGIST 945 IUPOSADO DRIVE LA HABRA, CALIFORN IA 90631 TELEPHONE (213 1 1197·9604 April 1, 1988 Mr. Bil l Lindop, Director Production and Logistics Arrowhead Drinking Water Co . 601 East Potrero Grande Drive Monterey Park, Ca lifornia 91754 Re: Arrowhead Springs Dear Nr. Lindop: Attached is my report on the Arrowhead Springs in accordance with your recent requ est . As explained in the report, these springs are directly relat ed to heavy rains falling on the local watershed which is tributary to the springs. The rain water enters fractures in the granitic rocks and moves downward by gravity through the fractu re systems to seepage areas which ha ve been developed by tunn~ls and horizontal bore holes. The fracture systems feeding the springs may have short to very long flow paths , so the infiltrating water may take weeks to years to . reach the spring orifices. The springs fed by the long er flow path s tend to have higher and more dependable flows. We are now in wh~t will most probably be the second dry year in a row, and spring flows this Summer will probably be near their minimum values. If we do not have heavy rains this Fall, the flows toward the end of 1988 will be even lower than the Summe~ flows, alt ho ugh this circumstance is u nlikely. I believe it is realistic to project a minimum flow rate of 140,000 gallons per day during August. Without sign i ficant Fall rain s , a very pessimistic flo w rate for December wou l d be 119,0 00 gallons per day. Thank you for the op~ortunity of making a detailed study of this unique and valuable spring s ystem . a4, ; Sincerely yours, 0!<71'7/1-1 . { /John r . 1-!an n, Jr. e,. ' / ,. CONFIDENTIAL RESTRICTED· SUBJECT T O PROTECTIVE ORDER GSWA0270653 ITEM #2 CONFIDENTIAL NOTES ON INDIVIDOl\L ARROWHEAD SPRINGS CONFIDENTIAL RESTRICTED· S UBJECT TO PROTECTIVE ORDER GSWA0270654 ITEM #2 CONFIDENTIAL Spring D Thi s spring consists of a t unn el extending for about 70 feet into the hard, fractured granite bedrock. The tunnel i s about 8 feet high and 5 fe et wide . The exact dates of constructi on a re not known, but the abandone d drilling equipment ne a rby suggests that th e tunnel was p art of the original development in 19 30. No individual measur ement s of the flows from this tunne l prior to World Wa r II ha ve been found. As of Ap ril 6, 1945, the flow was recorded as 96,400 gpd . As compared with Spring #2, the flo w of Spring ~ 3 declines more abruptly after recharge events and falls to much lower amounts . From t he 96,400 gpd recorded on Ma y 1, 1945 ; th e flow decreased to abou t 10,000 gpd at the end of that year. As t he 1944-51 drought period progressed, t her e were mi n or increases due to mode r ate rainfall events, but by th e end of 1948, flows had leveled off t o about 6200 gpd. During 1949, which had little recharge, average flows were about 17 ,0 00 gpd. Du ring 1950, there was a s l ow decli n e to a value be l ow 8000 gpd in the last quart er of that year. During 1951, when rainfall was on l y about 5 0 per c ent of normal, there was a slow but steady decline from abou t 8000 gpd to 6000 gpd . As of April 1 , 1 952, the r e was a peaking of flow at 120,00 0 gpd . This was related to the intense rai ns of mid -January and suggests a 2 1/2-month lag between heavy rainfall and the peaking of flow at Spring #3 . Flows d r opped sharp ly - - t o 50,000 gpd during June and to below 9000 gpd a t the end of 1952 . By the ear ly Fall of 1953, flows were below 4000 gpd . Through the dry years of 1954-57 the flows were at all times greater than 1 0,000 gpd , but rarely more th an 20,000 gpd. Duri ng 1958 , a year of high, but not especially intense rainfall, the flows of Spring #3 p ea ked at 42 ,00 0 gpd , but this dro pped to about 1 9 ,00 0 gpd a t th e end of 1958 , and remained about th e same through mos t of 1959. Contin u ing d ry conditions preva iled through 1960 and 1 961, and flows were close to 10,000 gpd duri ng 1960 and mo s tly below 8000 gpd dur ing 1 961. Conditions were wetter in 196 2 , after three years of deficient rainfall. During 1962, t he contrast between the rechar ge a nd dra ining mec h a n isms of Spring #2 and Spring #3 ar e well illustrated: Date 4/2/62 4/18 /62 8 /22/ 62 12/19/62 Soring 58 , 320 59, 4 8 7 46 , 656 41 , 990 Sorina 26 108 18,662 16 , 622 8 ,5 5linimum summer flows in 1974 and 1975 were 14,000 gpd and 19,000 gpd, r espectively . The drought yea rs of 19 76 and 1977 are a good test of t he reliability of the su mmer flows from Spri ng H3. In 1976, th e minimum summer flows were 10,000 to 11, 000 gpd; in 1 977 , these were 9000 to 10 ,0 00 gpd. Following the long period of s t ead y drai nage d uring 1976 and 1977, t he heavy rain s of 1978 afforded another opportun ity to compare th e recharge-drainage mechan is m of Spring #2 vs. Spring n: Date 4/6/78 7/31/78 10/31/78 2/6 / 79 So r ina ~2 154,74 2 gpd 9 3 , 312 gpd 7 6 ,64 9 gpd 71,539 gpd Sprina ID 337,478 gpd 43,545 gpd 24,883 g pd 26,438 gpd Note that the peak of Spring 13 was more than twice that of Spring #2. Ten months later, the flow of Spring #3 had falle n to less than 8 per cent of the pe ak , whereas Spring # 2 was s t il l flowing at 46 per cent of i ts p e ak. Despite some recharge during 1979, the flow of Spring #3 was dpwn to 20,000 gpd. 19 80 was a good year fo r Spring nJ , with flows of a bout 50 , 000 gpd in August. Durin g t he very dry year of 198 1 , flows of Spring #J decreased to belcH 10,000 ir. mid - Sum.rne r . Recha r ge in 1982 was modest, and by the end of October , flows were less than 10 , 000 g pd. Rains in April 1983 helped with the fl ows of the Sum~er of 1 983, and i n Aug u st, they were about 35,000 gpd. No such help came in 1984, and August flows were about 12 ,000 gpd. CONFIDENTIAL RESTRICTEDSUBJECT TO PROTECTIVE ORDER GSW A0270656 ITEM #2 CONFIDENTIAL Spring 13 (cont'd) 1985 was only slightly better with an August flow of about 14,000 gpd. There were no late rains in th e Spr i ng of 1986, and by late 1986, flows were down to 13,000 gpd. During 1987, rainfall was only about 2/3 of normal and the Summer flows of Spring J3 dropped to bel ow 10,00 0 gpd. The present rainfall season of 1987-88 may be no more than 80 per cent of normal, although the pos si bili ty of April rains may resul t in the fl ows of Spring i3 in t he Summer of 1988 somewhat better than those of the Summer of 198 7. CONFIDENTIAL RESTRICTED· SUBJECT TO PROTECTIVE ORDER GSWA0270657 ITEM #2 ·. CONFIDENTIAL U:HTED STATES DEPAR1l1ENT OF AGRICULTIJRE FOP.EST SERVICE San eerna rdino Nat i onal Forest 1209 Lytl e Creek Rd. Lytle Creek , CA 92358 2720 - 913 , Irrigation Water Transmission FLVR 7285, 8-2- 78 Arrowhead Mountain Spring \'/ate r Company July z, 1993 LETIER OF AUTHORIZATION Dear ~r. Ramirez: This lette r is in res pons e to Ar rowhead Mountain Spring Water Company's !Arrowhead) 1993 planned maintenance program on the water transmission system in t he area of the well s. This letter will serve to document severa l items: Ar rowhead ' s specific program objectives; project const raints; agreements made between Arrow head and the Forest Service regarding provision of well depth and flow data; Forest Service gu id elines regarding resource protection during project completi on ; specifications rega rding the access road which crosses National Forest land to well s ite 8; requ irements for rehab il itation, where necessary, following proj ect comp l etion; and a discussion of your Special Use Permit and billing procedures . In your 4/12/93 letter, authorization was initiall y requested to rep l ace deteriorated casings, valves and piping at Springs 10 , 11 and 12, and, if time permitted, Sp r ings 1 and 8. Per your 6/24/93 phone conversation with Lands Assistant Katie Clifford , you have revised you r spec i fic program object ives to inc lud e : · redevelopment of sp rings 1, 7C & 8 which will require redrilling new well casings to repl ace the existing det er i orated casings ; replacement of deteriorated va l ves and piping at springs 1, 7C and 8 ; re placement of deteriorated we l l casings , valves and piping at springs 10, 11 and 12 (if time permits) as 1992 rehabi l itation efforts proved extensive deterioration of existing~casings; replacement of damaged and deteriorated pipeline with pipeli ne of like size (3 .5 1' ) between sp rings 10, 11 and 12 and the lower small falls; -- closure of abandoned wells to San Bernardino County specificat i ons . You are author i zed to comp l ete work on your planned maintenance prog ram with the following constraints . When redrilling a well , each well must be drilled ~djacent t o the existing well (same direction and alignment) and may not exceed the prior well depth . ~Jo new wells may be drilled. Improvements may onl y be replaced " in kind" (i.e . lfmft diameter of replacement steel pipe/trunklines , etc . to existing or smaller diameter) to mai ntain the existing use. When dete rmining well depths, a Forest Service employee will be notified and will be present on site , if possib l e. One ~1ell may be dr ill ed per spri ng when red ri ll ing a well casin g (additional l atera l lines pe r well may not be d rilled l . In 1992 , Arrowhead ag reed to provide the Forest Se rvice with the following d ta: ll hi sto rical flat/ data per well; 2 ) depth of each of Arrowhead's istlng wells on llational Fo res t land In St rawberry Creek dra i nage . The CONFIDENTIAL RESTRICTEDSUBJECT TO PROTECTIVE ORDER GSW A0270658 FS-8200·28(7 ·821 ITEM #2 CONFIDENTIAL ~· Forest Service would like to ensure that the quantity of water removed , following project completion, is limited to the amount historically removed. Arro~1head agreed to provide the Forest Service historical flow data per well for the most recent 10 year period of active flow (consolidated from annual well reports on file with the State). This data has not yet been provided to the Forest Service. We appreciate your provision of this data as soon as possible. Well depth data has been provided for all wells with the exception of 12 ~nd 3 which are tunnels. Well depths for the springs planned for redevelopment/ rehab i litation are: #1 = 290', 7C = 157 1 , #8 = 83 1 , #10 = 305 1 , 611 = 495 1 , ~12 = 174 1 • Arrowhead plans to complete work on springs 1, 7C and 8 during summer and fall, 1993. Depending on the amount of time requi red to complete this project, additiona l redevelopment activity on the wells, valves and piping may occur on springs 10, 11 and 12. Equipment, supplies and crews will be flown into project sites 10-12. Crews may be dropped off in the small meadow north of the sites. Take care to ensure that the meadow/soils are not impacted from activities and that vegetation disturbance is minimized at all sites. As the project is planned for completion during the forest fire season, pl ease inform all employees regarding the importa nce of fire safety. Ensure that er.tployees clear a 3 1 area to mineral soil ff smoking while completing project activities. All gasoline powered equipment used in conjunction with this project must be equ ipped with Forest Service approved spark arresters. Welding permits will not be required as the pipe/valves will be j o ined by mechanical means. Permission has already been granted to vti l ize a smal ~ tractor to open and grade the old road/trail leading to well site 8 to a mi nimal level i f well 8 is rehabllitated in 1993. This work 1dll a1lo1~ access for the tractor, drill rig and supplies. Existing ground cover should remain undisturbed except where necessary to level the trail . Roadside brushing should be kept to a minimum. Gate(s) should be installed, if necessary, to control access and discourage/prevent unauthorized off-road vehicl e use and vandalism to Arro~1head 1 s improvements. If installed, the gates must be locked immediately upon passing through. Please contact Katie for approved gate location(s) and for acquisition of Forest Service l ocks to add to the gate locking mechanism. Following project completion, fertilizer should be spread on exposed soil at site 8 and mixed into the top 1-2". These areas will na t urall y reseed with native species. The disturbed roadbed to site 8 should be leveled, seeded with native grass species, and fertilizer should be applied to encourage rapid vegetative regrowth to reduce road visibility. ~aterbars/birms should be constructed (using the tractor) on steep grades to prevent eros ion following road closure . All equipment, supplies, l itter and old pipi ng/materials must be removed from all project sites. Closure of abandoned wells will meet San Bernardino County specifications. The we lls will be capped after pumping the first 50' with cement . The exterior portions of the well will be removed to eliminate any visible indications of existance. These activities are covered under the maintenance provisions of Arrow head Mountain Spring Water Company ' s Special Use Permit . Thts letter will serve as CONFIDENTIAL RESTRICTED· SUBJECT TO PROTECTIVE ORDER GSWA0270659 FS·8 200·2BI7·82) ITEM #2 \ CONFIDENTIAL 0 authorization to proceed contingent upon all above information being valid. If plans change or if you have any questions, please contact Lands Assistant Kat ie Clifford at (909)887-2576. You have recently requested additional information on your Special Us e Pe rmit and permit billing procedures. At the start of each calend ar year, ArrOI'Ihead receives a Bill for Collection for us e of National Forest land on the Cajon Ranger District, San Bernardino National Forest. This bill is the annual fee charged to Arrowhead for their Irrigation \'later Transmi ssion Pipeline (< 12 11 diameter) Special Use Permft (#7285). This permit is issued for a right-of-way not to exceed 5 feet in width and approximate ly 23,020 feet i n length across po rtions of National Forest land for maintaining water transmission lines, necessary service trails to ma intain pipelines and water col lection tunnels, horizontal wells and spring boxes. In 1993, the annual fee charged to Arrowhead for use of National Forest land under this permi t wa s S40l.OO. As Arrowhead has continued to pay the annual fee for this permi t and has upheld Forest Service permit regulations, the permit is deemed valid until a new Spec ia l Use Permit Is reissued. I hope this has answered your questions regarding your Special Use Permit. We appreciate working with you to ensure the con ti nued protection and maintenance of the permit area during operat ion on your improvements . ELLIOTT L. GRAHAM Dist ri ct Ranger CONFIDENTIAL RESTRICTEDSUBJECT TO PROTECnVE ORDER GSWA0270660 FS·6200·2B(7 ·82l I T EM # 2 -- a . .H Di ~ 1111 NtQJI#IW CONFIDENTIAL \ 1"\1'\ S l'lll \ r; \ \\"I E ll Katie Clifford Assistant Lands Officer United States Forest Service Lytle Creek Ranger Station Star Route Box 100 Fontana, CA. 92336 November 17, 1992 Dear Katie, Pursuant to our telephone conversation la s t week this is Arrowheads notice to the Department Of U.S. Forest Service of the proposed 3 year plan to c o ntinue maintenance , redevel o pment and replacement of springs and pipeline subject to your revie w. The intent of this notice is to give USFS adequate time to revie w the proposed wo rk and to schedule ins p ect i on prior to th e c o mmencement of any work . Please note that replacement of deteriorated well casing of springs 1 and 3 may be included in the 1993 p l a n. Al s o no t e th a t not all the work listed is in USFS l a nds. As noted earlier in the r e cent work at t he No . 7 s prings we fo u nd that there were 14 casings in the old spring tu n nel, this wa s far more than anyone had anticipated. The s e were all sealed under the inspection of th e county inspect o r. If you ha v e any questi o ns regardin g our pro posed pl an fe e l fr ee t o c a ll me at your con v ienance. We well continue to maintain a n o p en and close r e lationship with y o u and USFS in orde r to mee t both parties objectives. Sinc e rely ARROWHEAD HOUNTAIN SPRING WATER COHPANY Art Ra mi rez Western Region Project Engineer Sprin g Source Management CONFIDENTIA L RESTRICT ED· SUBJECT TO PROT ECTI VE ORDER cc , Hike Lyn n Dick Henders on Garey Ernie, USFS Lands Officer .-\rrm1h~~cl \J.•um ~ m Spri n~ Water Cn. • Iiili Elll Pulrem G rand~ Dri1•c • . ·. GSWA0270661 ~-fn~tcrey Pari•. Ca li fo mi ;~9175~ • 21:\ RRR Rmll ITEM #2 CONFIDENTIAL AIROUMEAD SPR!K6S 3 TEAR CAPITAL PLAX AU6UST 11, 1992 A. RAMI REZ 1993 PROJECT OBJECTIVE PlPE LIME REPLACEMENT (CO lOU TR.C AMTOX STPASS) REPlACEKEXT Of Ak OLD EIISTIX6 J.SIXCH OIA. PI PELINE UITM A 6 IXCH DIA . PIPELINE. THE OlD PIPELINE UAS LEFT IX PlACE IK 1991 TO SERVE AS A8TPASS TO HA XOE L !MCIEASEO FlOU AXO TO RELIEVE PRESSURE OX THE UP STRE AK XA!X PIPEllXE. THIS SECTIOX IS BETUEEM COlOUATfl CANTON AXD THE UPPER IESERVOIRS. PIFEl!XE REPLACEKEXT (lOAOIXS STATIOX} IEP LA CEXEXT OF AK OLD Ell STik6 3 INCH OIJ. PIPELINE UITH A 5 IHCH OIA. PIPELINE IETUEEX THE lOUER RESERVOIRS AND THE lAKIER lOADING STATIO~. THIS UILL IXP ROVE TANIE R lOlO!NG TIME BY Sl\. LOAOIXS STATION PAVIX& REPLACE DETEiiOIATEO ASPHA LT PAYIM& UITH RE!NfORCEQ CONCRE TE PAVI NG AT THE LOADING TAitER LOADING STATION. SPRIX6 DEVELOPMENT REOEVELOPKE~T OF EIISTIN6 SPRTK6 UELlS 11 AND 12 . THIS PROJECT Ulll REPlACE OETERIORATEO UEl L CASIX6S TO IMPROVE SPRIX6 UATER FlOU RATES . STOU SE TAUS IXSTALLATLOX OF ADDITIONAl STORAGE TA~IS TO HANDEL IMCREASED flOU RA TES FROK SPRING DEVELOPKEMT . 41 , 111 GAl . IS kECO~~EHOEO. . 1!91 PIPELikE IEPlACEKEMT (STRAUBEltT CAMTOK) REPLACEKEKT Of AM OLD EXISTI16 J.S INCH DIA . PIPE LIKE UlTH A ( IHCH DI A. PIPELIKE !~ STIAUBERIT CA~Y OK TO MAKDEl IXCREASEO fL O U IA TE S. PJP(L!ME REPLACEMENT I !EO ROCt CANTOR) IEPlACEXEKT OF AN OLD EI!STIX6 3.S INCH O!A. PIPELINE UITH A ( IKCH OIA. II REO lOCI CAKYOK TO HANDEl INCREASED FlOU RATES fROX SPt!N6S 1,2, 3 AHO 8. S?RIX6 OEVELOPNENT IEDEVElOPKEKT Of EI ISTINS SPRINGUELlS I, 3, AKD 8. THIS PROJECT Ulll REPLACE DETERIORATED UE LL CASING TO IMPROVE SPRING UATER fL OU RATES. CONSTRUCT APERXAIEXT PREfAB STEEL BU i lDING TO SERVICE AKO SUPPORT SPRING XAINTEKAKCE PERSOXKEL,SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT. THIS UlLl REP LACE EIIST IM6 KAlE SHIFT SUISTAKOARO STRUCTURES. ms SP~I~6 OEVELOPXEIT ~f H AB . LOUER RtSOAV. IEOEVELPKEKT Of EXISTIK& SPRINGS UELlS 2 AKO ( . THIS PROJEC T UllL REPLAC E DETER IORATED UEL l CASINGS TO IXPROVE SPP!X6 UA Tl R FlOUR~TES. I ECO~STRUCTI OK THE M0.3 l0ADIX6 STATIOX REPLACE~ EK T Of THE OR! 61XAl AIROUH EAD RESER VO IRS. THIS PROJECT RECOXX£XDS OF THE RESERVOIRS UJT H C-21 ,111 6AL. TAKKS. !X STAllAT!Ol Of A TKIRO lOADIM6 srAIIOM TO !~PROVE TAllE R LOAO!R6 T!X£. CONFIDENTIAL RESTRICTED· SUBJECT TO PROTECTIVE ORDER GSWA0270662 ulnl??'; E1 95? If 3? $91.3 -. . ill?! 1. mutetiff" I - \llh .. a 1H .g . ?mug-L . HQ '11? ll." [Jun-ii *Tri? Inn 1 w. J. $351 fqur?sz?sf y~ q? -313?? I I '1 L-qr"94; I. T. - . .I-I.IV?Rgg?n?i?m ?15! Nil?: Z??_ll "Ava?! -. - - .. ?gai?c?? ?aw? .. .rlmi?nn??f? m; - f?f: I. w; - hl ?13? Ilse r. - . ?Egg??5 raw-9'\il' . .. . - itEgg. 9" 3 -. - "sg'g I . (IrSUBJECT TO PROTECTIVE OFIDEH CONFIDENTIAL . 1' at" -H I - Hii'gin?} - . I. .9 afi? .- a -r . lg?m? ?at GSWA0270663 KI #2 CONFIDENTIAL ITEM #2 . I! ! I I : . . :· I " ; : CONFIDENTIAL ~ l'll't,r· 1, ., · 1 ::r I M-:!~1':1!~. \i.! . ~~ 1 f I :( !''. nr : ~, j • .. ·i ... • •' ! r. 7 i• ! . • • . .. J., l .t ; l , •.. i • \' •I I ' ' . ' ,. i l It• l I • i I . I 0 I 0 I . • • oi , o. •wl 1 ~: a(ll:;ww'•ol.ll ~ l 1 1Ll o ' ,,•.o, n~: l:c·rJ t o De• CJII ClU J Pl.! ! i ' i• . (jllit · ·jq~ , Ill!! l'!loCl : : ~ · , ·, , I I :, , :·owlit."'·J'J. I• u 11• I I , ' .rJU l . ; t ". ' • . , \ l o: ,, , , , 1 I. .I I~ I ·· I ' ' .. I I ' I '·· 0 I I ,, 10 ' •• " I I . '- ----- - -· fl 1\·'~\' ~ [' ~~,,~i. ·. !t. 1. n : l. I d l 1'• i•I!IJI:IJ' '.:::.-:--. · \! ·· · ~·; .o .. is I ; ~ I,-0 ·I : i· 0 ••- , .. ,.. ,o, ,o,: I . • I• • ' • ''I t 1 . :\ r' r •\ ; , I, ' I' I ! f •' ' I I 10 .. i ; •II ; • I .. , ( .. ! I : I I 'I'· ~ :. I I ' •I ·:·• I ' . 11 ' , 1• • · · r~rl r. , " ' I •t i I I : ' ; ,. .. o .j : ' ,1' I ! •' ~ . .. .. 1 ' :' r : ' '• ' · IL' 00 h;o r,.,·:· I (I ' , I • • ... ' ' : I o, : 'I .. , r.,,, '·· •• • I I ; j ' · \' · •' ~ i '"" :• ' .. ..,... ..... I I I ! .. · I I, '• lol r:•r .. , . I ... I ol I I ' ' ; ' I I ... i 1 f :~ : '..'\'I ' ~. '.J 1 ! i.\~t1. , .' .l . . ·:I (d ; :,: ' •' I : r. -1~-;-~~-~-~~-,:__:-:-;;__,~.---~=== 0 : ' '1 ~ 11 - . - · ,, 0 '· ! ., ~ ·. .. ~ 1 . J. ,, ; ': :·· . CONFIDENnAL RESTRICTED· SUBJECT TO PROTECTIVE ORDER GSWA0270664 1 , ,1 I' ' ,. 0 , · •• I '", ' , ,1 •1 f ' I ITEM #2 CONFIDENTIAL ·,?.~4.!: .~ ..... ' I . • .. . • , I I , ·~ I '• , .. I ' : CONFIDENTIAL RESTRICTED· SUBJ ECT TO PROTECTIVE ORDER ' I • •' • ' • ... GSWA0270665 0 ': • ITEM #2 CONFIDENTIAL #?~~~c ~~ . r-y_z. ~' ~(•ti'Jf.r ..~ .lffr K. CZJ,c~ H. UNITED STATES DEPARllo\ENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE San Bernardino Hational Forest 1209 Lytle Creek Rd. Lytle Creek, CA 92358 2720 - 913, Irrigation Water Transmission FLUR 7285, 8-2-78 Arrowhead Mountain Spring Water Company Aug11st 10, 1992 LETTER OF AUTHORIZAT10N Dear Mr. Ramirez: This lette r is In response to Arrowhead Mountain Sprfng Water Company's (Arrowhead) 1992 planned maintenance program on the water transmission system In the area of the wells. This letter will serve to document several It ems: Arrowhead's specific program objectives; agreements made between Arrowhead and the Forest Service regarding the program, project constrai nt s, and provision of well data; Forest Service guidelines regarding resource protection during project completion; specifications rega rding the access road which crosses National Forest land to well sites 7; construction of the new valve site at 7C; and requirements for rehabilitation, where necessary, following project completion. As per your June 11, 1992 letter, specific objectives of this program include: redevelopment of springs 7, 7A & 78 which wi ll requ ire redrilling new well casings to replace the ex isting deteriorated casings; rehab111tatfon of springs 10, 11, 12 by backflushing/power.··flus hfng water with chorine or other FDA approved chemical cleansfng additive (such as "clear well") to clean well casing screens ; consolidation of al~ valve piping and wellheads for 7, 7A, 78 &7C at a new en larged valve site at the prese nt location of valve site 7C (centralized l ocation}; · redevelopment (redrflling) of the well casing at spring 11 ff rehabilitation efforts prove extensive deterioration of the existing casing; replacement of all existing valves and piping at the well heads for springs 7-7C, 10-12: replacement of sections of pipeline (200-300 1 ) between the springs and the ma in pipeline with pipeline of like size (6" or less in diameter ), where necessary; -- closure o f abandoned wells to San Bernardino County s pecifi ca t ions. Based on agreements made between Arrowhead and the Forest Serv ice a~ the 6/16 / 92 meet ing, you are . authorized to complete work on your planned maintenance prog ram with the following constraints. When red r1lling a well, each well m11ct be drilled adjacent to the existing 'llell (same direction and alignment) and may not exceed the prior well depth. No new wells may be drilled. Improvements may only be replaced "in kind" (I. e. limit diameter of replacement steel pipe/trunkllnes, etc, to existing or smaller diameter) to ma intain the existing use. When determining well depths, a Forest Service ~loyee will be notified and will be present on site. One ~tell may be drill ed ~ CONFIDENTIAL RESTRICTEDSUBJECT TO PROTECTIVE ORDER FS·8200·28(7·82) GSWA0270666 ITEM #2 CONFIDENTIAL per spring when redrilling a well casing (additional lateral lines per well may not be drilled). Arrowhead agreed to provide the Forest Service with the folloving data: " 1) historical flow data per well; 2) depth of each of Arrowhead's existing wells on National Forest land tn Strawberry Creek drainage. The F6rest Service would like to ensure that the quantity of water removed, follo~ing project completion, is limited to the amount historically removed. Arrowhead has agreed to provide the Forest Service historical flow data per well for the most recent 10 year period of active flow (consolidated from annual well reports on file with the State). We appreciate your provision of this data. Well depth data had been provided for all wells with the exception of n, 7A, 78 and 8. As per your 7/23/92 field meeting with Katie Clifford, recent tests of well depths have yielded the following information: well 7 has totally collapsed; well 7A collapsed at 94 1 ; well 7B collapsed at 134'. Each of these three wells will be redrilled from the new 7C valve site in the direction and alignment of the respective previous wells. Overall well depths, therefore, will increase as the new valve site at 7C lies 100-150' west of the original valve sites. Please provide data on the depth of wells 7 and 8 when determined. Arrowhead plans to complete this work during summer, 1992. Depending on the amount of time required to complete this project, additional maintenance activity may occur on the remaining springs, ff nece'ssary. Equipment, suppl fes and crews will be flown into the project sftes. Crews may be dropped off in the small meadow north of sites 10-12 and onto the existing small cleared area near site 7. Take care to ensure that the meadow/soils in the area of sites 10-12 is not Impacted from activities and that vegetation disturbance is minimized at all sites.~ As the project is planned for completion during the forest fire season, please Inform all employees regarding the importance of fire safety. Ensure that employees clear a 3' area to mineral sofl ff smoking while completing project activities. All gasoline powered equipment used 1n conjunction with this project must be equipped wfth Forest Service approved spark arresters. Welding permits wfll not be required as the pipe/valves wfll be joined by mechanical means. Permission has already been granted to utilize Gene Nelson's small tractor to open the old road/trafl leading to the ~ell sites to a minimal level to provide access for the tractor and drill r ig/supplies. The contractor has completed thfs work to a high level. Existing ground cover was left undisturbed except where necessary to level the trail, as agreed. Roadside brushing was kept to a minimum. As per prior agreements bet~een the Forest Service and Arrowhead, two gates ha ve been installed on this road (one at Hwy. 18 and the ~econd below Hwy. 18 on the recently opened spur to sites 7> to control access and discourage/prevent unauthorized off-road vehicle use and vandalism to Arrowhead 's Improvements. The gates are locked · Immediately upon passing through. Arrowhead will replace the exfstlng chainlink gate to site 7 with a permanent, st ronger triple pfpebar gate fn the near futu re. Please contact Katfe for Forest Service locks to add to your gate locking mechanisms. CONFIDENTIAL RESTRICTEDSUBJECT TO PROTECTIVE ORDER FS·e200 ·28(7·821 GSWA0270667 ITEM #2 CONFIDENTIAL The new 7C valve site has also been leveled with t he tractor, Spoils are to be plled on the flat near spring 7 and should not be compacted, Following proj ect completion, fertilizer should be spread on the spoils and mixed into the top 1-2". This area wfll naturally reseed with native species. The disturbed roadbed should be leveled, seeded with native grass species, and fertilizer should be applied to encourage rapid Yegetat ive regro~th to reduce road visibility. Waterbars/bfrms should be constructed (using the tractor) on steep grades to prevent erosion following road closure. All equipment/supplies, litter and old piping/materials must be removed from project sites. Closure of abandoned wells will meet San Bernardino County specifications. The wells will be capped after pumping the first 50 1 with cement. The exterior portions of the well will be removed to eliminate any visible indications of existance. The concrete valve boxes at 7, 7A and 78 will be removed. These activities are covered under the maintenance provisions of Arrowhead Spring Water Company's Special Use Permit. This letter wfl1 serve as authorization to proceed contingent upon all above fnformatfcn bei ng valid. If plans change or if you have any questions, please contact Lands Officer Gary Earney or Lands Assistant Katie Clifford. We appreciate working with you to ensure the continued protection and maintenance of the permit area during operation on your improvements. ~iountain ~~rely./J~(7 ELL IO Distri • GRAHPN Ranger .·· CONFIDENTIAL RESTRICTEDSUBJECT TO PROTECTIVE ORDER FS·6200·26(7·821 GSWA0270668 ITEM #2 ,ARROWiiEAJ>, ~ICH':-."T.\1:\ CONFIDENTIAL Sl'lll.'i! ; WHEH Katie Clifford Assistant Lands Officer United States Forest Service Lytle Creek Ranger Station Star Route Box 100 Fontana, CA. 92336 June 11 , 1992 Dear Katiet Enclosed are copies of specifications for the proposed Arrowhead Springs project. The objective of this project is to redevelop springs 7,7A and 78 due to well casing deterioration, and to rehibilit ate springs 10,11 and 12 to recover lost production caused by incrustation and/or clogging of the well casing screen. Our intent at the no.7's spring group is to consolidate all valves piping and wellheads in a c e ntralized location adjacent to spring no.7C. Thi s will require the redrilling of new wel l casings to replace the deteriorated well casings of spring 7,7A and 78 . Although th e se springs have been on and off in the last several years, analytical results continue to detect high levels of iron turbidity . Particles of rusted pipe material have been found in water samples obtained from these springs. At springs 10,11 and 12 our plan is to clean-out the well casing screens utilizing compressed air or backwashing water under pressure with a chemical cleansing additive . Based on analytical results from these spring s, the well casing of spring 11 is also suspected to have deteriorated and may require to be redrilled or redeveloped. All existing valves and piping at t he well h eads will be replac ed at all the above springs. In addition pip e line between the springs and the main pipeline will also be replaced. In rega r ds to the grading of th e forestry ro a d to no.7's spring site, this work will be maintained at a minimum and wi ll only be used to move materials as needed to the wor k sit e. CONFIDENTIAL RESTRICTED· SUBJECT TO PROTECTIVE ORDER .~rrnu·hc Jd \lpunlain Spri n ~ \VJicr Co. • fill l EJ ~I Potrero G rand~ Dri' e 1 \lontmy Park. (Jlifomi:l 9175J • ;n R!\8 ~IX)() GSWA0270669 ITEM #2 CONFIDENTIAL Katie Clifford Assistant Lands Officer United States Forest Service June 11, 1992 A permanent gate at the head of the forestry road appears to be the best option and will be installed during the course of the project. If you have any questions regarding any aspect of this project or the specifications feel free to call me at your convienence. Sincerely 2?J£:I· SPRING MATER COMPANY Art Ramirez () Project Engineer cc, without attachments Dick Henderson Arrowhead Mountain Spring Water Gene Nelson Spring Water Systems CONFIDENTIAL RESTRICTED· SUBJECT TO PROTECTIVE ORDER GSWA0270670 ·. ITEM #2 CONFIDENTIAL ftRROWHEA~ :'I!Ol":'\ r.\ 1~ SPiti:'\Ci \\"\TEll Hrs . Katie Clifford Assistant Lands Officer U.S. Forest Service Lytle Creek Ranger Station Star Route, Box 100 Fontana, CA 92336 RE; SPRING WE~L July 10, 1992 DEPTH INVESTIGATION Dear Katie, On July 2 & 6 well depths were determined on Springs 7, 7A and 78, by Gene Nelson of Spring Water Systems, and witnessed by Dick Henderson, representing Arrowhead. The depth of each well was determined u sing a special made rigid metal conduit in 10 foot lenghts with threaded ends, and manually pushed into each well. In order to make a fair evaluation on the depth of each spring well, since drilling reports are not available, several assumptions were taken into account and included: (a) (b) The length of the old drill rig removed at spring 70 which indicates that well casing used were 20 feet in length. This spring was drilled to 370 feet but was dry. Well casing material prior to 1960 may have been of a more bare metal composition and highly susceptible to corrosion and may have the potential to collapse at any given point within the spring well. Based on the above the results of the depth investigation for each of the subject spri ng s is as followsc SPRING 7 The depth of this spring was difficult to determine, since what appears to be well casing pipes are completely collapsed and have been capped. The investigation of this spring is inconclusive. SPRING ?A A sand/gravel blockage was identifed at approximately 95 feet. On the basis of the 20 foot casing criteria as noted above, it can be assessed that this spring may have been drilled deeper tha n 100 feet. The in vestigation of this spring is inconclusive. CONFIDENTIAL RESTRICTED· SUBJECT TO PROTECTIVE ORDER . ··. GSWA0270671 ITEM #2 CONFIDENTIAL Hrs Katie Clifford SPRING WELL DEPTH INVESTIGATION July 9, 1992 SPRING 7B S imilar to spring 7A a sand/gravel blockage was identified at approximately 135 feet. It can be assessed that this spring was drilled deeper than 140 feet . The invest iga tion of this spring is inconclusive . Since we were unable to make contact with one another prior to your vacation, at your request the depth investigation will be done in your presence. If you have any questions on the above feel free to call me. Sincerely ~ROWHEAD HONUNTAIN SPRING WATER COMPANY ~L~ Art Ramirez Project Engineer - Western Region cc; Hike Lynn Gene Nelson Dick Henderson CONFIDENTIAL RESTRICTED· SUBJECT TO PROTECTIVE ORDER GSWA0270672 ITEM #2 .ED CONFIDENTIAL STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE ~~ry_z {' L : San Bernardino National · Forest .J./7- /11. Cy ,A.P.J D. /h?vJJ~:s-nj'o,.../ LETTER OF f_z 1209 Lytle Creek Rd. Lytle Creek, CA 92358 2720 - 913, Irrigation Water Transmission FLUR 7285, 8-2-78 . Arrowhead Mountain Spring Water Company March 10, 1992 PER~ISSION Dear Mr. Ramirez: This letter is in response to your 2-6-92 letter regarding Arrowhead Mountain Spring Water Company's 1992 planned maintenance program on the water transmission system in the area of the wells. As per your letter, many of the well developments have started to deteriorate and/or collapse due to age. The planned maintenance will also include replacement of valves and controls at the well heads. As confirmed in your 3-l0-92 phone conversation with Lands Ass istant Katie Cl lfford, Arrowhead plans to complete the initial work during April and May, 1992, at sites 7, 10, 11 and 12. Depending on the amount of time required to complete the initial project, additional maintenance activity may occur on t he remaining springs, if necessary. Equipment, supplies and crews will be flown into the project sites. Helispots will not be created as the crews may be dropped off in the small meadow north of sites 10-12 and onto the existing small cleared area near site 7. Take care to ensure that the meadow/soils in the area of sites 10-12 is not impacted from activiti es and that vegetation is not disturbed or removed. Katie discussed with you the importance of fire safety, even though the work should be completed prior to the start of the high fire danger time period. Pleas e ensure that employees clear a 3 1 area to mineral soil if smoking while completing project activities. Weld i ng permi ts will not be required as the pi pe/valves will be joined by mechanical means. Upon project completion, Arrowhead plans to rt::move all old . !llaterial, ~qu.ipment/sup p lies and litter. These l ow impact activities are covered under the maintenance provisions of Arrowhead Mountain Spring Water Company's Special Use Permit. This letter will serve as authorization t o proceed contingent upon all above information being valid. If plans change or if you have an y quest ions , please contact Lands Officer Gary Earney or Lands Assistant Katie Clifford. I would like to take this time to thank. you for meeting the above requirements to a high standard on past projects and for protecting and mainta i ning the esthet ic values of the permit area during construction, operation and maintenance of your·permitted improvements. Sincerely, ~ ELLIO 'Ff~ ~tri CONFIDENTIAL RESTRICTED· SUBJECT TO PROTECTIVE ORDER GSWA0270673 ;:::=.~ FS-0200· 281i ·82) ITEM #2 CONFIDENTIAL Lawrence,Larry,ONTARIO,Manufacturing Subject: Gary A Earney [] Tuesday, November 25, 2003 11:09 AM Gary A Earney; Jason P Collier; Gilbert J Garcia; Uyen Doan; Kathie P Meyer; Robert Ota; David G Relph Arrowhead Puritas Old Fire pipeline repair permission/conditions Importance: High From: Sent: To: Cc : On Tuesday, Nov 18, Jason Collier and I met: with ArroHhead Puritas ' (Nestle Waters) Larry Lawrence (90 9-974-0652) , who has rep l aced Dave Palais as Natural Resource Manager for this area. LARRY --please note the requirement in 9 below , from my following up on the area issues since our rneeting; this requirement is critical ; call me if you have any questions . The purpose of the meeting was to discuss how Nestle wi ll repair damage to its Stra~-:berry Creek drainage improvements fror:l the recent Old Fire. Currently the entire line is shut down, and it is their premier water source . Larry said that there is almost 2 miles of burned pipe. Fire temperatures Here so hot that gasketing betHeen the pipe segments burned, contaminating the ~~ner pipe sur face s; t emperatures had to have reached over 600 degrees F to do tha l he said . Springs 2 & 3 hit 125 degrees when their internal temperat~re recorders went out . Therefore , all pipe from Hwy 18 down to Strawberry Truck Trail ne eds replacement , and it would be good t o also replace the rest down to Campus Cruasade for Christ a nd their tanker pickup point . THE. FOLLO\HNG 1"/Jl.S AGREED 'l'O, REL.n.'l'JVE TO PIPELI NE REPLACEt