CITY OF PITTSBURGH ;· :-· ·.:._:- "\ ; ," .·· ·... ·.· . .·. . . . . ---· .·. . ZONE I DIVISION VEHICLE f ASSIGNMENT vcu vcu 38101 38102 . - . . ··.· Juan Jeter-Clark was detained inside the residence, of Christopher Mark Thompkins - who was shot dead inside of his residence, after breaking inside of the house. He was taken to headquarters where he was arrested and charged with F3 Criminal Trespass DATE: SUPERVISOR REVIEW Reviewed and Accepted by PDF Generated Date: P0-4 GregX. Kalogeris 4170 112212017 17:38:40 01/22/2017 APRS. PBP Offense 2.0 Rev. 1111412005 . • RI~ '.": ' -_:_ ' __ _ __ I YEAR CITY OF PITTSBURGH BUREAU OF POLICE OFFENSE/ INCIDENT REPORT ---_, __ --, ; ' - - - ·': OFFENSEFINGIDENT 17 PAGE ---, _ __ ' __ - - ' CCR# 013259 OF 1 1 -- -- - <- - - - - OFFENSE/ INCIDENT TITLE ANO SECTION NUMBER 3502 Burglary. ;: 3701 Robbery. I DATE I TIME OCCURRED FROM II DATE I T!ME REPORTED DATE I TIME OCCURR€D TO 0112212017 0356 Hrs. 0112212017 01/22/2017 0400 Hrs. I LOCATION OF OCCURRENCE (INCLUDE APT,# OR BUILDING NAME, lF APPLICABLE) 129 Finley St Pittsburgh, PA 15206 Dengler, Joshua 4497 :: Cerrmos, Richard 4337 -- - ---",· --->:- --_-_- __ ---' _, . -.- -- .- ::-' -: .,,_ ·-::--': ' -.- __ _.--·--' ._-,-- ' ' - __ ' • ' REPORTING OFFICER I PERSON(S) AND 1.D, NUMBER{S) ,-_ .,··,--NO-ARRESIEE•INFORMATION ' .• ••• ADDITIONA~'OFFICERS _- ·- • ' 5 3526R 5 ----_,., __ -- --, .,, •-- NOALARM-INC)DEN:J' .-.,__• - ----- ' ZONE VEHICLE I ASSIGNMENT ZONE I DIVISION REPORTING OFFICER I PERSON(S) ANO !.D. NUMBER(S) 0825 Hrs. I CENSUS 1208 ' ' -- -- -- ' - : - ----- :::_- --- -,_-- -- _>--_'- - _-_. __ -<- .:- : ', ' _-- -,: ___ , __ ----~- _- _- --,·-,-_-, :·_:.;' --_::·_<: -__-.. -----·- - -- -._ ZONE I DIVISION VEHICLE I ASSIGNMENT Maddox, Harrison 4311 5 Flicker, Brendan 4196 5 5 5 3515 3515 3522R 3522R 3513 3513 Hau!e, Matt 4570 Macioce, Gino 431 O 5 5 Matson, Timothy 4027 -~~------ Livesey Jr, Gregory V. 4224 --. - -- :- - ; - _"- . - -- -- - -- - -- NARRATIVE .- - -_ - - _.:,_ -. - _-_--- -- ' ---- - -.- , _-- On 01-22-2017 at approx. 0356hrs. Officers responded to a burglary in progress at 129 Finley St : ---_, ;:;o,;_ -'-'1 • SUPERVISOR REVIEW Reviewed and Accepted by PDF Generated Date: Sgt James H. Glick 3894 112212017 9:04:45 ' ~ ., ~ , ' ·- I DATE: 01/2212017 APRS - PBP Offense 2.0 Rev. 1111412005 --