King County Medical Examiner AUTOPSY REPORT Charleen-a Chavon LYLES KCME 17-1206 Page 1 PATHOLOGICAL DIAGNOSES: . Penetrating handgun wound of the midline abdomen. a. Entrance wound (D) on midline anterior abdomen. b. Mesenteric perforations and graze wound of the uterus. c. Bullet recovered from 'soft tissues of the right pelvis. . Penetrating handgun wound of the right abdomen. a. Entrance wound (C) on right abdomen. b. Perforation of the uterus and left deep femoral artery with herniation of an intrauterine fetus into the peritoneal cavity. 0. Bullet recovered from soft tissues of left pelvis. . Grazing gunshot wound (B) of the right lateral chest. . Penetrating handgun wound of the right hip. a. Entrance wound (F) on lateral right hip. b. Perforation of soft tissues and the right ilia-c wing. 0. Bullet recovered from soft tissues of the right buttock. . Perforating handgun wound of the right back. a. Entrance wound on right back. b. Perforation of the inferior vena cava and right middle and lower lobes of lung. C. Exit wound (A) on anterior right chest. . Perforating handgun wound of the left back. a. Entrance wound (J) on left back. b. Perforation of soft tissues. 0. Exit wound: (E) on lateral left abdominal wall. . Perforating handgun wound of the right arm. a Entrance wound (G) on the anterolateral aspect of distal right arm. b. Perforation of soft tissues. c. Exit wound (H) on posteromedial? distal right arm. . intrauterine pregnancy. a. Normally formed male fetus with estimated gestational; age of 14?15 weeksRCW. 68.50.105 King County Medical Examiner AUTOPSY REPORT Charleena Chavon LYLES KCME 17-1206 Page 2 9. Evidence of medical intervention including endotracheal intubation. The cause of death of this 30?year?old woman is multiple gunshot wounds sustained in a confrontation with police. The manner of death is classified homicide. N, Brian Mazrim, MD .. Ri'chard Harvruff, MD, Associate Medical Examiner Chief Medical Examiner 3r Date Signed I BM'1kld b9?? Rim ammo? King County Medical Examiner AUTOPSY REPORT Charleena Chavon LYLES KCME 17-1206 Page 3 DATE AND TIME OF EXAMINATION: 06/19/2017 0900 hours. EXTERNAL EXAMINATION: . IDENTIFICATION: Identification is accomplished by name tags accompanying the body. In addition, photographs are taken under my direction for identification purposes. CLOTHING AND PERSONAL PROPERTY: The body received wearing the following items of clothing: 1. A pair of black undenzvear. 2. A pair of black and red socks. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The body is that of a normally developedwell?nourished female appearing consistent with the documented age of 30 years. The body measures 5 feet 3 inches in length and weighs 100 pounds. At the time of autopsy, 3+ rigor mortis is established in the upper and lower extremities and the jaw. Faint blanching purple liivor mortis is present over posterior surfaces of the body. The body is cool to the touch. The head is normocephalic and atraumatic. The hair is black and measures up to 8 inches in length. The pupils measure 5 millimeters bilaterally. The irides are brown. The conjunctivae are free of lesions. The external nares are patent and free of lesions. The teeth are natural and in an adequate state of repair. The oral mucosa is free of lesions. The ears are normally formed and free lesions. Each earlobe is pierced once. The trachea is midline and the neck is free of palpable masses. The chest is symmetrical. The breasts are free of palpable masses. The abdomen is flat. The external genitalia are those of a normal adult female. The upper extremities are normally formed and are remarkable for the injury described below. The fingernails are neatly trimmed to within 1/16 inch of the nailbeds. The lower extremities are normally formed and are remarkable for the injury described below. {k ?is? King County Medical Examiner AUTOPSY REPORT Charleena Chavon LYLES KCME 17?1206 Page 4 The back is remarkable for the injury described below. The buttocks are unremarkable. identifying marks and scars include the following: 1. A tattoo of angle wings, a halo, and ?Sadaria? present on the lateral right upper arm. - A tattoo of a Dove holding keys present on the lateral left upper arm. A 5?inch. well?healed linear scar extending transversely across the lower anterior abdomen. 4. A 0.75 inch well?healed linear scar present on the lateral left neck. 9w THERAPY: An endotracheal tube enters the mouth. Defibrillator pads are adherent to bilateral chest. EVIDENCE OF INJURY: Seven gunshot wounds are present and are described below with reference to the anatomic position: 1. HANDGUN WOUND OF THE ABDOMEN: ENTRANCE WOUND: A gunshot entrance wound (D) is present on the midline anterior abdomen centered 40.5 inches superior to the heel. The defect is circular, measures 0.35 inches in. diameter and is surrounded by a 0.05 to 0.2 inch abrasion margin, accentuated superiorly. No soot or stippling is associated with the entrance wound. PATH OF WOUND: The bullet track traverses the peritoneal cavity without causing identifiable defects in the bowel; however, several small: holes are present in the mesentery. The bullet track grazes the right side of the dome of the uterus and ends in the soft tissues of the right pelvis. RECOVERY OF A deformed copperjacketed bullet is recovered from the soft tissues of the right pelvis. OF FIRE: Front to back, downwards, and left to right. King County Medical Examiner AUTOPSY REPORT Charleena Chavon LYLES KCME 17?1206 Page 5 2. PENETRATING HANDGUN WOUND OF THE RIGHT ABDOIVIEN: ENTRANCE WOUND: A gunshot entrance wound (C) is present on the right abdomen, centered 4.5 inches to the right of midline and 40 inches superior to the heels. The defect is circular, measures 0.4 inches in diameter, and is surrounded by concentric 0.05 inch abrasion margin. No soot or stippling is associated. with the entrance wound. PATH OF WOUND: The bullet track traverses the peritoneal cavity without obvious defects in the gastrointestinal track; however, several holes are present in the mesentery and the vermiform appendix is not clearly identified. The bullet track then perforates the upper midline uterus causing herniation of a fetus in its amniotic sac into the peritoneal cavity. The bullet track then lacerates the left deep formal artery and penetrates the soft tissues of the left pelvis. RECOVERY OF PROJECTILE: A deformed copperjacketed bullet is recovered from the soft tissues of the left pelvis. DIRECTION OF FIRE: Right to left, front to back and downwardsf 3. GRAZING GUNSHOT WOUND OF THE RIGHT LATERAL CHEST: A grazing gunshot wound (B) is present on the right lateral chest, centered 43 inches superior to the heel. The defect is obliquely oriented from posteroinferior to superoanterior. The margins of the defect are only very faintly serrated, but these margins suggest a back to front and upwards trajectory. 4. PENETRATING HANDGUN WOUND OF THE RIGHT HIP: ENTRANCE WOUND: A gunshot entrance (F) is present on the right lateral hip 34.5 inches superior to the heel. The defect is circular, measures 0.35 inches in diameter and is surrounded by a centric 0.05 inch abrasion margin. No soot or stippling is associated with the entrance wound. PATH OF WOUND: The bullet track perforates the soft tissues of the right hip and the right iliac wing and penetrates the soft tissues of the right buttock. RECOVERY OF A deformed copper jacketed bullet is recovered from the soft tissues of the right buttock. DIRECTION OF FIRE: Right to left and front to back. if: gyms, ?4 .: '?L?mw but Neil misfit? R.C.W.. 88.509105 King County Medical Examiner AUTOPSY REPORT Charl-eena Chavon LYLES KCME 17?1206 Page 6 5. PERFORATING WOUND OF THE RIGHT BACK: ENTRANCE WOUND: A gunshot entrance wound is present on the right back, centered 0.5 inches to the right of midline and 46.25 inches superior to the heel. The defect is circular, measures 0.25 inches in diameter, and is surrounded by a concentric 0.1 inch abrasion margin. No soot or stippling is associated with the entrance wound. - PATH OF WOUND: The bullet track enters the body cavities through the right 11?? intercostal space posteriorly, adjacent to the spine. The bullet track then perforates and extensively lacerates the inferior vena cava followed by the right lower and middle lobes of lung. The bullet track exits the body cavities through the right 5th rib anteriorly. EXIT WOUND: A gunshot wound: exit (A) is present on the right breast centered 3.25 inches to the right of midline and 49 inches superior to the heel. The defect is irregularly shaped and measures 0.5 0.3 inches. A 0.2 0.2 inch abrasion is present at the inferomedial margin of the defect. DIRECTION OF FIRE: Back to front, left to right and upwards. 6. PERFORATING HANDGUN WOUND OF THE LEFT BACK: ENTRANCE WOUND: A gunshot entrance wound (J) is present on the left back centered 3.75 inches to the left of midline and 42 inches superior to the heel. The defect is oblong, measures 0.5 0.3 inches and is surrounded by an eccentric abrasion margin up to 0.3 inches in width accentuated medially. No soot or stippling is associated with the entrance wound. PATH OF WOUND: The bullet track perforates the soft tissues of the lateral left abdominal wall. EXIT WOUND: A gunshot wound exit wound (E) is present on the left anterolateral abdomen centered in the left anterior axillary line 42.5 inches superior to heel. The defect is irregularly shaped and measures 0.6 inches in diameter. DIRECTION OF FIRE: Back to front, right to left and upwards?Vhwl? .s. a. vm- ?ah-33(gumif". . Vi ROW. 8850.105 King County Medical Examiner AUTOPSY REPORT Charleena Chavon LYLES KCME 17?1206 Page 7 7. PERFORATING HANDGUN WOUND OF THE RIGHT ARM: ENTRANCE WOUND: A gunshot entrance wound (G) is present on the anterolateral aspect of the distal right arm, centered 45 inches superior to the heel. The defect is circular, measures 0.3 inches in diameter, and is surrounded by a concentric 0.1 inch abrasion margin. No spot or stippling is associated with the entrance wound. PATH OF WOUND: The bullet track perforates the soft tissues of the distal right arm. EXIT: A gunshot exit wound (H) is present on the posteromedial aspect of the distal right arm 45 inches superior to the heel. The defect is stellate and measures 0.8 0.6 inches. DIRECTION OF FIRE: Back to front and right to left. INTERNAL EXAMINATION: HEAD AND CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM: The scalp is unremarkable and the skull is intact. There is no epidural, subdurai, or subarachnoid hemorrhage. The brain weighs 954 grams and has normal?ly configured gyri and sulci. The Ieptomeninges are thin and transparent. The cerebral vessels are unremarkable. The cortical gray=ribbon is intact and the ventricular system is appropriate size. The deep cerebral nuclei and hippocampi are unremarkable. The brainstem and. cerebellum are unremarkable. The skull base has the expected anatomic features. The proximal spinal cord, when viewed through the foramen magnum, is unremarkable. NECK: Examination of the anterior soft tissues, cartilaginous and bony structures of the neck reveals no abnormalities. The usual anatomic relationships are preserved and the upper airway is not obstructed. new. 6850.105 King County Medical Examiner AUTOPSY REPORT Charleena Chavon LYLES KCME 17?1206 . Page 8 BODY The organs are normally situated and there are no fibrous adhesions. Associated with the injuries previously described are a 300 milliliter hemoperitoneum and a 600 milliliter right hemothorax. The pleural and peritoneal surfaces are otherwise smooth and glistening. The mediastinum and retroperitoneum have the expected anatomic features. CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: The heart weighs 250 grams. The epicardiium is unremarkable. The chambers demonstrate their usual shape and configuration with no gross hypertrophy. The coronary arteries have only scattered atherosclerotic streaks throughout the course of all vessels. Cut surfaces of the myocardium are normal color and there is no thickening of the ventricular walls. The valves and atria are unremarkable. The aorta follows its usual course and the origins of the major vessels are normally disposed and unremarkable. The great vessels of venous return are remarkable only for the injury previously described. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: The larynx and trachea have no abnormalities and are continuous in the usual manner with the primary bronchi. The bronchi contain blood?tinged mucus. The right lung weighs 251 grams and the left lung weighs 307 grams. The is pink?red and crepitant with hemorrhage associated with the bullet track previously described. There is no consolidation, mass or cavitary lesion. The bronchi and vascul-ature are normally distributed. SYSTEM: The liver weighs 976 grams and has a smooth glistening capsule. Cut surfaces are uniformly red?brown and have the usual landmarks. The extrahepatic biliary system is unremarkable. The gallbladder contains approximately 5 milliliters of dark green viscous bile without stones. SYSTEM: The spleen weighs 70 grams and has a smooth, glistening capsule and an unremarkable with the usual anatomic features. The thymus is involuted and replaced by fat. The nodes, where appreciated, are unremarkable. 5? mm? en rim. all-Mfr? King County Medical Examiner AUTOPSY REPORT Charleena Chavon LYLES KCME 17-1206 Page 9 URINARY SYSTEM: The right kidney weighs 117 grams and the left kidney weighs 119 grams. The cortical surfaces are smooth and the cortical architecture is normal. There is good cortico?medullary differentiation. The pelves have the usual. anatomic relationships and are continuous into normal ureters which insert into an unremarkable bladder containing no appreciable urine. INTERNAL GENITALIA: The uterus is gravid and is remarkable for the injury previously described. The fetus appears to be a normally developed male weighing 63 grams with a crown? to?rump length of 10.4 centimeters and a heel-t0~toe length of 1.6 centimeters. The placenta and cord are small but appear normally developed. The cervix is smooth. is glistening. The vaginal vault has the usual rugal pattern without abnormalities. GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM: The-esophagus and gastroesophageal junction are unremarkable. The stomach contains approximately 10 milliliters of brown mucoid material. The gastric mucosa is unremarkable. The small and large intestines are unremarkable; however, several small holes are present within the mesentery likely associated with the bullet tracks previously described. The vermiform appendix is not iden??ed. SYSTEM: The right lobe of the thyroid. gland. appears nodular. The pancreas, pituitary, and adrenal glands are unremarkable. MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM: Injury has been previously described. The musculature is normally distributed and unremarkable. The abdominal fat measures 2 centimeters at the level of the umbilicus. King County Medical Examiner AUTOPSY REPORT Charleena Chavon LYLES KCME 17-1206 Page 10 MICROSCOPIC: HEART: No pathologic diagnosis. LUNG: A section of lung shows free alveolar blood. LIVER: No pathologic diagnosis. KIDNEY: No pathologic diagnosis. BRAIN (HIPPOCAMPUS): No pathologic diagnosis. CYTOLOGY (ORAL, ANAL, AND VAGINAL SWABS): No sperm seen. EVIDENCE, RADIOGRAPHS, AND ANCILLARY PROCEDURES: 1. Samples are collected for toxicologic analysis; a separate report will be issued. 2. Evidence collected at the time of autopsy is detailed in the evidence inventory. 3. X?rays of the head, chest, abdomen, pelvis, and right upper extremity are taken prior to examination. my? 1.1% 9 Much; NVNUAQHPL 9.-beer i. . ?Mm! ?on 6 Cr, 039.6wa (erQT . Wag . ix r? or? 3 Aw VTT v09): NSTQ Mug, 0.0.w; .. 5? wdu?gurmv was?). bmm?nxf mu Gav?. 9/9317? m. W.DW Te 1&4 .Yx nR?Sw m3. -urfm WSW v? ?iwfv 9% ECLSV Rum?; burly? mu\.mm Qz) 7fo r5. ?\gerV Zt?ab .. Qmw. 9.21. . AM 0.0% 7FWNE) A FEW. a??5p mar Z19 mv?grvcuv Ni?viur infx a Sr . so. 6% meu?g?fu 3 03? 2:353?; 253m? Una? 13.17% wage?sag ?Mm; h? . A .1 ?lthy\.h. nUVAquhlV\ inn/Kibr p/o?rwvs: . I with? 91 0/ I Mi .3 Tap. roqa). Fc ?Cw .911? ifs? a? . w? Wm: war@0?7 34 . c? kaasbm OM10. unr\n\r.r\\a . 0b; K??b 92.5w? 39 5 400 h.nhit; 43.85% m. 3&9ng King County Medical Examiner's Office 17'01205 Invexligumr': Repnr! 4 a, 3 DM: I Tune Du: mm mud .. Sun; We Tm: Returned a Office nmmon 12'15 ammo" 12:30 nma/zum 14an [mayth cannmem Lm Name pm. we": MuddYaN-m: me no: Nuns I.qu cum>> Sex mama," 5mm Ran: Hupam Age Du: oIBmh seen Saunry Numhu mu Fomllu osuslzw "1:22 Pmnnunud Black an Vean Mums" "Iver Mzmed (my am" em: 24>> cm 'mma sm 51nd Av. NE WA ems UNITED sures Emnmm Ocruplnon Typealflsumeu mm unmpwayaw mm." em>> Sum-.WIsr-Ingmn Homemaker Own Home Not In us Am me mm Nana Math-r; Madam." cnanu Emon Lylu 5mm mos: lnlmun fined/man" Sm- zwceaa Charm um Fauwr -- II - I'th Phenol new We amemna nae emu>>. Mess can", my 312': new: El Ruldencu 6818 62nd AVE NE, APT mm King sumo WA 93115 "cm, mm cam. myamae see. sea" sz El sum-y mm." ms:de saea Addmx Cm, 5m: zwcoaa Cwer 2m em 52nd AVE NE, Arm no: Seam. m, WA 33115 USA may mm gamma" mam Dan/hm: Emmi!>> Mme". "my. Rana-nae 1Hun~2017 09:50 wnmmu Involved Dam" E1 "mm" Palxu Dzy-mm' Palm: Names we" 05m smue Pull" uaeanmem 17.21 9301 Sagan! REPORTED As OFFICER INVOLVED suconm; case M: renamed by Same Pahoe Depanmem Semeam Mark Gnns'ead as me new>> 0! a Jaryeavrold menwea Woman by responumg ameers Gunny en wam pence Am:ng Surgeanl Gnnsiead a1 aassN en ns/mznn Selma Palms uepanmem mspaxm vecelved a can (mm me deemem vepmmg a burglary 3' mar remnant): when pnhce amved n; ma mmdence in anereamn between me decedem and me vespondmg mflcers ensued am vesuhea me bemg sum mulhme hmes by amws seam Pom Depenmam added man mey meme: me call Iepanmg shots men a 095m and max me deceaem was pvonounbed by Seam: Fire Depanmem ix 102m Dr Maznm. \nveshgalm F'elmu am: I amvaa an scene 31131>>! on ns/lalzufl anu were mm by several owners mm ma seame Palms Depanmenl We Iaund me demuem's may swayed by a yeHaw caver we ha'lway oumde he! apanmem aeneam me Enverme neceaznlwas observed (a be supme on a spine Imam Dr Mamm pervermee a sbene exammafion The decedem'l cane |emperamm was 96 degyees ex 133214 The deceaenrs mes were baggee, she was plaza: plasue and a dean Mule sheet and sealed a green hody remvely nag m- was sealed Mm megruy seal mama: The was vanspaned me scene to me ng Coumy MedlcaI Examiner's Olfice fur funny exammam Tangent! Memwlegal beam \nvasugawr Nick He|cher Memcelegav Deam muesugam CONHDENHAL DO NOT COPY R.C.W. 685" 4 King County Medical Examiner's Office C152 No 17-01 206 Inver'igmn Relmn' p.99 2 o. 3 1mm: [immune-1) ma Knewmm." A as/a/znn 05:59 El sun mumCm, MH- Sergoanl Mark smuo pom mpmmam mm "mum: ."Mmm 2 rongalin, Christina mum", \nvesugnm a (mama-my mm Muzrim, am sm, 1mm Innsme ennui my Wound ay Amul Dunch nugcmm KCMEO Mick nanarzun um: 155 Full Prlnu lnennfiunon Du: 1.1mm By sumo" Norma Maqulno AFIS - same PD Adrian on, 5m: 2w Phano "mm. sumo WA 95124 Bavbour. ed by an: AFIS. Cnpy 01 man upon <Investigator?s Report Medical History King County Medical Examiner?s Of?ce Case No 1 7-01206 Page 3 of 3 Primaiy Care Physician NIA .. . .. .. . Medical Specialty Unknown at the time of report. Medical History Unknown at the time of report. Surgeries Unknown at the time of report. NIA Abuse Hx? Terminal Hospital Summary Hospitalized Hespital - Hospital Chart Number 3 Admitting Date I?rlor to Death? .5 Attending Physician Telephone Will Certify? Property Type Description SUSPICIOUS DEATH PROPERTY Relationship . Comment ReleasedBy Evidence Type Description SUSPICIOUS DEATH EVIDENCE ReleaseDate'Time .. .. Released? Comment 68.50.1053