Slat-a Iaf Alabama Department af Human Reaaureaa S. Gerda? Perseus Building 5E: Ripley Sate: 3:353:35." Ruben Bentley Ber. SWIM-D Haney T. Budaner ?avernar Mantg?mary'. Alabama 334242.13 ID MEIJEDII ASHLEY RICH P. (3. 23:? MDEILE. AI. CHURCH MWISTRIES, THE. PLEASANT VALLEY MUEILE. AL 366% DEAR MS- RICH: Pursuant ta Cad: at? Alabarru I935, Seellen 33-13, a camFlaI'nl family-ed eaneeming [he abay-e referenced exempt child care amine: ia hereby referred la yea. Seetien 33-13 states. in pan. ?The district uF the enemy in which preacheal pragram is Iaealed shall. upnn prayer presentment af ehargea. inyeaiigate at his diaeretjan any allegatien againa: any sun-11 ehurel: under the laws of Lin: SLate of Alabama." The enmplainaat. idenli?ed aa- ataled that me worker picking up children fer Cenenunity Aeaelemy Day Cam CID-ME Ta- lhe Cili Trend aim-e flaealed en Dauphin Island Flatway} daily. When she eeanea aha has Children in Ihe van and leaves them unsupervised in Ila: van while she shape. She aemetimea ahepa aa: lung as 45 minutes. She usually emner: te- the El?n: between 5:00 pm and 6:11! pm. The day care walker is. described amwilh - - hair HI can be af any I'unher please feel free ten eenlael me a1 (3343 241-1425- 5 inCE'n: y, ?f 5 25 e-l'Chllel Care Licensing