3T3 Workplace Freedom 't 1 aim-J r" "1 . 'hl" .1 it: if - I STATE POLICY .HNETWORK State Sulu?uns. Natl-?nal Impa?t. New is the Time for Unien Referm in Your State. Learn Why and Discover How to Make it Happen. NETWORK Senier Pelicy Adviaer, State Hem-mark bra denies rm STATE POLICY mam? State Workplace Freedom Toolkit TABLE DF CONTENTS ?veruiewaew th Use This Teen-tit .H . . . .. 4 Landscape: Where and Hum LJniens Have Gained and Lest In?uence . . . 5 Strategy: Blue and Red State Strategies: Determining the Right Strategy fer Successful Heferm in ?feur State . . . . . . . . Feur Perle}! Prescriptlens fer Effectlve Unien Referm ..3 Harris u. Quinn ?pt-Dut Campaign 11 Rightte Werh: 14 Werlter?s Cheice . . . . . . . 15 Cenclusicin 13 Appendix A: Werker ?u?eting Rights Medel Legislatien ?19 Appendix B: Right ti] W?rk M?d?'i L?gi?l?ti?Appendix E: Werlter Che'rce Medel Legislatien 22 THIS GUIDE IS DIVIDEU INTD THREE SECTIONS: I and Hew- Uniens HEWE Gained. and Lest Influence and Fted State Strategies: Determin- ing the Best Hefen'n Tactics fer ?taut State Ir cane; Prescriptiens fer Effective Unlen Fteferm Medel Legisiatien WHY UNIDN REFDRM NEEDS HAPPEN NGW Public secter uniens censistentla create elsstacles ta jela creatienr lnnesratien. freedcim, and ef?cient use at taxpayer- deiiars. Fuhlic secter uniens thwart state-based pre- grams and pra?werhet' referms at aim-est even! turn. Unien chiefs can tie- this thanks te nearltr in eaha ustibie ?nan- cial and celltital reseurces gained tria unfettered access ta miillens eiwedters? paychecks- Accerciing tn the Hatlenal Institute far Lalc-cr itelaticns Research. unicuns spent meta than 51.? cf menetr in the 1012 circle in push higagecernrnent agendas and premete pregres- shre candidates in Eirery' state.1 Mast at the pre- clded that 51.? hillien had he satr in the mcnetr was spent. Unicn refen-n Is net enlt-r necessanr but Is the First step tcward creating an entrirunment where state lawmakers can effective- advance res-act: sl?nleI limited gceernment that truly help their censtituents. i I State F'iII-Iilzjl' Netwerlt Overview/How . . . to Use This Toolkit WHY THIS GUIDE i5 This guide equips alte rs with effective pelit't' auntie-r15 to turn the tide cf undue uni-en influence and pewter In their state. It prcaid es legislatars with simple. effective weritplace referrn tacti cs that are primed to succeed In their speci?c states. LEUERAGING THE STATE FULICT NETWORK IN YOUR STATE Set-J's extensive research en successful and unsuccessiul unlen tei'c-rms natienwide that the was curt: unten inr flu ence is threugh systematic referrn eff-arts targeting multiple states. Success dees net hinge en a single reic rm tactic. 5PM alse has talented and experienced partners In pellet, later. and cernmunicatiens. Censider these assets when 1.rcu review the fellew'lng strategies and teels. WHAT LEARN This Tealitit cutlinesi?curitetr referrn as?heth defensive and efl'ensitre plays?that have the best chance at achieving. mean- ingiul stateh'tiasecl referms: werker acting rights, unlen apt-cut ca tr-paigns, right-te-werlt {FlT't'u'L and weriter?s ch alce- This guide will heip ecu select the best when hased en eeur state?s pelltical and cultural Additienally. and state thini; tanlt sulaiect matter eiiperts are available te help advise traur reicrrn cheice and taller it tn the uniqUe requirements at treur state. We enccurage ecu ta read thrcegh the guide tc- familiarise wiurseli with the centents. Dur geal is te pres-Ida tree with a newerful reseurce that Itie-u and yeur staff can use an a regular basis when addressing unien returns. and ireedem. 'i'u'e hepc ?fiJLl will Jain the legislaters natic-nw?de whewc with and the netwerlt ei' independent state?eased tl'Ilnlt ta nits tc achieve meanin gi?ui unlan rate-rm acress the states. Where and Unidns Have Gained and Last Influence I I I WHAT umems sevrna {a Summary Revievv . Stewa rd's Earner: this: i - Full 1:1. :1 rl Meet public setter svere established In the last few "UnIdns llivere starting te aslt the questicin ta ?ve decades tc: previde werirers with fair representatitin ir' Why? [it] 5D many jump Ship when they get the Traditionally; public werlte's accepted lewer pav than they might get In the private sectdr in return ?t hard leelt in the mirrer reveals the deep discennect fer the securltv at a gevernrnent jeb- Linien leaders saw this between ??551: members and theiruniens. as a disparitv and went tci vrerlt th change it. succeeded, That's the uncle-?ying pmblem Ia leer must Strive If we hppe tackle the enermeus challenges at per IIl'u'hile unlen pmver and pelitical lnt'luen use have gresvn ExpenEHtiallsr, their and te dues-paving unlen members have greatlv diminished. everI dd nateensider impartial representa?en ef rnernbers' best Inlerests as a rtlandatprv requirement in return. Her dd unidn In nun-Flight te Wed: states; Jeinlng the unien is a leaders respect the pelltieal differences at their members. nen-negetiable cenditien at Unldn leaders, hes-r- Instead. the ehlen hlerarchv spends its time and members? menev te premate pelities that Increase the size and test at gevernment. and tr: pregressive state-level pelicvma It; WHAT Ul'il IDNS ARE SAYI MG ers whe raver such growth. These vnacceuntabie gevernrnent unien leaders, whase packets are lined with member dues and tube unbridled access to politicians, werI-t tr: advance an anti-freedom agenda that blatantlv disregards the ??hmgt?n imam interests and values of marv at their dues-paving members. - Jubr 3:115 Private setter unien membership has declinec, but public sec- ter unidns have been a grewm iridUstrv. In fact, aecerding 111ml: fer granted. WE government data aggregated at Unip n5tats.cem, from Etil?' .a communicating llIvIth pecuple, because we did n't feel lilre we needed te. - - grewth in Ftight th Wash: states. tn 2015, public sectdr uninns have seen same at their largest That was the wreng appreac h. and we don't we nt tn fall back inte that trap," said AFSCME President Lee Saunders. State Werhplace Freedem - 5 Determining the Best Referrn Tactics fer ?r?crur State I i I . .. . Strategy ., ., Blue and Red State Etrategies: I I I Persuasive Language: atchin Effective Messaging with ?few Audience Ne lawmaker wants invest time and reset. rtes td pass lived referrns. prevides state lawmakers a path te Ieng-term su caess. SPF-I has intentienaflv left eut "Bar-idem? FEfo'lTlE that uriens can easilv eirc umv-ent er re-adapt. That sald, same df these shert-terrn measures may! lee useful tactics as part ef a larger strategv. Llnien referm needs he be meaningful, measurable, and mast pf allI lasting. We have selected and re?ned these four lte'sr saunter prescripticrns fer real, lung-term re- nat'i-e I'Iwide. g, I State Pelicv Cure Messaging Principles: Using Research Findings to Determine Messaging and Persuasive Language While an exhaustive rep-art c-n public sectur mien rs- farrn messaging research ?ndings wduld he prehihit'ive far this guide, we de ltev pelline data and te determine messaging. Messaging that Resenates: Effective LangUage analysis :31? SPF-1's data, we've identi?ed ?ve he? messaging principles te use when discussing public setter unien refarrn. Messaging [10's and Don'ts CheatSheet Be pre?werlter, net antl-unien. Fairness and ac- teentalzlilit'sI are the lte'lf bene?u fer Indluldual unien mem? bers. Frame unlun referm frem the eelnt el' View ef the members and he's-r the referm helps them base a greater ueicr: In their unien. Remember the messenger matters [seme- times even mere se than the message]. Llse unlen membershpast and presentwte tall-t abeut referrn. These individuals are the mast influential and credible te beth unlen arid nee-unlen heusehelds, and the!"r help cen? ter actual unien member desire and demand fer unien raw ferm. Highlight chelce. fairness, and trust. Effective arguments and messages that cenuey these key elements resenate with Isreters and sheuld be used te cemmunlcated the bene?ts ef referm laws. Rant against unlens. We?ve all been frustrated by the atrium ef public secber unlens to black urn- freedem referms, but publichr venting these feelings ls ceunterpr'eductitre. Dvercemplicate the Issue er lese fecus. The weakest messaglng lnuel'r'es discussien ef unlen leaders er ten?rplicatecl fan guage and la rge n. -- Use heated. hyperbellc rheteric. terms - - Use everyday language. Use wertls and phrases in- tended fer net legislaters and trsrenlts. The mere clearly peeple understand seer unien refen'n. the easier It Is he sell these- Ideas. Fer auetd the clunltu' term "umen reccrti?catlenf?whith ne enc understands. Instead, use "Inverter vetlng rights,? a phrase that Immedi- atelu frames Il'Irhat the law elem fer unlen members. Eemmunicate breadly. wane referrn laws are mere relevant te current unlen members, mest nen-unien audiences respentl be the same messaging themes. This presides an epeertunitu fer clear. censistent messaglng acress the beard en rcferrn I'Is'lest e'e n?t think abeut unien Issues but de sympathise with the need fer ere?weriter referrns- lite r'unlen fat cats,? "cerrutrt UnIe-n besses." and ether euerlu negatite language reduces suppert fer refenn. Te pass referm. feces en gatherlng bread public suppert. net annealing te a narreu.I base. State Werkplace Freedern Tee-Iltit - . . . Tactics Feur Pelicgir Prescriptions fer Effective Unien Referrn: "?Fv?i?lj??zi- Preteen Unien Refern'i Pel?cies anci itrleciel Legislatien Werlter itinting Rights What It Dees Werlter eel-ting rights is a [Ineliet-I else trneWn as eatien.rr passed In Wiseensln in 1011.werlter uetine rights glues enlen members the right te eete every ene te three years an whether they want te maintain er replace their current un l-eh. Mast public uniens 1erere uretecl inte existence e'u'er Ei? years age. This means neerhr e'urerrlr current unien member has never heel the right he 1.Iete fer their unle n. These werkers are lining with the eensequenees ref a single eete east eleca-tl es earlier. Werlrer eating rights creates a new eheelt and balance fer the unlen. It allews members the ability In perledlcalltr re?ect and decide if their unien is presiding fer the signi?cant titles the members pee. It else allews unien leadership te he mere ancl tel members? needs when they knew a unlen eleetien is in the future. Where this pellet has been enacted, the 't't'?r'lterE' cheiee Is clear. Hundreds erf uniens have been and ceased in exist heca use members felt they did net receive ene ugh value frem the-IT Lin-Inn fer the clues they paid. The general euleiie else wieleltr suneerts this pelley'. Multistate ?elling 5PM eenduetetl In late 21115 fennel meret'hah 3" net ef enters supperteel requiring uniens te run fur re-eleetien eaten.r twe- eears. In surne states the supp-tart was a 5 high as Ball- percent. 5 State Finalist:I Neth-rlt WHAT UNIONS ARE Sit?ill'ilG El]: New ?at-k ?tters With Fewer Members, at Diminished Heiitieei Reie for Wisconsin Unierts hr ?11.1016 Dave Eisner. an Mseme leader here. has battled With Mt?. Walkerfet ?ees-?ea. Bittee the geese-nee was the HilwauI-ree executive. Mr. Eisnersai?. Ill?litreirreghre the same emu-units eimetlejrte theemeidltesi' He." Werker ?ir'eting Rights Highlights - Heeuires uniens te eliew unien members te eats e'u'ew twe ta three years en whether the; want te maintain er replace their current unien- I In these electi-tl?ls. unlen members have the eptlen te rene'l.liI their current representatien. cheese new rep-esentatlen. er eheese te have an esel usiee representation. I uniens failing at'e anti may eat fer a set eeri? eel at time, at least ene Ire-er: This dees net pre- vent ether uniens frem attempting te erganiee empletrees. 111111311111 J. Best Suited fer States Where?. - Werber eating rights reterms are yla bie in states that are heth and hen-Fi'lw. It is net mended fer states (such as ?hl'irg'lnla and Herth Earellnat that de net have eelleetlye bargaining rights fer publlt: setter unless I States with legislative majeritles and branches that su peert unien refe rm are the Ide- al candidates fer this Iegislatien. The Research: Fellingrlalessaging That Resenates Based an recent muldstate 5PM the I?ellewlng data were feu nd regarding werlter yeting rights: 1. Suppert fer the retert-i?tatien is initially high, and higher when pesittened as a bene?t te unlen rnernbers. Te gauge yete' supperty pallsters de?ned the prepesesl law in twe ways: It weuld require uniens te run fer re-electlen and seek the sappert at their members eyer'y tare years. er- It weuld preylde enlen members the ability ta yete te maintain er replace their unlen. Hearty in 1D yeters in each state inlttally suppert the prepesed law regardless at Its de?nitlen. :1 Eight In it] enters Initially agree L'l'Il-Ell't rrtemhers desert-re a unite in eheasing their unian and that emeewerlng them with a treble help te ensure their eeneerns are addressed and the unlen remains ?scally respensllale. I. Supper-I: fer reterti? :atien remains streng and increases In intensity after these suppe rti'ire messages: FInantiallt'eadjyI Teelkit 1- El Unlen members dEserye the right te yete fer their urtien representat-Ien, just as the general publir: has the rig ht ta yete fer their representatten In lteferming unien tien will glye werlters a say In detlelng whe best represents their interests. While it is Imperta nt te pretest the eultu re and heritage ef uhiens In the United Statesf the best Interests et' unlen leaders sheuld aeyer be placed abuse: the best Interests ef unlen members. Cemmen Arguments: What the Elther Side Says and Hear te Ceunter ?Wetter eating rights er rete rtifleatien is nething mere than an attaelt en the rights at markers te have a eel-ta." False: Werlter 'u'etlng rights allews unlen members the eppertunity t? yete fer their urtien representa- ttan Just eaters hate the eppertunity te yete te elast lawmakers. sets an eleetten standard that denies representatian te members even it a maint- ity pf yeters at a representatbre erganitatien." FEISE: TD maintalr?i the unien and prevent lew elee- tien turneut, werlter yetlng rights Ieglslatlen re- quires 5D percent plus 1 ef these severed te 1irete te the Lieier'i. If half ef theSe severed de n't yete te then the unien is "Lininn eleetiens are espe nslye and put an unnecessary burden an uniens." False: Research shears unlens can best electiens fer lass than $2 a yete usir-g third-party phene ant;i enline eating services. These systems are run by phleet'lye third parties and are secured using mili- tary-grade eneryptien te maintain eleetien integrity.1 State Freedem Teelldt . SI rm 2% What This Cauld Look Like in Your State I Marker-1g E?amplesusud in atherstatt-s r" I I WORKER VOTING RIGHTS Etitrting a nuw jab, must public war-Item In Ohin have rm chain as ten 5"}3 which uniun will negatiate their pay and benefit-t. 1hs:- ND In! I'?trw in ?15' Rig-hits ?Friar-[- i"I Over 93% at uninn member; have never had the appurtunity tn fur I: amt, "at their rEpresentatInn.? mum-:1 [.1qu II. In. ?:3th In Ltd-near?: tn 'm Iii- gn "ml-r union; lit-Tr}- him TU 'T'Ijtal'? am], It CH means that newer members have never had a my In their uninn representatiun. 1-1 IF. nl'rI r- Unlnn rewrtiticatian prmrid'u [thin wnrkerr. a unite and man: . . 1-555 equitable rapt'esentatlun fur current as we? at new lures. Ha! PROVIDING WORKERS A VOICE IN UNION ELECTIONS Purpose Why it?s needed What it would do - . . I Mutt tire-mars have never mad the Llniurts w-n-Jld be "anuired tn be Ohm .21 that: nr certify Meir unim awry years by members. Winners wuuld deaf-?ing 55'? have the t-z: renew the current - Dnce a uninn has her. cert'Iiecl as. the representaticm. charlie new 'ez-resentatiun. excluswe are limiter] Gr {house tn have "In ennusiva uptinn? far changing representati?r'l. representatinn. 2} Member Sup-part 1JEecret Ballot worker 1311'! Verified ElectIans Voting Rights rlre-ztt'rrn .1: held In: wh E-tt'c-r a raj-:uri-It' Ellfait-n-t '5 in l1": l: SI Racarti? cation Electiuns Pf?. I ?111State Network ?4 r'l'l't Harris y. Quinannicn Opt?Out Campaign Harris y. Quinn is a fave-rattle Supreme Eeurt decislpn that "partial?public emp'eyees? state-subsidised heme care aides and famin childcare pnpu'ld'ers tp apt-put pf unipn membership and cease paying dues. In states, traditipnal publlc empleyees lilte state markers and teachers already have this ability. us get tp apt-cut attheir unidnI they ?rst need tc knew they have a chuice. A direct marketing campaign te unien represented public empld-yees that cambines mail and digital helps raise atuareness and increase apt- aut rates. Well-run c-pt-crut campaigns can ca trse pu hllc-sectpr uninns tp esperlence declines in membership, casting hundreds nf theusands er euen millidns pf dcllars In rncney. Public-sectpr uniens generally spend a high percent? age at their budget pn and idealegical acr'ylty as much as sass fer acme pa rtial-puhlic empleyees? Tu cpmbat apt?put campaigns, public-setter us must ta prevent their members resigning and attempt te be r- suade members that apt nut te re-slgn up far unipn member- ship, ca using them he demte additienal staff and respu rces te erganitlng. This can affect the respurces and attentien auall? able fel' union leaders te deypte tci pcllitlcal acticin campaigns. It is crucial tp leverage the Harris Quinn ruling as much as pessibley as a legal challenge is liltely if the neat high cpurt jthe tice is rndderate cI-rliberal. Etest Suited fur States - Dptem campaigns can be run in any state. since they dd net require the passage pf any legisla- ?rm. i Ideal states far this effert l'la'u'e active SPni af-Hll- ate think tanks with a strung Iitigatien arm. I Access t-d lists at members is essential th this prpject. ?btaining lists Is a state-speci?c precass- The mast means at pbtalning lists is threugh requests rnade under state pub- lic laws. Eemmpn Arguements: What the Either Side Says and Hess ta Cpunter I Cipt?clu't marketing e?drts are attacks cm the unlpn lay anti-unlnn gruups. :3 False: Dpt-ciut simply unlpn members cf their rights as net participate in a unicn if they didn?t theyI are currently getting value equal ter- the best at their clues. Np ene ls {arcing em plcl'yees te lap-t 0th at their unniunJ just then-l pf their ability ta ch sci. If a unidn is presiding value ta Its r'nar'nlsersJ It shciuldn't have anything tci werry abpuL State Werl-tplace Freedpm Tcrulltit 11 I'm - ?g What This Eanld Laak Like: in ?r?aur State ?1?3??in W?ihlne?n Fraadam Feundatiun UNION TRANSPARENCY AND REFORM PROJECT: SEIU OUT $8 MILLION Thanks tn Freednrn anndatinn'a Unintt Transparency and Harm-tn Prnjaat, thnuaanda hame healthaata providers and family childcare. wan-tars haw.- 1aarnarl ahnut their Cnnatitutinnal ight tn inane the Ear-urine lntarnatinnal Uninn Inna uf members as well as its matting battle with the Fteadnrn anndatinri. ta heat: its captive membera than learning the truth is taking a tremendnna ?nancial tall an the uninn. The avatatl test It: EEIU NE and 515 [tr-tn January tn August late. is tniillnn. 12 - State Pulley i L'l Hm {gall F1 rm" Em El 113 1.0? El 1ilrJ 11:12.5? {13:13. 1.5M - 1 2? r1;- Free-dam Faunl:1.:1tiun Hm A: Eijurlt?tl? it"; r? l? :1 1 frurli Ln Dunne-Ha Fm; Bluff . TUTAL ,f I MILLION .Memnershi: Hepnrr . Hepnrt n55: Ha :rh n-_nhu? LIVE rnnuris' . F'uhlir: I'll??ln?ule f?ulnrnissinn - Enmpaigrl . Estimated $13513 [If mEilinqs. phunE :alls. widezs. unabsl'ta dare sta?f Salaries. cnnau?'nrj regs,- E. ?l?uluwre En mrnisaiun - th'rrving I'linclna'urF: Wml?ingmn State Minrne',? - Legal Act-inr' Againnl SFIIJ El Esti'nuta hasgd an inter-?aws with fur-re: 35 am? ?L'l If! (H- State Warkplace Freedom Tooiklt - 13 Right te Werlt What It DUES Flight te Werlt [H'Tisfi legislatien is the mast unien referm pelicv. Twentv?sis states cu r-renth.r eperate uncl er HTW laws. In the past Siiri veers, feur states have passed Indi- ana, Michigan; Iri'v'iscensinJ and West 'v'irginia. HTW legislatien cities net eutlaw er Liniens but sln'rpli,r alievis that werlrers are net ferceti te jein a unien as a candi- at their Right te Werlt Highlights . uhiens frern getting a l.verlter ?retl fer net paving them unien dues. II Dues net change cellective bargaining In anlv ether wav. .- Eeultl he seen by jet: creaters as a message that the state is net heune te special inter- ests. tensequentlv festering rel: and ecenerr- it: states that have passed Fi'l'i-llir have actualiv seen unlen membership in crease. Eiest Suited fer States Where." I eal states are current hen-FtT'u'lvI states with suppertive esecutive Isran ch er sup pertive legis- lative lentil-as with ve-th-rprcief levels ef suppert. 1-1 - State F'erlicgir Netvvrerlc . gun-I. The Research: Pellingii?v?iessaging That Resenates Hatienal cendutted lav Gallup in Edi-ii feunti that T1 percent at peeple suppert This terrespentls with mere recent state peliingr that she-vied El] percent suppert in West Virginia petere passage in Ellie.? Cemrnen Arguments: What the Either Sitie Says and Hear te L?eunter a "Flight te werlt lsjust the lFtight te werltfer less: night-te- suerit laws cause wanes ta decrease and harm False: Accertling t-e research he the Heritage Feun- datltit'l, lav-'5 have effect tan everall Wages? Mesl states are lecateti in the seuth, where the average cast at living is much than many nun- states. - "The 'rieht to remit Is a misnemer clue te the fact that he current law that deprives serene ef the l'l?l'lrt I:t werlt." False: In states witheut lat-vsJ vciu can be ?red fer a This deprives an individual at their right te werlt. "nght-tts-wnrit laws impuse a burden en lahnr units-n5 In representing free ride rs and nan-paying members." a This is trust. but laws lilte wail-Let?s cheice lcevered in the neat secticrni Hit the free rider prehlem and allpv.I nan-paving members te represent themselves fer centract negetlatlens. i Werker's Cheiee rt What It Dees In states that hatre passed lawsr trniens sb'll bargain and negatiate tentracts that cater beth unien ancl nen-unien members. This has been tailed a "free rider? preblem. where neeple whe ranted eut ef the unien still benefit frem its eelleetiue bargaining. We rlter?s chelce ?xes this se-ealled free rider Issue and allews nen-unien members te negetlate their salary and werltine eenditiens eacitages independe ntig and en their awn bah ail?. I Eiullds ueen itTW ia ws and aliews weriiers under a seller:- titre bargainlng agreement be but eut at their unlen and represent the msel'res individually. I allews Individual cent-acts te have merit ?air and ether individual werlter bene?ts and eretectiens Included. I Permits managers te glue be nuses and ether ample-trees Witheut unien eensent. I Makes ne meler changes in tellecb'tre bargaining. ?ne unien in a s?ll represents all unlen members, but hen-unien members represent themselves. I Renders the unien ?free rider? er "terced rider" argu? ment against laws null. i Preteets against unlen legal arguments which ce uld ever- turn th rtJ-ugheut the mantra. Best Suited fer States I Werltefs theite Is best suited Fer HITW states leaking te further eaeand werher freedem, as well as states en the ef passing HTW. The Research: Peiling?iriessaging That Resenates Based en a 3D stat-e pell released in FtuEUst EDIE, shews 55.395 tilt unlen members and unlen heusehelds weuld suppert Werher Chalice." While mest unien members sunre'y'ed sald the-IiI weuld star in their unlen. they believed It was impe rtant te have the eptien te eat-but ei' a unlen centract. Cemmen Arguments: What the Elther Side Says and Hew te Ceunter a "Weriter Ithiamine will create them fer empletrers and lewer wages fer empI-etrees with multiple ample-gees negatiating their ewn cempansatien eentraets." t: False: Werlters in the prl's'ate seeter right new ne~ getiate their ewn eemeensatien eacltages. Werner Chelee sin'lnll.r treats farmer unien members as the ef weriters in America we net have unien re presentatien er a unlen centre-st. State We Fre ed em Teelkit I What This Could Look Like in "t?our State Marketing eaamp1es from Mackinac Center for Public Felicv I CENTER 1' tr a ll n_lr 1 1: gm ?lm a .. FHEEIHE UHIDHE MID FRDH FURDED IIEPHESEHTATIQH THE PROBLEM Where there's a unionized workplace. there's fort-er] representation. That's true regardless of whether a state is :ight-to-werlc or not. Even if a union can?t get a. wot lcer?irecl for not pavi rig tiues. the worker is still bound by union representation. Unions call these we alters trapped by collective bargaining aga'eerner.is "free riders.? Eu: unions have actually lobbied for this requirement and use it to claim the moral high grouncl. Theft sag. "We are not given what is ours: the right to he paid for the work we are require-Li to perloi'i'n-" Building on this argument. unions have brough I: severa] court cases challenging right- to-werlt. Having to represent workers who cl an't per},r say. is aviolatien of constittnional takings clauses. Depending on the makeup of the LIE. Supreme Court. unions coulci use this argument to overturn seven clecacles nf precedent. killing right-to-worlt i or the entire nation THE SDLUTIDH Worker's Choice would end the issue of free or iorcecl rioersf? Worker's Choice would let workers who opt out of a unionin a tight-te-worlc state represent themselves before emplevers It would also free unions from having to represent nonnaging workers- [.111 i: - hm Em? . am 1Worker's Choice gives employees the choice of two options: -. Heat union the workinggoncliti'ons negotiated by the union: 2. behind. and working mmqm?n?g and provide gourm?g?on in grievanc es and other'tiEalings, That's what ever Eu? pertinent" 121? workers - those without Ionian 1."Jith Choice, each worker can stay in the union that is in the wort-t piace- alternately, they can negotiate for salarv. bene?ts and. working cenoitionsindependently. War. Werher?s Choice. uni-orsare freetl from having to represent woricers who are not paving there. and workers. are freecl from accepting forced union rapresentation. SAFEGUAHDS Dne-ar-nane Worker's Choice does not change collective bargaining for unionized workers in anv way. If there's a onion presence in a Workplace. it's one union that will still represent all the unionized etnplovees there- The ane-or-none provision . . . . -I ..I . It: .mlr I.1. ..I -- tl'l 1n! 'll ll.? is - State Policy Network safeguards against having multiple uniene at a worksite. - It imposes ne newr dirt-1r tn bargain on employ-ere Workers whe wish to exercise Worker's lEhoice are treat ed as nenunien and the employer is under no duty.r te negotiate with them, rnirrering tlie joh Heaters whe empley over percent of nonunion workers in the rest of the economy. An employer may. it he or she wishes. negotiate individualist with employees as a way to attract and retain top talent. - Uniena cannot affect individual centric? Werlter's Clieice prevents unions from basing their cenlract ei't the independent ernple'trei esr centrac ta. Fer example, unions cannet ea}? ti". at the highest paid independent ernplejree must be paid lower than the lcwe st paid union ernpleyee. BENEFITS EIF GHDIGE 1- Address see the main union ebjeetien te right-to-werlt: Choice eliminates the freerr forced rider issue. one of tinien's meat pewerful ebjee Lie-115 te 2. Protects legal challenges to right-te- werlt: Worker's Choice would negate the I'I'tEtlI'l. legal argument for overturning right-to werlt. the at guinent of violating the feltinge clause. Rewards employee productivity: Under Worker's Choice. employers can toward higher performing employees without being limited to a collective bargaining agreement. ltd-renew personal. ?exibility.- Worker?s Choice Lets werlters re present th emselees and negotiate their ewn contra ct e. which are driven by per senal needs rather than cellective enee. Makes uniena more reepensi?lr-e: Worker's Eheiee will require unions to: be there teepeneive tn the needs ei' their members e: rislr. losing them. Provides the be no ?ts to employers without impeaing new obligations; Worker's lilhoice does net create any new burdens on ernpleirera; its ene-er-uene Safegua againet multiple U?iene. The Einpluyer clees have an}? more incre asec'. e'eligatien te employees. exercising 1t'lierlter's Cheice than ernpleyers in a nenunieniced i-e. no dot}.r to bargain. EHDIGE WDULD LET WDRHEII5 TD UHIDH HEPHESEHTATIIJH AND LET UHIUHE SAT TD PHDVIDIHE TD merrierwwelventsraa Ma?kin?? Eenter 1e.? F'ublie Fell-31" ie deelea1ed to Interesting he understanding et anti pelit eel prineielee acne-rug oitizene. puts-lie et?eiale, enel eelnien leaders. The Center urnergecl ea ene lot the lergeat end rnee'. prelific. e'tl?le mere than 51} atetebeaeel r"re-e-ntaritet "thlnit tanks" in Medea. Fer mere IntermetI-en abeut the Mackinac.- Eenler and its p-tth'loetiene. eell er see eur webaite. StateWerl-tplace Freedem - - - Conclusion This tbe' kit builds an the estenshre research and countless les- sens lea read by and the state think tank netwark beer the last several tree rs. We?ve seen ?rsthand the were publle seeter uniens black free?market pellties and fight freedbm referrn. But it dbesnit have be be that wag. Unis-n reibrm she trial he a seal fer every state. APPENDIKISUFPURTING LINKS It?s time far lawmakers ta free themselves and unien members In their state irarn the undue in?uence pf gbuernme nt unlens- We knew what werks and haw ta get it dune. We are can?- dent and strategic In bur ap preach- 5PM is ready tb help. Flat I't can't happen In geur state witheut vau. Give us a ball and see hear unlbn ref-arm :eultl Ipbk In 1Fleur state. wbrker tinting ?ights Medal Legislatlbn Flight: ta Wurit Medal Legislation wbrker Chaise Made! Legislatlnn 1 "Big Labpr Spent LT Elillan p11 Ele-ttl-bneerlng tabbelng In Marin-net institute fer tuber Helplines Research- August 2?3. 2:113. limit!? 2 Jehr Wright. ?The Cit-st pi Laeer Heterrnf Shaw-Mr.- .I'nstitute. Last mediH eel {Jere bet EDIE. gpuernment-u r1 3 l'etfenr anes- "Americans App-rake pf but Plight tb Iiiu'erk?. Gallup. Last rnadlf'leti August east. a Shauna ?Metrb?ews for West Fpil ?nds sallel suppart far right-tantrum Ian's". Metrbn'e-nrs pf West Virginia. Lest September E, 5 an1 es aherk- IncreasE labs and Rh pipes?. The Heritage Feundatinn- Netenber?, resea IE "En-15 Results.? Hal-lanai Emplevee Freeriem Week. September 15-. ll] 15. 15 I State Puliejrluetwarl-t 'l'l'l'rl'l'l?l'lil'l'l i .1. r'T'h. APPENDIKA Wcrker venting Rights ivicciel Legisiatien Linien Hecertifieatinn hie existing [ecliective bargaining re presentatlve ,rf exclusive representative] as defined In [lab-er stratum] shall centin ue te represent [public em pleve ea] In a unit withcut the cercurrenee at a n'iajcritv at all [public in the unit. 1. The [heartir? ternnrissien] shall direct a secret traiiat electien ta the existing [ccllective ntative if exclusive representative] retains supple-rt at a majcritv at all [public empievees] in the unit. 3- Ti?! {beard} ii] ?ll all premulgate rules te preserve the puritv cf ele ctiens and te- preserve the secree'll.I cf the ballet. i. The [beard]Ir sh all determine tvheth er electlc-ns sh all be cenducted In-persc n, be rnall] bv tele phen e, ti-v internetabased svstems, cr bv anv ether rr-eans determined bv the [be-3rd! ternrnissipn] ta be fairr ccnfidential, anti reilahie. The beard shall alievv represented [public emplevees] tc ca st ballets fer a peried eF [seven IlavsiIr time prescribed in laber statute] ii. The [beerdi' ecmmissien] may establish a fee schedule trerr [cc'llective bargaining representative if exciusive representative] participating in electic n-s can-ducted under this secticln fer the purp ese cf funding at the electipns. tr. Sheuld the existing [ceileetlve bargaining representative eaclusive representative] receive affirmative vetes from a majeritv at all [public empinvees] ernpieveci In the Unit the pie-existing certificatien shall centinue. If the existing [epileetive bargaining representative Jr" exclusive representative] fails te receive affirmative vetes Frern a rnaj'crri'tv cf all [public ernpieved in the unit, the [breardiIr shell desertitv the [celiective bargaining representative exclusive representative] and the [public emplavees] shall be unrepresented. In the event at a terminaticn ct cert'ficatien, the terms at any pre-existing centract between the [cclleetive bargaining rapresEHtatlve I exclusive representative] and the [public en'rpip'llrer] shall pantinue and remain In efie ct Fer the remaining cantract term except fer anv previslens Invelving. Ir ant.I manner, the bargaining representative if exclusive representative] including but net limited te unien securitv, clues and fees, and grievance and arbitraticn- E. Feliuvving the decerti?catien at a [ccllective bargaining representative if exclusive representative] [Public emplevees] rnavI certifv a nevir [eciieetive bargaining represe ntativef exclusive representative] In accerdanee with [label statute] sc leng as the [public ernple-vees] are net Included with a substa nti?ailv similar er affiliated [Iabcir cI-rganleaticI-n er bargaining rEpresentative] tn the [labpr erganleatlpn er bargaining representative] Fer 11 menths tram the date pf rtificaticn. 3-. The [beardlf tern missien] shall start directing electiens Le certit' 1r n1 sjerilv suppers at existing [eeliective bargaining representative .rf exclusive representative] net ess than tvre and net mere than three jitters alter the effective date at this act and ever)r even numbered year thereafter. ele-aliens shall eecur as earlier than August and ne later than December Made! Legisiedenjrem reiieberati'en with State Hetwerirend the Mackinac center-fer Peptic Peiirp State Werltpiaee Free dam Teelirit . (Ex Right to Werk Medei Legialetictn night a. War}: Summary madel Right in Warlr Ml preyides that ne empleyee need juin er pay clues ha a unien. er retrain Ercrni Jeltting a unian. as a cenditicln empleynient. The establishes penalties and remedies l'er yielatictne at' the net?s Made] Fellcy {Title. enacting clause, etc.} Seeti-ctn. l. Title] This Act may he cited as the Fight tn WUrh Act. 1- iDEt?tItatittn pelican] It is hereby declared tu be the public pelicy at the State at {state}. in reader in matrimire individual freeden'i et' cheice in the pursuit and re enceurage an climate candueiye ta that tight tn shall nut be subject to undue restraint er ceercien. The right aarlr. shall net be infringed er re? stricted in any way based en membership in. a?iliatictn 1saith. er ?nancial suppert {if a letter erganiaatien. Sectien 3-. {Latter The term "latter urganiaatien? means any cut er agency empleyee repre- sentatien cemmittee unien. that cruciate fer the purpese. in whale er in part. at dealing with etnpleyers cancerning wages. rates at pay. heu rs elf were. ether cenditinna et' ether farms etcenipensatien. Sectien a. {Freedclni ei dieice guaranteed. discrimination prehibited.} tie persen shall be required, as a eenditiua bf empleynient er centinuati nn nfempleyment: [All ta resist: er refrain tram membership in. af?liation with. yeluntary ?nancial supperi ei?a lahclr ergani- aatien; in became remain a member bf a labrtr arganjsatictni [Cl tn pay any dues. Fees. assessments. ether charges n-f any lcind amen nt in a latter erganiaatiun; te pay in any charity clther third part}; in lieu at each payments. any arheunt equivalent in er a pee-rate pertlcui ei' dues. feea assessmente. er ether diarges regularly required at members eta laber utganlaatlcm; etr iE} te be recetumenried. app-raved, referred, er cleared by cur threugh a laber Seetictn 5. {veluntary deductiena pretectcd.} it shall be unlawfultc: deduct fIm't?l the wages. earnings. campensatien at an empleyee any unian dues. tees. assessments. er ether charges tr: be held fer. transferred in. er paid ever is- laher beganiastie-n. unless the ernpleyee has ?rst presented. and the empleyer has received. a signed mitten ailtherieatien nfsuch declu ctictns. which auih?rizaiielrl may be melted by the at any tithe by giving written netice at such reyecaticI-n tn- the empleyer. Sectien I5- {Agreements in yielatien. and acticI-ns te induce such agreements. declared illegal} Any agreement. understanding. at practice. written at eral. implied expressed. between any laher erganiaatien and empleyer that yielates the rights ef emphy- eEs rte git aranteed by pretrisiens at this chapter is hereby declared tn he unlawful. null and and. nine legal e?ect. Arty striice. picketing. er ether actiun by a lahrtr nrganlaatien [hr the sale purp ef' inducing er attempting ?te induce an empleyer enter inte- any agreement ptehihiled under this chapter is hereby declared in he fer an illegal puspese and is a yielatictn at the pm-yieiens efthis chapter. Made! iept'siei'ierl free-t American Legislative Etreitanpe Cairn et'i . State Pulley Netwerlc r'i'i?t APPENDIX Right in Werk Medel Legislatien [Certinuedi Sec lien Ii. [Eeercien and intimidatien pruhihiied.} It shall be nnlau-Ful t'er any parser-1. tuber erganiaatiun, er e?ieen agent er member theieel', er emple'yer. er thereef, by any threatened er actual intietidatien at an empieyee er prespeetiye empleyee. er an entpleyeds er empleyee's parents, speuse, children grand-children. er any ether persens residing in the empley? ee?s er [irrespective entpleyee's heme. er by any damage er threatened damage in an empleyee?r er prespecliye empieyee's preperty, t'u cempel er attempt to cempel such tn jein. af?liate with, er financially su ppert a laber er in refrain I'rem rising 5e: is elherwiac ferfeit any rights as guaranteed by pmaistens at this chapter. It shall else he unleash] is cause er attempt te cause an empr in be denied emnleymeui er discharged fretn ernpleyrnent because ut'sappert er efa iahur urga- niaslieu by inducing nr attempting te induce any ether persen ta refuse in with su ch empleyees. Seetien E. {Penalties} Any persen whu er indirectly yieletes any preyisien et this chapter shall be guilty ei'a misdemeanor. and npun centrictien thereei' shall be subject in a ?ne net esceeding {insert amen-tint] er imprisenrnent fer :1 peried el' nut mere than {insert time periedl. er heth such ii ac and imprisenment. Seciien iijiyil remedies} nny empleyee harmed as a result at any yielatien er threatened yielatien ef the preyisinns ef this chapter shall be entitled te injunciiye reliefagainat any and all yielaters er persens threatening yielaliens and may in additieu therete receyer any and all damages, including casts and reasenahle atierney fees. el' any character resulting item such yielatien er threatened yielaiiun. Such remedies shall he independent ef and in additien re the penalties and remedies prescribed in ether presasiens ef this chapter. ?ectien {Duty ie investigate} It shall he the duty at the press-curing atterneys ef each ceunty [er the atterncy general ef this state] in investigate centplaints cf yielatinri er Ihrealened vielaiiens ef this chapter and lie pmecute all per-sens yielating any efits pretrisieus. and re take all means at their cenirnand re ensure its e??ecliye enfereement. Sectien 11. [Fret-spicules applicatien.} The preylsinns {if this chapter shall apply in all sentracts entered inter after the effective date ef this chapter and shall apply in any renewal er entensien ef any resisting centract. .?ieetien 12. site emergency existing therefere. which emergency is hereby declared te salsa this he! shall he in full three and effect en and alter its passage and appreyal. Sectien 13:. [Severahility clause} Seciien 1-4. {Eepealer clause} Sectien 15. {screens date} hppreyed by the MIC Beard ei' Directers in lander-y 1995. Reappreyed by the ALEE Legislative Beard, January 23, M13. Mariel Legisieh'nn freer American legislative Exchange Ceuncii' State Freednm Teerleit - 21 l" l' ri'h APPENDIX Worker Choice iviociel Legislation App endis: A: Worker?s Model Legislation' De?nitions: "Independent bargaining" or r?to hargain independently" means to bargain between a public employer and a pohlic employee with respect to rates of payJ 1ivagesJ hours of employment, adjostrnent of grievan ces or other terms and conditions of employment without the intervention of an employee organisa'o'onJ bargaining agentI or esciusive bargaining representative. ii) independent bargaining does not grant any greater or lesser rights or privileges to public employees who have chosen to represent themselves in a unit with an eeclusive representative than those public employees in a unitsvithout an esclusive bargaining representative. Independent ba rgaining does not grant any greater or lesser duties or obligations for a public employer to public employees who have chosen to represent themselves in aonitwi th an exclusive bargaining representative than those duties or obligations the public employer owe to public employees in a unit without an evclosive bargaining representative. "Employee organisation" means any or organisation of employeesr and any agencyJ employee representation or plan in which employees participate diet esists, in whole or in partJ to advocate on behalf of employees about grievances, labor disputes, wages, rates of pay, hours of employment or conditions of work. "Public emplo yee" means a person holding a position by appointment or employment in the government of this StateJ or any of its political sobdnrisions, including. but not limited to, public and any antho rityJ commission or board, or any other branch service. ?Public employer" means any state or local government, government agencyJ government instrumentalitg. specia'. district. joint powers authority. public school board or special purpose organisation that employs one or more pe rsons in: any capacity. "Collective bargaining? means the performance of the mutual obligation of the representatives of the public employer and the employee organisation designated as an esclusive bargaining representative to meet and bargain in good faith in an effo rt to reach written agreement with respect to wages hoursJ and terms and conditions of employment. "l-iirclusive bargaining representative" means any employee organisation that has been certified or designated by the [state agency], pursuant to the provisions of finsert applicable state labor law] as the representative of the employees in an appropriate collective bargaining unit to represent the employees in their employment relations with employers- Public employee choice guaranteed. {as} Public employees shall have the right to independently bargain in their relaiions with the public employer- Model Mocli'inoc Can tea-for Public Policy 11 I State Pulley Network ?vl 1.5.5 a'1'h. {3 APPENDIX Whrker Chnice Muriel Legislaticrn {Cuntinued} [El] hie preyisiun cut any agreement between an em plciyee organisaticin and a public empitiye r, er any ether public pulicy, shall impbse representaiinn by an nrganiaatien tin public empleyees Wh? are nut members at that nrganiaaticin and have chnsen tn bargain independently. any celleciire bargaining agreement shall limit a public ability negcltiate with his public empluyer ta- adjust his directly with his public net shall a reseluh?nn ut'a ny such negotiatien ct grievance be nr limited by the terms hf a cullectiye bargaining agreement. There shall be nutrnere than cine exclusive bargaining representative designated by the [state agency] pursuant tn the pmyisi?-ns nt' [stale labur law] as the rep resentathre ut' the Public emplaye es in an appreprriate cullectl?lre bargaining unit. {Iii} Hp presisiun hi any agreement an etnpleyee erga nisatiun and a public empluyer, at any ether public pelieyl shall impese any wages er eenditirins cit fur members at an Et?l'lpl?ytte pr-ganizatlpn which are linked crl: ccintingent t1 pm: wages ur cif emplciyrnent tci public empl?yecs are that members cli' an urganiaaticl-n- Mendel legislation ?nsm Martina: CenterfurPuhircPuIiey State wnritplaee Freednrn Teelltit - 13 State Hatlunal Impact. (9mm POLICY NETWORK