. 111919;} 533.43% {51318; 58111777 Judge Caputo . ., Famil 'drgn?s 0 DIS 31?1111?: ?1115 1.15mizr1hmmg. j; 173? 1.: .1 -..-. FOUR FT Recommendation for Donald Basford 5L It is my recommendation that Mr Basford be considered for the Tulsa County Program. I believe this program would be a good option for him as it emphasqesg countabillty and monitoring for individuals suffering from severe mental illness. I met with M3585 three screenings with him: the TCU Drug Screen II, Mental Health Screening Form aiffl??riecp R?lsk Assessment System. Community Supervision Tool (ORAS- CST). All three screening tools have been 1 approved by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and recommended for use speci?cally for criminal justice populations. 1 Mr. Basford?s results on the TCU Drug Screen 11 indicate a relatively severe drug?related problem and corresponds approximately to a drug dependence diagnosis. Therefore, it is my belief that he would benefit from substance abuse treatment. According to the results from the Mental Health Screening Form 111, Mr. Basford answered positively for questions that are re?ective of associated with several mental health disorders. It is recommended that Mr. Basford be further assessed in regards to potential mental health issues that may require accountability and monitoring. The ORAS-CST covers seven domains: criminal history, education/ employment/ finances, family and social support, neighborhood problems, substance use, peer associations, and criminal attitudes and behavioral patterns. Mr. Basford?s overall risk score is in the high range which it is recommended by those that created the screening tool that an individual scoring in this range should be considered for enhanced supervision or residential placement and programming should be provided for moderate and high domains. Mr. Basford scored high in the following domains: criminal history and substancezabuse and subsequently scored in the moderate range in family/ social support, peer associations, and criminal attitudes and behavioral patterns. It is my opinion that if Mr. Basford is given a chance to actively participate in this program it could have a significant impact on his mental health and overall level of functioning. This could prevent or decrease future involvement with the criminal justice system. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration and please contact me if you have any questions or concerns, Michael S. Lewis, B.A., BHRS, CM Case Manager Family Children?s Services, Inc. Jail Diversion Program 918-596-8857 OFFENDER SCREENING PROGRAM Daze of mterview: f/q/I 3 Eamily Name? 8615 Karo! [Ea-25.9 01? Birth? ajasae Number: CF, I53 3 Charg??s?? v- Barn/4"" Dai K??z?T?iber of Prior?Feioniesi 3 Based on assessment result, individuai apnears to benefit from; :ei/ No Mental Health Services 3 Substance Abuse Servites Hm? Caurt Date' ?/gl?g Risk Assessment indicates: Low 3 Medium High Very High Diversion Treatment ., L16 .. .0.