DRMC CHAPTER 15 PROPOSED CHANGES DENVER ELECTIONS DIVISION O??ice of the Clerk and Recorder BACKGROUND Currently, Chapter 15 of Denver Revised Municipal Code contains out- dated de?nitions, fails to require any disclosure of contributions for independent expenditures and electioneering communications, and lacks ?nes for non-compliance with deadlines. The proposed ordinance is being brought forward now so the changes will be in place prior to the next Municipal General Election in 2019 and to provide time to update the online campaign ?nance portal to re?ect the legislative changes. REVISIONS . Clari?es various de?nitions, such as Candidate Committee and Election Cycle - Delineates between Issue and Political Committees . Clari?es reporting requirements - Moves the ?ling deadline from 5:00 pmto 11:59 pm - Removes obsolete terms based on de?nition clari?cations ADDITIONS . Creates the de?nition of Electioneering Communications - Creates the de?nition of Independent Expenditures . - Creates a reporting structure for Electioneering Communications and Independent Expenditures - Establishes a $50 per day ?ning structure if a ?ler misses a ?ling deadline, which a ?ned entity may appeal for a reduction or waiver - Creates more frequent campaign ?nance reporting intervals during non?election years CONNECT Ifyou need additional Denver' 720.865.4872 information please contact the ecto SD so :k ElectionsComm@denvergov.org Communications of?ce Denver Elections Division DenverVotes.org g/DenverElections #DenverVotes ?/DenverElections ./DenverVotes