RESOLUTION AGREEMENT The New School OCR Case No. 02-11-2094 In order to resolv e the compliance concern identified in Case No. 02~11-2094, the New School (the University) assures the U.S. Department of Education . New York Office for Civil Rights (OCR), that it will talce the actions detailed below pursuan t to the requirements of Tide IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (fitle IX), as amended, 20 U.S.C. § 1681 et §£S-, and its implementing regulati on at 34 C.F.R. Part l 06. Action Item: By October 15, 2011, the Un iversity will notify the complainant in writing 1hat she has the right to appeal the deci sion rendered on her sexual assault complaint that she filed with the University on February 17, 2011. If the complainan t elects to appeal the decision, the University will adjudicate her appeal in accordan ce with its current Sexual Assault Policy. Reporting Requirements: a. By Nov emb er 15, 2011 , the Univers ity will provide to OCR a copy of the writte n notice to the complainant referen ced in the Action Item, above ; and advise OCR as to whether the complainant has requested an appeal. b. If the complainant app eals the deci sio n render ed on her sexual assault compl aint, by Ma rch 31, 2012, the Univers ity will provide to OCR a copy of the decision reached on the appeal; including at a minimum , copies of the complainant's appeal, any additional information consi der ed during the appea l, and the specific reas ons for the decision reached on the appeal. The University understands tl1atOCR will not close the monitoring of this agreement until OCR detenn ines that the recipient has fulfilled the tenns of this agreement and is in compliance with the regul ations implementing Title IX, at 34 C.F .R.. 106.8, which was at issue in this case. The University also und erstands that by signing this agreement, it agree s to provide data and other information in a timely manner in accordance with the reporting requirements of this agreement. Further the University understands that during the monitoring of this agreement, if nece ssary, OCR may visit the University, interview staff and students, and request such additional reports or data as are necessary for OCR to detennine whether the University has fulfill ed the tenn s of this agreement and is in compliance with the regula tions implementin g Title IX, at 34 C.F.R. 106.8, which was at issue in th.iscase. q/,,}LI -~