UNITED ST ATES DEPARTMENT OF EDGCATIO'.\l OFFlCE FOR CIVIL RIGHTS 50 HE.-\LEST., SLllTE 7200 SAN FRANCISCO, C:A 94105 RECIO !\ IX Ci\1.IK)Rl':lJ\ MAR2 9 2013 Laura Skandera Trombley , Ph.D. President Pitzer College Broad Center, 2 nd Floor 1050 North Mills Avenue Claremont , Californ ia 9171 1 (In reply, please refer to# 09-12 -2151.) Dear President Trombley : On March 19, 20 12 , the U.S. Department of Education , Office for Civil Rights (OCR), received a complaint against Pitzer College. The complaint alleged that the College discriminated against the Complainant based on sex. Specifically the Complainant alleged that the College fai led to respond adequately to internal complaints she made stating that a male student sexually assaulted her. In addition , the complaint alleged that the College failed to respond adequately to an internal complaint the Complainan t made stat ing that other students retaliated against her by ostracizing her after she filed the sexual assault complaint. OCR enforces Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and its implementing regulation. Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs and act ivities operated by recipients of Federal financial assistance . The College receives funds from the Department and is subject to Title IX and the regulation. In September 2011 , the Complainant filed a compla int with the College alleging that she had been sexually assau lted in her dormitory by a ma le student who lived in an adjacent room. The College initiated an investigation and began a disciplinary process against the male student. The two students acknowledged that they had engaged in sex but provided different statements as to what else had occurred. In October 2011 , the Complainant requested that the College resolve her complaint informally without Student 2 facing expulsion. The College facilitated a confidential agreeme nt which both students agreed would fully resolve what occurred and all related matters that arose from the incident. The Aqreement ICbX6),(b)(7)(C) (b)(6),(b)(7)(C) l'lw Dcpartnwnt of Edu r,1tio11·..,mission i~ to promolt• stud( ·nt ,irhil'V('llH'nl and prrp;ir,1tion for globa l rompctitiVl'lll'SS hy fo~l<'ring l'Ullc,1tiom1l cxrcllcn, I' ,rnd (·n~uring rqu.il i1C'l'<'!i~. \\'WW .I'd .gov I Page 2 - (09-12-2151) (b)(6),(b)(7)(C) The Complainant has not returned to the College and does not plan to return , as she has transferred to another university. The Complainant also complained to the College that she was subjected to retaliation and ostracism by other students in her residence hall as a result of her sexual assault complaint. OCR identified certain concerns with the manner in which the College responded to the allegations of retaliation. OCR also identified some concerns regarding the College's sexual harassment complaint procedures . However, prior to the completion of the investigation, the College indicated its interest in a voluntary resolution agreement. Under OCR procedures (Article Ill , Section 302), a complaint may be resolved at any time when , before the conclus ion of an investigation, the recipient expresses an interest in resolving the complaint. On September 28, 2012, the College communicated to OCR that it was interested in resolving this complaint. OCR informed the College that resolving the complaint prior to completion of the investigation was voluntary . OCR also informed the Complainant of the College's interest in resolving the complaint. To resolve these issues, the College , without admitting to any violations of Federal laws enforced by OCR , voluntarily signed an Agreement which commits the College to the following steps: 1) revise the College 's Sexual Harassment Policy and Procedures and Code of Student Conduct Procedures ; 2) provide training to its relevant staff, including resident hall advisors, on the revisions to the Sexual Harassment and Code of Student Conduct Procedures and the College 's responsibil ity to respond adequately to student complaints alleging retal iation for reporting discrimination to the College ; and 3) provide annually , as part of its orientation to new students , information about the policy prohibit ing retaliation against other students who attempt to assert a right protected by the federal civil rights laws, or cooperation in any mediation, investigation, hearing , or other part of a discrimination investigation, conciliation or enforcement process. Based upon the College's assurance that the provisions conta ined in the Agreement are being or will be implemented , OCR considers the above-referenced complaint resolved as of the date of this letter. OCR is informing the Complainant of this resolution by a concurrent letter . OCR will monitor the College's full implementation of the commitments contained in the Agreement. Page 3- (09-12-2151) If you have any questions about this letter , please call Gemini Mccasland at (415) 4865536. Sara Berman Team Leader Enclosure cc: Arlene Prater , Esq. Best Best & Krieger LLP