UNI TED ST ATES DE PARTME NT OF ED UCATION REGION IX CALIFORNIA OFFICE FOR CIVIL RlGITTS 50 BEALE ST., SUIT E 7200 SAN FRANC ISCO, CA 94105 March 29, 2012 Laura Skandera Trombley , Ph.D. President Pitzer College Broad Center , 2nd Floor 1050 North Mills Avenue Claremont , California 91711 (In reply, please refer to case no. 09-12-2151.) Dear Preside~t Trombley: On March 19, 2012, the U.S. Department of Education , Office for Civil 7 6 received a complaint against Pitzer College (Recipient) . The Complainant , CbX),CbX XC) alleges discrim ination on the basis of sex. OCR currently understands the allegations to be: f(b)(6) ,(b)(7)(C) I 1. a student sexually assau lted the Complainant onl'-_____ _. 2011 , and that the Recipient failed to respond appropriately and effectively to notice of the sexual assault ; 2. the Recipient fail~d 6ta cesoaod ad~quately to internal complaints the Complainant 7 2011 , sta t·ing t hat a stu dent sexua IIy assaulted ma de, st a rt.mg o (b)( ).(bX · XC) her; 3. other students retaliated against the Complainant by ostracizing her after she filed complaints alleging a student sexually assaulted her; and 4 . the Recipient failed to respond adequately to internal complaints the Complainant made , stating that other students retaliated against her by ostracizing her after she filed complaints alleg ing a student sexually assaulted her. We have determined that the allegation(s) stated above is/are appropriate for investigation l:Jnderthe laws enforced by OCR. OCR will proceed with resolution of the complaint. OCR enforces Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Age Discrimination Act of 1975. These laws prohibit discriminat ion on the basis of race, color , national origin , sex , disability and age in programs and activities operated by recipients of Federal financial assistance. Additionally , OCR enforces the Boy Scouts of America Equal Access Act, which addresses equal access to school facilities and The Departme nt of Education's mission is to promote stude nt achievement and preparation for global compe titivenes s by fostering educa tional excellence and ensuring equal access . www.cd.gov Page 2 - (09-12-2151) certain other youth groups. The Recipient receives funds from the Department and is subject to the .above laws and their regulations as enforced by OCR. Because OCR has determined that it has jurisdiction and that the complaint was filed timely or qualified for a waiver of the timeliness requirement , it is opening these allegations for investigation. Please note that opening the allegations for investigation in no way implies that OCR has made a determination with regard to their merits . During the investigation , OCR is a neutral fact-finder , collecting and analyzing relevant evidence from the complainant , the recipient , and other sources , as appropriate . OCR will ensure that its investigation is legally sufficient and is dispositive of the allegations , in accordance with the provisions of Article Ill of the Case Processing Manual. Enclosed is a copy of The OCR Case Processing Procedures. We will contact you or your designated representative soon to discuss the allegations and complaint resolution process. OCR may close this complaint prior to making formal findings of compliance or non-compliance , provided that the circumstances or information gathered establishes an administrative or other basis for resolution in accordance with the Case Processing Manual. OCR routinely advises recipients of Federal funds and public education entities that Federal regulations proh ibit intimidation , harassment or retaliation against those filing complaints with OCR and those participating in the complaint resolution process . Complainants and participants who feel that such actions have occurred may file a separate complaint with OCR. Under the Freedom of Information Act, it may be necessary to release this document and related records upon request. In the event that OCR receives such a request, it will seek to protect, to the extent provided by law, personal information that , if released , could reasonably be expected to constitute an unwarranted invasion of privacy . Your cooperation is appreciated. If you have any questions please contact our office at 415-486-5555 . Charles R. Love Program Manager Enclosure U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights Data Request Pitzer Col lege # 09-12-2151 Please provide the following: 1. The name , title, address and telephone number of the persor :s) respons ible for coordinating the Col lege's compliance with Title IX and its implement ing regulation , which prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex. f such person(s)'s identity and contact information is disseminated to student~ , then include an expl anat ion of how this is done. I 2. The College 's policy addressing discrimination , including ha ·assment . against students on the basis of sex ; an explanation of how the poli :y is publicized or disseminated to students, faculty , staff , and administrators and any written notices about the policy. 3. The name. title and telephone number of the person(s responsible for implementation of the policy mentioned in Item 2 that ·elates to sexual harassment of students . 4. The College's grievanc e or complaint procedure available to '. tudents who wish to file a complaint of sexual harassment; an explanation of ho· ,; the procedure is publicized or disseminated to students; and any written notice~ to students about the procedure. If different procedures cover complaints of :?xual harassment filed by a student against another student , faculty member, ad11inistrator , or staff person , please include this information for each proced ire. If different proced~res cover complaints that involve sexual violence . p ~ase also include this information for each procedure . 5. The name , title and telephone number of the person(s responsible for investigation and resolution of complaints filed by a student or >arent under each procedure mentioned in Item 4, and a description of any s iecialized training provided regarding this responsibility. 6. Documentation of any complaints made to the College by the , omplainant or her parents alleging sexual harassment or sexual violenc1 ·, including any correspondence, investigative notes, records of contact, repo ts of findings and the like . If no such documentation exists. provide a written description of the grievance filed by the complainant or her parents , if any, tnd the College 's response. Page 2 - (Data Request: 09- 12-21 51) 7. A copy .of any agreement between the complainant, alleged c fend er , and/or the College to resolve any complaint made by the complaina 1t or her parents concerning an inciden t in September 2011. 8. A description of any proactive steps the College has taken fro n the beginning of the 2011-12 school year throu gh the date of this data reques to prevent sexual harassment , including sexual violence , against its students . 9. The name , job title and contact information of the individUc I the College has designated to be OCR 's contact for investigating this complain- 10. Any other information that the College believes relevant to this :omp laint.