Ronan, Barbara I I From: Brown, James Sent: Friday, August 25, 2017 8:56 AM To: Gore, Andrew Subject: FW: Office Coverage Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed Email #1 of 3. James E. Brown, Charlottesville City Sheriff From: Brown, James Sent: Friday, August 11, 2017 9:40 AM To: Marshall, William; Critzer, Paul; Greene, Michael Subject: Office Coverage When we have jury trials, the focus for the Deputy at the door is to check/screen jurors. This is even more important when we have a person in custody. The phones are not to be forwarded unless it is an emergency such as the need to respond to an incident involving staff, a disorder in the courthouse, needing to use the restroom, etc. A wedding (scheduled or unscheduled) does not take priority over the safety and security of the courthouse, persons in custody, and normal operations of the Sheriff?s Office. The Wedding Officiant will need to wait until there is someone in the office to answer the phones, radio traffic, etc. under these circumstances. Elamea GE. ?reman, ilil?l Charlottesville City Sheriff Albemarle/Charlottesville Regional Jail Board Chair Secretary of the Virginia Sheriff?s institute ?We need to be tough and smart on crime? Ronan, Barbara From: Sent To: Subject: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Email #2 of 3. Brown, James Friday, August 25, 2017 8:57 AM Gore, Andrew FW: Vacation Time Follow up Completed James E. Brown, 111 Chariottesviile City Sheriff From: Brown, James Sent: Friday, August 11, 2017 9:47 AM To: Marshall, William; Critzer, Paul; Greene, Michael Subject: Vacation Time 1 am contemplating having a policy that no more than two Deputies can be scheduled off on vacation at one time. if we have three scheduled off and one person calls out sick which seems to happen while others are on vacation - we are down over 1/3 of the staffing for the day. So we have to work with the staffing we have and that means we are not going to knowingly short~staff ourselves. IF we are able to get a Reserve program going and thereby have others that can help cover staffing shortages, even if it is just during morning court, we may be able to adjust the number of people allowed off at one time. Thoughts? Concerns? games GE. ?rnmn, Mill Charlottesville City Sheriff Albemarle/Charlottesville Regional tail Board Chair Secretary of the Virginia Sheriff?s institute ?We need to be tough andsmarr on crime? Ronan, Barbara From: Brown, James Sent: Friday, August 25, 2017 8:58 AM To: Gore, Andrew Subject: FW: Bodo's Closure Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed Email #3 of3. James E. Brown, Charlottesuille City Sheriff From: Brown, James Sent: Friday, August 11, 2017 10:10 AM To: Critzer, Paui Cc: Marshall, William; Greene, Michael Subject: Bodo's Closure Bodo?s on Preston Avenue will be closed Saturday. The other locations will be open. Elame? (IE. ?rnmn, ilillil Charlottesville City Sheriff Albemarle/Charlottesville Regional Jail Board Chair Secretary of the Virginia Sheriff?s Institute "We need to be tough and smart on crime? Ronan, Barbara From: Signer, Mike Sent: Friday, August 11, 2017 10:36 AM To: Stolberg, Sheryl Subject: RE: NY Times Here you go. Section about "transform?in?place" I referenced is page 9: "Retaining the sculpture in the park provides an opportunity to tell the complete story?good and bad?about Charlottesville?s past, and enables the city to confront the Jim Crow-era narratives of the sculpture and park in the public place where its prominence was, and is, obvious. "The Lee sculpture is a significant work of public art located in the authentic historic fabric of downtown Charlottesville. "This transformation may also create new interest and uses for the park. "Significant transformation of Civil War hero and Jim Crow-era monuments has never been done. To do so in Charlottesvilie would be of national and global interest and could serve to inspire many other communities to take action. "Numerous Charlottesville African American residents who have lived through decades of suppression of their history oppose removal on the grounds that it would be yet another example of hiding their experience. For them, transforming the statues in place forces remembrance of the dominance of slavery and Jim Crow white supremacy. "Transforming the sculpture in place may be a less costly solution, freeing up funds for other worthy causes". Mayor Mike Signer City of Charlottesville (434) 970?3113 A World-Class City From: Stolberg, Sheryl [] Sent: Friday, August 11, 2017 10:32 AM To: Signer, Mike Subject: NY Times Thanks so much. Appreciate you giving me so much time. Sheryl Gay Stolberg Domestic Affairs Correspondent The New York Times -- Washington DC. (202) 862-0366 (of?ce) (301) 332-0991 (cell) Twitter: @SherleYT Ronan, Barbara From: Signer, Mike Sent: - . Friday, August 11, 2017 10:33 AM To: Rice, Paige Subject: RE: Huffington Post phone interview When is this happening? Are they calling my cell? Can you put on my caiendar? Thanks From: Rice, Paige Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2017 4:55 PM To: Signer, Mike Subject: FW: Huffington Post phone interview Questions for HuffPo interview From: Lake, Leslie [] Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2017 4:54 PM To: Rice, Paige Cc: Dickler, Miriam; Hiil, Emil Subject: RE: Huffington Post phone interview Of course! They want to know how the rallies are affecting the community and what, as a mayor, he does when something like this happens to the city he serves. They?d also like his perspective on how the city is balancing the freedom of speech and expression in such a tense environment, and how a city can heal before and after events like the Unite the Right rally take place. Let me know if you need anything else. Ronan, Barbara From: Sent: To: Subject: Signer, Mike Friday, August 11, 2017 10:41 AM Leslie Lake; Rice, Paige HuffPo When is the interview again? Are they cailing me? NYT went very well. Sent from my iPhone Ronan, Barbara From: Signer, Mike Sent: Friday, August 11, 2017 10:45 AM To: Stoiberg, Sheryl Subject: RE: NY Times Also, one more thing to highlight is the way this community has come together to provide a wide range of activities this weekend. You can see them at including the "Reflective Conversations" program at UVA and several clergy alliance programs. Thanks again, Mike From: Stolberg, Sheryl [] Sent: Friday, August 11, 2017 10:32 AM To: Signer, Mike Subject: NY Times Thanks so much. Appreciate you giving me so much time. Sheryl Gay Stolberg Domestic Affairs Correspondent The New York Times -- Washington DC. (202) 862-0366 (of?ce) (301) 332-0991 (6611) Twitter: @SherleYT Ronan, Barbara From: Signer, Mike Sent: Friday, August 11, 2017 10:47 AM To: Rice, Paige; Leslie Lake; Hill, Emil (WAS-WSW) Subject: RE: HuffPo Is there any way we canchange to 11:00 am? Mayor Mike Signer City of Charlottesville (434) 970?3113 A World?Class City From: Rice, Paige Sent: Friday, August 11, 2017 10:45 AM To: Signer, Mike Subject: RE: HuffPo Hi Mike it's on your calendar for 11:30 today. They are calling you. Paige Rice Clerk of Council Charlottesyille, Virginia clerk@charlottesvilleorg (434) 9703113 ?--??0riginal Message From: Signer, Mike Sent: Friday, August 11, 2017 10:41 AM To: Leslie Lake; ehill@webershandwickcom; Rice, Paige Subject: HuffPo When is the interview again? Are they calling me? NYT went very well. Sent from my iPhone Ronan, Barbara From: Signer, Mike Sent: Friday, August 11, 2017 11:04 AM To: Lake, Leslie Cc: Rice, Paige; Hill, Emil Subject: Re: HuffPo Yes Sent from my iPhone On Aug 11, 2017, at 10:57 AM, Lake, Leslie (WAS-PWT) wrote: Hi Mike the reporter is actually getting on the train at 11 but will call you at 11:15. Is that ok? . Sent from my iPhone On Aug 11, 2017, at 10:47 AM, Signer, Mike wrote: Is there any way we can change to 11:00 Mayor Mike Signer City of Chariottesyiile (434) 970-3113 A World?Class City From: Rice, Paige Sent: Friday, August 11, 2017 10:45 AM To: Signer, Mike Subject: RE: HuffPo Hi Mike it's on your calendar for 11:30 today. They are calling you. Paige Rice Clerk of Council Virginia cierk@chariottesviliecrg (434) 970-3113 Original Message From: Signer, Mike Sent: Friday, August 11, 2017 10:41 AM To: Leslie Lake;; Rice, Paige Subject: HuffPo When is the interview again? Are they calling me? NYT went very well. - Sent from my iPhone . This message contains information which may be confidential and privileged. Unless you are the intended recipient (or authorized to receive this message for the intended recipient), you may not use, copy, disseminate or disclose to anyone the message or any information contained in the message. If you have received the message in error, please advise the sender by reply e-mail, and delete the message. Thank you very much. . . Ronan, Barbara From: Signer, Mike Sent: Friday, August 11, 2017 12:46 PM To: Galvin, Kathy Cc: Jones, Maurice; Murphy, Mike; Thomas, Al; Dickler, Miriam; Kathleen M. Galvin Subject: Re: Comms Support/Powell Tate Kathy, in case Maurice doesn't have a chance to respond - the firm is reaching out to us at the direction of Maurice?s office and with guidance and unified talking points that have been run through him. This is an effort to help different people achieve what you suggest, which is some unanimity and common talking points and to help us get there (given that we're coming from different perspectives). This is quite common work in their field, to meet with and advise different stakeholders inside a client. I had my conversation with them last night and it was tremendously helpful in both interviews and conversations i've had since then. Emil Hill has a lot of experience in communicating both on security and race and ican?t recommend the experience enough. I hope you choose to meet with them! (Our engagement with them includes advice both to staff and to electeds, all under the umbrella of the City Manager?s engagement through his office). - Hope that helps. Mike Sent from my iPhone On Aug 11, 2017, at 12:27 PM, Galvin, Kathy wrote: Hello Maurice and Mayor, This email from Leslie Lake of Powell Tate raises a lot of questions for me. 1.) Why is an outside consultant inviting individual councilors to use their services "to provide any communications help needed?" 2.) Why would individual councilors need "communications help" at this point when we should all be going through Miriam and Chief Thomas? if this assistance is something specifically requested by staff, than I would feel better about that. 3.) Aren't they consultants to the city government, not individual councilors? 4.) isn't it critical right now for councilors to be of one voice and as Maurice said yesterday, to let staff do theirjob? Again if this assistance is something specifically requested by staff than i would feel better about it. Still 1 find it hard to see how we would project one voice with five different councilor communication plans. 5.) What is the baseline contract amount for services provided by Powell Tate and what is added cost to the city to provide each councilor with their own communications help? Please advise. Thanks much. Kathy Kathleen M. Galvin, AIA Charlottesville City Councilor (434) 249-6404 Begin forwarded message: From: "Lake, Leslie Date: August 11, 2017 at 12:05:47 PM EDT To: "wbellamy@charlottesvilleorg" "" "kgaEvin@charlottesvilleprg" "bfenwick@charlottesville. org" , "msigner@charlottesville org' ' Cc: "Dickier, Miriam (dickler@charlottesville. org)" , "ricep@charlottesvilleorg" "Hill, Emil (WAS Subject: Comms Support/Powell Tate Hi all As you are aware, the City of Charlottesville has retained Powell Tate to assist with communications efforts this week. My colleague, Ernil Hill (cc?d here), and are here from Powell Tate onsite at City Hali and available to answer questions or provide any communications help needed. Right now, we?re in the 2nd floor conference room in the City Manager?s office. Our contact information is below, please don?t hesitate to reach out. Emil Hill:; 202?468?3985 Leslie Lake: 864?590?3974 Best, Leslie Leslie Lake Powell Tate o: 202.585.2015 0: 864.590.3974 liake owelitatecom This message contains information which may be con?dential and privileged. Unless you are the intended recipient (or authorized to receive this message for the intended recipient), you may not use, copy, disseminate or disclose to anyone the message or any information contained in the message. If you have received the message in error, please advise the sender by reply e~mail, and delete the message. Thank you very much. Ronan, Barbara From: Signer, Mike Sent: Friday, August 11, 2017 1:23 PM To: Toy, Sarah Cc: Rice, Paige; Subject: Re: Connect Sarah - sure. Paige and Leslie will arrange. Mike Sent from my iPhone On Aug 11, 2017, at 1:18 PM, Toy, Sarah wrote: Hi Mayor Signer, Hope you're well. This is Sarah from USA Today again. I wanted to see if you might be available to talk with me a bit about the rally tomorrow. I'm interested in what your thoughts are, why you think these groups have set their focus on Charlottesviile and how the city is preparing to keep residents safe. Take care, Sarah Originai Message From: Signer, Mike Sent: Friday, Juiy 7, 2017 4:34 PM To: Toy, Sarah Subject: Connect Sarah, I?m happy to talk with you. My cell is (434) 284?2588. Mike Signer Sent from my iPhone Ronan, Barbara From: Signer, Mike Sent: Friday, August 11, 2017 1:41 PM To: Hill, Emil Lake, Leslie Jones, Maurice; Dickler, Miriam Cc: Rice, Paige Subject: Press conference? Just checking in on thoughts about a press conference today. I'm all set for one and planning on 3:30 or 4 pm. or whenever works (I?ve got an interview at 3 pm. that also could be moved). Thanks, Mike Mayor Mike Signer City of Charlottesviile (434) 970?3113 A World-Class City Ronan, Barbara From: Signer, Mike Sent: Friday, August 11, 2017 2:06 PM To: Lake, Leslie Cc: Rice, Paige; Hill, Emil Dickler, Miriam Subject: RE: Connect Will do, thanks. From: Lake, Leslie (WAS-PWT) [] Sent: Friday, August 11, 2017 2:04 PM To: Signer, Mike Cc: Rice, Paige; Hill, Emil Dickier, Miriam Subject: RE: Connect Hi Mike This interview has been booked for 2:30 this afternoon, Sarah will call you on your cell phone. You can use the talking points we discussed iast night for this conversation as well. Leslie Original From: Signer, Mike [mailto: msigner@charlottesville. org] Sent: Friday, August 11, 2017 1:23 PM To: Toy, Sarah Cc: Rice, Paige; Lake, Leslie (WAS-PWT) Subject: Re: Connect Sarah sure. Paige and Leslie will arrange. Mike Sent from my iPhone On Aug 11, 2017, at 1:18 PM, Toy, Sarah wrote: Hi Mayor Signer, Hope you're well. This is Sarah from USA Today again. i wanted to see if you might be availabie to talk with me a bit about the rally tomorrow. I'm interested in what your thoughts are, why you think these groups have set their focus on Charlottesville and how the city is preparing to keep residents safe. Take ca re, Sarah Original Message From: Signer, Mike Sent: Friday, July 7, 2017 4:34 PM To: Toy, Sarah Subject: Connect Sarah, I'm happy to talk with you. My cell is (434) 284?2588. Mike Signer Sent from my iPhone This message contains information which may be confidential and privileged. Unless you are the intended recipient (or authorized to receive this message for the intended recipient), you may not use, copy, disseminate or disclose to anyone the message or any information contained in the message. If you have received the message in error, please advise the sender by reply email, and delete the message. Thank you very much. Rona n, Barbara From: Signer, Mike Sent: Friday, August 11, 2017 2:07 PM To: Hill, Emil Leslie Lake Cc: Rice, Paige Subject: FW: Press conference? I'd appreciate talking points on thanks for first responders as well. That's the only new point I need to hit on the points you gave to me last night. We also need to get the talking points from UVA about their events. Paige, can you try and shake those down from Anthony de Bruyn? I'll read them I guess. Thanks. Mayor Mike Signer City of Charlottesville (434) 970?3113 A World-Class City From: Jones, Maurice Sent: Friday, August 11, 2017 2:05 PM To: Signer, Mike; Hiil, Emil Lake, Leslie Dickler, Miriam Cc: Rice, Paige Subject: RE: Press conference? The Chief will not be available until 4:30. So we can do it then. Sent with Good From: Signer, Mike Sent: Friday, August 11, 2017 1:41:03 PM To: Hiil, Emil Lake, Leslie Jones, Maurice; Dickler, Miriam Cc: Rice, Paige Subject: Press conference? Just checking in on thoughts about a press conference today. I'm ali set for one and planning on 3:30 or 4 pm. or whenever works (I've got an interview at 3 pm. that also could be moved). Thanks, Mike Mayor Mike Signer City of Charlottesville (434) 970-3113 A World~Class City Ronan, Barbara From: Signer, Mike Sent: Friday, August 11, 2017 2:10 PM To: - Jones, Maurice; Hill, Emil Lake, Leslie Dickler, Miriam; Brown, Craig Cc: Rice, Paige Subject: RE: Press conference? Stating the obvious, but Emil and Leslie, the court hearing is at 2:30 pm. so please we should be prepared to talk about both scenarios of winning and losing (assuming the court has announced by then). Including City Attorney Craig Brown here as he should probably be involved in anything we say at 4:30 related to the case. Thanks, Mike From: Jones, Maurice Sent: Friday, August 11, 2017 2:05 PM To: Signer, Mike; Hill, Emil Lake, Leslie Dickler, Miriam Cc: Rice, Paige Subject: RE: Press conference? The Chief will not be available until 4:30. So we can do it then. Sent with Good From: Signer, Mike Sent: Friday, August 11, 2017 1:41:03 PM To: Hill, Emil Lake, Leslie Jones, Maurice; Dickler, Miriam Cc: Rice, Paige Subject: Press conference? Just checking in on thoughts about a press conference today. I'm all set for one and planning on 3:30 or 4 pm. or whenever works (I've got an interview at 3 p.rn. that also could be moved). Thanks, Mike Mayor Mike Signer City of Charlottesville (434) 970-3113 A World-Class City Ronan, Barbara From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Signer, Mike Friday, August 11, 2017 2:29 PM Hiil, Emil Leslie Lake Jones, Maurice; Dickler, Miriam WaPo article storv.html?utm term=.c1c3d3c8728b Would be nice to get another bite at the apple with the talking points about con?dence and preparation we discussed last night and that I'm using today. Is there any chance of Heim doing another article? He was on the case during July 8. Mayor Mike Signer City of Charlottesviile (434) 970-3113 A World?Class City Ronan, Barbara From: Signer, Mike Sent: Friday, August 11, 2017 2:55 PM To: Lake, Leslie Subject: Re: CNN interview Sure! Sent from my iPhone On Aug 11, 2017, at 2:50 PM, Lake, Leslie wrote: Hi Mike - Emii and are in the second floor conference room at the moment. Happy to pop by your office for the 3pm with CNN Leslie Lake Powell Tate 0: 202.585.2015 0: 864.590.3974 llake owefltatecom This message contains information which may be con?dential and privileged. Unless you are the intended recipient (or authorized to receive this message for the intended recipient), you may not use, copy, disseminate or disclose to anyone the message or any information contained in the message. If you have received the message in error, please advise the sender by reply e~mail, and delete the message. Thank you very much. Ronan, Barbara From: Signer, Mike Sent: Friday, August 11, 2017 3:33 PM To: Hatter, Joe Cc: Lewis, Wendy; Thomas, Al; Rabbi Tom Gutherz; Subject: Re: CBI concerns Thanks, CC'ing Rabbi Tom and Executive Director Sent from my iPhone On Aug 11, 2017, at 3:17 PM, Hatter, Joe wrote: Mr. Signer, i would be happy to speak with Rabbi Gutherz and CBl's Executive Director Kathym Mawyer. Please pass atong my name and number to them. Thanks, Lieutenant Joe Hatter Charlottesville Police Department (434) 566-1425 hatter@charlottesville.orq From: Lewis, Wendy Sent: Friday, August 11, 2017 3:07 PM To: Hatter, Joe Subject: Fwd: CBI concerns Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: "Thomas, Date: August 11, 2017 at 2:58:13 PM EDT T0: "Lewis, Wendy? <> Subject: FW: CBI concerns S. Thomas Chief of Police Charlottesville Police Department I (434) 970?3289 From: Signer, Mike Sent: Wednesday, August 9, 2017 4:00 PM To: Jones, Maurice; Thomas, Al; Pleasants, Gary; Murphy, Mike Subject: CBI concerns Maurice, Al, Gary, Mike: This is a special request regarding Congregation Beth Israel. I just spoke with Rabbi Tom Gutherz there. Their current plans are to have a single outside security guard on Friday night and during the day on Saturday. They have services at 6:15 pm. on Friday night and 9?11 am. on Saturday. They are obviously right next to Emancipation Park. The rhetoric on the oniine sites right now is quite intensely anti?Semitic. This post on Daily Stormer about the rally ends reads, "Next stop: VA. Final stop: Auschwitz. This post on Daiiy Stormer reads, ?the cops are siding with us over the evil Jew Mayor Michael Singer and his Negroid Deputy Wes Bellamy. We have it on good authority that the Chief of police is going to ensure that the protest goes through as planned, regardiess of what the ruling kike/Negroicl powers are attempting." i listened to a podcast yesterday with two of the organizers and they referred negatively to Jews and to the fact that a synagogue was "two blocks away" from the rally. They also talked about how on Friday night roving bands of ralliers will be defying restaurants who deny them service. This could add an element of unpredictability on Friday night as well. Given all of these variables I feel it would be prudent for us to have a more overt police presence near CBI. Rabbi Gutherz suggested a car stationed in front of the building, and an offer nearby, which is the customary practice during High Holidays services. I would be grateful it i could connect someone from CPD to Rabbi Gutherz and CBl's Executive Director Mawyer (I just forwarded you a message she sent). Thanks in advance, Mike Mayor Mike Signer City of Charlottesville (434) 970-3113 A World-Class City Ronan, Barbara [m From: Signer, Mike Sent: Friday, August 11, 2017 7:34 PM To: Signer, Mike Subject: Fwd: Statements for City Council Attachments: Statements for City CounciL 8.11 docx; ATT00001.htm Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: "Lake, Leslie (WAS Date: August 11,2017 at 4: 10: 20 PM EDT Toz? wbeilamy@charlottesville. org" , szakos@embaromail. corn" "" "bfenwick@charlottesvilleorg? " Cc: "Dickler, Miriam "ricep@charlottesviilecrg" "Hill, Emil Subject: Statements for City Council Hi everyone Attached please find a few statements for you all to use today and tomorrow both before and after the rallies. Understanding your constituents will want to hear from you over the next few days, we?ve drafted these statements to give you the opportunity to provide a unified message and reiterate the City?s commitment to freedom of speech, assembly and the safety of your residents and Visitors. These points align closely with the messages being used by the Police Chief, Mayor and City Manager. If you do use social media, we?d recommend caution over the next few days and would encourage you to share these messages with your followers and continue to point them for additional information to the City?s Twitter account and Facebook page for updates on logistics/road closures. Information shared on both of those pages will be considered official statements. If there are any statements or announcements being sent to the press tomorrow, Miriam (or i) will also share those with you. I will be available onsite tomorrow throughout the day so please don?t hesitate to give me a call with any questions at 854?590?3974. Best, Leslie Leslie Lake Powell Tate o: 202.585.2015 0: 864.590.3974 llake oweiltatecom From: Lake, Leslie Sent: Friday, August 11, 2017 12:06 PM To: msioner@chariottesville.oro . Cc: Dickler, Miriam riceD@charlottesviile.oro; Hill, Emil (WAS-WSW) Subject: Comms Support/ Powell Tate Hi all As you are aware, the City of Charlottesville has retained Powell Tate to assist with communications efforts this week. My colleague, Emil Hill (cc?d here), and i are here from Powell Tate onsite at City Hall and available to answer questions or provide any communications help needed. Right now, we?re in the 2nd floor conference room in the City Manager's office. Our contact information is below, please don?t hesitate to reach out. Emil Hill: ehii @webershandwickcom; 202-468-3985 Leslie Lake:; 864?590?3974 Best, Leslie Leslie Lake Powell Tale 0: 202.585.2015 c: 864.590.3974 Flake owelltatecom This message contains information which may be con?dential and privileged. Unless you are the intended recipient (or authorized to receive this message for the intended recipient), you may not use, copy, disseminate or disclose to anyone the message or any information contained in the message. If you have received the message in error, please advise the sender by reply e-mail, and delete the message. Thank you very much. From: Sent: To: Subject Ronan, Barb??ara .. .. .. Signer, Mike Friday, August 11, 2017 9:37 PM Jones, Maurice;; Dickler, Miriam Fwd: City Statement Regarding Court Ruling This is very strong. Thank you. Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: "Dickler, Miriam" Date: August 11, 2017 at 9:33:57 PM EDT To: "Dickler, Miriam" Subject: City Statement Regarding Court Ruling "While the City is disappointed by tonight's ruling we will abide by the judge's decision. The goal in moving the Unite the Right Rally from Emancipation Park to a larger, more accommodating space like McIntire Park had nothing to do with the content of the demonstrators? speech. The decision was made based on the proiected number of demonstrators expected in our one acre park in downtown and the public safety needs of our community. Chief Thomas, his team and the hundreds of law enforcement officials in our City will now turn their full. attention to protecting the Downtown area during tomorrow's events." MEDIA NOTE: Please use logistical information for Emancipation Park. Miriam i. Dickier Director of Communications City of Charlottesville, Virginia From: Sent: To: Subject: Ronan, Barbara Signer, Mike Friday, August 11, 2017 9:47 PM Walker Re: You're part of the head! I?m sorry you think that. I will pray for you with love tonight. Bless your heart. Mike Sent from my iPhone On Aug 11, 2017, at 9:44 PM, Walker wrote: CURRENT SYSTEM OF CONTROL DEPENDS ON BLACK IT IS NOT DISPROVED OR UNDERMENDED BY ?Michelle Alexander "Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed." "Negroes are still at the bottom of the economic ladder. They live within two concentric circles of segregation. One imprisons them on the basis of color, while the other confines them within a separate culture of poverty. The average Negro is born into want and deprivation. His struggle to escape his circumstances is hindered by coior discrimination. He is deprived of normal education and normal social and economic opportunities. When he seeks opportunity, he is told, in effect, to lift himself by his own bootstraps, advice which does not take into account the fact that he is barefoot." ?Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Ronan, Barbara From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Signer, Mike Saturday, August 12, 2017 12:36 AM Dickler, Miriam; Jones, Maurice; Re: Have there been any arrests/injured? Miriam Dickler, our communications director, is the right person for your question. Sent from my iPhone On Aug 12, 2017, at 12:30 AM, wrote: Hello Mayor Singer. Bernie of Reuters here. Can you answer this question from subject line and/or let me know whom to call at the police department? I noticed your statement in screenshot posted on Twitter. Thanks, Bernie Bernie Woodall Correspondent, US. General News Route rs Office: (954) 440-2927 Mobile: (313) 443-3344 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject Ronan, Barbara Signer, Mike Saturday, August 12, 2017 9:34 AM Thompson, Lisa Rice, Paige;; Leslie Lake Re: DON LEMON INTERVIEW REQUEST Emil and Leslie will handle, thanks. Sent fro On Aug my iPhone 12, 2017, at 9:25 AM, Thompson, Lisa wrote: Hi Paige, Could you direct me to the right person to request an interview with the Mayor for Monday night regarding the protest today. We are live from 10pm ET 12amET. Thanks so much. Lisa Thompson Editorial Producer, CNN Tonight (202) 492-4602 Ronan, Barbara From: Signer, Mike Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2017 11:22 AM To: Cumbo, Micheiie (NBCUniversal) Cc: Rice, Paige; Leslie Lake; Subject: Re: Need to talk to you from Leslie and Emil can work with you. Sent from my iPhone On Aug 12, 2017, at 11:12 AM, Cumbo, Michelle (NBCUniversa!) wrote: CALL ME 917-364-8437 Ronan, Barbara From: Signer, Mike Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2017 11:27 AM To: . Belkin, Doug Cc: Leslie Lake Subject: Re: Wall Street Journal interview request Sent from my iPhone On Aug 12, 2017, at 11:22 AM, Beikin, Doug wrote: Hi Mayor Signer, my name is Doug Belkin and I am a reporter at the 1 am writing about the march in Charlottesvilie. Are you available for an interview this morning? Thanks very much. Sincereiy, Douglas Belkin Higher Education Reporter The Wall Street Journal 0. (312) 750-4036 (3. (312) 430-7429 1 S. Wacker Dr. 17th ?oor Chicago, IL 60606 Twitter: @dougbelkin Ronan, Barbara From: Signer, Mike Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2017 11:30 AM To: Leslie Lake Subject: Fwd: CNN looking to speak with Mayor Signer Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: "Joseph, Elizabeth" Date: August 12, 2017 at 11:11:12 AM EDT To: "" Subject: CNN ?looking to speak with Mayor Signer Good afternoon: CNN is looking to speak with May Signer as soon as possible regarding the ongoing clashes in Charlottesville. Please let me know of any availability as we are covering this as breaking news and would like to speak with him on air as ASAP. Please let me know the best number to call or you can reach me on: 212.275.7820 Thank you, Elizabeth Ronan, Barbara From: Signer, Mike Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2017 11:30 AM To:; Leslie Lake Subject: Fwd: Need to talk to you from Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: "Cumbo, Michelle (NBCUniyersal)" Date: August 12, 2017 at 11:23:17 AM EDT To: "'Signer, Mike?? Cc: "Rice, Paige" Leslie Lake ?" Subject: RE: Need to talk to you from Want to get you on the phone asap From: Signer, Mike Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2017 11:22 AM To: Cumbo, Michelle (NBCUniversai) Cc: Rice, Paige; Leslie Lake; - Subject: Re: Need to talk to you from Leslie and Emil can work with you. Sent from my iPhone On Aug 12, 2017, at11:12 AM, Cumbo, Michelle (NBCUniversal) wrote: CALL ME 917?364?8437 . From: Signer, Mike Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2017 1:02 PM To: Mcmahon, Anthony R. Cc: Leslie Lake;; Rice, Paige Subject: Re: Good Morning America ABC News Thanks. Emil and Leslie will work with you. Sent from my iPhone On Aug 12, 2017', at 12:55 PM, Mcmahon, Anthony R. wrote: Hi Mayor Signer, Anthony McMahon from ABC News Good Morning America here so sorry to bother you. Tomorrow morning on GMA, we plan on covering the state of emergency in Charlottesville and would like to know if you would be interested in joining us tomorrow or Monday morning to discuss. Please feel free to give me a call when you can. Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks, Anthony McMahon ABC News Good Morning America 47 W. 66th Street, 6th Floor, New York, NY 0: 212-456-6644 C: 646-808-6436 Ronan, Barbara From: Signer, Mike Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2017 2:25 PM To: Jones, Maurite; Murphy, Mike; Dickier, Miriam;; Leslie Lake; Thomas, Subject: 4 pm Starting a thread re the 4 pm presser. Emil is on the case and will be at the pre?meeting. Need instructions on time and place. Talking points and frame will come out. Sent from my iPhone Ronan, Barbara From: Signer, Mike Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2017 2:25 PM To: McNamara, Cassie (NBCUnEversal) Cc:; Leslie Lake Subject: Re: Hardball with Chris Matthews Emil and Leslie will work with you. Sent from my iPhone On Aug 12, 2017, at 2:10 PM, McNamara, Cassie (NBCUniversal) wrote: Afternoon Mayor Signer, . Would you be able to join Hardball with Chris Matthews on live Monday night in the 7pm hour to discuss this weekends unfortunate events and the swift actions you've taken? Thank you, Cassie Cassie Bobotas McNamara Booking Producer, Hardball with Chris Matthews] Mobile: 202?365?8407 Office: 202?661?2560 Ronan, Barbara From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Sent from my iPhone Signer, Mike Saturday, August 12, 2017 2:26 PM Jones, Maurice Leslie Lake; Re: Comment 011 Aug 12, 2017, at 2:08 PM, Jones, Maurice wrote: ?We are angry about what happened in our City today. This is not the Charlottesville that we know and love. This is not the Charlottesville that welcomes people of all backgrounds and cherishes our diversity. We ask our residents to join us in praying for those who were injured in the heartbreaking incident on Water Street. And for everyone?s safety as we continue to address this emergency situation.? Maurice Ronan, Barbara From: Signer, Mike Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2017 2:38 PM To: Lee Spears Cc: Rice, Paige Subject: Re: Automatic reply: verifying @MikeSigner Yes. Sent from my iPhone On Aug 12, 2017, at 2:37 PM, Lee Spears wrote: Hi just need a quick reply on this please. Thank you. Lee Spears Bloomberg News, New York email: office: (212) 617?5806 I mobile: (347) 603?3107 From: At: 08/12/17 14:36:36 To: Lee Spears Subject: Re:Automatic reply: verifying @MikeSigner Thank you for your email to Mayor Mike Signer. Please know that we receive many letters, emails and phone calls each day. Your message will be shared with Mayor Signer, and your views wili be given full consideration. If your message concerns a City service, it will be directed to the appropriate agency. If you wouid iike to follow up more specifically, please contact Paige Rice, Clerk of Council, at (434) 970?3113 or ricen@chariottesvilie.oro. Thank you for your understanding, and thank you for taking the time to contact Mayor Signer. Ronan, Barbara From: Signer, Mike Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2017 3:37 PM To: Rice, Paige Cc: Jones, Maurice; Dickier, Miriam; Subject: Press conference Paige, I think you or Maurice needs to invite Council to a press conference that will be held at Zehmer Hall at 6 15m. Also notice a meeting. Maurice will clarify with you. Thanks. Sent from my iPhone Ronan, Barbara From: Signer, Mike Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2017 3:42 PM To: Leslie Lake; Subject: Fwd: Washington Post reporter. Sent from my iPhone Begih forwarded message: From: "Heim, Joe" Date: August 12, 2017 at 3:30:40 PM EDT T0: "msigner?zleharlottesvilleorg" Mayor I know you're extremely busy. Can we talk for 3 minutes? Sent from my iPhone Ronan, Barbara From: Signer, Mike Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2017 3:49 PM To: Neus, Nora Cc: Leslie Lake; Subject: Re: CNN Anderson Cooper Monday Thanks Nora. Leslie and Emil here will handle. Sent from my iPhone On Aug 12, 2017, at 3:46 PM, Neus, Nora wrote: Hi Mayor Signer, Thanks for agreeing to be on Anderson Cooper 360 on Monday evening. The hit will be between 8 and 10pm. We can coordinate logistics later, once things start to die down. This is my new email, cell is the same 201 621 2278. Reach out with any questions. As I mentioned I'm on my way to Cville for CNN so I may end up seeing you myself. Talk soon, Nora Sent from my iPhone Ronan, Barbara From: Signer, Mike Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2017 3:50 PM To: . Dickler, Miriam; Leslie Lake . Subject: Fwd: From ABC News Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: "Margolin, 05h" Date: August 12, 2017 at 3:14:41 PM EDT T0: Subject: From ABC News Mayor: any fatalities expected in the motor-vehicle incident at Water and 4th? How many injured at this point? Josh Margolin ABC News 646-484-0469 Ronan, Barbara I From: Signer, Mike Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2017 4:10 PM To: Rice, Paige Cc: . Jones, Maurice; Dickier, Miriam; Subject: Re: Press conference It's moved to 6 now but lots undecided. Should know more shortly. Sent from my iPhone On Aug 12, 2017, at 3:57 PM, Rice, Paige wrote: Let me know what you need from me. I?m fully operational from home w/City computer. Text is best, as voicemails have been crashing my email. Paige Rice Clerk of Council (434) 970?3113 On Aug 12, 2017, at 3:36 PM, Signer, Mike wrote: Paige, i think you or Maurice needs to invite Council to a press conference that will be held at Zehmer Hall at 6 pm. Also notice a meeting. Maurice will clarify with you. Thanks. Sent from my iPhone Ronan, Barbara From: Signer, Mike Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2017 4:32 PM To: Evan George Cc: Leslie Lake Subject: Re: Radio interview with "To the Point? on NPR Thanks, Leslie will arrange. Sent from my iPhone On Aug 12, 2017, at 4:26 PM, Evan George wrote: Hi Mayor Signer, Evan here from Warren Olney's show To the Point on NPR stations. You joined us last year to talk demagogues. Hope you're well under these sad circumstances. Would you be available to join us Monday to discuss the rally and the Violence and your perspective both as mayor and political thinker? This would be 2:45 - 3 pm Eastern on Monday by land line phone or radio studio. Happy to provide details, Evan EVAN GEORGE MANAGING PRODUCER of "To the Point" KCRW 89.9 KCRW.COM 1900 Pico Santa Monica, CA 90405 Office 310-314-4649 Cell 323?877?8404 @evanlgeorge Ronan, Barbara From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Thanks, Leslie will help. Sent from my iPhone Signer, Mike Saturday, August 12, 2017 4:32 PM Adrienne LaFrance Leslie Lake Re: Media inquiry from The Atlantic On Aug 12, 2017, at 4:21 PM, Adrienne LaFrance wrote: Hi Mayor Signer, I know today has been dif?cult. I?m so sorry. I wonder if you might consider writing something for The Atlantic about what you hope your city, and our country, can do to move forward? Many thanks, Adrienne Adrienne LaFrance Editor, The/l ?anticeom Text: 808?388?6878 Ronan, Barbara ?am From: Signer, Mike Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2017 4:33 PM To: Rodriguez, Jesse (NBCUniversal) Cc: Leslie Lake Subject: Re: Morning Joe Monday Thanks, Leslie will help arrange. Sent from my iPhone On Aug 12, 2017, at 4:30 PM, Rodriguez, Jesse (NBCUniversal) wrote: Mike, I hope you are doing well given the circumstances. We'd like to see if you can join us on Morning Joe Monday. Would you be available? Thank you. Jesse Ronan, Barbara From: Signer, Mike Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2017 4:34 PM To:; Lesiie Lake Subject: Fwd: Press Conference Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: "Jones, Maurice" Date: August 12, 2017 at 4:12:17 PM EDT To: Council Cc: "Dickler, Miriam" ?Brown, Craig" Subject: Press Conference Council, We are tentatively planning a press conference for this evening at 6:00 pm to talk about today's events. We are now planning to hold it in the City Council Chambers at City Hall. This is highly con?dential. We will not be sending out information about the presser until 5:30 to limit the . number of protesters who may attend. Once it comes out on social media it may attract a crowd. If you plan to attend please let me know Thanks. Maurice Sent with Good Ronan, Barbara From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Leslie and Emil will work with you. Sent from my iPhone Signer, Mike Saturday, August 12, 2017 5:48 PM Auger?Lane, Brittany (NBCUniversal) Rice, Paige; Leslie Lake; Re: NBC News interview request On Aug 12, 2017, at 5:17 PM, Auger?Lane, Brittany (NBCUniyersal) wrote: Mayor Signer Brittany Auger?Lane here from NBC Network News in New York. I am so sorry to be reaching out under these circumstances, but foilowing the violence today in Charleston we are hoping you would be available to join us live tomorrow morning on Sunday TODAY with Willie Geist. This would be an 8:00 AM interview. Our location is a bit TBD but would of course be somewhere in Charleston. Will let you know as soon as i do. Thank you so much, and please know our thoughts and prayers are with the entire community of Charleston tonight - -Britta ny Brittany Auger-Lane NBC News Booking 0: 212-664-5911 C: 347-415-1989 Ronan, Barbara From: Signer, Mike Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2017 10:13 PM To:; Leslie Lake; Emily Subject: Fwd: Reuters inquiry on violence Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: Date: August 12, 2017 at 10:01:48 PM EDT To: Subject: Reuters inquiry on violence Hello Mayor Signer and Ms. Dickler, i am a reporter with Reuters and am reaching out to seek your comment on today?s violence. Specifically, i would like to ask if you could please comment on separate allegations from the Unite the Right protesters and the counter?protesters. Jason Kessler of Unite the Right said that police failed to follow through on a plan to keep his group of demonstrators and the counter?demonstrators separated into two separate groups to prevent violence. Do you have any response to that? And Mimi Arbeit, an organizer of the counter demonstrators, said the city should have denied a permit - to the Unite the Right people and their allies to prevent them from holding their gathering in the first place. Do you have any response to that? I can be reached at (213) 955-6781. Thanks, Alex Alex Dobuzinskis Journalist Thomson Reuters Los Angeles Bureau Phone: 213?955-6781 Mobile: 646?200?2516 Follow me oniine at: @AdobReports Ronan, Barbara From: Signer, Mike Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2017 10:29 PM To: Taylor, Christopher (Mayor) Subject: Re: August 12 Mayor - thank you so much. Especially from another college town mayor (and my mom is a Michigan grad), that means a lot. Mike Sent from my iPhone On Aug 12, 2017, at 10:24 PM, Taylor, Christopher (Mayor) wrote: Mayor Signer, I am writing to express solidarity with you and the people of Charlottesville as you grapple with the hatred and violence that has descended upon your beautiful city. So many around the country, and we here in Ann Arbor, are disgusted by the day's events, and are committed to struggle with you to defeat white supremacy, this cancer among us. You are not alone. Christopher Taylor Christopher Taylor Mayor of the City of Ann Arbor 301 East Huron Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104 734?794-6161 Ronan, Barbara From: Signer, Mike Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2017 11:42 PM To: Emily Subject: Fwd: TPs for morning shows Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: ?Lake, Leslie Date: August 12, 2017 at 9:31:54 PM EDT To: Cc: "Hill, Emil "Emily (emilyblout@gmail.coml" Subject: TPs for morning shows pride - This one of the greatest cities in the world We have a rich history And we value diversity We made the deliberate decision to tell the truth about race in Charlottesville, and in this country. Which made us a target for the worst elements that have been released in the Trump era. hold the president accountable for bringing our politics into the gutter. When you dancing with the devil and play with people prejudices, you get events like this weekend. I haven?t heard any real condemnation of white supremacy but in Charlottesville, we will work every day to tell the truth Leslie Lake Powell Tate o: 202.585.2015 c: 864.590.3974 ilake owelltalecom This message contains information which may be con?dential and privileged. Unless you are the intended recipient (or authorized to receive this message for the intended recipient), you may not use, copy, disseminate or disclose to anyone the message or any information contained in the message. If you have received the message in error, please advise the sender by reply e?mail, and delete the message. Thank you very much. Ronan, Barbara From: Sent To: Subject: Attachments: Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: Signer, Mike Saturday, August 12, 2017 11:42 PM Emily Fwd: Media Schedule - Sunday AM imagelPNG From: "Lake, Leslie Date: August 12, 2017 at 10:03:26 PM EDT To: "" Cc: ?Hill, Emil "" Subject: Re: Media Schedule - Sunday AM Attaching a photo of the schedule it easier to read. El Sent from my iPhone On Aug 12, 2017, at 9:54 PM, Lake, Leslie (WAS-PWT) wrote: Hi Mayor Signer, Below, please find your interview schedule for tomorrow AM. I?ll be onsite for all of these. NBC Sunday TODAY Willie Gelst 8:00am live Guest Politics Nation 8:15am Live Al Sharpton 2 NBC Meet the Press Taped Chuck Todd 2 CBS Face the Nation 915 am city live John Dickerson/Paula hall Reid PBS PBS Newsl-lour 11:00 am taped PJ Tobia 0 NPR All Things Considered Taped Stacey Vanek Smith ii Leslie Lake Powell Tate o: 202.585.2015 0: 864.590.3974 Hake This message contains information which may be con?dential and privileged. Unless you are the intended recipient (or authorized to receive this message for the intended recipient), you may not use, copy, disseminate or disclose to anyone the message or any information contained in the message. If you have received the message in error, please advise the sender by reply e-mail, and delete the message. Thank you very much. er, "ind your interview scheduie fer tomO-rmw AM. I?ll be ensite for all 0f these. Sunday TODAY with Willie Geist .Zehmej Pelitics Natien Live AI. 311mm zem Meet the Press Taped Chuck Todd Zehmer Face the Nation 915 am city hall live John Dickersoaneul-e Reid, I City He medalIi-e: PBS ieWSchur 11:00 am taped. PJ Tobia City He office All Things Celsidered Taped? Stacey Vanek Smith Dial - instructj 3 Ronan, Barbara From: Sent To: Cc: Subject: Signer, Mike Saturday, August 12, 2017 11:50. PM Crutchfield, Abigail Nancy Nathan; Leslie Lake; Re: CNN State of the Union tomorrow morning We have already been in touch with Nancy Nathan. Leslie and Emil are coordinating. Sent from my iPhone On Aug 12, 2017, at 11:44 PM, Crutchfield, Abigail wrote: Dear Mayor Signer, I am writing to see if it might be possible for you to join Jake Tapper on State of the Union tomorrow morning at 9:00am. I apologize for the very late request and to bother you at such a moment, but we think it is important to get your perspective and to update viewers on the situation in Charlottesville. Please let me know if this is a possibility and we will do everything to accommodate you. My cell number is 917-805-0360. Please call at any time. Many thanks in advance, Abigail Ronan, Barbara From: Signer, Mike Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2017 11:55 PM To: Jones, Maurice; Thomas, Al; Dickler, Miriam; Leslie Lake; ehill@webershandwickcom; Murphy, Mike Subject: Fwd: Media Schedule Sunday AM Attachments: imagel.PNG All I am going on several national shows tomorrow?the schedule is below. We have my major talking points worked out but I would appreciate knowing extra suggestions and especially any new intelligence regarding the car driver, the arrests, and the VSP casualties (and anything that happens tonight). will be up at 6 am tomorrow ready to digest more. Please send anything you can. Mike Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: Lake, Leslie Date: August 12, 2017 at 10:03:26 PM EDT To: Cc: "Hili, Emil "" Subject: Re: Media Schedule Sunday AM Attaching a photo of the schedule if easier to read. Sent from my iPhone On Aug 12, 2017, at 9:54 PM, Lake, Leslie (WAS-PWT) wrote: Hi Mayor Signer, Below, please find your interview schedule for tomorrow AM. I?ll be onsite for all of these. Sunday TODAY wath Geist 8.00am Ira-live Willie Guest Politics Nation 8:15am Live Ai Sharpton 2 NBC Meet the Press Taped Chuck Todd 2 CBS Face the Nation 915 am city live John Dickerson/Paula hall Reid PBS PBS NewsHour 11:00 am taped PJ Tobia NPR Ail Things Considered Taped Stacey Vanek Smith Leslie Lake Powell Tate o: 202.585.2015 0: 864.590.3974 Hake oweiltateeom This message contains information which may be con?dential and privileged. Unless you are the intended recipient (or authorized to receive this message for the intended recipient), you may not use, copy, disseminate or disclose to anyone the message or any information contained in the message. If you have received the message in error, please advise the sender by reply e-mail, and delete the message. Thank you very much. Ronan, Barbara From: Thomas, Al Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2017 1:22 PM To: Sandridge, Cheryl Subject: FW: UPD Support on August 12 AI S. Thomas Chief of Police Charlottesviile Police Department (434) 970~3289 From: Thomas, Al Sent: Friday, August 11, 2017 8:37 PM To: Jones, Maurice Subject: Fwd: UPD Support on August 12 FYI Sent from iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: "Mcgee, Donald Harold (Don) (dhrn)" Date: August 11, 2017 at 10:40:21 AM EDT To: ?mithceil@chariottesvillecrg" Wendy Lewis ?Shifflett, David" "thomasa@chariottesvillecrg" Cc: "Gibson,-Michae A. (mag3u)" "Fielding, Melissa Annette (mab3q)" "Tabler, Angela Mae "Easton, Christopher (3 "Blakey, Michael Antonio (mab4e)" "" Subject: UPD Support on August 12 Captain Mitchell, The University of Virginia Police Department will support to the Charlottesville Police Department on August 12th, 2017 by providing I officers to answer Priority 1 and Priority 2 calls for service as well as accidents in the City of Charlottesville from 0600 to 1200. UPD will begin 12 hour shifts starting at 2100 on Friday, August 11 and will continue until 0900, August 13th UPD will have an increased presence in Corner, Joint Patrol, Medical Center and Central Grounds areas throughout this time period. UPD will not respond to calls for service within the street closure areas CPD has identified for August 12th. This includes Emancipation, Justice, McGuffey and McIntire Parks or the Downtown Mall. Our departmental resources, staffing levels and expectations to maintain our ongoing level of service to the University of Virginia and the Medical Center creates this 1 necessity to limit our assistance. Additionally, the University has scheduled alternative events such as a women?s soccer match and football "meet the team? day that coincide with rally times. These events require police staffing. Respectfully, Don McGee Captain University of Virginia Police Department 2304 Ivy Road Charlottesville, Va. 22903 (434) 924 - 8840 (434) 982 2817 Fax CONFIDENTIAL This electronic message and any attachments are confidential and may contain student information or other. education records protected from disclosure by state andfor federal law. The information is intended only for use by persons to whom it is addressed. Any other interception, copying, accessing, or disclosure of the information is prohibited. Ifyou have received this message in error please immediately notify the sender. Ronan, Barbara From: Thomas, Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2017 1:21 PM To: Sandridge, Cheryl Subject: FW: Water St Power at Lee AI 8. Thomas Chief of Police Charlottesvilie Police Department . (434) 970?3289 From: Thomas, Al Sent: Friday, August 11, 2017 9:14 PM To: Murphy, Mike Cc: Jones, Maurice; Dickler, Miriam Subject: Re: Water Power at Lee Thanks, we will work on repositioning the barricades at emancipation park and demobilizing the operation and reallocating staff appropriately. Going to be a long night! Sent from iPhone On Aug 11, 2017, at 9:06 PM, Murphy, Mike wrote: FYI Michael C. Murphy Assistant City Manager City of Charlottesville PO BOX 911 - Charlottesville, VA. 22902 Phone: 434 970?31 16 Cell: (434) 989-5515 Begin forwarded message: From: "Daly, Brian" Date: August 11, 2017 at 9:05:29 PM EDT To: "Murphy, Mike" Subject: FW: Water Power at Lee Fyi From: Ehman, Doug Sent: Friday, August 11, 2017 8:57:08 PM To: Daly, Brian Subject: FW: Water Power at Lee Fyi From: Nolan, Ron Sent: Friday, August 11, 2017 8:53:58 PM To: Ehman, Doug; Dooms, Clifton Cc: Lewis, Wendy; Durrette, Tito subject: RE: Water Power at Lee Staff will take care of this at 5AM. From: Ehman, Doug Sent: Friday, August 11, 2017 8:44:24 PM To: Nolan, Ron; Dooms, Clifton Cc: Lewis, Wendy; Durrette, Tito Subject: Water Power at Lee So the city lost the case in Federal Court. We need the power turned on and the water spigot unlocked in Emancipation Park ?rst thing in the morning. Mike and Dennie need to do this ?rst thing Saturday. They need to call me when both actions are done. I don't care what time it is and in no case is it later than 7:00 am. We are under Federal court order. Please acknowledge receipt of this email. Thanks, Doug Ronan, Barbara From: Thomas, AI Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2017 1:21 PM To: SandrEdge, Chery! Subject: FW: Tiki torchers S. Thomas Chief of Police Police Department (434) 970-3289 From: Thomas, Sent: Friday, August 11, 2017 9:37 PM To: Szakos, Kristin Subject: Re: Tiki torchers Thank you Sent from CPI iPhone 011 Aug 11, 2017, at 9:31 PM, Kristin Szakos wrote: UP tiki posted'Up at the Den baske'tballgoowt and. UVA and__are_wa[king down 'the street in front of mem Kristin Szakos Charlottesville City Councilor 1132 Otter St, Charlottesville, VA 22901 434-984-4022 434~987~1042 Ronan, Barbara From: Thomas, AI Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2017 1:26 PM To: Sandridge, Cheryl Subject: FW: ACLU lawsuit Attachments: Notice of Complaint Filed, Kessler v. City of Chariottesville, et al. Al 5. Thomas Chief of Police Charlottesville Police Department (434) 970-3289 From: Thomas, Al Sent: Friday, August 11, 2017 10:57 AM To: Lewis, Wendy Subject: FW: ACLU lawsuit Al 5. Thomas Chief of Police Charlottesyille Police Department [434) 970-3289 From: Brown, Craig Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2017 7:58 PM To: Suarez, Christopher Cc: Gore, Michaei; Robertson, Lisa; Jones, Maurice; Thomas, Al Subject: RE: ACLU lawsuit Chris: lam currently reviewing the allegations of their Complaint and awaiting their additionai (see attached email). i wasn?t part of the conversations you reference so i can?t comment on them. i won?t have anything else before tomorrow. Craig From: Suarez, Christopher M. Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2017 7:51 PM To: Brown, Craig Cc: Gore, Michael; Robertson, Lisa; Jones, Maurice; Thomas, AI Subject: ACLU lawsuit Craig, We got a hold of this ACLU lawsuit at the end of business today .. I?m Working iate. i figured i?d at least try to reach out to see if you could provide a statement. There are claims in the lawsuit that the city wentback and forth with Kessler on whether it would provide security at Emancipation Park. Not sure whether you, Maurice or Chief Thomas could refute or attest to that. @112 may Staff Writer Christopher Suarez 685 West Rio Road Charlottesville, VA 22901 direct 434 978 7274 I mobile 571 722 3640 ABE-rksriire Hathaway Com pany Ronan, Barbara From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Importance: Mr. Brown: Hope Amezquita Thursday, August 10, 2017 6:08 PM Brown, Craig Doug R. McKusick; John W. Whitehead; Leslie Mehta;; Claire Gastanaga Notice of Complaint Filed, Kessler v. City of Charlottesviile, et al. KesslerComplaint20170810.pdf; Summons? Maurice Jones, City Managerpdf; Summons? City of Charlottesyille.pdic High Please find attached the complaint we have just filed in the Western District of Virginia. We will be an expedited motion and memo shortly. If you have any questions, please call Claire Gastanaga 804?523~2146. Since rely, Hope Hope R. Amezquita Staff Attorney Legislative Counsel ACLU of Virginia 701 E. Franklin St, Ste. 1412 Richmond, VA 23219 a 804.523.2151 hamezouita?acluvaorq a 804.649.2733 assess: asses This message may contain information that is contidentiai or iegatiy privileged. if you are not the intended recipient, piease immediateiy advise the sender by repiy emaii that this message has been inadvertentiy transmitted to you and deiete this emaii from your system. Ronan, Barbara - From: Thomas, AI Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2017 1:24 PM To: Sandridge, Cheryl Subject: FW: Specific Question from North Downtown Residents (BI Businesses) on Block of High/N. Al S. Thomas Chief of Police Charlottesville Police Department (434) 970?3289 From: Thomas, AI . Sent: Friday, August 11, 2017 2: 58 PM To: Lewis, Wendy; Mitchell, Victor Subject: FW: Specific Question from North Downtown Residents (8L Businesses) on Block of High/N. First St Al S. Thomas Chief of Police Charlottesviile Police Department (434) 970-3289 From: Murphy, Mike Sent: Friday, August 11, 2017 1:57 PM To: Mitchell, Victor, Thomas, Al Subject: FW: Specific Question from North Downtown Residents Businesses) on Block of High/N. First St FYI, I am assuming we are already monitoring the referenced site but am sending along just in case. Michael C. Murphy Assistant City Manager City of Charlottesville PO BOX 911 Charlottesville, VA. 22902 Phone: (43 4) 970?3 1 16 Cell: (434) 989?55 1 5 mumhym?lcharlo? From: Heather Hill Sent: Friday, August 11, 2017 1:50:18 PM To: Murphy, Mike; Collier, Otis Subject: RE: Speci?c Question from North Downtown Residents Businesses) on Block of High/ N. First St Thanks, Mike (and Otis for your reply earlier). I will include the information provided in my next (and hopefully last!) communication to our distribution list this evening. On a related note, several neighbors have pointed out something that was on a Daily Stormer conversation thread as it specifically mentions multiple residential streets in North Downtown and Martha Jefferson. Also in my communication (which I recently posted to NextDoor) is that residents give consideration to parking along the street this evening if they have concerns about parking. I am sure your teams are reviewing these sites but committed to two residents I would pass along. The content is certainly opening there really are no words. Take care and know you have our support Heather Hill NDRA Heather Danforth Hill 434.825.7374 From: Murphy, Mike Sent: Friday, August 11, 2017 10:40 AM To: Danforth Hill, Heather Collier, Otis Subject: RE: Specific Question from North Downtown Residents (8: Businesses) on Block of High/N. First St My impression, based on the traffic circulation plan, is that ail of the blocked streets have an officeris) posted at the point of closure. That includes these areas. The link again for traffic is Michael C. Murphy Assistant City Manager City of Charlottesville PO BOX 911 Charlottesville, VA. 22902 Phone: (434) 970-3116 Cell: (434) 989?5515 From: Heather Hill Sent: Friday, August 11, 2017 10:24 AM To: Murphy, Mike; Collier, Otis Subject: Specific Question from North Downtown Residents Businesses) on Block of High/N. First St Mike, Otis, Had a question from the neighborhood regarding the law enforcement coverage along High Street between McGuffey and Emancipation Parks cross streets as well as N. First Street where there are residential properties (and business properties). Based on what I gathered at the DBAC meeting, I anticipate this will be well covered, however wanted to confirm any specific plans. Appreciate any information you an provide so I can reach out to assure these residents. Sincerely, Heather Hill Heather Danforth Hill 434.825.7374 From: lamesfneale Sent: Friday, August 11, 2017 6:37 AM To: Heather Danforth Hill Subject: Re: NDRA Information Re. Saturday, August 12th Events in North Downtown Heather: Don?t know if you can get an answer on could not. Are the police taking any precautionary actions to protect the following 3 private properties (single homes) in the immediate vicinity of Saturday?s events? Those properties are 361 N. First, 100 and 104 W. High St. These homes are within an area closed to vehicular traffic but foot traffic may be another matter. This becomes problematic when demonstrators move from McGuffey Park to Emancipation Park. All public properties surrounding the park have been closed for the day. Thanks, Jim Neale On Aug 10, 2017, at 10:13 PM, Heather Hill wrote: North Downtown Residents, While those of you who are signed up for automatic notifications following updates to our website received some of this information, I am sending this more comprehensive communication to our email distribution list to ensure as many residents as possible are informed. Earlier this week we reached out to the City for guidance that our - Association could then share with our residents in preparation for the weekend?s events. The following is a summary of what we have received or has been made available from various sources to date. This communication includes the following: General Community Guidance Link to Full Statement from Captain Mitchell of CPD Planned Street Closures Schedule of Planned Counter Events Downtown Mall/ Businesses Supporting our Police As further information is finalized and available, the City will post it to their website under our ?news? heading. On the day of the event (Saturday), releases will be posted online to our regional emergency management community website as well as via social media on the City?s Facebook and Twitter accounts. if you have any immediate questions you would like for the Association to take forward to the City for a response, please email me as soon as possible. Most importantly, it you plan to be in the area this weekend, be cautious and stay safe. Sincerely, Heather Hill Evergreen Ave NORA Board of Directors General Community Guidance (Also available at . While the City of Chariottesviile has approved a permit for the August 12, 2017 ?Unite the Right? rally at Park, there is still the potential for large crowds of people in Downtown Charlottesville. 3 . The City of Chariottesville Police Department is preparing for the possibility of people gathering at both McIntire and Emancipation Parks. These plans may involve road closures on Saturday, August 12. Further information regarding traffic plans be released on Thursday, August 10, 2017 . With large crowds of individuals with strongly held and potentially opposing beliefs, there is aiso the potential for conflict. Those who live and work in the area of these events shouid exercise their best judgment on the day of the rally and should avoid the area if they have concerns. Err on the side of caution if in doubt. - CPD and their law enforcement partners, primarily the Virginia State Police, will have a visibie presence in the City over the weekend for the purpose of ensuring this remains a peaceful assembly, and for the safety and protection of people and property. These law enforcement agencies have been working together in preparation for the August 12 event 0 There will be increased law enforcement patrois In neighborhoods adjacent to McIntire Park and in Downtown Charlottesvilie. . We remind our community that people are guaranteed the right to assemble peacefully in public spaces and express their opinions. A number of community organizations are arranging events as counter programming to the rally. Please consider attending those events. Statement from Captain Mitchell 8: Planned Street Closures is now available at important points include: if you call 911for an emergency on Saturday, a police officer will respond. The City has enlisted the assistance of the Albemarle County Police Department and the University of Virginia Poiice Department. 0 Non- emergency calls for service wiil be heid by the Emergency Communications Center until conclusion of the event - As an alternative and to assist citizens reporting of non-emergency incidents, the Charlottesville Police Department will have personnel available at the department to handle telephone, walk-in and on-iine reports in lieu ofa response by an Officer. To file an on-line report, please visit the Chariottesvilie Police Department web page, and click on the link to file an on-line report. Counter Events are pianned throughout the City and at the University. Visit schedule[ for additional information, including times and locations. Downtown Mall/Businesses According to the Downtown Business Association (DBAC), as of this afternoon, approximately 75% of downtown businesses plan to be open on Saturday. At a meeting earlier this week 1 attended with DBAC, Chief Thomas stated there wouid be 25-30 of?cers dedicated to the Downtown Mali Supporting Our Police 0 Downtown businesses are collecting donations to provide iunch to the poiice on Saturday. Contributions can be dropped off at Quilts Unlimited (118 Mean Street) with checks made out to Market Street Market. As some in the neighborhood have offered this (in addition to downtown businesses) felt worth mentioning for those that live in close proximity to the parks, consider having snacks and bottled water on hand (and perhaps offering your restroom!) for officers providing coverage in the vicinity. it is going to be a long day for all. Heather Danforth Hiil 434.825.7374 Ronan, Barbara From: Thomas, Al Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2017 1:23 PM To: Sandridge, Cheryl Subject: FW: Possible March tonight on?Grounds Attachments: image001.png AI 5. Thomas Chief of Police Charlottesville Police Department (434) 970?3289 From: Thomas, Al Sent: Friday, August 11, 2017 4:57 PM To: Mitchell, Victor; Lewis, Wendy; Shifflett, David Subject: FW: Possible March tonight on?Grounds Al S. Thomas Chief of Police Charlottesville Police Department (434) 970?3289 From: Ron Lantz Sent: Friday, August 11, 2017 4:10 PM To: Gibson, Michael A. (mag3u) Cc: Thomas, Al Subject: Re: Possible March tonight on-Grounds Thanks chief we have responded to couple calls already in county today with large groups my iPhone On Aug 11, 2017, at 3:32 PM, Gibson, Michael A. (mag3u) wrote: For your situational awareness. Michael Gibson Chief of Police University of Virginia Police Department 2304 Ivy Road Charlottesyille, VA 22903 (434) 924-8838 Phone (434) 982-2817 Fax An Internationally Accredited Law Enforcement Agency 1 CONFIDENTIAL: This electronic message and any attachments are confidential and may contain student information or other education records protected from disclosure by state and/or federal law. The information is intended only for use by persons to whom it is addressed. Any other interception, copying, access, or disclosure of information is prohibited. If you have received this message in error please immediately notify the sender. From: Webb, Anda Lang (al6b) Sent: Friday, August 11, 2017f 3:23 PM To: Gibson, Michael A. (mag3u) Sidebottom, Marjorie L. (mist) de Bruyn, Anthony Paui (apdSb) Cc: Nelson, Louis P. (ln6n) Subject: Possible March tonight on?Groun?ds Dear all: You likeiy already know this, but if Nelson, copied on this message, just received an informal call alerting him to the possibility of an alt-right march on-Grounds this evening, beginning at a Jefferson statue (not sure which one) to St. Paul?s Church, coinciding with the prayer service this evening. iust wanted to aiert you to this possibility. If you have questions, please contact Louis cell is 434-989?0079. Best, Anda Andn L. Webb Vice Provost for Administration Chief of ta?? University of Virginia PO. Box 400308 VA 22904-4308 (434) 924-0999 (434) 9822920 O?ax) Ronan, Barbara From: Thomas, AI Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2017 1:44 PM To: Sandridge, Cheryl Subject: FW: Tomorrow A1 S. Thomas Chief of Police Charlottesville Police Department (434) 970?3289 From: Thomas, AI Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2017 1:00 AM To: Mitcheli, Victor; Lewis, Wendy Subject: Fwd: Tomorrow Sent from CP1 iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: Walt Heinecke Date: August 12, 2017 at 12:53:43 AM EDT To: "Thomas, Subject: Re: Tomorrow Thank you. Walt Heinecke 825-1896 On Aug 12, 2017, at 12:52 AM, Thomas, A1 wrote: We are bringing in additional of?cers to monitor McGuffey and Justice. Sent from CP 1 iPhone On Aug 11, 2017, at 11:19 PM, Walt Heinecke wrote: Police protection on Saturday Dear Chief Thomas You asked me to let you know if there was a credible threat. Tonight as students protesters from the University of Virginia were assaulted by the Right Jack boots my students and I were maced by neo-Nazis at the foot of the Statue of Thomas Jefferson. They - came about 10 pm 200 with torchlights to intimidate in the fashion of the They chanted ugly slogans. The 30 students surrounded the base of the statue and yelled ?black lives matter? in a peaceful non?violent fashion. I was in the vicinity at St.Paul's Church and went to Make sure my students were ok when I heard they were over there. There were no police in sight to protect the students from the mob of hateful white supremacists. Kessler stood on the sidelines grinning. I called 911 and no response though I had seen police in the area. Then As I was in the mob trying to assure the safety of the students the White supremacists attacked the students throwing their torches and macing the students. A part of a torch hit dean Groves. Still no police intervention. Dean of Students Allen - Groves and I entered the neo?Nazi mob in an attempt to see if any students wanted to leave for safety. Then the brawl started by the fascists began with a throwing of torch and macing of the students which is assault. Still no police intervention. After dean Grives and I ushered the students out of the hateful Mob to the other side of the statue to rally and get medical attention and the alt right fascists had left the scene, the police moved in declared unlawful assembly and the students left. The students were engaging in non violence surrounding the statue and were viciously attacked by the neo Nazis and white supremacists. If this is a sign of things to come, the White supremacists will be violent tomorrow. I want police protection at Mcguffey and Justice parks. Walt Heinecke Sent from my iPhone Ronan, Barbara From: Thomas, Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2017 1:18 PM To: Sandridge, Cheryl Subject: FW: Undeliverable: Fwd. FBI RichmondXUnited States Attorney's Office- WDVA joint press release regarding Charlottesvilie Incident Attachments: mime- attachment; Fwd: FBI Richmond/United States Attorney?s Office - WDVAjoint press reiease regarding Charlottesvilie'Incident; Al 5. Thomas Chief of Police Charlottesville Police Department (434) 970~3289 From: Thomas, AI Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2017 11:57 PM To: Wendy Lewis Subject: Fwd: Undeliverable: Fwd: FBI Richmond/United States Attorney's Office - WDVA joint press reEease regarding Charlottesville Incident Sent from CPI iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: Microsoft Outlook Date: August 12, 2017 at 11:55:16 PM EDT To: Subject: FW: FBI Richmond/United States Attorney's Office - WDVA joint press release regarding Charlottesville Incident FYI From: Rybiski, Dennette W. (RH) (FBI) Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2017 10:26:02 PM Subject: FBI Richmond/United States Attorney's Office - WDVA joint press release regarding Charlottesville Incident Dee Rybiski FBI Richmond Division Pubiic Affairs Specialist 1970 East Parham Road Richmond, Virginia 28228 Main Of?ce 804/261?1044 Direct Line 804/627-4482 Fax - 804/627~4495 Federal Bureau of Investigation Richmond Division 1970 East Parham Road Richmond, Virginia 23228 Public Relations Office, (804) 261-1044 August 12, 2017 Public Affairs Specialist: Dee Rybiski ?The Richmond FBI Field Office, the Civil Rights Division, and the US Attorney's Office for the Western District of Virginia have opened a civil rights investigation into the circumstanCes of the deadly vehicular incident that occurred earlier Saturday morning. The FBI will collect all available facts and evidence, and as this is an ongoing investigation we are not able to comment further at this time." Page 1 of 1 Diagnostic information for administrators: Generating server: CASOI.citv.charlottesville.0rq Iewis@charlottesville.orq #550 5.1.1 not found mitchell@charlottesville.orq #550 5.1.1 not found Original message headers: Received: from by with mapi id 14.03.0279.002; Sat, 12 Aug 2017 23:55:16 ?0400 Content?Type: application/ms?tnef; Content?Transfer?Encoding: binary From: "Thomas, Al" To: Wendy Lewis Victor Mitchell Subject: Fwd: FBI Richmond/United States Attorney?s Office WDVA joint press release regarding Charlottesviile Incident Thread?Topic: FBI Richmond/United States Attorney?s Office WDVA joint press release regarding Charlottesville Incident Thread?Index: Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2017 23:55:16 ?0400 Message?ID: References; In?Reply?TO: Accept?Language: en?US Content?Language: en?US X?MS?Has?Attach: yes X?MS?TNEF?Correlator: MIME~Version: 1.0 Ronan, Barbara From: Thomas, Al Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2017 1:19 PM To: Sandridge, Cheryl Subject: FW: FBI Richmond/United States Attorney?s Office - WDVAjoint press release regarding Charlottesville Incident Attachments: August 12, 2017.doc; ATT00001.htm AI S. Thomas Chief of Police Charlottesville Police Department (434) 970?3289 From: Thomas, Al Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2017 11:55 PM To: Wendy Lewis; Victor Mitchell Subject: Fwd: FBI Richmond/United States Attorney's Office - WDVA joint press release regarding Charlottesviile Incident Sent from CPI iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: "Dickler, Miriam" Date: August 12, 2017 at 10:32:28 PM EDT To: ?Jones, Maurice? ?Murphy, Mike? "Thomas, Subject: FW: FBI Richmond/United States Attorney's Office - WDVA joint press release regarding Charlottesville Incident FYI From: Rybiski, Dennette W. (RH) (FBI) Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2017 10:26:02 PM Subject: FBI Richmond/ United States Attorney?s Office - WDVA joint press release regarding Charlottesville Incident Dee Rybiski FBI Richmond Division Public Affairs Specialist 1970 East Parham Road Richmond, Virginia 23228 Main Of?ce 804/261-1044 Direct Line 804/627-4432 Fax - 804/627?4495 Rona n, Barbara From: Thomas, AI Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2017 1:27 PM To: Sandridge, Cheryl Subject: FW: Thoughts and prayers Al S. Thomas Chief of Police Charlottesviile Police Department (434) 970-3289 From: Thomas, AI Sent: Friday, August 11, 2017 8:28 AM To: Szakos, Kristin; Mitchell, Victor Cc: Jones, Maurice Subject: RE: Thoughts and prayers Thank You Al Al 5. Thomas Chief of Police Charlottesville Police Department (434) 970?3289 From: Kristin Szakos Sent: Friday, August 11, 2017 8:24 AM To: Thomas, Al; Mitchell, Victor Cc: Jones, Maurice Subject: Thoughts and prayers Chief and Capt. Mitchell - Know that I am thinking of (and praying for) you this weekend. The cookies I delivered yesterday are meant to convey to your department how much I, personally, and we as Council appreciate the hard work you do every day and how dif?cult this weekend will be for them. Good luck stay safe - and know that we appreciate it. - Kristin Kristin Szakos Chariottesville City Councilor 1132 Otter St, VA 22901 434-984?4022 434?9874 042 k.szakos@embarqmail.oom Ronan, Barbara From: Thomas, Al Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2017 1:25 PM To: Sandridge, Cheryl Subject: FW: Thanks AI 8. Thomas Chief of Police Charlottesville Police Department (434) 970?3289 From: Thomas, Al Sent: Friday, August 11, 2017 11:56 AM To: Dimock, Kaki; Baxter, Andrew Subject: RE: Thanks Thank You! Al Al S. Themes Chief of Police Charlottesville Police Department (434) 970-3289 From: Dimock, Kaki Sent: Friday, August 11, 2017 11:32 AM To: Thomas, Al; Baxter, Andrew Subject: Thanks Thank you for keeping our city safe this weekend. I appreciate you. Kaki Sent with Good ( Ronan, Barbara From: Thomas, AI Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2017 1:26 PM To: Sandridge, Chezyl Subject: FW: Flyer on car Attachments: Al S. Thomas Chief of Police Charlottesville Police Department (434) 970?3289 From: Thomas, Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2017 8: 18 PM To: Lewis, Wendy, Mitchell, Victor, Shiffiett, David, Hatter, Joe Subject: Fwd: Flyer on car Sent from iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: ?Jones, Maurice" Date: August 10, 2017 at 8:14:38 PM EDT To: ?Thomas, Al" Cc: "Brown, Craig" Subject: FW: Flyer on car Maurice Jones City Manager City of Charlottesville (434) 970-3101 Original Message?-?-- From: Mark KaVit [mailt0:ml Date: August 11, 2017 at 4:48:41 PM EDT To: CPF Board Distribution Subject: Proud of the CPD Dear Al, On behalf of the CPF, thank you for the many, many days of intense effort and sleepless nights you and your team have devoted, and are devoting to making Charlottesville safe in the face of unprecedented challenges. We have confidence in you, the command staff, and the men and women of the PD. Sincerely, The Board of the Charlottesville Police Department Foundation