After reyiewing the user manualfor your yictims compensation unit, lam making the following request pursuant to Ohio public record law. I am requesting: 1. reconsideration reports produced by your reconsideration unit {per page 35 of the manual} for eyery month through and includingJanuary 2016 and May 2'01}. summary reports produced by your reconsideration unit {per page 35 of the manual} for every month through and includingJanuary EDIE and May 311?. 3. A list of all claims connected to Montgomery County from Jan. 1, 2016 through May 31, QUIT. Page 211 of the manualexplains your office can query by county and date [selecting all incident types} and produce such a list. lwould prefer the record in a format. If that is not possible, lwould like it in a printed from the program. If that is not possible, lwould like a digitized printout.