N33 MD BI 35:38:88 13::1 EZKEB HUGH {Sbasvd HnIiwana KVJ ENIi?aivq EEBBEESEIE dNi 5 LIBEHEEIBE #?aas 73L K?d EHIL The National Security Archive New York Office 120 Wall Street 31st Floor New York, NY 10005 nsarchive.org Kate Doyle Senior Analyst Tel: (646) 792-7254 August 29, 2017 FOIA Officer Secret Service Communications Center (FOIA/PA) 245 Murray Lane Building T-5 Washington, D.C. 20223 Re: Request under the FOIA, Archive # 20170879DHS013 Dear FOIA Officer: Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), I, Kate Doyle, on behalf of myself and the National Security Archive, the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University, and Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington hereby request the following: The Worker and Visitor Entrance System (WAVES) records and Access Control Records System (ACR) records: • • dating from March 8, 2017, until August 29, 2017, covering the White House, Mar-aLago, and Trump Tower. dating from January 20, 2017, until August 29, 2017, covering the: Trump National Golf Club, Washington, D.C. in Sterling, Virginia; the Trump National Golf Course in Bedminster, New Jersey; the Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach; the Trump National Golf Club in Jupiter, Florida; and the Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C. I've enclosed The New York Times chronology of these visits for your reference: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/04/05/us/politics/tracking-trumps-visits-to-hisbranded-properties.html?_r=0. This request specifically seeks the same 28 fields of data that previously were posted on the White House Visitor Records Requests website. This request involves an urgency to inform the public about an actual or alleged federal government activity and is made by entities primarily engaged in disseminating information. Further, the subject of this request concerns a matter of widespread and exceptional media interest in which there exist possible questions about the government's integrity which affect An independent non-governmental research institute and library located at the George Washington University, the Archive collects and publishes declassified documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act. Publication royalties and tax deductible contributions through The National Security Archive Fund, Inc. underwrite the Archive’s Budget. public confidence. White House visitor logs, first made available by the Obama administration, have proven to be an invaluable resource in determining the outside influences to which the president is subject. Countless articles have been written by a wide variety of publications based in part on information gleaned from the visitor logs. Moreover, significant concerns have been raised about how the president is using his private properties at Mar-a-Lago and Trump Tower. The requested records will shed light on this equally important issue. Underlining the exceptional interest in accessing these logs, eight Senators sent letters to the president and Secret Service on March 6, 2017, urging the release of the WAVES data. The issue has been covered by media publications including The Daily Beast and Politico. Under these circumstances this request qualifies for expedition. If you regard any of these documents as potentially exempt from the FOIA's disclosure requirements, we request that you nonetheless exercise your discretion to disclose them. As the FOIA requires, please release all reasonably segregable non-exempt portions of documents. To permit us to reach an intelligent and informed decision whether or not to file an administrative appeal of any denied material, please describe any withheld records (or portions thereof) and explain the basis for your exemption claims. I (Kate Doyle) am the National Security Archive’s senior analyst of U.S. policy in Latin America. I am based at the Archive’s office in New York, and work with other scholars, journalists, human rights groups, truth commissions, prosecutors and judges to open and analyze government files from secret archives that shed light on state violence. I am the author of several dozen book chapters and articles that have appeared in scholarly publications such as the World Policy Journal and in media ranging from Harper’s Magazine to Mexico’s Proceso. The Knight First Amendment Institute is a newly established organization at Columbia University dedicated to defending and strengthening the freedoms of speech and the press in the digital age. Research and public education are essential to the Institute’s mission. Obtaining information about government activity, analyzing that information, and publishing and disseminating it to the press and public are among the core activities the Institute was established to perform. Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) is a non-profit corporation organized under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. CREW is committed to protecting the public’s right to be aware of the activities of government officials, to ensuring the integrity of those officials, and to highlighting and working to reduce the influence of money on politics. CREW uses a combination of research, litigation, and advocacy to advance its mission. CREW brought the original Freedom of Information case that persuaded the Obama administration to set up the automatic system of publishing White House visitor logs. As a representative of the news media, the National Security Archive qualifies for "representative of the news media" status under 5 U.S.C. Sec. 552(a)(4)(A)(ii)(II) and, therefore, may not be charged search and review fees. (See National Security Archive v. U.S. Department of Defense, 880 F.2d 1381 (D.C. Cir. 1989), cert denied, 110 S Ct. 1478 (1990)). This request is made as part of a scholarly and news research project that is intended for publication and is not for commercial use. For details on the Archive's research and extensive publication activities please see our website at www.nsarchive.org. The Knight Institute also qualifies for a waiver of search and review fees on the grounds that it qualifies both as a “representative of the news media” and as an “educational . . . institution” whose purposes include “scholarly . . . research” and the records are not sought for commercial use. 5 U.S.C. § 552(a)(4)(A)(ii)(II). Situated within a prominent academic research university, the Institute will perform scholarly research on the application of the First Amendment in the digital era. The Institute is in the midst of inaugurating a research program that will bring together academics and practitioners of different disciplines to study contemporary First Amendment issues and offer informed, non-partisan commentary and solutions. It will publish that commentary in many forms—in scholarly publications, in long-form reports, and in shortform essays. Please notify me before incurring any photocopying costs over $100. If you have any questions regarding the identity of these records, their location, the scope of the request or any other matters, please call me by phone at (646) 792-7254 or via e-mail at foiamail@gwu.edu. Sincerely, Kate Doyle Cc: Jameel Jaffer, Founding Director, Knight First Amendment Institute, Columbia University Tom Blanton, Executive Director, National Security Archive Anne Weismann, Chief FOIA Counsel, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington El. PCILITIGS Traci-ting the President?s ?Ir?isits t-d Trump Prayer-ties Trump Asseeiate Eeested That Mes-sew Business Deal "Ni? Get Denald Elected' Trump Eyed ?Far Higher' Ratings in F'arde-ningr Jee- ?u'paie as Hurricane Hit Trump te Trave] te Testas With Terrential Rain Still in the Ferecast in Texas Heading, FEf'rls??t an Citizens to Get int-'elved' to Help ebullT een 24 Hayll ?dayB June 5 Jere 12 JJre 1E5l 25 Juh=3 1U My 1? My 24 ins-'31 Aug. etg.14 etg.21 etg.23 Number ef Days Trump Has Visited Eaeh Preperty Where he?s spent the meet time: 29 Trump Natienal Gelf Club, Etedrninster. NJ. 25 Mar-a-Lage 15 Trump Natienal Gelf Club, Sterling, Va. Trump Asspeiate Eeasted That Mes-sew Business Deal "Will Cet Denaid Elected' Tracking the President?s ?s?isits t-d Trump Preperties Eyed 'Far Higher' Ratings in Pardening Jee ?irpaid as Hurricane Hit Tiump te Travel te Teaas With Terrentiai Rain Still in the Ferecast Feb. 1T-2C Feb. 13 Feb. 19 imdrningji Feb. 19 ieueni ng} Feb. 25 l'i-lareb 3-5 l'i-lareb 4 l'i-lareb 5 l'i-lareb 11 l'i-lareb 1?3?19 I?i-lar-a-Lagd Fa? Ceasli 9a Trump Internatienal Celf Club F'e?e' Eiescli. eta. Trump Internatienal Celf Club West Few Eiee-tli. Trump Internatienal Celf Club ".?a?vsst Farr Eiee-rli. Cia. Trump Internatienal Washingten I?i-lar-a-Lagd Fen? Fia Trump Internatienal Celf Club "e-Zst Feze' Bee-3b. i1a. Trump Internatienal Celf Club F'e?e' Eiescli. eta. Trump Hatienal lCelf Club E'er? a I?i-lar-a-Lagd Fax" Beach -a Mr. Trump's third straight weelsend at his private elub ineluded a she-rt trip te i-i-ielbeurne. Fla.. fer a eempeign-style rally. White Heuse press seeretargr Sean Spider said Mr. Trump spent the day in meetings. He did net say whether the president bad gelfed. Mr. Trump played gelf with Hen- is-?lellrey, the werld?s He. 3-ranlsed player. After a few heurs baels at Mar-a-Lagd. Mr. Trump returned tn the gulf elub fer dinner. Mr. Trump ehese te eat his first meal but in Washingten at his hetel in tlie Cid Pest Cffiee. He dined with his daughter, liranl-ia Trump. and his sen-in-law. Jared Hushner. ameng ethers. Stephen H. Elanndn. Jeff Sessiens. Wilbur Hess and several ether administratien effieials jeined Mr. Trump at his resert. The president spent the first half df his da1.i at the gelf elub after an early-merning Twitter sterm in whieli he President Eerael-z Cbeme ef tapping liis phenes at Trump Tewer in Manhattan. The White Heuse said Mr. Trump was taking meetings and pbene ealls at the gulf elub. Mr. Trump bad a werllzing luneh at the elub with several Cabinet seeretaries and senier White Heuse staff. Mr. Trump returned te Mar-a-Lage ferthe weelsend. atria in Texas Fleedihg, Asks an Citizens te Cet [neeived' td Help PCILITIGS Traci-:ingr :ne President's tc- Tru rnc- F'rc-c-erties Trutnb asschate That iticscc-tr Business Deal Cet Denald Trulnp Eyed ?Far Eigher' Ratings ir. Pal'denLng Jc-e Trulnp tc Travel tc- Texas ?s?i?it'r. Tcrrential Slant Still in Texas Asks Jill lCitizens te Cet Electgd- .?u'caic- as Hurricane i-Iit in the Fcrecast tc- I-[elc IZII. aL-?ll July- Truntc blatienal Cc-lf Trulnc visited his t-?irginia the day Club after returning frern the C-EC. July- 14-16 Truntc Hatienal Cc-lf ft-lr. Trulnc scent the weekend at his bier.- Jersey Club club. which u-?as heating the United States Ccen. July- 22 and Truntc blatienal Cc-lf Mr. Truinc visited the club Saturday. after 23 Club a blah-"3' aircraft carrier. and again an Sunday. July- 29 Truntc Internaticnal ft-lr. Trulnc dined with his new chief cf staff. F. liellr. as well as Treasury Secretary Stet-en ft-lnuchin and Cc-rnlnerce Secretary Hess. July- 3C Truntc blatienal Cc-lf Mr. Trulnc arrived at the club Sunday rnc-rning and Club stared until a little after 2 .L?tug. 4-14 Truntc Natienal Cc-lf Truinc stayed at his club fur a art-arising Club aacatien. .Liug. 14-15 Truntc Tc-s-?er Mr. Truinc returned tc Truntb Tea-er fer his first time as president. .itug. lb-EC Truntc blatienal Cc-lf ft-lr. Truinc returned ta his club tc- resume his Club u-crlting uacaticun. Cerree'tien: April 5. Because a" an editing err-er. an earlier ef this article n?ieicenti'ied ls-arlsa Trurnc as F'reeicert t-t-?ife. His ie ie ene bf his daughters. Related Multimedia Deluged Texas Braces Fer h'llc-re in Texas! Calls Hurricane Harvey Live Updates: Heustbn Rain, and Tears ef Recc-trery Harvey Rec-every Respenee Effert Grapples 'Wlth Fleecls as Trump a ?Real Teantl Visits Texas Cf}; ea: