15 0(}~ (, RRI ' O FORT CAMPBELL, K F.NT CKY MORALF., WELFA RE ANO l~ECREAT I ON OPF. l~ATlNG F.NTITY (CMWROE) COMMERCIAL PON OR ·111p A 0 A OVERT ISI C AGREl4:MF.NT FY l S-000 1 fhb agreement is made and entered into by aml bcl\' cc11 the ron Campbell Uarri'ion Morulc. Welfare and Rccrcaiion Operati ng rntit} (OMWROF). ron Campbe ll, Kc111uc'-y. hcrcinaficr referred t(l as GMWROL. and NIVERSITY OF PllOF.N JX - MILITARY DI VISION (Sponsor), hereinafter relCrrccJ ltl a-. Spo11sor. UMWROL:. \'>ill uc"nuwlcdgc the SponsM with hcnclits fo1 the following !!vents ond program..,· MW R I vcnt:Jl'rop,rams: I Oc10ber 2014 JO September 201 5 lJnivcr·,ity ol' Phoenix Mi litnry Division l'itle pons<.)l'!".h1ps· I\ title ..,ponsor receives the bcnclit 1hal these even ts listed will h1.: 11a111cd "lJn ivcrsily of Phocn i:-. Miliwry Division und MWR present....,.'..,.,'- • Big Smo Concert, 11 Oct 14,l<4J • MWR Carnival and Independence Da\ Activities and l'in:wort..s. JO Jun-5 Jul I 5, j (b)(4) • Newcomers Oricntnlion (50 Evc11l:-.).ll • Tn.:c I ighting Ccrcmon) /Wintcr Wondcrlnnd. 5 Dec 14.L _ J • Dale Wayryncn {D. W.) Recreation Activi1ic.... KbX4J I Gingerbread I louse Decorating. 23 No\ 14 Si ngle 'old1cr I lolidn) Meal. 3 Dec 14 Laster Egg 1lunt. 5 Apr 15 I abor Oay Cookout. 7 . cp 15 • O.W. Recreation ~ingle Soldiers & Military Fumilic~ Super 13owl, I l·cb 15Jcb){4) • Colo Par!.. Commons Admin Professiona l Day. 22 Apr 15. ~ • Month ol' thc Military Chi ld Gvcnt (IWRh). date 1'130 Apr 15. E.:_J I 1 2 9?'S'SPTi!i IRS TlllllTRIUESIEE I I PT F?li?§'!!)f 1 2 DOD_UOPX_0000001 • • • • • • • Army 13irthday Evcnl (IWRE), 15 June 1s. lx ru·css wf'ittcn co uscnt of the attendee. Data collection is permissible only if data collection and /or entry form . h ave been approved by the Staff .Judge Ad vocate i. ml M WR and include nn opt-in cla use. Only forms where the opt-in clause is positively se lected should be forwur<4> leash in exchange for the above mentioned events, programs and advertisi ng. Payment is due within I 0 business days from date of signing this agreement. Sponsor sha ll mai I payment to GMWR OE Accounting Office, PO Box 475, Fort Campbell , KY 112223 Abide with Departmen t of the Army standards us published in AR 215- 1, Chapter 11 , and paragraphs 11 -6 through 11- 15 are availnhle on line atwww.aQ1!,.anny.mil. Tl{AOEMARK LICENSE. Sponsor grants the GMWROE a royalty-free, non-exclusive license to use and display the Trademarks associated with the Sponsor's products. S uch use s hall be limited .solely to the sponsorship of the events and a ny advertising or promotional activities related to this agreement. The use of Sponsor's trademarks or company nam e will not be used in a way which wou ld cause any person to reasonably inter, or would otherwise convey the impression, that the GMWRO F. and Sponsor are in any way affiliated with, or otherwise acting on behalf of one of the other parties. Sponsor and GM WROE acknowledge that the prov isions of this paragraph do not convey to either party any right, title or ownership interest in any trademarks. Sponsor will review and approve trademark and logo used for advertisement. Sponsor' s name, logo and trademark will remain its exclusive property and any use by GM WROE of such name, logo and trademark shall be for to Sponsor's benefit. GM WROE grants Sponsor the right to use GMWROE name (MWR) and official designation in rhe advertising, promotion and merchandising of Sponsor's products and services. Sponsor agrees that GMWROE's name (MWR), logo and official designation will 1101 be used in a way which would cause any person to reasonably infer, or would otherwise convey the impression, that Sponsor and GM WROE are in any way affilialed wi th, or acting on beha lf of one o f the other parties. Except as expressly provided herein, neither party shall have the right to use the corporate or trade name, tradernarks, serv ices marks, logos or other identification of the other party without the party's prior written consent. T E RM AND TERMINATION . The term o f the Agreement comm ences upon the signature of bolh parties to this agreement and shall continue unlil 30 September 20 15. Sponsor will comply wilh all applicable laws and regu lations. Failure to do so will constitute a material breach of this agreement. Either party may immediately tcrminace this agreement upon a material breach by the other party of any term or condition set forth herei n. Parties mut ually agree to provide advance notice of breaches in writing to the non-hreaching party. Parties may term inatc this agreement, without cause with 30 days written notice. 4 631 ii SJ I IT Fil llSll 216!1 l!llT IF?!TP!!?f DOO_ UOPX_0000004 RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL. lJpon tennination of this Agreement, Sponsor shall have the right of first refusal to renew this Sponsorship Agreement provided the GMWROE desires to update or continue with this specific sponsorship. As used herein, the right of first refusal will mean that if the GMWROE receives a "bona tide offer" regarding spousorship from a third party, the GMWROE is obligated to communicate such offers to the Sponsor within fourteen days of receiving such offer. The Sponsor will comm unicate an offer to contract with the GMWROE, either individually or as a Sponsor, for terms no less favorable to the GM WROE with those contained in the "bona fide offer" of the third party. The Sponsor has fourteen days to respond to the GM WROE. If the Sponsor fail s to invoke its right of firsl refusal within 14 days of receiving C()mmunication from GMWRO£ if a bona-tide third party offer is made, then GM WROE will be free to accept the third party ofter. Jn no event will the GMWROE enter into a contract with a third party upon terms and conditions more favorable to such third party than those offered to the Sponsor, unless such tenns have first been offered to the Sponsor. As used herein, the term ''bona fide offer" shall mean a proposed agreement concerning rights and obligations similar to those herein. which agreement, if executed by the GMWROE and the third party, would be legally binding. This section shall not apply if the Sponsor breaches this agreement. The GM WROE reserves the right to refuse all offers. Right of first refu sal expires 30 September 2015. INDEP EN DENT CONTRACT OR. Sponsor and co-sponsor advertisers shall be, and act as, independent contract.ors and under no ci rcumstances shall this agreement be construed as one of agency, partnership, or j oint venture of employment between the GM WROE and the Sponsor. None of the personnel under contract to, employed by or volunteering for the GM WROE shall be deemed in any way to have any contractual relationship with the Sponsor. The GM WROE shall be solely responsible for the conduct of its employees, personnel, and agems in connection with their performance of the GM WROE obligation, hereunder. Sponsor shall be solely responsible for the conduct of its employees, personnel , and agents in connection wilh their performance hereunder. DISCLAIMER. The fo llowing disclaimer must be printed on all promotional materials distributed in connection with the event clearly stating the Army docs not and cannot officially endorse the Sponsor's name, product, or service. "DoD, U.S . Army or Federal Government endorsemen t not implied." AR 2151. Chapter l 1• paragraphs I 1-8. SPONSORSHIP COSTS. The Sponsor hereby certifies that no cost of the sponsorship will be charged to the Federal government or the GM WROE. FORCE MA.JEURE. No pa1iy shall be responsible for MWR Events and Programs that arc unforeseeable and beyond its reasonl\ble control, such as acts of God, weather delays, acts of war, or unforeseen commercial delays. If any of the MWR Events and Programs in this agreement is postponed due to inclement weather or other conditions beyond control, they may be rescheduled for another time. Sponsor shall then be ent itled to, and the GM WROE agrees to give to the Sponsor, all of the advertising and sponsorship rights set forth herein al no additional charge. CHOICE OF LAW CLAUSE. All disputes arising under or relating to this agreement shall be first submincd to mediation and, to the extent possible, resolved through the mediation process. Shou ld mediation become necessary, the parties shall together select and agree upon a neutral mediator, who must be a member of the state bar of either Tennessee or Kentucky, be certified as a mediator in eit her Tennessee or Kentucky, be actively engaged int.he practice of Jaw in the private sector, and have relevant experience in the area of contract law. HOLD HARMLESS CLAUSE. Sponsor shall hold harmless the GMWROE, the U.S. Anny, Department of Defense, and the Uni ted States Government, from any third party claims against the Sponsor arising from acts or omissions of the Sponsor, its agents, officers, or employees. Acts or 5 66iii IB&iiii!i& iii&iliiii&iii 11&&62612B 3 I Gilli 2116!1 I 61 I i!Gtiiilt DOD_UOPX_0000005 Sponsor arising fmm acts or nmissions of the Sponsor, its agents. offo:ers. or employet-s. Acts or umission~ include. but arc not limited ta, 4\ccidcnts occu rring while Sponsor was acting under lhc tenns and conditions of this agreement, accidents caused uy Sponsor furn ished equipment or m :u~·i als. or 11cci dc11ts cnuscd by Sponsor opcr:ued equipment or materials. NOTI CF.S. All notices required or pcnniucd hereunder shall be deemed duly givt.'11 if sent tly certified mail. po~1Rgc prepaid, addres~cd tn the parties as follows: rF TO SPONSOR: UNIVF:RSTTI' OF PHO'F:!'llX - MJLIT ARY DIVISION IVice President 1625 W. Fountainhc~d 1,arkway Tempe, A7. 85282 ocal Point of Contact : b)(6) Senior Uefonsc: Li1Jison Kentucky and Tennessee: l(b)(6) Kbl<6l IF TO THE f-UNO: GARRISJON MORALF.. WELFARE & RECR tATION OPERATrNG E1'1ITV Commercinl Spt•n ~orship Office 5663 Screaming E.!glc Boulcvnrd P. O. Rox 475 Fort Camphell. Kentucky 4::!22J ASSIGNMF.NT. This t\gre~mcnt is not assignable in whole or pari by any party hereto in the absence of the prior written con~cnt of both pnrtici1. ENTIRE AGRF.F.MF.~T. Thif-1 Agreement contains the entire understandin~ hctwccn thC' partic:!> hcrc:o relating to the subject maltcr contained herein, and l'UJ'lerscdcs any and all prior agreements. arrangements. communications. or represenrations, whether oral or writtc:i. This ngrcemcnt m :1) not he amended. altered, modified. or ch:mgec1 except by an addendum si:p1cd by oil panics hereto. It\ WJT"IESS WHEREOF, the p:irties hereto c~ccutc UKI\TRSITV OF PHOF.:'\1X ~ this tt~re::mc:nt . G MWROF: COMM ERCIAL SPONSORSHIP MfT .ITARY OlVlSJO:'\ (6) BY : DY : (b)(6) ice rc :r;1 en Mil itary Ops ond Continuing Educat ion :J. _ - _J.'?f_-. .;:;. -:.f-+i.. - DAT I·:: ,.,.,.:- ·:.> .:::;' '..: DA TE: _ _ / 6 !! Ii i3 2i i t :S I ! t !lllT 711 llTll 3 I 61415 Li 16! I I 31 I ! I i!1 b DOD_UOPX_0000006