INDICTMENT DIV. A TRUE BILL IN THE NAME OF AND BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA In and for Palm Beach County, at the Second Term thereof, in the year Two Thousand and Seventeen, to-wit: COUNT 1: FIRST DEGREE MURDER WITH A FIREARM The Grand Jurors of the State of Florida, inquiring in and for the body of said County of Palm Beach, upon their oaths do present and charge that: JOEVAN MARQUISE JOSEPH on or about June 29, 2017, in the County of Palm Beach and State of Florida, did unlawfully from a premeditated design to effect the death of a human being, kill and murder MAKEVA JENKINS, a human being, by shooting MAKEVA JENKINS, and during the commission or attempt to commit any offense listed in Florida Statute 77 JOEVAN MARQUISE JOSEPH actually possessed a deadly weapon, a ?rearm or destructive device as those terms are de?ned in section 790.001, Florida Statutes, and further during the course of committing or attempting to commit any offense listed in Florida Statute JOEVAN MARQUISE JOSEPH discharged a ?rearm or destructive device as de?ned in section 790.001, Florida Statutes, and, as the result of the discharge, death or great bodily harm was in?icted upon MAKEVA JENKINS, contrary to Florida Statutes 775.0870), and (CAPITAL FEL) Against the form of the statute, and against the peace and dignity of the State of Florida. I hereby certify that I have advised the Grand Jury returning this indictment as authorized and required by law. DAVID ARONBERG STATE ATTORNEY By: DesignatedQAss/istant State Attorney of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit of the State of Florida, prosecuting for the said State 2?9 111?]; 633 if! DATE JOEVAN MARQUISE JOSEPH, 0413465, 11/05/1997, Booking No.: FCIC REFERENCE NUMBERS: 1) FIRST DEGREE MURDER WITH A FIREARM FDLE REC NOTICE OF CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION WITHIN COURT FILING Pursuant to Florida Rule of Judicial Administration the ?ler of this court record (Indictment) indicates that confidential information is included within the document being ?led; to wit: Social Security Number, 119.0714.