Official Transcript Academic Record Date Issued: May 22, 2012 Name: Inayat Kassam Date of Birth: October 15, 1979 Student ID: 10151979 Issue to: Inayat Kassam 788 Grandview Street North, Oshawa, Ontario, L1K 2E1, Canada Course History at the University ,.,of Renfrew ~,~~ Juris Doctor 2008-2009 Course Description Credit Value -, LAWlOO The Constitutional Law Process " LAW 112 Law, Legislation The Private LAW 115 Legal Research and Writing COM115 Communication Law Process I ~ 0;' English I Civil Procedure LAW224 The Law of Evidence J ,- LAW226 Debtor and Creditor LAW256 Real Property 1 '... B 3 3 C 3 3 B+ 3 3 B- 3 3 B+ 3 - "~\J. •.~ -/It . tb' I~ ~\ "", of FinanciaI. Institutions I "37~: 3 Credit Value Description Regulation ;=enl-'~ Juris Doctor 2009-2010 .r LAW223 B+ 3 ~J LAW 114 LAW225 'l': and'Policy The Legal Process Course 3 ~" LAW 113 :, ENGI05 A- 3 -~,;. Awarded Credits Grade Grade 3 A- 3 3 B- 3 ,~:~~j.>9",. 3 B+ 3 ~,,~ 6 B 6 6 A- 6 -;~: • Relations Transactions Awarded Credits -' .. JG'v , iI 6" , Juris Doctor 2009-~010.,cLAW257 Remedies LAW258 Succession ; ~- _~W·J'I· and Estate Planning 6 B+ 6 6 B- 6 7 '~~ "v - p ~\.I.:: "'_\J,. / Juris Doctor 2010-2011 Course Description Unit Credit Grade Awarded Credits - - LAW345 co~P,.:ti~~ - LAW346 Law 3 ~'f •.. IK~t y Labour I;a.w 3 . 4 - I,.B+ . I~ 3 I~B 3 .. 3 LAW347 International Law 3 LAW348 International Trade Law 6 B 6 LAW349 International Ocean Law 6 B+ 6 LAW350 Dispute Resolution: 6 A- 6 .~1." TheoFF and Practice , I ~ ~ Juris Doctor 2011-2012 Course Description Grade Awarded Credits LAW467 Mediation and Lawyers 3 A- 3 LAW468 Legal Theory Workshop 6 A- 6 3 B+ 3 6 B- 6 6 B+ 6 6 B+ 6 3 B+ 3 . LAW469 Taxation ,,- LAW470 International Commercial LAW471 International Resolution Human Rights and Dispute LAW472 Supervised LAW488 Juris Doctor Legal Clinic Research Law and Arbitration and Writing .,. 2 Unit Credit -. "·.... ,l _\ CREDIT IN: 120 CREDITS CUMULATIVE GPA: B+ (3.45) DEGREE GRANTED: 22 MAY 2012 JURIS DOCTOR Certified University Reqistrar 3 Academic Regulation and Standing Percentage (%) Letter Grade " 90-100 A+ 85-89 A 80-84 A- 76-79 B+ \. -.'-" B 72-75 :~ B- .~ = • '-' 64-67 C+ 60-63 C 55-59 C- 50-54 0 0-49 F (Fail) r I ~, 68-71 ,- 1.. t, '-- ..• Adjudicated Pass (J) is granted where credit is granted and the course need not be repeated although It may not normally qualify as a prerequisite for further work. (The grade assigned by the instructor is used in the calculation of averages.) Aegrotat {AEG) allows a student credit for a course even though the course requirements have not been completed due to medical, emotional, or other difficulties. This standing is awarded only if the course instructor and the dean agree that the student has demonstrated the capacity to deal with the course material satisfactorily. When AEG standing is awarded, a letter grade is assigned. This will be converted to the minimum percentage for that category for the calculation of averages. Audit (AUD) is granted to students who have been officially approved as having audit status. These students are expected to complete all course requirements except the final exam, and may be given Fail (F) standing if their performance is not satisfactory. Deferred Standing (SO) may be granted by the Dean of the Faculty in which the student is enrolled when a student has a valid reason for not completing course requirements as scheduled and does not qualify for Aegrotat standing. Students granted Deferred standing in Winter Session courses must complete all outstanding course requirements by August 23 following. Students granted Deferred standing in Summer Session courses must complete all outstanding work by December following. Students granted Deferred standing are responsible for making satisfactory arrangements with their instructors for completion of oufstanding course requirements. If a student fails to complete deferred requirements by the dates specified, the Deferred standing will be replaced with a grade or standing that reflects requirements completed in the course. Students unable to meet the specified deadlines because of further medical, emotional or other difficulties must make an additional application for Academic Concession no later than August for Winter Session courses or December for Summer Session courses following the original deferral. Exempt (EX) is granted to students who have registered for a required course from which they are exempt. Honours (H) is granted where work exceeds course requirements, credit granted where applicable. Pass (P) or Fail (F) is granted where no grade is assigned, excluded from calculation in all averages. Pass (P) denotes satisfactory completion of the requirements of the subject; credit granted where applicable. Fail (F) denotes fall standing. Credit (Cr)fD/Fail (F) is granted where a grade is assigned by an instructor but not included on the Student's Official transcript of the Academic Record or made available by the University, instead, that grade is converted to either a Cr, 0, or F standing in the course. Excluded from calculation In all averages. Credit (Cr) denotes satisfactory completion of the requirements of the subject; 0 denotes a marginal pass (50% to 54%}, and IS not available for those programs or courses that define a passing grade as being a percentage higher than 50%. Fail (F) denotes fail standing. Prior Learning Assessment Supplemental (PLA) credit is assigned based on prior learning in a subject area. (S) denotes failure, no credit. Supplemental privilege granted. Thesis in Progress (T) denotes graduating essay not submitted; course continuing. If a student in a program. who receives a "T" standing in a graduating essay or other course approved by the faculty completes the course within 12 months of the end of the term in which 1he student first registered for the course, the "T" standinq will be replaced by the grade assigned. If the course is not completed within 12 months, the "T" standing will be replaced by a grade of zero (or ITF"standing in a Pass/Fail course). Withdrawal (W) denotes official withdrawal.