07127/2016 WED l5l13 woos/007 ' pr I SCHEDULEO Supplemental information to Form 990 or 990-EZ (Form 990 0" 990-52) Complete to provide Information for responses to specific questions on OMENo 15450047 Form 999 or BSD-E2 or to provide any additional Information. Department of "1. Treasury Imamal Revenue Service Namagmzneovam'wwn 7997 M y Open to Public Inupeclion D' Attach to Form 990 or 990-52. D Information about Schedule 0 (Form 990 or goo-E2) and Its Instructions Is at www.lrs.gov/!orm990. L.) Emplnyarlldantlncalmn numbor 9 (Hal 2 E'cwwrtwc,CH'3-Ej 32 -o%9.199 ' y r I G , Pad-HE Wmmz . M MM , ' . , , MTWVM H lo. RTE-ab M m R5 .. M WML WwaIQ"4 MthJfMW MWMkW WWW/M For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions tor Form 990 or 990-Ez. RECEIVED BY IRS-EEFHX Cat No 51056K Schedule 0 (Form 990 or Geo-E2) (2015) 07/27/2016 Li106PM (GMT-OHIOO) . 07/27/2016 WED 15g12 moo7/oo7 FAX schedule 0 (Form 990 or 090-52)12015L Page 2 Empioyor ldantlllcnllon number "mafgggggmgmg Airman) 32-03mm? -, $04va M (0,74,6'7b-MAUw1-AJ-t ATE'Jr... MW. gawkMW'gHif-x PMVIJchcz M ' 0 =8 MWWWJMW Schedule 0 (me 990 or BED-El) (2015) RECEIVED BY IRS-EEFRX 07/27/2016 LHOGPM (GMT-OLHOO)