UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OFFICE FOR OVIL RIGHTS 400 MARYLAND AVENUE, SW WASHI NGTON, OC 20202-1475 REGION XI NORTH CAROLINA SOUTH CA ROLINA VIRGINIA WASHINGTON, D.C July 26, 2013 (b)(6); (b)(7 (C) Re: Dear l; (6)(7 l,e-mailed the Complainant, notifying her that with her grades from the resolved incompletes, her cumulative GPA was 2.0. She advised the Complainant that the School's policies require a 2.0 GPA for continuation in the program and for !(b)(6) ; (b)(7(C) l The Dean cautioned, "I want you to be fully informed and aware that if you drop below a 2.0 GPA, your case will have to be reviewed by our Academic Policies Committee." I At the end of the !(b)( 6); (b)(7(C) the Complainant took one "incomplete" and received two Fs and one C. The Dean infonned the Complainant on!< b)(6) ; (b)( 7(C) h hat her GPA was now 1.666 This Dean has since left the University and was replaced by the current dean in l(b)(6);(b)(l The Complainantdisputes the fairness of those grades on several grounds. Allegations about those grades were not timely filed with OCR. 1 2 Page 3 -- OCR Complai nt No . 11-13-2066 and that the Academic Polic ies Committee reviewed the Complai nant's record and decided to withdraw her from the Schoo l. He r status was subsequently changed to a leave of absence. 3 The Complainant engaged in mu ltiple protected activities of which the University was aware. These include: • On ,.,,l