UNITED STATES DEPARTM ENT OF EDUCATION OFFICE FOR CfVIL RIGHTS 400 MARYLAND AVENUE, SW WASHINGTON, OC20202 -1475 REGION XI NORTH CAROLINA SOUTH CARO LINA VIRGINIA WASHINGT ON, D.C. March 28, 2013 (b)(6);(b)(7(C) Re: OCR Complaint No. 11- 13-2066 Notificatio n / Partial Dismissal Letter Dear (b)(6);(b)(7(C) This letter is to inform you of our evaluation determination regarding the discrimination complaint you filed with the U.S. Department of Education (the Department), District of Columbia Office for Civil Rights (OCR) on February 5, 2013 , against Duke University (the University). In your complaint you allege that the University discriminated and retaliated against you on the basis of race, disability, and sex. Specifically, you alleged: 1. The Universit discriminated against ou on the basis of sex when you were sexually assaulted by (b)(6);{b)(7(C) in (b){6); (b)(7(C) 2. The University discriminated a ainst ou on the basis of sex when you were sexually . harassed during a (b)(6);(b)(7(C) in ~ 3. The University discriminated against you based on disability when a faculty member asked ou durin an interview for a !(b)(6);(b)(7(C) !in the !(b)(5); (b)(?(C) Ihow many (b)(6);(b)(?(C) ou have had and whether you are able to !(b)(6); (b){7(C) !. 4. The University discriminated against you based on race in that a (b){6);(b)(7(C) course in the fall of ~ tau ht ou and other students to "und.... er-s":"'" ta-n-.d..,.<"b)"'"<6!!! ""' );""' ;(bj Iprogram in !(b)(6);!; d. Involuntarily withdrawing you from the !(b)(6); (b)( !program in~! (b:i;, )("6)"""" ;(... b)"'" (7..., (C,.,.. ) ---.I;and e. Failing to rocess your withdrawal request from the !(b){6);(b)(7(C) !course in late (b)(6); (b)(7(C) The Oepnrlment~f Educotion's 111i ssio11is to promott!student nchiel'ementand prepnmf-io11for globalco111petitivc11ess byfostering educntionnlexcellenceand ensuring equn/ access. www.ed.gov Page 2 -- OCR Complaint No. 11-13-2066 If we have misstated or mischaracterized your allegations, please contact the OCR staff person identified below within IO days of the date of this letter to provide any necessary clarification. OCR is responsible for enforcing certain federal civil rights statutes and regulations , including Title VJ of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VJ), 42 U.S.C. § 2000d, and its implementing regulation , at 34 C.F.R. Part 100, which prohibit discrimination on the bases of race, color, or national origin in activities or programs that receive federal financial assistance (FF A) from the Department ; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Tit le IX), 20 U .S.C. § 1681, el seq., and its implementing regulation , at 34 C.F.R . Part 106, which prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex in programs and activities that receive FFA from the Department; and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504), 29 U.S.C. § 794, and its implementing regulation , at 34 C.F.R. Part 104, which prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability in programs and activities that receive FF A from the Department. These laws also prohibit a recipient from retaliating against an individual because that person complained about discrimination or otherwise asserted rights under these laws. The University is a recipient of FFA from the Department and therefore is subject to the provisions of these laws. Under OCR's case processing procedures, OCR evaluates comp laints to understand the allegations, gathers appropriate information , including jurisdictiona l information, and decides whether OCR will proceed to complaint resolution or take other appropriate action. As part of our evaluation of your comp laint, we considered the informatio n that you provided to OCR in your complaint as well as your e-mail and telephone commun ications with OCR staff. After careful consideration of this information, we determined that Allegations I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.a, 6.b, and 6.c of your complai nt will not be opened for investigation, and we have dismissed those allegations effective the date of this letter. OCR will proceed with an investigation of Allegat ions 6.d and 6.e. More information on the basis for OCR's dismissal action follows. Complaint Allegations That Are Untimely Allegations 1, 2, 3, 6.b and 6.c were not filed in a timely manner with our office. OCR generally will take action only with respect to allegation s that were filed within 180 days from the act of b.The incidents that you cite .in these allegations alleged discrimination (i.e ., by l