AO ll0 06t091 7614 2015R00109 to Testifv Before a Grand Jr¡rv Umrpn Srarps DlsrnrcT FB /HURLEY CoLrRT, fo¡ the ' Northem Disfict of Flo¡ida ST]BPOENA TO TDSTIF"T BEFORß A GRAND JURY CITY OF TALI.AHASSEE RECORDS CUSTODTAN 3OO SOUTH ADAMS STREET ro: fififif; TALI.AHASSEE, FL}23O1 You ÅRE coll{MAIYDED to appear gr-ã j"o in this united states dishict court at the time, date, and plac'e shown **;;ffiã,îãu 3i¿"rirïtï*grit;1:*::ou't" Place: UN ited States District Courthouse 1 1 1 North Adams Street Tallahassee, FL32SO1 must ¡emain ar rhe courr untl rhe judse o¡ a courr Date and Time: 1010312017 9:00 am ooo,rru,îlumust also bring with you th9 following documents, electuonically stored information, or objects þrankífnor Please see the attachment. ln lieu of personar appearance, please forward art requested documentation to: Special Agent Evan Hurley l:9gql Bureau of tnvestigation 660 East Jefferson Street Suite 200 Tallahassee, Florida 32501 (850) 2244107 ¡ Date: . Q910612017 The nar¡e, e-mail, requests this subpoen¿. ære: Stephen M. Kuni Assista nt Un ited StaÈ Ãttlrney 111 North Adams Street, 4th Flóor Tallahassee, FL 32301 Tel. (850) 216-3830 ñ^{_- CLERK. num the States attorney, who á,O I l0 (Rev. 06/09) Subpoena to Testify Before Grand Jury (page 2) 7614 2015R00109 FB /HURLEY PROOF'OF SERWCE This subpoena for w¿rs fuame of individual or organization) received by me on @ate o I served the subpoena by derivering a copy to the na'ed person as foilows: on (date) D I retumed the subpoena unexecuted becaùse: I decla¡e under penarty of perjury that this information is fue. 'Date: Semer's signature Prinledname and title Semer's addÌeis Additional information regarding attempted service, etc ;or Stephen M. Kunz Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Assistant United States Attorney Septemb er (850) e42-8430 6,2017 City of Tallahassee Attn: Records Custodian 300 South Adams Streer Tallahassee, FL 32301 Records to be produced For the period of January Z}I2to present , any and all: Any and all communic¿tions (including, but not limited to, emails, letters, and memoranda) addressed to, copied to, oireceived frãm tne iollowin! individuals: o Tailahassee city commissioner scott Maddox o Scott Maddox as an individual t Any aide, formally or inform a17y, to Tallahassee . ' city commissioner scoft Maddox, to include, but not limiied to, p;ú; ôaÍer-smith and Allie lvlerzer Fleming Gary Yordon Tallahassee Downtown Improvement Authorify cEo paige carter-smith In lieu of hard copies, records are requested in drgital/electronic format if appropnate (e'g', via email attachment files o, oriro-pact vL' vvl'vqvr urùA\ù/t' disk(s). '¿a An index for the data is also requested. IN LIEU OF PERSONAL APPEARANCE BEFORE TFIE GRAND JURY, you may provide the requested records together with a completed and execu ted certificate of the authentication of the records or ürr Tailahassee by the custodian or anotherperson authotized to make the certifi catíonihat includes the seal ofthe city of Tallahassee or bealng the signature of an offtcer or employee of the city of Tallahassee and anotherpublic õffiæ, who has a seal and,officiat duties within the city of Tallahassee and who certifies under seal or iti equivalen t-thatthe signorhas the - Cttt; official capacity andthatthat the signature is genuine, to: Federal Bureau oflnvesti gation S_p99iat Agent Bu_ Hurley 660 East Jefferson Street, Suite 20fj Tallahassee, FL 32301 Phone: g50_224_4107 ATT,