Case 1:16-cr-20549-JAL Document 200 Entered on FLSD Docket 02/15/2017 Page 1 of 49 UN ITED STA TE S D ISTR ICT C O U R T SO U TH E RN D ISTR ICT O F FLO RIDA TB CaseNo.16-CR-20549-LENARD(s) 18U.S.C.j1349 18U.S.C.j 1347 18U.S.C.j 1035(a)(2) 18U.S.C.j371 42U.S.C.j 1320a-7b(b)(1)(A) 42 U.S.C.j 1320a-7b(b)(2)(A) 18U.S.C.j 1956(h) 18U.S.C.j 1956(a)(1)(B)(i) 18U.S.C.j666 18U.S.C.j 1503 18 U.S.C.j2 18 U.S.C.j981 18 U.S.C.j982 Feb 14, 2017 MIAMI UN ITED STA TES O F A M ER ICA VS. PH ILIP ESFO R M ES, O D ETTE BAR C H A ,and A RN ALD O C A RM O U ZE, D efendants. / SEC O N D SU PER SED IN G IN D ICTM EN T The G rand Jury chargesthat: G E NER AL ALLE G A TIO N S A talltim esrelevantto this Second Superseding Indictm ent, The H ealth lnsurance Proeram s TheM edicareProgram (tcNfedicare'')wasafederalhealth careprogram providing benefitsto persons w ho w ere 65 orolderor disabled. M edieare w as adm inistered by the U nited StatesDepartmentofHea1th and Human Services(ékHHS'')through itsagency,the Centersfor Medicare& MedicaidServices(:1CM S'').lndividualswhoreceivedbenefitsunderM edicarewere Case 1:16-cr-20549-JAL Document 200 Entered on FLSD Docket 02/15/2017 Page 2 of 49 refen-edto asM edicare ilbeneficiaries.'' The Florida M edicaid Program (tûM edicaid'')provided benefitsto certain lowincom e individuals and fam iliesin Florida. M edicaid w asadm inistered by CM S and the A gency forHealth Care Administration (1kAHCA''). M edicare and M edicaid were each a ithealth care benefitprogram,''asdetinedbyTitle18,United StatesCode,Section 24(b),andakéfederalhealth careprogram,''asdetinedbyTitle42,UnitedStatesCode,Section l320(a)-7(b)-f. The M edicare program was divided into four téparts''thatcover differentservices. M edicare PartA generally coversinpatienthospitalservices,hom e health and hospice care,and skilled nursing andrehabilitation care. Subjectto certain conditions,M edicare Pal'tA coveredup to 100 daysofskilled nursing and rehabilitation carefora benefitperiod (i.e.,spellofillness)following a qualifying hospitalstayofatleastthreeccmsecutivedays.42U.S.C.j 1395d(a)(2)(A);42C.F.R. j409.6l(b),(c). TheconditionsthatM edicareimposedonitsPartA skillednursingfacility(;tSNF'') benefitincluded:(1)thatthepatientrequiredskillednursingcareorskilledrehabilitation services (orboth)onadaily basis,(2)thatthedaily skilled servicesmustbeservicesthat,asapractical matter,couldonlybeprovided in askillednursingfacility on an inpatientbasis,and (3)thatthe services were provided to addressa condition forwhich the patientreceived treatmentduring a qualifying hospitalstay or that arose while the patientwas receiving care in a skilled nursing facility(foraconditiontreatedduringthehospitalstay).42U.S.C.j1395f(a)(2)(B)' ,42C.F.R.j 409.3l(b). 6. M edicarerequired thataphysician orcertain otherpractitionerscertify thatthese conditionswerem etatthe tim eofa patient'sadmission to the nursing facility and to re-certify to the patient's continued need for skilled rehabilitation therapy services at regular intelwals Case 1:16-cr-20549-JAL Document 200 Entered on FLSD Docket 02/15/2017 Page 3 of 49 thereafter. See 42 U.S.C.j 1395f(a)(2)(B);M edicare General Inform ation,Eligibility,and EntitlementM anual,Ch.4,j40.3. To assistin the adm inistration ofM edicare PartA,CM S contracted with tûfiscal intermediaries.''42 U.S.C.j 1395h.Fiscalintermediaries,typicallyinsurancecompanies,were responsibleforprocessingand paying claim sand costreports. Beginning in or around N ovember 2006,M edicare Administrative Contractors began replacing both the caniersand fiscalintermediaries. SeeFed.Reg.67960,68181(Nov. 2006). The MACS generally acted on behalfofCM S to process and pay PartA (aswellas MedicarePartB)claimsandperfonn administrativefunctionsonaregionallevel.See42jC.F.R. 421.5(b). ln Florida,FirstCoastService Options,lnc.(CûFirstCoast'')served asthe fiscal intermediary and canieruntilSeptem ber2008,atwhich timeitwasawarded accmtractto serveas the M A C forthe Florida region. 10. Providers who wished to be eligible to participate in M edicare Part A were requestedtoperiodically sign an application fonn,CM S Form 855A .The application,which was required to besigned by an authorizedrepresentativeoftheprovider,contained acertificationthat states: I agree to abide by the M edicare law s, regulations,and program instructions that apply to this provider. The M edicare law s, regulations, and program instnlctions are available through the M edicare contractor. l understand that paym ent of a claim by M edicare is conditioned upon the claim and the underlying transaction com plying w ith such law s, regulations and program instructions(including,butnotlimitedto,thefederalanti-kickback statuteandtheStarklaw),andontheprovider'scompliancewithall applicable conditionsofparticipation in M edicare. Case 1:16-cr-20549-JAL Document 200 Entered on FLSD Docket 02/15/2017 Page 4 of 49 11. CM S Form 855A contained additional certifications thatthe provider :twillnot know ingly presentor cause to be presented a false or fraudulentclaim for paym entby M edicare andwillnotsubmitclaim swith deliberateignoranceorrecklessdisregard oftheirtruth orfalsity.'' 12. Every SN F costreportcontained a kf ertification''thatm ustbe signed by the chief administratorofthe providerora responsible designeeofthe administrator. SNFSsubm itted theCM S-1450 electronically underM edicarePartA to theirlocal fiscalintermediary orM AC,which in thiscasewasFirstCoast. FirstCoast,on behalfofCM S, processed and paid the M edicarePal'tA claim s. ln addition to the services covered under M edicare Part A, M edicare PartB provided coverage for,among otherthings,certain physician office and hom e visits,and other health care benetits, item s, and services. The physician senices at issue in this Second Superseding lndictmentwerecovered by PartB. An tlAssisted Living Facility''or:'ALF''wasafacility licensed by AHCA ,whether operated forprotk ornot,which undertook through its ownership or managem ent,to provide housing,m eals,and one orm ore personalservicesfora period exceeding 24 hoursto one orm ore adultswhowerenotrelativesoftheowneroradm inistrator.M edicaid covered aportionofcertain costs associated w ith A LF stays. ln Florida,AHCA is responsible foradministering the M edicaid program ,and is tasked with regulating and licensing health care facilitiesin Florida,including SNFSand ALFS. A HCA is funded by both the state and federalgovernm ents. A H CA receives w ell in excess of $10,000each yearfrom the federalgovernm ent. 17. AHCA'SDivisionofHealthQualityAssuranceinvestigatespatientcomplaintsand conductsunannounced inspecticm s ofa w ide range ofhealth care facilities in the state ofFlorida, including A LFS and SN FS. In connection w ith these duties,A H CA surveyors enter and inspect 4 Case 1:16-cr-20549-JAL Document 200 Entered on FLSD Docket 02/15/2017 Page 5 of 49 health carefacilitiestoreview clinicalrecords,interview patients,andinterview staff,am ongother things,to ensure thattheproviders are com plying with applicable state and federalstatutesin a mannerthatprotectsthe health and safety ofthepatients. l8. lfAHCA surveyorsidentifydeficienciesorfraudduringtheirinspections,they can fine or,ultim ately,revoke the operating license of the facility. The surveyors also notify the Florida M edicaid Fraud ControlUnitatthe Florida Attom ey General's Office ifthey observe evidence offraud. The D efendants,Related C om paniesand Individuals 19. DefendantPH ILIP ESFORM ES,a residentofM iam i-Dade County,controlled, owned,oroperated the following SNFS and ALFS (collectively referred to asthe itEsformes Network''),located throughoutM iami-Dade County,in the Southern District ofFlorida,and elseNvhere: Facility N am e A D M E Investm entPartners LTD dba Oceanside Extended Care A dirhu A ssociatesLLC AlmoveaAssociatesLLC dbaNorth DadeNursing and Rehabilitation Center Ayintove A ssociatesLLC dba H arm ony H ea1th Center Courtyard M anorRetirem entLiving,lnc. Eden Gardens LLC FairHavensHolding LLC/FairHavensCenterLLC Flamingo Park M anorLLC/TIZePointe La Covadonga Retirem entLiving,lne. LakeErswin LLC dba South Hialeah M anor/lnteram erican KabirhuAssociatesLLC dba Golden GladesNursing and Rehabilitation Center LauderhillM anorLLC La Serena Retirem entLiving LLC/La H acienda Gardens/Rainbow 5 Type ofFacility SN F A LF SNF SN F A LF A LF SN F/ALF ALF A LF ALF SNF ALF A LF Case 1:16-cr-20549-JAL Document 200 Entered on FLSD Docket 02/15/2017 Page 6 of 49 Facility N am e Jene'sRetirem entLiving,lnc./lene's Retirem entInvestors Ltd dbaN orth M iam iR etirem entLivin Sefardik A ssociates,LLC dba TheN ursing CenteratM ercy Takifhu AssociatesLLC dba South DadeNursing and Rehabilitation Center W illiam sburg Retirem entLiving 20. Type ofFacility A LF SN F SNF A LF D efendant O DE TTE BAR C H A , a resident of M iam i-D ade County, w as the registered agent and director of Barcha Consulting, lnc.(ûçBarcha Consultinf'), a Florida corporation,and w asthe Directorof Outreach Program s atH ospital l. DefendantA RN A LD O CA R M O UZE ,a residentof M iam i-D ade County,w as a physician'sassistant(çkPA'')licensedintheStateofFlorida. 22. Guillenno D elgado w asa residentofM iam i-Dade County. 23. GabrielDelgado wasaresidentofM iami-DadeCounty. 24. Diversified lnvestm ent Group of M iam i, lnc., D iversified M edical Group, La Covadonga h4anagenaent Group LLC , and Preferred Providers G roup, lnc., w ere Florida corporationsowned andcontrolledbyGuillermoand GabrielDelgado (collectivelyçltheDelgado Companies''). 25. Guillenuo D elgado and GabrielD elgado ow ned,controlled and/oroperated Tender TouchHomeHea1th LLC (kl-l-enderTouch'')and St.JudeHealth Care,lnc.(tkSt.Jude''),Florida corporations. N elson Salazar, a resident of M iam i-D ade County, was the ow ner of N ursing Unlimited2000,Inc.(ûlNursingUnlimited''),aFloridacorporation. 27. Jose Carlos M orales, a resident of M iam i-D ade County, w as the ow ner of Phannovisa,Inc.andPhannovisa,MD,lnc.(collectivelylkpharmovisa''),Floridacorporations. 28. Pharm acy 1, Phannacy 2, and Pharm acy 3 w ere pharm acies in M iam i-Dade Case 1:16-cr-20549-JAL Document 200 Entered on FLSD Docket 02/15/2017 Page 7 of 49 County. 29. Am erican Therapeutic Corporation and Greater M iam iBehavioralHealth Care Center,lnc.(ilGreaterMiami'')werepartialhospitalizationprogramsinM iami-DadeCounty. 30. DiagnosticCom pany 1,DiagnosticCompany 2,DiagnosticCompany3,Diagnostic Company 4,and Diagnostic Company 5,werediagnostic companiesin M iam i-Dadeand Broward Counties. Laboratory 1wasalaboratory in M iam i-DadeCounty. 32. PhysicianVision Group 1wasagroup ofvisionphysiciansin M iam i-DadeCounty. Physician 1wasa residentofM iam i-Dade County and worked with ARNALDO C AR M O UZE. 34. Fem ale Com panion 1 w as a residentofM iam i-Dade County. FemaleCompanion 2 wasaresidentofM iami-Dade County. Female Companion 3 wasa residentofBroward County. 37. Fem ale Com panion4 wasaresidentofM iam i-Dade County. 38. Fem ale Companion 5 wasaresidentofM iam i-Dade County. 39. PersonalAssistant1wasaresidentofM inmi-DadeCounty. 40. BasketballCoach 1wasaresidentofHouston,Texas,in HanisCounty. IndividuallwasaresidentofPhiladelphia,Pennsylvania,inPennsylvania,County. A H CA Em ployee 1 w as a residentofM iam i-D ade County. 43. A H CA Intennediary 1w asa residentofM iam i-D ade C ounty. 44. A H CA lntennediary 2 w as a residentofM iam i-D ade County. Case 1:16-cr-20549-JAL Document 200 Entered on FLSD Docket 02/15/2017 Page 8 of 49 C O UN T 1 Conspiracy to Com m itH ealth CareFraud and W ireFraud (18U.S.C.j 1349) Paragraphs 1through 38,40,and 42 through 44 ofthe G eneralA llegations section ofthisSecond Supersedinglndictm entarere-allegedandincorporatedby referenceasthoughfully setforth herein. From in oraround January 1998,and continuing through in oraroundJuly2016,in M iami-Dade County,in the Southel' n DistrictofFlorida,and elsewhere,the defendants, PHILIP ESFO RM ES, ODETTE BARCH A, and ARNALDO CARM O UZE, did willfully,thatis,with the intentto furtherthe objects ofthe conspiracy,and knowingly combine,conspire,confederate,and agree with Guillenno Delgado,Gabriel Delgado,Nelson Salazar,Jose CarlosM orales,each other,and othersknown and unknown to the Grand Jury,to comm itcertain offensesagainstthe United States,thatis: a. to know ingly and w illfully execute a schem eand artitice to defraud a health care benefitprogram affecting comm erce,as defined in Title 18,United States Code,Section 24(b),thatis,M edicareand M edicaid,andto obtain,bymeansofmateriallyfalseand fraudulent pretenses,representations,and prom ises,m oney and property ow ned by,and under the custody and controlof,said health carebenefitprogram s,in connection with the delivery ofand paym ent forhealth carebenefits,item s,and services,in violation ofTitle 18,U nited States Code,l347, .and to know ingly and w ith the intentto defraud,devise and intend to devise a schem eandartificeto defraud,and forobtainingm oney and property bym eansofmateriallyfalse and fraudulent pretenses, representations, and prom ises, know ing that the pretenses, representations,and prom isesw ere false and fraudulentw hen m ade,and did know ingly transm it 8 Case 1:16-cr-20549-JAL Document 200 Entered on FLSD Docket 02/15/2017 Page 9 of 49 and cause to be transm itted,by m eans of w ire com m unication in interstate com m erce,w ritings, signs,signals,pictures, and sounds for the purpose of executing such schem e and artifice,in violation ofTitle l8,United StatesCode,Section 1343. Purpose ofthe C onspiracv Itwasa purpose ofthe conspiracy forthe defendantsand theirco-conspiratorsto unlawfully enrichthemselvesby,amongotherthings:(a)submitting falseandfraudulentclaims to MedicareandM edicaidforclaimsbasedonkickbacksandbribes;(b)submittingand causing the subm ission of false and fraudulent claim s to M edicare and M edicaid for senices thatw ere medicallyunnecessary,thatwerenoteligibleforM edicareand M edicaid reimbursem ent,andthat wereneverprovided;(c)concealingthesubmissionoffalseandfraudulentclaimstoM edicareand Medicaid' ,and(d)divertingproceedsofthefraudforthepersonaluseandbenefitofthedefendants and theirco-conspiratorsin the fonn ofcom pensation and otherrem uneration. M anner and M eans The m anner and m eans by w hich the defendants and their eo-conspirators sought to accom plish the purpose ofthe conspiracy included,am ong others,the follow ing: 4. PHILIP ESFORM ES owned and operated the EsfonnesNetwork,which gave him accessto thousandsofM edicare and M edicaid beneticiaries. PH ILIP E SFO RM ES and co-conspirators negotiated and paid kickbacks to A RN ALD O C AR M O U ZE ,O D ETTE BA R CH A and certain m edicalprofessionalsin exchange form edically unnecessary referralsto the EsfonnesN etw ork and co-conspirators. 6. PH IL IP E SFO RM ES, through a shell com pany ow ned and/or controlled by G abrielDelgado,caused the paym entofkickbacksto O D ETTE BA RC H A . Case 1:16-cr-20549-JAL Document 200 Entered on FLSD Docket 02/15/2017 Page 10 of 49 PH ILIP E SFO R M ES, O D ETTE BA RC H A ,A R NA LD O CA RM O U ZE,and otherscaused patientsto beadm itted into the EsformesNetwork,regardlessofwhetherornotthe patientsactually needed theservices. 8. The M edicare and M edicaid patients that PH ILIP ESFORM ES, ODETTE BARCHA,ARNALDO CARM OUZE,and otherscaused to beadmitted to Esform esNetwork SNFSincludedpatientswith psychiatricissuesthatdidnotneed SNF servicesand did notreceive treatm entfortheirpsychiatric conditions. PHILIP ESFORM ES,Guillenno Delgado,GabrielDelgado,and others created and caused to be created false and fraudulentinvoicesfordurable m edicalequipm ent,w hich w ere subm itted by Diversified M edicalGroup forpayment,and used the fundsto pay kickbacksand bribes to physicians and other m edical professionals in exchange for m edically unnecessary refenulsto theEsform esNetwork and co-conspirators. On oraboutJune 15,2004,ARNALDO CARM OUZE certified to M edicare that he would com ply w ith a11M edicare rules and regulations,including thathe would refrain from violatingthefederalAnti-Kickback statute. 11. O n or about O ctober 18, 2006, PH ILIP E SFO RM ES signed a civil settlem ent agreem entwith theUnited StatesDepartmentofJustice,resolving allegationsthathe,and others, paid kickbacks to a physician to adm it M edicare and M edicaid patients from the Esform es Network into Hospital1,wherethey received m edically unnecessary services. ln the settlement, PH ILIP ESFO RM ES did notacltnow ledgethe validity ofthe claim salleged by the United States oradm itliability. 12. O n oraboutSeptem ber 28,2009,and again on or aboutJanuary 1,2012,PH IL IP ESFO RM E S certified to M edicare that H arm ony Health Center SN F w ould com ply w ith a11 M edicare rulesand regulaticms,including thatheand Harmony Hea1th CenterSNF wouldrefrain Case 1:16-cr-20549-JAL Document 200 Entered on FLSD Docket 02/15/2017 Page 11 of 49 from violating the federalAnti-K ickback statute. On oraboutFebruary 2,2011,and again on oraboutM arch 22,2011,PH ILIP ESFO R M E S certified to M edicare thatFair Havens SN F would com ply w ith a1lM edicare rules and regulations,including thathe and FairHavensSNF would refrain from violating the federal Anti-Kickback statute. On oraboutJuly 10,2006,June 25,2010,M ay 22,2012 and June 30, 2015,PH ILIP ESFORM ES certified to M edicaid thatFairHavens SNF would comply with al1 M edicaid rules and regulations,including that he and Fair Havens SNF would refrain from violating federallaw s. l4. On or aboutJanuary 24,2014,and again on or about April 3,2014,PHILIP ESFORM ES certified to M edicarethatTheNursing CenteratM ercy SNF would comply with al1 M edicarerulesand regulations,including thathe and The Nursing CenteratM ercy SNF would refrain from violatingthefederalAnti-Kickback statute. On oraboutFebruary22,2012,PHILIP ESFORM ES certified to M edicaid thatTheNursing Hom eatM ercy SNF would comply with all M edicaid rules and regulations,including thathe and the Nursing Home atM ercy SNF would refrain from violating federallaws. 15. O n or about Decem ber 5, 2011, and again on Septem ber 15, 2014, PH ILIP ESFORM ES certitied to M edicaid thatOceanside Extended Care SNF would comply with a11 M edicaidrulesandregulations,includingthatheand OceansideExtendedCare SNF wouldrefrain from violating federallaw s. 16. On or aboutN ovem ber 6,2014,PH ILIP ESFO R M ES certified to M edicaid that N orth Dade N ursing and Rehabilitation Center SN F w ould com ply w ith a1lM edicaid rules and regulations, including that he and N orth D ade N ursing and Rehabilitation Center SN F w ould refrain from violating federallaw s. O n or about A ugust 24, 2010, and again on or about July l9, 2013, PH IL IP Case 1:16-cr-20549-JAL Document 200 Entered on FLSD Docket 02/15/2017 Page 12 of 49 E SFO R M ES certified to M edicaid thatCourtyard M anor A LF would com ply w ith allM edicaid rulesand regulations,including thathe and Courtyard M anorALF would refrain from violating federallaw s. 18. On oraboutSeptem ber 1,2009,and again on oraboutJune 12,2012,and A ugust l0,2015,PHILIP ESFORM ES certified to M edicaid thatFlam ingo Park M anor ALF would com ply w ith allM edicaid rules and regulations,including thathe and Flam ingo Park M anorA LF would refrain from violating federallaws. l9. O n or about Septem ber 1,2009, and again on or about July l8,2012,PH ILIP ESFO RM E S certified to M edicaid that La H acienda Gardens ALF w ould com ply w ith a1l M edicaid rules and regulations,including thathe and La Hacienda G ardens A LF w ould refrain from violating federallaw s. O n oraboutD ecem ber l0,2013,PH ILIP E SFO R M ES certified to M edicaid that LauderhillM anorALF would com ply with a11M edicaid rulesand regulations,including thathe and LauderhillM anorALF would refrain from violating federallaws. Priorto,and after,signing each of these certificationsto M edicare and M edicaid, PH ILIP ESFO R M ES paid kickbacksto physiciansin exchange fortheirreferralofM edicare and M edicaid beneficiariesto be placed atH arm ony H ealth Center,Fair H avens,the N ursing Center at M ercy, O ceanside Extended Care, and other SN FS. PH ILIP ESFO R M ES also received kickbacksprior to,and after,signing each ofthese certificationsfor access to patientsresiding in those SN FS,Courtyard M anor,LauderhillM anor,Flam ingo Park M anor,La H acienda G ardens, and otherfacilitiesin the EsfonnesN etw ork. PH ILIP E SFO RM ES caused Hannony H ea1th Center,FairH avens,The N ursing Center atM ercy and other SN FS under his controlto tile claim s to M edicare for skilled nursing senicesforpatients thatw ere obtained through the paym entofkickbacks to physicians. Case 1:16-cr-20549-JAL Document 200 Entered on FLSD Docket 02/15/2017 Page 13 of 49 23. Co-conspirators paid PHILIP ESFORM ES kickbacks, bribes, and other inducem ents,often tllrough Guillermo and GabrielDelgado,in exchangeforreferralsofM edicare and M edicaid beneficiaries thatwere part of the Esfonues Network. These co-conspirator providers included: Tender Touch, St.Jude,Nursing Unlim ited, Pharmovisa, Phannacy l, Pharmacy 2, Pharm acy 3, Am erican Therapeutic Corporation, Greater M iami, Diagnostic Company 1, Diagnostic Com pany 2, Diagnostic Company 3, Diagnostic Com pany 4, and Diagnostic Com pany 5,Laboratory 1,Physician V ision G roup 1,and otherproviders. 24. PHILIP ESFORM ES receivedthekickbacksand bribesfrom the co-conspirators which were disguised as: a) cash payments;b) payments to Female Companion 1,Female Companion 2,Female Companion 3, Female Companion 4,and Female Companion 5, 'c) charitable donations;d)paymentsto BasketballCoach l for coaching his son;and e)lease paym ents. PHILIP ESFORM ES,ODETTE BAR CHA,ARNALD O CARM OUZE,and theirco-conspiratorsfalsifed,fabricated and altered,andcausedthefalsification,fabrication,and alterationofm edicalrecordsto supportservicespurportedly rendered atHospitall,theEsfonues Network,and otherhealth care providers operated by co-conspirators. 26. A RN A LD O CA R M O U ZE signed w hathe knew to be falsified,fabricated,and altered prescriptionsand m edicalrecords,including hom ehealth refenuls,adm issionsatHospital 1,dischazge paperwork at Hospital 1,and office visit notes without proper supervision of a physician and,in m any instances,w ithouteverm eeting with the Esfonnes N etw ork beneficiary. ARN A LD O C A RM O U ZE also prescribed m edically unnecessary narcotics, including Oxycodone,withoutalicense,to EsfonuesNetwork beneficiaries. PHILIP ESFORM ES,through AHCA lntermediary 1,AHCA lntennediary 2, GabrielDelgado,Guillermo Delgado,and otherco-conspirators,bribed AHCA Em ployee 1 for Case 1:16-cr-20549-JAL Document 200 Entered on FLSD Docket 02/15/2017 Page 14 of 49 non-public schedules providing advance notice of unarm ounced AH CA inspections and patient com plaints atthe SN FSand A LFS. 28. PH ILIP ESFO R M E S, O D ETTE BA RC H A ,A R N ALD O C A RM O U ZE, and theirco-conspirators used these schedulesofthe unannounced inspectionsand patientcom plaints to evadedetection by AHCA ofadm inistrativeviolationswhich would lead to the tenninatitm Of EsfonnesNetwork facilitiesfrom M edicareand M edicaid. 29. ln June 2015, in order to further concealthe schem e,PH ILIP ESFORM ES directed Guillenno and Gabriel D elgado to sign falsified docum ents to m ake it appear as if PH ILIP ESFO R M ES w asnotinvolved in the com m ission ofhealth care fraud. PH ILIP ESFO R M ES,O DE TTE B AR C H A ,A RN A LD O C AR M O U ZE,and others,through the use of interstate wires,subm itted and caused the subm ission of false and fraudulentclaimsto M edicare and M edicaid in an approxim ateamountof$1billion forservices thatweremedically unnecessary,neverprovided,and procuredthrough thepaymentofkickbacks and bribes. 31. PH ILIP ESFO R M E S, O D ETTE BA RC H A ,A R N ALD O C A R M O U ZE, and others,throughtheuseofinterstatewires,caused M edicareto pay approximately $464 m illion for services that were m edically unnecessary,neverprovided,and procured through the paym entof kickbacksand bribes. A llin violation ofTitle 18,U nited States Code,Section 1349. C O UN T S 2-3 H ealth C are Fraud (18U.S.C.j1347) Paragraphs 1 through 19 and 21 through 33 ofthe GeneralA llegations section of this Second Superseding lndictm entare re-alleged and incorporated by reference as though fully setfol'th herein. Case 1:16-cr-20549-JAL Document 200 Entered on FLSD Docket 02/15/2017 Page 15 of 49 From in or around January 2009,and continuing tllrough in or around June 2016, in M iam i-DadeCounty,in the Southern DistrictofFlorida,and elsewhere,thedefendants, PH ILIP ESFO R M E S and ARNALDO CARM O UZE, in connection with the delivery ofand paym entforhealth care benefits,item s,and senices,did knowinglyandwillfully execute,and attem ptto execute,a schemeandartificeto defraud ahealth care benefitprogram affecting com merce,as defined in Title 18,United States Code,Section 24(b),thatis,M edicareandM edicaid,andtoobtain,bymeansofmateriallyfalseandfraudulent pretenses,representations,and prom ises,money and property owned by,and underthe custody and controlofsaid health care benefitprogram s. Purpose ofthe Schem e and A rtifice Itwasapurposeoftheschem eandartificeforthedefendantsand theiraccom plices tounlawfullyenrichthemselvesby,amongotherthings:(a)creatingfakemedicaldocumentation forservicesthatwerenotrendered,notnecessary,ornotprovided underthepropersupervision of aphysician;(b)submittingandcausingthesubmissionoffalseandfraudulentclaimstoM edicare and Medicaid' ,and (c)concealingthe submissionoffalseand fraudulentclaimstoM edicareand M edicaid. The Schem e and A rtifice The allegations contained in paragraphs 4 thzough 31 of the M anner and M eans section ofCount 1 ofthis Second Superseding lndictm ent are re-alleged and incorporated by reference asthough fully setforth herein asa description ofthe schem e and artifice only asthose allegations relate to PH ILIP ESFO R M ES and A RN A LD O CA R M O U ZE . A cts in Execution or A ttem pted Execution ofthe Schem e and A rtifice O n oraboutthe dates setforth asto each countbelow ,in M iam i-D ade County,in Case 1:16-cr-20549-JAL Document 200 Entered on FLSD Docket 02/15/2017 Page 16 of 49 theSouthern DistrictofFlorida,and elsewhere,thedefendants, PH ILIP E SFO R M ES and A R NA LD O C A RM O U ZE, in comzection with the delivery ofand paymentforhealth care benefits,item s,and services,did knowingly and willfully execute,and attem ptto execute,theabove-described schem eand artifice todefraud ahealth carebenefitprogrnm affecting comm erce,asdefined byTitle 18,United States Code,Section 24(b),thatis,M edicareand M edicaid,andtoobtain,bymeansofmateriallyfalse and fraudulentpretenses,representations,andpromises,moneyandproperty owned by,and under thecustody and controlofsaid health care benefitprogram s,thatis,the defendantsubmitted and caused thesubmission offalseand fraudulentclaim sto M edicare,aslisted below : C ount Beneficiary N am e 2 S.J. A pprox. Claim R eceiptD ate Services C laim ed A pproxim ate A m ount Billed to M edicare Claim N um ber 9/1/11 Office Visitin $95 598312167120160 $62 30000958375508 A LF 3 S.J. 9/14/11 OXYCODONE H CL Prescri tion 19301930356 In violation ofTitle 18,U nited States Code,Sections 1347 and 2. CO UN TS 4-5 False Statem ents R elating to H eaIth C are M atters (18U.S.C.j1035(a)(2)) Paragraphs lthrough 19 and 21 through 33 ofthe GeneralAllegations section of the Second Superseding lndictm entare re-alleged and incorporated by reference as though fully setforth herein. On or aboutthe dates enum erated below ,in M iam i-D ade County,in the Southern D istrictofFlorida,and elsew here,the defendant, Case 1:16-cr-20549-JAL Document 200 Entered on FLSD Docket 02/15/2017 Page 17 of 49 AR N AL DO CA R M O UZE, in any m atter involving a health care benefit program , know ingly and willfully m ade any materially false,fictitious,and fraudulentstatem entsandrepresentations,and m ade and used any m aterially falsewriting and docum entknowingthesam eto contain any m aterially false, fictitious and fraudulentstatem entandentry,in eonnection withthedeliveryofandpaym entforhealth care benefits,item s, and services,that is,the defendant signed prescriptions and physician visit treatment notes and other docum ents certifying that the defendant and Physieian 1 provided serviceson thedatesenumerated below,when in truth and in fact,and asthe defendantthen and therewellknew,the defendantand Physician 1did notprovidethose serviceson thosedates: Count Beneficiary N am e 4 S.J. Approx. C laim ReceiptD ate Services C laim ed A pproxim ate A m ountBilled to M edicare C laim N um ber 9/1/11 OfficeVisitin $95 598312167120160 $62 30000958375508 A LF 5 S.J. 9/14/11 OXYCODONE H CL Prescription 19301930356 ln violationofTitle 18,UnitedStatesCode,Sections1035(a)(2)and2. C O UN T 6 C onspiracy to D efraud the U nited Statesand Pay and R eceive H eaIth C are K ickbacks (18 U.S.C.j371) Paragraphs1through 38,40 and 41oftheGeneralAllegationsand 4through 32 of the m anner and m eans sedion of this Second Superseding lndictm ent are re-alleged and incop orated by reference as though fully setforth herein. From inoraround January2002,andcontinuingthrough in oraround July 2016, in M iam i-D ade County,in the Southern D istrictofFlorida, and elsewhere,the defendants, PH ILIP E SFO RM ES, O DE TT E BAR C H A , Case 1:16-cr-20549-JAL Document 200 Entered on FLSD Docket 02/15/2017 Page 18 of 49 and ARNALDO CARM OUZL did willfully,thatis,with the intentto further the objects ofthe conspiracy,and knowingly combine,conspire, confederate and agree with Guillermo Delgado, GabrielDelgado,Nelson Salazar,Jose CarlosM orales,each other,and othersknown and unknown to theGrand Jury: to defraud the U nited States by im pairing,im peding,obstructing,and defeating through deceitful and dishonest m eans, the law ful govenuuent functions of the U nited States D epartm entofH ealth and H um an Services in itsadm inistration and oversightofthe M edicare and M edicaid programs,in violation of Title 18,United States Code,Section 371,and to comm it certain offenses againstthe U nited States,thatis: b. to violateTitle42,United StatesCode,Section 1320a-7b(b)(2)(A),by knowingly and willfully offering and paying remuneration,including kickbacks and bribes,directly and indirectly,overtly and covertly,in cash and in kind,to any person to induce such person to refer an individualto a person forthe furnishing and arranging forthe furnishing ofany item and service forw hich paym entm ay be m ade in w hole and in pal'tundera federalhealth care program ,thatis, M edicare and M edicaid; c. toviolateTitle42,United StatesCode,Section 1320a-7b(b)(1)(A),byknowingly and willfully soliciting and receiving remuneration,including kickbacksand bribes,directly and indirectly,overtly andcovertly,incash andin kind,in returnforreferring an individualtoaperson forthe furnishing and arranging forthe furnishing ofan item and service forw hich paym entm ay be m ade in whole and in pal4 undera federalhealth care program ,thatis,M edicare and M edicaid' , and d. to violate Title 42,United States Code,1320a-7b(b)(1)(B),by knowingly and willfully soliciting and receiving rem uneration,including kickbacks and bribes,directly and Case 1:16-cr-20549-JAL Document 200 Entered on FLSD Docket 02/15/2017 Page 19 of 49 indirectly,overtly and covertly,in cash and in kind,in return forpurchasing,leasing,ordering and arranging forandrecomm ending purchasing,leasing,and orderinganygood,facility,and service, and item forwhich paym entm ay be m ade in whole and in partunderaFederalhealth care program , thatis,M edicare and M edicaid. Purpose ofthe C onspiracv lt was a purpose of the conspiracy for PHILIP ESFORM ES, ODETTE BA RC H A , A R NA LD O CA R M O UZE , and their co-conspirators, to unlaw fully enrich themselvesby:(1)offering,paying,soliciting,and receivingkickbacksandbribestoensurethat M edicare and M edicaid beneticiaries w ould sel've as patients in the Esform es N etw ork and co- conspiratorproviders' ,and (2)submittingandcausingthesubmission ofclaimsto Medicareand M edicaid formedicalitem sand servicespurportedly provided to theserecruited beneficiaries. M anner and M eans The marmer and m eans by which the defendants and their co-conspirators sought to accom plish the purpose ofthe conspiracy included,am ong others,the follow ing: 4. PH ILIP ESFORM ES paid and caused the paymentofkickbacks and bribes to physicians in exchange fortheirreferralsto the Esform esN etw ork. 5. PH ILIP ESFO R M E S,N elson Salazar,Guillenuo D elgado,G abrielD elgado,and othercreated and caused to be created false and fraudulentinvoicesfordurable m edicalequipm ent, which were subm itted to Diversified M edical Group for paym ent,and used the funds to pay kickbacks and bribes to physicians and other m edical professionals in exchange for m edically unnecessary referralsto the EsfonnesN etw ork and co-conspirators. 6. PH ILIP E SFO RM ES, through shell com panies owned and controlled by Guillenno and Gabriel D elgado, caused the paym ent of kickbacks and bribes to AR N ALD O CA R M O U ZE in exchange forpatientreferralsto the Esform esN etwork and co-conspirators. In Case 1:16-cr-20549-JAL Document 200 Entered on FLSD Docket 02/15/2017 Page 20 of 49 order to concealthese kickbaek paym ents,Guillerm o and GabrielDelgado, at ESFO R M E S' direction,signed checksm adepayableto CARM OUZE'Sgirlfriend. PH ILIP ESFORM ES, tltrough a shell com pany owned and/or controlled by GabrielD elgado,caused the paym entof kickbacks to O D ETTE BA R CH A via cash or checks madepayableto tkBarchaConsulting''orherboyfriend. 8. ODETTE BARCHA cashed checksfrom GabrielDelgado and then used the cash to pay physiciansforrefenulsto theEsfonnesNetwork. 9. ODETTE BARCHA recruitedphysicianswhoworkedatHospitallandpaidthose physiciansto referpatientsto PH ILIP ESFO R M ES'SN FS. The co-conspirators paid PH IL IP ESFO R M E S kickbacks, bribes, and other inducements,often through Guillermo and GabrielDelgado, in exchangeforreferralsofM edicare and M edicaid beneficiaries that were pal4 of the Esfonnes Network. These co-conspirator providers included: Tender Touch, St. Jude, Nursing Unlimited,Phannovisa, Phannacy Pharm acy 2, Pharm acy 3, Ameriean Therapeutic Corporation, Greater M iam i, D iagnostic Com pany 1, Diagnostic Com pany 2, D iagnostic Com pany 3, Diagnostic Company 4, and D iagnostic Com pany 5,Laboratory 1, and Physician Vision Group 1. PHILIP ESFORM ES received thekickbacksand bribesfrom the co-conspirators which were disguised as:a) cash payments;b)payments to Female Companion l, Fem ale Com panion 2, Fem ale Com panion 3, Fem ale Com panion 4, and Fem ale Com panion charitable donations;d)payments to BasketballCoach 1 for coaching his son;and e)lease paym ents. M edicare and M edicaid m ade paym ents to the Esformes Network and coconspiratorsbased upon claim sform edicalitemsand servicespurportedly provided to M edicare and M edicaidbeneficiaries. 20 Case 1:16-cr-20549-JAL Document 200 Entered on FLSD Docket 02/15/2017 Page 21 of 49 O vertA cts lnfurtheranceoftheconspiracy,andtoaccomplishitsobjectsandpumose,atleastoneof theco-conspiratorscom mitted andcausedtobecomm itted inM iami-DadeCounty,in theSouthern DistrictofFlorida,and elsewhere,atleastoneofthefollowing overtacts,among others: 1. On oraboutJuly 7,2010,PH ILIP ESFORM ES caused check number9457 from Diversified M edicalGroup'sbalzk accountendinginx5606,in theapproxim ateam ountof$1,500, to bedeposited into Charity 1'sbank accountforthebenefitofESFORM ES'father. On oraboutN ovem ber 12,2011,A R NA LD O CA R M O U ZE caused check num ber 3001 from Diversified lnvestm entGroup ofM iam i, accountending in x6837,in the approxim ate amountof$1,250,to bedeposited into hisgirlfriend'sbank accountforhisbenefit. On oraboutApril2,2012,PHILIP ESFORM ES caused checknum ber1464 from theFairHavensSNF bank accountending in x7170,in theapproximateam ountof$11,988,to be deposited into Diversitsed M edicalGroup bank accountendinginx0205. 4. On or aboutApril2,2012,PHILIP ESFORM ES caused check number23919 from the Oceanside Extended Care SN F bank accountending in x3409,in the approxim ate am ount of$l1,514,to bedeposited intotheDiversitied M edicalGroup bank accountending in x0205. On oraboutApril2,2012,PH ILIP ESFORM ES causedcheck num ber1255 from the Harm ony Hea1th SNF bnnk accountending in x0102,in theapproxim ate am ountof$28,382, tobe deposited into theDiversified M edicalGroup bank accountending in x5605. 6. On oraboutApril2,2012,PHILIP ESFORM ES caused check number 17661 from TheNursingCenteratM ercy SNF bank accountendinginx1238,in theapproxim ateam ount of$17,877,tobe deposited into theDiversified M edicalGroup bank accountending in x0205. Case 1:16-cr-20549-JAL Document 200 Entered on FLSD Docket 02/15/2017 Page 22 of 49 On or aboutJune 5,2012,O D ETTE BAR C H A caused check num ber 1065 from Preferred ProvidersGroup,Inc.'sbartk accountending in x4668,in the approxim ate am ountof $3,500,to bedeposited into herboyfriend'saccountforherbenefit. On oraboutAugust1,2012,O D ETTE BA R CH A caused check num ber1219 from DiversifiedM edicalGroup'sbankaccountendinginx4668,intheapproximateamountof$1,500, tobe deposited into herboyfriend'sbank accountforherbenefit. On oraboutFebruary 2,2014,PH ILIP E SFO R M ES reserved hotelroom 1401for him selfatthe Ritz-carlton in Orlando,Florida. 10. On or about February 2, 2014,G abrielD elgado paid and arranged for Fem ale Com panion l to be picked up in a lim ousine at her residence in M iam i,Florida,transported to M iam iInternationalAirport,tlown to Orlando on an Am erican Airlines tlight,picked up in a lim ousine atthe Orlando airport,and transported to Room 1454 atthe Ritz-carlton in Orlando, Florida. On oraboutFebnzary 2,2014,PH ILIP E SFO RM ES m etw ith Fem ale Com panion 1 atthe Ritz-carlton in O rlando. On or about February 2, 2014, PH ILIP ESFO R M ES funded the travel and transportation for Fem ale Com panion with bribes and kickbacks he received from co- conspirators. On or aboutFebruary 5,2014,PH ILIP ESFO R M E S caused Fem ale Com panion 1tocashchecknum ber1314,intheapproxim atenm ountof$500,from PreferredProvidersGroup, lnc.'s bank accountending x4668. On or about February 13,2014,PH ILIP ESFO R M E S reserved Room 1401 for him selfatthe Ritz-carlton in Orlando,Florida. On or about February 13, 2014,G abriel Delgado paid and anunged for Fem ale 22 Case 1:16-cr-20549-JAL Document 200 Entered on FLSD Docket 02/15/2017 Page 23 of 49 Com panion 2 to be flown to O rlando,Florida on an Am erican A irlines tlight,picked up in a lim ousine atthe Orlando airport,and transported to Room 1445 atthe Ritz-c arlton in Orlando, Florida. 16. On or about Febnzary 13, 2014, PH IL IP E SFO R M ES m et w ith Fem ale Companion 2 attheRitz-carlton in Orlando. On or about February 13, 2014, PH ILIP ESFO RM ES funded the travel and transportation for Female Com panion 2 with bribes and kickbacks he received from coconspirators. 18. On oraboutM ay 6,2014,PH ILIP E SFO RM ES caused check num ber 1356 from Preferred Providers G roup,Inc.'s bank account ending in x4668,in the approxim ate am ountof $3,500,to be deposited into BasketballCoach 1'sbank account. A llin violation ofTitle 18,U nited States Code,Section 371. C O UN TS 7-9 R eceiptofK ickbacks in C onnection w ith a FederalH ealth C are Program (42U.S.C.j1320a-7b(b)(1)(A)) Paragraphs 1 through 19 and 21 through and 41 ofthe GeneralA llegationssection ofthisSecond Superseding Indictm entare re-alleged and incorporated by referenceasthough fully setforth herein. O n or about the dates set forth below , in M iam i-D ade County, in the Southern DistrictofFlorida,and elsewhere,the defendants, PH IL IP ESFO R M ES and A RN A LD O C AR M O U ZE, did knowingly and willfully solicit and receive rem uneration,including kickbacks and bribes, directly and indirectly,overtly and covertly,in cash and in kind,including by check,as setforth Case 1:16-cr-20549-JAL Document 200 Entered on FLSD Docket 02/15/2017 Page 24 of 49 below,in retunzforreferring an individualto a person forthe furnishing and arranging forthe furnishing ofanyitem and serviceforwhich paym entm ay bem ade in wholeand in partundera federalhealth careprogram ,thatis,M edicareand M edicaid,assetforth below: Count 7 Defendant ARNALDO CARM O UZE Approximate Dateof Pa m ent Approxim ate Am ount November12,2011 $1,250 Descri tion Diversified lnvestm entGroup ofM iami,lnc.Check number 3001 8 PHILIP February 5,2014 $500 ESFORM ES 9 PH ILIP Check number 1314 from Preferred Providers Group, Inc. bank account ending in x4668 m ade payable to Fem ale Com anion 1 M ay 6,2014 $3,500 ESFORM ES Preferred ProvidersGroup, lnc.check num ber1356 m ade a able to B asketballCoach 1 ln violation ofTitle 42,United States Code,Section 1320a-7b(b)(1)(A)and Title 18, U nited States Code,Section 2. CO UN TS 10-15 Paym entofK ickbacks in C onnection w ith a FederalH eaIth C are Program (42 U.S.C.j1320a-7b(b)(2)(A)) Paragraphs 1 through 41 of the G eneral A llegations section of this Second Superseding Indictm ent are re-alleged and incorporated by reference as though fully set forth herein. 2. On oraboutthedatesenum erated below asto each count,in M iami-DadeCounty, in the Southern D istrictofFlorida,and elsew here,the defendants, PH ILIP E SFO RM ES and O DE TTE BA RC H A , did know ingly and w illfully offerand pay rem uneration,thatis,kickbacksand bribes,directly and indirectly,overtly and covertly,in cash and in kind,including by check,assetfol' th below,to a Case 1:16-cr-20549-JAL Document 200 Entered on FLSD Docket 02/15/2017 Page 25 of 49 personto inducesuch personto referan individualto aperson forthe fum ishingand arranging for thefurnishing ofany item and service forwhich paym entm ay be madein whole and in partby a federalhealth careprogram ,thatis,M edicareand M edicaid, assetforth below : Count 10 1l Defendant PHILIP E SFO R M E S PHILIP Approximate D ate of Pa m ent Approxim ate Am ount April2,2012 $11,988 num ber 1464 from bank account ending in x7170 deposited into the Diversified M edical Group bank account to be aid to ph sicians April2,2012 $11,514 ESFORM ES 12 PHILIP PHILIP April2,2012 $28,382 PH ILIP April2,2012 $17,877 PHILIP ESFORM ES and O D ETTE BA R CH A Check number17661from The N ursing CenteratM ercy bank accountending in x1238 deposited into the Diversified M ediealGroup bank account to bepaidto physicians June5,2012 $3,500 ESFORM ES and O DE TTE BA RC H A 15 Check number 1255 from the H arm ony H ea1th SN F bank account ending in x0102 deposited into the Diversified M edical Group barlk account to be aid to hysicians E SFO RM ES 14 Check num ber23919 from the Oceanside Extended Care SN F bank account ending in x3409 deposited into the D iversified M edical Group balzk account to be paid to physicians ESFO R M ES 13 Descrl tlon Fair Havens SNF check Check num ber1065 from Preferred ProvidersGroup, lnc. accountending in x4668 deposited into A .H .'sbank account August1,2012 $1,500 Check number1219 from Diversified M edicalGroup accountending in x4668 deposited into A .H .'Sbank account Case 1:16-cr-20549-JAL Document 200 Entered on FLSD Docket 02/15/2017 Page 26 of 49 In violation of Title 42,United StatesCode,Section 1320a-7b(b)(2)(A)and Title l8, U nited StatesCode,Section 2. C O U NT 16 Conspiracy to C om m it M oney Laundering (18U.S.C.j1956(h)) Paragraphs through 4 1 of the G eneral A llegations section of the Second Superseding lndictmentand Counts17-30,arere-alleged andincorporated by referenceasthough fully setforth herein. From in or around January 2002,to in or around June 20l6,in M iam i-Dade County,in the Southel' n D istrictofFlorida,and elsew here,the defendants, PH ILIP ESFO R M ES, O D ETTE BA R CH A , and AR N AL DO CA R M O UZE, did know ingly and w illfully com bine,conspire,confederate,and agree w ith each otherand others known and unknown to the Grand Jury,to com m itcertain offensesagainstthe U nited States,that is,to know ingly conducta financialtransaction affecting interstate and foreign com m erce,w hich financial transaction involved the proceeds of specified unlawful activity, knowing that the property involved in the financialtransaction represented the proceeds of som e form ofunlaw ful activity,and know ing that the transaction w as designed,in w hole and in part,to conceal and disguise the nature,the location,the source,the ow nership,and the controlof the proceeds of specifiedunlawfulactivity,inviolation ofTitle 18,United StatesCode,Section l956(a)(1)(B)(i). It is further alleged that the specified unlaw ful activities are the receipt of kickbacks in connection with a federalhealth care program ,in violation ofTitle 42,U nited StatesCode,Section 1320a-7b(b)(1)(A),andconspiracy tocommithealth care fraud,in violation ofTitle 18,United States Code,Section 1349. Case 1:16-cr-20549-JAL Document 200 Entered on FLSD Docket 02/15/2017 Page 27 of 49 AllinviolationofTitle 18,United StatesCode,Section 1956(h). C O UN TS 17-30 M oney Laundering (18U.S.C.j1956(a)(1)(B)(i)) On oraboutthedatessetforth below,in M iami-DadeCounty,in the Southern Districtof Florida,and elsewhere,thedefendants, PH ILIP E SFO RM ES, O DE TTE BA RC H A , and A R N ALD O C A R M O U ZE, did klzow ingly conduct and attem pt to conduct a financial transaction affecting interstate and foreign commerce, which financial transaction involved the proceeds of specified unlawful activity,knowing thattheproperty involved in thefinancialtransaction represented the proceeds ofsome form ofunlawfulactivity,and knowing thatthetransaction wasdesigned,in whole and inpart,to concealand disguisethenatlzre,thelocation,the source,theownership,and thecontrol oftheproceedsofspecified unlaw fulactivity,as setforth below : Count 17 D efendant Approxim ate Date of Pa m ent A pproxim ate A m ount Descri tion PHILIP Novem ber12,2011 $1,250 Diversified lnvestm entGroup ESFO RM E S and A RN A LD O CA R M O U ZE 18 PHILIP E SFO RM E S ofM iam i,lnc.Check #3001 m ade payable to E.M . April2,2012 $11,988 FairHavensSNF check //1464 from bank account ending in x7170 deposited into the Diversified M edical G roup bank account Case 1:16-cr-20549-JAL Document 200 Entered on FLSD Docket 02/15/2017 Page 28 of 49 Approxim ate Dateof Pa m ent A pril2, 2012 Approxim ate Am ount $28,382 Count 19 Defendant PH ILIP ESFO RM ES 20 PH ILIP ESFORM ES April2, 2012 PH ILIP ESFORM ES April2, 2012 PH IL IP ESFORM ES and O DETTE BA R CH A June 5, 2012 PH IL IP ESFORM ES and O DETTE BA R CH A A ugust1, 2012 $1,500 PH ILIP ESFO RM ES N ovem ber l2, 2013 $360,000 PH ILIP ESFO RM ES February 5, 2014 $500 21 22 23 24 25 $11,514 Descri tion Check number23919 from the OceansideExtended Care SNF bank accountending in x3409 deposited into the Diversified M edicalGroup bank account Check number1255 from the Harmony Health SNF bank accountending in x0102 deposited into the Diversified M edicalG rou bank aceount $17,877 Check number17661from TheNursing CenteratM ercy bank aeeountending in x1238 deposited into the Diversified M edicalGrou bank account $3,500 Check num ber1065from Preferred ProvidersGroup, Inc. accountending in x4668 m ade payable to A .H . 28 Check num ber1219 from Diversified M edicalGroup accountending in x4668 m ade payable to A .H . Check 2459 from bank accountending in x2747 for the purchase ofPH ILIP ESFO R M ES'Greubel Forse w atch Check number1314 from Preferred Providers G roup, accountending in x4668 madepayableto Fem ale Com anion 1 Case 1:16-cr-20549-JAL Document 200 Entered on FLSD Docket 02/15/2017 Page 29 of 49 Count Defendant A pproxim ate D ate of Pa m ent 26 PHILIP M ay 6,2014 Approxim ate Amount $3,500 ESFO RM ES 27 PHILIP lnc.check num ber 1356m ade payableto BasketballCoach 1 July 8,2015 $75,000 ESFORM ES 28 PHILIP PHILIP Decem ber 1,2014 $18,000 PH ILIP W ire from bank account x8607 to lndividual 1to provideabenefitforPH ILIP E SFO R M ES'im m ediate fam il m em ber Odober29,2015 $25,000 ESFORM ES 30 M ahairlnvestm entsLLC Check 1000 from bank accountending inx3124 for the purchase ofPH ILIP E SFO R M ES'FerrariAperta ESFO R M ES 29 Descri tion Preferred ProvidersGroup, Check 196 from bank account ending in x5594 to SaksFifth Avenueforthepurchaseof clothing forPH ILIP ESFORM ES Febnzary 29,2016 $20,000 ESFO R M ES Check 205from balzk account x6212 to PH ILIP ESFO RM ES'personal assistant is further alleged that the speeified unlawfulactivities are receipt of kickbacks in connection with afederalhealthcareprogram ,in violationofTitle42,UnitedStatesCode,Section 1320a-7b(b)(1)(A),health carefraud,in violationofTitle 18,UnitedStatesCode,Section 1347, and conspiracy to comm itwire fraud and health care fraud, in violation ofTitle 18,United States Code,Section 1349. lnviolationofTitle18,UnitedStatesCode,Sections1956(a)(1)(B)(i)and2. COUNT 31 C onspiracy To C om m itFederalProgram Bribery (18U.S.C.j371) Paragraphs 1 through 33,39 and 42 through 44 ofthe GeneralA llegations section ofthisSecond SupersedingIndictmentarere-allegedand incorporatedbyreferenceasthough fully setforth herein. Case 1:16-cr-20549-JAL Document 200 Entered on FLSD Docket 02/15/2017 Page 30 of 49 O n oraboutJuly 15,2014,and continuing through July 14,2015, in M iam i-D ade County,in the Southern D istrictofFlorida,and elsewhere,the defendant, PH IL IP E SFO R M ES, didwillfully,thatis,withtheintenttofurthertheobjectoftheconspiracy,andknowinglycombine, conspire,confederateandagreewithothersknownandunknowntothegrandjury,toviolateTitle 18,United StatesCode,Sedion666(a)(2),bygivingandofferingathingofvalue,towit:United States currency,to an em ployee of AHCA,an ageney ofthe Florida State governm entwhich received benefits in excess of$10,000 under one or more Federalprogram s involving grants, contracts,subsidies,loans,guarantees,insurance and otherformsofFederalassistance in oneor m ore one-year periods,to wit:payments in 2014 and 2015 from the Centers for M edicare & M edicaid,acomponentoftheUnited StatesDepartm entofHealth and Hum an Services, intending to influenceandreward AHCA Employee 1in connedionwith oneormoretransactionsand series of transadions involving things of value of $5,000 or m ore,to wit:M edicaid and M edicare reim bursem entpaym ents to the facilities enum erated in paragraph 19 ofthe G eneralA llegations. Purpose ofthe C onspiracv Itwasapurposeofthe conspiracy forPH ILIP ESFORM ES and his co-conspiratorstounlawfullyenrichthem selvesby offering, paying,and solicitingbribestoobtain patientcom plaintsand unannounced inspedion schedulesfrom AHCA . M anner and M eans The nnanner and naeans by which the defendants and their co-conspirators sought to accomplishthepurposeofthe conspiracy included,amongothers, the follow ing: PH ILIP ESFO RM ES,through A H CA Interm ediary 1, A H CA lntennediary 2,and other co-conspirators, bribed A H CA Em ployee 1 for non-public schedules providing advance notice ofunannouneed A H CA insped ions and patienteom plaintsatthe SN FS and A LFS. Case 1:16-cr-20549-JAL Document 200 Entered on FLSD Docket 02/15/2017 Page 31 of 49 PHILIP ESFORM ES and his co-conspirators used these schedules of the unannounced inspectionsand patientcomplaintsto evade detection by AHCA ofadm inistrative violationswhich wouldlead tothetennination ofEsform esNetwork facilitiesfrom M edicare and M edicaid. OvertActs ln furtheranceoftheconspiracy,andtoaccomplishitsobjectsandpurpose, atleastoneof theco-conspiratorscomm ittedandcausedtobecomm itted inM iam i- DadeCounty,intheSouthenz DistrictofFlorida,and elsewhere, atleastoneofthefollowing overtacts, am ong others: On or about June 5, 2015, in the Southern District of Florida, PH ILIP ESFORM ES tookpossession ofanAHCA inspection schedulefrom GabrielDelgadoin thecloset ofhishom e. 2. On or aboutJune 9, 2015,GabrielDelgado,purchased an AHCA unannounced inspection from AHCA lnterm ediary 1, docum enting a patient complaint from patientB.K .at PH ILIP E SFO R M E S'FairH avensSN F. B.K .inform ed AHCA that,among otherthings hedid , notreceive adequatephysicaltherapy servicesatFairHavensSNF. PH ILIP ESFORM ES billed M edicare and M edicaid for senices purportedly provided toB.K .athisFairHavensSNF between approximately July 2, 2014,untilM ay 26,2015. Allin violation ofTitle 18, United StatesCode,Section 371. CO UN T 32 O bstruction ofJustice (18U.S.C.j 1503) In oraround June 2015,in M iam i-Dade County, in the Southern DistrictofFlorida and , elsew here,the defendant, PH ILIP ESFO R M ES, Case 1:16-cr-20549-JAL Document 200 Entered on FLSD Docket 02/15/2017 Page 32 of 49 did corruptly intluence,obstructand impede,and endeavorto influence,obstructand im pede,the due administration ofjusticeby funding Guillermo Delgado'stlightfrom the United Statesto avoid trialin United Statesv.Guillermo Delgado etal.,CaseNo.14-CR-20359-M a14inez. In violation ofTitle 18,United StatesCode,Sections1503 and 2. COUNT 33 O bstruction ofJustice (18U.S.C.j1503) In oraround June 2015,in M iam i-D ade C ounty,in the Southern D istrict of Florida,and elsewhere,the defendant, PH ILIP ESFO R M E S, did corruptly intluence,obstructand im pede,and endeavorto intluence,obstructand im pede,the due administration ofjustice by creating false affidavits forGuillermo and GabrielDelgado, stating thatPH ILIP ESFO RM E S w asnotinvolved in the com m ission ofhealth care fraud,to be used in the proceeding, United States v. Guillermo Delgado et al.,Case No. 14-CR-20359M artinez. In violation ofTitle 18,U nited States Code,Sections 1503 and 2. C O U NT 34 O bstruction ofJustice (18U.S.C.j1503) In oraround June 2016,in M iami-Dade County,in the Southern DistrictofFlorida,and elsewhere,the defendant, O D ETTE BA R C H A , did com zptly influence,obstructand im pede,and endeavorto intluence,obstructand im pede,the dueadministrationofjusticebycreatingsham medicaldirectorcontractsforHospital1,toconceal the fact that O D ETTE BAR C H A paid physicians kickbacks for referrals to H ospital 1, and Case 1:16-cr-20549-JAL Document 200 Entered on FLSD Docket 02/15/2017 Page 33 of 49 providing those sham m edical director contracts to the D epartm ent of Justice in response to a Grand Jury subpoena. lnviolation ofTitle 18,United StatesCode,Sections1503 and 2. FORFEITURE ALLEGATIO NS (18U.S.C.jj981and 982) The allegations of this Second Superseding lndictm ent,including the General Allegations section,are re-alleged and incorporated by reference asthough fully setforth herein forthepurposeofalleging criminalforfeiture to theUnited StatesofAm ericaofcertain propel'ty in which one or m ore of the defendants,PHILIP ESFORM ES,ODETTE BARCH A, and A RN ALD O C AR M O U ZE ,have an interest. U pon conviction ofa violation ofTitle 18,United StatesCode, Section 371,and/or a violation of,ora conspiracy to violate, Title 18,United StatesCode,Section 666,Section 1035, Section 1343,Section 1347,and/orTitle42,United StatesCode, Section 1320a-7b(b),asalleged in thisSeeond Superseding Indid m ent, thedefendantso convided shallforfeittotheUnited States ofAmerica,pursuantto Title 18,United States Code, Section 982(a)(7),any property,realor personal,thatconstitutesorisderived,directly orindirectly, from grossproceeds traceable to the commission ofsuch violation. Upon convictionofaviolationof,oraconspiraeytoviolate, Title 18,U nited States Code,Section 1956(a),as alleged in this Second Superseding lndictment,the defendant so convicted shallforfeitto the United States ofA m eriea, pursuantto Title 18,United StatesCode, Section 982(a)(1),anyproperty,realorpersonal,thatisinvolved in theoffense,orany property traceable to such property. 4. Upon convietion of a violation of Title 18, U nited States Code,Section 1503,as alleged in this Second Superseding lndictm ent, the defendant so convicted shallforfeitto the Case 1:16-cr-20549-JAL Document 200 Entered on FLSD Docket 02/15/2017 Page 34 of 49 United States ofAm erica,pursuantto Title 18, United StatesCode,Section 98l(a)(l)(C),any property,realorpersonal,thatconstitutesorisderived, directly orindirectly,from grossproceeds traceable to the comm ission ofsuch violation. The property which is subjectto forfeiture includes,butis notlimited to, the following: (a) ForfeitureM onevJudcmentstC(MJ)''2A sum ofmoneyequalinvaluetothe following,forwhichtheUnited Stateswillseek entryasaforfeituremoneyjudgmentagainstthe defendants,jointlyandseverally,whereapplicable,aspartoftheirrespectivesentenceinthiscase: (M J1) Theproperty,realorpersonal,thatconstitutesorisderived,directly orindirectly,from grossproceedstraceable to the federalhealth care offenses, asdefined in Title l8,United StatesCode,Section 24,asalleged in thisSecond Superseding lndictm ent; (M J2) Theproperty,realorpersonal,thatwasinvolved in theviolations of,orthe conspiracy to violate, Title 18,United StatesCode,Section 1956(a)(1)(B)(i),and/orthe violation ofTitle 18,United StatesCode, Section 1957,as alleged in this Second Superseding lndictment,orany propertytraceableto such property;and (M J3) Theproperty,realorpersonal,thatconstitutesorisderived,directly orindirectly,from grossproceedstraceabletotheviolation ofTitle 18, United StatesCode,Section 1503,asalleged in thisSecond Superseding Indictm ent. (b) RealPropertv (édR. P''):Therealproperty,togetherwith allappurtenances, im provem ents,fixtures,easem ents and attacbm ents, therein and/orthereon,which areknown and num bered asfollow s: (RP1) 5077N.BayRoad,M iamiBeach,Florida33140; (RP2) 5069N.BayRoad,M iamiBeach,Florida33140; (RP3) 980W .48th Street,M iamiBeach,Florida33140; 34 Case 1:16-cr-20549-JAL Document 200 Entered on FLSD Docket 02/15/2017 Page 35 of 49 (RP4) 180E.PearsonUnit7201,Chicago,lllinois60611' , (RP5) 6894S.ClydeAvenue59,Chicago,lllinois60649; (RP6) 9427SawyerStreet,LosAngeles,California90035; (RP7) 5509th Street,M iamiBeach,FL 33139; (RP8) 1225NE 135Street,NorthM iami,FL 33161; (RP9) 9820N KendallDrive,M iami,FL 33176; (RP10)201CurtissParkway,M iami,FL 33166; (R. P11)220SierraDrive,M iami,FL 33179, . (RP12)3671S.M iamiAvenue,M iami,FL 33l33. ,and (RP13)17475SDixieHighway,M iami,FL 33157. PersonalPropertv: Barlk Accounts (ttBA''):Allprincipal,deposits,interest,dividends,and/or any otheram ountscredited to the following: (BA1)Accountnumber005487691516held atBank ofAmerica, the nam e of SherriBeth Esform esand Philip Esfonnes; (BA2)Accountnumber898049003513held atBank ofAmerica, the nam e ofSherriBeth Esform es& Philip Esfonnes; (BA3)Accountnumber003676209546heldatBankofAmerica, the nnm e ofPhilip Esform es& Julie Betancourt; (BA4)Accountnumber003447083409held atBank ofAmerica, thename ofADM E DBA OeeansideExtended Care; (BA5)Accountnumber5801046102heldatBank ofAmerica, the nam e ofA yintove AssociatesD BA H arm ony H ealth Center; (BA6)Accountnumber8666087170held atBank ofAmerica, the 35 Case 1:16-cr-20549-JAL Document 200 Entered on FLSD Docket 02/15/2017 Page 36 of 49 nam eofFairHaven LLC; (BA7)Accountnumber605575heldat1stEquityBank,N.A in thenam e . ofPhilip Esformes; (BA8)Accountnumber102747heldat1stEquityBank, thename ofSherriEsfonnes,Jason Tennenbaum , orPhilip Esform es; (BA9)Accountnumber311901heldat1stEquity Bank,N.A.inthename ofSheniEsformesand Philip Esfonues; (BA10)Accountnumber204735heldat1stEquityBank,N.A.inthename ofPhilipEsfonneslnc.(C/O NonnanKnopt); (BAI1)Accountnumber503456heldat1stEquityBank,N.A inthenam e . ofSherriEsformesandPhilipEsformes(SpecialAccountTaxEscrow); (BA12)Accountnumber209882heldatlstEquityBank,N.A.inthename ofPhilip Esform esInc., ' (BA13)Accountnumber312320heldat1stEquityBank,N.A in the nam e . ofPhilipEsfonnesInc.(PensionPlan andTrust); (BA14)Accountnumber606212heldat1stEquityBank,N.A in thenam e . ofPhilip Esfonnes,SherriEsformes, AlvinNormanKnopf(FBO SheniandPhilipEsfonnes); (BA15)Accountnumber454362heldat1stEquityBank,N.A in thenam e . ofPhilip EsformesInc.Pension Plan; (BA16)Accountnumber507858heldat1stEquityBank, N .A .in thenam e ofPhilip Esfonnes,JulieBetancourtCharity Account; (BA17)Accountnumber505872heldat1stEquityBank,N A .in thenam e . ofPhilip Esformesand SherriEsfonnes; (BA18)Accountnumberx606296heldat1stEquityBank,N.A.inthename Case 1:16-cr-20549-JAL Document 200 Entered on FLSD Docket 02/15/2017 Page 37 of 49 ofPhitip Esform es C/O A lvin N orm an Knopf; (BAl9)Accountnumber5050265956heldatFirstMeritBank,N.A.inthe nam e ofPhilip Esfonnes,lnc., ' (BA20)Accountnumber901021308783 held atFirstM eritBank, thename ofPhilip Esform esorAlvinN onnan Knopf; (BA21)Aecountnumber1560024295heldatMB FinancialBank, the nam e ofPhilip Esform esorA lvin N K nopf; (BA22)Accountnumber1560001283held atMB FinancialBank, thename ofSefardik DBA Nursing Home atM ercy, exceptasotherw ise accounted for atD E 41; (BA23)Accountnumber1560025577heldatM B FinancialBank, the nam e ofPhilip Esform es,lnc.; (BA24)Accountnumber1560024473heldatM B Financialinthenameof Alvin Norm an KnopforPhilip EsfonnesC/O Alvin Norman Knopf; (BA25)Accountnumber0002412024heldatThePrivateBank,N.A.inthe nameofAlmoveaAssociates(DBA North DadeNursingandRehabCenter)-DepositAceount; (BA26)Accountnumber0002413948heldatThePrivateBank,N.A.inthe nameofAlmoveaAssoeiates(DBA NorthDadeNursingandRehabCenter)-OperatingAccount; (BA27)Accountnumber0002369785heldatThePrivateBank,N.A.inthe nam e ofA dirhu A ssociatesLLC; (BA28)Accountnumber0002369727heldatThePrivateBank,N.A.inthe nam e ofK abirhu A ssociatesLLC -D aisa Account; (BA29)Accountnumber0002369777heldatThePrivateBank,N.A.inthe nam e ofK abirhu A ssociates,LLC; (BA30)Accountnumber0002369735heldatThePrivateBarlk,N.A.inthe 37 Case 1:16-cr-20549-JAL Document 200 Entered on FLSD Docket 02/15/2017 Page 38 of 49 nam e ofTakithu A ssociatesLLC,Gram ercy Park N ursing Center-D aisa A ccount; (BA31)Accountnumber0002369793heldatThePrivateBank,N.A.inthe nam e ofTakithu A ssociatesLLC,Gram ercy Park N ursing Center; (BA32)Accountnumber 11001l129 held atOptimum Barlk, the nameofKabirhu AssociatesLLC DBA Golden GladesNursing & Rehabilitation Center; (BA33)Accountnumber l10012135 held atOptimum Bank, the nam e ofK abirhu A ssociates LLC D BA Golden G ladesN ursing & Rehabilitation Center; (BA34)Accountnumber110011137 held atOptimum Bank, the nnm e ofTakithu AssociatesLLC DBA South D ade N ursing & Rehabilitation Center; (BA35)Accountnumber110012143 held atOptimum Bank, the nam e ofTakithu A ssociates LLC D BA South D ade N ursing & Rehabilitation Center; (BA36)Accountnumber110011145held atOptimum Bank, the nam e ofAdirhu A ssociates LLC C/O Donna Prieto; (BA37)Accountnumber16021230heldatNationalSecuritiesBank,N.A. in the nam e ofPhilip EsfonnesInc.Pension X 1230; (BA38)AccountnumberNAV-036112heldatinNationalSecuritiesBank, N .A.thenam eofSherriEsform esX6112;and (BA39)AccountnumberNAV-008990 held atNationalSecuritiesBank, N .A .in the nam e ofPhilip Esform esX 8990. Businesslnterestsû1(Bl)'':Allequityinterestheldbyoron behalfoforfor the benetitofPhilip Esform es in the follow ing corporationsand entities. (Bl1)ADM E lnvestmentPartnersLTD dbaOceansideExtendedCare; (Bl2)AlmoveaAssociatesLLC dbaNorthDadeNursingandRehabilitation 38 Case 1:16-cr-20549-JAL Document 200 Entered on FLSD Docket 02/15/2017 Page 39 of 49 Center; (Bl3)AyintoveAssociatesLLC dbaHannonyHealth Center; (BI4)CourtyardManorRetirementLiving,lnc.; (BI5)Eden GardensLLC; (Bl6)FairHavensHoldingLLC/FairHavensCenterLLC; (Bl7)Flamingo Park ManorLLC/TIAePointe; (BI8)LakeErswinLLC dbaSouthHialeahM anor/lnteramerican; (Bl9) Kabirhu Associates LLC dba Golden Glades Nursing and Rehabilitation Center' , (Bl10)LauderhillM anorLLC; (BI11)LaSerenaRetirementLivingLLC/LaHaciendaGardens/Rainbow . (BI12)SefardikAssociatesLLC dbaTheNursingCenteratMercy;and (BI13)TakifhuAssociatesLLC dbaSouthDadeNursingandRehabilitation Center. (d) M iscellaneousPersonaleffectsé:(M )'': (M 1) One(1)GreubelForsey Techniquetimepiece(ALDC No.14);and (M 2) One(1)redHennesBirkinpursefrom GoldenAgeJewelry . SubstituteProperty:lfany oftheproperty described above in paragraphs2 through 5 of these Forfeiture A llegations, including subparagraphs,as a result of any act or omission ofadefendant: (1) cannotbelocatedupontheexerciseofduediligence' , hasbeen transferred orsold to,ordeposited with, athird party; hasbeenplacedbeyondthejurisdictionofthecourt; hasbeen substantially dim inished in value;or 39 Case 1:16-cr-20549-JAL Document 200 Entered on FLSD Docket 02/15/2017 Page 40 of 49 (5) hasbeen eommingledwithotherpropertywhiehcannotbedivided withoutdifticulty,theUnited StatesofAmericashallbeentitledto crim inalforfeitureofany other property ofthe defendants,ptlrsuantto Title 21,United States Code, Section 853(p),up to the valueofthepropertydescribedaboveinsubparagraphs(1)through(5),asapplicable. The property which is subjectto criminalforfeiture as substitute property includes,butisnot lim itedto,thefollowing' . SubstitutePersonalPropertv i1(SPP)'': (SPPI)One(1)1968SilverFordIVIN 8R02S116990);and (SPPZ)One(1)2014 BlackPiaggio IVIN ZA13:14591-,0E5802248). Substitute Real Property dû(SItP)'': The real property, together with al1 appurtenances, im provem ents and attachm ents, therein and/or thereon,which are known and num bered asfollow s: (SRP1)240,250and260East5Street,Hialeah,Florida33010; (SRP2)1595NE 145Street,M iami,Florida33161) (SRP3)3051E.4Avenue,Hialeah,Florida33010) (51* 4)59 E 7 Street,67 E.7 Streetand 75 E.7 Street,Hialeah,Florida 33010, (SRP5)l30 W .28Street,140 W .28 Street,150 W .28 Street,160 W .28 Street,141 W .27 Street,H ialeah, Florida 33010' , (SRP6)1221W .DixieHighway,M iami,Florida33161. Allpursuantto Title 18,United StatesCode, Sections982(a)(l)and(a)(7),Titlel8,United StatesCode,Section 981(a)(1)(C),andtheproceduressetforth atTitle 21, United States Code, Section 853,asm adeapplicable by Title 18, United StatesCode,Section 982419 and byTitle28, United StatesCode,Section2461(c). 40 Case 1:16-cr-20549-JAL Document 200 Entered on FLSD Docket 02/15/2017 Page 41 of 49 A TF EBILL y ' G j 9 '' ! ! k - - e .z ! J % j , : l #t'' w IFkEDO A.11'RRER i '' UNI,TED sTA .. s ATTORN EV SOIITHERN 'sTRlcTolrFLORIDA o.'''''''' ' '''*.. M' ... , WW'' I :; . . '. '. .'. .. '*''''. -.-. --.,,,.... j. '- - t..'.* ' xeJOSEP w'EE . . -.. -., ...-'----- -....-..'-'' .y ..,... '' J;1''' -' Pf ERBOER,DEP TY CH IEF CRIMINAP, .' ,. !j' IVISION, FR AU D SECTION U s.D ..gXRTM :'' ENT OFJUSTICE . ..* zyjgy AW A E' DINA ASSISYANT C EF CRIMINK W YISION,FRAUD SECTION u.s.pE>A. lttMENToyJus-rlcE # y..' X 'A .....-''' . DREW B Yy-m , RIAL ATTORNEY CRIM A ./W ISION,FRAUD SECTION U.S. E ARTV/NTOFJUSTICE # ... ELIZA Y ;, 1âL ATT RNEY CRIMINA> IV j-lok,FRAIJD sEcrrlox u.s. ' PARTMENT olrJusvrlcE . ,.# . ,' .. y4* e- ., pERsok K N UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT Case 1:16-cr-20549-JAL Document 200 Entered on FL FLSD SO UTHERN DISTRICT OF ORIDADocket 02/15/2017 Page 42 of 49 UNITED STATESOFAM ERICA CASE NO. 16-CR-20549rLENARDXs)(s1 VS. CERTIFICATE OFTRIALATTORNEY' PHILIP ESFORM ES,etaI. Defendants. / SupersedingCase lnform ation: CourtDivision:(sel ectone) X M iam i FTL New Defendantts) Key W est W PB FTP Num berofNew Defendants Totalnum berofcounts Yes No X 0 34 Ido herebycertifythat: lhave carefully considered the allegations ofthe indictment, the num berofdefendants, the num berof probablewitnessesandthe IegalcomplexitiesoftheIndictment/lnformation attached hereto. Iam awarethatthe informationsuppliedonthisstatementwillberelied upon bytheJudgesofthisCourtin s ting theircalendars and scheduling crim inaltrials underthe m andate ofthe Speedy TrialAct Title 28 Uet , .S. C.Section 3161. 3. Thiscasewilltake 5. Yes Spanish Interpreter: (YesorNo) Listlanguageand/ordialect 15 daysforthepartiestotry. Please check appropriate category and type ofoffense Iisted below: (Checkonlyone) 0 to 5 days 6 to 10 days 11to 20 days 21to60 days 61daysand over 6. Ifyes: JAudge: Petty M inor M isdem . X Felony HasthiscasebeenpreviouslyfiledinthisDistrictCourt? (YesorNo) LENARDIS) (YesorNo) Ifyes: M agistrate Case No. Related M iscellaneousnum bers: Rule 20 from the YES CaseNo. 16-CR-20549 (ttachcopyofdispositiveorder) Hasa complaintbeenfiled inthismatter? Defendantls)infederalcustodyasof Defendantts)instatecustodyasof N - No PHILIPESFORM S,0122 16 Dlstrlcto Isthisapotentialdeath penaltycase?(YesorNo) . - N- O- Doe O sthiscase originatefrom a m atterpendinginthe Northern Regionofthe U.S.Attorney'sOffice priorto ctober14,2003? Yes X No 8. Does this case ori ginate from a m atter pending in the CentralRegion ofthe U.S.Attorney'sOffice pri S orto eptember1,2007? Yes X No ELI ABETH YOUNG DOJTRI A LAU O CourtNo.A5 858 *penaltySheetts)attached wA N REV4/8/08 Case 1:16-cr-20549-JAL Document 200 Entered on FLSD Docket 02/15/2017 Page 43 of 49 U NITED STAT ES D IST RIC T CO UR T SO UTH ER N D IST RIC T O F FL O R ID A PEN A LTY SH EET D efendant's Nam e: PH ILIP E SFO RM ES CaseNo: 16-CR-20549-LENARD(s)(s) Count#: Conspiracy to Com m itH ea1th Care Fraud and W ire Fraud Title 18.United States Code.Section 1349 *M ax Penaltv: Twentv (20)vears'imprisonm ent. Counts #: 2 -3 Health Care Fraud Title l8.United StatesCode.Section l347 WM ax Penaltv: Ten (10)vears'imprisonm entasto each count. Count#: 6 Conspiracy to Defraud theUnited Statesand Pav and ReceiveHealth Care Kickbacks Title l8.United StatesCodesSection 371 *M ax Penaltv: Five(5)years'imprisonm ent. Counts#: 8 -9 ReceiptofKickbacksin Connection with aFederalHea1th CareProgram Title42sUnited StatesCodesSection 1320a-7b(b1(1)(A) *M ax Penalty' . Five(5)years'imprisonmentasto each count. *Refers only to possible term ofincarceration,doesnotinclude possible fines,restitution, specialassessm ents,parole term s,or forfeitures thatm ay be applicable. Case 1:16-cr-20549-JAL Document 200 Entered on FLSD Docket 02/15/2017 Page 44 of 49 UN ITED STA TES D ISTR ICT C O U R T SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA PEN ALTY SH EET Defendant'sNam e: PH ILIP ESFO RM ES C ase No: 16-C R-20549-LFNARm s)(s) . Counts#: 10 - 15 PaymentofKickbacksin Colm ection with aFederalHea1th CareProgram - - Title42eUnited StatesCode,Sedion 1320a-7b(bX2à(A) *M ax Penaltv: Five(5)vears'imprisonm entasto each count . Count#: 16 Conspiracv to CommitM oney Launderinc Title 18.United StatesCode.Sedion 1956414) *M ax Penaltv: Twentv (20)vears'im prisonm ent. Counts#:17 - 30 M onev Launderinc Title 18.United StatesCode.Section 1956(a)(1)(B)(i) *M ax Penaltv: Twentv (20)vears'imprisonmentastoeach count. Counts#: 31 Conspiracvto Comm itFederalProuram Briberv Title 18.United StatesCode-Section 37l #rM ax Penaltv: Five (5)vears'imprisonm ent. *Refers only to possible term ofincarceration,does notinclude possible fines,restitution, specialassessm ents,parole term s,or forfeituresthatm ay be applicable. Case 1:16-cr-20549-JAL Document 200 Entered on FLSD Docket 02/15/2017 Page 45 of 49 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SO UTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA PEN A LTY SHEET D efendant'sN am e: PH ILIP ESFO R M E S Case No: 16-CR -20549-LENA R D(s)ts) - - Count#: 18U.S.C.6371 Conspiracy to Com m itFederalProgram Briberv WM ax Penaltv: Five (5)vears'imprisomnent. Counts #: 32 - 33 Obstruction ofJustice Title 18sUnited StatesCode. Section 1503 *M ax Penaltv: Ten (10)vears'imprisomnentasto each count . *R efersonly to possible term ofincarceration, does notinclude possible fines,restitution , specialassessm ents,parole term s,or forfeitures thatm ay be applicable. Case 1:16-cr-20549-JAL Document 200 Entered on FLSD Docket 02/15/2017 Page 46 of 49 UNITED STATES DISTRICT CO URT SOUTHERN DISTRICT O F FLO RIDA PEN A LTY SH EET D efendant'sN am e: O DET TE BAR C H A CaseNo: 16-CR-20549-LENARD(s)(s) Count#: Conspiracv to Com mitHea1th CareFraud and W ireFraud Title 18.U nited StatesCode.Section 1349 SrM ax Penaltv: Twentv (20àvears'im prisonm ent. Count#: 6 Conspiracy to Defraud theUnited Statesand Pav and Receive Hea1th CareKickbacks Title 18.United StatesCode.Section 371 *M ax Penaltv: Five (5)years'im prisonm ent. Counts#: 14 -15 Pavm entofK ickbacks in Connection w ith a FederalH ealth Care Procram Title42.United StatesCode.Section 1320a-7b(b)(2)(A) *M ax Penaltv: Five(51years'im prisonmentasto each count. Count#: Conspiracy to Com mitM oneyLaunderinc Title 18-United StatesCode.Section 1956th) frM ax Penaltv: Twentv(201vears'imprisonm ent. *R efers only to possible term ofincarceration, does notinclude possible fines,restitution, specialassessm ents,parole term s,or forfeituresthatm ay be applicable. Case 1:16-cr-20549-JAL Document 200 Entered on FLSD Docket 02/15/2017 Page 47 of 49 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SO U TH ER N DISTR IC T O F FLO R ID A PEN A LTY SHEET Defendant'sNam e: ODETTE BARCHA CaseNo: 16-CR-20549-LENARD(s)(s) - - - - Counts#: 22 -23 M onev Launderinc Title 18.United States Code. Section 1956(a)(1)(B)(i1 *M axPenaltv: Twentv (20)vears'imprisomnentasto each count. Count#: Obstnzction ofJustice Title 18sUnited StatesCode. Section 1503 *M ax Penaltv: Ten (10)years'imprisonm enl . *R efers only to possible term ofincarceration, doesnotinclude possible fines tution, , resti specialassessm ents!parole term s, or forfeituresthatm ay be applicable. Case 1:16-cr-20549-JAL Document 200 Entered on FLSD Docket 02/15/2017 Page 48 of 49 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT O F FLO RIDA PEN A LTY SH EET Defendant'sNam e: ARNALDO CARM OUZE CaseNo: 16-CR - 20549-LENARD(s)(s) Count#: Conspiracy to Com mitHea1th Care Fraud and W ire Fraud Title 18.United StatesCodes Section 1349 *M ax Penaltv: - Twentv (20)vears'imprisonm ent. Counts#: Health CareFraud Title 18,United StatesCodee Section l347 *M ax Penaltv: Ten (10àvears'imprisonmentasto each count. - - Counts#: 4 - 5 FalseStatem entsRelatin: to Health CareM atters Title 18-United StatesCode. Section 1035(a)(7) ' âM ax Penalw : Five(5)vears'im prisonm entasto each count. Count#: 6 Conspiracv to Defraud theUnited Statesand Pa y and Receive Hea1th CareKickbacks Title 18.United StatesCode. Section 371 *M ax Penalw : Five(5)vears'imorisonment . - *R efersonly to possible term ofincarcerati does notinclude possible fines specialassessm ents,parole term s,or forfeiton, ,restitution, ures thatm ay be applicabl e. Case 1:16-cr-20549-JAL Document 200 Entered on FLSD Docket 02/15/2017 Page 49 of 49 UNITED STATES DISTRICT CO URT SO UTH ERN DISTRICT O F FLORIDA PENALTY SHEET Defendant'sNam e: ARNALDO CARM OUZE CaseNo: 16-CR-20549- LENARD(s)(s) Count#: ReceiptofKickbacksin Connection with arederalHealth Care Procram Title42.United StatesCode. Section 1320a-7b(b)(l)(A) *NfaxPenalty: Five(5)years'imprisonment . Count#: 16 Conspiracyto Comm itM oney Laundering Title 18.United StatesCode. Section 19564h) WM axPenalhr: Twentv(20)vears'imprisonment . Count#: M onev Launderinc Title 18,United StatesCode. Sedion 1966(a)(1)(B)(i) WM ax Penaltv: Twentv (20)vears'imprisppm ent . *Refers only to possible term ofincarceration does notinclude possible fines , specialassessm ution, , restit ents,parole term s,orforfeituresthatm ay beapplicable.