ls) La) U: CRIMINAL DISTRICT COURT FOR THE PARISH OF ORLEANS STATE OF LOUISIANA CASE NUMBER: 523-930 VERSUS SECTION MATTHEW TOTARO Transcript of the Motion to Quash ArticTe 66 Subpoena in the above entitTed Matter, as Heard before the HonorabTe Darry1 A. Derbigny, Judge presiding under the date of September 15, 2016. APPEARANCES: FOR THE STATE Iain Dover, Esq., ADA FOR THE DEFENSE: David Anderson, Esq. REPORTED BY: Linda B. Legaux, Certified Court Reporter Linda Legaux Certified Court Reporter I IX TYPE OF EXAMINATION Proceedings Court?s Ru1ing Reporter?s certificate PAGE 18/20 22 . ginda Legaux Cert1f1ed Court Reporter [0 i3 F1 Cl CL I .5 MR. DOVER: Gued merning, sir. This is an eff? dpcketed Matter, Judge, that to protect the identity at the parties invpived, I wiH refer te as "letters? Judge, in regards tu this Matter, I have been cummunicating with an atturnev in Caiifurnia. Hewever, this merning, I was advised that 1eca1 ceunsei has been retained, and is present befdre Yeur Hunur with a Metidn te Quash the ArticIe 66 Subpeena issued yesterday. Judge, I am prepared to gd en the Recerd with that. MR. ANDERSDN: afterneun, Judge. David Andersen en (phdneticaiiy) and the juveniIe referred te as- This is actuaHy the case State versus Matthew Tetaru, 523~930. And these witnesses are the victims in this case. I have been enruiied to represent them an - THE COURT: are we taiking abuut aiieged victims, er ene? MR. DDVER: Just ene, Judge. We have THE CUURT: tinda Legaux Certified Ceurt Reporter Ln! That's what I thought. MR. DOVER: The other one was not served. THE COURT: Thank you. okay. MR. ANDERSON: I have a record of an articie 66 subpoena being issued to as we11as - but it?s the victim and her mother. So I have moved to quash both subpoenas. THE COURT: on what basis, sir? MR. ANDERSON: we11, there are several reasons. First of a'H, _ca11ed me 1ast night and infor that a police officer puiied out of schoo] at and gave the subpoena to her directiy. so there?s a mechanicai defect because you can?t serve a chiid with a subpoena. You have to serve the parents. The second is. these subpoenas were app1ied for vesterdav and they were served yesterday afternoon, returnabTe at 9:00 a.m. That?s 1ess than 18 hours. the subpoena went into the juveniie?s hand, which is defective service, from when they were supposed to show up at the office. tinda Certified Court Reporter by my ca1cu1ation, from the time that i I IS 16 [3 19 The State was aware that these peopie had counsei in CaiiFornia, but rather than contact their 1awver, they pu11 this giri out of schoo]. which is incredibiv disruptive. The first time that we can determine that the State attempted to contact Counse] of Record was this morning when the State 1eft a message with the Tawver saying ?If -'is not in my office by 11:00 I arrest her.? I have directed the Court in a written Motion to State versus Derrick Todd see, where the Louisiana Supreme Court direct1v addressed Articie 66 Subpoenas, and the Supreme Court said that this Court can grant relief whenever a person applies. From hardship, abusive process, unreasonabie or oppressive subpoenas. I wouid argue that pu11ing the juveniie out of schoo1 on a less than 24 hour turnaround is abusive process. However, we don?t have to prove abusive process. we can prove any hardship, unreasonabie nature of the subpoena. or its oppressive nature. Frank1y, there is no emergency in this case. It?s set for triai on September 26?. And when I checked the docket master at 11:00 p.m. 1ast night, it 1ooked as though it were Stayed for tinda Legaux Cert1fied Court Reporter an appe11ate proceeding. If the State wants to interview these witnesses, and beiieve me, they?re cooperative, they?re showing up through counse] today, they can simpiy ca11 and schedule a time. It?s manifest1y unnecessary, and it?s far more disruptive than reasonab1e to pu11 this gir] out of schoo] and serve her without her mother there, and to show up at the house, and then threaten to arrest the witnesses when there is no evidence that they have been uncooperative. So I have moved to Quash because of the mechanica] defect, and a1so because these witnesses have Constitutiona] Rights. They are entit1ed to the regu1arity and dignity of the proceedings, just 1ike any witness, but they have additionai Rights because they?re registered victims in Matter, the juveni1e and her mother. They have a Right that the crimina1 proceeding wi11 move forward in a way that it is it?s a genera] ob1igation of the State, 1east disruptive to their dai1y 1ives. And they have disregarded that ob1igation here. So in connection with the Motion to Quash, I have further moved in the written motion that the State contact tinda Legaux Certified court Reporter Ithese witnesses through their attorney oniy. I'm present here today. I?ve given the State a copy of my Motion to enro11, which has my office number, and I?m going to give them, a1so, my direct line and my ce11 phone. They?ve got my emai]. And 1'11 be giad to scheduie an interview at the District attorney's office. I?m moving the Court to instruct the contacting them directiy. Elias said that the District Attorney's office and a representative of their office not on1y had gone to the high schooi, but aiso opened her front door in order to 1eave a subpoena in her foyer, which is a 1itt1e excessive, given that there is no exigent reason why they wouid need to deiiver the subpoena by hand. They simpiy could have maiied it. There was never a reason why they wouid need to open her front door. They're demoiishing their reiationship with their own witnesses. And I am here to interpose myseif as an advocate for the victims, and to make sure that the case can proceed in an orderiy and dignified fashion. That's why the Motion has two separate orders, and those are the grounds on which we base it. Linda Legaux certified Court Reporter 1'11 conclude my argument, but I just want the Record to refiect I'm giving over my business card. I'm going to write my cell phone on the back, even though it aiso has my direct 1ine. MR. DDVER: Yes, sir. Thank you. So, Judge, Counsei's own argument is seif? defeating. Counse] argued that we had not made sufficient attempts to contact the victim, but then does articuiate, Judge, that as of Friday, the State went out to the house to attempt to contact the victim, short of issuing an articie 66 Subpoena. And 1et me just c1arify a few things, Judge, ?cause I was one of the parties that actuaiiy went out to the house on that Friday. The victim, Ms. ?