MARSHALL. DENNEHEY, WARNER COLEMAN GOGGIN KEVIN E, IIEXSTALL, ESQUIRE MOHAMED N. BAKRY, ESQUIRE Atty. ID No. ems/206530 2000 Mfirkel Slreet, Suite 2300 Philadelphia, PA I9I03 Telephone: (215) 575-2751 F-csimile: (215) 575-0856 Attorney: for petitioner Hulmes COMMONWEALTH OF CHRISTOPHER I) AND NOW. this day of FILED SEP 0 7 2017 Motions Office of Judicial Records COURT OF COMMON PLEAS 0F PHILADELPHIA CRIMINAL DIVISION ARREST CP--S I 5 DO 5/091! 972 N9603020 DCM 506017602 I63035 REASONS: 1. Completed ARD 2. Harmful to Employment Tamper w/ Public Record; Obstruction Admin Law; False Swearing; Unsworn Falsificalion; False Report DISPOSITION: Completed ARD/Mnller Discharged: AGENCIES TO BE SERVED: Philadelphia Police Department; State Palice' Administrative Office 0f Courts; Philadelphia Adult Probation Office. Court Administration Philadelphia Cnunty and The FBI. . 2017. upon consideration affine within petition it is hereby, ORDERED and DECREED that all records oftlie arrest, complaint, court computer indexes and otherwise regarding the above named party are to be EXPUNGED. [t is further ORDERED that the Clerk ofCouits shall pmvide Counsel for Petitioner wifli an olTicial, signed Expungemenl. Order and Copies oflhc 0mm] Expungcmenl om" once they have been sent to the above referenced parties in order to facilitate compliance with the process. BY THE COURT: MARSHALL, DENNEHEY, WARNER COLEMAN GOGGIN KEVIN E. HEXSTALL. ESQUIRE MOHAMED N. BAKRV, ESQUIRE Atty. ID No. 812431206530 1000 Market Street, Suite 2300 Philadelphia, PA 19"" Telephone: (215) 575-2751 Facsimile: (115) 57541856 Annrneys for petitioner Christophcr Hulmes l/ COMMONWEALTH OF Ff COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF PHILADELPHIA I CRIMINAL DIVISION ARREST DATE: 04/23/1015 D0 [1972 N9603020 DC151506017602 PPH1163035 REASONS: Compleied ARD 2. Harmful Employmem CHARGEzl'crjury; Tamper w/ Public Record; Obstruction Admin Law; False Swearing; Unswom Falsificaiion; Falsc Report DISPOSITION: Complete/d ARD/Mauer Discharged: AGENCIES TO BE SERVED: Philadelphia Police Slate Police; Adminisirmive Office of Couns; Philadelphia Adull Probalion Oificc; Conn Adminisu-alion Philadelphia County Th: FBI, TIC OFHEAR NG AND NOW, Io wit, Ihis day of ,2017. a Rule is ememd upon lhe District Alwmey in show cause why Pciitmner's Motion for Expungcmem should not be granted. RULE RETURNABLE the Courtroom day of , 2017, at M. in , Philadelphia County Court of Common Pleas (Criminal Justice Center), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. BY THE COURT: J, MARSHALL, DENNEHEY, WARNER COLEMAN GOGGIN KEVIN E. HEXSTALL, ESQUIRE MOHAMED N. BAKRY, ESQUIRE Ally. ID No. 812481206530 2000 Market Street, Suite 1300 PA 03 Telephone: (215) 515--2751 Facsimile: (215) 575-0856 Attorneys for petitioner Christopher Hulmes ZIOMMONWEALTH OF CIIRISTOPI IER IIULMES COURT OF COMMON PLEAS 0F PHILADELPHIA CRIMINAL DIVISION ARREST DATE: 04/23/2015 CP-S DOB: 05/09/l 972 01M N9603020 DCHISOGOHGOZ PPM 163035 REASONS: l. Complelod ARD 2. Harmful to Employment CHARGEzPerjury; Tamper wl Public Record; Obstruction Admin Law; False Swearing: Unswm'n Falsii'ication; False Report DISPOSITION: Completed ARD/Mnuei' Discharged: AGENCIES TO BE SERVED: Police Dcpanmem: State Police; Administrative Office of Courts; Philadelphia Adult Probation Office; Court Adnliliislration Philadelphia County and The FBI, PETITION TO EXPUNGE TO THE HONORABLE, THE JUDGES OF THE SAID COURT: PeliLioner, Christopher l-Iulmes, by his momey, MOHAMED N. BAKRY, ESQUIRE, respectfully represents ihaz: 1. On or sham April 23, 2015. Petitioner was arrested and charged wilh Peijury; Tamper wl Public Record; Obslrucliun Admin Law; False Swearing; Unsworn Falsificallon; False Report, and related charges. 2. On June 17, 2016, Petitioner entered into the Accelerated Rehabilitative Dispositions Program ("ARD") and was placed on 12 months probation. On June 17,2017, Petitioner completed all of his requirements and was released from supervision. See ARD Completion Letter from Philadelphia Adult Probation dated 6/15/2017 attached hereto as Exhibit A. 3. Subsequent to his arrest, Petitioner was photographed, fingerprinted and a record of his arrest was made by the Philadelphia Police Department. 4. The photographs, fingerprints and records of Petitioner's arrest are still in the files of the Philadelphia Police Department and the Pennsylvania State Police and duplicates thereof, which were transmitted to the Federal Bureau oflnvestigation, remain in their respective files. 5. The presence of the aforesaid records in the files of the agencies heretofore described is unjustified and will be harmful to Petitioner's reputation and will inte1fere with his earnings and livelihood. WHEREFORE, Petitioner prays that this Honorable Court order that the Clerk of Courts of the Philadelphia Cou1t of Common Pleas, shall serve a certified copy of this Expungement Order, hereby incorporated as part of this Order, upon the following persons, and keepers of records pertaining to the above captioned individual: Commissioner of Police of Philadelphia, Philadelphia Police Department; Pennsylvania State Police; Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts; Court Administration Philadelphia County and The Federal Bureau of lnve igation. VERIFICATION MOHAMED N. BAKRY, ESQUIRE, verifies that the statements made in the foregoing Petition to Expunge Criminal Record are tme and correct and understands that false statements herein are made subject to the penalties of 18 PA. C.S. 4904, relating to unsworn falsification to authorities. CERTIFICATION OF SERVICE MOHAMED N. BAKRY, ESQUIRE, hereby certifies that a true and correct copy of the foregoing was served by first-class mail as follows: Philadelphia District Attorney 3 S Penn Square Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107