:nIcr?II-u. 1 CLASSIFICATION I-UCH OFF CODE ISE REPORT POLICE 72. SECONDARY CLASSIFICATION HQMIQTHL M211 3 '31- xii? TT 5- .- I510 93] .OHJKS ?1'5 I I i LOCATIONIFAPPLICABLEI [11 5.21:- Om ST 21.; 1 3 o. I I31) out. HOME ?Leases ma . STHEET, APT NO :n Sit?EII-zE?qja in! 2s TIMEAVAIL I it? . R1311) - Eunk IxRACE FDDEs . SAMEPI ALASK NAT S-ASIANIPACIFIC ISLANDEH l' RELATIONSHIP CODES UF Ease (Use for Member of the Same Family or Household} . 09 BROTHER {fl-I 10- SISTER 1-3- ER W7 FE . B-i HUSBAND I2 - I I II 3.5+ I . 7 a; 3,5. I HAIR I ET: I .-.--. :5 -.-: SI-ICTGUN ?45. Jf-uEu-Fu, rams-cream" 2:32.332 55 31'.11. _a;11;1 "111in a Thul- (JAR TEIAPRQ I Mama-,1 3.13:1 R1111) Eh Lia ?PP?ra FEET 125 Sr? mun) I UT: FD . I EGPICU .Ra M?q?fmil.) .2 tilt-2' ?t?ilx my; .1. 4.52.11? . .F Mid?" M: rib M491: ESL: m? Iain 2 2 I995 I g! EXTPA cuPIEs REQUIRED NORMAL .5DIHEP. I . '2 -.-. .n - - - I- . Luk Sti? (Inmate-1 333M CRAP WNIINUA I IUN OF NARRATIVE LI.) 'd 1.5? ML T0 TII. MASBQIL 3-1 CPI) AF-?aia. RPIRTEJI 'Thhr?n? Hi. HA6 in THAT 9.224.?qu A, He 5,431.3 51'2th '3me UPEO RRQIJLI A. Tm LEFT HEAR: warn.? PEEDGEDLEE 1R mm. mob m1 1 :ij?s dun-J") ACTH) Eda-7&5; . . HEARD. SEEKS CIELI) ASH 3:2:?0 La fw?IisziA-LAD Mixed 19?? Lam a I . UCI-JHLIE. .4-5 Lama?)- RBJTO Eighth TA?lij, BEER) SHOT MEL The LEFT 539-09%? thOuzLIf at 85790 3+2; DIE. PERMANF - FILE IDS-10 14-25. Ian-Dip: {in?am- om Ra. wean CRIME 5213.539. MEAL Eng. .. Emma: ERR trawm "i?f?uti??rsrz Haw-hm.) Cu 9qu?Ff-20f I CHM CM I HAVE THIS 35.97.19? I ,1 AND BY MY SIGNATURE INDI- CATE THAT IT IS ACCEPTABLE I DATE (DAY-MO-YRJ I I FOR USE BY BUREAU OF INVESTIGATIVE SERVICES ONLY IUCH BFFENSECODE - REILCOEIE I-UCR METHOD ASSIGNED IUNIT NO EEFICES ASSIGNED IDATE ASSIGNED SUI-W STAR NO, INVESTIGATIVE FILE HEASSIGNED D1 CORRECT [:11 FIELD 52ADMIN . C13 SUMMARY I . I . [raj/7. YES BEND 31YES an? REASEIGNEO DATE status :0 I21 SUSPENDED L32 UNFOUNDED IF CASE I5 CLEARED. How ELISE THIS amt LE CLEAR UP OR FIRST CLEAR UP OF MULTIPLE CLEAR UP LISTI .2 STAR NO I: Al' 3 CLEARED CLOSED l_l 4 CLEAFIED OPEN E5 EXC CLRD CLOSED 4 1 ARREST 2 DIRECTED TO 3 COMPL. REFUSED 4 COMMUNITY D5 OTHER CLEAREB MEN Eh OSECUTION FAMILY COURT TO FROSECUTE ADJUSTMENT EXCEPTIONAL VICTIM IDENTIFIEHE IREVISED NAME ECDPESS 3&5. D1 CORRECT I I I I EIHOME I I I IDEUSINESS pH FILLIN ONLY H-IQSE VALUES WHICH EITHER DIFFER FRDMOR HERE 3.151- 0F 0 AKENIRECOVERED 1 DNA 2 VERIFIED D3 CORRECTED REEOFTED THE REVERSE. THE on In SUPPLEMENTARV ?mm 1 MONEY I2 JEWELFIT I3 FURs I-I CLOTHING I7 OFFICE EQUIPMT I 8 STEREO I9 HOUSEHOLD 60095 In CONSUM. GOODS IREARMs I a. DRUGS '5 OTHER IS I975 IEITs IEITS I [175 IDTs IDTs IDTs CIT UR [Lia IUR ICR I ?39 '49 SERIAL IDENTIFICATION NOS :1 DNA E2 VERIFIED 0R ADDITIONAL NOS OBTAINED IPERTINENT INFORMATION NOT ON REPORT33c; I KR Q) RED av 51am. STAR NO I DATE :nAIr-Mo I APPROVED BY SIGNATURE STAR NO I DATE (DAY-rmaCHICAGO POLICE DEPARTMENT R.D. 2-220 314 DETECTIVE DIVISION 20 May 95 SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT PAGE 1 ALL descriptions and statements in this entire report are approximations or summarizations unless indicated otherwise. CODE: Homicide?First Degree Murder 0110 RECLASSIFICATION OR DNA: -D-N-A- Progress 0 Adult OF ORIGINAL OFFENSE: 3224 W. Fullerton Avenue OF OCCURRENCE: 1413 OF ORIGINAL OCCURRENCE: 20 May 1995 Saturday 0425 Hours NAME: GONZALEZ, Ruben RELATED (1 YES 2 NO): 2 ASSIGNED: 5515 OF Street I 304 OF VICTIMS: RHECHTEON HLE OF bUtIknOwn i: ASSIGNED Field-l 650 INVESTIGATION: In furtherance of this investigation, the undersigned conducted a canvass of the premises adjacent to the location of occurrence. This is an Area Five Detective Division Progress Report REPORTING OFFICER STAR SI Detective Kenneth Berris 20667 REPORTING OFFICER STAR g0 Detective Anthony Bongiorno 20669 8 LA.) SUPERVISOR 2.5M: ng/FZ; DISTRIBUTION DATE TIHE SUBMITTED iRegular 20 May 1995 536 MNYIQQS 2/94) Detective Division Hicro Couputer Generated Supplelentary Report a, CHICAGO POLICE DEPARTMENT R.D. 2-220 314 DETECTIVE DIVISION 20 May 95 SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT PAGE 2 ALL descriptions and statements in this entire report are approximations or summarizations unless indicated otherwise. Tenant 1954) reported essentially that at time of occurrence he heard what he describes as angry shouting followed by gunshots coming from the direction of occurrence. He continued, however, that he could not see any of this activity outside due to the position of his window in relation to the location of occurrence. This tenant has no home telephone. 1958) reported essentially that at the time of occurrence he heard talking which was followed by gunshots and then the sound of persons running coming from the location of occurrence. However, he did not look out of the window due to fear of being' shot. This tenant has no home FEW 1" IENENT HLE telephone. No answer, l0 answer . 1975) repor essentially that he had been in his a a ith occurrence ut heard no disturbance from outside. This tenant's home telephone number is No Answer CHICAGO POLICE DEPARTMENT R.D. 2?220 314 DETECTIVE DIVISION 20 May 95 SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT PAGE 3 ALL descriptions and statements in this entire report are approximations or summarizations unless indicated otherwise. CONTINUED: Tenant reported essentially that at the time of occurrence he was in his apartment when he heard coming from the direction of the location of occurrence someone say ontinued that he then heard several and the sound of glass breaking. looked outside through his apartment and observed two male Latino subjects run north in the alley from Fullerton Avenue. continued that he did not know the identity of these subjects although he stated that he may be able to make an identification. further informed the with (Work Telephone Number and that he works the day and is off on PERMANENT Elf Vacant Apartment lo lnswer Pecan! !par!men! CHICAGO POLICE DEPARTMENT DETECTIVE DIVISION SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT R.D. z?220 314 20 May 95 PAGE 4 All descriptions and statements in this entire report are approximations or summarizations unless indicated otherwise. the proprietors of the which is located on the first floor of that buildin with this con le residin that they had closed their Wt approximately 2200 hours the evening before the shooting, and at the time of occurrence they neither heard nor saw anithing. Their telephone number is Detective Kenneth Berris #20667, Area Five Detective Division Detective Anthony Bongiorno #20669, Area Five Detective Division writ HLE PER R: t. CHICAGO POLICE DEPARTMENT DETECTIVE DIVISION SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT ALL descriptions and statements in this entire report are approximations or summarizations unLess indicated otherwise. CODE: RECLASSIFICATION OR DNA: CODE: OF ORIGINAL OFFENSE: OF OCCURRENCE: 0F ORIGINAL OCCURRENCE: NAME: RELATED (1 YES 2 NO): ASSIGNED: OF RID. degree murder 0110 dna progress 0 dna (3224 W. Fullerton) 1413 20MAY95 0425 hours 2 5547 street 304 . .- "v OF VICTIMS: PFRMANENT 513:5:sz OF OFFENDERS: ASSIGNED VICTIM: ?41" unknown 1 field 02JUL73 a.k.a. Ruben GONZALEZ REYES Jr. EEicago, II 60647 irn 1095540 Sid 34661490 h.p. w.p. none unemployed wearing beige t?shirt, green pants, black and white Rebock shoes tatoo "Ruben? right upper arm gang affiliation: unknown at this time THIS IS AN AREA 5 PROGRESS REPORT 2-220314 20 May 95 PAGE 1 REPORTING OFFICER STAR DET. W. WOITOWICH 20663 REPORTING OFFICER STAR DET. s. GRAF 21043 SUPERVISOR 8/ If:- 1:552" flg?fSTAR SIGNATU DISTRIBUTION DATE 5 TIME SUBMITTED mfg/??1714 is 20 MAY 95 1200 hours DATE 8: TIME APPROVED . . :2 :2 1.39.5 visozz?z 411-B(Rev. 2/94) Detective Division Micro Counter Generated Supplementary Report CHICAGO POLICE DEPARTMENT R.D. Z-220314 DETECTIVE DIVISION 20 May 95 SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT PAGE 2 ALL descriptions and statements in this entire report are approximations or summarizations unLess indicated otherwise. WANTED: unknown offender(s) INJURIES: FATAL, g.s.w. left thigh, g.s.w. left shoulder lodged in chest TAKEN TO: ILLINOIS MASONIC HOSPITAL by C.F.D. #3 WEAPON: apparent 9mm semi?automatic pistol LOCATION, DATE AND TIME: 3224 W. Fullerton, 20MAY95, 0425 hours WEATHER AND LIGHTING: cool, 40's, clear, artificial lighting victim shot from the rear at close range apparently twice as he was in his auto. victim drove about 1 block west and crashed into a lightpole and parked auto victim was dead on scene. motive unknown IDENTIFIED BY: no formal identification at this time, tentative identification made from documents on his person family notified VEHICLE USED:(victim) 1987 Pontiac 6000, brown.with black trunk, no plated no city lic, temp registration RETEN new EVIDENCE: photos of scene 3-9mm spent casings recovered at 3224 W. Fullerton by crime lab 1?spent pellet recovered in street at 3234 W. Fullerton by crime lab 2-spent pellets recovered from victim at ILLINOIS MASONIC HOSPITAL turned over to crime lab inventory numbers pending PERSONNEL ASSIGNED: P.O. R. 5573 MB1413 P.O. T. COATES 3821 MB1413 (preliminary investigators) P.0. MARQUEZ 9094 M31417 (crime scene protection) DET. R. SZELUGA 20659 DDA5 DET. A. KOUCHOUKOS 20635 DDA5 (assist follow?up investigators) F.I. S. HOGAN 6414 9601 F.I. R. DAVIE 14711 9601 (mobile crime lab) DET. W. WOITOWICH 20663 DDA5 DET. B. GRAF 21043 DDA5 (follow-up investigators) CHICAGO POLICE DEPARTMENT R.D. 2?220314 DETECTIVE DIVISION 20 May 95 SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT PAGE 3 ALL descriptions and statements in this entire report are approximations or summerizations unless indicated otherwise. INVESTIGATION: R/Dets were assigned by Sgt. EPPLEN of this command to a HOMICIDE investigation on 20MAY95 at 0530 hours. R/Dets went to 3302 W. Fullerton where they observed the victim's vehicle. The victim?s vehicle was facing :northeast: in. the ?westbound curb lane 'with extensive crash damage to the front, left and right sides. R/Dets observed side swipe damage in) the lightpole just east of the victim's auto and pavement scrapings from the undercarriage of the vehicle. (traffic accident RETENTION FILE R/Dets observed an apparent bullet hole in the left side of the driver's headrest which entered the top of the seat going downward and exiting the front of the seat. The apparent trajectory is downward indicating that the shooter was very close or above victim. The rear driver?s side window was shattered indicating that the shooter could have been standing close behind the victim. R/Dets walked east on the north side of Fullerton with the crime lab techs and located broken glass at about 3224 W. Fullerton, in the mouth of the east alley of Sawyer. R/Dets observed 3 spend 9mm casings at that location. R/Dets walked west on Fullerton and found a Spent bullet south of an auto parked at the north curb at 3234 W. Fullerton. R/Dets noted sideswipe damage to the left rear of the auto. plate_ IL 10-95, is registered to ?ee located at this time to learn 1 18 is new damage. R/Dets interviewed a resident who was walking on the street on ZOMAYQS who related that he was at home and heard a gun shots, tires squeal, and several more gunshots at about 0430 hours. He did not witness the shooting. R/Dets SZELUGA interviewed on 20MAY95 who said car coming quickly towards him and crash on a lightpole. He did not witness the shooting. . R/Det to the residence of the victim on 20MAY95 and informed his family members that the victim had been shot and was deceased. CHICAGO POLICE DEPARTMENT R.n. 2-220314 DETECTIVE DIVISION 20 May 95 SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT PAGE 4 All descriptions and statements in this entire report are approximations or summariutions unless indicated otherwise. R/Dets spoke to P.O. of Beat14l3 at the scene of the vehicle crash. He related that he was further west on Fullerton when he heard the crash. He stated that a citizen in a vehicle pulled up next to him and informed him of the accident. said that when he got back to the scene of the accident, he recognized the vehicle as the same vehicle which he had observed several minutes earlier near Kedzie and Fullerton. He stated that there was a silver colored vehicle which was parked by the victim?s vehicle. He stated that there were two male white hispanics in the car. He said that he recognized the two individuals as being member of the Imperial Gangsters street gang but at that time he couldn't recall their names. said that the vehicle returned to the scene of the incident and that he told them to remain. The silver colored vehicle pulled off ore could talk to them. said that he will findF?u?t?mei-?zj mes and call Area 5 with the information- PERMANENI Fi??i investigation remains in progress Det. W. Woitowich Det. B. Graf a) [oerILiIv dosqiti property or oossii?e avidu one Iecovermla an: i of liw rat. vu In column Iorrn Show exactly whe I3 found WI on found, who Iom?d It and Its desIzripIiIJrI Property I Ivenrory. II II property taken Wan" scribed for Operar on Identification ?meat? I rumour a. and of w1 s. approximate if possible. should Include name if known, 50:: rare code .II: 9 height weinhI color eyes 81 CINE. marksmil; II suspect Is arrested give name, sex, raw. code. age. or I II Known, and state ?In CustodyI 3 A 0 ff?ifmgelg-EISGIIZ 5 CHICAGO POLICE FOFI USE BY 3. I. S. PERSONNEL ONLY I. - .. .. I-?l LAST Pas. {-Ioimitcron?l cum. .I "Ir-.umII-rreo IN HOMES EIJ st Degree 3 0110 3210 Fullerton I 1413 5 3(eran . I: r-mr-nr-A?rm HEAT .IssI?uvu?Ij I1 1.155 I I VIL ah." 5055 Ruben in Erie. am: WHERE :1 m'p- II- LIIDNA .Autgm0bi_lI'?lmivI nun: rII-z jg 1 I I I WHEIIE weneoccu? Ed I 1. .ctular; 1.1: LLII cw an 1to -. no an? IIEL.- . uranium -II I THE HILL o: muse MDT 1 I II LAST I . I r11 minim1'mums mumHome I1 .11wrn'w .IAJII ?140:1. -1.!Ii smeer 7 EIIEL woe I- _semL_I . 915. ?IEwMIA-MI- ~1Tr- 1111 Anna-I255 Imus?. in?; In. IImn IJOMPI..-. Trumr Ignitm MU IHEIHMANEIMJ. I in; LIJIJN 33 oEF's VEHICLE MAKE BODY STYLE coma IVIN mo STATE . . SERIAL was CORRECTED ALL cosaecnoms 5 NEW on NOS OBTAINED IN ain't. IIF ENTER cooE I51 152 METHOD ASSIGNED 53 STATUS FIELD [13 SUMMARY '65 IUD FROG HESS I711 SUSPENDED CI :1 umroumoeo I . . . STATUEExt. .6 Ext, 7 CLSD. CA CL ARED - LI3 cum II 4 CLFID own cum I: . LII ARREST 2 DIRECTLEI T13 COMPI. FIFUSD U4 js - BADULI WIcu ODEN CLOHED over? 1 Claim SIDROSEC cm To PHOSECUTE NT . '75 UFOFI SUMMARV CASES ONLY - THE OH: CASE REPORT IS SLIBS .Y ICDFIFIECT ANLJ CONTACT WIIH THE VICIIM HA5 ADDITIONAL PERTINENT INFORMATION 80 NARRATIVE THIS IS A CAUSE OF DEATH REPORT: MEDICAL CASE NUMBER: 347- of May 1995 DATE AUTOPSY 20.51.37,. 1995 - -H.- .. . .ingm- wt -A -H PATHOLOGIST Dr. .1 (gt $.11 CAUSE AND MANNER OF DEATH: Multiple gunshot INVESTIGATION: Upon completion of the autopsy the Pathologist I . . .t.h.e L: above. The victim sustained two gunshot wounds. One entrance to the left back and victim's chest. No bullets recovered. no. a? 1 mm nus '."uumijgo -- i'iin .. '99. b) To 311513715995 15:15 D.N.A. 36:1? -.- i?i??on'rimo OFFICER E?ii '5iil??'1un Det. James Cornelison 20157 Finn?MI: no TIME -7 7% ?5 . Iii/?3" 413-3 (Rev BE COMPLETED IN Al I. CASES HOMICIDE OF: GONZALEZ, Ruben 12?! ?Entrance . ?r MEDICAL EXAMINERS CASE -1 of May 1995 PATHOLOGIST: CAUSE a MANNER OF DEATH: Multiple gunshot INJURIES: Entrance wound to the left back and a to the left upper leg. No bullets recovered VIE 022 ZPOS Idenli?? and describe al.? )Inperty or pow h1e euidenre recovered at the and of the Narrative In column? Irwe C'I?nry II prcperty taken was scribed for Operation Idenr- fir: ation indie am I IN name. V. node age helght, weight, malks, etc If Ail and ?Moments in the entire are SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT CHICAGO POLICE FOR USE BY 3. IS. PERSONNEL ONLY I LAST PREVIOUS REPORT - Hamicide/First Degree Murder I-ucR cit-E wane .. I i 0110 i? 3224 W. Fullert CORRECT 5 SHOWN ON EPDFIT 1' .41 IEEI I1 1.1: GONZALEZ, Ruben 8? TYPE 0R INCIDENT. OFFENSE OCCURRED i Eben-IE? Ema. (259) Ir. LARIJIW {Eehicle Non? ?Commerical) nximations or ess indlcaled Uthurwise ALIIJFIESSOF GFIIG Hunk-Hum): 1 VERIFIED on i I IF NO, CORRECT ALL VICTIM INFOR MATION IN BOXES 20 THROUGH 27 i 9? NO .nrm Show exactiv where found when found who Iound II and its descI lude umber at end OI at ?e Offender 5 approximate if pnss: hie shouid include name If known suspect is give name sex race code age R. number, if known, and state I'ln -L DATEDFUHIG. OCCURRENCE IIME 1' DAY M0 YFI 1'3 BEAT OF OCCUR. I CORRECTED 1413 I i I'Dwes Bauer 5512 I'Iofxio q- V13. 1 I Unknown SAFE HICIF. IBI IF RESIDENCE I Liven. i1?! 3 4: I I I WHEHEWEHE occup 55 cone cont com want Icons case 95 IIee_ I .Iuo_ en . Iwo No In nescm?ut IN FILL THE FIJI I. bi THESE LNFFER CIFI WERE - nteguenen {In In: 3. I MONEV '7 Jew: Im ?.I.=Ims r:I (THING menu?- team-Eur mum STEREO I I VERIFIED GOODS II CONEIJM emu-Is -I I I: want ?muse rim-s: rams-35; "semen IJ- Mom. ESDATE EITI: L53 .Iin .f'9 I 20 NAME 21 IUCFI 12. HUME [2.1 SE: Home E1130 7 VICTIM MAI OFFENSE me rm MJI com; I I .IIL-L CODE . _ime . IOH Lorin?we. Ire: "Hi Annetee 1321.5? Race Inn; WEIGHT Err-.3 HAIR .?Jf'l . I f" N0 N0 IANHESTI E: . rm Inn. no CDIJL . mu Dem! ?Home m??ertI'uyIrmn . . .. .. . . . . FILE I . ERMANEI-I .. . 13 I uni-IE 11m 1.51 are 'eTn'Iflu-N Hm: I 1? - I1I1HH1- mus uiI' NAHH ITIVE 51?; Em? SMIE EN until can: In trim??- DNA grams use. I 5? ME mun Ase-anti: 1'ka I: I 5-1 IF unse meats (INLY nan'nIum. met rs I an? m. L-I- Em: _Ic. rm OPEN xj_I I t-?rmm 1-: In no In I WITII no NARRATIVE INVESTIGATION: Fiv?. Dets. #5573, . . . . ILJN. 1 HI ?nannies . 550? ?fur.? VICTIM DISCIUSET: The R/Dete. were assigned to this investigation on Sat. 20 May 1995, by Sgt. E. MINGEY #1713, 14th DiEt., GS G. FIGUEROA and tDe tDe R/Dets. IIJIITHEII 1w I-KCEPT NT .Of ea The R/Dets. contacted GS. George FIGUEROA #16867 Ian'd arranged a meetlng with R. was one of the first two officers who arrived at the scene of the victims car crash. He was reinterviewed by the R/DetsCoutinued On Page (2) . I. DATE shu?mrj?gn I12 sun-Ehwsoni Ewnn'fmc (?31m Lu - 23 May 1995 2300 @907 REEF-DRIED IBFEIEER ?emu Nd. E. LVURSE v: #20692 Det. R. GUEVARA #20861 MO- VHJ I .. II MAI 1995 - 7?7: k?J DETECTIVE DIVISION 23 MAY 1995 AREA FIVE DETECTIVES Z-2203l4 DEGREE MURDER PAGE (2) VICTIM: GONZALEZ, Ruben Ron In summary stated the following. He was assigned to work with a recruit, T. COATES #3821. They were on Fullerton Ave. and were informed by a passing motorist about the victim's car crashing. They arrived at the scene of the crash and observed only one victim, Ruben GONZALEZ who had been thrown from the car by the impact. There were no other persons in the victim's car, or any other injured persons at this crash sight. A car pulled up going West on Fullerton and stopped at the accident scene. The car was silver colored, and looked like an early 80's, Chev. Monte Carlo or similar car. There were two both around 20 years old in this car. He recognized both of these guys as being members of the Imperial Gangsters, that he has dealt with in the past. He does not remember their, real or nicknames. The two Imperial Gangsters told him that they had just been talking with the victim. It was not right that the victim got shot, the victim didn't be about anything. The two Imperial Gangsters stated that the victim had been shot by the who were driving a large dark buick. He told these two Imperial Gangsters to pull over to obtain their identification. Instead of pulling over they pulled off and left reassignm- a Officer R. was shown photos of Imperial Gangsters by GS G. FIGUEROA. No identifications were made. The R/Dets. were informed by Det. A. BONGIORNO #20669, that Ruben GONZALEZ said that someone was in the car with when the crash occurred and was taken to the hospital by an ambu ance. The R/Dets. reviewed all of the prior police reports and no mention was made of a second victim in the accident. The R/Dets. interviewed Fire Department Paramedic Cathy ROBST, who was assigned to work on Ambulance #3 the day of this incident. She informed the R/Det. that only her ambulance was assigned to this accident, and that only one victim was removed from the scene, Ruben GONZALEZ. Det. E. HALVORSEN #20692 Det. R. GUEVARA @20861 114 dumb? a or pnssIIzl: avidmu: 31 :If Nan ali'lP in Shaw exactly band, who Donna i' 5M P-vmnr?ty Ier rrIrI/ lake I was gunned Oncr.It;oI Identi?mat on, I Tl?, em of UIIPndar's it possitle, 6, Include name If known, . II Fl know". and sax {41:9 nude weight. color eye;& scan, I'IiirksJ-HC arrested ramp, 54H. mm: mzlv, aur?? F, or SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT . '20 May 1995 0425 I . I AEEIFIPAHIJH LAST HEPOHT .- I IIL . *HomicideIFirst Degree Murder 0110 l' (3302 w. Fullerton) I . ME AS SHOWN ON CASE REPORT DLI VICHM INF-DR tLi?: I. 55S'f?2w f; vL . GONZALEZ Ruben I MATIDN IN BOXES 20 THROUGH 27 1 "95' 2m] IYFL OF LOCATION (Ia PRLMISE WHERE .NCInI?tnT/opiemsz -.I. -I.I- 9_ VICTIMS rqu r..3 1, . (Street) (304) $81 I I13 Ema; 'Ia par-I735.? Is ALrInrvI. 1,7 SAFE seam Mt' HUI) '18 I I . Will HI IIPII.I.II CUDF icons: CODE ICOIJI- 0'5 In 59IMOFI EY 1 '3 FUHS Ho' 0003.9 IIF f?l -- I ., rm:- . .- . airs .-HOME ADDRESS .95 IIJSINESSPIIONE II- 77 LMI I . (No on, STREET com I CODE . 2:3 DESCRIBE I . HOMEADDHESS I :I-?uzr. ~13: WEIGHT EYES HAN-1 I: ..ODI. MELIINDEZ, Jose E. ?00.195 :31k IMedHula-i; no In NU 37. ND ILI 'H9697?197 .I3 VEHICLE MAKE .ar 1" I .- 'Iinuw .. I LICENSE No . I I OFFENDERS UPDATE ONLY I .. . UNA I JTI CUHRECTED 3" 3'33 ?323:4 Lilia-l :11..-. . Ln?i-l I "4 II \r I 1'1 nun-II I :llr I _'1ldl I :1'11111 ?1:333! JILL. IN CUSTUDY. MELEND. 2, Jose E. 27.11013- 68, Single, Employed part time at. ?the Elg? as a yO.Uth worker, Drivers License .gang afflliation, Nicknarneh 9696?197 Ii Continued On Page (2) 8 Izru'l- Eur. Ii 9 June L995 . 2100 I'd-Ii: mum 5: MI NO OFFICER sun In: SPIN #20692 R. #20861 ALL mah? DETECTIVE DIVISION 2 9 JUNE 1995 AREA FIVE DETECTIVES DEGREE MURDER VICTIM: GONZALEZ, Ruben ARRESTING OFFICERS: Det. E. HALVORSEN #20693, Area Five Det. R. GUEVARA #20861, DATE, TIME, LOCATION 8 June 95 2200 hrs. OF ARREST: in the apartment of Jose MELENDEZ CHARGES, COURT BRANCH First Degree Murder, 720 ILCS 5/9?1a2, AND DATE: Branch 66, 12 Jun. 95, Charge approved by A.S.A. Mike CAWLEY, Felony Review WEAPON: Unknown make, model, 9mm semi-automatic pistol, NOT RECOVERED LOCATION: Victim was fatally shot on the street at 3302 W. Fullerton VEHICLE USED: 1984 Olds Regency 98 4dr. dark re body, black top. we This vehicle is titled to Jose E. MELENDEZ at Drivers License THIS CAR HAS NOT BEEN RECOVERED AND HAS BEEN ENTERED INTO THE AS A FELONY VEHICLE EVIDENCE: Inv. #1478810 Area Five (6) CPD Color Identification Photos Photos of the rear of Ruben 1987 Pontiac 6000, Taken at Auto Pound 650 W. 83rd St. Reference vehicle inventory NOTIFICATIONS: A.S.A. Mike CAWLEY, Felony Review INTERVIEWED: WH A 46, D031 Home Ph# Ruben GONZALEZ in char of the 334+ WITNESSES: 73, No ep one, Working part time as a laborer, Single, DETECTIVE DIVISION 3 9 JUNE 1995 AREA FIVE DETECTIVES 2-220314 DEGREE MURDER VICTIM: GONZALEZ, Ruben INVESTIGATION: On 8 June. 95 the Dets. were contacted by of the victim Ruben GONZALEZ. She informed the R/Dets. that a friend a she knows as -had came and spoken to her. stated that he could lon er hold back the truth from her about who killed told ?that he was in the car with Ruben GONZALEZ is shooting occurred, and he knows who killed the victim. told her that the victim was shot by, came into Area Five for an interview. In summary stated that on the mornin ?was killed he walked out of their apartment around 0330 hrs. ellin her that he was going to get something to watched back his car down St. Louis to Lyndale. next drove North on St. Louis passing by her apartment. She saw that friend was now with him in th Since this ooting occurred she has tr' talk with e?end find out what happened to her son. always too afraid to talk with her until toda showed the R/Dets. where-lived at stated that she knew the person referred to. She knew that was Jose MELENDEZ. Jose MELENDEZ had previously lived upstairs from her in the same building. son had told her that he had been threatened Jose MELENDEZ a out some money that Jose MELENDEZ claimed owed him. ?had told her that Jose MELENDEZ wanted to set up a dope dealer for Jose MELENDEZ to rob and killNi'f:l did not pay him the money. PERMANENT RETEN-HO The ant to? and nd Ewaiting for the Dets. in front of his house. ?ares identified as being? He agreed to accompany the R/Dets. to Area Five and give his statement. On 8 June. 95 at 1700 hrs. the first interview was conducted with in the conference room at Area Five Detectives. Present or is interview were the Bat. E. and Det. R. GUEVARA. In summary stated the following. On the morning of this shooting} 20 May 95 he was with the victim Ruben GONZALEZ. During the early morning hours Ruben GONZALEZ had driven him by this guys house to try and get a job fixing a car. Ruben GONZALEZ took him back home and dropped him off. He and Ruben GONZALEZ had a marijuana joint they wanted to smoke. Ruben GONZALEZ told him that he wanted to stop by his house and tell that he was going out. He waited on the street while Ruben GONZALEZ went home, and returned a short time later and picked him up. It was around 0330 hrs. when DETECTIVE DIVISION 4 9 JUNE 1995 AREA FIVE DETECTIVES Z-220314 DEGREE MURDER VICTIM: GONZALEZ, Ruben Ruben GONZALEZ picked him up. They drove around the neighborhood smoking the marijuana cigarette. They got hungry and went to the Duke Restaurant at Fullerton and Kimball to get something to eat. When they left the a nt parking lot they saw a guy they know by the nickname of wetan the bus stop on the corner of Fullerton and Kimball Ave. was all drunk and high so they offered to drive him home. got into the car and they drove East on Fullerton to Sacramento. They turned Sacramento and went South to Lyndale, where they dropped At off. They made a U-turn to go back North on Sacramento . the corner of Sacramento Blvd. and Belden Ave. they saw a guy standing" in front of the grocery' store drinking a: beer. He recognized this guy as being, He had meet many times before and personally knew him. Ruben GONZALEZ also knew He saw that car, the dark grey Olds Regency 98 was parked on Sacramento by the store. Ruben GONZALEZ pulled over to talk with and the two of them got into a heated argument. told Rube NZALEZ that he wanted his $500.00 or his rims. "coon-hip 5E if he did A ?52) ZALEZ. I not get what he wanted_ 9 .Ki?it?ubb?n saw that this ugly andluatold Ruben GONZALEZ to drive off. Ruben GONZALEZ drove off going North on Sacramento Blvd. until he made a left turn and drove West on Fullerton Ave. Around Fullerton Ave. and Albany Ruben GONZALEZ told him that he could see following them in his rear View mirror. He looked back and also saw driving behind them. They had just driven past Kedzie Ave. when he head a number of gunshots. A bullet smashed through the car window. Ruben GONZALEZ panicked and began to drive crazy. rammed their car from the rear causing Ruben GONZALEZ to lose control and hit a light pole. Ruben GONZALEZ opened his car door and was getting out. ran over to Ruben GONZALEZ and shot him in the leg. ?got out of the car and started to run off. He watched Ruben GONZALEZ try to run off but he fell face down on the street because he had been shot in the leg. He saw shoot Ruben GONZALEZ again in the back. got back into his car and drove off. returned to Ruben car after the ambulance an po ice ad left. He looked at the car and saw the rear end had been smashed in where rammed them. He did not tell the police about what he saw because he was afraid that would kill him. On 8 Jun. 95 he was standing in front of his house when drove up. was again driving his dark grey Olds Regency 98. told him to keep his mouth shut about what happened to Ruben GONZALEZ. told him that he was going to leave town and go to Puerto Rico. could no longer stomach the fact that had killed his friend and was going to leave town. He went and told what he saw, knowing that she would contact the detectives. DETECTIVE DIVISION 5 9 JUNE 1995 AREA FIVE DETECTIVES Z-220314 DEGREE MURDER VICTIM: GONZALEZ, Ruben During the investigation of the murder of Noel Z-226760, the R/Dets. had met and knew him to be Jose MELENDEZ. The 9. had a polaroid photo of Jose MELENDEZ. Although?stated that he personally knew he did not now is rea name. On 8 June 95 at 1900 hrs. the R/Dets. had View a hoto array consisting of (6) Polaroid Color Photos. identified the photo of Jose MELENDEZ as being the person he knows as These photos were inventoried for evidence. On 8 June. 95 at 2200 hrs. the R/Dets. went to the apartment of Jose MELENDEZ at the third floor. Jose MELENDEZ answered the door and admitted the R/Dets. into his apartment. Jose MELENDEZ thought that the R/Dets. where there, still investigating the murder of Noel ANDUJAR. Jose MELENDEZ knew that a car he now owned a 1986 Buick Park Ave. License Plate_ was used by the offender in that murder. Jose MELENDEZ agreed to accompany the R/Dets. to Area Five for additional investigation. Jose MELENDEZ was placed in custody as he exited his apartment building. He was informed of the nature of the arrest and taken to Area Five Detectives. FILE Hum-moi? '4 . r1 8 une, 95 at 2300 hrs. the first interview was conducted with Jose MELENDEZ in an interview room at Area Five Detectives. Present for that interview was Det. R. GUEVARA. Jose MELENDEZ acknowledged understanding each of his Miranda Right as they were individually given to him by Det. R. GUEVARA in both English and Spanish. Jose MELENDEZ agreed to waive his Miranda Rights and answer questions. MELENDEZ. Jose In summary stated the following. He denied having anything to do with the murder of Ruben GONZALEZ. He claimed to have sold his dark gray Olds Regency 98, to someone named He did not know who was or where this car could found. He stated that the morning that Ruben GONZALEZ was shot he was at work. He rovided the Bets. with the business card for the Ph# The RDets. called the and spoke to nig supervisor stated that Jose MELENDEZ was a part time worker. Jose job was to watch over boys while they slept through the hi ht. Jose MELENDEZ would work from 2300 hrs. until 0700 hrs. checked his records and determined that Jose MELENDEZ did not work on either the 19?20?21 of May 95. DETECTIVE DIVISION 6 9 JUNE 1995 AREA FIVE DETECTIVES Z-220314 DEGREE MURDER VICTIM: GONZALEZ, Ruben The R/Dets were not able to contact the eye?witness to have him come into Area Five Detectives. Jose MELENDEZ was placed in the lockup of the 25th District Station with an investigative hold over. On 9 June. 95 the R/Dets. returned to work at 1100 hrs. Det. R. GUEVARA went to the and spoke with the supervisor in charge Det. R. GUEVARA was given a xerox Copy of their log ed that Jose MELENDEZ did not work on either May 19? 20 or let, 1995. On 9 June 95 the R/Dets. determined that the victim?s car was still in the police auto pound at 650 W. 83rd St. The R/Dets. called.Auto Pound #1 and spoke with Thomas JONES. The R/Dets. requested that Officer JONES inspect the victim's car and see if there was any evidence of that car having been struck in the rear. Officer JONES called back the R/Dets. and stated that the car had been struck in the rear, the bumper was damaged, the license plate frame was twisted, and the rear taillights were broken. The R/Dets. called the Crime Lab and requested that mobile unit technicians photograph this damage and check the rear of the car for any evidence of colored paint- RETENTO R/Dets. were not able to locate the eye?witness on 9 Jun. 95. A second day hold was approved by Acting ADS R. BARTON and Jose MELENDEZ remained in the 25th District lockup until 10 Jun. 95. The R/Dets. came to work on 10 Jun. 95, at 0700 hrs. _was located at his apartment, and brought into Area Five Detectives. On 10 Jun. 95 the R/Dets. called Felony Review. A.S.A. Mike CAWLEY arrived at Area Five Detectives at 0930 hrs. A. S. A. M. CAWLEY reviewed the file, and conducted interviews with ?and On 10 Jun. 95, at 1100 hrs. a second interview was conducted with Jose MELENDEZ in an interview room at Area Five Detectives. Present for that interview were Det. R. GUEVARA and A.S.A. M. CAWLEY. Jose MELENDEZ repeated his previous statement. DETECTIVE DIVISION 7 9 JUNE 1995 AREA FIVE DETECTIVES 2?220314 DEGREE MURDER VICTIM: GONZALEZ, Ruben A.S.A. Mike CAWLEY having reviewed all of the facts and circumstances of this investigation approved charging Jose MELENDEZ with First Degree Murder. With the arrest and charging of the sole offender in this incident, it is requested that this case be filed, CLEARED BY Det. E. HALVORSEN #20692 Det. R. GUEVARA #20861 PERMANENT . I-I..I Irr'm?. 1.11.1111.- I. .2 ,2 .. I 211.; 'JI'lh'rvl' iI . fk-mwn - 1 . . I -.--I 2. -qm '1:1'17: 11/1? .11., .. SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT JI.O I?v?gb5??1 I JHICIKGO POLICE - FUN USE BY 3 I ONLY I -.II nziT P1: -?J'Il'l it: -.TI . . - I-.Hemlc ide/Bj.rst Degree Murder I 0110 IDOL d. Eull?rten Aver111. .IF :15 1:111.wa 11.5.: .-111 11 3 I . If '"lI?.411er 4, I - .rI 1.11.112. .11 5 2 j'r' LII1 I'll-Em II-I- Ir: 1"1 .: - . 11-. I L: 'r'r .. II- I ?1 r1 Dtreet ?04 3g ..I.. I I -.-. .-1. ?Ir. >111 (luau; II AIR-?.'1111 I I. [mime wm- I-r.t.Il.Is DIE ID I Jar. IND N115 I311 . '12 swim-vim! i. IN 111'. mu NI lu- I): at. Ingr- HE. 111 IIZII n. l'iII' 71.11111 mm 1. MajII11. E113 II.II. I h. I 111' .I 11111111113 5:11N-?umi HUM: '3 :11. P11011113 9111;11? I Ir .rlj?I I -.I .1.-. =-Ir13- I I HID 5111: .11" I I - I 5 .WI. nz-MEI-.I- IT in I EYES rIuI :11 111,111 11:11 am '.1n11r-5I 1:111 1111111va 1:5:165:23 ?g?hmgj? EPIT II L5. II I . IITI if . SETH-A. NOS N: L- urn-11.1 DNA menu IED I 11.1mm. I we . 131' .1. I COFIFIECTIONE a. ADDIT ONAI 1:05 DETAIN..D NARRATIVE so IFEFDIIE- -Ir:1_ MT. TIT. TE r-r SAME ENTEFI DNAI InEv CODE iB' METHOD CODE .1.- InngjIL DNA II I: L711 PROGRESS i IISUSPENOEO i I Cum-D - AM I raazr- CLE . 1 1 -4 Isaxc ICLSD I I- LLEARE I In Rheum. 1.4 I .CLHD . DIRECFED In COMPLEEODD . 730mm 111 . I CLOSED OPEN CLOSED OPEN CRIN: a. TO JUV CRT TO ADJUSTMENT EI.-GEM I ?55 EDH SUMMARY CASES ONLY- THE CASE REPORT Is BSTANI CORRECT CON n1: II THE -. IOIIM HAS .IISDLDEED NO ADD1T an This additional information prev1ous investigation. Regency 94I. 4Dr., dark grey body, black ?111111 This vehicle is titled to Jose EI. NELEND Recovered onII IIthIe otreet 5606 IN.II Hamilton. .m . . .-. . ..mrh Driven to Area Five Detectives. Tow ordered 3 . ?2 Article I36I seizure .. I (Gentined On Page 2) I ?if" T21 DAIIE ?PI-Dewar. 11-1er 1111.151 I 4 July 95 I 1800 /5345? I: I 31.171111": I ORE EN 5 II-??w?a 203g. 655 I111. ?153? MO Jim I . - 113; 4.2/41. CPD 11 .111 IHEV GIREI a: COMPL ErIer 1:1 .111 1,111.1.5 DETECTIVE DIVISION 1 JULY 1995 AREA FIVE DETECTIVES Z?2203l4 DEGREE MURDER PAGE (2) VICTIM: GONZALEZ, Ruben INTERVIEWED: 19, DOB INVESTIGATION: On 30 June. 95, an anonymous caller telephoned the 17th District. This call was answered by Nick GOGGINS. The caller stated that a car used in a murder was parked at Addison and Hamilton. The caller described the car as an older model, large, grey Olds 98. The caller never Hmntioned what nmrder case In; was talking about. GOGGINS drove past Addison and Hamilton and observed a grey colored, 1984 Olds. Regency 98, parked on the street at 3606 N. Hamilton. This car displa ed a rear license late of This plate was registered to on a 1983 Subaru 2dr. hatchback. is icense ate was not eing displayed on the correct vehicle. GOGGINS contacted. Area Five Detectives and inquired if anyone was looking for this car. Dets. W. WOITOWICH #20663, and B. GRAFF were assigned to assist GOGGINS. The VIN number of this vehicle was checked. It was determined that there was a Felony Sto on this vehicle for murder. An individual now identified as approached the detectives and inquired why they were inspecting his car. informed that the car was wanted in connection with a murder. e? stated that he had recently bought the car and had the title. agreed to come into Area Five Detectives and straighten out this matter. The R/Dets. were rove the 1984 Olds 98, into Area Five _i was as, item. interviewed at Area In summary stated the following. A few weeks ago he was in the vicinity of the Logan Square Monument, at Kedzie and Milwaukee. He saw the 1984 Olds. 98, with a for sale sign in the window, and the telephone number for a beeper. He paged this beeper and arranged to be shown the car at his house. On Thurs. 15 Jun. 95, a guy showed his house who only identified himself by the nickname of, a He never asked to see a tification for - nor even asked him his real name. had the title for the car. He gave $3000.00 in ass . He does not have any receipt for his money or :1 bill of sale for the car. Ii ot remember the telephone number he paged to speak withe?1 He could not explain why he had not sent the title to the Secretary of State to change ownership. Huh I DETECTIVE DIVISION 1 JULY 1995 AREA FIVE DETECTIVES 2-220314 DEGREE MURDER PAGE (3) VICTIM: GONZALEZ. Ruben The R/Dets. showed photo of Jose MELENDEZ. stated that Jose MELENDEZ was not the person who sold him the car. It was explained to ?that Jose MELENDEZ has been in custody since, 8 Jun. 95, and could not have sold him this car. Fwas informed that he had oug a car with a Felon Sto and should have checked before making this purchase. was informed that this car was being held, as an Article 36 Seizure. There would be a hearing to determine if this could would be seized by the State of Illinois. stated that he will attempt to try and find the person he bought the car from. The R/Dets. inspected the 1984 Olds. 98. Damage was observed to the front of the hood. The front license plate bracket was damaged. The right front turn signal was broken out. The right rear door was dented. The door trim molding was missing from the right front door. The R/Dets. took photos of this car and the noted damage. The R/Dets. ordered a tow for this car as an.Article 36 Seizure. This case remains, CLEARED BY 321:: E: $3332? is} CRIME LABORATORY REPORT CRIME LABORATORY POLICE The fo11owing fired evidence was submitted to the Crime Laboratory for examination, c1assification and eva1uation re1ative to RD 2220314: INVENTORY DATE CLASS SUITABLE FOR PLACED IN NUMBER RECEIVED CHARACTERISTICS COMPARISON OPEN CASES 1484671 22-05-95 380A N0 N0 QMM 6R No No 1484673 22-05-95 QMM 00 N0 NO 1466610 24?05-95 QMM 6R No No None of the submitted fired evidence has been identified with a specific weapon. A11 evidence that has not been p1aced in the open case fi1e has been forwarded to the Evidence and Recovered Property Unit. PERMANENT RETENTION FILE OFFENSE CLASSIFICATION com; no No HOMICIDE MURDER 0110 2220314 NAME DISTRICT AREA DATE OF THLS RTPORT GONZALEZ, REUBEN I177 30-05?95 NAME LABORATORY UNIT FIREARMS SUMMARY FINDINGS FIREARMS EVIDENCE PAGE 1 OF 1 PAGES (3 a 13 :3 Exmn com; W'lws VC RIPORIING MEMBER (PRINT NAME) Ernest . warne \t CPD-33 1 10 {9.139) ON OH CRIME SCENEPROCESSING REPORT I I-UCRCODE OTHERNO RDNO CHICAGO POLICE DEPARTMENT 0111101 Murder A SOF SERVICE NAME TIMI CUR 55 N. Grand Ave. GONZALEZ, Huben 5 44 4435 TYPE REQUESTED BY DATE RECEIVED-TIME IINITASSIGNED Ev1denoe Photos Det. E. 50 Jun. 12 PHOTOGRAPHY . . . EVILdenoe Board CU Front Hood 6 Rl?ht Slde (2) Left Front CU License Plate Bancket CU Right Side rear d0( . Hie-Ht turn Si. Pi]. . I (2) Front CU {In I Left Slde ELIM PRINTS IN CUSTODY NAME (LAST-FIRST) DD NO IR NO FINGERPRINTS EYES DNO EYES DNO MED NEG LIFT LOCATION FOUND MED NEG LIFT LOCATION FOUND EOSSIEILE SUSPECT-INFORMATION - NEE LIFTS OFTRANSMITTAL PRINTSSUITABLE FOR COMPARISON INITIALS OF DATE FINGERPRINIS was [3m DYES DNO EXAMINER VEH MAKEEMODEL LICENSE No . UI 98. L. L- PHYSICAL EVIDENCE PROP INVENI NO - UNIT DESCRIPTION 8I LOCATION INITIAL DEST .- ?1984 Olds Regency- 98 that was used in the murder of Ruben GONZALES . I ETAR No STAR No Det. E. HALVORSEE 20692 650 REFORTITG PRINT LAET DATEKRRIVED .- TIMI TIME COMPLETED Det. E. 20692 650 50 June 95 2150 2200 IIOVINGI SUPERVIISORIPRINT STARNO _Il 'j-I I II '1 CRIME SCENE REPORT CLASSIFICATION I-UCR CODE OTHER NO RD NO CHICAGO POLICE DEPARTMENT I 31 ?ame/ode IoIz/o I 590 2/ aw OF SER ICE BEAT occ 30.11913"; @671 ASSIGNMENT YPE mm TI SIG 0f I awfi gajm. ?5 JG PHOTOGRAPHV A #2 I: I IN CUSTODY NAME (LAST-FIRST) NO IR ND FINGERPRINTS DNO EYES DNO MED NEG LIFT LOCATION FOUND MED NEG LIFT LOCATION FOUND RACE I TOTAL NO OFIIFTS FIIVIALE INII mNrI EXAMINER IIEH STATEIICENSI N0 -. PROP INVENI NO I. L3 .. INI I IAL DEST mm. mnga 2 ?f??Iwawb 360% LEI ?ab- NIIEI. . PERMANENT-RETENTION- FILE- HI. OF CASE ri?5u;7IeJ TU. A) {d?i?-fb ?57.21 K??te .. II NAME d?k _ffV&_ - um CA QC) FIN ##62 7? Cl 349,: j?/G I IILPDR I 6241606 IHI IRSI STARNO IJNII 6. mm II I II 2x. Rt.? I {Fad I 77/ I) (PI) 2.1 I N0 930(5339396 HEPfg?l OI ILJCIR OEHISH NO RD ND CHICAGO POLICE DEPAR TME-NT I Homicide 0110 347 May 95 314 ADIIRISS NAME SEX-RACEAOE i AREADISI EEATOCCIIR MEE Gonzales, Rubin WH I 5 ASSIGNMENT TYPF REQUESTED BY DATERECEIVED TIME ASSIGNED Bt. 9600 _20 May 95 070_ 9605 EIIM JNCUSTODY SEX RACE DOB CIINO IR NO I -. 1 EN MEL) NECI IITT POSS IRIESIISPECTINEORMATION RACE IQIAI UFNIALE ER I INU NO PER YEAR COIOR . STATELICENSENO PROP NO i DESCRIPTION I . . I H.14I.809I5.2 V18 1_ of bleed. SE, 1480953 177 1- White/tan T-shirt; 1- Green pants. I run; RITE-II [tun-II FIL . -DE7AILSOFCASE Receivgd from Dr._ I 1 0 LI.) . INUESTIGAIING NAME STAR NO IINIT BEAT NAME - STAR NO UNIT 206633 REPORTING TECHNICIAN-PRINT LAST NO IUNIF DATE ARRIVED TIME TIME COMPLETED Redm 0700 I 1400 NAMEI-STAR NO DATE I J. wfxux CRIME SCENE PROCESSING REPORT CLASSIFICATION OF I-UCR CODE OTHER NO RD NO CHICAGO POLICE Homicide 011g IZ 814 777 220 314 SEXRACEAGE 3224 W. Fullerton I R_eu_ben (7 Feb 73) 05/14/1413 Crime Scene 1413 20 May 95 0600 _9601 PHOTOGRAPHY A vehicle #1 a hole in driver seat cart cases 3224 fullertn. 3224 Fullerton I-l scene surroundings 3 broken rear windows #1 ident. victim at hospital I v?vfiEa #32311 53111.33- EDM INCUSTODY SEXFACE [108 IR NO FINGERPRINTS NO [3 YES '3 NO MEDNEGLWT LOCAHONIFOUND FN MEDNEGLWT LOCAHONFOUND FN 1 driver side front fender veh. I I WI _Yterior surface 1 driver back door panel of veh 1 L, _surface-_ 1 driver side rear fender veh.1 .W surface POSSIBIL RAFT: NO OI-IIFTS DAMAMWANMLI FT I w. I IIHI I-I. IAFNAISOII .Wyrs L- NC urw'u'An'I?AK?annooEI 'co;opI" I II 1 77 . .3999.- 51911? . 8.9999 999-. Accord Brown Alexa 9 ll . . JHMC0563630024173 PHOF M.) OCATION INITIAI DEST one sealed envelope containing blood standard. 16w Wt; near 1484??9__ __177 front_ door of . 1484570 one glass_ standard W3?WiW??mior rear flee: of vehicle #1 two sealed envelopes g1aSs-?stan. recovered from street at 3224 Full. 1434572 177 #1 _from alley_ near sid_ewalk. #2 from street traffic TR two fired bullets recovered from the street at 3234 W. Fullerton 1484671 177 by the curb _and #2 in__ _the_ s_treet _near dr. side of veh. #2 three fired cart. cases #1 from alley, #2 from sidewalk, #3 from 14846Z?n__ 177 street at 3224 w. Fullerton I A DHETAILIS OF CASE Masonic Hospital where he expzired from wounds to_ this back_. searched for physical evidence with the results noted above. Firearms evidenc.:e exam1ncd for _r_idge impre581en9 witn_negatlve printed,at_the_yospital. results. INVE INAIIVIE Dets. Graff 21043 WoiItowich 20663 HOGAN: James . UNIT 650 HRSISTARNO UNH . I 177 IDATE I20 May 95 5573 Coates 382I1 . .. 0pon_ a_rriva1 spoke to Officer Marquez who related in _summ_ary that the victim crashed his vehicle at Fullerton after being shot at 3224 W. Fullerton. He was taken to Ill. The sce_nes_ _were photographed and_ ?1'99 1413 IMWE I 20 May 95 630 1030 quu IAHNO 2? The victim was finger? ?pa1m DOCUMENT CASE REPORT CHICAGO POLICE 1/5, I?r I II '3 BEAT OR UNIT ARSISNED 4 BEAT. FORGERY Cl COUNTERFEITINS Ll BOGUS I DECEPTIVE PRACTICE I I ., 33672.. i tf I - APT. N0 '31 FLT :m :Hu ("Flt .Efl 7A. 07: 8_ ?it-.HOME OR BUSINESS ALI TLIENI I 5M - PF. mam; LRIHE T0 POLICE 15 BUSINESS PHONE CODE I7 PERSON WHO HOME ADDRESS No BUSRIESS PHONE CODE 0A AWL Cable-0 WITNESSES 22. HOME ADDRESS APT NO 23. HOKIIE PHONE 24. BUSINESS II CODE 2F. OF LOCKIIDK Chill: 27. COLOR OF DOC DOCUMENT . . . . .5 fig-143w . IAKS 6.- HAND TYPED, RUBBER STAMP, ETC 30. IDENTIFICATION USED 31. DATE OF DOC. DOCUMENT NC-HAKKSA. .. J- HN 75:25 5.53.957 3H AMOUNT OF CHECK 41 AMOUNT OF LOSS (5A 31:? 552' RME ?44 AGE HEIGHT :46 WEIGHT 47. BUILD COMPLI M: so HAIR II .?n?lI?U . 1 nit-.I . I: I ?4 How DRESSED: SUIT WORK Irfb?g t?v OF CRIME SPEECH CHARACTERISTICS UNUSUAL .IYEAR IMAKE tent" 2T. I .CDIJBR LIC NO iv" . I-II3R IDENTIFYING mung. in. VEH INVENTORY . . -. . . h? I The description of ollenders possible we: Ipons and possible vehicles used by offenders. contained within this The sobriety of victims witnesses and offenders is their apparent condition when reported Witnesses location .obtainable Allstatements of victims _uu;offenders are. In". -I- Ill FRIES Cm l7)7_ ld? CH7 9+ CK Hr 7912+ CATAKA 0 800 {Hail VIC Gj?cacggb OAK HMKREKIIC 727A, _Icr (LI-mm.- (W (MIG-E ?5 TIL-- - 7.0 CASHI b. CK {0.6 37f; H2171: CIR N73 [c I. 7H: SAME, mtg-I- NW 72: I: Rove/37 IPA {TIA-roam CIA - cs. CK A KAIIA. 97 One: K, E70 TH I HAVE READ THIS REPORT AND BY MY SIGNATURE INDICATE THAT IT IS ACCEPTABLE El: SEN CH EIFRA cm "4'3 IND INVESTIGAIION '2 I WI. r. TE: I SWEWISOR I STAR 0 (5.11-2- PC - - 0333? .J W6 0 ER I Sum GB- REPOIITING u: rs: Iy-Iia STAR NO. 11-477? ..I.Imua" FIAGE I ??MllI?lf, in I-Muii. IIFBF. 2r.? Jay?Iii FILE INVENTORY CHICAGO POLICE DEPARTMENT O. NO. EXHIBIT DESCRIPTION OF DOCUMENT ENTERING MEMBER DATE OF 1 4 'u . Ear_th 391.: "i :1 Mike -- -2wa .I21. _Lhu? 22. i?i? 23. 24. - 25. denotes Miscellaneous Document Repository. A- check (I) will be placed in this box if a docu ment has been [Jae?ed in the DISTRIBUTION: The original of this document is to remain attached to the Investigative File Case Folder. One copy of this 610? ment will be forWarded to the Records Division whenever a Violent Crimes field investigation results in a personlsl being charge with a felony. - CPD-23.121 we}: 1" OFFICE OF THE MEDICAL EXAMLNER COUNTY OF COOK, ILLINOIS REPORT OF POSTMORTEM EXAMINATION NAME Rueben Gonzaiez CASE no- 347 May, 1995 AGE 22 RACE sex Maie DATE OF DEATH May 20, 1995 ADDRESS OF DATE SXAMINED May 20, 1995 CITY STATE Chicago, IHinois EXAMINED Barry Lifschu?ltz, M. D. EXTERNAL EXAMINATION: The body is received unciothed and is that of a White maTe appearing the stated age of 22 years. The height is 5 feet 11 inches. The weight 193 pounds. Rigor is present to a moderate degree in joints. Livor is present on the posterior dependent portions of the body. The body is accompanied by a cut away tan t?shirt, b1ue jockey shorts, bTack shoes, green trousers, white socks and a white piastic rosary. The hair is short, straight and biack. The eyes are closed. The irides brown and the conjunctiva are not congested. The ears are unremarkabTe. The nose shows no pathciogic changes. The teeth are naturaT and in good repair. An endotracheaT tube is in piece in the trachea. A black beard and mustache are present. Intravenous Tines are in piece on the front of both shouider. On the frontai crease of.the right eTbow, there is a bandaged intravenous Tine in pTace within the vein. On the Teft chest, there is a sutured surgicai incision 20 inches. The genitais are those of a normai uncircumcised maie. The paims of the hands are inked. The fingernaiis are trimmed and ciean. An intravenous Tine is in piece in the vein of the right groin. The bottoms of the feet are ciean. The toenaiis are trimmed and ciean. On the right upper back, a moTe with hair is present. On the Taterai aspect of the midportion of the right arm, there is a written tattoo reading TotaT body fiuoroscopy is negative for buiiets. TotaT body x?rays are negative for buTTets. The autopsy is performed at approximateiy 11:00 a.m. on May 20, 1995. A tan t?shirt which is bioody and green trousers are turned over to the Chicago Crime Lab. 0n the right ankTe there is a white hospital braceiet. Per investigator's communication with ITTinois Masonic HospitaT, firearm's evidence is recovered by the hospitai. EVIDENCE OF INJURY: 1. 0n the Teft upper back, 16 inches from the top of the head and 5 inches to the heft of the midiine, there is a gunshot wound of entrance measuring .4 .3 inches with a margin of abrasion measuring .2 inches a1kl? F?lBl Rueben Gonzalez #347 May 1995 EVIDENCE OF INJURY: (Continued) Page 2 around the wound. The course of the wound perforates the skin, the subcutaneous tissues, the posterior thoracic wall, the left lung, then there is evidence of surgical repair of the heart. The course of the wound is from back to front as far as can be ascertained. 2. On the front of the upper portion of the left leg, 40 inches from the top of the head, there is a gunshot wound of entrance measuring .3 .3 inches with a margin of abrasion measuring .2 inches all around the wound. The course of the wound perforates the skin, the subcutaneous tissues, fractures the bone of the upper portion of the left leg, and finally on the medial aspect of the upper portion of the left leg in the back, 38 inches from the top of the head, there is a lacerated gunshot wound of exit .3 .2 inches with bruising .4 inches from 7 o?clock to 2 o'clock. The course of the wound is from front to back. 3. On the left forehead, there is abrasion 1/2 inch 1/2 inch. 4. On the left forehead, there is irregular abrasion 1/2 inch l/4 inch. 5. On the left forehead, there is irregular abrasion 1 1/2 inches 1/4 inch. 6. On the upper left cheek, there is irregular abrasion 1/2 inch 1/2 inch. 7. On the back of the lower portion of the left arm, there is irregular abrasion 1/2 inch 1/8 inch. INTERNAL EXAMINATION: BODY CAVITIES: The body is entered by a Y?shaped incision. There is a previously described evidence of injury due to gunshot wound of the left back. Five ounces of fluid blood are present in the left chest cavity. There is evidence of surgical repair. There is no intraabdominal bleeding. NECK ORGANS: Layerwise dissection of the anterior muscles of the neck reveals no hemorrhage. The hyoid bone and laryngeal cartilage are intact. Special examination of the tongue reveals no bite marks. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: There is the previously described gunshot wound of the lung. The tracheobronchial tree is unremarkable. The lungs are dark red and otherwise smooth. On cut section, the Rueben Gonzalez #347 May 183: Page 3 INTERNAL EXAMINATION: (Continued) pulmonary is dark red, poorly aerated and without additional special note. The weight of the lungs is 820 grams. CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: The heart is red brown and smooth. The coronary arteries are serially sectioned. There is the previously described evidence of surgical repair of the heart. There is minimal coronary atherosclerosis. The four cardiac valves are unremarkable. The myocardium is without additional special note. There are no congenital cardiac defects. The major blood vessels show no evidence of disease. The weight of the heart is 390 grams. HEPATOBILIARY SYSTEM: The liver is red brown and smooth. On cut section the hepatic is red brown and unremarkable. The gallbladder shows no pathologic changes. A small amount of green liquid bile is present. The remainder of the biliary tree is without special note. The weight of the liver is 2230 grams. SPLEEN AND NODES: The spleen is dark red and smooth. On cut section, the splenic is dark red, firm and unremarkable. The nodes show no evidence of disease. The weight of the spleen is 210 grams. GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM: The esophagus is unremarkable. The gastric mucosa shows no pathologic changes. No gastric contents are present. The appendix is present. The remainder of the gastrointestinal tract is without special note. GENITOURINARY SYSTEM: The kidneys are red brown and smooth. On cut section the renal is red brown and unremarkable. The renal pelves are tan and smooth. The ureters flow into the bladder in the usual anatomic fashion. A small amount of straw colored urine is present. The combined weight of the kidneys is 410 grams. ENDOCRINE SYSTEM: The pituitary, thyroid, adrenal glands and pancreas are unremarkable. MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM: There is the previously described fracture of the left due to the previously described gunshot wound. No additional fractures of the ribs or long bones are noted. The muscles show no evidence of disease. CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM: The scalp is reflected. There is no subgaleal hemorrhage. The cranial cavity is entered. There is no subdural, epidural or subarachnoid hemorrhage. The gyri of the brain are unremarkable. The brain is serially sectioned. No pathologic changes are noted in the cerebrum, cerebellum, pons, midbrain or medulla. There are no skull fractures. The spinal cord and vertebral column are intact. The weight of the brain is 1325 grams. Rueben Gonzalez Page 4 1. Gunshot wound of back. 2. Gunshot wound of 1eg. 3. Mu1tip1e abrasions of face and head. 4. Abrasion of arm. 5. Evidence of therapy. OPINION: This 22 year 01d White maie, RUEBEN GONZALEZ, died as a resuit of multip1e gunshot wounds. Deput Medical'Examingr 5/30/95 .1 .1 umAu. 11.? Am.1: n.11.1.. T. ml.? 2 all. a? ?hp- 1 . x-RUBEN GSKE i . gram r. . .1.1.. .H .. .9 F. nu _Pun_ nu wg n. .b zmu .FLHU 1.5 .1. MPPLEMENTARY REPORT .HICAGCI POLICE - FDR USE El PERSONNEL ONLY I It? . .u?I . I I .- In! iiug. ?;Ivu 3treet J: .1 Kit; i . . 3.1 .-2-S4 Nut; - .pizrIUCFI I . . Jim0?57 OFF 1 VEHICLE YEAH . MAKE BODY STYLE I I .vusen 3'4 NOS OH IDENTIFICATION NOS EIDNA .?hy TIQS . .. :54. ., ..-. 1f? 4, - . - .I .I. OTIO I. Fullerton Ave. 4 .-. pm; 21-55.: - NC I .--. . 4.. . .1 jot? I . II. I .I --I .-.1.5: FILL II "Lin-?nil: I - T'r-iICLOTHING EQUIPMENT a HAOID r! If! Nv?h?ic'. I'l m? Ij? NONE 44. . 22 HOME ADDRESS SEX--HACE 2.1 25 IN 27 VICTIM INO. DIR STREET AFT N01 CODE I FIEL CODifiah?OE .1105 On ?ElSTATE I . I 3 CORRECTED LISTALL CORRECTIONS a. NEW OH ADDITIONAL NOS OBTAINED IN NARRATIVE 5h T-HIIS- DATE IIEEMIE ENTER DNAI CODE :1 METHOD .52 METHOD 53 5' :5 DNA IFEI FIELD SUMMARY H30 PROGRESS I SUSPENDED 2 UNFOUNDED . . . . u: my CLEA LEAHED . ?g .- 4CLRD cum. CCLRIJ DIRECTED D3COMPL. HFUSD DICOMMUNITY Danna-In REFADULT DJW c. usw OPEN rum?ED OPEN PHOSEC. JUV GET TO PHOSECUTE 6NCEFT 55- ab NARRATIVE IJH SUMMARY CASES ONLY THE ORIGINAL CASE IS AND THE VICTIM HAS DISCLOSED PEFITINENT - .. This is additional_information 9n. Ia preVious investigation. This" vehicle is titled 6.9. Jose E. MELENDEZ u- Recovered OO the street 5606 N. Hamilton. . Driven to. .Arela Five Detectives. Tow orders 3 - w. .. - Ian Article 56- seizure I . ?l (COntined On Page 2) 93.52 Imam. mi: THIS ?jn?gv-?m -I I July 95 . 1800 I (STEHEPDH Det. rTnI?'Er?Ii'meh' INT ?lmm? 'Det. TOEBEN _?o?ga 2066"?? ME npanoven Imw -Im 4135.5. DETECTIVE DIVISION 1 JULY 1995 AREA FIVE DETECTIVES Z-2203l4 DEGREE MURDER PAGE (2) VICTIM: GONZALEZ, Ruben INTERVIEWED: WHnge 19, DOB License INVESTIGATION: On 30 June. 95, an anonymous caller telephoned the 17th District. This call was answered by Nick GOGGINS. The caller stated that a car used in a murder was parked at Addison and Hamilton. The caller described the car as an older model, large, grey Olds 98. The caller never mentioned what murder case he was talking about. GOGGINS drove past Addison and Hamilton and observed a grey colored, 1984 Olds. Regency 98, parked on the street at 3606 N. Hamilton. This car displa ed a rear license late of This plate was registered to on a 1983 Subaru 2dr. hatchback. is icense ate was not being displayed on the correct vehicle. GOGGINS contacted Area Five Detectives and inquired if anyone was looking for this car. Dets. W. WOITOWICH #20663, and B. GRAFF were assigned to assist GOGGINS. The VIN number of this vehicle was checked. It was determined that there was a Felony Sto on this vehicle for murder. An individual now identified as approached the detectives and inquired why they were inspecting his car. He was that the car was wanted in connection with a murder. - stated that he had recently bought the car and had the title. agreed to come into Area Five Detectives and straighten out this matter. The R/Dets. were notified and drove the 1984 Olds 98, into Area Five Detectives. was interviewed at Area Five Detectives. In summary stated the following. A few weeks ago he was in the vicinity of the Logan Square Monument, at Kedzie and Milwaukee. He saw the 1984 Olds. 98, with a for sale sign in the window, and the telephone number for a beeper. He paged this beeper and arranged to be shown the car at his house. On Thurs. 15 Jun. 95, a guy showed his house who only identified himself by the n' of, He never asked to see an identification form nor even asked real name. had the title or car. He gave $3000.00 in cash. He does not have any receipt for his money or a bill of sale for the car. He remember the telephone number he paged to speak with He could not explain why he had not sent the title to the sore ary of State to change ownership. DETECTIVE DIVISION 1 JULY 1995 AREA FIVE DETECTIVES Z-2203l4 DEGREE MURDER PAGE (3) VICTIM: GONZALEZ. Rub?n The R/Dets. showed photo of Jose MELENDEZ. stated that Jose MELENDEZ a he person who sold him the car. It was explained to that Jose MELENDEZ has been in custody since, 8 Jun. 95, and could not have sold him this car. ?was informed that he had bought a car with a and should have checked before making this purchase. was informed that this car was being held, as an Artie 36 Seizure. There would be a hearing to determine could would be seized by the State of Illinois. stated that he will attempt to try and find the person he bought the car from. The R/Dets. inspected the 1984 Olds. 98. Damage was observed to the front of the hood. The front license plate bracket was damaged. The right front turn signal was broken out. The right rear door was dented. The door trim molding was missing from the right front door. The R/Dets. took photos of this car and the noted damage. The R/Dets. ordered a tow for this car as an.Article 36 Seizure. This case remains, CLEARED BY Det. E. HALVORSEN #20692 Det. R. GUEVARA #20861 .I, ?ll up gnu? 74'/ 3; 5 In I. N. CERTIFICATE OF TITLE OF A VEHICLE -. . Ti? YEAFI MAKE ODOMETER 86 OLDSNOBILE 131558 '7 BODY STYLE NO CYL PURCHASE DATE PURCHASED 95 I. 0003 a 4&2 02/05/92 0380 TITLE NO DATE N0 MOBILE HOME 50 FT. TYPE OF TITLE I Ensasu 03/31/92 8719732005 MAILING ADDRESS AMERICAN STANDARD ENTERPRISES INC 3600 NORTH AVE CHICAGO IL 60647-4725 OWNERIS) NAME AND ADDRESS MILEAGE EXCEEDS ?-4055 ND MECHANICAL LIMITS m. . I i NAME AND Amdf' AMERICAN STANDARD ENTERPRISES INC I 3600 NORTH AVE CHICAGO IL 60647-4725 ?35wa SECOND LIENHOLDER NAME AND ADDRESS .- i RELEASE or LIEM 1' The holder of Lien on the vehicle described In this Cam? and and discharged .1. -, A 9? 3000 VI NORTH AVE E, . mm Ir?. 0. 6064'? blgnalum oI Athonzad Agent . 1-. I 2 Ryan. Syn-crow)- u' Slam or the 5m: 5 or ?Imam do mob-y camrr?oII-m actual-"q - -- . II: Inc rune-:6: on Na war: my 1M nation or unuly namad hereon In I awn-or a! In vehvc'o macnbed Mum. Much rs :uhmcl In Home nomad st and mumnrancss. .I my IN WITNESS WHEHEDF. I HAVE HERETO AFFIKED MY SIGNATURE AND THE GREAT SEAL OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. hT SPRINGFIELD My CONTROL NO. amass. H. RYAN. anatomy 31-.- 3r DO NOT TITIE SHIOWING ANY EHRSUHES?It kph/11??: 1. Ii" 1 ., zooming-1m? ?ttings in comedian with the trami'er ?tershb. Failure to complete or providing a false assrenue? or: TITLE The undersigned hereby certifies that lhe vehicle described in thla title rm been um to the tollowing printed name and address: ?l certify lo lhe best ol my knowledge that the odometer reading is We actual miieam or the vehicle uniesa one at the My statue-lame in ducked: . 'in-morie Hum. I. - rah-cite owl-m by me. I were nleo mal inc 'reh-c'vd nocuerennun-m. no: a Slgnaturetel ol Seliorta -n moan oi 2-3 1:35 at marital value unlaae thr- denim: a mean-maria pnnrea of 59th31 5C ?5 =5 3-: "i am aware of the above odometer comm made by seller.? try I mane ?emf DATE OF SALE Signaturqe) oi Emerita} Printed Ham Fr'esr ee-essmmenrr air DEALER T'he undersigned dealer hereby certifies that the vehicle described In this iille has been transferred to the following pn'nled name and address: 'r certiiy to the beat at my knowledge that the odometer reading the actual mileage or! the which unleu of the hltuwim statements is checked: 1. The rail-p mild in in [Mill at it nub-int "mite. .- GDOUETER mom StunamIIOIDeelerorAael-it DATE OF SALE Print-d Firm Name Dealer?s Plate No. Shana turetsl at Balm-(e) Printed Name SECOND HE-ISSIGNMEHT BY DEALER the and address: - ULTI- Ll ma lanai-mm ?w manila-anaemia [linoleum man em Signature of Doctor or Agent DATE OF SALE Print-d Name Dealer?s Plate No. Start-write} of Beat-rial Print-cl Home Woman El H11- nil-Ia we in ma til it melt-atoll limb. manners Sign?unotDealerorMont DATE OF Printed Firm Harri- Dealer?s Plate No. We) of Buy-rial mm New NO ADDITIONAL FIE-ASSIGNMENTS PERMITTED UENHOLDEFI TO BE SHOWN ON NEW 1111.: letLienlnfamrol whose address is 2ndLieninfavorol whose address is VSD-40.9 PRINT In mac-I anD cor-?mane 1mg form. -n cetaII cam-ur- an ?essay re SIIher checxeu or "iiea In use '33 Informouon *5 VEI IICLE TOW POLICE 14,1? I 5512 ABANDONED ONE 5 IMMEDIATE TOWICHECK ONE) I 6 SEIZURE ONEI A No How A ACCIDENT CLEs ARE NOT DESTRUCTION CHAPTER 33. ART CLE 36 QR Anza?ng TO TQAIFIC ELENA 5 ODEEA Ton 3 R: DER UNWILJNGIUNABLE RUN LEAVING THE SCENE or AMOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENT 3 25:. WIOVEJ - am; MORE WHEN VEI-IICLE gnaw95: ARTICLE II 3.3T: CT ADMIN IE NC 3 c. PUBLICADMINISTRATORIM IMOTOR VEHICLE OF A DECEASED 34 3I-j.5} 55w . PERSON INVOLVED IN AN ESTATE OR MEDICAL ?591 - - CI 0. HAZARD MOTOR VEHICLE OSSTRUCTING TRAFFIC FLOW I OR IRS IN NARRATIVE) ?0 NOW I INDICATEVIOLATIONIN SECTION 33 PROPERTY .x:wom CONSENT OEPROPERTY VEHICLE OWNER E. STOLEN TOW OWNERICOMPLAINANT. I 0 SI AND A HAIARD OR RECOVEREB VEHICLE 7 La FURINFE JGAIJON I 1? Te 3 SEEN SIGNED BY THE PROPERTY OWNERJAGENT . ??050 FOR . .931533?55'?g5'j Ff?? . F. MOTOR VEHICLE CONTROLLED BY AN ARRESTEE ONOP .I 5 5555 N. Grand Ave. . I -n II YEAR I: MAKE RGOV STVLE COLOR 15 ND g? vmmu 1984 Olds Reg ncy Grey P956155 Jun 95 TDWED To ?98 .. )?hd 5T - STATE MO YR EVFIR Ill9.05? ITHONE [u -n DNA arc-m A I res 23 NAME EARHESTEE 9'4 ADDRESS 3'5. PHONE BUS PHONE 3?7 In VERIFIED ?5 23. VEHICLE INVENTORY EXTERIOR ENGINE COMFARTMENT INTERIOR No v25 YES No ves DOORS LOCKED 3 ENGINE MISSING CI KEYS IN CAR 5 ND a' EXPLAIN REMARKS MISSING CI IGNITION DAMAGEDIPULLED 4' CLASS BROKEN - IN REMARKS LE _7 MISSING I: GLOVE aox LOCKED a HUB CAPS MISSING No BS ALTERNATORI r- TIRES MISSING XI 3 NO GENERATOR MISSING CI SEATS MISSING ND AFFAHENT TIHE SWITCH 25 4? No AIR CLEANER MISSING CUSHIONS MISSING WHEELS 53 N0 RADIATOR MISSING I3 CI REAR SEAT CUSHION PULLED CI SUN ROOF MISSING TRANSMISSION MISSING RADIO MISSING OTHER SPECIFY STARTER MISSING CI LIGHTEHS MISSING 3: 5 AIR CONDITIONING TAPE PLAYER IN CAR TRUNK LOCKED 3? COMPRESSOR MISSING '1 TFIUNK LOCK PUNCHED I: OTHER SPECIFY c.a RADIO CAR CI SPARE TIRE IN VEHICLE WTENOH DAMAGED Cl TOOLS IN VEHICLE 1] L4 OTHER SPECIFY OTHER 29 PERSONAL no mEh?lhl'Tdd- TIME NO DESCRIBE UNDER REMARKS JJ REMARKS IEXP E._t.ehred._into the L.E.A.D.S under? - at Auto Reporting Desk notified to clear vehicle in computer. This car was used by its owner Jose E. MELENDEZ, in the murder of Ruben GONZALEZ. 8%g??l a? Frill?Lintdn DATE NOTIFIED DNA STAR No LINITIASSIGN an GATE Det . 650 Det. R. 20861 650 July 95 16 a 41" Fri: Nu ASANOONED Irena-LE OFFICER 24 ORE 3 rnu'i?u? sti'iua 1 July 95 16 I-d IC-nla CPD-H 413 (REV 3192] DISCREPANCIES ON REVERSE SIDE O-F NARRATIVE On 8 Jun. 95, 0425 _hrs.?at 5302 Fullerton, Jose E. MELENDEZ ran-dd __this_1984 Olds _..egency 98, into a_ca1- driven by the victim, Ruben GONZALEZ Ruben GONZALEZ lost control or his car and crashed. Jose E. up to Ruben GONZALEZ and shot him to death. Towed vehicle damage observed to the front of the hood, broken front license plate bracket, broken right turn signal lens. Additional damage was observed to the right rear door, and the molding was nieeing from the right front door. - r? 2? 'ON'o'a' REVIEWED THIS REPORT AND BY MY SUPERVISORS SIGNATURE STAR NO. JDATE THAT IT IS ACCEPTABLE I Form 101 For State's Attorney Use Only Court: 66 Date Completed:1ojune1995 IR Numbers Defendants Age Date/Arrest Charges 715380 Jose E. MELENDEZ 27 8 Jun. 1995, First Degree Murder 720 ILCS 5/9?1a2 I Date: 20 May 1995 Time: 4:25 AM Location 3302 W. Fullerton Ave. Chicago Ill Cook Countv The Facts briefly stated are: The de tim Ruben GONZALEZ was driving his car ?a 1987 Pontiac 6000, Eye-witness?was a passenger in the front seat of this car. At corner of Sacramento Blvd. and Belden Ave. Ruben GONZALEZ parked his car to speak with the defendant Jose E. MELENDEZ. Ruben GONZALEZ and Jose E. got into a heated verbal arguement over $500.00 that Jose E. MELENDEZ claimed was owed to him by Ruben GONZALEZ. Jose E. MELENDEZ told Ruben GONZALEZ. YOU GIVE ME MY MONEY I WILL KILL Ruben GONZALEZ drove off and drove West on Fullerton Ave. from Sacramento Blvd. Jose E. MELENDEZ got into his car a 1984 Olds Regency 98, 4dr. dark gray in color. Jose E. MELENDEZ followed Ruben GONZALEZ and at approximately 3224 W. Fullerton fired a 9mm Semi-automatic pistol at Ruben GONZALEZ hitting his car and breaking the window. Jose E. MELDENDEZ rammed the rear of Ruben car, causing Ruben .9- . [Continued On Page 2) I. I Prosecu Name Address Phone Code No Phone Eye?Witness Det. Ernest HALVORSEN #20692, Area Five 5555 W. Grand Ave. 746-8282 Arrest/luvs. Det. Reynaldo GUEVARA #20861, Bond ASA Date: BY: A.S.A. Mike CAWLEY RD 2-220314 I Form 101 as: State's Attorney Use only Date Completed: MJJune1995 Court: 66 IR Numbers Defendants Age Date/Arrest Charges 715380 Jose E. MELENDEZ 27 8 Jun. 1995, First Degree Murder .. 720 ILCS 5/9-la2 Date: 20 May 1995 Time:4?25 AM Location 3302 W. Fullerton Ave. Chicago Ill Cook County The Facts briefly stated are: Jose E. MELENDEZ stopped his car and ran over to Ruben GONZALEZ. As Ruben GONZALEZ opened his car door to step out. Jose E. MELENDEZ shot him in the leg. Ruben GONZALEZ tried to ran away but could not and fell face down on the street. Jose E. MELENDEZ shot Ruben GONZALEZ a second time in the back. Ruben GONZALEZ was pronounced dead on 20 May 95 5:00 AM by Dr. MATZ, at Illinois Masonic Hospital. An autopsy was performed by Dr. LIFSCHULTZ, OffiEe Of The Medical Examiner, reference case #347 May 1995. Cause of death was GUNSHOT manner of death was Prosecufing Wifness7InVOIvemenE: Name Address Phone Code Bond 5 ASA Date: Approved By: A.S.A. Mike CAWLEY 2-220314 519:.) ?r a L: war 0&2 51' arrzoerti 3r ~05: 1w, ti *T?e ?Inn-1?. Si?rtu Exit: I We": ?or: [are 3&in "-149 ?m 17$ng 1?ng us; 57,1121: -;eraI c?taI C- 4713397 3: EH: ?Tar-3145 my 1.39 may . 3.33; gig f5. _1 \r :wr 36x ace were 196 rscaqm .ve-ay-t __zw 375.371? :?nmuw; on Imus 2 :mun?m E:r'Es:eL* Que anw IE4 :oue age 3 3: I - :3 3 13.x? UPPLE TA PORT dag: "5?1 Tar-I re a'e 420mm Ta' i?i' MK I was ITO-rated omen-4 as CHICAGO POLICE FOR USE BY 5. I. S. PERSONNEL ONLY . . 20 May 1995?? 075,25 hr; ?Swag '01 - 2 I IERIFIED 'Homicide/First Degree Murder 0110 32 4 w. Fuller on ve. 1? K. . . 55.1.2 a woo? C.- Tn?Is (Vehicle Non Commerlcal) (259) .1 in ?2 7-: 2-712!- - - a I ?55 ?vii-D S3 - .nc I.) 'I?iffCLO-THING - .. ocos .. 2: a. mane 5 DT-IER HOME ADDRESS 23 :4 ROME PHONE 25 arsmesspeoma 14;. -. FIRST- II IOEFENEE NO DIR STREET an MOI cooE . 4413ED056515 10 SEE amiss :Al\r'r l-?f-Ervuen mass: - ?3 _?s?fjgUFFS VEHICLE VEAH SNAKE BODY STYLE COLOR STATE NC 3'4 SE FIIAL on N05 I DNA _3 CORRECTED LISTALL CORRECTIONS a. ~EwoR ADDITIONAL vos OBTAINED IV VIE EI- CLASS .1.er le SAME DNAI Raw 51 METHOD CODF - RETHDD ASSIGNED UNIT NO 5: STATUS DNA Ex FIELD _3 SUMMARY 1650 [in PROGRESS I SUSPENDED 2 UNFOUNDED DNTD . 5E [Ema] mun 55m: ?sexc .5 A ED 3 _Im . CLFIU Wm M: ARREST :7 DIRECTED KJCOMFL HFusn _Aouu ":Juv OFEN CLOSED CRIM TOJUV ?To PROSECUTE FOR c.1555 ONLY A THE ORIGINAL CASE REPORT I5 CORRECT AND CONTACT THE VICTIM HA5 DISCLOSED NO -. h" .. .. . INVESTIGATION: The R/Dets. were assigned to investigation on Sat. 20 May .1995.? by. MINGEY #1713, of Area Five Beta. The R/Dets. contacted GS George .F.I.GUEROA _#1'686'7 and arranged a meeting with Ptimn. Ron #5573 14th D1st., GS G. FIGUEROA and the the R/Dets. R. .. .. .I was one .9f the first two officers who arrived at lthe scene of .FPE victims car crash was .u.nm.rwn-.. .u UI reintervieWDd by-the R/DetsContinued On Page (2) I '56 ?Eg?r?k COPIESHEOUPHED HECWFENTI IEI gizE EUIMFTTEU - TIME 1? VINE STAR ND 1 23 May 1995 . 2300 3/55: - OFFICER sun P-IGI DEFIDER trmuo. Det. LVORSE 7 #20692 . Det. R. GUEVARA #20861 maven EDIT-JAG an I L. . IW IL ?71995 $936.1 DETECTIVE DIVISION 23 MAY 1995 AREA FIVE DETECTIVES 2-220314 DEGREE MURDER PAGE (2) VICTIM: GONZALEZ, Ruben Ron In summary stated the following. He was assigned to work with a recruit, ?tlmn. T. COATES #3821. They were on Fullerton Ave. and were informed by a passing motorist about the victim's car crashing. They arrived at the scene of the crash and observed only one victim, Ruben GONZALEZ who had been thrown from the car by the impact. There were no other persons in the victim's car, or any other injured persons at this crash sight. A car pulled up going West on Fullerton and stopped at the accident scene. The car was silver colored, and looked like an early 80's, Chev. Monte Carlo or similar car. There were two both around 20 years old in this car. He recognized both of these guys as being members of the Imperial Gangsters, that he has dealt with in the past. He does not remember their, real or nicknames. The two Imperial Gangsters told him that they had just been talking with the victim. It was not right that the victim got shot, the victim didn't be about anything. The two Imperial Gangsters stated that the victim had been shot by the who were driving a large dark buick. He told these two Imperial Gangsters to pull over to obtain their identification. Instead of pulling over they pulled off and left the accident scene. He did not notice if this silver car had a license plate. Officer R. was shown photos of Imperial Gangsters by GS G. FIGUEROA. No identifications were made. The R/Dets. were info BONGIORNO #20669, the said that someone was in the car wit an crash occurred and was taken to the hospital by an ambulance. The R/Dets. reviewed all of the prior police reports and no mention was made of a second victim in the accident. The R/Dets. interviewed Fire Department Paramedic Cathy ROBST, who was assigned to work on Ambulance #3 the day of this incident. She informed the R/Det. that only her ambulance was assigned to this accident, and that only one victim was removed from the scene, Ruben GONZALEZ. Det. s. HALVORSEN #20692 Det. R. GUEVARA 920861 CHICAGO POLICE DEPARTMENT DETECTIVE DIVISION SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT R.D. 2-220314 20 May 95 PAGE 1 ALL descriptions and statements in this entire report are approximations or summarizetions unless indicated otherwise CODE: RECLASSIFICATION OR DNA: CODE: OF ORIGINAL OFFENSE: OF OCCURRENCE: OF ORIGINAL OCCURRENCE: NAME: RELATED (1 YES 2 NO): ASSIGNED: OF OF VICTIMS: OF OFFENDERS: ASSIGNED degree murder 0110 dna progress dna (3224 W. Fullerton) 1413 20MAY95 0425 hours 2 5547 street 304 1 unknown 1 field VICTIM: 02JUL73 REYES Jr. 561490 h.p. w.p. none unemployed wearing beige t-shirt, green pants, black and white Rebock shoes tatoo "Ruben" right upper arm gang affiliation: unknown at this time THIS IS AN AREA 5 PROGRESS REPORE REPORTING OFFICER STAR DET. w. WOITOWICH 20663 REPORTING orrzcan STAR DET. B. GRAF 21043 g; SUPERVISOR STAR I?s?ar' DISTRIBUTION nArE 3 TIME DATE a TIHE APPROVED 20 MAY 95 1200 hours 6 WW 1995 2/94) Detective Divilion licro Ca-puter Generated Report by CHICAGO POLICE DEPARTMENT R.D. 2-220314 DETECTIVE DIVISION 20 May 95 SUPPLEMENTARI REPORT pass 2 ALL descriptions and statements in this entire report are approximations or aurnmarizations unLess indicated otherwise. WANTED: unknown offender(s) INJURIES: FATAL g.s.w. left thigh, g.s.w. left shoulder lodged in chest TAKEN TO: ILLINOIS MASONIC HOSPITAL by C.F.D. #3 WEAPON: apparent 9mm semi-automatic pistol LOCATION, DATE AND TIME: 3224 W. Fullerton, 20MAY95, 0425 hours WEATHER AND LIGHTING: cool, 40's, clear, artificial lighting victim shot from the rear at close range apparently twice as he was in his auto. victim drove about I block west and crashed into a lightpole and parked auto victim was dead on scene. motive unknown IDENTIFIED BY: no formal identification at this time, tentative identification made from documents on his person family notified VEHICLE USED:(victinU 1987 Pontiac 6000, brown with black trunk, no pla ity lic, temp registration per ?15-95 vin EVIDENCE: photos of scene 3-9mm spent casings recovered at 3224 W. Fullerton by crime lab 1-spent pellet recovered in street at 3234 W. Fullerton by crime lab 2?spent pellets recovered from victim at ILLINOIS MASONIC HOSPITAL turned over to crime lab inventory numbers pending PERSONNEL ASSIGNED: P.O. R. 5573 M31413 P.O. T. CORTES 3821 M31413 (preliminary investigators) P.0. MARQUEZ 9094 M31417 (crime scene protection) DET. R. SZELUGA 20659 DDAS DET. A. KOUCHOUKOS 20635 DDAS (assist follow-up investigators) F.I. S. HOGAN 6414 9601 F.I. R. DAVIE 14711 9601 (mobile crime lab) DET. W. WOITOWICH 20663 DDAS DET. B. GRAF 21043 DDAS (follow-up investigators) CHICAGO POLICE DEPARTMENT R.D. 2-220314 DETECTIVE DIVISION 20 May 95 SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT PAGE 3 ALL descriptions and statements in this entire report are approximations or summarizations unless indicated otherwise INVESTIGATION: R/Dets were assigned by Sgt. EPPLEN of this command to a HOMICIDE investigation on 20MAY95 at 0530 hours. R/Dets went to 3302 w. Fullerton where they observed the victim's vehicle. The victim's vehicle was facing northeast in the westbound curb lane Ivith extensive crash damage to the front, left and right sides. R/Dets observed side swipe damage to the lightpole just east of the victim's auto and pavement scrapings from the undercarriage of the vehicle. (traffic accident report 2?814777) R/Dets observed an apparent bullet hole in the left side of the driver's headrest which entered the top of the seat going downward and exiting the front of the seat. The apparent trajectory is downward indicating that the shooter was very close or above victim. The rear driver's side window was shattered indicating that the shooter could have been standing close behind the victim. R/Dets walked east on the north side of Fullerton with the crime lab techs and located broken glass at about 3224 w. Fullerton, in the mouth of the east alley of Sawyer. R/Dets observed 3 spend 9mm casings at that location. R/Dets walked west on Fullerton and found a spent bullet south of an auto parked at the north curb at 3234 w. Fullerton. R/Dets no?swipe damage to the left rear of the auto. ense plate IL 10-95, is registered HOW. She was not located at this time to learn 1 is is new damage. R/Dets interviewed a resident? who was walking on the stree who related that he was at home and heard a gun shots, tires squeal, and several more gunshots at about 0430 hours. He did not witness the shooting. R/Dets SZELUGA interviewedF on 20MAY95 who said car coming quickly towards him and crash on a lightpole. He did not witness the shooting. R/Det SZELUGA went to the residence of the victim on ZOMAYQS and informed his family members that the victim had been shot and was deceased. CHICAGO POLICE DEPARTMENT R.D. 2-220314 DETECTIVE DIVISION 20 May 95 SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT PAGE 4 ALL descriptions and statements in this entire report are approximations or summarizations unLess indicated otherwise. R/Dets spoke to P.0. of BeatlAlB at the scene of the vehicle crash. He related that he was further west on Fullerton when he heard the crash. He stated that a citizen in a vehicle pulled up next to him and informed him of the accident. said that when he got back to the scene of the accident, he recognized the vehicle as the same vehicle which he had observed several minutes earlier near Kedzie and Fullerton. He stated that there was a silver colored vehicle which was parked by the victim?s vehicle. He stated that there were two male white hispanics in the car. He said that he recognized the two individuals as being member of the Imperial Gangsters street gang but at that time he couldn't recall their names. said that the vehicle returned to the scene of the incident and that he told them to remain. The silver colored vehicle pulled off before could talk to them. said that he will find out their names and call Area 5 with the information. investigation remains in progress 1 Det. W. Woitowich Det. B. Graf CHICAGO POLICE DEPARTMENT DETECTIVE DIVISION SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT R.D. 2-220 314 20 May 95 PAGE 1 ALL descriptions and statements in this entire report are approximations or summarizations untess indicated otherwise. CODE: RECLASSIFICATION OR DNA: OF ORIGINAL OFFENSE: OF OCCURRENCE: OF ORIGINAL OCCURRENCE: NAME: RELATED (1 YES 2 NO): ASSIGNED: OF OF VICTIMS: OF OFFENDERS: ASSIGNED INVESTIGATION: Homicide-First Degree Murder 0110 Progress 0 Adult 3224 W. Fullerton Avenue 1413 20 May 1995 Saturday 0425 Hours GONZALEZ, Ruben 2 5515 Street 304 1 Unknown Field-1 650 In furtherance of this investigation, the undersigned conducted a canvass of the premises adjacent to the location of occurrence. This is an Area Five Detective Division Progress Report REPORTING OFFICER Detective Kenneth Berris STAR 20667 REPORTING OFFICER STAR Detective Anthony Bongiorno 20669 SUPERVISOR 5/5567. 544;" STAR VIE OZZ-Z DISTRIBUTION Regular DATE TIHE SUBMITTED 20 May 1995 DATE 8: TIME APPROVED 2 6 MAY 1995 2194) Detective Iliviaion Hicno Counter Genet-?nd ante-nary Report 3 OFFENDER Bil Luna: Htl?UI-l I ?lgagp FuucE I e_ 0? CIRST Ra t. MWRDEB Ll m; .?Jnko?jl I. 4. MJAIJDFIEE OF OCCURRENCE .FIFIE RELATED 0F I HEAT OF OCCUR a?unumt AS: um smutmeats: WHERE mun-Mn (awe MAME m: IF mummy Io. ananon am: I: omens). - nus a f! a aslo?a E- $.70"va DasUFEnwson AII wmi?'? and statement: in this unit- upon woman-lam nrsumml-i'nlions unlus imitated omen-In. 2: ram Imam." 23 sum?AGE 2mm: mom's alum-Ins mo?: AVAIL. 17.0cmu1rton an m- 29 vi: VERIFIED no- ME #35; - - I: QmIznlez. Eqaen 33:? La Balkan . L21 0 SIHL asaanau NO 15w 3131mm ?HDNvaeLa LHOHLIM . 31ch LHF SNOIDJUIG 3 0 nno a?sn crass/mass '3 amaama I fl 01 we) SIHL vauv I a page/H 3/0707 (away-1:0 4) 1 HNO "1511 Al?idOUd 10 m: ?/Eorfssoaa wax mnow we 8311: wow El 1 A Nam? A33) . . IUJ U.L SIHJ. OJ. t7 ON I. unmosuad mun 9m mass Oi SIHJ. I: 17' - iaajlsso DUZ dn>Dld sau la 3 33 10d CI ON omnoa omv l3 wowuoaw awm aawrwuxa El Sdu i0 NOUVNILSECI Shimmo so am amvmun 36 01 138 LON SI Hl?HidOHd il Sil'lddv Eli-l1) .LON) A8 :10 oaSOdSIo as 01 El writ] mow? IDUHWSIU :3 In EU HIE - Wurd OE NIHUM Aluin?OUd dn 13M 01 mm . mums mum: man . HVHA Hmow AVG NonalmonuaNMo AlHidOUd [j . um . .. I SIHJ. so EIGIS asuanau 313/9595 )7 1:5 7% {7579' 2376' Ef?m?Z?/ . 35mm? endow; ON an; MW 5.33313: m. - owns . -3 3H in mmwgusanmuoamm 3?}qu no? 5le ?lial-O Jig-?aw? Hga?qgg HLIM 33:12:35 ON SSEHGGV EWVN CINI 353:1de 1 mm 5.fit" .7 ansauuv? 0391333 SIHJ. 01 A WOW 033390333? LON 1 3315mm 01 :7 ON 3mg 03??35 mom '3 NosquI acolonU 5393?,?ng aouvawacsw LSEIHHV 30 AlHidOHd aanzjas? Asubw awn: 1150.130 oa- aaxssoaafnaa cu 5.83N1WVX3 am wuos WNIquo NI 0131-: A N33 3 ??03 01 ?'03 wnmaw Er annawva Ci 0d") 13 as AJNEIEHFIJ El saxoa TN :03 SJHJ. so 305 3 mu asaanaa NO auwwoa a wawe 38n2l35 5 aura Lun 35 Hay/?01 nuo asn nouns AllidOUd aauanoaau a ?99. 142/ 297??2?wf} .LHHOJ OJ. \dO) SFHJ. A - f'f . {?Al?idoudiONOlldIUBSSO If?; r: 2' 032 in ON (13 DNSH 3:138 3503) HVBA HLNOW AVG ON amomEI -.E ?vs-z . Asa E25 0 ian \Hif?Ojiu?lHLOl SON HJHLO ..-. . .lev'h' I'l ?ll/11V - SIHL 0L 7 ON HJHVES Oi AGO) SIP-LL :10 SCHS BSHEABH NO GNODES ?it-VI SHHEIJS 1 ON SHOE-HEW SIH.L Oi .LON :If .3315388?1 OJ. ON 3N9 :10 M10) Oi SIHL :10 RGIS SSHBAEH NO mveuvm sanzIas 21m.- rI031'aD va 11-10x ?1111011 10- - _va1510 .. .11 I) Ca- ?37/ 7 11.1310 3 011311;; . - 01 ma 10 015019019 01 9; ?fr? Hui-W 1! 10m 01 )1 1mm: Haw/mo 113310211 C1 '3 In. 511 . mam- 3.101111. I. 3 aggw fr r' 1 .2 11/7176? 13N10IA3 30%:le ISL -II1.I ON 201151111; 0 51.41 N0I1V9I153ANI 101 7* I. BIAN- HENMO 31. '5 01151311171] 0191131 0: avwm-woa1 0120001111 Gamma M10111 NOSWD gum/mg aomvawaosII/IID 111310de aanzms ASNOW (mm ?50110 LON 00- 0103011019 01 cum: NI 0111 AJNSHEHD I: Gd 3 L: 38 f7 WV.) :3 1500) ?5 sum 1:100) momma Am?; Amo nouns '8 JJNEICIIAJ ?<{?3336 . . 53101111100my}? 01 SJHJ. 7 7? 7?7? . 3 1 E, 71145-1? I I 75'? 1 m" (m I5: 066? 2 ?9 9 06? 1835*: 1. ON 01 I EVEA AVG 11m ULqugvi, 113T :?Inn; Anya-In. 1? CPD-34523 (REV 3'93IIVI . . . CHICAGO POLICE DEPARTMENT 1! 480952 LIST OTHERINUENTOHV ~03 RELAT To HIS RECOIJ RN UNIT 311V DATE RECOV- FRED [j NONE I INVEN- - I7 TORY I zi?dI? NO I C. YEAR CROSS REFERENCE RD NO NU -- l3? a: E?gu?Fj?y? DESCRIPTION OF u.s.C.f0NLv - 5 . 22/ E: lair93:17 121/717 I . - ATTACH THIS TO COURT PAPERS COURT DATE IDENCE a. RECOVERED PROPERTY SECTION USE ONLY COURT BRANCH COURT CALL (HE: ALL BOXES APPLICABLE r: TO BE I: GAMBLING El MEDICAL IT I USCUR RENCY HELDIN ORIGINAL FORM CONTINGENCY RAID . TO BE DEPOSITED - DO NOT DEPOSIT - FUND MONEY . SEIZURE PROPERTY [j MISDEMEANOR STATE CHARGES 1EELorw FROM - NAME DECEASED I DNAHCOTICEE DMANSLAUGFTER . A. DARRESTED 0,725 1/ {rs 77/1: .. DIRECTIMS I SEIEURE WITHOUT SEARCH WARRANT COMPLETE ON REVERSE SIDE OF THIS COFIY ATTACH THIS COEY TO COPYOFARRESTIREPORT I . I ENE COPY NO no ARRESTEE IF NOT ACCEPTED. ATTACH TO THIS COPY NAME ll? HE. Cut PHONE-- I - - . HOLDFORINVESTIGATION hygen'n E-E- mo- Wu" 1510? AND- Jif?1.05 554315.75ka i PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFEOOE mwmonm ADDRESS TELEPHONE N9 ADDRESS TELEPHONE NO OZLIJ DESRPS To PICKUP PROPEPTY WITHIN CI . In rum-{IMP DPHOHE . F: TO BE DISPOSEDOF BY CUSTODIA CRIME LABORATOPV Dome NO i {j RECOVER . DEERPSPICKUE - .15 - - ATTACH T0 IRT PADEDC: SEIZURE WITH SEARCH COMPLETE SECOND STATEMENT ON REVERSE SIDE OF THIS COPY ATTACH THIS COPY TO SEARCH WARRANT ATTACH COPY NO 4 TO THIS COPY SIHJ. 01 '9 ON anchl .Ldl IUJ HUV 5 3mm 3031933 . 1.va VIA AHOLVHOBVT 3mm) 503 3 3 A3233dOad 3O NONN 530 I wannaopuz 3 03.- ans 10-32mm 33 ~28 03 mm) chmer A3 30 0350390 33 03 CJ 3 H3av35 03 A40) SIHJ. anuv ?3153513?? 3 ?9.535313% 1333:333?35?3373 3'1" >4 5801?!?le HHIJONMGH HVEA HLNOW KVG NOGEHUONHENMO AiUidOUd 30:5 3533?? f4 5" ai?? ?ff/?jg; Emacs/(3 aoxomv PM NO 0N0335 3131mm OM 3mg 3mm 9.3331330 15L mm - on mus 135.33 - 3. wouvausamu 303 203-0 3 334303va ?aws hum 3302335 0? 3533063.4330031 A 3mm 5.3334300 .1 Ugly"? 5 0f 03353uuv?1 039133300 o.L .LON 3 3315332311 om: 0N MO) 3mg 031?!? mom - Noswlj r? 3353-31-3 33w: uowv3w305m13 A303 .?madoad 3:302:35 A3N0w0mn3 -uso?3010~oa- 0315003038 - 0m: w303 wrwamo m1 033:3 0 L3 ?N'd?wnmo? ?303 wmuaw Dwaww 0 3 3s 0 315v3n133v53xoa 31v i' 5 2.530) SIHJ. m. 3300) 3933MB NO 3331mm 33mv3830003 3302135 5 33x10 33003 )5 Hsv?gmm ATNO isn mamas 0333;6333 '3 3)~30m3 . .7 . LT- Wm /7 760sa3dw L300) 01 a, ?003 sn-u H3Vii.[ign . I . . . +7731 1 31.334030 . (- Fi?; #2 05 0335 I A0335 31?70 33N385H3H 99053 HVSA (3 - 7i" i 1 3NOND SPF :33; C, I t! ?h 1/ llN? \u3n033u 03m13u sow womuuluamo 180 108? 3_?_3?l10d ODVDIH) ?n SIHL Di 7 ON Oi SJHJ. SIH.L ECHS HSHEAHH NO GNODES v.1. luv4_l_v -L VJ I. i :o'h'?wr?oe: omvEJ aamwvxa WJIGEW El wmmusv?u 'awmosaad uNn emuanmau ?dH 9 7va 33l10d [1 31mm saa mwanu LON 1.0M sI Aiuadoud 4 ssnadvsu-?u . 33:5: .loamamaa monomw 3:45.? . 33 15L did ON ?36? 313/ .27 9? .. - on?: anus vrooxsna AB 10 uasoasao 38 01 1?11~05an mi we 05:1!le uaid?ua on 13m o; :3n 4 VNQIS amuom MQH HLNOW AVG NOGEHHON HENMO 1 . 1 I a a (Egg; >034}. Hum saunas - a 3 - :ww- mm: on: ssauqov ?3 7' mum 5.33m '7 197/ V) aaikauava oasvam - 3 ?S'C?am LON at aamaauv 01 17 ON 3mg) . .. An.- ?9 SDILOJUVND NOSWCI Summer-E; airmamrl: anus sowawac In . aomoa 33:12:35 Aimbw 2? -usodaa mu oa- luausoaafnaa 01 5.83NIWVX3 01w waoa wmgluo NI maH away 3 ??03 0L ?03 SM ?3?11? wamaw 0 3 CI 33 01 318mm? same 11:: x331 1. . SIH.L jO EICIIS 17V) um SSHEHBH N0 .LSHH - Lwawm Haws: mar-tum aunzias . imam: 3 31mm nno Isn mamas 0333110333 '9 ajnaoma . ?p?yS 2560/247/ {17733 14.1 6 . 1 7 /W?y/j .7130] 443106.167?! I a .57 a ?71? 1219;) 099.9 WW er '3 unob'rn JO ?oudlansaa UN UH I EEK: I 2 ?3.me 11033 3i?7( [Dwaapaassoua wax HLTVOW we . ON SNON bc . ?um I 0L essnaumsvaod ~53 ?0338 TH SON EAEWBM 33110:: oavam' SIHL 01 ON Oi SIHJ. SlHi d0 HGIS 3533.438 NO GNOJES FHHZIHS swivel-HE awu . . A mm immanmau 1va 3341mm 3: ON omv CI wowaoew Mia}: say 9 HENIWVXE WVDIGEW al'dEdOHd :iO 1V1 .- {14 turwmaa LON gamma] LON s: Alwdoud 4: ?mm: mm - (oamamaa as 01 LON) NVIGOLSFD AB so 0350:1510 as 01 Ci K) ,9 - WIND mow? - MU -w er: SACCI at album. an Lilla 01 -w . - 5301mm magma?. favaA we . - r: in as?? ?3 i :9 mm 2' mm? mums; 1 . a . .LIN i 3941 usarm?zi ON y?y?s Val/W ya? ?13,315- EWVN \3 CNF- ON EWVN $113er SlHi OJuni-saauv? aasvma LON :1 01 ON 3N9 Amour?- ,3 9:103va El mosuvL'J 300le Emmy-[j 539mm; anus 1w so A3N6W LON oa - goairSOda?d as OJ. [3 om umaommoy ?i waoa wmouao NI maH nuauun) ??03 Oi ?03 wanqaw amnawva C1 0 3 33 owomauan) same 11v >09 A d0) SJHHO EIGIS 11v) Lar?: 3583/98 NO mswauus .LSHH 3131mm Ham-me .LFIOHLMA 31110 .Lth 3 MNO isn Al?idOHd aauanonau Is annaama L800) 01 ?1'03 yy??i?gy 427/ i 19 wasvgz??a/ [9991/5 gay: x/Vw?vy?S )jb/V?zw?) ,96702i7V5 (7 97?"f?7j X/i/Wy?i/ijyy .5 W'Wei 5 <7 a 0970279 so Moudmjsaa (m m. 74/ 6011 2 'f ?ag; ON GE 3JN38353H SSOH) emf-1A ON AHOJ. '5 warm .LNOIN AVG Qd $9 I 81,9178? 1. 255,5. Managers-0d SON H3H10 l? 1 'nll - I: Ill-u . OJ. ?7 ON HDHVEIS OJ. SIH.L SiHl :10 EIGIS HSHEIASH NO CINODES m?wuvv HJHVES Hum EHHZIBS momma aw OME- :10):sz 5cm '3 a Emmosaadumnamraanoaau? wavwamoa: owned omv wowuoew 5W sau 2 SENIWVXB 5/4 ?wpw? an m: LON SI ?33503: il Sil?lddn- a (03mm 133 SE 01 LON) NVIGOLSFD A8 10 0350:1510 38 01 44/21/ ON (75) mm?: WEI-I: CI. ?10533:! . ?to urn-mun AluidDHd an 13m 01 ?Mr, . nuuou Mow-F1 'z?d?JEn HLNOWE AVG NOOHHLLON HSNMO A13 I Huh" )5 69,72, Ji51:15. :wvw .3 1:501? mu -oniaru u'eli jlisan I Mon. 5115 nan-um 331473/ 57/ 49? :33" on anonam; ssauqcv 7- zwm- ?saw ON ssauapv [5 y? SIHJ3N9 Lsaauv 50 (mud) .LHHOD 01 Ado} SIHJ. 3013 NO .LSHH uwnavxn ih?ZrES I aww 5.33M 4.01: 73:27 0? 1'5; SNOLLDSUIG 0331133 mom 9 snuojuvw Mosw? 300mm 5m amrEJ ssauw: am is fcnevawsrus: aanznas' A3N6IN awn?" ~usou30 o; s?uamwvxa cm: 1 wum wmraluommaH ADNEEHFD 1v3Iq3w amiaww Cl :1 :1 - 353 Oi Amauum 5 Ci Havana: ssxoa 11v >03} It 5 11:01am: HJNvaa 3 31ch 180C 3 HS r3 1mm KING 94011335 USHIAOJBH '3 (v57 0'9] 2 376713039 . 47m ill?l'g I OJ. SIHL ?1 ?0?4 791,1 777W 5 WV 04: W7 W7 277/; 277?; (my 1 mm 11 1 mum?mo mam 75/601? ?6 "5 .ngas alias {mau?aassom wax Hmow WC ABET SNOND 0L 69 was ?usnonmxm 02mm; SON L, 1/ 8 3310:! 09"le 'nM - I In" SIHJ. Oi ON OJ. SlHi SIHJ. 3045 SSHSAHU NO ONOJHS -i HUM my 97 2 ON HVLS 4an aw O-Hrr 533 '9 a mun DNIHSAOJSH ?1.41va 33m: 8 5 ON omv Cl AHOLVHOEVT 3w 9 447"} 4444/4 3o Wmumn s1 iammo no 1w wax-Mm] L33 LON 'Dusama mm s: ?n Sl?dd?a ?qu) 33 01 LON, 3'0 39 OJ. Gig} EHHLUNBIS mm mow El 52091334 mi] 4. ltlind'u?al - A133 0H4 an >Dld01 avaA HLNOW 4ch 444? 2?44 24?? ?114; gmwis Li5~1343m ?ow 53 13mm: 01.31130?an Wy? ON .ll 22/ GdJih 15343 ?/7144! f/??yy 0N ssauaov 5.33M 43; 'm 1? (333533qu1 aasvanag 4303 SI H1 01 ijiv . -w,a3??no_ LON 3 01 on anus) mo .33 ?9 SDLLODUVN 300% ajINaAn?U 3iVlS 330333 aunzias ASNOW awn?a}? -usodaa 10NOG- 033150330 3301 swamwvxa 01w waoa wrunswo NI nmaeun?) 3 (wrdnunoa ?035?? wnloaw 1:1 umnawva a d) 39 01 an swevamauv 53303 W: >03: JI- 30:5 .7 mm mm asuanau NO mawawiusau mvuavm mar: 35 momma aanZIas mm mm 3 HS 1mm muo asn mamas ?333033 aauanoaau '3 3:'maoma_ . .1swam; 03 . 11? vauv L?Vpd 0 71001 IWWEU ?Hf? pm). (797495 Aiuzdoud 30 Houdtuasao (m m. 017: - 54, AM -n033 3w pr.- 03 333633331: 5503:: BVBA Hmow we 43%? 1L IL - IEH Maui's mum 1331171314 sow womanmuawo 1m DZ. 9 If 8 l, HICAGO POLICE DEPARTMENT PD- h34. 523 (REV 3 93 I'v- M84669 LIST NOS RELATEE TO le? DAY 7.0 ATE ECOV- 3E0 MW MONTH 7/ 77, u. 1 ENONE UNIT INVENI TORY NO I7, 110 2ch NO I DESCRIPTION OF A c145? Vmi (EMU 6? MIND U.S.C. PNLV ?swig/(7? 50%9 ?aw/2% ATTACH THIS TO COURT PAPERS EVIDENCE 8. RECOVERED PROPERTY SECTION USE ONLY URT DATE I I JRT BRANCH JPT CALL ECKA ALL BOXES APPLICABLE i TOTA ASH CI US CURRENCY TO BE DEPOSITEDI ?3?)qu [j USCURRENCTITOBE HELD IN ORIGINAL FORM I: - Do NOT DEPOSIT FUND a GAMBLING RAID SEIZURE - NMIEIDE BMANSLAUGHTE STATE CHARGE [3 MEDICAL PROPERTY ARSON [j NARCOTICS BI FROM- NAME DARREQITED z70?L Edi" ECEASED NAME Walla/C777,? ADDRESS ?are RELATED DIRECTIONS SEIZURE Sinmfu WARRANT COMPLETE FIRST STATEMENT ON REVERSE SIDE OF THIS COPY ATTACH THIS COPY TO COURT (PINK) COPY OF ARREST REPORT GIVE COPY NO 4 TO ARRESTEE IF NOT ACCEPTED. ATTACH TO THIS COPY ND NAME TELEPHONE NO IF 77 TELEPHONE 3 TO BE DISPOSED OF BY GUSTODIAN (NOT TO BE RETURNED) (THIS APPLIES IF DESTINATION OF PROPERTY RDS DPOLICE MAIL E. RPS PICKUP L_j PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFIEDON To PICK u- PROPERTY Ir THIN 30 DAYS I STIL-AT. ARNO UNIT ??fg?i .1. tin-U11 (fa To STAR iJofg HOW NOTIFIED DAY MONTH YEAR DIN PERSON PHONE MAIL SIGNATURE 5% 2m: ROPEHTT l5 NQT EVIDENCE NOT RETURN-181E I-NL- OWNER l5 w?v V/r EXAMINER ME LABORATORY DAUTO POOND - RECOVERING UNIT PERSONNEL ?aws/LAB TECHNICIAN STAR NO WIT-.- SEE-IRE - COMPLETE SECOND STATEMENT ON REVERSE SIDE OF THIS COPY ATTACH TH IS COPY TO SEARCH WARRANT ATTACH COPY NO 4 TO THIS COPY CRIME SCENE PROCESSING REPORT CHICAGO POLICE DEPARTMENT ADDRESS OF SERVICE (n CLASSIFICAHON OF I-UCR CODE OTHER NO RD uo Homicide 0115? 814 777 220 314 NAME SEII-RACE-AGE AREADIST .BEAW GONZALEZ. Reuben (7 Feb 73} 05/14/1413 3224 W. Fullerton ASSIIGNME NT TYPE Crime Scene PHOTOGRAPHY REQUESTED BY DATE RECEIVED TIME my? 95 0600 mm muck l?lL A vehicle #1 nvfn'qnmhiclp it? at 3734 Full cart cases 3224 fullertn scene a. surroundings a hole in driver seat I. ?in nu. nL?nnl? ufu yam Est-.133 UH aux-enh- 3224 Fullerton ?ri mar L- broken rear windows #1 I ident. victim at hospital I 'l Fran-I:- 1")de F?1l1lnr_ ELIM IN CUSTODY NAME -FLH5TI YES DNO MED NEG LIFT LOCATION FOUND MED NEG LIFT LOCATION FOUND 1 driver side front fender veh.1 . nr surface 1 driverlback door panel of veh 1 exterior Sui-fare driver side rear fender veh.1 1 evrprinr? qurFar?I: POSSIBLE SUSPECT INFORMATION RACE TOTAL No or LIFTS DATE OF TRANSMITTAL MALE 13 ADULT El JUVENILE DPALMS DIMPRESSIONS SUITABLE FOR COMPUTER PRINTSSUITABLE FOR COMPARISON INITIALS 0F DATE FINGERPRINTS [jygg No DYES DNO VEH YEAR MAKE 3. MODEL COLOR STATE LICENSE No I 1 77 Pent . 4% Egg; 3 PHYSICAL a 31'5"? PROP INVENT No DESCRIPTION 3 LOCATION INITIAL DEST one sealed envelope containing blood standard from street near 1484669 177 driver front door of vehicle #1 SE 1484670 177 one lass standard from interior rear floor of vehicle #1 TR two sealed envelopes glass stan.recovered from street at 3224 Full. 148467? 177 #1 from ailey near 51 ewelk. #r from street closest to traffic TR two fired bullets recovered from the street at 3234 W. Fullerton 1484671_ 177 #lppx the curb and #2 in the street near dr. side of veh.#2 FA three fired cart. cases #1 from alley, #2 from sidewalk, #3 from 1484673 177 street at 3224 Fullerton FA DETAILS or CASE Upon ar his vehicle at 330 Masonic tel where rival spoke to Off 4 w. Fullerton aft icer Marquez who related in summarv that the victim crashed er being shot at 3224 W. Fullerton. He was taken to Ill. The scenes were ohotoqraohed and The victim was finger?palm printed at the Hospital. Firearms evidence examin r'd ns with neoative results. 0 LA) v' .I: NAME grin No UNIT NAME - No UNIT Jets. Graff 21043 Woitowich 20663 650 5573 Coates 3821 1413 IEPORTING TECHNICIAN-PRINT LAST NO UNIT DATE ARRIVED TIME TIME James 6414 177 20 May 95 0630 1030 141.1% APPROVING SUPERVISOR (PRINT NAME) . STAR No I mm DATE ND ONE dP/Hd? K93 8880 HMS EH HWUUHS QHVQ NDISIAIG I?d d0 HDHUHS HHIHHU j] SIHN BHL N1 UEKEQNI HEW lHHi MOISIAIG 18d HQ NI SUHDDEH d0 WWHIBHOJ HHJ LON EIHL mm HUILUN Hm? IHGNI 313M NI UMUDHH UN 5 XH MIDWH aa?mamxama HIHH ON HIHN UN SGUHW QHH SN N33 PKVJ EQLQIHIBEXUUQ NIXJS 9990 9 9V 9 '1 1 QIIG 96-0? I ?Gd CRIME ANALYSIS - HOMCIDE ORKSHEET DETECTIVE POLICE b-D- NO- 2?220314 7 TYPE OF INCIDENT AREA BEAT OCCUR. DATE OCCUR TIME OCCUR. DAY OF DEATH OH WHEN BODY FOUND Deg. 5 1413 20May95 0425 Sat. 20May95/0425 TYPE LOCATION mggs; 53..- Street OF INCIDENT 3224 W. Fullerton Ave. VICTIM NAME (L-F-MI) SEX-RAGE AGE - DATE OF BIRTH GONZALEZ Ruben 22/7 Feb 73 INJURIE GANG AFFILIATION Fatal SSW Unknown a; ?h11_11m?__ 2 NAME IL-F-MIJ SEX-RAGE AGE - DATE OF BIRTH INJURIES GANG AFFILIATION VICTIM 3 NAME (L-F-MIJ SEX-RAGE AGE DATE OF BIRTH INJURIES GANG AFFILIATION AGE - DATE OF BIRTH YI I NI 1 OFFENDER I NAME Unknown WEAPON XJUSED I DISPLAYED CARTRIDGE CASINGS GANG AFFILIATION semi-automatic pistol ?:5th N0: I CAL. 9mm Unknown at this time OFFENDER #2 NAME (L-F-MI) IN CUSTODY SEX-RACE AGE - DATE OF BIRTH I I I WEAPON I JUSED I 1 DISPLAYED CARTRIDGE cmmas GANG AFFILIATION YESI I No I I GAL. OFFENDER IF :3 NAME (L-F-MIJ IN CUSTODY SEX-RACE AGE - DATE OF BIRTH Y: I I I WEAPON I I I DISPLAYED CARTRIDGE CASINOS YES: 1 Not 1 CAL. PRELIMINARY MOWE ASSESSMENT Victim alone in vehicle, shot at mouth of alley at 3224 W. Fullerton. 3 9mm cartridge casings found at scene. ARRESTING DETECTIVE ASSIGNED (NAME-UNIT NO.) Det.B. Graf #21043 Det. W. Woitowich #20663 ORIGINAL - ENTER ALL REQUESTED INFORMATION. LIST ON REVERSE SIDE. ?onwmo TO THE CHIEF. DETECTIVE DIVISION WITH DAILY MAJOR INGIDENT LOO. GENERAL PROGRESS REPORT DATE OF HCASE REPORT OF TTHISE RHEPO-RT .. DETECTIVE POLICE diff-?" 920 57Jul ONE-13E K?r '-lfT Cap/? 244:. '7 44/70. This form is dess gned foI Iecording handeitten notes and memoranda which are made during the conduct of investigations in emo anda or WItness and suspect InterVIew notes on- scene canvas notes and any handeItten personal notes made by detectives dLIIing the field investigatIon of violent crimes which are used to pIepare ?niticial Department case reports 3% 7476/,er 21/562?) 1756/; Cch?/f?/acp_ .4: . W??W/ci/f [4.66441 _c_7fJa?4/ 42/721 ?Cf/27> 46/1/72 ?664:_ 3/567 26/6/ 542.524 466 @2964 7:402 . 2/ x66 ?9 pew/6e a. 4 I j: 0140/? 0?5?5 274/ _o 5c 5523:? I I 703762?736 "ig??'uhe "fume GENERAL PROGRESS REPORT gate oe 0553+;me atrium DETECTIVE -- . 74?? gift L-r JFV OFFEWE CASE Re Away -- - This form is designed for recording handwritten notes and memoranda which are made (luring the conduct of investigations, in- cluding: interrwatch memoranda lhandwritten or typewritten], witness and suspect interview notes, on-scene canvas notes, and any handwritten personal notes made by detectives during the field investigation of violent crimes which are used to prepare official Department case reports ?77/75 W97 2 Jim 7125/ may 777M 75erizga7? ??gM . G'tl 7% REERTEW Hece VED oa' TUBE-STAR TIME 0'2 ?ag/4&3 _u . GENERAL PROGRESS REPORT OF 535,0? DETECTIVE POLICE 5? 5 F'nE'vIu-u'; REPORT As: Shown; on CASE REeon 9 . . ?it-Erato? '3 1w handwritten notes and memoranda which are made during the conduct of investigations, in mm: (hanihmnten or typewritten], witness and susoect interview notes, onscene canvas notes, and any made m, -.?etectives during the field investigation of violent crimes which are used to prepare nitrid: .2351? I'raIZLLr'ti. . . f- awe?? 3993/4". \zvmg?e 94/21 Eva/44.5254; 2mg 98.7.16; $01171 _1 15274.4? we; 7? 2:15;: 5 2.557;? {if/flay? i ?3657-7? i (if .?fgo-FF 292, i r-r?x i? 19__ . EREEL: :n (Rev, 2, GENERAL PROGRESS REPORT QAQTE OF omg?mse BEFQORT DETECTIVE POLICE . . 524) !q3 qy .5 rum-HE- sE ans-EIFIcm my PREVHJUS fictive as SHOWN on time ASSIGNED ?he. . i - This form is designed recording handwritten notes and memoranda which are made during the conduct of investigations, in- cluding: inter?watch memoranda (handwritten or typewritten}. witness and suspect interview notes, on-scene canvas notes, and official Department case reports v5- eea?e 13:92 KLEQAAL: . Leigh [m . Acct tee: eel-?AM Eh? we ink?41A ?usr Mtg"? 13;; QR 431,2) w?mn Jv: yum-\m 0pm? in) meme 3Q mew ?Keck kah? Eg?yy?f stare?NU. METYIELW TIME- GENERAL PROGRESS REPORT OF BELOW DETECTIVE POLICE 2 1 '210 ?3,0 OFFE ELI-155 FII: PREVIOUS MAME ns'sHoww mariner ASSIGNED This form is designed for recording handwritten notes and memoranda which are made durIng the conduct of investigations, in? cluding: inter watch memoranda (handwritten or typewritten), witness and suspect interview notes, on- scene canvas notes, and any handwritten personal notes made by detectives during the field investigation of violent crimes which are used to prepare official Department case reports. {3 9..th at. ext?Lg- Ln, LIB 1%33 gmuh&:m; c?M C?l?ffu?lg is] _ovx?rm?c. (099:5 ?pf i9 ELL 5 _bZ? _Qgcw . i? - _h 9.0 Cm?s if It?. TIME ?T's Tz?x e- UK 3 GENERAL PROGRESS REPORT 3' TE DETECTIVE POLICE 0" mm . .- I 7-235 ?$1"anme #1597321- 31.31 :45; Th5 desugreg :or handwritten nores and memoranda which are made during the conduct of 'nvestngarzons, .n Gad ?9 "39? memorand? 0r wntness and suspect .nterwew notes. can-scene canvas notes, and arm,- ?dram men Devaonal note-s made by detectives during the field ?nvestigataon of aloiem crames are used to prepare ngn1.. #:uwx 1%;(r-1 1. .31.: .1, I ,4 arz?rg?gz, (?re-Ly: 37f ?23 19-53-111} Aaliyah-LL :7 Ca 6m MM/ej? {$10911- an '31 55(qu 316+ 0 57?) fit-Kb? 3 T561 04:00 ~13 Ma?s 3?47 Mrb?ch - ?g REPORTING SIGNATURE-STAR NO. RECEIVED BY SUPERVISORS NO TIME CPD-23122 [Rev 2333} LEADS RESPONSES LEADS RESPONSES CITY or CH. or pone: IDENTIFICATION SECTION /11?.1 South State Straet . I Jr}. W?m?gy .9!me2; Eb) CRIMINAL HISTORY or MEENDEZ. Jose E. MM an: JUN 08 08 ?3.18? .1 v" I. DATE or BIRTH 18 Apr. 53 (??ag-EL LR. N0. FBI no. no. 715380 mm: a ADMIN G-I- HO- on: or ARRESTIMREITING a. DIST. was: I 'onposmou 1 1+0 - A . 80 Off. 01? Diet. (19 Robb: 3: $33? 7 739 8 E333 gg- 301.. Judge gaming? 18 Apr. 68 "mm 7392508 -11 Jul 85, on. Malachi. ecu-H. 25! but" Then . Dick.? 11 Sup 85. Th_3ft (38-16-13) MIL. Judge Wilena (Doc No. use Wu - 15 NOV. 3 n: . Mum?* 3525 Dbckens - 9 Dec 86. Judgg 18 Apr. doc.#86231437 Jose MELENDEZ 9004050 8 Apr 88 Off Earnest 01.4 Dis-t, Tampering auto; 3525 Dickens 10 Jun 88, Judge 18 Apr 68 Bowe, (Doc#88138274) Jose 8083588 -5 Aug 88, off. O'Brien 25th Dist, Theft 3525 Dickens . It? AMP, enunnru-rm: .