Azad,A va From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachme nts: Dalzell, Sally Wednesday, November 30, 2016 11:52 AM Freyre, Dominique Notification of Ongoing Investigation and Enforcement Investigation and Enforcement Action of US Technology Corporation - Corr.... pdf Dear Mr. Correll: In accordan ce with the U.S. Environ mental Protectio n Agency' s ("EPA") Federal Hazardous Waste Generator Notificat ion Policy, please find attached a notification letter, informin g you of an ongoing investig ation and enforcem ent action of US Technology Corpora tion by EPA. The purpose of this notificat ion is to assist your agency in making informed waste managem ent decisions. If you have any question s, please have someone on your staff contact Dominiq ue Freyre in EPA's Federal Facilities Enforcement Office at (202)-564-0433. Thank you. Sally Dalzell Sally M. Dalzell, Acting Director Site Remediat ion and Enforcem ent Staff Federal Facilities Enforcem ent Office, 2261A U.S. Environm ental Protection Agency 1200 Pennsylvania Ave, N.W. Washingt on, D.C. 20004 (202)564-2583 (202) 501-0069 (fax) http://ww w.fedcent UNDER FOIA: This NOTICE: ENFORCEMENT CONFIDENTIAL AND/OR ATTORN EY CLIENT PRIVILEGED: DO NOT RELEASE entity(s) to whom or s) individual( the for y message is being sent by or on behalf of an attorney. It is intended exclusivel privileged, or confidenti al or to which it is addressed . This communic ation may contain information that is proprietar y, authorize d to read, print, or otherwise legally exempt from disclosure. If you are not the named addressee, you are not error, please notify the in message retain, copy, or disseminate this message or any part of it. If you have received this sender immediat ely by email and delete all copies of the message. UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY WASHINGTO N, DC 20460 NOV 2 9 2016 :u:t "..""i_ '. t J•.: l '~ ' : •. \'• ' . . . • • • ) ~1urk t.• ' ~J.._ •., I (\•m·ll Deputy :\ssislWlt Sccrl.!truy bl\'ironml!nt. Sufcly. and l nfrJStruc t ur~ United Sl.ltcs fkpartment ofthc Air Fon.:c 1665 :\ir Force Pcntngon Room ~B9-ll Washington. DC 20330·1 665 R£: lnns li~ali on nnd Enforccmc:nl Aclion D~..":lr or US Tcchnolo~y Corporation Mr. Corrl.!ll: As set fl)rth in the United Stille'S Em'ironm~nllll Protection ..\g..:ncy's c ·EPA" or the "Agency'') Fc(laa/1/a:arJotu H'u.\il' (i~·nt'rulor .\'olijkmion Policy (the "Policy~) . issued on April 26. 1991. the Agency ri.'(Ogni£Cs the importance of di~lo~i ng in' ~.-stigutions :md enforcement :lctions to r:~.·tkr.:tl :1gcncics Wld dcpartnlcnts th~ll Cln: cnga ~cd in the gcncrotion of Resource Conscrv:ttion :lnd R.:CO\'t!'C)' Act r·RCR.A") lhl7..nrdous W:.l5l~ wul nwy he \lSing the scn·iccs or commercial \\'U.'> tt: man:1gcmcnt :md recycling tacili tic:'. In .:lCCM~onc< \\ilh the Policy. EPA is dis.clo ~ing tha tth~ Agency hilS initi:J.t~d an inVC!>ligation :md enforcement OClion nt us T~chnology Corporntion r·usr·) faci l ili e:~4B<~ . I(A"' J EPA wu!erstnnds thottcdeml fucilitics oc~ i The Agency's inn:stigation 311d cnforc«:mc:nt ac tion i!> on1;oing und should not be publicly disclosed. lf ~ou hnv.: any questions. please cont:tct Dominique Freyre in EPA ·s Facilities Enforcement Ollicc ill {202)-5£H-O-B3. Thmk you for your ott\!ntion co this matter. Sinc~rdy. R""'(",.rll"rt.'ilf"()'C II t•~f' . .. ··rr(~j wu~tc nnd may be using Ull! ser\'iccs of commercial waste nUUl3£_1!ml!nl.'lnd rccyding lilcililics. tll.: ti on~ In occord.:mce with the Policy. EP.-\ is disclosing thallhc Agency h:lS init i~ r c-d :1n and ~n1brccmcnt action nt US Tcdmolo~y Corporati on (" U$r') fncilitics- ~;- Ex.Ur'\ . im•l!sti t. '1 (A) EPA undc~tands that rcdcml facil ities across the lht!' purpose of th is lclt.:r is to assist your agency in making infonncd waste m::tnagcmcm decisions. The ,\ gcncy's im·l!stigation and l.!nforcc:mcnt nction is ongoing and should not be publicly If you h:wc qu~;.~tions. pll'"35C' contact Dominiqul! Freyre in EPA's Fed.:ml Facilities Enforcemen t O!Ttcc :n (202)-564·0433. di sc los~'tl. Thunk you for your attention to this matter. Sinccrd ~· . cting Site Rcmcdi:t . n and nforccmcot St.n.t1' Feder.~! Facilities Enforc«!mcnt OOicc tr ·er·~: Kc c ,,-c j Rf< t c!f'lut}' Assistnnl s~cn:lury En,·ironmcntill Management United Stati!S Uc:p:.lrlm~:nc of Energy 1000 Independence A\'enuc. SW Room SA-031 \\'a..o;hington. DC 205S5-0ll 3 RE: lnnstigalion ::and E nfon·<.·mrn l Action of t iS 'ferhnolo~· Cor por.J lio n Or::tr Ms. Cungc: A.<; ~~ forth in the United StntC"S Environm~nul Prot~ction Agency's (-EPA" or the .. Agency") Ft·daal Ha:arJotLf ll'c.nh' G,:naurur .Vosijic(l(iorr Policy (the "Policy"). issu~d on Apri l 26. 1991. the Agll: nnd m11y be using the scrvic.:s of commercial m:magcmcnt and recycling llH::ilitics. ln accord:mcc with the Policy. EPA is disclosing lnJtthc Ascncy has initiutet.l an nand l!nfon:(!m~nt uction at US Technology Corporation (" USr') focilitics~ EX~. EPA understnmls that li:dcml fa cilities ncros...<; th~ 'l (A) i count!")' hnvc The Agency's inY.:stigntionnntl cnfon:cmenl ;u;lion is ongoing and should not~ publicly di sdo~d. II" you have any questions. please com:1ct Dominique Freyre in EPA 's Federal Facilities Enforcement Oflicc :Jt (.20:!}-56+0433. Th:mk you for your ntr~ntion 10 thi:-> mnu..:r. Sincc:rc:l~. Federal FacilitiC'$ l:ni(.)r.:c:m~m Onice J-t•,· ,~at'dJ1 t Cc: Freyre, Dominique ; Mcneill, Mike A (HQ-LD020) Subject: Re: Notification of Ongoing Investigation and Enforcement Hi Sally, and Mr Thank you for sending NASA the notification. For your information, I have been reassigned new responsibilities response the in him cc'd I've NASA. for t Managemen tal Mike McNeill is currently acting as the Director of Environmen to this email. I will forward him the original email with the attachments. Regards, James From: " Dalzell, Sally" Date: Wednesda y, Nove mb er 30, 2016 at 12:07 PM 1 To: ODIN Cc: "Freyre, Dominique" Subject: RE: Notification of Ongo ing Investigation and Enforceme nt ~ -·------·--------- Dear Mr. Leatherwo od: I inadverte ntly neglected to include Nikki Freyre on my e-mail in case your staff would like to contact her in that manner. Thank you . Sally Dalzell Sally M. Dalzell, Acting Director Site Remediation and Enforcemen t Staff Federal Facilities Enforcemen t Office, 2261A U.S. Environmen tal Protection Agency 1200 Pennsylvania Ave, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20004 (202)564-2583 (202) 501-0069 (fax) http://www .fedcenter. gov This NOTICE: ENFORCEME NT CONFIDENTIAL AND/OR ATTORNEY CLIENT PRIVILEGED: DO NOT RELEASE UN DER FOIA: whom message is being sent by or on behalf of an attorney. It is intended exclusively for the individual(s) or entity(s) to confidential or privileged, proprietary, is that information or to which it is addressed. This communica tion may contain print, or otherwise lega lly exempt from disclosure. If you are not the na med addressee, you are not aut horized to read, the retain, copy, or disseminate this message or any part of it. If you have received this message in error, please notify sender immediatel y by email and delete all copies of the message. From: Dalzell, Sally Sent: Wednesday, Novem ber 30, 2016 12:04 PM To: Su bject: Notification of Ongoing Investigation and Enforcement 2 Dear Mr. Leatherwo od: In accordanc e with the U.S. Environm ental Protection Agency's ("EPA") Federnl Hazardous Waste Generator Notification Policy, please find attached a notification letter, informing you of an ongoing investigat ion and enforceme nt action of US Technology Corporati on by EPA. The purpose of this notificatio n is to assist your agency in making informed waste managem ent decisions. If you have any questions, please have someone on your staff contact Dominiqu e Freyre in EPA's Federal Facilities Enforcem ent Office at (202)-564-0433. Thank you. Sail y Dalzell Sally M. Dalzell, Acting Director Site Remediation and Enforcemen t Staff Federal Facilities Enforcemen t Office, 2261A U.S. Environmenta l Protection Agency 1200 Pennsylvania Ave, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20004 (202)564-2583 {202) 501-0069 (fax) http://www. fedcenter.g ov This NOTICE: ENFORCEMENT CONFIDENTIAL AND/OR ATIORNEY CLIENT PRIVILEGED: DO NOT RELEASE UNDER FOIA: whom to entity(s) or l{s) message is being sent by or on behalf of an attorney. It is intended exclusively for the individua or to which it is addressed. This communica tion may contain information that is proprietary, privileged, or confidential print, or otherwise legally exempt from disclosure. If you are not the named addressee, you are not authorized to read, the notify retain, copy, or disseminate this message or any part of it. If you have received this message in error, please sender immediatel y by email and delete all copies of the message. 3 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 'loJt~S H I NGTON. DC 20460 NUV 2 9 l016 : ".·:£ :: [•,r I •.11. .&.•,o :·"=~'JL··· h-•. .l 1 41 .t. .,t.•, f :\tr. J~tm es Lca.~ contact Oominiqut! frt:-yre in EPA' s Foot!ral Facilitii!S Enforcement Offic..: nt (202)-56-1-0433. ll1ank you for your aucntion to this m:Htc r. i~ct o r Sit~: Rc:mcd lion nn · nforccmcnt Slatr Fcdcr:ll Faci litics Enforcement Onic~ -~'T'tf ~l''.:~\ I..,.W ... g,.c._,, lctl.f: t tvciJ!Jit - - ···.:-.l~-~·.c;r.-•.J.:·e(••O.I:,..c"'l, ·•. c·· ·-:J '0:.( ~•/IIC' (.) )~• .f' •. :.: ••-,.r"'(l- :·.;~ ~Cr ,.:.•re : ,,:-<"' ,·' c - ... ~JP ..:.t• Azad, Ava From: Se nt: To: Cc: Subject: Attachmen ts: Dalzell, Sally Wednesday, November 30, 2016 11:56 AM Freyre, Dominique Notification of Ongoing Investigation and Enforcement Investigation and Enforcement Action of US Technology Corporation - McGi. ... pdf Dear Mr. McGinn: In accordance with the U.S. Environm ental Protection Agency's (" EPA") Federal Hazardous Waste Generator Notification Policy, please find attached a notification letter, informing you of an ongoing investigat ion and enforceme nt action of US Technology Corporati on by EPA. The purpose of this notificatio n is to assist your agency in making informed waste managem ent decisions. If you have any questions, please have someone on your staif contact Dominiqu e Freyre in EPA's Federal Facilities Enforcem ent Office at (202)-564-0433. Thank you. Sally Dalzell Sally M. Dalzell, Acting Director Site Remediation and Enforcemen t Staff Federal Facilities Enforcemen t Office, 2261A U.S. Environmen tal Protection Agency 1200 Pennsylvania Ave, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20004 {202)564-2583 {202) 501-0069 (fax) http://www .fedcenter.g ov This NOTICE: ENFORCEMENT CONFIDENTIAL AND/OR ATIORNEY CLIENT PRIVILEGED: DO NOT RELEASE UNDER FOIA: whom to entity(s) or individual{s) the for exclusively message is being sent by or on behalf of an attorney. It is intended or to which it is addressed. This communica tion may contain information that is proprietary, privileged, or confidential print, or otherwise legally exempt from disclosure. If you are not the named addressee, you are not autho rized to read, the notify please error, in message this retain, copy, or disseminate this message or any part of it. If you have received sender immediatel y by email and delete all copies of the message. UN ITEO STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY \NASI !I NGTON. 0 C 2~60 NO\' 2 9 Z016 ~ 1I . I_ '_..1 l• .. • .. v.l •J l '-' 1 .-· ..' .. •. •.'L", ~ t r. ~ · • • L At '_, v ... •. :· Dennis McGinn Assistant Sccr~tury Energy, Install ations & Environment Unitc" Wednesday, November 30, 2016 12:12 PM Dalzell, Sally Freyre, Dominique RE: Notification of Ongoing Investigation and Enforcement Received. Thank you. -----Original Message----From: Dalzell, Sally [] Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2016 12:06 PM To: Deyo, Brendan CIV Cc: Freyre, Dominique Subject: Notification of Ongoing Investigation and Enforcement Dear Mr. Deyo: In accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's ("EPA") Federal Hazardous Waste Generator Notification of US Policy, please find attached a notification letter, informing you of an ongoing investigatio n and enforcemen t action Technology Corporation by EPA. The purpose of this notification is to assist your agency in making informed waste managemen t decisions. If you have any questions, please have someone on your staff contact Dominique Freyre in EPA's Federal Facilities Enforcemen t Office at (202)-564-0 433. Thank you. Sally Dalzell Sally M . Dalzell, Acting Director Site Remediation and Enforcemen t Staff Federal Facilities Enforcemen t Office, 2261A U.S. Environmen tal Protection Agency 1 1200 Pennsylvania Ave, N.W. Washington , D.C. 20004 (202)564-25 83 (202) 501-0069 (fax) http://www . fedcenter .gov This NOTICE: ENFORCEMENT CONFIDENTIAL AND/OR ATIORNEY CLIENT PRIVILEGED: DO NOT RELEASE UNDER FOIA: whom to entity(s) or individual(s) the for message is being sent by or on behalf of an attorney. It is intended exclusively or to which it is addressed. This communica tion may contain information that is proprietary, privileged, or confidential read, print, or otherwise legally exempt from disclosure. If you are not the named addressee, you are not authorized to notify the please error, in message this retain, copy, or disseminate this message or any part of it. If you have received sender immediatel y by email and delete all copies of the message . 2 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY WASi ti NGTON. O.C 20460 NOV 2 9 2016 r_ •.t ,:u•:t t.•: •, l " '•:• • • \'-'• .;.• , t &.• • I '' • ' • I Mr. l3rl!ndan Ocyo Din.-ctor Onicc: of Envirollmcnml Mnnag~m~nt United Stat\!s Coast Gu;uu 2703 Murtin Luther King Jr. Avenue. S£ Wa.shington. DC 20593-77 14 R E: l>!!'nr Mr. ltt\'~ l i g:dio n :Jnd Enforcement Action of US Ttchn o l o~·· Corp