ISales Ordn'] Sa!es Order# I Sales Oroer Bill To BARKSDALE·AFB, LA 7LUO . 630 LIN.OH.£RG lWA!J EAST I BLDG.S155 BP.RKSOALE AF13, LA. 71110 I I I I ' I Customer Fax ' 318-456-5274 Customer Phone 318-4.56-5295 CustomeriD Customer Contact BARKS Q1Y on Oo:let 1 USA P10 . Number F.O.B. Rep Paymet'lt Tenns P age VJ RBAL BRJ... OES1INA:r£0N RG5-R C'mfitCard LA PrioeEach GLASS BEAD MIL l3- DRUM 1 (~ - · .......... ~) 500 LB. PER DRUM POLY V "B~ 14-20 MILS.PEC- DRUM.:! 500 PV-16-20 8/18/2010 _I 2MSX -MXMFS (PAINT SHOP) Item Code 500 GB-MJ[. 13 o... ( 417:56 Ship To I '917TH MAINT SQ 334DAVIS AVR W. SUJJE2QS I Shipped -1.05 2 .45 . Amoorrt 525.00 i,225.00 j cans & MSt wnH MA:IllRIAf, I ~ I ! r I Credit Approval: Price; · Accuracy: 1'>- .t'.. Estimated Ship Date: 8/"Z... Subtotal $~ ,751).0!) Sales Tax (0.€)%) Tota! $ !,750.00 .This COIIfMIPiictUion is inmndedfor the U$e qfthe _. and mayCXNltaln b!fiJ711Wtion that JsprMle~ roqfi.deJnial tuuf'exzlf1{'t}'ri1m t4i.~-:l(J.~ tmde? applicable law. Any use, aes.,eminarton 111' copy njtJ.~ ~D".mwzicattmz athttr !iza!f by w ~{or w. t~mplqyee) ts prciltlbited. ifyo~ lta:-.71 rr:c:t#<:!d fili;; cot•JmwucaliO!! i>~ erra..... pleax 1!!){jfJ' tr..r smtkr u~tp by tdep.lw.'# w ~for the n:d:vn crt:/u;:.~J: ((/t.':t! i."'for=tkm :.~all cvpe.; ~- j .j I !!!...? TE CH NO LO GY =-= =C OR PO RA TIO N Facsimile PLEASE CONFIRM THAT ALL Date: 11/27/12 To : Brian Larrim er From: Brie William s Facsimile Numb er: 318-456-5274 Subjec t: Spent Blast Media Recycle Return Pages : 4 (includ ing cover page) Pick-u p Point: Barksdale AFB 334 Davis Ave West Building 4980, Suite 208 Barksdale AFB Contac t: Brian Larrimer Phone: 31 8-456-5295 Facsimile: 31 8-456-5274 Custom er Code: BARKS Units Unit Measu re 12 Drums 0 0 Pick-u p Date: 11/27/2012 Carrier: LA 71110 Cell or Alt#: 0 006 Pallets 4 0 Gross Weight 4.500 1 Material Type Spent Blast Media i ! ! 4,500 All Shipm ents must be accompanied by a cop~ of the Jached Bill-of-Lading. I I I A comple ted US Techn ology Corpor ation Excluded Recyclable Mat;riaJ label must be affixed to each contain er being return and include the name of he genera tor. Ship To: US Techno logy 6500 Grand Ave Fort Smith, AR. 72904 BOB HARRI S 479-459-3231 HRS 8-3 Ph: Email: ±· I 'l11is facsimile is intended unly lbr the usc of the individual or entity to which it is tddn:ssed and coocains ~tioo privilqed, co~Jfidenti~l1nd ex~l from dlsc!osure. If the reader of this facsimile is oollhe intended recipielll or n employee or 11:'=111 mponsible lbr delivering lhc facsimile to intended recipient. you a.n: bereby notified tbalany review, disclosure. di$Scminalion. distribution orcop)'ing of the communlcation is strictly prohibited. If you have A!IUived this co Dieatioo in error, pleue uoril)r the $cndcr immediately at the telcpbonc nwnber listed above and ~tum tl>.e origiml facsimile to us by mail. The cost of w1h wiU be reimbursed. Thank _you. ! I ! i STRAIGHT BILL OF lADING - SHORT FORM • ORIGINAL - NOT NEGOTIABLE , This form contains only the Information necessary for the motor carrier to deliver, rat , and invoice the shipment described below. Ship per: Ship Date 11/27/2012 BARKSDALE AFB 334 DAVIS AVE WEST BUILDING 4980, SUITE 208 BARKSDALE AFB, LA 7111 0 1 C!trler: AAA Cooper Transportation P'O#: La< d#: 119632898 - Ship 101# BARKS 006 ~!3)~.!~U~R~IMER (318) 456-5 295 Refer ence Number: BARKS 006 Consi nee: Due Date 11/28/2012 us Technology 6500 Grand Ave FORT SMIT H , AR 72904 I Freightllcharges PPD /3rd party bill to: CHR Ln I 1480 0 Olar1 n Road Suite 2100 Eden Prairi , MN 55347 PPD -3RD PARTY Agent or Cashier: Received: Charges A~nced: $ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ $ ___ ______ ______ _____ to apply in prepayment of the charg on the property described hereon. Type / Reference # SKU/ UPC -=-=--= -- -- Desa iptio n Abrasives, NOI Ship per Special Instr uctio ns: QTY/ UOM 12 Drums 12 COnsignee Spec ial Instr uctio ns: Comments: "The Shipper certifies tha in proper condition for Shipper Signature X _,_c;.L~,..,_ _ _ __:.__ Page : 1 of 1 Pa ets 4.0f Wei9 ht 4500 55 I ~ Cate gory / NMF C/ Temp Class Dry 1020 4500 From :US Tet hn ology Corpora~ 330 455 1191 071vvf2014 15:08 #144 P.001 / 003 • ~TECHNOL = = = -- = C O R P O OGY ~ ,1, Facsimile Da te: Bf'ieA l.a :lit ,•e r From: Br ie Wi llia ms • PL EA SE CO NF IR M TI 7/8/14 To: R A T IO N En su re tha t all drums are labeled nrn AJ{1z£J7> Su bje ct: Sp en t Bla st Me dia IA T .n Prt v ~_A-,e-.1-1/-- . Recycle Return and ba nd ed on pallets for pic kup 318-456-~ --9~73 ~-~7'1- Pages: 4 (including cove r page} Pi ck -u p Po int : Barksdale AF B 334 Davis Ave West Bu ild ing 49 80 , Su ite 20 8 v Co nta ct: Brian Larrimer Ph on e: 318-456--5295 Facsimile: 318-456-5274 Customer Code: Un its BARKS Pic k-u p Da te: 7/8r'i814 LA ' / CJ /til Carrier: CH Ro b 71110 Cell or Al t#: 0 ·50 Un it Measure 9 55 Ga l Dr um 0 Pallets 2 0 0 Ma ter ial Ty pe Spent Bla st Media 1,735 All Sh ipm en ts mu st be accompanied A co mp let ed US Te ch no log y Co rpo rat ion I \ by a copy of the 4ttache d Bil l-o f-L ad ing . Excluded Recyclable Ma l erial label mu st be affixe co nta ine r be ing return d to ea ch an d include the name o1 the generator. Ship To : US Tech no log y 6500 Grand Av e Fo rt Sm ith , AR. 72904 BOB HARRIS 479-4.52-3 \. 053 HRS 8-3 Ph : Email: 330-lSS-1181, Ext. 17 bri~~u~technol.9.9Y.:.r&.m Thi; f.,csimik i \ inlendcd only tbc lhe use of the indivi&.al '>£ cui! }' to whloh it t'ar.:Umile wuot the inteoded is ~ed .md cun~:ins recipicllt or u employoee or information tlw i• pr· 'Iqed , 9111 ~ble for cl~liverin confidential end f'Xempt from dis1ribution or copying of the c:om & the facsimile 10 the intended di,c losw e, lf the rcac:kr of tll', i.o slriC'Ily probibi~. lh.i~ rtcipi )'-"~ .n l!Cf~ Mif ied rhal my If you h..>w rece ived this cmnmunicalion in Cl'l'a', plt:~ re<.'~w. d~loluce . dt$'.1'..millllio • retu rn !he original faai SC o, ,, the seodt:r immcdi3lely at th~ m:il otow by mail . The cost tei"Pbone nutnbnd Think )'OU. Frorn:US Techno l ogy Cor porat _ 330 45 5 1191 07 t __t 2014 15:08 #144 P.002/003 STRAIGHT BILl. OF LADIN G - SHORT FORM - ORIGI NAl - NOT NEGOTIABL.E info This fonn contains only the rmation ~ for the •mo tor .... carrier tD detiver, I Sh ip·~ • Sh i Da te 7/8/2014 · BARKSDALE AFB 334 DAVIS AVE WEST and invoice the shi pm ent des cri bed below. Carrier: !AM Co ope r Tra nsp ort ati on Pro#: .oad#: 153364455 BUILDING 4980, SUITE 208 BA RK SD AL E AF B. LA 71110 BR IAN lAR RI ME R (31 8) 45 6-5 29 5 Re fer en ce Number: Co ns ig ne e: Du e Da te 7/11/2014 US Technology 6500 Grand Ave Nl Fre ig ~ cbarges PP D/ 3rd pa rty bill to: Oi RL n FO RT SM ITH , AR 72 90 4 Bob Ha rris (47 9) 45 9-3 23 1 Refere.nce Number: 1 421 800~SUite Eden Prai ·e. MN 55347 PP D- 3R D PA Rl Y Ag ent or cas hie r: Pe r (T he signature here ack nowledges only the amount prepa id) Ty pe / SK U/ Received: $ to apply in prepayment of the dtan ~ on the pro per ty described her eon. Sh ip pe r Sp ec ial In str uc I Pallet tio ns : AACT Co ns ig ne e Sp ec ial In str $ I Re fe re nc e# ..:::U..:....PC.::.._ qr f/ _ _ ..:::De..:::scn=·=ptio n=·:::.;..::______ UOM Type II Plastic Abrasive Ola rge s Advanced: ~Hels 3.00 W eig ht 3 1 17 35 1735 84982297 - 8 ca teg cN yI NM FC / Te mp Dry ..:::;a=ass==--1020 55 /iiil~oMcc"""'"",_"""' IIWI ~ liMIIIIIIIIIIIW1~111 uc tio ns : Co mm en ts: The Shipper certifies tha I t"the above named mater ials are properly dassified in pro pe r ron dit ion for , ~bed, marked, lab ~~ing to eled and pac kag ed, and the applicable ~lations are Shipper Signature X ~~f~ Department Of Tran ~ ~tioo. Date: r~ iA. )"" Consignee Signature X Trai~# - - - - - - . - - ---Date: Driver Signature X .~ , Seal#\ Date: Seal#! _ _ _ _ _ Permanent post- off ice ad _ _ _ __ d~ss of shipper. \ ('ljd;k . /V tf¥ fJ /f (/ I l I I II I Page: 1 ci 1 II Fr o~:US Techno logy I Corpora~ I \ 330 455 1191 1 RE CE IVE D." '*' to a... c:loooiDclliom ond lowftAiy lilcd - -- -· ·- -. ,. .. -...,... -.lari8i: ill - - . ... ,.....~~ e.lli:d oo C.. cia!: ott is BiZ! ot!.adi1a. ~<-•.- oe-a ,....,..&ater.. ~--. -,. -i .. n~CIII~r. . •-ulwniiJ<_ _ .... .,.._..._,.,.. ..... , _ _.. From: ....,.""' Ot _ _ _ ., ......... . .r,...... ... _ _(l)io dl< lnllw _ _ .., _ Ba rks da le AF B 334 Da vis Av e W es t Bu ild ing 49 80, Su ite 208 v US Te ch nolog y 6500 Gr and Ave Fort Sm ith , AR. 7290 4 BO B HA RRIS 4 79-45 2-3053 HRS 8-3 No. ,....:P~ack. ::::a:s18~:•es:...., Description of Articles, Spcci3l Mw r-H!-\t..,.---------- ..._ . _ . ,_ _ b 4lld ~ Fre igb l 0 _ 0.. _ _ _ _ _ . .. _ . . , . . . . •• .,.... Shipper No. BARKS CARRIER 71 11 0 SO Cu ria 's No. CH Rr b ay Con sigo cc and Destination _, _ Date: LA __.. . . ....,._ ..,._otl. .ll•-t-• .-......,....By Truck 00 -· -... .;.- .M tw .. -< *...._CII ~"ric h....r•tl-* llttW~e: -ot" ";.. .. -., . . -LoRW-t ...._ t&i i~.-.L•aoe:d - . _ ..... .. ,. ..... ... • - - ~-·lf~No • •• .,o t• ,_ . .. _ _ _ ..... ...~lflloiolo a..U "'nit_.,...,.._ . c:.. tillJ -Io - #144 P.003/003 Rou.te \ Ca r cr Vehicle 1 Intitials Gt. No. Delivering Ca nie r 1 i --------,-~-...; We~gtrt.• 11 Class ()( Sp <::;.su;.:;bject:.; '= ;. to..;.con~.rT-Ra~t~e...,...;X ~-~-4--4 en t B las t Media ;..:.,SUbfod 110 Section 1 d Condltion. ~~~~~~~~ ~------apphc:able bill of 1,735 -----~-55 ta(llng,lt'otleshipment•tobedet;of .,____; __ +- t-- ... ,.- -+--~~~~~ .ere ~ eto ltoe ~~ ~~, 1t ----------oe ~~oor~n &9n~e ~ - -- -+ -- + --._---+-t-$~ - -H -- + -I n.e ---------CMier shaJinotrnakedei'""Yotth;. -------+--+-------shipment ~-----+~---+--+ 9 Etta ----------------Q~u_o_ ~---+-t ------- ------- t_e#______-r -- -1 -- -- -- -- -t ~"")ment d~ - .UO ih.. '-fll lcll atll es. !lrr---~~ P~ ----~~~=-~~--- :=======::=:====================================::====:===== ====:~:=====:=:~~:P4*~~Ft~~~~~ ----+-- ~m~~~- ~----~-+------- -----------~N~M~F_~ C#~ 10~2~0~+---~------ 2 jDrM:ts Sip rur e Emeraeool' Rcspo o.e Phooe No. ~~~:=':::;-..'::' ~~~~~ ::~;:-;:.:;. Signatu re ' ·· ·,;., o:')~at;"l!'' ~·-·· ·~ ... ~ f.,- ,.,~ 1olo'"'" T•""·t'"':.r.""" • If the shippme!>t rno- ·shippers-i!IM" .. Shipp<($~ ill lieu of I l .... ... ..: .... ~ Jl es ~ IWo pori a by a carr ier 1:tf Wlll er, lhe • - scamp; not~ pon of Bill oflA cliD ! 1,735 1 req uir• lhllt the bill ot a IPJW0'<4 by I!:•.J n- lading shall -·lftfl- k ·t- •camn· .,. 1: i.:C'.oounis i to arran received this ge for the rnvnr or deslnlclioll of the infon nanon and all copl n. I trom:u~ . ! lechnology Corporat ion 330 455 1191 I 11 / 15/2012 09:35 ISales Order j .I ~ ~TECHN V V C ORPO l Sale s Orde r t J f Sales Orde r 0 ... 1 BHITo 46876-R 11/14/2012 Ship To 917TH MAl NT SQ 2MXS • MXMFS (PAINT SHOP) 630 LINDBERG ROAD EAST BLDG. 5155 ATIN: SSGT PARTIN BARKSDALE APB, LA 71110 334 DAVIS AVE. W. SUITE 208 BAR KSD ALE AFB ,LA 71110 Cust ome r Fax 318-456-5274 Cust ome r Pho ne 318-456-5295 CuStomer 10 Customer Contact BAR KS QTY onO rder #91 1 p. 001 / 001 USA I P.( . Number PEil B. LARR... Item Code 500 GB- MIL 13 500 PV-16-20 F.O.B. Rep PaymentTenns Pag e DESTINATION RGS-R Credit Card LA Oesaiption GLASSBEADN IL 13 -BAGS 10 IN2E MPT YBL ~CKDRUMS POLYV"B" 16- 0 MILSPEC ·DRUM 2 CERnM1H tmlL\L Price Each Shipped Amount 1.05 525.00 2.55 1,275.00 Il I l I I (C(Q ~ )~' ·u·"~: :.;;v; U U\.!Ll; l.r-u .fu"li'O©ii\11 !\XED l ~ MAfLED -y OAT t:! __il:/7/ ( l II I l ) Cre dit Appn>Y:~ Pric e: ' \.. . Accuracy: · Est ima ted Shi p Dat e: I { I I ! Sub tota l Sal es Tax (0.0%) Total $1 ,800.00 $0.00 $1,800.00 This ~lcaticll i.J br/Sndedfor 1M UM oflhe ~oruat ~r /1ifontltlf1cn thai oprtvlleged. CtJt?!it;lentii appli eabk Jaw. by. .,., du6embtotion lllld~.from dlsci MII't rmdu or copy ofthu · otlrtJr than by tlw ~ {or att COIIIImlfticatjon t1r error, pka # 1KJI:ify dte ~) tr prolt ibllwl. Q"yot~Jrtne JIDtlisr · . rwCitltPea ly by tekph oM w f1l'l'ri1IPfor dte rwtwm or destrucllon ofJJte fl'(/'omfati011 atttJ all copiu thb I .. j l I I ! ~ TECHNbLOGY ~~ ... ... , CORPOIIAnON == I 4200 Munson Stree t NW Canto n, OH 44718 Pbon e: (330) 455-1181 Invoice Invoice # c=invo ice Date Remit to: PO Box 901796 Cleve land, OH 44190-1796 , ,. '· . 2MSX- MX.~FS (PAINT SHOP) 630 LINDBE RG ROAD EAST BLDG. 5755 AITN: SGT LANDERS BARKSDALE AFB. LA 71110 USA i I I I I I t 'I L- P.O. Number Rep ShipiDate F.O.B. Terms Due Date S.O.N o. VERBAL BRIAN RG5·R 6122 ~0 1 2 DESTINATION Credit Card 6/22/20 I 2 45971-R Qty Invoiced Ordered Amount GS.MIL 13 I 6122/2012 Ship To 917TH MAINT SQ 334 DAV IS AVE. W. SUITE 208 BARKSDALE AF13. LA 71110 Item Code .•, I I Bill To 050849 Description Price Each GLASS BEAD MIL 13- BAGS IN 2 BLACK STEEL DRUMS Hi I.OS 500 500 525.00 CERTS & MSDS WITH MATE!l AL I I I I A finance charge of I% per month will be assessed to ~Y balance on your eccuunl which is not paid within the t~nm of he invoice. Sales Tax (0.0%) Total Paym ents/ Cred its Balance Due $().()() S525.00 so.oo I! I ' 1 ! S525.00 !: = =~TECHNOLOGY ~~§§';§§~~~~~~ $ ..... .. Media I11C. Facsimile PLEASE CONFIRM THAT ALL =-~ 509 Wate St. Bolivar, O H 446 12 ?hone: 330-45 -11a1 F ax : 330-46 6 -119 1 Date: 2/10/16 To: Alfredo Garza From: Brie Williams FORMATION IS CORRECT Ensure that all drums are labeled p perly and banded on pallets for p ickup Facsimile Number 318-456-5 274 Subject: Spent Blast Media Recycle Return Pages: 4 (including cover page) Pick-up Point: Barksdale AFB Pick-up Date: 2/10/2016 334 Davis Ave West Building 4980, Suite 208 Barksdale AFB Carner: GTS LA Contact: Alfredo Garza Phone: 318-456·5293 71110 Cell or Alt#: 0 Facsimile : 318-456-5274 Customer Code: BARKS M 008 Units Unit Measure Pallets 9 Drums 3 0 0 0 Estimat t Gross wer t 3,600 ! Material Type Spent Blast Media 3,600 t I All Shipments must be accompanied by a copy of the atfached Bill-of-Lading. A completed US Technology Corporation Excluded Recyclable MatJrialla bel must be affixed to each container being return and include the name of ~he generator. II Ship To: UST Media Services Div. l 380 Allied Industrial Blvd Ph: 33 -455-1181, Ext. 17 Macon, GA. 31206 Robert Bedgood 330-316-0635 HRS 8-3 Email: brif@uste chno! 1 ~rivileged, This facsimile is intended only for the use of the individual or enlil)' to which it is addressed and coolains information that is contldential and exempt fiom disclo,ure. If the reader of this facsimile is not the intended recipient or an employee or agent responsible for deliverinslhe facsimile to the intendt recipien~ you are bereby notified that any review, disclosure, dissemination, distribution or copying oflbc commWlication is strictly prohibited. Ifyou have received this cooununicario in error. plel!Sc oorit)' U~e sender immediately at the telephone number listed above and rehlm !be original facsimile to us by mail. ~cost ofwhieh w be reimbu11ed. Thank you. ! SHIPPEKS DOMESTIC BILL Of LAUING gts i Non-Negotiable Carrie r: ESTE S EXPRESS LINES Pl Pickup Date: 02/10/2016 Pickup #: BARKS M 008 RECEIVED. sfpper'$Co py .......w.-... -r·..uuiiiiiiiiiiiiiJIIIIIIIII II 106 • 0300468 II ~Jr!oe<'o oignet~n O N L Y - - .-pt ottw.ight. ~ Shipment is oubjoctto oppii.Uio tormo ond conditions of pnitorm Stntlght Bill of Lading ond tl>e EXLA·105 Mrl" rulestl>o to riff. PICK-U P LOCATION BARKSDALE AFB 334 DAVIS AVE WEST BUILDING 4980, SU ITE 208 CON$1GNEE LOCATION US TECHNOLOGY GA 380 ALLIED INDL STRIAL BLVD BARK SDAL E AFB, LA 71110 Phone : 3184565293 Ref#: BARKS M 008 BILL FREIGHT CHARG ES THIRD PARTY TO: MACON, GA3 1206 Phone : 4787858 ~ PO#: BARKS M 008 GROUP TRANSPORTATION SERr CES 5876 Darrow Road . Hudso n, OH 44236-3864 Phone: 330-342-8700 Fax:330-342-87( 2 >>>>> > Invoic e#: PKG.Type Skids must appea r on billing <<<<< < Pkgs Pes HM Description 3 Totals : 2311113 I 3 9 NMFC# ABRASIVES, VIZ.: BONDED ABRASIVE BLOC KS; 9 Class 001020-00 55 Total We1ght: ONE HOUR CALL AHEAD BEFOR E PICKUP ALFRED O 318-456 -5293 ***"* Specia l Instruc tions ***"* Weight 1 3,600 3,600 Carrier's liability for actual Joss unless otherwise agreed in Transportation property is hereby specifically stated by the shipper to be not exceeding Agreement, or stated bel pw. The agreed or declared value of the per pounc. Collec t on deliver y amoun t: Note: "COD" shou appear BEFOR E consig nee name. SECTION 7 SIGNED NO SINGLE SHIPMEN NO id -- -- Shippe r Certification This is to certify that the above named materials are propet1y classified described, packaged, marked and labeled, and in proper condltlon for . transport ation according to the applicable regulations of the DOT. Per: $:2{~?"!"' EMERGENCY CONTA CT: GTS @ 800.689.6255 LTL Date: /o~~(t/6 panier Certification Carrier acknowledges [ecelpt of packages order and condition, unless stated hetein. Carrier :ertlfies emergency response information required placards was made_available and/or carrier has the DOTand emergency r~on$8, ' ~o£uivalent docume:t,in th~ vehicle~ Per. CL.-d~· V't£ Exceptions ! Date: e..IL;/o /!.b 7 I Page 1 of 1