In addition, as indicated in the following chart, a stud):r of the two districts in each of the 11 Federal judicial circuits that sen- tenced the greatest number of offenders in 1972 for a selected group of offenses shows widespread sentencing disparity: TABLE SENTENCE LENGTH FUR SELECTED OFFENSES, 1912 [In 141111112] 1121112111411 21111 222.1111 ma?a; 1141121111 2122221111samenmmw 1.114 {+124} 21 1?11} 24 1?12} 11222221222112.111111wm 14.221 22 1? 4} 21 1?12} 22 (?1111 22 1111111 1,11 11 1?22} 2 1?221 12 112112111 1212121111111. 12 11?21} 1:12 1+12} 2 42 1+2} 12 42 {+11 112112221 11 1-21} 122 1?11} 21 1?22} 22 22 1?2} 22 1?12} 22112112241212.1222} 1112 1:2} 22 1?22} 1.11.1 22 [+121 42 1+11} 21:- 1123111111..? 2 142 21 12 1+2} 12 414 22 1?22} 122 21 22 1+111} 41 {+21 :12 1?2} 112224 122 1+2} 24 1?221 21 1?2} 22 {?21 11 1+1} 112122 1121111212} 22 224 {+1144} 42 {?111 42 1+2} 22 1+1} 22 24 1? 12} 124 121 {+121} 22 1?121 22 1-21 22 11111111121122.1111 22 112 22 22 {-111 21 {-11 :42 [?111 11121214121141.2111} .1 211 21 211 {?221 42121 421+1} 22 1?4} 111112141 .1. 42 1-22} 124 24 22 1+2} 22 1+2} 24 1?2} 1112221111 12221211} 21 1-12} 1211 {+211} 22 24 {+111 42 42 1+4} 1112221111 14112121111 22 1-22} 122 111} 21 22 :42 1?2} 2111122111 12 112 11?2} 1211 22 42 1+4} 21 2221111111 12211121} 1.11% 122 1+22} 22 24 1 22} 42 111} 41 1+2} 42 1+1} 14 [+221 112 1+2} 12 41 [+21 22 1111111121112 122121}..1m 22 [+121 22 42 1 12} 21 22 1?2} 41 1?1} 121 1142 1-11} 24 1+21} 42 411 1+2} 21 [+221 22224222221212.1412 fu?aabda?dlmas. 52111122: 15.112111115112112: 0111112 21 Ihe Ulittd Stale: 0:11:15, "Fade-41 0111111st in ?11111141 51211.2 D?alrict [11111121 and Curtis. "124221 A 11121 and {1122111112 5211 11112i113 511212111: 213221111 F21 Lt?'?iif'? 1912. 2222' 1 121212 12.4. 24.42. 1211} The Committee finds that this research makes clear that vari- ation in offense and offender characteristics does not account for most of the taiisparity.2H Sentencing disparities that are not justi?ed by differences among offenses or offenders are unfair both to offenders and to the public1 A seats-ace that is unjusti?abljar high compared to for similari}1r situated offenders is clearly unfair to the offender; a sea- 1" Sea Subcommittee Criminal Code Hearings. Part at SEW, 3831, 339?. 39113, 3916,. 39611; Criminal Code Hearings. Part XVI, at 11752. llTEE?El'i'. 11911.