mm>> wm \x <mme Office for m1kxghIMOCRmHIm l, or I duununn uhc Hupurlmenn m1 _\Imr complain! agains! )aur cumplulnl ugmns: American I 'nv\crx|l} um Yuuallc uhcnn lmkduvpn uuhmmcum mun" Vou 1m: er mugs (ha! llvu unnmu; "mt-mu you In mum." . mg ml} pk-ascwmacl LhaHt mm dam mu dalcm mm lulu amnch lim- 1.x or the I'ducalmn of 1 L27w I mg and Icgulumm J. Van Hm. mm m-h Isul an} urzulml} rrculwng A-edeml nuauml amamc um um Hm hum by Including Iulc 1x 1m) Mm ugh!>> 0: pm liugca "mm mm 1am "ha Wu: .4 complaint. wins>> or purummtu .n 4n my pram-mug "cm-mIhulinuurnl) ruman Nance(m'nlhullupanmum haqumdlumn My 11 pmuam 1m: [x EL mm- Khan i1 and than 1m>> umd} file x\ inr Immuganon 10m alleganon Plcasc nuk' \h:u Ihc lor mwsugdulm In no um mm he>> made a on ll": "mm ul ullcgumm During ml>> mmugauan no: a ncmm] manna". and awn/mg wu he mun-M, and mm wmw. UCR mu ummu flu" in iegall} and mm mmus nu ma allugaunm .n pmm'ium m: m'u I'mwumu 'lumml mm m: mun Mm wruluH} rcucmng m: )nu that m" nm )nur mm m- rc lumd mum Wu MFR .5 dmummg Inmr Mm," Mm "Wm ,1 mm nu! "my! my: arm m- W. Page 1 of 20 Page 2 - OCR Complaint No. 11-16-2295 retaliation allegation under Section 108 ofOCR ' s Case Processing Manual because you did not provide sufficient details (i.e., who, what, where, when, how) for OCR to infer that retaliation may have occurred or is occurring. For example, you did not provide information concerning what protected activity (that is, filing a complaint or asserting a right under a law OCR enforces) provoked the University's retaliation , or what materially adverse action the University took against you as a result. On October 4, 20 16, OCR sent you an email explaining the information we needed to open an investigation of your complaint and attempting to schedule a phone interview with you on October 12 or 13, 2016. \\'hen you failed to respond, we attempted to contact you by phone on October 25 , 2016 and Novem ber 4, 2016. However, you failed to respond lo thcsL:requt::sts. On December 6, 20 16, OCR sent you another emai l explaining that because your complaint references retaliation, we need to know the specific actions by the University that yo u allege are retaliatory , the dates of those actions, and the reasons you believe those actions constitute retaliation. We notified you that your complaint might be dismissed if we did not receive the required information within 20 calendar days (by December 26, 20 16). On December 27, 2016, you responded by email stating that you wer~(b;) ; (bJ(7(CJ !(b)(6); (b)(7(C) ~nd that you would "fo llowrl up w1~this issue at a later date .... " On February 24, 2017, you emailed OCR in connection with your complaint. We offered you the opportunity to provide any additional information in response to our October 4, 2016 and December 6, 2016 email s by February 27, 2017, but you did not do so. Because you did not provide the information we requested concerning your allegation of retaliation , we are dismissing that allt:gation as of the date of this letter and will take no further action on it. However , as noted above , we are opening an investigation of your sex discrimination allegation . ! Thi s Jetter sets forth OCR's determination in an individual OCR case. This letter is not a formal statement of OCR policy and should not be relied upon, cited , or construed as such. OCR' s formal policy statement s are approved by a duly authorized OCR official and made ava ilabl e to the public. The complainant may have the right to file a private suit in federal coun whether or not OCR finds a violation. Please be advised that the University must not harass, coerce , intimidate, discriminate , or otherwise retaliate against an individual because that individual asserts a right or privilege under a law enforced by OCR or files a complaint, testifies, or participates in an OCR proceeding. If this happens , the individual may file a retaliation complaint with OCR. Under the Freedom of Information Act, it may be necessary to release this documen t and related correspondence and record s upon reque st. If OCR receives such a request , we will see k to protect personally identifiable information that could reasonably be expected to constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy if released, to the extent provided by law. Page 2 of 20 D'( J( . l Page 3 · · OCR Comp1aint No . 11-16-2295 lf you have any que!".tions, please contact Kathr)ine Love, the OCR attorney assigned to this complaint, at 202-453-6948 or Kathryne Sincerely , ,./ .)1,;4- .. [ . l .,_ "-../ ·--._... David Hensel Supervbory Attorney District of Columbia Office Office for Civil Rights Page 3 of 20 L '.\JTED ST,\ l'ES DEPt\RT!\-1E\JT OF EDL'CATIO'.\ 0 ff1 Ct: H..Jl< CIV IL RIC I-! I:, \.IARYL.;\.O ,w 1;;-..: u 1::.SI'\' /\~H I " l , I UI\, LX.' 211202- 1-175 ..j( (I 1\ ~ : L,I, ' ' \ ' ·• 'I< 111c., n •!..I'.\ "'L il (. .,\1{111 JI\, , \ \ JJ, 4....Jl~lA 1,·,\~ I !11\:l,J ( :~. Lil. Ylarch 28 , 2017 Via Facsimile to (21)2) H85-J279 Neil Kerwin Office of the Preside nt American Uni versi ty 4400 Massm:husetts A ven ue, NW Washington . OC 20016 -8060 Re: OC R Com plaint No. 11-16-2295 Notificati on/Da ra Requt;:stLener Dear President Kerwin : The Office for Civil Kights (OC R) of the l1.S. Department of Education (the Department) rccciv~d a complaint on August 29. 20 16 against American Universit y (th~ University). The . . ct1scnmmate · . . d again . st h'1111on t he bas1.s o t' sex w hen .11 Db)( . Cump Iamant a II eges t hat tI1e urnversny · ;( ( ( ) wht:n it failed to romptly aml equitabl y invcstigalt: a complaint of sexual violence tiled against him in (b)(6); (b)(7(C) OC R will contact the Unive rsity to provide tht: name of the Compla inant. OCR enforce s ·1itle IX of the l:.ducation Amendments of 1972 (Title IX) and its implement ing regulatio n at 34 C.F.R . Pa.rt I 06, which prohibit discrimin ation on the basis of sex in any program or ac tivity rece iving Federal financial ass istance from the Department. Because th e Uni, ers ity receives Federal financial ass istance from the Department , OCR has juri sdiction ovcr it pursuant to Title IX . Becau se OCR determined that it has j urisdiction and that the compl aint ,..-as timely filed. OCR is opening the comp laint for investigati on. Please note that opening the comp laint for investigation in no way implie s tha t OCR has made a determination on the merits of the complaint. During the inve stigation, OCR is a neutral fact-finde r, collect ing and analyzing rele vant evidence from the Complainant , the Univer sity, and other sources, as appropriate . OCR will ensure that its investigation is legall y s ufficient and fully responds to the allegation in accordance with the provis ions of the Case Processing Manual. availab le at http:,l wW\\ .L!d.go, oL'rlJu <.: :, n~n..{!.!Il-ngJ. Our goa l is lhe prompt. appropriate resolution of the cum plaint . lnfom,a tion on OCR 's compl aint process ing procedures is ava ilable at [lrtp. h N \\ '\.\ . ...:J.go, ·. ocr ·rnmrlai nb -ho ,, .ht mJ. Anac hed is a reque st tor data necessary to investigate thi s complain t. OCR requests that the University submit this info rmati on within 30 calendar days of the date of th is letter (i.e .. by April '27, 2017 ). \V..:prefer lhal you subm it information dectronically. if feasible . If any item in our fi i r' O rptrrhnntl ,,f 1=.t Jttcntzou '.. 11u ss1011:s / (' prmnote s ttulenl t1dueoi.: me11tand preJmrcltw u (o, ti lf1ult ,1m1'Ptrlr..•t·11(·~~ i1yfosler111 g cxcelle11 c('anti c11sun1:g equal aae ss. Page 4 of 20 Page 2 · ·OCR Complaint No. 1J-16-2295 request is unclear, or if you experience any difficulty complying with this request, please contact us as provided below prior to the expirationof the 30-day period. Pleasebe aware that OCR anticipates conducting an on-site investigation of the complaint. We willnotify you in advance of our proposed plans to visit the University. Please be advised that the University must not harass, coerce, intimidate, discriminate, or otherwise retaliate against an individual because that individual asserts a right or privilege under a law enforced by OCR or files ;:i.complaint, testifies,or participates in an OCR proceeding. If this happens, the individual may file a retaliation complaint wLthOCR. Under the freedom of Information Act, it may be necessary to release this document and related correspondence and n:cords upon request. If OCR receives ~uch a request, we will seek to protect personally identifiable information that could reasonably be expected to constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy if released, to the extent provided by law. We look forward to your cooperati.onduring the resolution of this complaint. lf you have any questions. please contact Kathryne Love, the OCR attorney assigned to this complaint, at 202453 -6948 or Sincerely, _ 4ft/-l~- DavidHensel Supervisory Attorney District of Columbia Office Office for Civi! Rights Page 5 of 20 Page 3 · OC R Complaint No. 11-16-2295 Ameri~an University OCR Comp laint No. 11-16-2295 Data Request Please provide the following data by April 27. 2017. The Department' s regulation implementing Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 , at 34 C.F. R. § I 00.6(c) , whkh is incorporated by reference in the Title IX regulation at 34 C.F.R. § 106.71, gives OCR the authori ty to reque st thi s 1 inform ation . OCR hereb y notifies the University that OCR will consider the University ' s response to this dat a request to be its full and complete response pursuant to OCR's right of access to informati on under the regulation s cited above , unJess the University notifie s OCR otherwi se. If the University obtain s any additional information or documents responsive to this data request or otherwi se relevant to the allegation in this case , the University must promptly inform OCR of its exi stence and supplement the data respon se within 15 days of its discover y. OCR remind s the University that a failure to provide requested information may be con sider ed a denial of au ::ess in violation of the regulations cited abo ve. Unless otherwise noted, please pro vide the following inforrnation for the 2014-2015, 20l5-2016 , and 2016 -201 7 academic year s.2 In this data request , sexual haras sment is defined to includ e . . 1 Pka se note that OCR ha s the right of acce ss to record s that are nece ssary for OCR ' s investigatio n, even if th ose recor ds cont ain name s or othe r per sonally identifiable informat ion . See 2 0 U.S.C. §§ l 23 2g(b)( I) and l 232g (b )(3 ) regard ing the appli cable provi sions of the Family Educationa l Right s and Priva cy Act ; see also 34 C. F. R. § I00 .6( c ) and 34 C. F.R. § 99 .31 (a) (3 )(iii) . 2 Plea se indicate in writing if any o f the requ ested material s do not exi st. If availab le, please prov ide the informati o n in e lectroni c fonnat. Page 6 of 20 Page 7 of 20 Page08 of 20 Vv1thne1a pursuantto exemption (b)(7)(A ).( b)(7)(E) or tne Freedomor Information and Pnvacy Act Page09 of 20 wrtnneldpursuantto exemption (tl)(7)(A) .(t>)(7)(E) of tne Freeoomof lnformauon ana PrivacyAct