IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF PHILADELPHIA COUNTY,PENNSYLVANIA Commonwealth of Pennsylvania V. Christopher Hulmes CRIMINAL DIVISION DOCKET NO: CP-51-CR-0009937-2015 OTN: N 960302-0 ORDER ARD AND NOW,this 17th day of June,2016, after consideration of the Attorney for the Commonwealth's Motion to adn the defendant into the Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition Program in the above-captioned case and following a colloqu before the Court wherein the defendant expressed an understanding of the program, agreed to the terms in Pa.R.Crim.P. 312, and requested to participate, it is ORDERED that the Motion is GRANTED. The defendant is accepted into the Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition Program,subject to his/her compliance with the attached conditions. DEFENDANT to be placed on ARD forthe period specified below and supervised by the ARD Probation Department to whom he or she shall report as directed. ADA; TERRY DOMSKI,DEFENSE ATTORNEY: BRIAN McMONAGLE,CLERK: GARY COPESTAKE,JUDGE DUGAN ARD Program Period: 12 Months All probation to run concurrent. Defendant has 2 months to pay all Court costs and fines. Defendant to complete 50 hours of community service. Pay Supervision Fee of $25 a month. The defendant shall pay the following: Fines Costs Restitution Crime Victim's Total Due ComDensation Fund Amount: $0.00 $393.50 $0.00 $25.00 $418.50 Balance Due: $0.00 $393.50 $0.00 $25.00 $418.50 BY THE COURT: Comm.v. Hulmes. Oirtstophef Judge Patrick F. Dugan 7461476081 OPOMS 2040 Printed; 06/17/2016 10:49:23AM Commonwsaflh oi Cnun nf Common Pleas County of Philadelphia 1st Judicial Dismal ltemiled Account of Fines, Costs, Fees, and Restitution Commonwealth of V. Christopher Huimes Christopher Hulmes Docket No: CP-51--CR-0009937-201 5 Assessments lo be paid by Christopher Huimes Comm" Distribution Amum Assessment Balance Banking Gautier Fe: CTY - 51 317500 005 Fee Feleny (Philadelphia) CTV - 51 i1 DQW Cost - M1992) COMM - 320,30 Gist: Pmseculinn - CJEA COMM - CJEA $54100 ownry Cflufl cast (m an M1576) CTV 322,65 Firearm Eduuafim and Tflining Fund COMM - FETA $5.00 State Court Cash (AC1 204 011975) COMM - COST $13.55 Victim Witness Sliv'lne[Ac1 of 1995) comm - $25.00 "1|.50 Balance Due: $418.50 rim Judm'll mam oi Alt-mien mum; lelil 1401 Man sm PA 19102 Van an new mm can oniin- imam 's Unmeu Jumcini Syflem mat . Vlin in. 9mm ei in mm . .nd lam we. 2123 Printed: 06/17/2016 3 IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF PHILADEPHIA COUNTY TRIAL DIVISION - CRIMINAL SECTION COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA CP-51-CR-0009937-2015 ^CP-51-CR-0009937-2015 Comm. v. Hulmes. Ctiristopher Order Granting Motion to Adrrtl Defendant into ARD Program V. CHRISTOPHER HULMES ARD WAIVER OF RIGHTS 7461476081 1. I understand that I have been arrested for a crime which is in violation ofthe laws ofPennsylvania. I have a right to go to trial in these charges. I am presumed innocent of these charges and the prosecution must prove my guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. 2. I understand the terms and conditions ofthe Philadelphia County Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition Program(ARD)and request that I be accepted into it. 3. I understand that in the above captioned case these charges against me will be held open while I am in ARD and that if I fail to complete the program satisfactory I will be prosecuted as provided by law. 4. I understand that ARD will lead to the eventual dropping ofthe charges against me by the District Attomey's Office ifI successfully complete the program designed by the Diversion Services Agency. Fm aware that my participation in the program, however, may be considered by law enforcement authorities if I am later arrested for other crimes. 5. I understand that I can reject this offer of ARD and be brought to trial instead and that neither rejection of ARD nor any statement I make in these ARD proceedings can be used against me at trial. 6. In misdemeanor cases I imderstand that the Commonwealth must bring me to trial within 180 days of my preliminary arraignment(Rule 1013, Pa.R.Crim.P.). In felony cases I understand that the Commonwealth must bring me to trial within 365 days ofthe filing ofthe criminal complaint against me(Rule 600,Pa.R.Crim.P.). 7. I understand that participation in the program requires that I waive (give up) certain of my rights, as follows: a. I understand and voluntarily agree that time spent in this program is NOT included in determining the relevant statute of limitations within which prosecution must be commenced on the charges against me. 1 b, I understand and voluntarily agree that ifl am arrested on new charges, or if I fail to abide by the requirements of the diversion program, including the payments of my restitution, my case will be removed from the ARD program by the District Attomey's Office and placed back into the court system for trial, c. I understand and voluntarily agree that time spent in this program is NOT included in detemtining my rights to a speedy trial under the federal and state constitutions. I also voluntary agree that the time spent in the program is NOT included in the time period within which I must be tried under Rule 1013 or Rule 600 of the PA. Rules of Criminal Procedure. d. I understand and voluntarily agree that if my case is removed from ARD and sent beck for a trial, then the District Attorney will have [80 days in which to bring me to trial under Rule [013 if it is a misdemeanor ease or 365 days under Rule 600 if it is a felony case. The days shall be calculated fiom the date the court ordered my case removed firom ARD and sent back for trial. 8. I hereby certify that I am not currently on Federal, State, or County Probation or Parole, in this or any otherjurisdictionr I further agree that if I have failed to disclose such information, this failure would constitute grounds for my immediate termination from the ARD program. My case will be relisted for trial at the discretion of the District Attomey's Office. 9. I undeer and agree that as part of this agreement, I will not seek reinstatement as a police officer in Philadelphia I hereby certify that my current address and telephone number is: and agree to notify ROR at 215-686-7421 and to notify the Probation Department at 215-683-1260 within 72 hours of any changes of my address or telephone number. I agree that if I fail to do so, a bench warrant will be issued for my arrest and I may be arrested for a violation of the terms of my probation. I have read the above paragraphs and, after consultation with my attomey, I fully understand this agreement. Signed: "■ ' ' . Date: CHRISTOPHER HULMES As the attomey for the above defendant, I have fully discussed and explained the above ARD requir^ent and waiver of rights with my client and he/she fully understands them. Signed: Date: / . /' BRIAN MCMONAGLE, Esquire As the Assistant District Attomey for the Commonwealth, I agree that this case is suitable for inclusion in the ARD program. Signed: ' ^ Date: tcrrIdomskyq " ■' Assistant District Attomey SignecfTj^^-r / 3RIA^ARALLO " * Chief Assistantlbistrict Attomey Special Investigations Unit Date: L———