FINANEML MEI l?SEai ED I: W: ldlEI Larva-ween: Hausa EULEIIHE. Wear-"Hamil, Dr: taste F'rtanra; [202: 225?2645 at the Halted ?taita hills-Henley F'crucy Emcee cf ?apteaeutatiaea lvlarch 5, Jill? :FHar-re: Feet: {3113} aw.perlmutlerhause.'aav The Hanarahle El. Tedd lanes Acting Directar Bureau afalcahal, Tabacca, Firearms, and Eaplaslyes SS hiew ?rarlt Avenue, NW Washin?an, DE 20226 Dear Acting Directar lanes: 1 write urging the Bureau at Alcahal, Tabacce, Firearms, and Explasives ta rescind a ppraval at gun praducts which allaw far certain semiautamatic assault rifles ta lunctian as fully autamatic when equipped with permanent ?bu mp tire" accessaries. Cine campany. and perhaps athers, manufactures an accessary called a Slide Fire Staci: which, when attached ta an ar an Alisa-T, utilizes recall inertia ta fire cantinuausly. Hundreds at videas displaying shaaters using the Slide Fire Staci: are available anline. In ane videa, a theater using a Slide Fire Sta air an an Alt-+15 ?res 1a: raunds af ammunitian In anly eight secarids, equating ta a rate at ?re at TSD raunds per minute- This rate at ?re is substantially higher than any rate at ?re achievable by traditianal semiautamatic means, The Natl-anal Firearms Act at 19341 intended ta ?deprive {a criminal} at his mast tla ngeraus weapan, the machine gun,? which is de?ned as a ?rearm which may shaat multiple cartridges with a single fu nctian al' the trigger. The MFA generally prahibits fully autarnatic ?rearms, with the exceptlan at these registered with the Bureau at nicahal, Tabacca, Firearms and Eaplasives These types at weapans are cansldered sa dangeraus the awner must camplete a tharaugh backgraund check, submit ?ngerprints, and have the en dars ement tram the Iacal chief at palice. in a letter dated June T?h, ll] fram ta an unmentianed recipient, the ATT- states the Slide Fire Staci: "is a ?rearm part and is net regulated as a ?rearm under the Gun Central that ar the hiatianal Firearms act.? it capy af this letter is pravid ed with every Slide Fire Stack, presumably ta reassure any wha auestl an the Iegallty at the Slide Fire Staci: equipped assault rifle- i believe weapahs featuring Slide Fire Stacks at similar permanent acceesaries emplaylng bump ?re mechanics transfami an atherwise legal ?rearm late a weapan the MFA intended ta prahihit except when are early registered. There is na denying TSEI munds per minute is a danger ta aur cammunities. Whether the rate at ?re is caused by internal mechanical parts ar by a permanent external accessary, the lethality is the same. The refare, the applicatian at the MFA shauld be the same. ask: the ta rescind its .iune T, 2131i}, letter and natify any and all manufacturers af "bump fire" accessaries at such rescissian, and that the sale at these types at accessaries is subject ta the Natianal Firearms Act. Thank yau lar yaur attentian ta this matter, I lack farwa rd ta yaur timely resparise. Sincerely, Ed Perlmutter Member at Cangress