EXECUTIVE ORDER Nag?17 PROCESSING OF CIVILIAN CONIPLAINTS ALLEGING POLICE WHEREAS. issues relating to public safety are of primary concern to all civilians of the City of Philadelphia: WHEREAS. it is incumbent upon the government of the City of Philadelphia to ensure that agencies directly responsible for public safety have the proper support from the government and its agencies: and that all civilians have an equal degree of faith in those agencies to deal with their complaints in a fair. equitable and timely manner: WHEREAS. Executive Orders 1-80. 9-93 and 7?11 established procedures for the prompt and impartial processing of complaints against the Police Department; WHEREAS. there is a need to broaden and codify the procedures by which civilians of the City of Philadelphia can seek redress of grievances against members of the Police Department and the Police Department can investigate police misconduct; WHEREAS. the President?s Task Force on 21St Century Policing and the United State Department of Justice. through its report entitled. Collaborative Reform Initiative: An Assessment of Deadlv Force Pol icy and Practice in the Philadelphia Police Department. both recommend that law enforcement agencies should establish and maintain a culture of transparency and accountability to build public trust and legitimacy: WEREAS. the City hopes to improve public access to civilian complaint data in a form most accessible to the general public Without compromising confidentialities of the parties involved and hindering or otherwise impeding the operations and resources of the Philadelphia Police Department; WHEREAS. the prompt response to. effective investigation of. and impartial resolution of civilian complaints of police misconduct are essential to the trust that society places in its police: WHEREAS. numerous complaints of police misconduct have been made by civilians against some members of the Philadelphia Police Department: WHEREAS. it is the intention of this Executive Order to preserve the autonomy of the Police Commissioner?s exercise of duties. while mandating procedures equitable to both civilians and police personnel for resolving civilian complaints of police misconduct. NOW THEREFORE. by the power vested in me in accordance with Section 3?100(h) of the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter. the following amended guidelines for the processing of complaints of police misconduct by members of the Philadelphia Police Department. and the study. review. and disposition of said complaints. are hereby ordered. Page 1 of 13 SECTION 1. IVILIAN COMPLAINTS a. All civilian complaints against a police of?cer shall be received. investigated. and disposed of in accordance with the procedures set forth herein. and complainants shall be noti?ed of actions taken by the Police Commissioner. b. A CCR shall be distinguishable from an independent internal investigation initiated from within the Department. For purposes of this Order. a CCR and the subsequent investigation shall only include those complaints originated by one or more civilians. whereby the Department has not otherwise initiated an independent internal investigation. In the event a CCR. or portion thereof. is or becomes the subject of a separate internal investigation. the CC shall be merged into the internal investigation and shall be classi?ed as an internal investigation and the complainant shall be noti?ed. c. Copies of complaint forms entitled "Civilian?s Complaint Report.? published in English. Spanish. Chinese. Vietnamese. and other language versions as shall be necessary to provide broad and inclusive access to this complaint procedure. shall be made available via the Philadelphia Police Department website and supplied in suf?cient quantities to all police districts and units. the Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations. the Police Advisory Commission. (each a ?receiving agency?). the District Attorney?s Of?ce. and any community-based organization upon request. Complainants may submit completed forms to any of these of?ces or agencies. Each of the receiving agencies shall maintain a control log to track the number of forms provided to complainants and collected. as set forth in subsection (1 of this Section 1. The District Attorney?s of?ce is requested to maintain such records as it deems necessary of such CC Rs. Interpreters and persons with needed literacy skills shall be made available. as provided in Philadelphia Police Directive No. 7.7 regarding access to police services for individuals with limited English language pro?ciency. as needed. throughout the complaint and investigation process. Such persons shall not be sworn currently employed police of?cers. d. The CR form shall contain a statement to the effect that the ?ling of a complaint will not necessarily result in a criminal investigation. but that an Internal Police Investigation will be initiated. The CR form shall also include the address and telephone number of the Internal Affairs Division. and a summary of the procedures and timetable established by this Order for the conduct of investigations and noti?cation to the complainant. Each complainant shall receive a copy of the CC at the time it is ?led with the receiving agency. Not later than twenty-four (24) hours after the CC is ?led with the receiving agency. the said agency shall send a copy of the CCR to the Police Department (if received by an agency outside the Department) and to the District Attorney?s Of?ce. If a CCR is received by the District Attorney?s Of?ce. that of?ce is requested to forward it to the Police Department. The control log maintained by the receiving agency shall show the name of the complainant (except in the case of anonymous CCRs). the date and time the CC form was received from the complainant. and whether the complainant left the form with the receiving agency to be of?cially ?led. The log shall not show the name. badge number. or other descriptive information relating to any police of?cer(s) complained of. The Police Department shall keep a master ?le of all forms received and the of?ces or agencies from which they were received. Such control logs and master list shall be available for viewing by the public. subject to redaction as provided in Section Page 2 of 13 e. The Internal Affairs Division of the Police Department shall be designated as the central control agency for all cases of civilian complaints against members of the Police Department. f. Police Department persormel shall inform any person who wishes to make a complaint against a police of?cer of the existence of the formal complaint procedure established by this Executive Order and shall refer such persons to the various locations. including the nearest location. where the CCR may be obtained and ?led. 1. Police Department personnel shall accept anonymous Rs and in such cases shall follow the procedures in Section 3 of this Order. . Police Department personnel shall provide a to anyone requesting such fomts. without requesting or requiring identi?cation. 3. When dealing with a possible complainant. Police Department personnel shall maintain a professional demeanor and take no actions to intimidate. coerce or otherwise dissuade a complainant from submitting a R. The Police Department shall promulgate speci?c procedures for the recording and processing of CC Rs against members of the Police Department in accordance with this Executive Order by its effective date. The Police Department shall also prepare. publish and distribute CC Rs in accordance with this Executive Order by its effective date. SECTION 2. PROCEDURES FOR THE INVESTIGATION OF COMPLAINTS a. All CRs concerning police misconduct which are ?led shall be received. investigated. and disposed of in accordance with the procedures set forth in this Section 2. except as provided in Sections 4 (relating to Complaints Lacking Any Merit). 5 (relating to Traf?c or Parking Citation Complaints), 6 (relating to Right to Know Complaints). 7 (relating to Verbal Abuse or Lack of Service Complaints) and 8 (relating to Priority of Criminal Investigations) of this Executive Order. b. Upon receipt of the R. the Commanding Of?cer of Internal Affairs shall assign it for investigation to a member of Internal Affairs. who shall be responsible for the investigation of the alleged incident. All such investigations shall be initiated by. and insofar as practicable. carried out by the staff of Internal Affairs. The staff of Internal Affairs shall have direct responsibility for all such investigations. No such CR shall be referred for investigation to the commanding of?cer of the police officer against whom the CCR has been lodged. or to any other officer of the same command: provided however. that Internal Affairs may refer certain verbal abuse or lack or service complaints to the Inspector of the unit to which the accused of?cer is attached. where appropriate pursuant to Section 7 hereof. Internal Affairs shall monitor and review such investigations and. where necessary. take appropriate action. c. The investigation of the CC by Internal Affairs shall include. but not be limited to. the following: 1. Interviews with the complaining witness. the alleged victim of police misconduct (if other than the complaining witness). and all other witnesses to the incident who are indicated on the CR form: l-J . Interviews with the police of?cer(s) against whom the CCR is lodged and all Page 3 of 13 (IQ 11. other police of?cers witnessing or involved in the alleged incident; 3. Interviews with all other witnesses to the alleged incident who become known to the investigating of?cer as a result of the investigation: 4. Examination of the scene of the alleged incident. when appropriate: Viewing. analysis. and preservation of any and all evidence submitted by the complainant or witnesses or otherwise discovered during the investigation including. but not limited to. photographs, video recordings. medical records. and any reports of property damage: UI 6. The gathering of all pertinent Police Department forms. analyses. technical reports. laboratory results. tapes and transcripts of telephone calls. and radio transmissions; 7. If a criminal complaint has been lodged against any witness or participant in the event. a review and analysis of the investigative ?le compiled by the Police Department and or the District Attorney?s Of?ce in connection with such criminal complaint. when available; 8. Such other investigative steps as may appear appropriate in the discretion of the assigned investigator. whose responsibility it shall be to record each step in the investigation and the result thereof in an Investigation Report. The assigned investigator shall attempt to secure written statements from all participants in. and witnesses to. the alleged incident. but where any witness or participant is unwilling to make a signed written statement. the assigned investigator shall provide a summary of the oral statement. if any. provided by such participant or witness. Where a written statement is given and signed by a participant or witness. the assigned investigator shall provide the person making the statement with a copy. When a complainant is unable to identify the police of?cer against whom a complaint is lodged by name or badge number. the assigned investigator shall make every effort to assist the complainant in making a positive identi?cation of the police of?cer. All investigations shall be completed by Internal Affairs and the Investigation Report prepared within ninety (90) days from the date of ?ling of the CCR. except for extenuating circumstances stated in the Investigation Report and approved by the Police Commissioner or the Commanding Of?cer of Internal Affairs. The Investigation Report shall include the written recommendation of the investigator regarding the validity of the CC R. Within thirty (30) days of the completion of an investigation. the ranking of?cer of Internal Affairs shall review the Investigation Report and upon giving approval thereof forward the Investigation Report. the entire investigation ?le and the ranking of?cer?s written conclusion as to the occurrence and nature of the misconduct. if any. to the Police Commissioner. If the Investigation Report is disapproved by the ranking officer of Internal Affairs it will be revised accordingly and resubmitted to such ranking of?cer until it receives approval. If extenuating circumstances necessitate an extension of time. the complainant (as well as the accused police of?cer) shall be noti?ed of this fact and the reason therefor. Page 4 of 13 SECTION 3. ANONYMOUS a. When a member of the Police Department is approached by a complainant wishing to make an anonymous complaint concerning allegations of misconduct. the individual receiving the complaint shall notify the anonymous complainant that it is in the best interest of a full and complete investigation for the complainant to be identi?ed and interviewed by the assigned investigator. b. If the anonymous complainant nevertheless wishes to remain anonymous. the individual receiving the complaint shall attempt to elicit all facts which the complainant can provide and shall record and process the CC pursuant to Section 2 hereof, to the extent possible. SECTION 4. COMPLAINTS LAC KING ANY MERIT If the assigned investigator of Internal Affairs. with the agreement of the ranking of?cer of the Internal Affairs Division. determines that the facts stated in the CCR. if accepted as true in all respects and interpreted in the light most favorable to the complainant or the alleged victim of police misconduct (if other than the complainant). disclose no improper behavior on part of the police of?cer against whom the CCR is lodged. the ranking of?cer of the Internal Affairs Division may terminate the investigation. The Police Commissioner shall cause notice of the determination to be given to the complainant and to the alleged victim of the misconduct (if other than the complainant). or to the representative designated in the R. SECTION 5. TRAFFIC OR PARKING CITATION COMPLAINTS If the assigned investigator of Internal Affairs. with the agreement of the ranking of?cer of the Internal Affairs Division. determines that a CR concerns the issuance of a traf?c or parking citation. and the facts stated in the CCR. if accepted as true in all respects and interpreted in the light most favorable to the complainant or the alleged victim of police misconduct. disclose no improper behavior on the part of the of?cer against whom the CR was lodged. the ranking of?cer of the Internal Affairs Division may terminate the investigation. The Police Commissioner shall cause notice of the determination to be given to the complainant with instructions that the proper procedure to dispute a traf?c or parking violation is to appeal the citation to the appropriate forum as indicated on the complainant?s copy of the citation. If any improper behavior on part of the police of?cer is disclosed. the CC will be investigated according to Section 2 of this Executive Order. SECTION 6. RIGHT-TO-KNOVV COMPLAINTS (65 PS. 67.101. er seq.) If the assigned investigator of Internal Affairs. with the agreement of the ranking of?cer of the Internal Affairs Division. determines that a CR concerns the denial of or the delay in responding to a Right-to-Know request authorized under law. and the facts stated in the R. if accepted as true in all respects and interpreted in the light most favorable to the complainant. disclose no improper behavior on the part of the of?cer against whom the CCR was lodged. the ranking of?cer of the Internal Affairs Division may terminate the investigation. The Police Commissioner shall cause notice of the determination to be given to the complainant with instructions that the proper procedure to appeal Right-to-Know disputes is to appeal the Philadelphia Police Department?s response. or lack thereof. to the appropriate forum as indicated in the Right-to-Know Law. 65 PS. 67.1101. If any improper behavior on part of the police of?cer is disclosed, the CR will be investigated according to Section 2 of this Executive Order. Page 5 of 13 SECTION 7. VERBAL ABUSE OR LACK OF SERVICE COMPLAINTS a. If the assigned investigator of Internal Affairs, with the agreement of the ranking of?cer of the Internal Affairs Division. determines that the facts stated in the R. if accepted as true in all respects and interpreted in the light most favorable to the complainant or the alleged victim of police misconduct (if other than the complainant). would constitute verbal abuse or lack of service only, and that it is the "?rst complaint? of such conduct against the of?cer(s) named. the ranking of?cer of the Internal Affairs Division shall refer the CC to the Inspector of the of?cer against whom the CR was lodged. The goal of the Inspector?s investigation shall be to remedy the actual or perceived offensive behavior of the police officer against whom a CCR has been lodged in the most ef?cient and prompt manner possible. To accomplish this goal. the Police Department shall be prohibited from taking any formal disciplinary action against a police of?cer for the ??rst complaint" received for verbal abuse or lack of service in a two (2) year period. b. For purposes of this Order. the assigned Internal Affairs investigator shall determine the ??rst complaint? status by reviewing the Internal Affairs history of the of?cer during the two (2) years prior to the date ofcurrent If an of?cer has any alleging verbal abuse or lack of service during this time period. the current CR shall be deemed a second or subsequent complaint and shall be investigated and disposed of pursuant to Section 2 of this Executive Order. including possible discipline. Prior to the execution of this Executive Order, the Police Department has implemented appropriate policies and procedures to ensure that of?cers subject to allegations of verbal abuse or lack of service receive an in-depth review and such advice, instructions and other useful feedback regarding the complaint as will enable them to avoid similar complaints in the future. c. The procedures for disposition of such ?first complaints" shall be the following: 1. Upon receipt of a from the ranking of?cer of the Internal Affairs Division. the Inspector of the police of?cer against whom the was lodged shall contact and interview the complainant. and the complainant?s Witnesses. if possible. to confirm the facts of the case. i. If the Inspector determines in the initial investigation that any aspect of the exceeds the scope of verbal abuse or lack of service. the CCR shall be referred back to Internal Affairs to be investigated and disposed of pursuant to Section 2 of this Executive Order. Additionally. if upon review the Inspector determines that the CCR states a claim of verbal abuse or lack of service motivated by animus based on race. color. gender. religion. national origin. age. ancestry. sexual orientation. disability or gender identity. the shall be referred back to Internal Affairs to be investigated and disposed of pursuant to Section 2 of this Executive Order. Id The Inspector shall schedule a meeting with the police of?cer. his or her commanding of?cer and any other persons the Inspector deems necessary. to discuss the facts of the CCR. At such meeting the of?cer will be able to convey his or her version of the incident. Page 6 of 13 3. At the conclusion of the meeting. the Inspector shall provide the of?cer with his or her opinion of the incident and the alleged conduct of the police of?cer. The Inspector shall then offer his or her advice, instructions and other useful feedback regarding the CCR and the of?cer?s actual or perceived behavior. demeanor or conduct. so as to assist the of?cer in avoiding any similar Rs in the ?Jture. 4. The complainant shall be noti?ed in writing that a meeting was held with the police of?cer against whom the CCR was lodged. at which the of?cer?s conduct was discussed, and the case will be closed out. d. Second or subsequent CCRs alleging verbal abuse or lack of service against the same of?cer within the two (2) year period following the date of the complaint amounting to verbal abuse or lack of service as set forth above shall be investigated and disposed of pursuant to Section 2 of this Executive Order. including possible discipline. SECTION 8. PRIORITY OF CRIMINAL IN VESTIGATIONS a. In the event that the complainant or alleged victim of police misconduct (if other than the complainant) has been arrested and charged with a criminal offense or offenses based upon the events on which the CCR is founded. the investigation and disposition of the CC shall conform to the procedures established in this Order. However. the complainant or the alleged victim of police misconduct may elect not to give a written or oral statement either to the assigned investigator or before the Police Board of Inquiry. or both. until ?nal disposition. including appeal. of all such criminal charges. In the event of such an election. the investigation shall remain open until such criminal charges have reached a ?nal disposition. including appeal. and a new opportunity has been given to the complainant or alleged victim to make such a statement. b. In the event that a prosecutorial agency noti?es the Police Commissioner that the of?cer who is the subject of the CC is under criminal investigation for the offense complained of in the CCR. or in the event that a police of?cer is arrested for the offense complained of in the CR. the investigation and disposition of the CC shall conform to the procedures established by this Order. Where criminal charges are not resolved or the criminal investigation is not complete prior to the Commissioner or his appointed delegate?s ?nal determination of the R. the Commissioner shall reevaluate such ?nal determination within ?fteen (15) days of the resolution of the criminal charges or the closing of the criminal investigation. A criminal investigation shall be deemed closed upon written notice from the prosecutorial agency. The Commissioner may af?rm. modify or reverse the prior determination in light of the outcome of the criminal charges or criminal investigation. or may reopen the departmental investigation which shall conform to the procedures set forth in this Executive Order. A brief statement by the Commissioner supporting the decision upon reevaluation shall be transmitted to the complainant or alleged victim of police misconduct (if other than the complainant). in the manner prescribed by Section 9(d) hereof. c. If the initiation or completion of an investigation is delayed due to possible or pending criminal charges as detailed in Sections 8(3) or hereof. the time period mandated by this Executive Order for the completion and disposition of the investigation may be extended for the period of the delay. Page 7 of 13 SECTION 9. REVIEW AND DISPOSITION OF COMPLAINTS Except for those CC Rs handled solely pursuant to the provisions of Sections 4 (relating to Complaints Lacking Any Merit). 5 (relating to Traf?c or Parking Citation Complaints). 6 (relating to Right to Know Complaints). or ?7 (relating to Verbal Abuse or Lack of Service Complaints). and not the provisions of Section 2. upon receipt of the ?le and the ?ndings and conclusions of the ranking of?cer of the Internal Affairs Division. the Police Commissioner or a Deputy Commissioner assigned by the Commissioner shall review the entire ?le and determine the appropriate disposition of the in accordance with the following proviswns: a. Criminal Misconduct. In every case in which the Commissioner or his appointed delegate determines that there are reasonable grounds to believe that misconduct rising to the level of a crime has occurred. without regard to any person?s credibility. the Commissioner shall refer the matter to the District Attorney or the US. Attorney for consideration and prosecution unless prosecution has been previously initiated. Whether misconduct rises to the level of a crime shall be determined by reference to the Crimes Code. Federal criminal statutes. and or regulations. Regardless of whether the District Attorney or US. Attorney initiates or declines prosecution. the Commissioner or his appointed delegate shall impose such sanctions as the Commissioner deems appropriate. b. Non-Criminal Misconduct. In every case in which the Police Commissioner or his appointed delegate determines that there are no reasonable grounds to believe that misconduct rising to the level of a crime has occurred. the Commissioner shall. in his discretion. make a ?nding that noncriminal misconduct has occurred. and impose such sanctions as the Commissioner shall deem appropriate: (ii) refer the CCR to the Police Board of Inquiry for a hearing: or make a ?nding that no misconduct has occurred and close the ?le. c. Disciplinary Action. In every case in which the Police Commissioner or his appointed delegate determines that misconduct has occurred. the Commissioner shall impose sanctions which are commensurate with the seriousness of the misconduct. taking into account the prior history of the of?cer in question. Sanctions shall range from a reprimand to dismissal from sen'ice. d. Notice The disposition of the CR. including any disciplinary action. shall be communicated in writing. by certi?ed mail. to the of?cer against whom the CCR was lodged. the complainant and the alleged victim of police misconduct (if other than the complainant). or such person?s representative as may be designated in the CR: and a copy shall be delivered to the District Attorney?s Of?ce. The noti?cation shall inform the person to whom it is given that the entire ?le is available for review. subject to redaction in accordance with Section e. Except for extenuating circumstances stated in the ?le. the determination of the Police Commissioner and the notice prescribed in Section 9(d) shall be made within forty-?ve (45) days from the receipt of the ?le by the Police Commissioner. Page 8 of 13 f. In those instances in which the Police Commissioner determines that no misconduct has occurred. the notice to the complainant and the alleged victim (if other than the complainant) shall include a summary of the investigative ?ndings and the reason for the Police ommissioner?s actions. SECTION 10. THE POLICE BOARD OF INQUIRY a. Upon referral by the Commissioner of a CC to the Police Board of Inquiry {the ??Board?) for hearing. the following procedures shall apply: The Board shall schedule a hearing to be held at the earliest possible date. but not to exceed ninety (90) days from the referral of the CCR (?Civilian Complaint Hearing"). Not less than thirty (30) days' written notice of the time and place of the hearing shall be given by certi?ed mail. return receipt requested. to the complainant and the alleged Victim of police misconduct (if other than the complainant) or to his or her attorney or other representative designated in the CC R: to material witnesses identi?ed in the investigation: to the police of?cer or employee charged with misconduct: and to all witnesses and participants whom the Commissioner or the Board believes may be helpful in resolving the question before the Board. b. The Board may grant a continuance of the scheduled hearing only upon written request by a member of the Board or the Department Advocate. If a continuance is granted. the hearing will be rescheduled to beheld at the earliest date possible but not to exceed thirty (30) days from the date of the ?rst scheduled hearing. and notice shall be given to the accused of?cer or employee and any witnesses by certi?ed mail. return receipt requested. c. Hearings shall be informal and strict rules of evidence shall not apply. The assigned investigator and any of?cer or employee against whom charges have been placed shall attend. Testimony under oath shall be received from all persons who appear and purport to have information which is material to the CR. Any accused Police Department of?cer or employee may be represented by counsel or other representative and shall have the right to present evidence and to examine and cross examine Witnesses. An audio recording and transcript of the hearing shall be made. For those hearings that are open to the public. such transcripts shall be made available to the public upon request and payment of cost. All Civilian Complaint Hearings. shall be open to the public provided that hearings that involve minor victims or allegations of sexual misconduct shall not be open to the public unless a public hearing is requested by the victim in writing. If the victim is a minor. the hearing shall not be open to the public unless the written consent of a parent with legal custody or the minor?s legal guardian is also provided. d. The Board shall forward to the Police Commissioner or to the ommissioner?s appointed delegate written ?ndings of ultimate facts based on all of the evidence presented at the hearing. If the Board ?nds that a police of?cer engaged in misconduct. it shall also make a recommendation for disciplinary action against the police of?cer. If the Board ?nds that misconduct rising to the level of a crime has occurred. determined by reference to the Crimes Code, federal statutes or regulations. it shall refer the matter to the District Attorney or the US. Attorney for consideration of prosecution. unless prosecution has been previously initiated. A copy of the Board?s ?ndings and if any. shall be kept on ?le by the Department Advocate. e. Upon consideration of the Board?s ?ndings and recommendation. if any. the Police Commissioner shall make a ?nal determination of the CC R. which. together with a brief statement of reasons in support of or in disagreement with the ?ndings and recommendations of the Board. shall be transmitted to the appropriate parties. in the manner provided by Section 9(d) hereof. Page 9 of 13 SECTION 11. PUBLIC ACCESS TO AND MAINTENANCE OF RECORDS Records relating to or resulting in criminal investigations and records relating to a non-criminal investigation are exempt from public disclosure pursuant to the Right to Know Law (65 RS. ?67.708(16) and Therefore. public access to and maintenance of these records shall be governed by this Order. a. General procedure following the disposition of a CR. 1. Id Page 10 of 13 Redacted copies. as de?ned in subparagraph 4 below. of the complete investigation. the written ?ndings and recormnendations of the Board. if any. and the Police Commissioner?s ?nal determination shall be given by certi?ed mail. return receipt requested. or other such manner as requested. to the Complainant or authorized representative. and victim if other than the complainant. within forty~?ve (45) days of the Police ommissioner?s ?nal determination. To ensure openness and transparency. on a basis. the Police Department shall post on the Department?s website the relevant identifying information. classi?cations and outcomes in a format consistent with the Open Data Philly Initiative. This posting shall include a brief narrative of the complaint. investigation. investigative outcome. Police Board of Inquiry determinations. Relevant identifying information shall include district. complaint classi?cation. ?nding. and reference numbers. and any other information determined by the Commissioner or his designee to be appropriate. but no portion of the posting shall include information removed from redacted copies of CCR records pursuant to subparagraph 4 below. All information posted on the Department?s website shall be maintained on the website for a period of ?ve (5) years beyond the calendar year of the disposition of the CCR. The of?cer against whom CC is lodged shall receive noti?cation of the outcome of any and upon request will be provided an entire. completed CCR investigative ?le. For purposes of this Order. a ?redacted copy" of any record is a record whereby certain personal information. medical/treatment information. and information that would compromise public safety or of?cer safety has been obscured. masked. or otherwise concealed from view. Such information shall include. but is not limited to. the following information: A. Personal Information Redactions: 1. First and last names of complainants, witnesses. victims and Police Of?cers. except for initials. 2. Other names that could be used to identify witness or of?cers. 3. Unique information which could identify a witness or of?cer. 4. Home addresses or other speci?c non-business addresses, 5 License plate numbers and vehicle identi?cation numbers. 6 Social Security Numbers. 7 Driver?s license numbers. 8. Certi?ed mail numbers. 9. Actual birth dates (age is acceptable}. 10. District Control numbers. 11. Property receipt numbers. 1 2. Warrant numbers 13. Ticket or citation numbers. 14. Firearms serial numbers. B. Public/Police Of?cer Safetv Information Redactions: run-I Undercover and otherwise sensitive of?cer assignments. Police Department assigned vehicle numbers. license numbers and vehicle identi?cation numbers (VIN). Of?cer payroll numbers. Of?cer shift hours. Location or lack of surveillance cameras in an area. Information regarding police tactics that would endanger of?cer or public safety if released. 7. Any other portion of the investigative ?le that the Police Commissioner determines must be kept con?dential in order to protect the integrity of the investigative process. 99.43%? C. Medical. and other con?dential information. In order to protect the privacy interest of all parties involved in the investigations. records or information obtained in the course of an investigation which would operate to prejudice or impair a person?s reputation or security shall not be included in the investigative report or made available to the complainant or public under this section. Such infonnation includes but is not limited to the following: Medical information. information Drug and alcohol treatment information Information supplied to police with the express expectation of con?dentiality or anonymity. Any other portion of an investigative ?le that the Police Commissioner determines must be kept con?dential in order to protect the integrity of the investigative process. koala?? EJI b. Procedures when a CR is being reviewed by any prosecutorial agency. Page 11 of 13 l. The Police Department shall provide a copy of the entire, completed civilian?s complainant investigative ?le to any local. state or federal prosecutorial agency within seventy-two (72) hours following receipt of a written request from the agency. a. Ongoing Investigations During the investigation of any CC and upon receipt of a written request from any local. state or federal prosecutorial agency. the assigned police department investigator shall provide to the prosecutorial agency any requested information within twenty-four (24) hours after receipt of the request. 1. If the incident which is subject of the has resulted in a criminal investigation conducted by a prosecutorial agency or a criminal prosecution for any of the parties. the record of the complaint shall not be posted on the Departmental website until such time as the criminal charges have been resolved by verdict in the trial court or the prosecutorial agencies involved in the investigation have noti?ed the Police Commissioner that the criminal investigation is closed. However. upon request. records will be provided to any other prosecutorial agency. the police of?cer against whom the is lodged. the complainant, and the victim. if other than the complainant. c. Procedures involving anonymous CRs. The records of anonymous CCRs received pursuant to Section 3(b) above. including those for which an investigation has found no corroboration of the complainant?s version of the facts shall be posted on the Departmental website as described in Section ll(a)(2) above. However. records will be provided. upon request. to the complainant. if later identi?ed. and the victim. if other than the complainant. pursuant to Section d. Procedures involving verbal abuse or lack of service CC Rs. The records of ??rst complaints? of verbal abuse or lack of service received pursuant to Section 7 shall be posted on the Departmental website as described in Section 11(a)(2) above and the disposition shall be recorded as Of?cer ounseled.? e. A copy of the ?nal determination of the Police Commissioner shall be placed in the personnel ?le of the of?cer or of?cers involved, together with the ?ndings and recommendations of the Board. if any. In those instances in which a CCR is terminated prior to a hearing. a copy of the CCR and ?nal determination of the Police Commissioner shall be placed in the personnel ?le of the of?cer or of?cers involved. SECTION 12. The procedures provided in this Executive Order shall be in addition to and not in derogation of: a. The procedures provided for preservation of the rights of police of?cers pursuant to the Civil Service Regulations of the City of Philadelphia: and b. The responsibility of the Police Department to investigate crimes or refer cases to the proper authorities. Page 12 of 13 SECTION 13. If any section of this Order is declared to be unconstitutional or illegal. the remaining sections shall remain valid and unaffected. SECTION 14. Executive Order No. ?-11 is hereby rescinded. SECTION 15. This Executive Order shall be effective in sixty (60) days. provided that all preparatory steps. including those set forth in Section 1( shall begin immediately. 91/1? Page 13 of 13 City of Philadelphia LAW DEPARTMENT One Parkway 1515 Arch Street 17?11 Floor Philadelphia, PA 19102 MEMORANDUM TO: Brian Abernathy. First Deputy Managing Director FROM: Rosenberger Altman. Divisional Deputy City Solicitor Date: July 31. 2017 Subject: Executive Order: PROCESSING OF CIVILIAV COMPLAINTS ALLEGING POLICE MISCONDUCT You have submitted for review a draft of a proposed Executive Order entitled: Processing of Civilian Complaints Alleging Police Misconduct This proposed Executive Order. a copy of which is attached hereto. is in proper form and there is no legal objection to its issuance by the Mayor. In accordance with customary practice. we have not been requested to review any factual premises upon which this Executive Order may be based.