From: "Stockdale. Mark" Dale Novembel16 2014 at 12 8.49 PM PST To. Subp RE: Personal and confidential I received your email As told you, there is norhing confidential about your communicarions to me and can't treat them as such. "Mark From: Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2014 12.06 PM To: Stockdale, Mark Subject: Personal and confidential Malkr I had hoped you would call me, week I got a phone call from a deputy asking me how lar I was to take my publlc record I did on a lormer employee _his deputy is a lrlend ol hers. Itold hll'n my intent was to lind out as much as I could about John Ulquhart since my Intent is to sue l'tlm and that my intent is notto hurt this former deputy Slnce I do not known her. A day late! anmhel deputy who admitted to haVIng an alfail WIth he! called me and asked me the same thing. He said hIs WIfe knew about it but he was alrald ol media attention. lassuled I had not done on his ermails because he was aflald thele have been exchanges Vla ermall. The Shell" is alleged to have also had relations WIth this deputy when he was her sergeant which was my reason lorthe request. I ligured that the legal department had notified the former deputy oi the lequest so I figured that was how she knew. I then emailed the legal manager and asked If they do hotily former employees of publlc record disclosures. She told me that ii there was sensitive ihlormation that they would notify a thild party. I emailed back and Sald I would make the question eaSIel. I asked if she notilied not my lequest. The manager Sald she specifically handled the complaint and did not notl anyone it, In the meantime. another female detective who was lriehds with -got an email blasting her and saylng that the detective told me things about her and the Sheriff and her that only this detective would have known. The detective got a veiled threat saying Something to the effect that Karma was coming and it would be quick and merciless. loohtacted the deputy that called me on the lilst day and asked him how he knew that public because the legal department didn't nmify- He stumbled and sald "What it. fol Instance, just say the Sheri" heard I was going to lunch with Holland and told me that you did public and Itold her?" He then that the Shell" told what took place. I called Sgt. Larson because quite lrankly she is trustworthy. I asked her to get in touch WIth Karen Sutherland because Karen is emailing downtown everything I wrlte and il gets out I Will surely be retaliated against. So after I do the public disclosure request the Sheriff somehow learns at it and notilies another deputy he knows is having lunch WIth this woman and she in mm sends a veiled threat to another detective. I do not know how the second deputy learned at the disclosule request because it not concern l'llS record and according io ihe iirsi depuiy he did not tell him and he doesn't believe --speaks io him any more. This morning go to the end of my driveway io check my mail. I have two magazines on iop and on the I have an unsigned letter threatening me ior digging things up. Hook a phoio oi ihe lettei. My house has cameras due to a past incideni a iew years ago bui my driveway is 225 test so ihe mailbox is oi range oi the cameras. enough. attei i do ihe public record disclosure i receive 3 A7150 iorms irom Lance King who is ihe lorthe depanmeni and supposed id be ihe person people go io when they ieel He was the person who sounded ihe alarm on me and called me and ihen wanted io conduci ihe investigation himselil He ihen, in ihe middle oi an invesiigaiion is sending me A7150 iorms and i also believe he prepared a lettei ior Chlel Deputy Pugel ihreaiening my employment. cannoi get Captain Anderson to answer a phone call or io lake my concerns seriously. My intent in doing public disclosure was noi to have people ihreaiened nor io ruin iheir lives. My intent was io do it quiein and lo iind whai i needed io know so ihai when I do sue ihe i know ihe man and his pasi. cannoi believe that iniormaiion irom my EEO complaint is being shared with Lance King since he sianed the whole ihing. It would seem like invesiigaiion 101 would be you don't share information during ihe invesiigaiion wiih the person who caused the ietallation to start. I ieallze yourjob is the Civil Prosecutoi but I do not know whale else to turn to. have blown the whistle and the hardei I blow the more retaliation theie is. Brian