Display Ad 158 -- No Title New York Times (1923-Currentfile); Jan 6, 1976; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The New York Times (1851-2007) with Index (1851-1993) pg. 49 Look around you. Do you like what you see? Exploding costs, lowered budgets, construction cutbacks, friends out of work?all are due in no small part to the fact that we have failed to solve our energy problem. Unless we unless we encourage the growth of available energy. . . what you see is buta prelude to privation. Ahead is almost certainly a widespread power shortage. With diminished industrial produc- tion, fewerjobs, and all the misery that goes with them. Yet, today, there are still those who shrill for less energy and no growth. They calloust ignore this fact: jobs and a comfortable life are possible only with the availabilitny sufficient energy, properly used. America?s progress is proof perfect. Without an abundance of energy itwould never have been possible to produce more than any nation in history. . Norto help so manythe world over. New America is obligated to generate more energy?not less?merer to provide for its increasing population. And for its poor, who have every right to hope for all the things that give decency to life. To do less would reduce much of the middle- class to poor, and the poor to a life of despair. With oil and gas in shortsupply, where Will that energy come from? Predominantly, from coal. The US. Department of the Interior estimates America has 23% more coal than we ever dreamed of. 4,000,000,000,000 (trillion!) tons of it. Enough for over 500 years. We need only to dig it?with reclamation rules that enforce respect forthe land?and we can start to put its energy to work immediately. And start to conserve oil and gas. Coal and Conservation. Under that program we won?t have to worry about the effects of another oil price hike-or an embargo?or a power shortage?on our friends or on ourselves. So look around you and do something. if it seems that some in government are more absorbed in managing the problem than in solving it, write to your Congressman. Tell him America needs an energy policy based on Coal and Conservation. Not on politics. It will cost you 10? but it might save yourjob. The call to greater energy independence .r American Electric Power Company, Inc. Subsidiaries: Appalachian Power Co., lndiana a Michigan Electric 00.. Kentucky Power Co.. Power 00., Michigan Power Co.. Ohio Power Wheeling Electric Co.