LUMMI INDIAN BUSINESS COUNCIL 2665 teWl"'" ROAD BflUNGHAN. WASHINGTON 98226 (360) 312-2000 DE.PlI'ftTMeNT O_IRecT Sep.ember NO, _ 13,2017 Cooke Aquaculture Pacific, LLC Jcicle Seafood~. Inc. 4019 21~ Ave. West. S1e. 300 Seallie. W A 98199 RE: Cooke's Failure To Respond Mr. Cooke, On September II, 2017 we responded to your offer 10 partially reimburse us for our efforts to recover your pollutant at the rate of $30 dollars per fish. While we strongly disagree with the amount offered and are cenain that it fails to adequately reflect eXJX=nses incurred by the Lummi Nation and OUf fishennen, we felr it prudent to accept the offer in an effort 10 mitigate some of our costs. As we have made clear, and as should be obvious, we continue to incur significant expenses associated with the storage of your escaped pollutant. The Lummi Nation will not simply absorb these additional costs due 10 your failure to respond in a timely manner. Jf you do not contact us 10 make arrangements for Ihe relrieval of your pollutant by 4PM (PT) on Thursday. September 14, 2017. we will need to explore other disposal options. J~~~ Timothy Ballew II. Chairman Lummi Indian Business Council