o7t19t2017 21'.10 fAx)1s0s28s2s62 P.0011026 ß OFFICE OF CIBOLA COUNTY CLERK Míchelle E. Domínguez PO BOX 190 GRANTS, NM 87020 FAC S IMILE TR,ANSMITTAL lOi '*' F?&-b- /ØrPHONE: #oF PAGES: RE: PHONE: (ncludlng cover sheet) fu/raJs El?! 1 21 :1 El o7t19t2017 21'.10 fAx)1s0s28s2s62 ô 4J unlÈd frtor l¡!€r¡lrol¡ g¡Þlca DoÞrtloD SGrvlces llrbrEoUGrnrnÊntst Aøl€€moôt 3. Èclttyèa¡aG)---------.5T5 Asrncy SbteÊ MotEhtE SeÈÍce FrlEoner OperllloñE ghrltbn 2604 Jrñel€on Oayls Hwv 6. ClÞolÊ Cor¡nty 114 McBrld! Rrt, SutE A Grlnç NM 97020 Alqand¡lt, VA 22301 lbr ¡D#: 85.0291095 19)(1020 FÞñk srldato, A¡llttl nlEtre rôr 7- lo. ¡¡. Mrlê 100 Formlê 5 13, Optbnûl El Scrulcas !o: $50.13 L1. ucatcat racrnty El u,s. t2- Cueldfn€nrpoirltton Hourly @urthouce Rrta: gtB.OO *''iinËïËiîii'g$'¡ff I o"-'-t * o" 65¡ ¡9, stgnaturc of per¡on e¡¡Fo¡tzeriõEGi)lJiH? lE, t clt Coì¡âmm$ìt c¡rt-ifl-coflon To thc â€' fof my ktwldgt¿ Et ct bøltaf, hß h,,e bcf,,, dury êt agt!¿rrwlt ls údtb and lûls ùcrtmant roñ'ff,t òy body govsn rzg ttt¿ WEûtor &srcy ¿nd tt a Dqathn9n¿ùACef¡yttt l unplywtùall ptovldøns 17.Pr¡Éonor Drblm¡ Autho t. Namg s* hrìh hdùn, €rd Clbola lE. Otùer Authorlzed Tì/pe .// 19. Agoncy Usêr zEd [l Adutt t,rate E e¿uft ¡ena¡e E ¡uìrcnllê Mrto E ¡ul,anlle F8mlle 2Aræ2?¿7 Ell.¡ E eop D ¡ce \ N!mg JUL P.c. rol2Eg Er., CIh.l¡ eza Þ, 0e5¡7 r1r29r¡cr6 10.s8 ñ! C.utv, Nt Cl¡.I ¡ñd ¡¡õ..1.¡ ililrlTfMilltillllilil iltÌiltililllililt mtll lffi ilililil]lillilt - 5 20il P.003r026 o7t19t2017 21'.10 fAx)1s0s28s2s62 - Itep¡¡lool of J¡¡llce U¡¡T!ô IT¡E M¡f¡D¡¡¡ SqYIgS U. 8. Dstúllc¡ l¡úvbc8 Iarer¡ovemuenul AEIÉEI¡Ii Cmdsurllæ Sft¡rlr¡t! l¡gc 16. S Sl erù¡r€ turr of PÊñcr tc 98n 0¡.âU ^urhoí!!d Pd¡* ¡ñe llù¡ 5l8tr!ùrr¡ fiß llblrh M, @ll¡nr trl ¡nE llrh ffifrfu'ft îüilfiffi tr'ffiffi früilftmffffiffiili'"' P.004r026 o7t19t2017 21'.10 fAx)1s0s28s2s62 ñ I Agruement Numbe¡ 51-U-0031 Authorlw euroose'o¡.Äsråäffitä;äää;¡ü'fi;iä;ä::::::.:i:::::,:::::::.::::.:.,::::3 Porlod ol Perfôrmance -,.,,,, ¡sElsnmenr and' oìtaoñiü';il;äöä;;ïffi ::::::.::::.:::::::::.,:::::::::; ,..,..,,...4 Re*lvlns-and gtecharge of Fede¡at Deralneei:.;.;::::;.:::.....,..........,..s Medlcal SÊrvlc€s.........,,.,.,..,, :lg:11 :!{lld.4ransportauon ep8lonat Güård/TÞEnsportaHon Specl8l Notlf, cafion8 ........... Servtoes ro Medtcst Fâclttry................6 Servlces to U.S, Courthot¡se ....,..,.,,... 6 p;Èondil;e Erñ;i;;úäï¿i:tËiËÄi':::..:.::::::::::::::.::::::.:.::.:::::,:::::t Servloe ContÞct Act...,,,....._,..,. Per-Dlem Rste.....,,,,,,,....... ....,,..,,.......,..,.....,,..7 aÍi'"sã;'J Fr-nä;Ë¡';ä;ËË;ä::::::.:::::::::.:::::::::::::..:.:::.:::::.:::::.l::::3 P€yment prccedur€s,,.,....... Modt'c€'om_snc Ofsputes....,.:::::::::.::::::::::::::,:::::.::::::::::::::::..:::::3 rnÉpeclfon of 5enr1q98,...,. .,,,...,..,.,,,,. g Lltlg8uon .....,,,,.,,.,....9 Prlsoner Rüpe Ellmfnatlon Act ReporflnE Inlbrmaüon....,,,,....,.,.,,,... 11 Pagc 2 of 11 füiffiÍrfüríiliiiiiiíärfifrilfr " rm'ffrräiäiii¡íñíñir¡rrfüi" - P.005r026 o7t19t2017 21'.10 a ô AgreemenÈ Nurnbê¡ fAx)1s0s28s2s62 5I-11-0031 AüthoÉty Pul€uänt to the authorlty of Sect¡on 119 of the Depaltmcnt of JuEtlEt ApÞruÞdEt¡ons Acts of 2oo1 (Pub3lc l¡w 106-553), thls Agr€ement 18 ântclld lnto betwlGn tüe unlted Staües uarshils Servlce (herelnafrcr referied to !5 the "Federal Govemment") and Clbola Gounty (herolnailer relbned to as the "[ocãl Governneng)' who hereby agrtc as lbllows: Purpoee d AilreSment rn.l SGcr¡dty ProYldcd The Faderål Govemment 8nd the Local Govcrnment establlÊh thls AgEemGnt thst allowB t,re Unlted States MarÉhals Sen¡lce (USMS) to house federal deÞlnees wlth the local Govemment at the (herelnafter ¡ercired b aE 'the faclllty"), Glbola couÛty D€tenüon GGntcr The poputEuon (herelnafter æfe'rred to as 'federal deFlnees") wlll lncludc lnd¡vlduals ãnaóeä-wm þàeÊf ofibnses €nd d€tatned ruhtle lwãltlng trla¡, lndlv¡duals who havs (BOP) Oóã'¡isenenæ¿ ðnd ar€ swaltlng de8þnatlon and transport to a Bur€au of Prlsons Etiatus or faclllty, and lndlvldu¡ls who are swalung r headng on thelr lmmlgEtlon deport8tlon. .lhq Local GoìrernmGnt 6hall sccept end provlde for the s€orfe custody, ssfekeeplng, ñäJshg, st¡bslSttnce and cal€ Of'fêd€råj dehlnees ¡n accordsnce urltfi all SÞtc ãnd local iåwì, iiånOards, regulåtlong, pollcles and oourt orderÊ sppl¡cablê !o the operatlon of tlre äáÍ'W. i¡ãu¡nées ã¡r¡tl also be housed ln a manner tfiat ls conslstcnt wlth lþderal llw and the Federal Perfurmance-Based DeÞntlon Ständards' Tfie Usl4s ênsurGs the s€cur€ cugtody, cå!c, and saËkeeplng of usMs detâlnees. __^ ¡äcor¿lnãV, áll houstng or work asatjnmcnú, End lecreatlon ôr other actlvltles for USMS deta-ined íe permltd ong wlthln secure a€€s of the bulldlng of wlthln thê secure cDfternal recreâtfonal/€xerË 6€ 8¡c45. At Oll tlrn€E, the Federal Government shsll have eccê33 to the fâclllty and to th9 f€( eral ãËt¿in.ei n'oused th€re, ånd to all records pertglnlng to thls Ag6ement, ¡ncludlng . ña#tat Êóds, ør a ieaoO gotng back tlirce (3) y¿¡æ f'!m the date of r€que5t by tlÊ Federal Government. Pe¡lod ûl Pertotmance thls aÁl€er€nt 16 efücdve upon the dab oÍ slgnsÛr€ of bdt partlcs, ånd ñemàlns ln shall ;iË'á-ñ-È; þrmrn-atelúV either party wlttr witten notlcs. The l¡cal Governmênt lhelr lñt€nt ùo rärfùã rõ fe"- than one-liundroa iwerity (120) calendar d€ys notlcê of [inirìñáte. Wher€ the local Goremrhent ha6 rgcelved a Cooperatlve Ae neem€nl irögä. iCAel awdrd' the termlnauon provlslons of üre c'AP prevall' Pler 3 of 1l Í üffiilff ürifiifliñrïü'ñ"f!ilmîhifi iï'ìf üfr'fi f üiiil''íi ili'"- P.006r026 o7t19t2017 21'.10 fAx)1s0s28s2s62 êAgrEelll6nt Number 51-11-0031 Aslgnmcnt ¡nd Outcourclng ottÊlt Operaüon¡ ovÊ'Ell mrnacement End oper€flon of the frdlrty housrng Þderal detarnees may not be æntncted out wrthout th€ þao. expr=o'unitË;ä;# or the Fedent GovemñGnt. i -dlcEl gerclcet IhG lo@l covemment 6hall pryvlde fiederal detElneeB wlth the full range of medlcål cal€ râcriltv. rhe rever or c¿rc rnsrde thË racr¡rtv shoulã oã'täJäñe !llt__l!.glÎl"ndon maE plrovrd@ Rr stâþ End local detrlnees, Thc local Govemment ", ls fin¡nclallv responslble for ail m€d¡crl cErc prcvtded tnÊtd€ the fãcilttv o ¡e¿ércr'äJËrnä. rnr lncludee the cost of all medrcar, rtentar, an¿ mentaihêa¡i¡'care a- ,re[Ë rË õstoË mêdlcal Suppllec, over thê couñter preäcdpt¡ons'ánd,-ini prescÍouon mer câttôns Ebcke! bv rhe råcrrrv whÈh are-provrde¿ tb rcäáår ¿-à'årn-åeË.-äã-õ,#or al T$ryï of une loovèfErfErenced ñedJcal caÌE ls covered by the Ëderal per dlem .ate. nôww"., lf dlalysls ls prov,tdecl wlthtn rhe lbciltty, the ¡e¿eá govemmenl wilt pay tbr tfre cost ol thst servlæ. rne-r"deral covemment lF frnenclglly rcsponslble lor all rhedfcat cârE prcvlded out lde the facillty to fcderal detalnees, Thc'Fedéral covernmánt rnusÈ bê bllled dlredlv bv the mcdlcal c€rc provlder rot rhe Locar Governr¡ent, rn order to;*uË'ùiiii,tedrå# '' t-.pnpêrly appllc.l' medlcal clalms lbr Ëderal defaln€€s mugt bson c"ncrs or'- åt"" M_edrcår€ € nd (cMs) FoÍns ln order to ¡e ni-p¡rc.¿ at r'reolcare rätes ¡-n -Meglc€td gc"ot!.?lq rfl¡th ïfle 19, usc sectlon 4006. Thc Local Government ls reouired to rmmedlEtEly Þrward alf medlc€l cl81m6 lbr Édgral ¿et€lñees to thc Federai Govenrment proceselng. llor All outEldG medtcar cãre provtded to fuderEr detarnees mugt be pfe.âDomv'd bv the Feoe¡ar Gtwernment. In thc e\rent of an emergoncy, the Looal Govcrñinent sha'i¡ qroce€d ¡mm€draterv wrth necesssry medlc¿r tËatmänt. h sùcñ an éràãùìñàl¡car Govemment sh¡rr noflfy tîre Federai covemment rmmedrateiy regird¡"g ñe tfie Ëderal detarnees urnÞcc or lrüun' as wcil ae the types of 6.ãi,nentiË"rå;;'- ;ãú;ä- Medlcal cåre fror lÞdenf detafne€8 shall be prcìlded by the Locðl Govemment ¡n àccotdancg wtth_the pmvlslons of usMs, publlcagon ioo-pr¡soner nealtt¡ care étan¿aøE and ¡n compllsnce wlu,r usMs lnspectlon Guldellnes, Fonn usM-218 Det.ntron Fac-ütyrnvesHgatG neport. The Locûl Go\remment ls rcsponslble for all a¡soclated' medlcairucontke'ephg. Iwlulât4¡maruhal$.oôø adequate tnfecttorrs dtseagE controt program h,htch 3?..ç^.Iiry_"^l1t-hav.e-ln.ptace.an rnquoes leeHng of ![ federal deÞlnee5 fut Tuberculosts cIB) as soon äs o-osslblc ¡fter purtfrêd proretn oä¿-úauvõ lxceed t4.days). when !l9f.l1otp AioiStñËË;Ë useo, mey sna be Fead bÊtween 4g and 72 houre after placemenÈ, TB bsung shall be aclompllshd ln accodance wlth the l€test cente¡r fior Dlse8se control (cDc) Gutdethes änd rhe ¡€Butt p.oi,t*lv ào.timãìa¿ ln th6 federal detatneee Pag€ ,äüilrrîi;iíriliïifr ¡1 of 11 ífi ii¡ïniff ilfl milffi fi úifliffi itui'"- P.007 026 o7t19t2017 21'.11 fAx)1s0s28s2s62 Ê Õ Agreehent Nur¡ber 51-11-0031 modlcal rccord. .Speclsl requesb fur o