UNITED ST A TES DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATlON OFFICE FOR CTVIL RIGHTS RECIO VIII ARlWN A COLORADO NEW MEXI CO 1244 SP EER BLVD, SUITE310 DENVER, CO 80204-3582 UTAH WYOMING Apri124,2012 (b)(6); (b)(7(C) Re: Southwest Acupuncture College OCR Case Number : 08-12-2083 (b)(6); Dear Ms . (b)(7(C) On February 29, 2012, we received a complaint alleging Southwest Acupuncture College discriminated on the basis of gender and retaliated. We have determined that we have the authority to inv~stigate this complain t consistent with our complaint proc edure s and applicable law. Specifically, you allege that the College did not respond appropriately to a report of sexual violence , and retaliated by wi~hdrawing you from the program and denying your request for readmission. We are responsible for enforcing Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and its implementing regulation at 34 C.F .R. Part 106, which prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs and activities that receive Federal financial assistance from the Department. Individuals filing a complaint, participatin g in an investigation, or asserting a right under Title IX are protected from intimidation or retaliation by 34 C.F.R. § 106.71, which incorporates 34 C.F .R. § 100.7(e). As a recipient of Federa l financial assistance from the Department, the College is subject to these laws and regulations. Additional information about the laws OCR enforces is available on our website at http://www.ed .gov/ocr. Because we have jurisdiction and the complaint was filed timely, we are opening these allegation s for investigation. Please note that opening the allegat ions for investigation in no way implies that we have made a determination with regard to their merits. During the invest igation, OCR is a neutral fact-fin der, collecting and analyzing relevant evidence from the complainant , the recipient , and other sources, as appropriate. OCR will ensure that its investigation is legally sufficient and is dispos itive of the allegations, in accordance with the prov isions of Article 1JIof the Case Pro cessing Manual. Our procedures also provide for investigations to be terminated if the College has taken actions that completely resolve the issues in the complaint or if the College and Complainant reach an agreement through Early Complaint Resolution. You have expressed an interest in participating The Depart ment of Ed ucation' s mission is to promote student ach ieveme nt and prepa ration for globa l competitiven~s by fostering educati onal excellence and ensuring equal access . "'' ww .ed.gov Page 2 of2 in Early Complaint Resolution (ECR). If the CoJ1ege is interested in this process, we will designate staff to facilitate an agreement between you and the College. To the extent possible, staff assigned to conduct ECR of a complaint shall not be staff assigned to the investigation of that complaint. We intend to conduct a prompt investigation of this complaint. The regulation implementing Title VI, at 34 C.F.R. § I 00.6(b) and (c), requires that a recipient of Federal financial ass istance make available to OCR information that may be pertinent to reach a compliance determination. This requirement is incorporated by referen ce in the Title IX regulation at § I 06. 71. Pursuant to 34 C.F.R. § I 00.6(c) and 34 C.F.R. § 99.3 l(a)(3)(iii) , of the regulation implementing the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), 20 U.S.C. § I 232g, OCR may review personally identifiable records without regard to considerations of privacy or confidentiality. If our investigation establishes that there has been a violation of law, we will attempt to negotiate a remedy. If we are unable to secure appropriate remedial action, we must initiate formal enforcement action by commencing administrative proceedings seeking the termination of Federal funds to the College or a referral to the Department of Justice. These enforcement procedures will be initiated only if a violation is found and then only if we are unable to negotiate voluntary remedial action. Your complaint also referenced age and race discrimination. In a telephone conversation with our office, you indicated that you did not want to pursue those allegations. Accordingly, our investigation will not address these issues. Your complaint also raised concerns with respect to the College not disciplining a male student who threatened you during a mediation that took place in April of 2011. OCR will take action only with respect to complaint allegations that have been filed within 180 calendar days of the date of the last act of alleged discrimination unless the complainant is granted a waiver. You requested a waiver on grounds that you were not aware that you could file a complaint with OCR. We find that this request does not qualify for a waiver under the state d circumstances. Your previous lack of awareness of OCR is not a basis for a waiver. W c are therefore dismissing this allegation effective the date of this letter. We are committed to prompt and effective service. If you have any questions , please contact Sandra Roesti, staff attorney, at 303-844-5942 or by email at sandra. roesti@ed.gov. s:17)/#1 Thomas M. Rock Supervisory General Attorney UNlTED ST ATES DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION REG ION VIII OFFICE FOR CIVIL RIGHTS ARIZO NA COLORAOO NEWM EXJCO lIT AH W YO MJN C 1244 SPEER BLVD, SUITE 310 DENVER, CO 80204-3582 April 24, 2012 Dr. Anthony Abbate President , Southwest Acupuncture College 1622 Galisteo Street Santa Fe, NM 87505 Re: Southwest Acupunctur e College OCR Case Number: 08-12-2083 Dear Dr. Abbate : On February 29, 2012, we received a complaint alleging Southwest Acupuncture College discriminated on the basis of gender and retaliated. We have determined that we have the authority to investigate this complaint consistent with our complaint procedures and applicable law. Specifically , the complainant alleges that the College did not respon d appropriately to a report of sexual violence, and retaliated by withdrawing the complainant from the program and denying her request for readmiss ion. We are responsible for enforcing Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 anq its implementing regulation at 34 C.F.R. Part 106, which prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex in education probrrams and activities that receive Federal financial assistance from the Department. Individuals filing a complaint , participating in an inves tigation, or assert ing a right under Title IX are protected from intimidation or retaliation by 34 C.F.R. § 106.71 , which incorporates 34 C.F.R. § 100.7(e). As a recipient of Federal financial assistance from the Department, the College is subject to these laws and regulations . Additional information about the laws OCR enforces is available on our websit e at http://www .ed .gov/ocr. Becau se we have jurisdiction and the complaint was filed timely, we are opening these allegation s for investigation. Please note that opening the allegations for investigation in no way implies that we have made a determination with rebrard to their merits. During the investigation , OCR is a neutral fact-finder , collecting and anal yzing relevant evidence from the complainant , the recipient , and other sources, as appropriate. OCR will ensure that its investigation is legally suffici ent and is dispositive of the allegation s, in accordance with the provisions of Article Ill of the Case Processing Manual. Thl' Department of Education 's mission is to promote student achieveme nt and preparation for global w mpetitivcness by fostering educa tional excellence and ensuring equal access. ·w ww .cd.gov Page 2 of3 Please read the enclosed document entitled "OC R Complaint Process ing Procedures'' which includes information about o OCR's complaint evaluation and resolution procedures, including the availability of Early Complaint Resolution (ECR); o Regulatory proh ibitions against retaliation, intimidation and harassment of persons who file complaints with OCR or participate in an OCR investigation; and o Application of the Freedom of Information Act and the Privacy Act to OCR investigations . Our procedures also provide for investigations to be terminated if the College has taken actions that completely resolve the issues in the complaint or if the College and Complainant reach an agreement through Early Complaint Resolution. The Complainant expressed an interest in participat ing in Early Complaint Resol ution (ECR). If the College is interested in this process, we wiJJdesignate staff to facilitate an agreement between the College and the Complainant. To the extent possible, staff assigned to conduct ECR of a complaint shall not be staff assigned to the investigation of that complaint. We intend to conduct a prompt investigation of this complaint. The regulation implementing Title VI, at 34 C.F.R. § 100.6(b) and (c), requires that a recipient of Federal financial assistance make available to OCR information that may be pertinent to reach a compliance determination . This requirement is incorporated by reference in the Title IX regulation at § I 06. 71. Pursuant to 34 C.F.R. § 100.6(c) and 34 C.F.R. § 99.31 (a)(3)(iii), of the regulat ion implementing the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERP A), 20 U.S.C. § 1232g, OCR may review personally identifiable records without regard to considerations of privacy or confidentiality. In order to reach an efficient and timely resolut ion to this matter, we are providing you an opportunity to present the College's response to these allegations and to submit supporting documentation. We have also determined that the information itemized in the enclosed "Data Request" is necessary to initiate resolution. We request that this information reach our office as soon as possible but no later than May 9, 2012 . If any of the requ ired items are available to the public on the [ntemet, you may provide the website address. You may also send documents to us by email to sandra.roest i@ed.gov or by fax to (303) 844-4303. Because email is not reliably secure, please do not email any document that contains personally identifiable or private information. If our investigation establishes that there has been a violation oflaw, we will attempt to negotiate a remedy. If we are unable to secure appropriate remedial action, we must initiate formaJ enforcement action by commencing administ rative proceedings seeking the termination of Federal funds to the College or a referral to the Department of Justice. These enforcement procedures will be initiated only if a violation is found and then only if we are unable to negotiate voluntary remedial action. Page 3 of3 Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. In addition to the information requested above, we may need to request additional information and interview pertinent personnel. If an on-site visit is determined to be necessary, you will be contacted to schedule a mutually convenient time for the visit. Please notify us of the name, address, and telephone number of the person who will serve as the College's contact person during the resolution of this complaint. We would like to talk with this person as soon as possible regarding this matter. We will continue to address letters to your attention with a comtesy copy to the College's designated contact. We are committed to prompt and effective service. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Sandra Roesti, attorney, at 303-844-5942 or by email at sandra.roesti@ed.gov. Thomas M. Rock Supervisory General Attorney Enclosures - Data Request and "OCR Complaint Processing Procedures" Data Request Office for Civil Rights case number: 08-12-2083 Recipient: Southwest Acu uncture College Comp lainant: (b)(6); (b)(7(C) We request that this information reach our office as soon as possible but no later than May 9, 2012. If any of the required items are available to the public on the Internet, you may provide the website address. You may also send documents to us by email to sandra.roesti @ed.gov or by fax to (303) 844 -4303 . Because email is not reliably secure, please do not email any document that contains personally identifiable or private information. l. The name , title, address and telephone number of the person(s) responsible (if any) for coordjnating the College's compliance with Title IX and its implementing regulation, which prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex. If such person(s)'s identity and contact information is disseminated to students, please include an explanation of how this is done. 2. The College's policy (if any) addressing discrimination , includ ing harassment, against students on the basis of sex; an explanation of how the policy is publ icized or disseminated to students, faculty, staff, and administrators; and any written notices about the policy. 3. The name, title and telephone number of the person(s) responsible (if any ) for implementation of the policy mentioned in Item 2 that relates to sexual harassment/sexual violence against students. 4. The College's grievance or compla int procedure (if any) available to students who wish to file a complaint of sexual harassment/sexual violence; an explanation of how the procedure is publicized or disse minated to students; and any written notices to students about the procedure. If different procedures cover complaints that involve sexual violence , please also include this infonnat ion for each procedure. 5. The name, title and telephone number of the person(s) responsible (if any) for investigation and resolution of compla ints filed by a student under each procedure mentioned in Item 4, and a description of any specialized trairung provided regarding this respon sibility. 6. Documentation of any information provided to the College regarding an allegation of rape by studen t!(b)(6); (b)(7(C) including any correspondence, investigative notes , records of contact, reports of finding s and the like. lf no such documentation exists, provide a written description of the information provided by the complainant or !(b)(6);(b)(7(C) !(if any), and the College's response . l 7. All records of the College's investigation (if any ) of an alleged rape committed by student l(b)(6);(b)(7(C) J including but not limited to interview notes, notes from phone calls , emails, instant messages, police reports, medical reports, witness statements, notes from meetings , hearing transcripts , and official findings. If official findings were not made following any report, explain why not. 8. A narrative explanation of why the comp lainant was allegedly administratively withdrawn from the College. Please provide a copy of the policy, if any, the College relied upon in making such decision, if true. 9. A narrative explanation of why the complainant was allegedly declined readmission to the Co llege. Please provide a copy of the policy, if any, the Co llege relied upon in making such decision, if true. 10. Any documents relating to the complainant's withdrawal from the College, including but not limited to interview notes , notes from phone calls, emails, instant messages , and letters. 11. Any documents relating to the complaina nt's request for readmiss ion to the College and the College 's cons ideration of the request for readmission, including but not limited to interview notes, notes from phone calls, emails, instant messages , and letters. 12. The name, title, and telephone number of the person(s) who were involved in the decision against readmitting the complainant to the College. 13. The name, job title and contact information of the individual the College has designated to be OCR's contact for investigating this complaint. 14. A narrative response to the allegations of this complaint. 15. Any other information that the College believes relevant to this complaint.