Shailin Dhar Deccmocr 2C15 at 1C C7 AM To- contact?monkeyfrogmedia.comMonkeyFrogMedia Dean. We have a new publisher partner. Monkey Frog Media that has sites with premium traffic that they'd like us to help them monetize. Can we please get them set up with an IQ with the normal 80/20 rev-share? This will be for 100% till. The name on the IQ should be Matt Aroeneaux. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks. Shailin Company Info: Monkey Frog Media. LLC 13355 Noel Rd Suite 1100 Dallas. TX 75240 email: corr Sites: mm 0 rr Taxi . so '11 TechsL fe com wi-xw TrencyRec peco'n