- . I . Secret .2 #0 A A403 8m? - 4 anm or swan em a - 3m nan: Imam. cammm. um, am, Snail?. TOKYO. GIMME, canoe, mama. cxwm. 13th hunt: car. a In? mm. Ethan; Japan; On. 500th Inc. 619. 0dr. M. Mu, NW1 21. 1968 can? tho period mun to Dace-bot 18. 1968 POLITICAL 1. my taken Another Round in tau-Wm Cumin a. 9n ?pr-anion a. Lott-ling Pl! Mu ?ora Setback. loom? non-um 8. UB-Indo blatant: 31le o. at? Over an 7. new con-undo: 3. Polish Much? O. hm Pun? toxin I Decret- IN. front AIM-M . Glad. 3mm? 2; 5400 Iron Djeherte mncu. 1. 33 We Another hand in Antiduhm c.2133" (seat-r) e. The reporting to etrihieg Are: ie during poeer under the Jurisdiction o: the 8m Operetioee W. or m1. which the Arey intend- eill ultieetely ?mr-Oehiut' it to direct national policy. On Doze-her 10. decree me Oeunl Suharto the euthority to appoint the Ire-here of the htteerdieery Iilitery Tribune: which will try the leedere ot the Ieptoeher 30 lav-eat. ee eoll he to eet court preoeduru end eoree ee A tee den leter. on Deceeher 14. Oenerel loherte enhanced oh the Peleoe etepe thet Preeideht Sahel-ho emitted three Deputy Greot Wu 0: m. Benerel tor Iilitery unit-e. Bolton lee-mum for loo-onto end 8mm! ?ten-e, end Melee Mani tor Booiel-roliticel ?mu. ennui-1o. tho originally been elated to receive the ?emu-n Mteire' portiolio. no nowhere lietodAntere he would on trip to the letherleede otter the beginning oi the nee yoer. h. the An, thue appeared to hove ell ite ohjeotivee. lot the reel ieport or the Any'e victory did not etrihe hone until tee den leter when. egeie oh the etepe. Suharto enhanced thet: The Control Intelligence Bureau the Mrio eel goeerel euneillehoe outstation. rill he with- time troe the control ot the lioietry o! Foreign ?hire. end into the Any-m lotion-l Intelligence mu. of non. (ii) be loom-to Operetioee (m till he die-um. and non; with the "leuiheri Oporetim m" (mun) nu he inoonereted into the Ierdiheri Develop-eat Co-eed coder Salter in m. to eel). ee ehother iodioetioe or the Any'e peer. thie enhance-eat re?ected the of en eeriier Am to keep ite heed- oit the econow until ite continuing dittioeltiee the eilitery'e edeereeriee. Gertie nepectee o1 involve-eat ie the mm to lav?an he man ?rehele." Suharto?e main. or thie mt. to en peoic through the route of leietere ehe button: tore up et the niece every eoreie; tor schem'e m1, 31-354"! Fags Eros 3333.333th The ?mucus-a said to be 2.1. trillion strong but sch-any mars is the vicinity of 40.060 to 513,000. will. henceforth to ?Perth? by spacial mu ucticn. Although this is not too czar. it ?13er to rosymibilit: tor those voluntocrr-v-sn important 01 when wars cautioned by tho Pin-twang: 2m the Rational Mat. sn organisation which sum" to be on its last legs: anyway. 2. Repression (mmrm) s. Although Sukarno want to his asst vitriolic sud saga-y to damastnto his amt-mat with tho pmasnt main of repression minst PEI-"even threatening seats to resin it than ?Jelts" wars sot stopped-?u didn?t do hit or good. 'h?hs ?Jenn?. which nas resulted in an satimtsd 100,000 deaths, continua, as did the issuancs of nets by politicians sad youth maps dwmcing tho idea of any waist-mini? Party. ss troll as rayorts s11 nae-bots of tho Pl! politbum are now dad or in custody axcept for one said to bs out of tho canny, and one who disappeared in August. act ?uprising?, niisbis uports indicate that the PIE-"that is hit or itw-is rapidly losing contimos is Sukarso's ability to protect it. and my resort to sctivs atom 13 the situation doos not iuprovs by member.- 26. It is not iiksly to item, but that capability the will have to begin "active scion-o? by that data is quits pmhimticai. b. A mun. Dalian? source inzomd the many that on tho island 01 mi new tact). shout 10.030, and include pursues sad cm distant mstim at Govemr Butedjs. who the) with his wits to mslu-ts sits: his noun was burned down by ?sonata-stats. sum; is continuing on the island, which had stuns PEI sad right-wing which owns? it. a. 1.2th Takes lam Su?sm-supported. unwise ?38 led by Ali Baatrossidjojo sad It. Muslims CW ts uttered sharp dotsats this was! in its as). with ousted m-mamm faction to contra). the 931. Aceot?ins to hr?. nation's myst- ?at-its ?gublik, John Lmkems. nomty m? Gusset oi the and chief Bananas mullet-ma. was ass; with tour stint saw Wat infiltrate? s! the PM. across?, this is not seminal: mamas. it cameo that fact Java military 3m logo ?3 1-408 m- mount loom-u ?no ?than Mo pot-tutu to: tho loft-um ill to an "tom-g munu'um u-num-umm by to cousin-two? out tho max-um tooth. 1m tho Ditty. It to tno tho motto; too not told. not tho can to not yot known; t! tt to two thot mm but mom Islam. tho man u- lott tho only tool. unitary on: to nu tort. 4. team? moons-u (mum-w.) o. Ion-ovum to 1m tho ototo o: tho [too-otto- oceans-whoa: {:9on thwarting?. mucosa-coon. toovtno nth. roux-t not of 2.11m: instruction not to ?that on Mo pupal. no Any. ot that ttlo. too cool menu then pronouns. and no no? to order to one. tto grotto; out: aura ?too/Dhaka tho taco o! it. tutu-torus. b. no ?rst mot-Ito rotuto oi tho tuna? mum ?no on Mr 18. thou mu mt: Mao Motor anon: Solon mood thot on most-ctmlottonml ho roto o! 1.000113911101016qu mac: honor. ?mmt unto Jolt tho out?: to: coyot- too. buttoned-3 oolo oton ones-tattoos cannot prion-roam ond atom-closing. that Boo-d to In. and down by m: 11. only ought}: om tho provin- tonal. o. no any. which had (trot mood m. stop, to on com to to both! 1t; mm mm nun-u. tho an aunt: Snot moor to: loom-u ?tun o1 am. to own so? to ion: Mutton, an tooth: on motto:- bound to ho nod, to: moon-It. I. Manon. (mum o. lot-um outs-at to ?no mum, on tho position of mun-unlit! Woomnxm tools:- b. 41). In an colon). ton- ot coal-Io tho atom: politic-1 Mop-Iota. no Month; ot out wood that ?(uncut any tom-tic. no. waldo. noun 0! auto-tn: atoms?. amn- Pogo 6; Hon Iro- 01mm h. 'l'ho chum of ot-nphoro io ?lotion homo: lode-?ion old Alon-icon hon coo-aims and con condiolity hoo ovidoot io oociol uthoriou oo ooll oo in ooro quiot during tho cook. at Icon to: mtho loo trooly groot Antioch iriohdo on public occooiono. tho o1 old pootoro and oino diroctod viciouoly mint tho along with othor "10mm.? pout-o. to otriho no oo of tho on doy. Although tho romal o1 ouch oino oi tho old rosin to not tho tor-or no grootly roducod. At Iona? oporto hall ohoo Sukarno. oppoorinc in thot lorgo om for tho tint tioo oinoo Guam. tho 20th ouivoroory o! tho tom'- Pox-wort organisation on Deco-hoi- l7. thoro no no oin ot ouch tor-or gorioh provost-do oo ooriootcroo oi Unclo Boo and oioiloi- cod hootilo which and to tho m'o lio ottowt to rohiodlo hio old ontory and to who tho tot-or toilod in tho c. ton on oino o: oo-ocohuod iotolloctutl coriooity co to clot io going on in tho out-ido world ond oopociolly io thoro on iotoroot to ohot othoro think ohoct dorolopoonto. Pooplo oro hungry tor on "coupon-o. motion. hooho ood contooto. In tho iuuotic ooitoh which hoo occurred ovoi- too ohort tho io huoilydoiogohot totokoodnotogooim opportunitioo which ohort tins ogo would hoto whilo tho in 3mm min: mtorod. not surprisingly, oo iatoml dovolop- it hoo givoo good play to tho oxtrooi-dinory Oooini o: tho post cod tho loroigo Dopartont'o aroma oi Doc-ho: 20 trout- pogoo otory undoi- tho hood "locord braking Moi 1 burn." Iditouolo in tho oovortholou moot that tho ?nitod tutu. oo io hohiod tho tiuo in its policy on Viotnoo. Int 59332, loo; coo c! on: ortiocloto and mum no! undo: on Any- Ion-count. hoo tohoo tho to ohot it hco oo hopotcl oixno to: immod m-lodonooion on ?condor Groom'o coll oh Invito loot look. 0- tho wholo. trooh is blowing. C. hhoo On: .(tmcusszum) Mao-oral Suharto. Any Wood chic! o2 Sto? or hood-hr ll'xtht tho antral lotolliccoco Body (ml) will ho .l sum: Page 6; A40. tron mains-ta netted into the lational lntelligenoe eta-and (Ill) which in subordinate to non. b. com (maximum: The had been, in tact. balm Iiniater 8nbandrio?a private intelligence organization. 1. lee loam enhancer (mxnm): hJor General ?ner lirahadiknaunan. the toner Iilitary m-ander o1 noun 7 (Greater wakes-ta), can inatalled an the Mr of the Strategic Any con-and (my) on December 1. O. non-h Attache. (WSIHD): a Polish nilitary attachee are accredited to lodcneeia tor the tiret tine. Colonel Inclae Iruglaeki. Arnor. and hJor ran IietaJec. Signal. recently node their tirat public appearancea. loch ottioera are coco-pallet! by their :aniliea. and are on three year tours. 3. com (MW): lietaJeo baa not participated in calla and nay remain in the background. Both otticera noon to be attemtiu to cultivate 0.8. Attachea. he: look on their toore in lndoneaia with foreboding. All 0. Air force Ellen loll: (minus-rm): Aa bin that official act 'atter being worn in aa new Air force liniater, Sri Isljono lerlanhanc announced tie retooling of Deputy Iinister tor Operation. and Intelligence Donut?. rho nay co to an Air Attache atter a briet, taco-arm period in the statue 01 "attached to the Iiniater." Deputy Iinieter alota he held nu be occupied by the toner Air Attache- to Canberra and Ioacoe. tor the hr: Vance front Iii-at secretary or                     National Security Archive,   Suite 701, Gelman Library, The George Washington University,   2130 H Street, NW, Washington, D.C., 20037,   Phone: 202/994‐7000, Fax: 202/994‐7005, nsarchiv@gwu.edu