InreIIigence?Lcd Policing Prosecution Center SN REPORT Date of Report: December 11, 2015 Month: November, 2015 Thomas P. Zugibe Rockland County District Attorney Peter Modafferi Stephen J. Cole-Hatchard Chief of Detectives Director Rockland County District Attorney?s Office Rockland County ILPPC New City, NY 10956 New City, NY 10956 Intelligence-Led Policing Prosecution Center SNUG REPORT Date of Report: December 11, 2015 Month Overview: November, 2015 SUMMARY OF REPORT: Through the use of a social media monitoring platform and other investigatory tactics, the ILPPC is able to search, monitor and analyze real time social media content from any chosen location around the country. With the aim to interupt Violence, the mission is to: - Prevent individuals from causing harm to themselves and others; - Set up geofences to monitor social media in high risk areas of Rockiand; and - Monitor social media accounts of individuals who may be associated with acts of violence. Findings will all be supported by both tactical and strategic intelligence, with assistance from and constant communication with the Youth Bureau and Community Advocates (Interrupters). -. - ATTACEIVIENTS INCLUDED IN THIS REPORT: Spreadsheet of geofence recordings set up each month by the ILPPC, using its social media monitoring capabilities; - Spreadsheet of the ILPPC Violence Interuption case ?les for the month; and 0 Data charts depicting actions taken for the month in relation to violence interruption efforts. Below is a guide to explain the spreadsheets: LOCATION: The geofence that has bEen placed over an area. Often the radius around an area does not exceed 15km, allowing us to receive full coverage of all network activity. ALERT NAME: The ILPPC can receive alerts in relation to speci?c incidents, suspicious activity and any monitoring of events. The alert name re?ects the type of activity about which we are being noti?ed. USER TRACK: The ILPPC can monitor speci?c individuals (users) upon request, or upon knowledge of? at risk? activity of a particular person. NOTES: Any additional information that may be important or useful. The attached data charts" have been created to display the: 0 Number of Violence Interruption recordings established for the month; 0 Number of Violence Interruption alerts received and reviewed for the month; a Number of person(s) tracked in reference to the protection of themselves and/or the public; and 0 Number of Violence Interruption case ?les for the month; *The raw data for each chart is displayed on the subsequent page, respectively. 350 November 2015 umber olence Interrupti Establi sh ed A .- ROCKLAND COUNTY ILPPC SNUG REPORT November 2015 October November December March October November Raw Data Number of Violence Interruption Established Alerts Received 8: 250 ROCKLAND COUNTY ILPPC SNUG REPORT NOVEMBER 2015 Win18? . *Idcnuty of person(s) Is not disclosed for con?dentiality purposes . . ROCKLAND COUNTY ILPPC SNUG REPORT NOVEMBER 201 5 Raw Data Violence Interruption alcrt name Received/reviewed Gangs 7 Violence 230 Protests 4 Terrorism 55 Black Lives Mancr 2 Heroin Initiative l6 Police Riots 6 Event 12 "Identity of person(s) is not disclosed for con?dentiality purposas. . .. . . 4? Individual Tracked Users ROCKLAND COUNTY . . SNUG REPORT NOVEMBER 2015 NOVember 2015: 1.15%; . .. - I .. 10 ROCKLAND COUNTY ILPPC SNU REPORT NOVEMBER 2015 Raw Data Twitter Instagram Number of Tracked 42 22 Users 1O .. . Number of Cases .5 .n 433351;? .. i1 November 2015 umber of Violence; Interruptio 11 Case FilesROCKLAND COUNTY ILPPC SNUG REPORT NOVEMBER 2015 Raw Data Violence Type No of cases Sexual o??exmes Wcapons (Possession etc) to Welfare Robbery Assault Homicide 0 Threat Alcohol/Drugs Burglary Motor Vehicle Arson Traf?c Incidents Public O??ences (cg. Disorderiy Conduct/Vandalism etc.) Gangs Other 12 4444DATE TYPE VIOLENCE GEOFENCES: NOVEMBER 2015 . ALERTM ME USER TRACK NOTES 11/30/2015 Hot Spot NIA Monitoring the location for violence and/or suspicious activity. VIOLENCE INTERRUPTION CASE FILES: NOVEMBER 2015 DATE CASE NO - LOCATION - Ccn?al Actively monitoring and identifying 11/17/2015 15 029 VI Violence/Gangs Nyack, NY bars in 838118. CPD Of?ca' noti?ed of a subject who 11/23/2015 Violonceh?hreats Nanuct, NY had h? placed around home and subject?s social media pro?les are being monitored. 14