MAINE STATE LEGISLATURE The following document is provided by the LAW AND LEGISLATIVE DIGITAL LIBRARY at the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library Reproduced from electronic originals (may include minor formatting differences from printed original) LAWS OF THE STATE OF MAINE AS PASSED BY THE ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-SECOND LEGISLATURE FIRST REGULAR SESSION December 1, 2004 to March 30, 2005 FIRST SPECIAL SESSION April 4, 2005 to June 18, 2005 THE GENERAL EFFECTIVE DATE FOR FIRST REGULAR SESSION NON-EMERGENCY LAWS IS JUNE 29, 2005 THE GENERAL EFFECTIVE DATE FOR FIRST SPECIAL SESSION NON-EMERGENCY LAWS IS SEPTEMBER 17, 2005 PUBLISHED BY THE REVISOR OF STATUTES IN ACCORDANCE WITH MAINE REVISED STATUTES ANNOTATED, TITLE 3, SECTION 163-A, SUBSECTION 4. Penmor Lithographers Lewiston, Maine 2005 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 B. A consent agreement has been executed; or POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other C. A letter of dismissal has been issued or the investigation has otherwise been closed. Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the preamble, this Act takes effect when approved. GENERAL FUND TOTAL HIGHWAY FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other Effective March 31, 2005. CHAPTER 12 HIGHWAY FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other An Act Making Unified Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government, General Fund and Other Funds, and Changing Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 2005, June 30, 2006 and June 30, 2007 GENERAL FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows: GENERAL FUND All Other Sec. A-1. Appropriations and allocations. In order to provide for the necessary expenditures of State Government and other purposes for the fiscal years ending June 30, 2006 and June 30, 2007, the following sums as designated in the following tabulations are appropriated or allocated out of any money not otherwise appropriated or allocated. Any Highway Fund allocations appearing in this Part that are specifically allocated in another act are included in this Part for informational purposes only, as are enterprise accounts, exclusive of the State Lottery Fund. GENERAL FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER – ADMINISTRATIVE AND FINANCIAL SVCS 0718 GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2006-07 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other 3.000 $337,579 $25,583 ____________ $363,162 BUDGET - BUREAU OF THE 0055 GENERAL FUND 2005-06 1.000 $82,233 $8,350 __________ $90,583 2005-06 2006-07 25.000 $1,775,962 $239,755 __________ $2,015,717 25.000 $1,842,902 $241,610 __________ $2,084,512 2005-06 $1,000 __________ 2006-07 $1,000 __________ $1,000 $1,000 2005-06 $4,119,486 __________ $4,119,486 2006-07 $3,939,076 __________ $3,939,076 2005-06 $5,000 __________ 2006-07 $0 __________ $5,000 $0 FINANCIAL AND PERSONNEL SERVICES - DIVISION OF 0713 ADMINISTRATIVE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF 3.000 $323,866 $25,196 ____________ $349,062 1.000 $76,740 $8,219 __________ $84,959 2006-07 STATE CONTROLLER - OFFICE OF THE - SYSTEMS PROJECT 0058 PART A 2005-06 2005-06 12.000 $1,049,799 $90,135 __________ $1,139,934 STATE CONTROLLER - OFFICE OF THE 0056 H.P. 343 - L.D. 468 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other 12.000 $1,015,684 $87,412 __________ $1,103,096 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2006-07 79 2005-06 15.000 $925,913 $100,202 __________ $1,026,115 2005-06 2006-07 15.000 $969,939 $101,341 __________ $1,071,280 2006-07 27.000 $1,545,690 $405,697 __________ 27.000 $1,619,662 $415,839 __________ $1,951,387 $2,035,501 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 All Other CENTRAL SERVICES - PURCHASES 0004 POSTAL, PRINTING AND SUPPLY FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 53.000 POSITIONS - FTE COUNT 0.375 Personal Services $2,609,837 All Other $1,584,421 __________ POSTAL, PRINTING AND SUPPLY FUND TOTAL $4,194,258 ACCIDENT, SICKNESS AND HEALTH INSURANCE INTERNAL SERVICE FUND TOTAL 2006-07 53.000 0.375 $2,723,844 $1,584,421 __________ CENTRAL MOTOR POOL TOTAL 2006-07 15.000 $792,788 $4,561,939 __________ 15.000 $830,536 $4,592,377 __________ $5,354,727 $5,422,913 HIGHWAY FUND TOTAL 2005-06 1.000 $53,788 $23,435 __________ $77,223 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 2.000 Personal Services $101,180 All Other $20,450 __________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $121,630 2006-07 1.000 $56,614 $23,673 __________ $80,827 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other ADMINISTRATION - HUMAN RESOURCES 0038 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 25.500 $1,672,796 $194,857 __________ $1,867,653 2006-07 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 25.500 $1,738,111 $195,966 __________ $1,934,077 2005-06 3.000 $225,730 $250,283 __________ $457,328 $476,013 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL 12.000 $1,272,545 $18,104,565 __________ $19,377,110 2006-07 2.000 $108,220 $20,962 __________ $129,182 2005-06 $1,200,000 __________ 2006-07 $1,200,000 __________ $1,200,000 $1,200,000 2005-06 7.000 $638,482 $106,833 __________ $745,315 2006-07 7.000 $658,861 $108,691 __________ $767,552 PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS - PLANNING/ CONSTRUCTION - ADMIN 0057 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other ACCIDENT-SICKNESS-HEALTH INSURANCE 0455 RETIREE HEALTH INSURANCE FUND 2005-06 All Other $48,400,235 __________ RETIREE HEALTH INSURANCE TOTAL $48,400,235 2006-07 EMPLOYEE RELATIONS - OFFICE OF 0244 2006-07 3.000 $213,151 $244,177 __________ $1,513,884 TRADE ADJUSTMENT ASSISTANCE HEALTH INSURANCE Z001 CLAIMS BOARD 0097 HIGHWAY FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other $1,513,884 WORKERS' COMPENSATION MANAGEMENT FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 12.000 Personal Services $1,240,610 All Other $18,104,565 __________ WORKERS’ COMPENSATION MANAGEMENT FUND TOTAL $19,345,175 $4,308,265 2005-06 $741,289 __________ WORKERS' COMPENSATION MANAGEMENT FUND PROGRAM 0802 CENTRAL MOTOR POOL 0703 CENTRAL MOTOR POOL POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other $777,665 __________ 2006-07 $48,400,235 __________ GENERAL FUND TOTAL $48,400,235 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other ACCIDENT, SICKNESS AND HEALTH INSURANCE INTERNAL SERVICE FUND 2005-06 2006-07 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 13.000 13.000 Personal Services $736,219 $772,595 80 2005-06 9.000 $794,098 $149,113 __________ $943,211 2006-07 9.000 $825,723 $150,616 __________ $976,339 2005-06 2006-07 4.000 $313,401 $47,998 4.000 $329,582 $49,172 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 __________ __________ $361,399 $378,754 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 $6,523,971 __________ $6,523,971 STATEWIDE RADIO AND NETWORK SYSTEM RESERVE FUND 2005-06 All Other $279,044 __________ STATEWIDE RADIO AND NETWORK SYSTEM RESERVE FUND TOTAL $279,044 2006-07 $6,523,971 __________ $6,523,971 BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS OPERATIONS 0080 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL HIGHWAY FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other HIGHWAY FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other 2005-06 105.000 $5,092,755 $5,860,812 __________ $10,953,567 2006-07 18.000 $817,254 $1,051,833 __________ $1,869,087 2005-06 $463,900 __________ 2006-07 $463,900 __________ $463,900 $463,900 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL REAL PROPERTY LEASE INTERNAL SERVICE FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 3.000 Personal Services $196,748 All Other $20,498,101 __________ REAL PROPERTY LEASE INTERNAL SERVICE FUND TOTAL $20,694,849 OFFICE OF INFORMATION SERVICES FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT POSITIONS - FTE COUNT Personal Services All Other 2006-07 18.000 $779,137 $1,046,972 __________ $1,826,109 OFFICE OF INFORMATION SERVICES FUND TOTAL RISK MANAGEMENT FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other RISK MANAGEMENT FUND TOTAL 2006-07 STATE ADMINISTERED FUND All Other 3.000 $203,662 $20,498,101 __________ STATE ADMINISTERED FUND TOTAL $20,701,763 HIGHWAY FUND All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 $669,857 __________ $669,857 2006-07 $669,857 __________ $669,857 2005-06 $45,000 __________ 2006-07 $45,000 __________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL $45,000 2006-07 178.500 0.456 $14,232,766 $7,662,567 __________ 178.500 0.456 $14,800,104 $7,662,567 __________ $21,895,333 $22,462,671 2005-06 2006-07 5.000 $360,412 $247,729 __________ 5.000 $374,422 $233,719 __________ $608,141 $608,141 2005-06 $2,094,628 __________ 2006-07 $2,094,628 __________ $2,094,628 $2,094,628 2005-06 $2,500,000 __________ 2006-07 $2,500,000 __________ $2,500,000 $2,500,000 BUREAU OF REVENUE SERVICES FUND 0885 BUREAU OF REVENUE SERVICES FUND 2005-06 All Other $625,000 __________ BUREAU OF REVENUE SERVICES FUND TOTAL $625,000 $45,000 2006-07 $150,000 __________ $150,000 DEBT SERVICE - GOVERNMENT FACILITIES AUTHORITY 0893 PURCHASES - DIVISION OF 0007 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services 2005-06 DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES-STATEWIDE 0016 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other $279,044 RISK MANAGEMENT - CLAIMS 0008 BUR GEN SVCS - CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION AND IMPROVE RESERVE FUND 0883 HIGHWAY FUND TOTAL 2006-07 $279,044 __________ INFORMATION SERVICES 0155 105.000 $5,338,566 $5,860,812 __________ $11,199,378 2005-06 $363,573 __________ $826,745 STATEWIDE RADIO NETWORK SYSTEM 0112 CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION/REPAIRS/IMPROVEMENTS ADMIN 0059 GENERAL FUND All Other $477,406 __________ $921,324 2005-06 2006-07 7.000 $443,918 7.000 $463,172 GENERAL FUND All Other 81 2005-06 $18,403,517 2006-07 $17,908,782 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 GENERAL FUND TOTAL FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 __________ $18,403,517 Personal Services All Other __________ $17,908,782 LOTTERY OPERATIONS 0023 STATE LOTTERY FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other STATE LOTTERY FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2006-07 29.000 $1,678,769 $3,432,139 __________ 29.000 $1,756,900 $3,432,139 __________ $5,110,908 $5,189,039 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 $78,132,345 __________ $78,132,345 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL GENERAL FUND All Other 2005-06 $950,000 __________ 2006-07 $990,000 __________ $950,000 $990,000 2005-06 $40,900 __________ $40,900 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 $25,600 __________ $25,600 GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 $35,384,300 __________ $35,384,300 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2006-07 $41,923 __________ GENERAL FUND TOTAL HIGHWAY FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 2005-06 338.000 0.769 $21,181,448 $11,429,687 $260,200 __________ $32,871,335 $41,923 GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2006-07 $25,600 __________ $25,600 GENERAL FUND All Other 338.000 0.769 $22,223,109 $11,564,314 $268,000 __________ $34,055,423 3.000 2005-06 $5,400,000 __________ $5,400,000 2006-07 $5,500,000 __________ $5,500,000 2005-06 $8,015,000 __________ 2006-07 $8,465,000 __________ $8,015,000 $8,465,000 2005-06 $895,000 __________ $895,000 2006-07 $910,000 __________ $910,000 2005-06 $5,850 __________ $5,850 GENERAL FUND $201,686,464 HIGHWAY FUND $2,889,317 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND $126,630 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $19,591,920 POSTAL, PRINTING AND SUPPLY FUND $4,194,258 OFFICE OF INFORMATION SERVICES FUND $21,895,333 RISK MANAGEMENT FUND $608,141 WORKERS' COMPENSATION MANAGEMENT FUND $19,345,175 CENTRAL MOTOR POOL $5,354,727 2006-07 3.000 $3,622,453 2006-07 $5,950 __________ $5,950 ADMINISTRATIVE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 $36,105,037 __________ $36,105,037 2006-07 $3,601,006 WASTE FACILITY TAX REIMBURSEMENT 0907 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 $3,622,453 __________ VETERANS TAX REIMBURSEMENT 0407 REVENUE SERVICES - BUREAU OF 0002 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT POSITIONS - FTE COUNT Personal Services All Other Capital Expenditures 2005-06 $3,601,006 __________ UNORGANIZED TERRITORY EDUCATION AND SERVICES FUND - FINANCE 0573 HOMESTEAD PROPERTY TAX EXEMPTION REIMBURSEMENT 0886 GENERAL FUND All Other $5,000 TREE GROWTH TAX REIMBURSEMENT 0261 HOMESTEAD PROPERTY TAX EXEMPTION - MANDATE REIMBURSEMENT 0887 GENERAL FUND All Other 2006-07 $5,000 __________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2006-07 $82,896,495 __________ $82,896,495 ELDERLY TAX DEFERRAL PROGRAM 0650 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 All Other $5,000 __________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $5,000 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other COUNTY TAX REIMBURSEMENT 0263 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other $215,715 $24,394 __________ $240,109 HIGHWAY FUND TOTAL 2005-06 BUSINESS EQUIPMENT TAX REIMBURSEMENT 0806 GENERAL FUND All Other $207,158 $24,011 __________ $231,169 82 2006-07 $208,233,313 $2,949,923 $134,182 $20,219,544 $4,308,265 $22,462,671 $608,141 $19,377,110 $5,422,913 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 REAL PROPERTY LEASE INTERNAL SERVICE FUND $20,694,849 BUREAU OF REVENUE SERVICES FUND $625,000 RETIREE HEALTH INSURANCE FUND $48,400,235 ACCIDENT, SICKNESS AND HEALTH INSURANCE INTERNAL SERVICE FUND $1,513,884 STATEWIDE RADIO AND NETWORK SYSTEM RESERVE FUND $279,044 STATE ADMINISTERED FUND $2,094,628 STATE LOTTERY FUND $5,110,908 __________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $354,410,513 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL $20,701,763 $48,400,235 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other $1,513,884 $2,094,628 $5,189,039 __________ $362,044,655 ANIMAL WELFARE FUND 0946 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT POSITIONS - FTE COUNT Personal Services All Other 28.000 $1,864,712 $488,149 $0 __________ $2,352,861 2006-07 16.000 1.962 $892,204 $29,983 __________ 16.000 1.962 $948,346 $30,732 __________ $922,187 $979,078 2005-06 2006-07 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2.000 $113,483 $151,491 __________ $256,968 $264,974 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT POSITIONS - FTE COUNT Personal Services All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL CERTIFIED SEED FUND 0787 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT POSITIONS - FTE COUNT Personal Services All Other $240,000 2005-06 $184,715 __________ 2006-07 $189,332 __________ $184,715 $189,332 2005-06 2006-07 10.500 0.952 $638,416 $476,995 __________ 10.500 0.952 $675,922 $484,867 __________ $1,115,411 $1,160,789 HARNESS RACING COMMISSION 0320 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2.000 $109,171 $147,797 __________ 2006-07 2006-07 $240,000 __________ GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other Capital Expenditures 2006-07 2005-06 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 All Other $240,000 __________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $240,000 GENERAL FUND TOTAL $279,044 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT POSITIONS - FTE COUNT Personal Services All Other $986,623 6.000 $492,781 $449,435 __________ $942,216 DIVISION OF QUALITY ASSURANCE AND REGULATION 0393 GENERAL FUND TOTAL $946,725 6.000 $475,407 $439,869 __________ $915,276 AGRICULTURE, FOOD AND RURAL RESOURCES, DEPARTMENT OF 28.000 $1,781,085 $481,415 $180,500 __________ $2,443,000 __________ OFFICE OF AGRICULTURAL, NATURAL AND RURAL RESOURCES 0830 $150,000 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other 2005-06 __________ 2005-06 2006-07 5.000 2.578 $503,139 $717,996 __________ $1,221,135 5.000 2.578 $522,667 $727,890 __________ $1,250,557 2005-06 $4,984,270 __________ 2006-07 $23,065,279 __________ $4,984,270 $23,065,279 PESTICIDES CONTROL - BOARD OF 0287 2005-06 2006-07 9.500 4.318 $697,931 $248,794 9.500 4.318 $730,393 $256,230 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT POSITIONS - FTE COUNT Personal Services All Other 83 2005-06 2006-07 2.500 3.027 $297,622 $208,507 2.500 3.027 $313,589 $213,721 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT POSITIONS - FTE COUNT Personal Services All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 __________ __________ $506,129 $527,310 2005-06 2006-07 12.000 1.893 $934,694 $207,820 __________ 12.000 1.893 $972,055 $171,788 __________ $1,142,514 $1,143,843 SEED POTATO BOARD 0397 GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL SEED POTATO BOARD FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT POSITIONS - FTE COUNT Personal Services All Other SEED POTATO BOARD FUND TOTAL MILK COMMISSION 0188 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 2.000 $186,157 $1,706,054 __________ $1,880,042 $1,892,211 GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2006-07 3.000 20.144 $1,189,049 $358,802 __________ 3.000 20.144 $1,253,748 $367,773 __________ $1,547,851 $1,621,521 2005-06 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 All Other $1,022,500 Capital Expenditures $1,500,000 __________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $2,522,500 2006-07 $1,048,063 $1,500,000 __________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT POSITIONS - FTE COUNT Personal Services All Other 2006-07 8.000 $557,432 $183,464 __________ $740,896 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other 7.500 4.603 $618,014 $231,330 __________ $816,628 $849,344 2005-06 $205,557 __________ $205,557 2006-07 $205,557 __________ $205,557 2005-06 $120,948 __________ $120,948 2006-07 $123,742 __________ $123,742 2006-07 1.000 $73,139 $167,955 __________ $241,094 DIVISION OF PLANT INDUSTRY 0831 8.000 $538,454 $182,295 __________ $720,749 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 7.500 4.603 $588,983 $227,645 __________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 1.000 Personal Services $68,387 All Other $163,782 __________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $232,169 DIVISION OF MARKET AND PRODUCTION DEVELOPMENT 0833 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other 2006-07 FOOD ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 0816 QUALITY INSPECTION 0860 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT POSITIONS - FTE COUNT Personal Services All Other 2005-06 2006-07 $251,456 __________ $251,456 POTATO QUALITY CONTROL - REDUCING INSPECTION COSTS 0459 2006-07 2.000 $177,305 $1,702,737 __________ 2005-06 $251,456 __________ $251,456 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2006-07 2.000 $152,977 $453,023 __________ $583,448 $606,000 3.000 0.481 $241,550 $51,332 __________ $292,882 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 1.000 POSITIONS - FTE COUNT 0.308 Personal Services $73,444 All Other $106,701 __________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $180,145 $2,548,063 2.000 $148,403 $435,045 __________ 2005-06 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Personal Services All Other 84 2005-06 $85,420 $18,346 2006-07 3.000 0.481 $251,053 $52,198 __________ $303,251 2006-07 1.000 0.308 $78,586 $108,029 __________ $186,615 2006-07 $89,201 $18,115 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 __________ __________ $103,766 $107,316 Personal Services All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL DIVISION OF ANIMAL HEALTH AND INDUSTRY 0394 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other 2005-06 2006-07 9.500 $636,858 $126,001 __________ $762,859 9.500 $658,948 $128,219 __________ $787,167 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 All Other $73,009 __________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $73,009 2006-07 $74,835 __________ GENERAL FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Personal Services All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 $32,521 $36,881 __________ $69,402 GENERAL FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 9.500 $742,562 $555,250 $20,000 __________ $1,317,812 2005-06 $8,627 __________ $8,627 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 $15,598 __________ $15,598 $74,835 2006-07 $33,726 $37,801 __________ GENERAL FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 2005-06 1.000 $60,367 $19,119 __________ $79,486 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 3.000 Personal Services $216,592 All Other $177,430 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $394,022 2006-07 9.500 $769,760 $576,501 $20,000 __________ $1,366,261 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other $31,383 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 All Other $348,343 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $348,343 $31,422,565 $849,344 __________ $45,477,126 2006-07 3.000 $226,158 $181,865 ____________ $408,023 2006-07 $32,168 ____________ $32,168 2006-07 $357,051 ____________ $357,051 ARTS - ADMINISTRATION 0178 2006-07 $16,316 __________ GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other $16,316 2006-07 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 1.000 $64,596 $19,662 __________ $84,258 3.500 $4,796,995 ARTS - GENERAL GRANTS PROGRAM 0177 $8,842 3.500 2005-06 $31,383 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2006-07 $8,842 __________ 2006-07 $8,408,222 ARTS - SPONSORED PROGRAM 0176 $71,527 2005-06 $287,992 ARTS COMMISSION, MAINE BEVERAGE CONTAINER ENFORCEMENT FUND 0971 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other $270,173 GENERAL FUND $8,331,160 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND $4,676,139 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $13,109,510 SEED POTATO BOARD FUND $816,628 __________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $26,933,437 RURAL REHABILITATION 0894 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other $251,119 $36,873 __________ AGRICULTURE, FOOD AND RURAL RESOURCES, DEPARTMENT OF DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER 0401 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other Capital Expenditures $234,201 $35,972 __________ ARTS COMMISSION, MAINE DEPARTMENT TOTALS 85 2005-06 6.000 $442,792 $388,774 ____________ $831,566 2006-07 6.000 $459,580 $396,486 ____________ $856,066 2005-06 2006-07 GENERAL FUND $831,566 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND $742,365 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $31,383 $856,066 $765,074 $32,168 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 ____________ DEPARTMENT TOTALS ALL FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other ____________ $1,605,314 $1,653,308 ATLANTIC SALMON COMMISSION GENERAL FUND TOTAL ATLANTIC SALMON COMMISSION 0265 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 8.000 $551,681 $160,532 ____________ $712,213 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 7.000 POSITIONS - FTE COUNT 3.250 Personal Services $691,842 All Other $264,711 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $956,553 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS - FTE COUNT Personal Services All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 0.750 $23,123 $48,378 ____________ 8.000 $576,388 $162,524 ____________ $738,912 2006-07 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other 7.000 3.250 $657,052 $271,331 ____________ 2006-07 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL $928,383 $73,815 ____________ $1,741,110 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other ATLANTIC STATES MARINE FISHERIES COMMISSION 0028 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 $35,500 ____________ $35,500 $6,951,219 2005-06 14.500 $1,188,735 $79,287 ____________ $1,268,022 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 21.500 Personal Services $1,528,233 All Other $416,443 Capital Expenditures $0 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $1,944,676 $738,912 ATLANTIC STATES MARINE FISHERIES COMMISSION GENERAL FUND All Other 59.500 $6,191,652 $759,567 ____________ 2006-07 $35,500 ____________ $35,500 2005-06 6.000 $489,458 $42,644 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL ATLANTIC STATES MARINE FISHERIES COMMISSION DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 $532,102 ATTORNEY GENERAL, DEPARTMENT OF THE FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 9.000 Personal Services $776,403 All Other $72,671 ____________ FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND TOTAL $849,074 ADMINISTRATION - ATTORNEY GENERAL 0310 FHM - ATTORNEY GENERAL 0947 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS GENERAL FUND $35,500 ____________ $35,500 ____________ $35,500 2005-06 54.500 $4,907,555 $625,416 ____________ $5,532,971 2006-07 16.000 $1,432,138 $591,735 ____________ $2,023,873 2006-07 59.500 $6,620,871 $796,739 ____________ $7,417,610 HUMAN SERVICES DIVISION 0696 2006-07 0.750 $24,228 $49,587 ____________ ATLANTIC SALMON COMMISSION DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2005-06 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL $928,383 $73,815 GENERAL FUND $712,213 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND $956,553 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $71,501 ____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $1,740,267 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 16.000 Personal Services $1,345,585 All Other $574,766 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $1,920,351 2006-07 $71,501 54.500 $4,599,040 $620,514 ____________ $5,219,554 $35,500 2006-07 FUND FOR A HEALTHY MAINE 86 2005-06 2006-07 14.500 $1,271,983 $80,196 ____________ $1,352,179 2006-07 21.500 $1,629,595 $458,965 $20,000 ____________ $2,108,560 2006-07 6.000 $524,526 $50,083 ____________ $574,609 2006-07 9.000 $827,240 $79,974 ____________ $907,214 2006-07 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 Personal Services All Other FUND FOR A HEALTHY MAINE TOTAL PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 $63,380 $6,169 ____________ ____________ $68,085 $6,553 ____________ $69,549 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL $74,638 CIVIL RIGHTS 0039 2006-07 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other CHIEF MEDICAL EXAMINER - OFFICE OF 0412 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other Capital Expenditures GENERAL FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 8.000 $816,033 $377,371 $10,000 ____________ $1,203,404 8.000 $843,460 $388,475 $0 ____________ $1,231,935 2005-06 $14,627 ____________ 2006-07 $14,993 ____________ $14,627 GENERAL FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 1.000 $67,244 $197,272 ____________ $264,516 1.000 $72,256 $197,868 ____________ $270,124 $14,993 2006-07 $225,549 ____________ $225,549 2006-07 $16,515,135 $4,533,372 $9,380,616 $74,638 $907,214 ____________ $31,410,975 AUDIT, DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT - DEPARTMENTAL BUREAU 0067 2005-06 3.000 $186,989 $509,306 ____________ $696,295 2005-06 76.000 $7,629,619 ____________ $7,629,619 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 2.000 Personal Services $156,389 All Other $7,713 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $164,102 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other $650,806 GENERAL FUND $15,585,115 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND $4,254,228 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $8,811,118 FUND FOR A HEALTHY MAINE $69,549 FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND $849,074 ____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $29,569,084 2006-07 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other 3.000 $200,204 $522,394 ____________ GENERAL FUND TOTAL $722,598 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other Capital Expenditures DISTRICT ATTORNEYS SALARIES 0409 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services $616,875 ATTORNEY GENERAL, DEPARTMENT OF THE DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 VICTIMS' COMPENSATION BOARD 0711 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 All Other $225,099 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $225,099 ____________ 2006-07 76.000 $8,127,926 ____________ $8,127,926 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2006-07 2.000 $167,146 $8,244 ____________ 2006-07 7.000 $587,838 $29,037 7.000 $620,098 $30,708 19.000 $1,541,707 $47,078 ____________ $1,588,785 2005-06 16.000 $1,138,319 $207,660 $5,000 ____________ $1,350,979 2006-07 19.000 $1,595,816 $47,584 ____________ $1,643,400 2006-07 16.000 $1,203,802 $212,851 $12,000 ____________ $1,428,653 AUDIT - UNORGANIZED TERRITORY 0075 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other $175,390 2005-06 2005-06 2.000 $126,911 $50,437 ____________ 2006-07 2.000 $132,413 $52,359 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL $177,348 $184,772 AUDIT, DEPARTMENT OF DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 $1,588,785 $1,643,400 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 87 2005-06 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL $1,528,327 ____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $3,117,112 Personal Services All Other $1,613,425 ____________ GENERAL FUND TOTAL $3,256,825 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other BAXTER COMPENSATION AUTHORITY 0117 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 $455,073 $370,553 ____________ 2006-07 $476,034 $379,816 ____________ GENERAL FUND TOTAL $855,850 BAXTER COMPENSATION AUTHORITY DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $825,626 ____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $825,626 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT POSITIONS - FTE COUNT Personal Services All Other $855,850 ____________ GENERAL FUND TOTAL $855,850 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other BAXTER STATE PARK AUTHORITY 0253 2005-06 23.000 17.307 $2,031,480 $829,001 $180,000 ____________ 2006-07 23.000 17.307 $2,123,742 $828,339 $165,000 ____________ $3,040,481 $3,117,081 BAXTER STATE PARK AUTHORITY DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $3,040,481 ____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $3,040,481 42.500 1.299 $2,564,169 $513,785 ____________ $3,077,954 2006-07 42.500 1.299 $2,681,941 $517,132 ____________ $3,199,073 2005-06 84.000 $6,380,365 $1,106,714 ____________ $7,487,079 2005-06 2006-07 $752,075 ____________ 2005-06 $311,413 ____________ $752,075 2006-07 $319,198 ____________ $311,413 FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND 2005-06 All Other $936,964 ____________ FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND TOTAL $936,964 $3,117,081 2006-07 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 All Other $733,732 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $733,732 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL $3,117,081 ____________ $319,198 2006-07 $960,388 ____________ $960,388 MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES - CHILD MEDICAID 0731 2006-07 GENERAL FUND All Other 84.000 $6,631,348 $1,121,068 ____________ $7,752,416 GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND All Other 2005-06 2006-07 13.500 13.500 2005-06 $31,254,842 ____________ $31,254,842 2006-07 $32,817,584 ____________ $32,817,584 AUGUSTA MENTAL HEALTH INSTITUTE 0105 OFFICE OF ADVOCACY - BDS 0632 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 2005-06 65.000 $4,803,347 $14,107,027 ____________ $18,910,374 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET 0164 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 36.500 $2,266,154 $2,621,768 ____________ $4,887,922 65.000 $4,608,251 $13,511,953 ____________ $18,120,204 GENERAL FUND TOTAL HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF (FORMERLY BDS) GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other 36.500 $2,161,698 $2,585,317 ____________ $4,747,015 2006-07 MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES - CHILDREN 0136 BAXTER STATE PARK AUTHORITY OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 ELIZABETH LEVINSON CENTER 0119 $825,626 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT POSITIONS - FTE COUNT Personal Services All Other Capital Expenditures $970,602 $62,481 ____________ $1,033,083 REGIONAL OPERATIONS 0863 BAXTER COMPENSATION AUTHORITY OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Personal Services All Other $932,453 $62,096 ____________ $994,549 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 88 2005-06 $942,907 ____________ $942,907 2006-07 $942,907 ____________ $942,907 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT POSITIONS - FTE COUNT Personal Services All Other Capital Expenditures OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 2005-06 MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES - COMMUNITY MEDICAID 0732 2006-07 314.500 0.840 $12,892,763 $5,854,185 $27,041 ____________ 314.500 0.840 $13,429,701 $6,000,508 $22,100 ____________ $18,773,989 $19,452,309 GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL BANGOR MENTAL HEALTH INSTITUTE 0120 GENERAL FUND All Other 2005-06 $3,112,315 ____________ $3,112,315 2006-07 $3,134,786 ____________ $3,134,786 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS - FTE COUNT 0.500 Personal Services $36,189 All Other $1,927 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $38,116 2006-07 0.500 $38,473 $1,975 ____________ GENERAL FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT POSITIONS - FTE COUNT Personal Services All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 $15,526,541 $16,127,335 GENERAL FUND Personal Services All Other Capital Expenditures GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2006-07 $8,306,059 ____________ $316,464 FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND 2005-06 All Other $1,217,022 ____________ FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND TOTAL $1,217,022 2005-06 $6,824,414 $2,817,333 $14,709 ____________ $9,656,456 2006-07 $7,109,275 $2,824,034 $11,900 ____________ $9,945,209 2005-06 $7,766,696 $85,628 ____________ $7,852,324 2006-07 $8,072,210 $86,505 ____________ $8,158,715 2005-06 $613,500 ____________ 2006-07 $628,838 ____________ PNMI TAX 0982 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2006-07 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 All Other $8,103,470 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $8,103,470 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL $1,555,433 GENERAL FUND Personal Services All Other 329.500 0.240 $15,297,844 $829,491 ____________ 2005-06 $316,464 ____________ $1,517,495 2006-07 106.000 $8,319,860 $26,880,247 ____________ $35,200,107 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other 2006-07 $1,555,433 ____________ DISPROPORTIONATE SHARE - BANGOR MENTAL HEALTH INSTITUTE 0734 106.000 $7,987,556 $25,623,625 ____________ $33,611,181 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 $1,517,495 ____________ $40,448 329.500 0.240 $14,717,239 $809,302 ____________ 2005-06 2006-07 $39,475,022 ____________ $39,475,022 DISPROPORTIONATE SHARE - AUGUSTA MENTAL HEALTH INSTITUTE 0733 MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES - COMMUNITY 0121 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other 2005-06 $37,595,259 ____________ $37,595,259 $613,500 $628,838 MENTAL RETARDATION SERVICES COMMUNITY 0122 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other 2006-07 $324,375 ____________ 230.500 $15,883,110 $9,139,960 ____________ $25,023,070 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 All Other $580,204 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $580,204 2006-07 $594,709 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other $324,375 2006-07 $1,247,447 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL $1,247,447 89 2006-07 230.500 $15,232,181 $8,791,703 ____________ $24,023,884 GENERAL FUND TOTAL $8,306,059 2005-06 2005-06 $90,886 ____________ $594,709 2006-07 $93,160 ____________ $90,886 $93,160 FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND 2005-06 All Other $944,942 2006-07 $968,566 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 ____________ FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND TOTAL $944,942 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 4.000 Personal Services $253,090 All Other $7,261,574 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $7,514,664 $968,566 MEDICAID SERVICES - MENTAL RETARDATION 0705 GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 $16,230,577 ____________ $16,230,577 2006-07 $17,042,105 ____________ $17,042,105 2005-06 $546,160 ____________ 2006-07 $559,814 ____________ $546,160 FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 9.000 Personal Services $566,014 All Other $6,327,230 ____________ FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND TOTAL $6,893,244 $559,814 FREEPORT TOWNE SQUARE 0814 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 18.000 $1,277,097 $104,488 ____________ $1,381,585 2005-06 $86,913 ____________ 2006-07 $89,085 ____________ GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL $86,913 GENERAL FUND All Other $89,085 GENERAL FUND TOTAL FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 All Other $485,175 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $485,175 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other 2006-07 $497,302 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL $1,469,400 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 $71,624,243 ____________ $71,624,243 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 16.000 $1,144,131 $4,777,745 ____________ $5,921,876 10.000 $541,871 $805,127 ____________ $1,346,998 9.000 $590,420 $6,483,816 ____________ $7,074,236 2006-07 10.000 $570,000 $807,360 ____________ $1,377,360 2005-06 $2,536,849 ____________ $2,536,849 2006-07 $2,663,692 ____________ $2,663,692 2005-06 $604,676 ____________ 2006-07 $619,793 ____________ $604,676 FUND FOR A HEALTHY MAINE 2005-06 All Other 5,570,000 ____________ FUND FOR A HEALTHY MAINE TOTAL $5,570,000 2006-07 $1,506,135 ____________ $1,506,135 $619,793 2006-07 $5,570,000 ____________ $5,570,000 CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE PRESCRIPTION MONITORING PROGRAM FUND 0991 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other 2006-07 $75,205,455 ____________ $75,205,455 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL OFFICE OF SUBSTANCE ABUSE 0679 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other 2006-07 FHM - SUBSTANCE ABUSE 0948 MENTAL RETARDATION WAIVER - MAINECARE 0987 GENERAL FUND All Other 2005-06 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL $497,302 RESIDENTIAL TREATMENT FACILITIES ASSESSMENT 0978 2005-06 $1,469,400 ____________ $7,712,603 OFFICE OF SUBSTANCE ABUSE - MEDICAID SEED 0844 DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES COUNCIL 0977 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other 4.000 $263,497 $7,449,106 ____________ DRIVER EDUCATION AND EVALUATION PROGRAM SUBSTANCE ABUSE 0700 2006-07 18.000 $1,228,029 $103,766 ____________ $1,331,795 2006-07 2006-07 2005-06 $511 ____________ $511 2006-07 $524 ____________ $524 HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF (FORMERLY BDS) DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 16.000 $1,200,544 $4,885,206 ____________ $6,085,750 GENERAL FUND $281,468,307 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND $17,455,361 90 $294,236,215 $17,903,196 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $39,857,948 FUND FOR A HEALTHY MAINE $5,570,000 FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND $9,992,172 ____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $354,343,788 MAINE COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM - BOARD OF TRUSTEES 0556 $41,275,999 GENERAL FUND All Other $5,570,000 $10,250,637 ____________ GENERAL FUND TOTAL $369,236,047 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other BLUEBERRY COMMISSION OF MAINE, WILD OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL BLUEBERRY COMMISSION OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 $1,550,000 ____________ $1,550,000 BLUEBERRY COMMISSION OF MAINE, WILD DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $1,550,000 ____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $1,550,000 GENERAL FUND TOTAL CENTERS FOR INNOVATION DEPARTMENT TOTALS GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS 2005-06 $160,382 ____________ $160,382 2006-07 $1,595,000 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL $1,119,887 $1,977,944 $50,432,000 $1,977,944 ____________ $52,409,944 ADMINISTRATION - FORESTRY 0223 $1,595,000 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other 2006-07 $164,392 ____________ $164,392 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2.000 $205,870 $41,888 ____________ $247,758 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 1.000 Personal Services $118,273 All Other $26,855 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $145,128 2006-07 $164,392 ____________ $164,392 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other MAINE CHILDREN'S TRUST INCORPORATED 0798 2005-06 $102,250 ____________ 2006-07 $1,977,944 ____________ CONSERVATION, DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN'S TRUST, INC. (BOARD OF THE MAINE) OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other 2005-06 $1,119,887 ____________ GENERAL FUND $47,061,378 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $1,119,887 ____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $48,181,265 $1,595,000 CENTERS FOR INNOVATION 0911 2005-06 $160,382 ____________ $160,382 2006-07 $50,432,000 ____________ $50,432,000 COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM, BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE MAINE DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 2006-07 $1,595,000 ____________ CENTERS FOR INNOVATION GENERAL FUND All Other 2005-06 $47,061,378 ____________ $47,061,378 2006-07 $104,806 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 $108,660 ____________ $108,660 2006-07 2.000 $218,140 $42,249 ____________ $260,389 2006-07 1.000 $123,151 $27,525 ____________ $150,676 2006-07 $111,376 ____________ $111,376 DIVISION OF FOREST PROTECTION 0232 $102,250 $104,806 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT POSITIONS - FTE COUNT Personal Services All Other Capital Expenditures CHILDREN'S TRUST, INC. (BOARD OF THE MAINE) DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $102,250 ____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $102,250 $104,806 ____________ $104,806 GENERAL FUND TOTAL COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM, BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE MAINE 2005-06 89.000 6.315 $6,447,610 $2,503,920 $294,400 ____________ $9,245,930 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS - FTE COUNT 4.123 Personal Services $156,909 91 2006-07 89.000 6.315 $6,722,197 $2,537,588 $260,400 ____________ $9,520,185 2006-07 4.123 $165,463 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 All Other FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other Capital Expenditures OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 $172,854 ____________ $329,763 2005-06 $147,466 $150,000 ____________ $297,466 $177,176 ____________ FOREST FIRE CONTROL - MUNICIPAL ASSISTANCE GRANTS 0300 GENERAL FUND All Other $342,639 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2006-07 $151,154 $41,500 ____________ GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT POSITIONS - FTE COUNT Personal Services All Other Capital Expenditures $192,654 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 12.000 $799,078 $133,781 ____________ $932,859 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 1.500 POSITIONS - FTE COUNT 5.889 Personal Services $641,284 All Other $225,044 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $866,328 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 $54,800 ____________ 2006-07 12.000 $827,780 $135,684 ____________ $963,464 1.500 5.889 $676,034 $230,670 ____________ 2006-07 $56,171 ____________ GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 20.000 $1,481,962 $514,851 ____________ $1,996,813 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 4.500 Personal Services $306,515 All Other $1,315,982 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $1,622,497 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 $107,569 ____________ $107,569 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 All Other $1,218,237 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $1,218,237 2006-07 $1,248,692 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 1.000 1.270 $118,505 $63,719 $100,000 ____________ $282,224 $1,248,692 2006-07 1.000 1.270 $125,185 $65,311 $100,000 ____________ $290,496 OFF-ROAD RECREATIONAL VEHICLES PROGRAM 0224 $56,171 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT POSITIONS - FTE COUNT Personal Services All Other Capital Expenditures FOREST POLICY AND MANAGEMENT - DIVISION OF 0240 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other 2006-07 46.500 83.975 $6,498,164 $701,463 $405,000 ____________ $7,604,627 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT POSITIONS - FTE COUNT Personal Services All Other Capital Expenditures $906,704 2005-06 46.500 83.975 $6,263,017 $685,061 $406,500 ____________ $7,354,578 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2006-07 $54,800 2006-07 $49,902 ____________ $49,902 PARKS - GENERAL OPERATIONS 0221 FOREST HEALTH AND MONITORING 0233 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other 2005-06 $49,902 ____________ $49,902 2006-07 20.000 $1,536,997 $519,800 ____________ $2,056,797 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2006-07 2005-06 6.000 1.530 $455,787 $3,781,336 $34,000 ____________ $4,271,123 2006-07 6.000 1.530 $477,200 $3,915,253 $20,000 ____________ $4,412,453 BOATING FACILITIES FUND 0226 4.500 $322,258 $1,348,882 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT POSITIONS - FTE COUNT Personal Services All Other Capital Expenditures $1,671,140 2006-07 $110,258 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL $110,258 2005-06 9.500 2.000 $680,295 $948,423 $104,000 ____________ $1,732,718 2006-07 9.500 2.000 $712,080 $1,022,825 $100,000 ____________ $1,834,905 MAINE STATE PARKS DEVELOPMENT FUND 0342 92 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT POSITIONS - FTE COUNT Personal Services All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 2005-06 3.000 4.000 $342,009 $181,576 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other 2006-07 3.000 4.000 $362,736 $186,116 ____________ $523,585 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL $548,852 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 1.000 0.308 $82,125 $1,416 ____________ $83,541 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other 2006-07 1.000 0.308 $85,797 $1,452 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL $87,249 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL $637,102 2006-07 $653,030 ____________ GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 All Other $227,630 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $227,630 2006-07 $233,320 ____________ GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other $653,030 $233,320 2005-06 43.000 3.733 $3,065,438 $1,405,288 $1,121,500 ____________ $5,592,226 2006-07 43.000 3.733 $3,214,402 $1,440,418 $1,126,500 ____________ 2005-06 $105 ____________ 2006-07 $107 ____________ 2006-07 1.000 $90,918 $36,703 ____________ $127,621 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 Personal Services $36,524 All Other $129,837 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $166,361 2006-07 $39,256 $133,083 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other $5,781,320 2005-06 1.000 $88,515 $36,412 ____________ $124,927 GENERAL FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 4.000 $229,181 $64,033 ____________ $293,214 $172,339 2006-07 4.000 $242,328 $65,634 ____________ $307,962 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES - CONSERVATION 0222 $105 $107 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other Unallocated LAND USE REGULATION COMMISSION 0236 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other Capital Expenditures $225,709 NATURAL AREAS PROGRAM 0821 2005-06 $637,102 ____________ COASTAL ISLAND REGISTRY 0241 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other $216,705 12.000 $960,121 $82,732 ____________ $1,042,853 LAND MANAGEMENT AND PLANNING 0239 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT POSITIONS - FTE COUNT Personal Services All Other Capital Expenditures 2.000 $141,768 $83,941 ____________ 12.000 $929,451 $82,084 ____________ $1,011,535 GENERAL FUND TOTAL MAINE STATE PARKS PROGRAM 0746 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other 2.000 $134,811 $81,894 ____________ 2006-07 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 0237 FOREST RECREATION RESOURCE FUND 0354 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT POSITIONS - FTE COUNT Personal Services All Other 2005-06 2005-06 22.500 $1,508,012 $431,279 $7,000 ____________ $1,946,291 2006-07 22.500 $1,575,323 $437,505 $0 ____________ $2,012,828 GENERAL FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT MINING OPERATIONS 0230 93 2005-06 14.000 $1,168,856 $127,138 $201,831 ____________ $1,497,825 2006-07 14.000 $1,206,738 $112,776 $201,831 ____________ $1,521,345 2005-06 2006-07 5.000 5.000 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 Personal Services All Other Capital Expenditures OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 $331,429 $250,570 $7,500 ____________ $352,291 $256,167 $15,000 ____________ $589,499 $623,458 CONSERVATION, DEPARTMENT OF DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 GENERAL FUND $24,408,418 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND $4,575,944 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $14,790,537 ____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $43,774,899 MOUNTAIN VIEW YOUTH DEVELOPMENT CENTER 0857 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT POSITIONS - FTE COUNT Personal Services All Other Capital Expenditures $25,160,011 $15,236,000 ____________ $45,121,521 JUSTICE - PLANNING, PROJECTS AND STATISTICS 0502 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 1.000 $58,032 $8,557 ____________ $66,589 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 2.000 Personal Services $87,410 All Other $671,960 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $759,370 2006-07 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 198.000 4.457 $13,666,344 $1,850,696 $38,000 ____________ $15,555,040 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 3.000 Personal Services $194,583 All Other $263,383 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $457,966 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 $37,722 ____________ $37,722 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 All Other $71,205 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $71,205 2006-07 $72,984 ____________ 2005-06 $50,326 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 1.000 $60,682 $8,635 ____________ $69,317 $72,984 2006-07 $51,583 ____________ $50,326 $51,583 JUVENILE COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS 0892 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other 2006-07 2.000 $89,307 $688,760 ____________ $778,067 2006-07 2006-07 71.500 $5,319,171 $5,024,987 ____________ $10,344,158 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 All Other $87,835 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $87,835 2006-07 $90,032 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other 198.000 4.457 $14,342,407 $1,863,322 $40,000 ____________ $16,245,729 2005-06 71.500 $5,088,776 $4,942,791 ____________ $10,031,567 GENERAL FUND TOTAL LONG CREEK YOUTH DEVELOPMENT CENTER 0163 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT POSITIONS - FTE COUNT Personal Services All Other Capital Expenditures 178.000 0.268 $12,586,894 $1,844,213 $33,000 ____________ $14,464,107 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other CORRECTIONS, DEPARTMENT OF 2006-07 178.000 0.268 $11,945,855 $1,827,449 $7,000 ____________ $13,780,304 GENERAL FUND TOTAL $4,725,510 2005-06 2005-06 $428,999 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL $428,999 $90,032 2006-07 $439,442 ____________ $439,442 PAROLE BOARD 0123 GENERAL FUND Personal Services All Other 2006-07 3.000 $207,185 $269,967 ____________ GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 $1,650 $3,854 ____________ $5,504 2006-07 $1,650 $3,856 ____________ $5,506 ADULT COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS 0124 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other $477,152 2006-07 $38,665 ____________ GENERAL FUND TOTAL $38,665 2005-06 97.000 $6,776,452 $1,404,462 ____________ $8,180,914 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 94 2005-06 2006-07 97.000 $7,072,571 $1,421,240 ____________ $8,493,811 2006-07 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 All Other 1.000 $71,135 $630,801 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other $701,936 2005-06 $48,405 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL $48,405 1.000 $73,493 $646,575 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other Capital Expenditures $720,068 2006-07 $49,616 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL $49,616 STATE PRISON 0144 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other Capital Expenditures 2005-06 427.500 $29,940,057 $6,326,185 $83,000 ____________ $36,349,242 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 All Other $20,158 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $20,158 2006-07 $20,158 ____________ GENERAL FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other Capital Expenditures 2005-06 2.000 $123,791 $23,662 $19,500 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL PRISON INDUSTRIES FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other Capital Expenditures PRISON INDUSTRIES FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other Capital Expenditures 2.000 $131,052 $24,254 $16,500 ____________ $171,806 2006-07 GENERAL FUND TOTAL $1,276,955 2005-06 2006-07 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other Capital Expenditures CORRECTIONAL CENTER 0162 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT POSITIONS - FTE COUNT Personal Services All Other Capital Expenditures GENERAL FUND TOTAL 240.000 0.488 $16,033,970 $2,967,998 $78,500 ____________ $19,080,468 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND POSITIONS - FTE COUNT Personal Services 2005-06 0.488 $35,307 $75,285 2005-06 2006-07 2.000 $125,469 $451,240 $58,000 ____________ 2.000 $134,503 $462,804 $9,600 ____________ $634,709 $606,907 2005-06 20.000 $1,345,677 $204,974 $4,600 ____________ $1,555,251 2005-06 28.000 $1,917,128 $412,050 $43,100 ____________ $2,372,278 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 1.000 Personal Services $60,026 All Other $38,354 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $98,380 9.000 $529,575 $734,380 $13,000 ____________ $1,245,146 $72,786 2006-07 20.000 $1,401,859 $211,306 $5,600 ____________ $1,618,765 CHARLESTON CORRECTIONAL FACILITY 0400 2006-07 2005-06 9.000 $500,780 $734,366 $10,000 ____________ GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other Capital Expenditures $20,158 $166,953 $38,432 ____________ CENTRAL MAINE PRE-RELEASE CENTER 0392 2006-07 427.500 $28,727,254 $6,348,128 $119,405 ____________ $35,194,787 $37,479 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 240.000 0.488 $16,729,260 $3,020,417 $148,000 ____________ $19,897,677 2005-06 3.000 $203,161 $146,005 $25,000 ____________ $374,166 2006-07 28.000 $2,005,693 $417,640 $3,100 ____________ $2,426,433 2006-07 1.000 $63,557 $39,313 ____________ $102,870 2006-07 3.000 $210,495 $149,650 $0 ____________ $360,145 CORRECTIONAL CENTER - FARM PROGRAM 0521 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other Capital Expenditures OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2006-07 0.488 $36,853 95 2005-06 $26,150 $5,600 ____________ $31,750 2006-07 $26,804 $5,600 ____________ $32,404 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 All Other $505,733 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $505,733 DOWNEAST CORRECTIONAL FACILITY 0542 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other Capital Expenditures 2005-06 2006-07 71.000 $4,775,707 $734,983 $19,500 ____________ $5,530,190 71.000 $4,955,530 $739,778 $14,500 ____________ $5,709,808 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 All Other $46,594 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $46,594 2006-07 $47,759 ____________ GENERAL FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS – LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 1.000 $58,887 $94,148 ____________ $153,035 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL GENERAL FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other 2005-06 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other $47,759 2006-07 1.000 $63,332 $96,502 ____________ GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND Personal Services GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2006-07 3.000 $189,392 $18,507 ____________ $207,899 2005-06 $14,450 ____________ 2006-07 $14,811 ____________ GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2006-07 $5,552,528 ____________ $5,552,528 2005-06 $255,625 ____________ 2006-07 $262,016 ____________ $255,625 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 1.000 $73,590 $14,852,239 ____________ $14,925,829 2006-07 2.500 $191,186 $30,002 ____________ $221,188 2005-06 $975,708 ____________ $975,708 2005-06 39.500 $3,203,227 $653,160 $60,000 ____________ $3,916,387 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 1.000 Personal Services $54,870 All Other $874,653 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $929,523 $262,016 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other CORRECTIONAL MEDICAL SERVICES FUND 0286 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other 2005-06 2.500 $197,978 $30,083 ____________ $228,061 2006-07 $991,529 ____________ $991,529 2006-07 $383,283 ____________ $383,283 ADMINISTRATION - CORRECTIONS 0141 $14,811 2005-06 $5,417,100 ____________ $5,417,100 $11,920 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 All Other $373,935 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $373,935 COUNTY JAIL PRISONER SUPPORT AND COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS FUND 0888 $14,450 $11,630 CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION/REPAIRS/IMPROVEMENTS CORRECTIONS 0432 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other Capital Expenditures OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2006-07 $11,920 ____________ DEPARTMENTWIDE - OVERTIME 0032 $159,834 3.000 $179,852 $18,336 ____________ $198,188 $518,377 OFFICE OF ADVOCACY 0684 OFFICE OF VICTIM SERVICES 0046 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other 2005-06 $11,630 ____________ 2006-07 $518,377 ____________ 2006-07 1.000 $75,611 $16,634,508 ____________ $16,710,119 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 96 2005-06 6.500 $396,079 $67,678 ____________ $463,757 2006-07 39.500 $3,332,365 $665,586 $60,000 ____________ $4,057,951 2006-07 1.000 $58,899 $859,236 ____________ $918,135 2006-07 6.500 $416,868 $69,369 ____________ $486,237 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 2.000 Personal Services $155,859 All Other $1,846,528 ____________ FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND TOTAL $2,002,387 2.000 $163,561 $1,892,691 ____________ ADMINISTRATION - DEFENSE, VETERANS AND EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 0109 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other $2,056,252 CORRECTIONS, DEPARTMENT OF DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 GENERAL FUND $137,007,292 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND $4,125,421 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $2,671,527 FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND $2,002,387 PRISON INDUSTRIES FUND $1,245,146 ____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $147,051,773 DEFENSE, VETERANS AND EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT, DEPARTMENT OF 2006-07 2006-07 GENERAL FUND TOTAL $143,372,640 $2,685,386 $2,056,252 $1,276,955 ____________ GENERAL FUND TOTAL FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 All Other $48,742,500 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $48,742,500 2006-07 $17,867 ____________ $17,867 CRIMINAL JUSTICE COMMISSION, MAINE DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 GENERAL FUND $17,432 ____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT POSITIONS - FTE COUNT Personal Services All Other $17,867 ____________ GENERAL FUND TOTAL $17,867 NEW CENTURY PROGRAM FUND GENERAL FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 $102,250 ____________ $102,250 2005-06 $63,829 ____________ 2006-07 $104,806 ____________ $104,806 CULTURAL AFFAIRS COUNCIL, MAINE STATE DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 GENERAL FUND $102,250 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $63,829 ____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $166,079 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other 2006-07 $65,424 ____________ $63,829 2006-07 1.000 $60,648 $100 ____________ $60,748 2006-07 $49,586,066 ____________ $49,586,066 2005-06 25.000 2.000 $1,399,221 $328,556 ____________ $1,727,777 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 1.000 Personal Services $45,724 All Other $82,135 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $127,859 CULTURAL AFFAIRS COUNCIL, MAINE STATE GENERAL FUND All Other 2.000 $162,635 $34,554 ____________ $197,189 VETERANS SERVICES 0110 2006-07 $17,432 2006-07 LORING REBUILD FACILITY 0843 $153,595,403 MAINE CRIMINAL JUSTICE COMMISSION 0795 2005-06 $17,432 ____________ $17,432 2.000 $157,238 $34,472 ____________ $191,710 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 1.000 Personal Services $58,081 All Other $100 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $58,181 $4,204,170 CRIMINAL JUSTICE COMMISSION, MAINE GENERAL FUND All Other 2005-06 2005-06 $12,000 ____________ 2006-07 25.000 2.000 $1,470,740 $331,573 ____________ $1,802,313 2006-07 1.000 $49,020 $84,188 ____________ $133,208 2006-07 $12,000 ____________ $65,424 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2006-07 MILITARY TRAINING AND OPERATIONS 0108 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other $104,806 $65,424 ____________ $170,230 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 97 $12,000 2005-06 34.000 $1,677,350 $916,553 ____________ $2,593,903 $12,000 2006-07 34.000 $1,755,652 $925,767 ____________ $2,681,419 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 72.000 Personal Services $5,304,407 All Other $3,972,580 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $9,276,987 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 1.000 $357,109 $343,553 ____________ $700,662 ____________ 2006-07 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 72.000 $5,512,111 $4,054,392 ____________ $9,566,503 1.000 $362,300 $356,485 ____________ $718,785 MAINE MILITARY AUTHORITY ENTERPRISE FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 580.000 580.000 Personal Services $31,842,799 $33,976,952 All Other $28,823,894 $27,452,610 ____________ ____________ MAINE MILITARY AUTHORITY ENTERPRISE FUND TOTAL $60,666,693 $61,429,562 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 1.000 $45,804 $16,882 ____________ $62,686 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 $5,328,329 $81,663,249 $1,170,621 $61,429,562 ____________ $149,591,761 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2006-07 1.000 $48,160 $17,310 ____________ DIRIGO HEALTH DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 1.000 $146,719 $73,877,530 ____________ 1.000 $150,564 $131,795,593 ____________ $74,024,249 $131,946,157 2005-06 2006-07 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $74,024,249 ____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $74,024,249 $65,470 2006-07 $131,946,157 ____________ $131,946,157 DISABILITY RIGHTS CENTER 2006-07 DISABILITY RIGHTS CENTER 0523 15.000 $429,323 $197,079 ____________ $626,402 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 8.000 Personal Services $1,113,146 All Other $31,927,342 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $33,040,488 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other DEFENSE, VETERANS AND EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT, DEPARTMENT OF DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 DIRIGO HEALTH FUND 0988 ADMINISTRATION - MAINE EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY 0214 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other $374,366 DIRIGO HEALTH EMERGENCY RESPONSE OPERATIONS 0918 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other $362,974 GENERAL FUND $5,139,792 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND $91,246,015 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $1,138,322 MAINE MILITARY AUTHORITY ENTERPRISE FUND $60,666,693 ____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $158,190,822 2006-07 ____________ 15.000 $447,070 $200,338 ____________ $647,408 GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL DISABILITY RIGHTS CENTER DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2006-07 8.000 $1,176,676 $21,140,048 ____________ GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS 2006-07 2.000 $116,025 $246,949 2.000 $121,234 $253,132 2006-07 $78,065 ____________ $78,065 2005-06 $76,161 ____________ 2006-07 $78,065 ____________ $78,065 $76,161 ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, DEPARTMENT OF $22,316,724 2005-06 2005-06 $76,161 ____________ $76,161 ADMINISTRATION - ECON AND COMM DEV 0069 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other 98 2005-06 2006-07 7.000 $593,095 $1,333,726 7.000 $610,743 $1,358,269 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 GENERAL FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 ____________ $1,926,821 ____________ $1,969,012 2005-06 $70,000 ____________ 2006-07 $70,000 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL $70,000 GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other $70,000 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 3.000 $273,511 $5,829,259 ____________ $6,102,770 2006-07 3.000 $283,640 $5,974,386 ____________ $6,258,026 GENERAL FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE 0674 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 1.000 $102,273 $593,050 ____________ $695,323 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2006-07 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 15.000 $1,092,682 $817,207 ____________ $1,909,889 2006-07 OFFICE OF TOURISM 0577 APPLIED TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT CENTER SYSTEM 0929 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other GENERAL FUND All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 $296,525 ____________ $296,525 2006-07 $730,510 ____________ $730,510 2006-07 $303,938 ____________ $303,938 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 $48,721 ____________ $48,721 GENERAL FUND All Other 2006-07 $48,721 ____________ $48,721 GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 $43,968 ____________ $43,968 2005-06 $1,032,438 ____________ 2006-07 $1,032,438 ____________ $1,032,438 $1,032,438 2006-07 8.000 $651,764 $25,310,977 ____________ $25,962,741 2005-06 7.000 $544,136 $6,909,395 ____________ $7,453,531 2006-07 $125,000 ____________ $125,000 2006-07 7.000 $568,097 $7,079,594 ____________ $7,647,691 2005-06 $50,000 ____________ $50,000 2006-07 $50,000 ____________ $50,000 MAINE STATE FILM COMMISSION 0590 REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT 0792 GENERAL FUND All Other 2.000 $194,407 $71,627 ____________ $266,034 KENNEBEC-CHAUDIERE HERITAGE COMMISSION Z003 MAINE ECONOMIC GROWTH COUNCIL 0727 GENERAL FUND All Other 2.000 $185,235 $70,923 ____________ $256,158 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 All Other $1,385,000 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $1,385,000 GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2006-07 ECONOMIC CONVERSION DIVISION 0726 15.000 $1,132,368 $820,380 ____________ $1,952,748 MAINE SMALL BUSINESS COMMISSION 0675 2005-06 $730,510 ____________ $730,510 2005-06 FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 8.000 Personal Services $614,247 All Other $24,693,635 ____________ FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND TOTAL $25,307,882 1.000 $104,053 $607,876 ____________ $711,929 BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT 0585 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other 2006-07 $27,564 ____________ $27,564 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM 0587 OFFICE OF INNOVATION 0995 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other 2005-06 $26,892 ____________ $26,892 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other 2006-07 $45,067 ____________ $45,067 REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT - SCEDC 0219 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 99 2005-06 2.000 $154,249 $32,272 ____________ $186,521 2006-07 2.000 $159,082 $32,537 ____________ $191,619 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 ____________ ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, DEPARTMENT OF DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 GENERAL FUND $12,274,098 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND $1,385,000 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $8,555,969 FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND $25,307,882 ____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $47,522,949 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL GENERAL FUND All Other $125,000 $8,750,129 GENERAL FUND TOTAL $25,962,741 ____________ GENERAL FUND TOTAL STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION DEPARTMENT TOTALS GENERAL FUND All Other $47,393,038 GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND 2005-06 $157,360 ____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $157,360 2005-06 $823,523,640 ____________ $823,523,640 2006-07 $892,834,217 ____________ $892,834,217 2005-06 $5,085,544 ____________ $5,085,544 2006-07 $5,208,256 ____________ $5,208,256 ADULT EDUCATION 0364 STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION 0614 2005-06 $21,192 $136,168 ____________ $157,360 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 1.000 Personal Services $85,881 All Other $1,933,210 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $2,019,091 2006-07 $21,192 $136,784 ____________ $157,976 2006-07 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other $157,976 2005-06 1.000 $83,848 $18,767,300 ____________ $18,851,148 EDUCATION IN UNORGANIZED TERRITORY 0220 GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT POSITIONS - FTE COUNT Personal Services All Other Capital Expenditures FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 3.000 Personal Services $158,966 All Other $4,947,215 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $5,106,181 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 30.000 34.361 $3,459,796 $8,043,849 $0 ____________ $11,503,645 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 2.000 POSITIONS - FTE COUNT 2.120 Personal Services $233,084 All Other $218,975 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $452,059 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 $7,936 ____________ $7,936 2006-07 30.000 34.361 $3,604,249 $8,074,493 $58,000 ____________ $11,736,742 2005-06 $1,489,333 1.000 $88,612 $1,978,541 ____________ $2,067,153 2006-07 1.000 $86,335 $19,236,268 ____________ $19,322,603 2006-07 3.000 $169,277 $5,070,897 ____________ $5,240,174 EDUCATIONAL RESTRUCTURING AND IMPROVEMENTS 0737 2006-07 2.000 2.120 $243,355 $224,451 ____________ GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 $963,195 ____________ $963,195 2006-07 $987,275 ____________ $987,275 LEADERSHIP 0836 $467,806 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other 2006-07 $8,135 ____________ GENERAL FUND TOTAL $8,135 2005-06 9.000 $684,249 $88,850 ____________ $773,099 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 3.500 Personal Services $250,328 All Other $3,385,424 MAINE LEARNING TECHNOLOGY ENDOWMENT 0304 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other 2006-07 PRESCHOOL HANDICAPPED 0449 $157,976 ____________ EDUCATION, DEPARTMENT OF 2005-06 $1,526,566 GENERAL PURPOSE AID FOR LOCAL SCHOOLS 0308 $12,555,168 STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION GENERAL FUND Personal Services All Other $1,489,333 ____________ 2006-07 $1,526,566 100 2006-07 9.000 $706,233 $89,327 ____________ $795,560 2006-07 3.500 $260,861 $3,470,057 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL ____________ GENERAL FUND TOTAL $3,635,752 2005-06 $35,162 ____________ $3,730,918 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 58.000 POSITIONS - FTE COUNT 0.961 Personal Services $3,805,822 All Other $111,905,671 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $115,711,493 2006-07 $36,041 ____________ $35,162 $36,041 2005-06 2006-07 SUPPORT SYSTEMS 0837 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL 16.000 $1,132,588 $1,562,213 ____________ $2,694,801 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 7.000 Personal Services $396,913 All Other $26,765,119 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $27,162,032 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 3.000 $209,883 $609,110 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other 16.000 $1,174,571 $1,595,682 ____________ $2,770,253 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2006-07 7.000 $411,455 $27,434,252 ____________ 2006-07 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other $835,122 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS 0838 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other Capital Expenditures GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 12.000 $859,814 $1,271,926 $42,100 ____________ $2,173,840 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 4.000 Personal Services $299,713 All Other $5,359,590 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $5,659,303 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2006-07 12.000 $895,592 $1,276,673 $56,500 ____________ $2,228,765 2006-07 GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL 10.500 $806,061 $5,533,706 10.500 $832,436 $5,548,165 58.000 0.961 $3,963,943 $118,718,720 ____________ $122,682,663 2006-07 2.000 $125,684 $77,191 ____________ $202,875 2006-07 2.000 $160,009 $57,083 ____________ $217,092 2005-06 10.000 $831,088 $379,199 ____________ $1,210,287 2006-07 10.000 $857,276 $386,973 ____________ $1,244,249 2006-07 6.000 $423,158 $18,843,169 ____________ $19,266,327 2005-06 $2,045,000 ____________ $2,045,000 2006-07 $2,096,125 ____________ $2,096,125 FHM - SCHOOL NURSE CONSULTANT 0949 $5,759,422 2006-07 2006-07 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 0859 4.000 $313,688 $5,445,734 ____________ 2005-06 $195,921 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 6.000 Personal Services $396,889 All Other $18,383,578 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $18,780,467 FUND FOR A HEALTHY MAINE 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 1.000 Personal Services $81,603 All Other $7,877 ____________ FUND FOR A HEALTHY MAINE TOTAL $89,480 LEARNING SYSTEMS 0839 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other 2.000 $119,976 $75,945 ____________ ____________ $6,380,601 REGIONAL SERVICES 0840 3.000 $216,036 $619,086 ____________ $818,993 2005-06 FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 2.000 Personal Services $155,714 All Other $55,691 ____________ FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND TOTAL $211,405 $27,845,707 2005-06 ____________ $6,339,767 101 2006-07 1.000 $83,736 $8,075 ____________ $91,811 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other TEACHER RETIREMENT 0170 GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 $234,868,401 ____________ $234,868,401 2006-07 $247,667,686 ____________ $247,667,686 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL JOBS FOR MAINE'S GRADUATES 0704 GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 $1,624,902 ____________ $1,624,902 2006-07 $1,664,821 ____________ $1,664,821 GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services 2005-06 $15,041,646 ____________ $15,041,646 2005-06 2006-07 $17,147,476 ____________ $17,147,476 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS – LEGISLATIVE COUNT POSITIONS - FTE COUNT Personal Services All Other Capital Expenditures 2006-07 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other LAND AND WATER QUALITY 0248 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 12.000 Personal Services $821,954 All Other $433,967 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $1,255,921 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 2006-07 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 49.000 0.308 $3,685,852 $968,417 ____________ $4,654,269 2005-06 6.000 $432,564 ____________ $432,564 2006-07 6.000 $453,960 ____________ $453,960 2006-07 26.000 $2,246,600 $1,795,969 $35,000 ____________ $4,077,569 2005-06 2006-07 121.000 0.924 $9,414,821 $24,955,421 $136,500 ____________ 121.000 0.924 $9,783,300 $25,574,997 $84,000 ____________ $34,506,742 $35,442,297 2005-06 2006-07 AIR QUALITY 0250 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, DEPARTMENT OF 2005-06 2005-06 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 26.000 Personal Services $2,156,417 All Other $1,752,015 Capital Expenditures $0 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $3,908,432 GENERAL FUND $1,128,239,409 $1,213,663,636 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND $178,526,378 $187,060,170 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $2,547,345 $2,608,739 FUND FOR A HEALTHY MAINE $89,480 $91,811 FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND $211,405 $217,092 ____________ ____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $1,309,614,017 $1,403,641,448 GENERAL FUND TOTAL $1,867,628 REMEDIATION AND WASTE MANAGEMENT 0247 EDUCATION, DEPARTMENT OF DEPARTMENT TOTALS GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT POSITIONS - FTE COUNT Personal Services All Other $1,811,567 2006-07 $1,579,007 ____________ $1,579,007 RETIRED TEACHERS' HEALTH INSURANCE 0854 GENERAL FUND All Other 11.000 $938,596 $929,032 ____________ 2005-06 $1,540,494 ____________ $1,540,494 MAGNET SCHOOLS 0791 GENERAL FUND All Other 11.000 $905,195 $906,372 ____________ 49.000 0.308 $3,831,563 $976,662 ____________ $4,808,225 HIGHWAY FUND All Other HIGHWAY FUND TOTAL 17.000 $1,233,083 $77,656 ____________ $1,310,739 17.000 $1,278,071 $78,835 ____________ $1,356,906 2005-06 $36,578 ____________ $36,578 2006-07 $36,749 ____________ $36,749 BOARD OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION FUND 0025 2006-07 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other 12.000 $861,549 $444,817 ____________ $1,306,366 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2006-07 2005-06 2.000 $194,145 $97,841 ____________ 2006-07 2.000 $199,662 $100,287 ____________ $291,986 PERFORMANCE PARTNERSHIP GRANT 0851 102 $299,949 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 68.500 POSITIONS - FTE COUNT 1.154 Personal Services $5,087,612 All Other $3,566,504 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $8,654,116 2006-07 68.500 1.154 $5,279,149 $3,655,668 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 77.000 2.731 $5,567,136 $1,294,229 ____________ $6,861,365 GENERAL FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other Capital Expenditures OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 4.000 $392,768 $19,023 ____________ $411,791 2005-06 43.000 $3,232,589 $1,882,847 $45,000 ____________ $5,160,436 $8,934,817 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other 2006-07 77.000 2.731 $5,802,163 $1,326,585 ____________ GENERAL FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other $7,128,748 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 17.000 $883,452 $121,189 ____________ $1,004,641 2005-06 3.000 $169,431 $16,529 ____________ $185,960 2006-07 3.000 $178,423 $16,741 ____________ $195,164 2005-06 4.000 $274,883 $4,882,064 ____________ $5,156,947 2006-07 4.000 $291,774 $954,115 ____________ $1,245,889 ETHICS AND ELECTIONS PRACTICES, COMMISSION ON GOVERNMENTAL DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 4.000 $403,382 $19,023 ____________ $422,405 GENERAL FUND $185,960 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $5,156,947 ____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $5,342,907 2006-07 43.000 $3,360,602 $1,923,417 $19,500 ____________ $195,164 $1,245,889 ____________ $1,441,053 EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT BLAINE HOUSE 0072 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT POSITIONS - FTE COUNT Personal Services All Other $5,303,519 2006-07 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 17.000 $930,143 $127,556 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other 2005-06 2006-07 6.500 0.684 $449,120 $69,284 ____________ $518,404 6.500 0.684 $480,383 $69,382 ____________ $549,765 2005-06 $5,113 ____________ 2006-07 $5,240 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL $1,057,699 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, DEPARTMENT OF DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 GENERAL FUND $6,809,363 HIGHWAY FUND $36,578 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND $13,818,469 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $49,636,737 $72,496,837 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2006-07 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE CENTER 0835 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other $70,301,147 GOVERNMENTAL ETHICS AND ELECTION PRACTICES COMMISSION ON 0414 ADMINISTRATION - ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 0251 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other ____________ ETHICS AND ELECTIONS PRACTICES, COMMISSION ON GOVERNMENTAL MAINE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION FUND 0421 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT POSITIONS - FTE COUNT Personal Services All Other ____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $5,113 $5,240 OMBUDSMAN PROGRAM 0103 GENERAL FUND All Other $7,041,496 $36,749 2005-06 $127,000 ____________ $127,000 2006-07 $127,000 ____________ $127,000 $14,318,752 GENERAL FUND TOTAL $51,099,840 ADMINISTRATION - EXECUTIVE - GOVERNOR'S OFFICE 0165 103 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 2005-06 30.500 $2,480,867 $469,332 ____________ $2,950,199 30.500 $2,627,652 $474,696 ____________ $3,102,348 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 Personal Services $63,080 All Other $908,232 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $971,312 2006-07 $66,664 $908,438 ____________ GENERAL FUND TOTAL EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2006-07 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 1.000 $71,407 $51,146 ____________ $122,553 $975,102 GENERAL FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL GENERAL FUND All Other 2006-07 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 1.000 $73,397 $52,425 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL $16,405,273 2005-06 $32,419 ____________ $32,419 2006-07 $33,230 ____________ $33,230 NATURAL RESOURCES AND MARKETING 0513 GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL $125,822 2005-06 17.000 $1,377,823 $976,162 ____________ $2,353,985 2005-06 11.000 $758,459 $1,090,808 ____________ $1,849,267 GENERAL FUND All Other 2006-07 17.000 $1,413,868 $994,339 ____________ $2,408,207 GENERAL FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other 2006-07 2005-06 $174,982 ____________ $174,982 2006-07 $179,357 ____________ $179,357 2005-06 $12,816,101 ____________ $12,816,101 2006-07 $13,131,922 ____________ $13,131,922 2005-06 $137,015 ____________ 2006-07 $1,789,360 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 27.000 $1,794,547 $3,524,847 ____________ $137,015 $1,789,360 FHM - DENTAL EDUCATION 0951 FUND FOR A HEALTHY MAINE 2005-06 All Other $241,601 ____________ FUND FOR A HEALTHY MAINE TOTAL $241,601 $5,319,394 2006-07 2006-07 $243,235 ____________ $243,235 FHM - QUALITY CHILD CARE 0952 11.000 $793,440 $1,118,076 ____________ FUND FOR A HEALTHY MAINE 2005-06 All Other $146,958 ____________ FUND FOR A HEALTHY MAINE TOTAL $146,958 $1,911,516 2006-07 $148,592 ____________ $148,592 FHM - HEALTH EDUCATION CENTERS 0950 PUBLIC ADVOCATE 0410 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other $3,923,457 ____________ STUDENT FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS 0653 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 27.000 Personal Services $1,708,827 All Other $3,438,875 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $5,147,702 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other $6,294,496 BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT FINANCE 0512 PLANNING OFFICE 0082 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other 2006-07 $6,187,320 FINANCE AUTHORITY OF MAINE LAND FOR MAINE'S FUTURE FUND 0060 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other 2005-06 GENERAL FUND $5,949,588 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND $6,119,014 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $3,803,620 ____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $15,872,222 2005-06 11.000 $1,099,226 $727,461 ____________ $1,826,687 FUND FOR A HEALTHY MAINE 2005-06 All Other $101,602 ____________ FUND FOR A HEALTHY MAINE TOTAL $101,602 2006-07 11.000 $1,134,986 $745,893 ____________ FINANCE AUTHORITY OF MAINE DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 $1,880,879 GENERAL FUND 104 $13,023,502 2006-07 $103,235 ____________ $103,235 2006-07 $13,344,509 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $137,015 FUND FOR A HEALTHY MAINE $490,161 ____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $13,650,678 HARNESS RACING PROMOTIONAL BOARD DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 $1,789,360 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $184,050 ____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $184,050 $495,062 ____________ $15,628,931 FIRE PROTECTION SERVICES COMMISSION, MAINE GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 $14,616 ____________ $14,616 $14,616 ____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other 2006-07 $14,616 ____________ $14,616 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL $14,616 ____________ $14,616 $14,616 SCIENCEWORKS FOR ME 0908 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 $70,908 ____________ $70,908 2006-07 $72,681 ____________ $72,681 DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $70,908 ____________ 9.000 $718,153 $909,432 ____________ $1,708,964 HEALTH DATA ORGANIZATION, MAINE DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other $72,681 ____________ $72,681 2005-06 3.000 $262,702 $73,940 ____________ $336,642 GENERAL FUND TOTAL GOVERNOR BAXTER SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF 0941 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 5.000 Personal Services $368,782 All Other $332,542 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $701,324 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2006-07 $6,851,800 ____________ $6,851,800 GOVERNOR BAXTER SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $6,514,200 ____________ $6,514,200 2006-07 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT POSITIONS - FTE COUNT Personal Services All Other $6,851,800 ____________ $6,851,800 HARNESS RACING PROMOTIONAL BOARD HARNESS RACING PROMOTIONAL BOARD 0873 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 $184,050 ____________ $184,050 $1,708,964 ____________ $1,708,964 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION, MAINE 2006-07 $70,908 2005-06 $6,514,200 ____________ $6,514,200 9.000 $747,887 $961,077 ____________ $1,627,585 GOVERNOR BAXTER SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF GENERAL FUND All Other 2006-07 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION 0036 FOUNDATION FOR BLOOD RESEARCH DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 GENERAL FUND 2005-06 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $1,627,585 ____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $1,627,585 FOUNDATION FOR BLOOD RESEARCH GENERAL FUND All Other $188,651 MAINE HEALTH DATA ORGANIZATION 0848 FIRE PROTECTION SERVICES COMMISSION, MAINE DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 GENERAL FUND $188,651 ____________ HEALTH DATA ORGANIZATION, MAINE MAINE FIRE PROTECTION SERVICES COMMISSION 0936 GENERAL FUND All Other 2006-07 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2006-07 $188,651 ____________ 2005-06 4.000 6.731 $466,894 $120,605 ____________ $587,499 2006-07 3.000 $270,402 $75,299 ____________ $345,701 2006-07 5.000 $385,616 $340,858 ____________ $726,474 2006-07 4.000 6.731 $487,547 $123,620 ____________ $611,167 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION, MAINE DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 GENERAL FUND $188,651 105 $336,642 $345,701 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND $701,324 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $587,499 ____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $1,625,465 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $726,474 GENERAL FUND $470,964 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $11,805,450 ____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $12,276,414 $611,167 ____________ $1,683,342 HISTORICAL SOCIETY, MAINE GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2006-07 $60,294 ____________ $60,294 2005-06 $58,823 ____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other 2006-07 GENERAL FUND TOTAL $60,294 ____________ $58,823 $60,294 MAINE HOSPICE COUNCIL 0663 GENERAL FUND TOTAL HOSPICE COUNCIL, MAINE DEPARTMENT TOTALS GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS 2005-06 $70,912 ____________ $70,912 2006-07 $72,685 ____________ $72,685 2005-06 $70,912 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other 2006-07 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL $72,685 ____________ $70,912 $72,685 SHELTER OPERATING SUBSIDY 0661 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 $470,964 ____________ $470,964 2006-07 $482,738 ____________ $482,738 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 $11,804,918 ____________ 2006-07 $11,614,440 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 $24,196 ____________ 2006-07 7.000 $487,659 $52,675 ____________ $540,334 2006-07 4.000 $245,105 $109,271 ____________ $354,376 2006-07 $6,152 ____________ $24,196 $6,152 HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION, MAINE DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 $540,334 $354,376 $6,152 ____________ $900,862 $11,804,918 $11,614,440 OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET 0142 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other LOW-INCOME HOME ENERGY ASSISTANCE MSHA 0708 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other $12,097,723 HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF (FORMERLY DHS) HOUSING AUTHORITY - STATE 0442 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other 7.000 $469,838 $52,252 ____________ $522,090 GENERAL FUND $522,090 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND $340,293 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $24,196 ____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $886,579 HOUSING AUTHORITY, MAINE STATE GENERAL FUND All Other $11,614,985 ____________ 2005-06 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 4.000 Personal Services $234,923 All Other $105,370 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $340,293 HOSPICE COUNCIL, MAINE GENERAL FUND All Other $482,738 HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION - REGULATION 0150 2005-06 $58,823 ____________ $58,823 HISTORICAL SOCIETY, MAINE DEPARTMENT TOTALS GENERAL FUND 2006-07 HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION, MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY 0037 GENERAL FUND All Other 2005-06 2005-06 $532 ____________ $532 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 46.000 $4,153,870 $550,336 ____________ $4,704,206 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 59.000 Personal Services $3,444,555 All Other $3,064,899 2006-07 $545 ____________ $545 HOUSING AUTHORITY, MAINE STATE 106 2006-07 46.000 $4,295,238 $556,550 ____________ $4,851,788 2006-07 59.000 $3,603,944 $3,141,503 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other ____________ ____________ $6,509,454 $6,745,447 2005-06 2006-07 FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND TOTAL 5.000 $281,536 $90,584 ____________ $372,120 FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 1.000 Personal Services $70,688 All Other $7,474 ____________ FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND TOTAL $78,162 FUND FOR A HEALTHY MAINE 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 10.000 Personal Services $614,208 All Other $44,841 ____________ FUND FOR A HEALTHY MAINE TOTAL $659,049 5.000 $297,266 $92,848 ____________ $390,114 2006-07 2005-06 117.500 $5,074,959 $5,256,490 ____________ $10,331,449 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 147.000 Personal Services $6,614,331 All Other $4,544,021 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $11,158,352 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other 2005-06 8.000 $323,786 $46,062 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL $369,848 FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 5.000 Personal Services $207,706 All Other $83,696 ____________ FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND TOTAL $291,402 1.000 $72,619 $7,661 ____________ GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other $80,280 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 $97,343 2005-06 28.000 $1,929,417 $108,634 ____________ $2,038,051 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 28.000 Personal Services $1,880,958 All Other $287,326 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $2,168,284 2006-07 117.500 $5,348,691 $5,367,094 ____________ $10,715,785 2006-07 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other 147.000 $6,978,702 $4,657,620 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL $11,636,322 2005-06 $230,854 ____________ $230,854 FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 17.000 Personal Services $1,065,101 All Other $63,673 ____________ FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND TOTAL $1,128,774 2006-07 8.000 $340,939 $47,213 ____________ 10.000 $636,274 $46,059 ____________ $682,333 2006-07 28.000 $2,003,076 $110,927 ____________ $2,114,003 2006-07 28.000 $1,959,810 $294,510 ____________ $2,254,320 2006-07 $236,626 ____________ $236,626 2006-07 17.000 $1,103,812 $65,267 ____________ $1,169,079 PURCHASED SOCIAL SERVICES 0228 $388,152 GENERAL FUND All Other 2006-07 5.000 $217,740 $85,789 ____________ 2005-06 $4,952,482 ____________ $4,952,482 2006-07 $5,194,562 ____________ $5,194,562 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 All Other $4,278,547 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $4,278,547 2006-07 $4,385,511 ____________ GENERAL FUND TOTAL $303,529 TRAINING PROGRAMS AND EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE 0493 FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND All Other 2006-07 COMMUNITY SERVICES CENTER 0845 OMB OPERATIONS-REGIONAL 0196 GENERAL FUND TOTAL $99,780 FHM - SERVICE CENTER 0957 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other $97,343 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other 2006-07 $99,780 107 2005-06 $282,872 $4,385,511 2006-07 $289,943 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL $282,872 FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 1.000 Personal Services $58,618 All Other $14,754,066 ____________ FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND TOTAL $14,812,684 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other ____________ $289,943 2006-07 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 1.000 $62,888 $15,122,919 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 6.000 Personal Services $428,300 All Other $3,150,042 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $3,578,342 $15,185,807 FHM - PURCHASED SOCIAL SERVICES 0961 FUND FOR A HEALTHY MAINE 2005-06 All Other $3,878,137 ____________ FUND FOR A HEALTHY MAINE TOTAL $3,878,137 2006-07 $3,983,435 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other $3,983,435 HEAD START 0545 GENERAL FUND All Other 2005-06 $2,332,262 ____________ $2,332,262 2006-07 $2,448,875 ____________ $2,448,875 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 All Other $106,489 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $106,489 2006-07 $109,152 ____________ GENERAL FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL $109,152 2006-07 $1,383,960 ____________ $1,383,960 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other 2006-07 $29,007,340 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL $29,007,340 CHILD CARE FOOD PROGRAM 0454 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 All Other $14,943,334 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $14,943,334 2006-07 $15,316,919 ____________ GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other $15,316,919 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2006-07 $4,856,818 ____________ 2005-06 2005-06 $14,780,164 ____________ $14,780,164 2005-06 $4,294,500 ____________ $4,294,500 2005-06 18.500 $1,168,681 $34,726,398 ____________ $35,895,079 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 23.000 Personal Services $1,547,725 All Other $1,303,433 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $2,851,158 $4,856,818 BUREAU OF CHILD AND FAMILY SERVICES - CENTRAL 0307 GENERAL FUND $3,636,615 2006-07 6.000 $458,777 $3,228,795 ____________ $3,687,572 2006-07 7.000 $599,062 $3,152,582 ____________ $3,751,644 2006-07 $15,130,999 ____________ $15,130,999 2006-07 20.000 $1,145,435 $37,811,969 ____________ $38,957,404 2006-07 $4,401,863 ____________ $4,401,863 CHILD WELFARE SERVICES 0139 COMMUNITY SERVICES BLOCK GRANT 0716 FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND 2005-06 All Other $4,738,358 ____________ FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND TOTAL $4,738,358 7.000 $560,926 $3,075,689 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 20.000 Personal Services $1,091,842 All Other $36,889,719 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $37,981,561 CHILD CARE SERVICES 0563 FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND 2005-06 All Other $28,299,840 ____________ FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND TOTAL $28,299,840 2005-06 16.500 $1,207,348 $842,248 ____________ $2,049,596 FOSTER CARE 0137 FHM - HEAD START 0959 FUND FOR A HEALTHY MAINE 2005-06 All Other $1,347,376 ____________ FUND FOR A HEALTHY MAINE TOTAL $1,347,376 16.500 $1,150,936 $825,444 ____________ $1,976,380 2006-07 108 2006-07 18.500 $1,229,200 $35,730,158 ____________ $36,959,358 2006-07 23.000 $1,614,433 $1,336,019 ____________ $2,950,452 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 2005-06 $1,596,225 ____________ GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2006-07 $1,636,131 ____________ $1,596,225 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 493.500 $29,293,351 $2,046,606 ____________ $31,339,957 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 15.000 Personal Services $855,454 All Other $21,406 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $876,860 GENERAL FUND All Other $1,636,131 GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 $291,305 ____________ $291,305 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 65.500 Personal Services $3,940,704 All Other $3,412,830 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $7,353,534 493.500 $30,924,472 $2,097,914 ____________ $33,022,386 2006-07 15.000 $923,274 $21,941 ____________ GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 85.000 $5,701,701 $5,815,282 ____________ $11,516,983 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 20.500 Personal Services $1,447,257 All Other $8,546,441 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $9,993,698 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 1.000 $78,310 $38,362 ____________ $116,672 GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL $945,215 2005-06 $10,139,271 2006-07 65.500 $4,120,408 $3,498,149 ____________ $7,618,557 2005-06 $82,712 ____________ $82,712 2006-07 $86,847 ____________ $86,847 HEALTH - BUREAU OF 0143 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other 2006-07 $305,870 ____________ $305,870 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2006-07 2005-06 81.500 $6,247,739 $1,957,346 ____________ $8,205,085 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 153.500 Personal Services $10,148,054 All Other $53,519,048 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $63,667,102 85.000 $5,934,279 $6,056,030 ____________ $11,990,309 2006-07 20.500 $1,432,506 $8,760,101 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT POSITIONS - FTE COUNT Personal Services All Other $10,192,607 2006-07 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 1.000 $80,713 $38,444 ____________ 2005-06 67.000 1.500 $4,355,655 $4,177,379 ____________ $8,533,034 FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 5.000 Personal Services $319,799 All Other $108,115 ____________ FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND TOTAL $427,914 $119,157 LONG TERM CARE - HUMAN SVS 0420 GENERAL FUND All Other 2006-07 $1,627,938 ____________ $1,627,938 CEREBRAL PALSY CENTERS - GRANTS TO 0107 ELDER AND ADULT SERVICES - BUREAU OF 0140 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other 2005-06 $1,550,417 ____________ $1,550,417 DISABILITY DETERMINATION - DIVISION OF 0208 2006-07 CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS - AID TO 0128 GENERAL FUND All Other ____________ $10,614,079 CONGREGATE HOUSING 0211 BUREAU OF CHILD AND FAMILY SERVICES REGIONAL 0452 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other ____________ $10,139,271 2006-07 $10,614,079 GENERAL BOND FUNDARBITRAGE 109 2005-06 2006-07 81.500 $6,504,423 $2,002,781 ____________ $8,507,204 2006-07 153.500 $10,661,759 $54,857,029 ____________ $65,518,788 2006-07 67.000 1.500 $4,555,823 $4,281,812 ____________ $8,837,635 2006-07 5.000 $338,597 $110,818 ____________ $449,415 2006-07 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 All Other FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 $2,400,000 ____________ GENERAL BOND FUNDARBITRAGE TOTAL $2,400,000 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other $2,400,000 ____________ $2,400,000 CYSTIC FIBROSIS - TREATMENT OF 0167 GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 $5,336 ____________ $5,336 FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND TOTAL 2006-07 $5,603 ____________ $5,603 FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 37.000 Personal Services $2,154,835 All Other $556,292 ____________ FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND TOTAL $2,711,127 FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND 2005-06 All Other $27,086 ____________ FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND TOTAL $27,086 2006-07 2.000 $158,837 $1,075,683 ____________ FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 1.000 Personal Services $46,609 All Other $32,961 ____________ FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND TOTAL $79,570 $1,234,520 2006-07 37.000 $2,251,697 $570,203 ____________ 2006-07 $27,763 ____________ $27,763 2006-07 1.000 $48,190 $33,785 ____________ $81,975 FHM - BUREAU OF HEALTH 0953 FUND FOR A HEALTHY MAINE 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 5.000 Personal Services $321,661 All Other $19,424,576 ____________ FUND FOR A HEALTHY MAINE TOTAL $19,746,237 $2,821,900 2006-07 17.000 $1,058,750 $103,359 ____________ 2006-07 5.000 $341,460 $19,951,980 ____________ $20,293,440 COMMUNITY FAMILY PLANNING 0466 GENERAL FUND All Other $1,162,109 2005-06 $214,593 ____________ $214,593 2006-07 $225,322 ____________ $225,322 FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND 2005-06 All Other $31,922 ____________ FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND TOTAL $31,922 2006-07 $32,720 ____________ GENERAL FUND TOTAL PLUMBING - CONTROL OVER 0205 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other $73,680 TUBERCULOSIS CONTROL PROGRAM 0497 SPECIAL CHILDREN'S SERVICES 0204 FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 17.000 Personal Services $1,007,795 All Other $100,836 ____________ FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND TOTAL $1,108,631 $71,474 1.000 $47,476 $26,204 ____________ SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES 0496 MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH 0191 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 2.000 Personal Services $151,452 All Other $1,049,443 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $1,200,895 1.000 $45,912 $25,562 ____________ RAPE CRISIS CONTROL 0488 2005-06 7.000 $438,505 $152,885 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL $591,390 2006-07 7.000 $453,616 $156,709 ____________ $610,325 FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 4.000 Personal Services $258,023 All Other $184,387 ____________ FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND TOTAL $442,410 DENTAL DISEASE PREVENTION 0486 FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 2.000 Personal Services $145,428 All Other $33,814 ____________ FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND TOTAL $179,242 2006-07 2.000 $149,429 $34,660 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 2005-06 2006-07 4.000 $272,447 $188,999 ____________ $461,446 MAINE WATER WELL DRILLING PROGRAM 0697 $184,089 HYPERTENSION CONTROL 0487 FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND $32,720 RISK REDUCTION 0489 2006-07 110 2005-06 2006-07 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 ____________ 1.000 $42,304 $43,698 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL $86,002 FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND TOTAL 1.000 $45,150 $44,791 ____________ $89,941 GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 5.000 $319,050 $563,960 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL $883,010 2006-07 GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other $912,702 2006-07 $191,394 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 $36,065 ____________ $36,065 2006-07 $37,869 ____________ $37,869 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 59.500 $3,555,352 $4,988,937 ____________ $8,544,289 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 205.000 Personal Services $11,611,311 All Other $8,581,235 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $20,192,546 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 52.000 $2,974,701 $5,598,269 ____________ GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other 2006-07 59.500 $3,709,224 $5,056,312 ____________ $8,765,536 205.000 $12,173,063 $8,795,765 ____________ 2006-07 52.000 $3,114,925 $5,738,225 ____________ FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND 2005-06 All Other $1,592,704 2006-07 $1,632,523 2006-07 $124,457,811 ____________ $121,422,241 $124,457,811 2005-06 2006-07 $50,488,117 ____________ $50,488,117 2006-07 31.000 $2,054,025 $3,481,696 ____________ $5,535,721 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 All Other $794,120 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $794,120 2006-07 $813,973 ____________ FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 45.500 Personal Services $2,519,034 All Other $20,196,416 ____________ FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND TOTAL $22,715,450 $20,968,828 $8,853,150 2005-06 $121,422,241 ____________ 31.000 $1,973,547 $3,324,052 ____________ $5,297,599 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2006-07 $8,572,970 2006-07 $25,129,375 ____________ $25,129,375 ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FOR PEOPLE IN RETRAINING AND EMPLOYMENT 0146 BUREAU OF FAMILY INDEPENDENCE - CENTRAL 0100 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other 2006-07 $9,167,196 ____________ $9,167,196 2005-06 $24,516,464 ____________ $24,516,464 FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND 2005-06 All Other $49,256,694 ____________ FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND TOTAL $49,256,694 $191,394 AIDS LODGING HOUSE 0518 GENERAL FUND All Other 2005-06 $8,952,753 ____________ $8,952,753 TEMPORARY ASSISTANCE FOR NEEDY FAMILIES 0138 5.000 $334,642 $578,060 ____________ ABSTINENCE EDUCATION 0884 FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND 2005-06 All Other $186,726 ____________ FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND TOTAL $186,726 $1,632,523 STATE SUPPLEMENT TO FEDERAL SUPPLEMENTAL SECURITY INCOME 0131 DRINKING WATER ENFORCEMENT 0728 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other $1,592,704 ____________ $813,973 2006-07 45.500 $2,629,906 $20,701,328 ____________ $23,331,234 BUREAU OF FAMILY INDEPENDENCE - REGIONAL 0453 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL 111 2005-06 187.000 $10,586,323 $400,600 ____________ $10,986,923 2006-07 187.000 $11,104,530 $401,281 ____________ $11,505,811 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 196.500 Personal Services $10,805,475 All Other $259,391 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $11,064,866 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other 2005-06 2.000 $93,998 $91,729 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL $185,727 FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 8.000 Personal Services $409,737 All Other $765,408 ____________ FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND TOTAL $1,175,145 Personal Services All Other 2006-07 196.500 $11,367,232 $265,877 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other $11,633,109 2006-07 2.000 $100,342 $94,023 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2006-07 8.000 $436,664 $784,544 ____________ $1,221,208 2006-07 GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL $42,944 2006-07 $5,500,000 ____________ $5,500,000 FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND 2005-06 All Other $1,770,970 ____________ FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND TOTAL $1,770,970 2006-07 $1,815,244 ____________ GENERAL FUND TOTAL 83.000 $5,102,604 $9,965,877 ____________ $15,068,481 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 2006-07 6.000 $323,565 $1,139,919 ____________ 6.000 $341,575 $1,168,417 ____________ $1,463,484 $1,509,992 2006-07 $796,280 ____________ $796,280 2006-07 1.000 $71,394 $56,837 ____________ $128,231 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2006-07 83.000 $5,332,874 $10,349,219 ____________ $15,682,093 2006-07 185.000 185.000 2006-07 $422,896,698 ____________ $422,896,698 2005-06 $123,334,250 ____________ 2006-07 $138,590,381 ____________ $123,334,250 $138,590,381 FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND 2005-06 All Other $23,925,108 ____________ FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND TOTAL $23,925,108 $1,815,244 2005-06 2005-06 $391,322,189 ____________ $391,322,189 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 2006-07 All Other $1,264,147,091 $1,351,129,898 ____________ ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $1,264,147,091 $1,351,129,898 BUREAU OF MEDICAL SERVICES 0129 2005-06 2005-06 MEDICAL CARE - PAYMENTS TO PROVIDERS 0147 1.000 $41,980 $964 ____________ 2005-06 $5,500,000 ____________ $5,500,000 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other $50,034,701 FUND FOR A HEALTHY MAINE 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 1.000 Personal Services $69,442 All Other $55,335 ____________ FUND FOR A HEALTHY MAINE TOTAL $124,777 GENERAL ASSISTANCE - REIMBURSEMENT TO CITIES AND TOWNS 0130 GENERAL FUND TOTAL $48,023,461 FHM - BUREAU OF MEDICAL SERVICES 0955 FHM - BFI - CENTRAL 0954 GENERAL FUND All Other $12,046,978 $37,987,723 ____________ FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND 2005-06 All Other $776,858 ____________ FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND TOTAL $776,858 $194,365 DEPARTMENTWIDE 0640 FUND FOR A HEALTHY MAINE 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 1.000 Personal Services $39,355 All Other $939 ____________ FUND FOR A HEALTHY MAINE TOTAL $40,294 $11,496,803 $36,526,658 ____________ 2006-07 $25,178,645 ____________ $25,178,645 NURSING FACILITIES 0148 GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 $63,809,999 ____________ $63,809,999 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 All Other $258,690,113 112 2006-07 $65,400,183 ____________ $65,400,183 2006-07 $265,157,395 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 ____________ ____________ $258,690,113 $265,157,395 2005-06 $28,308,369 ____________ 2006-07 $29,016,081 ____________ $28,308,369 $29,016,081 HUMAN LEUKOCYTE ANTIGEN SCREENING FUND 0076 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL $410,062 2005-06 $532 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL $532 2006-07 $16,705,763 ____________ $16,705,763 2006-07 $546 ____________ $546 2006-07 $37,162 ____________ HUMANITIES COUNCIL 0942 GENERAL FUND All Other $37,162 GENERAL FUND TOTAL YOUTH IN NEED OF SERVICES PILOT PROGRAM 0923 2005-06 $382,628 ____________ $382,628 GENERAL FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 $18,000 ____________ $18,000 2005-06 4.000 $255,266 $5,072,079 ____________ $5,327,345 2005-06 $72,568 ____________ $72,568 HUMANITIES COUNCIL, MAINE DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2006-07 $401,760 ____________ $401,760 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS MAINE RX PROGRAM 0927 GENERAL FUND All Other $82,012 HUMANITIES COUNCIL, MAINE FUND FOR A HEALTHY MAINE 2005-06 All Other $36,180 ____________ FUND FOR A HEALTHY MAINE TOTAL $36,180 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2006-07 $82,012 ____________ GENERAL FUND $674,791,122 $715,890,766 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND $1,769,579,807 $1,871,290,690 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $309,661,250 $329,805,910 FUND FOR A HEALTHY MAINE $42,981,890 $43,749,342 FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND $155,925,594 $160,652,375 GENERAL BOND FUNDARBITRAGE $2,400,000 $2,400,000 ____________ ____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $2,955,339,663 $3,123,789,083 FHM - DONATED DENTAL 0958 GENERAL FUND All Other $54,521 HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF (FORMERLY DHS) DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 MAINE SMALL BUSINESS HEALTH COVERAGE 0973 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other $53,190 FUND FOR A HEALTHY MAINE 2005-06 All Other $79,845 ____________ FUND FOR A HEALTHY MAINE TOTAL $79,845 2006-07 $410,062 ____________ FHM - MEDICAL CARE 0960 FUND FOR A HEALTHY MAINE 2005-06 All Other $16,670,772 ____________ FUND FOR A HEALTHY MAINE TOTAL $16,670,772 2006-07 $54,521 ____________ FHM - HUMAN LEUKOCYTE 0962 FHM - FAMILY PLANNING 0956 FUND FOR A HEALTHY MAINE 2005-06 All Other $399,223 ____________ FUND FOR A HEALTHY MAINE TOTAL $399,223 2005-06 $53,190 ____________ 2006-07 $74,382 ____________ $74,382 2005-06 $72,568 ____________ 2006-07 $74,382 ____________ $72,568 $74,382 INDIAN TRIBAL-STATE COMMISSION, MAINE 2006-07 $18,000 ____________ $18,000 MAINE INDIAN TRIBAL-STATE COMMISSION 0554 GENERAL FUND All Other 2006-07 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 4.000 $265,949 $5,198,881 ____________ 2005-06 $36,893 ____________ $36,893 2006-07 $37,815 ____________ $37,815 INDIAN TRIBAL-STATE COMMISSION, MAINE DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $5,464,830 113 $36,893 ____________ $36,893 2006-07 $37,815 ____________ $37,815 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other INLAND FISHERIES AND WILDLIFE, DEPARTMENT OF OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER - IF&W 0529 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other 2005-06 2006-07 5.000 $440,390 $298,123 ____________ $738,513 5.000 $461,047 $298,849 ____________ $759,896 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 All Other $95,904 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $95,904 2006-07 $98,302 ____________ GENERAL FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other 2005-06 $102,781 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL $102,781 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other Capital Expenditures OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 1.000 $55,844 $85,105 $465,000 ____________ $605,949 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT POSITIONS - FTE COUNT Personal Services All Other $98,302 2006-07 $105,351 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 1.000 $68,947 $1,117,000 ____________ $1,185,947 $105,351 2006-07 $43,616 $375,000 ____________ GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 12.000 $824,925 $753,409 $25,000 ____________ $1,603,334 $229,173 2006-07 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 All Other $74,467 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $74,467 2006-07 $76,328 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL $418,616 2005-06 23.000 0.308 $1,185,880 $984,737 ____________ $2,170,617 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other 2005-06 $148,933 ____________ $148,933 $76,328 2006-07 $152,656 ____________ $152,656 WHITEWATER RAFTING FUND 0533 2006-07 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other 1.000 $58,295 $87,233 $465,000 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL $610,528 2005-06 $10,638 ____________ $10,638 2006-07 $10,904 ____________ $10,904 RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SERVICES - IF&W 0534 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT POSITIONS - FTE COUNT Personal Services All Other Capital Expenditures 2006-07 1.000 $74,066 $1,144,926 ____________ $1,218,992 2006-07 12.000 $852,939 $760,538 $0 ____________ $1,613,477 2006-07 40.000 0.991 $1,610,245 $292,330 $8,000 ____________ $1,910,575 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 Personal Services $1,593,383 All Other $467,934 Capital Expenditures $40,125 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $2,101,442 2006-07 $1,661,279 $479,633 $24,000 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services 114 2005-06 40.000 0.991 $1,544,648 $289,676 $30,375 ____________ $1,864,699 GENERAL FUND TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES - IF&W 0530 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other Capital Expenditures $220,619 2.000 $119,971 $109,202 ____________ 23.000 0.308 $1,129,692 $973,522 ____________ $2,103,214 GENERAL FUND TOTAL MAINE OUTDOOR HERITAGE FUND 0829 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other 2.000 $114,080 $106,539 ____________ 2006-07 LICENSING SERVICES - IF&W 0531 BOATING ACCESS SITES 0631 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 All Other $42,553 Capital Expenditures $375,000 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $417,553 2005-06 $2,164,912 2005-06 2006-07 3.000 $183,634 3.000 $190,104 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 $119,215 ____________ $122,194 ____________ $302,849 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other Capital Expenditures $312,298 FISHERIES AND HATCHERIES OPERATIONS 0535 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT POSITIONS - FTE COUNT Personal Services All Other Capital Expenditures GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 53.000 1.154 $2,310,657 $544,984 $57,425 ____________ $2,913,066 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 4.000 POSITIONS - FTE COUNT 1.154 Personal Services $1,761,908 All Other $768,553 Capital Expenditures $28,275 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $2,558,736 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT POSITIONS - FTE COUNT Personal Services All Other 2006-07 $2,639,293 2.500 $79,422 $55,997 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 Personal Services $136,154 All Other $106,381 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $242,535 2006-07 $140,246 $109,040 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL $135,419 2005-06 4.000 $284,032 $416,914 $20,000 ____________ $720,946 ENFORCEMENT OPERATIONS - IF&W 0537 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 Personal Services $935 All Other $76,550 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $77,485 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other Capital Expenditures OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 10.000 $664,696 $130,646 $75,000 ____________ $870,342 2006-07 $963 $78,466 ____________ $79,429 10.000 $694,982 $133,912 $75,000 ____________ WATERFOWL HABITAT ACQUISITION AND MANAGEMENT 0561 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 All Other $25,000 Capital Expenditures $775,000 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $800,000 2006-07 $25,000 $775,000 ____________ $751,057 2006-07 2006-07 $396,634 $113,400 ____________ 2005-06 6.000 $431,877 $195,742 $82,000 ____________ $709,619 WHITEWATER RAFTING - IF&W 0539 115 4.000 $298,472 $432,585 $20,000 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 All Other $386,960 Capital Expenditures $111,650 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $498,610 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL $800,000 2006-07 120.000 $10,411,071 $1,922,717 $92,500 ____________ $12,426,288 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other Capital Expenditures $903,894 2005-06 $249,286 120.000 $10,034,388 $1,898,423 $78,000 ____________ $12,010,811 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2006-07 2006-07 11.000 5.341 $661,058 $409,052 ____________ $1,070,110 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other Capital Expenditures 2006-07 2005-06 ENDANGERED NONGAME OPERATIONS 0536 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other Capital Expenditures $413,085 11.000 5.341 $636,376 $407,453 ____________ $1,043,829 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 4.000 1.154 $1,833,375 $787,768 $18,150 ____________ $131,566 $412,766 2006-07 $13,085 $400,000 ____________ PUBLIC INFORMATION AND EDUCATION, DIVISION OF 0729 53.000 1.154 $2,416,585 $548,298 $54,050 ____________ $3,018,933 2005-06 2.500 $75,715 $55,851 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2006-07 2005-06 $12,766 $400,000 ____________ $510,034 2006-07 6.000 $454,941 $198,135 $92,000 ____________ $745,076 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS – LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT 2005-06 1.000 $77,950 $14,928 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL $92,878 2006-07 COURTS - SUPREME, SUPERIOR, DISTRICT AND ADMINISTRATIVE 0063 1.000 $80,059 $15,302 ____________ GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other Capital Expenditures $95,361 ATV SAFETY AND EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM 0559 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2.000 $142,678 $45,285 ____________ $187,963 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2006-07 GENERAL FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Personal Services 2005-06 2006-07 4.000 $316,098 $74,085 ____________ $390,183 4.000 $334,806 $75,195 ____________ $410,001 2005-06 $20,000 ____________ 2006-07 $20,000 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL $20,000 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 $960 $40,349 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL $41,309 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 $2,886 $10,639 ____________ $13,525 2006-07 $981 $41,357 ____________ JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT TOTALS $42,338 $3,027,354 2005-06 GENERAL FUND $57,696,240 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND $3,078,286 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $3,027,354 FUND FOR A HEALTHY MAINE $101,617 ____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $63,903,497 2006-07 $2,959 $10,905 ____________ $13,864 INLAND FISHERIES AND WILDLIFE, DEPARTMENT OF DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 GENERAL FUND $22,855,612 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND $6,866,732 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $5,590,667 ____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $35,313,011 3.000 $232,768 $2,794,586 ____________ FUND FOR A HEALTHY MAINE 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 1.000 Personal Services $98,957 All Other $2,660 ____________ FUND FOR A HEALTHY MAINE TOTAL $101,617 $20,000 SPORT HUNTER PROGRAM 0827 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Personal Services All Other 2005-06 2006-07 473.000 $32,012,023 $27,864,549 $200,000 ____________ $60,076,572 2006-07 5.500 $2,194,719 $1,038,899 ____________ $3,233,618 2006-07 3.000 $242,554 $2,863,759 ____________ $3,106,313 FHM - JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT 0963 SUPPORT LANDOWNERS PROGRAM 0826 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Personal Services All Other 473.000 $30,419,293 $27,076,947 $200,000 ____________ $57,696,240 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 5.500 Personal Services $2,064,724 All Other $1,013,562 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $3,078,286 2.000 $149,019 $46,021 ____________ $195,040 DEPARTMENTWIDE IF&W 0600 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other 2005-06 2006-07 1.000 $105,877 $2,726 ____________ $108,603 2006-07 $60,076,572 $3,233,618 $3,106,313 $108,603 ____________ $66,525,106 LABOR, DEPARTMENT OF $23,574,937 GOVERNOR'S TRAINING INITIATIVE PROGRAM 0842 $7,036,200 GENERAL FUND Personal Services All Other $5,759,996 ____________ GENERAL FUND TOTAL $36,371,133 116 2005-06 $402,577 $1,454,686 ____________ $1,857,263 2006-07 $424,569 $1,489,682 ____________ $1,914,251 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 MAINE CENTERS FOR WOMEN, WORK AND COMMUNITY 0132 GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 $793,841 ____________ $793,841 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 19.000 $1,122,219 $3,205,203 ____________ $4,327,422 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 103.000 Personal Services $6,065,367 All Other $10,431,696 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $16,497,063 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 $266,484 ____________ $266,484 ____________ $2,700,761 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 Personal Services $61,133 All Other $6,171 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $67,304 2006-07 $63,251 $290 ____________ WELFARE TO WORK 0880 2006-07 $813,687 ____________ $813,687 REHABILITATION SERVICES 0799 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other ____________ $2,634,888 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2006-07 19.000 $1,172,329 $3,281,232 ____________ $4,453,561 ADMINISTRATION - BUR LABOR STDS 0158 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other 2006-07 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 103.000 $6,345,270 $10,692,491 ____________ GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 3.000 $1,107,961 $1,171,950 ____________ $2,279,911 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 209.500 POSITIONS - FTE COUNT 6.154 Personal Services $11,609,115 All Other $22,903,034 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $34,512,149 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Personal Services All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 $27,913 $287,617 ____________ $315,530 $17,037,761 2006-07 $273,146 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other $273,146 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2006-07 3.000 $1,161,000 $1,194,497 ____________ $2,355,497 2005-06 $2,634,888 6.000 $210,845 $46,571 ____________ $257,416 2005-06 $102,250 ____________ $102,250 2006-07 6.000 $220,173 $46,624 ____________ $266,797 2006-07 2.000 $115,914 $229,367 ____________ $345,281 2006-07 $104,806 ____________ $104,806 REGULATION AND ENFORCEMENT 0159 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other 2006-07 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 209.500 6.154 $12,258,180 $23,475,613 ____________ 2005-06 11.000 $707,649 $89,575 ____________ $797,224 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 4.000 Personal Services $303,066 All Other $145,017 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $448,083 $35,733,793 2006-07 $28,802 $294,806 ____________ 2006-07 11.000 $734,104 $89,656 ____________ $823,760 2006-07 4.000 $314,379 $148,642 ____________ $463,021 SAFETY EDUCATION AND TRAINING PROGRAMS 0161 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other $323,608 REHABILITATION SERVICES - HOME BASED CARE 0996 GENERAL FUND All Other 2005-06 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 2.000 Personal Services $107,697 All Other $223,771 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $331,468 EMPLOYMENT SERVICES ACTIVITY 0852 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other $63,541 2006-07 $2,700,761 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 117 2005-06 26.000 $1,869,644 $1,227,979 ____________ $3,097,623 2006-07 26.000 $1,949,615 $1,258,678 ____________ $3,208,293 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY LOAN PROGRAM 0186 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other 2005-06 $158,488 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL $158,488 2006-07 $162,450 ____________ GENERAL FUND TOTAL $162,450 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 24.500 Personal Services $1,525,939 All Other $2,083,080 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $3,609,019 MIGRANT AND IMMIGRANT SERVICES 0920 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 5.000 Personal Services $314,961 All Other $86,607 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $401,568 2006-07 5.000 $331,197 $88,772 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other $419,969 LABOR RELATIONS BOARD 0160 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 6.000 $441,518 $28,096 ____________ $469,614 6.000 $456,866 $28,361 ____________ $485,227 2005-06 $38,933 ____________ 2006-07 $39,906 ____________ $38,933 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Personal Services All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL EMPLOYMENT SECURITY TRUST FUND All Other EMPLOYMENT SECURITY TRUST FUND TOTAL 2005-06 $821,806 $1,052,030 ____________ $1,873,836 GENERAL FUND Personal Services All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL 286.000 7.345 $16,478,120 $22,591,995 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Personal Services All Other $39,070,115 2006-07 $864,493 $1,078,332 ____________ $116,852,880 BLIND AND VISUALLY IMPAIRED - DIVISION FOR THE 0126 GENERAL FUND 2005-06 24.500 $1,585,260 $2,135,158 ____________ $3,720,418 2006-07 2.000 $118,600 $98,824 ____________ $208,619 2005-06 $259,423 $34,489 ____________ $293,912 2005-06 $473,287 $128,540 ____________ $217,424 2006-07 $271,451 $34,820 ____________ $306,271 2006-07 109.500 $7,129,849 $964,120 ____________ $8,093,969 2006-07 $493,587 $131,755 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL $601,827 $625,342 LABOR, DEPARTMENT OF DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 GENERAL FUND $16,617,024 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND $101,350,965 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $6,663,590 EMPLOYMENT SECURITY TRUST FUND $116,852,880 ____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $241,484,459 $1,942,825 $116,852,880 2.000 $112,205 $96,414 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 109.500 Personal Services $6,835,871 All Other $940,605 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $7,776,476 2006-07 2006-07 $116,852,880 ____________ 2006-07 ADMINISTRATION - LABOR 0030 $39,906 2005-06 $116,852,880 ____________ 9.500 $616,137 $2,367,431 ____________ $2,983,568 2005-06 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL EMPLOYMENT SECURITY SERVICES 0245 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 286.000 POSITIONS - FTE COUNT 7.345 Personal Services $15,666,870 All Other $22,040,965 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $37,707,835 9.500 $594,536 $2,310,997 ____________ $2,905,533 $17,103,380 $104,947,868 $6,897,800 $116,852,880 ____________ $245,801,928 LAW AND LEGISLATIVE REFERENCE LIBRARY 2006-07 LAW AND LEGISLATIVE REFERENCE LIBRARY 0636 118 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 2005-06 14.500 $1,201,996 $356,928 ____________ $1,558,924 All Other 2006-07 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 14.500 $1,248,923 $356,928 ____________ $1,605,851 DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $1,558,924 ____________ $1,558,924 GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL $1,605,851 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other $1,605,851 INTERSTATE COOPERATION - COMMISSION ON 0053 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 $172,668 ____________ $172,668 LEGISLATURE DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2006-07 $172,668 ____________ $172,668 GENERAL FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Personal Services All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 142.500 38.065 $18,042,228 $4,449,080 $30,000 ____________ $22,521,308 142.500 38.065 $19,824,508 $4,827,269 $30,000 ____________ $24,681,777 2005-06 $220 $260 ____________ 2006-07 $220 $260 ____________ $480 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 $12,000 ____________ $12,000 GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other 2006-07 $12,000 ____________ $12,000 2006-07 $7,450 $12,550 ____________ $20,000 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 All Other $531 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $531 2006-07 $545 ____________ GENERAL FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Personal Services 2005-06 $4,180 $500 $500 2005-06 2006-07 $24,954,279 $545 $13,660 ____________ $24,968,484 2005-06 $210,000 ____________ $210,000 2006-07 $210,000 ____________ $210,000 ADMINISTRATION - LIBRARY 0215 $480 2005-06 $11,250 $18,750 ____________ $30,000 2006-07 $500 ____________ STATEWIDE LIBRARY INFORMATION SYSTEM 0185 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 4.000 $314,847 $85,051 ____________ $399,898 2006-07 4.000 $327,667 $87,178 ____________ $414,845 MAINE STATE LIBRARY 0217 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other STUDY COMMISSIONS - FUNDING 0444 GENERAL FUND Personal Services All Other 2005-06 $500 ____________ LIBRARY, MAINE STATE UNIFORM STATE LAWS - COMMISSION ON 0242 GENERAL FUND All Other 2006-07 $67,834 ____________ $67,834 GENERAL FUND $22,803,810 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND $531 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $13,660 ____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $22,818,001 LEGISLATURE 0081 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT POSITIONS - FTE COUNT Personal Services All Other Capital Expenditures $12,680 2005-06 $67,834 ____________ $67,834 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL LEGISLATURE GENERAL FUND All Other $12,680 $8,500 ____________ STATE HOUSE AND CAPITOL PARK COMMISSION 0615 LAW AND LEGISLATIVE REFERENCE LIBRARY DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 GENERAL FUND $8,500 ____________ GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 40.500 $2,166,349 $986,815 ____________ $3,153,164 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 13.000 Personal Services $707,742 All Other $618,408 Capital Expenditures $13,000 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $1,339,150 $545 2006-07 $4,180 119 2006-07 40.500 $2,253,040 $996,806 ____________ $3,249,846 2006-07 13.000 $742,368 $647,191 $0 ____________ $1,389,559 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 BUREAU OF RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 0027 2005-06 $45,046 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2006-07 $46,172 ____________ $45,046 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other Capital Expenditures $46,172 LIBRARY SPECIAL ACQUISITIONS FUND 0260 GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 $500 ____________ $500 LIBRARY, MAINE STATE DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2006-07 $500 ____________ $500 2005-06 GENERAL FUND $3,763,562 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND $1,339,150 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $45,046 ____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $5,147,758 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2006-07 $3,875,191 $1,389,559 $46,172 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT POSITIONS - FTE COUNT Personal Services All Other $5,310,922 WATER SYSTEM OPERATORS - BOARD OF LICENSURE 0104 2005-06 $84,427 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other Capital Expenditures 2006-07 GENERAL FUND TOTAL $86,539 ____________ $86,539 LOBSTER PROMOTION FUND 0701 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 $490,552 ____________ $502,815 LOBSTER PROMOTION COUNCIL DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $490,552 ____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $490,552 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other 2006-07 $502,815 ____________ $490,552 16.000 2.500 $1,360,149 $877,544 ____________ $2,237,693 2005-06 43.000 $3,533,109 $582,556 $61,000 ____________ $4,176,665 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 6.000 Personal Services $460,055 All Other $90,950 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $551,005 LOBSTER PROMOTION COUNCIL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other 2005-06 2006-07 31.500 $2,776,650 $1,069,400 $16,500 ____________ $3,862,550 2006-07 25.500 2.500 $1,161,761 $310,205 ____________ $1,471,966 2006-07 16.000 2.500 $1,423,681 $898,783 ____________ $2,322,464 MARINE PATROL - BUREAU OF 0029 $86,539 LICENSURE OF WATER SYSTEM OPERATORS, BOARD OF DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $84,427 ____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $84,427 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2006-07 $86,539 ____________ $84,427 31.500 $2,665,254 $1,060,815 $56,000 ____________ $3,782,069 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 25.500 POSITIONS - FTE COUNT 2.500 Personal Services $1,110,043 All Other $302,639 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $1,412,682 LICENSURE OF WATER SYSTEM OPERATORS, BOARD OF OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other 2005-06 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL $502,815 ____________ 2005-06 9.000 $646,274 $517,283 ____________ $1,163,557 2006-07 43.000 $3,679,305 $594,300 $85,000 ____________ $4,358,605 2006-07 6.000 $487,553 $93,224 ____________ $580,777 2006-07 9.000 $678,222 $530,213 ____________ $1,208,435 DIVISION OF COMMUNITY RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT 0043 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT $502,815 MARINE RESOURCES, DEPARTMENT OF 120 2005-06 2006-07 4.000 4.000 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 Personal Services All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 $288,062 $64,241 ____________ $352,303 $301,098 $65,264 ____________ $366,362 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS 5.000 $357,617 $42,749 ____________ 2006-07 $400,366 2005-06 17.500 $1,295,297 $562,567 $89,184 ____________ $1,947,048 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 5.000 Personal Services $337,950 All Other $46,248 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $384,198 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other 2005-06 4.000 $220,317 $256,925 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL $420,959 2006-07 GENERAL FUND 17.500 $1,345,801 $572,336 $89,368 ____________ $2,007,505 DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2006-07 4.000 $231,150 $263,347 ____________ GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT POSITIONS - FTE COUNT Personal Services All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL $10,595,022 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other $2,458,399 $4,446,355 ____________ $17,499,776 MARITIME ACADEMY - OPERATIONS 0035 MARITIME ACADEMY, MAINE DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 $96,907 2005-06 $61,548 ____________ 2006-07 $77,058 ____________ $77,058 2006-07 $63,238 ____________ $61,548 $63,238 2005-06 2006-07 MAINE STATE MUSEUM 0180 MARITIME ACADEMY, MAINE GENERAL FUND TOTAL $96,907 ____________ $94,543 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 All Other $75,180 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $75,180 $405,656 2006-07 $94,543 ____________ 2006-07 RESEARCH AND COLLECTION - MUSEUM 0174 5.000 $358,251 $47,405 ____________ MARINE RESOURCES, DEPARTMENT OF DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2005-06 $7,625,070 ____________ $7,625,070 2006-07 $96,907 ____________ $96,907 MUSEUM, MAINE STATE 2006-07 $494,497 GENERAL FUND $10,258,085 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND $2,347,885 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $4,278,858 ____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $16,884,828 2005-06 $94,543 ____________ $94,543 MUNICIPAL BOND BANK, MAINE DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 $477,242 GENERAL FUND All Other $7,815,697 MAINE MUNICIPAL BOND BANK - MAINE RURAL WATER ASSOCIATION 0699 5.000 $377,142 $43,817 ____________ DIVISION OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 0258 GENERAL FUND TOTAL $7,625,070 $7,815,697 ____________ MUNICIPAL BOND BANK, MAINE 2005-06 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other Capital Expenditures $7,625,070 ____________ 23.500 0.693 $1,439,153 $349,416 ____________ $1,788,569 23.500 0.693 $1,496,997 $352,844 ____________ $1,849,841 2005-06 $159,946 ____________ 2006-07 $163,942 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL $159,946 MUSEUM, MAINE STATE DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 GENERAL FUND $1,788,569 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND $75,180 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $221,494 ____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $2,085,243 2006-07 $7,815,697 ____________ $7,815,697 2006-07 121 $163,942 2006-07 $1,849,841 $77,058 $227,180 ____________ $2,154,079 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 ____________ NEW ENGLAND INTERSTATE WATER POLLUTION CONTROL COMMISSION OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL MAINE JOINT ENVIRONMENTAL TRAINING COORDINATING COMMITTEE 0980 GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 $10,000 ____________ $10,000 $10,000 ____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other 2006-07 $10,000 ____________ $10,000 $10,000 GENERAL FUND TOTAL PINE TREE LEGAL ASSISTANCE DEPARTMENT TOTALS GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other $10,000 2006-07 $142,810 ____________ $142,810 POTATO BOARD, MAINE DEPARTMENT TOTALS $139,327 ____________ 2006-07 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other $142,810 ____________ $139,327 $142,810 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 $1,382,952 ____________ $2,695,799 $2,755,842 12.000 $842,728 $178,000 ____________ 2006-07 12.000 $875,370 $182,532 ____________ $1,020,728 $1,057,902 2005-06 2006-07 $1,417,526 2005-06 2006-07 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL $1,417,526 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other 0093 2005-06 2006-07 19.000 $1,417,602 $624,817 19.000 $1,465,326 $645,365 81.000 $6,057,327 $3,094,394 ____________ $8,822,554 $9,151,721 2005-06 63.000 $3,873,557 $2,241,850 ____________ 2006-07 63.000 $4,046,228 $2,319,677 ____________ $6,115,407 $6,365,905 2005-06 2006-07 OFFICE OF SECURITIES 0943 $1,417,526 PROFESSIONAL AND FINANCIAL REGULATION, DEPARTMENT OF FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS - BUREAU OF 81.000 $5,816,187 $3,006,367 ____________ LICENSING AND ENFORCEMENT 0352 2006-07 $1,417,526 ____________ $1,382,952 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $1,382,952 ____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $1,382,952 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other 16.000 $1,214,081 $1,541,761 __________ INSURANCE - BUREAU OF 0092 2005-06 POTATO BOARD 0429 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 16.000 $1,168,857 $1,526,942 __________ 2005-06 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL POTATO BOARD, MAINE OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other 2006-07 OFFICE OF CONSUMER CREDIT REGULATION 0091 LEGAL ASSISTANCE 0553 2005-06 $139,327 ____________ $139,327 $2,110,691 2005-06 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL $10,000 ____________ PINE TREE LEGAL ASSISTANCE GENERAL FUND All Other $2,042,419 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES - PROF AND FIN REG 0094 NEW ENGLAND INTERSTATE WATER POLLUTION CONTROL COMMISSION DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 GENERAL FUND ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 13.000 $938,221 $303,228 ____________ 13.000 $981,324 $309,909 ____________ $1,241,449 $1,291,233 ENGINEERS - BOARD OF REGISTRATION FOR PROFESSIONAL 0369 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 122 2005-06 2006-07 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT POSITIONS - FTE COUNT Personal Services All Other PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 ____________ 1.000 0.438 $73,184 $155,627 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 1.000 0.438 $75,174 $160,478 ____________ $228,811 $235,652 2005-06 7.000 $415,081 $332,013 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $24,717,071 ____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $24,717,071 2006-07 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other $770,339 2005-06 9.000 0.770 $666,767 $569,809 ____________ 2006-07 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 9.000 0.770 $691,662 $592,673 ____________ $1,236,576 $1,284,335 DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS OSTEOPATHIC LICENSURE - BOARD OF 0383 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other 2005-06 7.500 $667,170 $287,259 ____________ $954,429 2006-07 7.500 $716,263 $254,499 ____________ $970,762 $954,429 ____________ $954,429 $970,762 ____________ $970,762 PROPERTY TAX REVIEW, STATE BOARD OF 2006-07 $174,016 1.000 $69,470 $114,905 ____________ GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other $184,375 GENERAL FUND TOTAL DENTAL EXAMINERS - BOARD OF 0384 2005-06 3.000 $160,036 $174,407 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL $334,443 2005-06 0.500 $28,832 $76,024 ____________ $104,856 2006-07 0.500 $29,668 $75,188 ____________ $104,856 PROPERTY TAX REVIEW, STATE BOARD OF DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 GENERAL FUND 3.000 $168,465 $178,760 ____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $104,856 ____________ $104,856 2006-07 $104,856 ____________ $104,856 PUBLIC BROADCASTING CORPORATION, MAINE $347,225 MAINE PUBLIC BROADCASTING CORPORATION 0033 OPTOMETRY - BOARD OF 0385 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other 2005-06 PROPERTY TAX REVIEW - STATE BOARD OF 0357 1.000 $66,698 $107,318 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other $25,615,224 PROGRAM EVALUATION AND ACCOUNTABILITY, OFFICE OF DEPARTMENT TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 GENERAL FUND OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL $25,615,224 ____________ OFFICE OF PROGRAM EVALUATION AND GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY 0976 LICENSURE IN MEDICINE - BOARD OF 0376 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT POSITIONS - FTE COUNT Personal Services All Other $60,004 PROGRAM EVALUATION AND ACCOUNTABILITY, OFFICE OF 7.000 $429,988 $340,351 ____________ $747,094 $57,775 PROFESSIONAL AND FINANCIAL REGULATION, DEPARTMENT OF DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 NURSING - BOARD OF 0372 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other ____________ 2005-06 2006-07 1.000 $39,599 $18,176 1.000 $41,386 $18,618 GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 $2,331,441 ____________ $2,331,441 2006-07 $2,389,727 ____________ $2,389,727 PUBLIC BROADCASTING CORPORATION, MAINE DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 GENERAL FUND 123 $2,331,441 $2,389,727 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 ____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $2,331,441 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other $2,389,727 PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF CAPITOL SECURITY - BUREAU OF 0101 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 9.500 $500,568 $48,138 ____________ $548,706 2006-07 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 9.500 $522,540 $48,341 ____________ $570,881 GENERAL FUND TOTAL HIGHWAY FUND Personal Services All Other HIGHWAY FUND TOTAL 2005-06 HIGHWAY FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other Capital Expenditures 377.000 $13,621,473 $3,951,536 ____________ $17,573,009 2005-06 $22,310,042 $6,560,787 ____________ $28,870,829 2006-07 $23,193,964 $6,934,985 ____________ $30,128,949 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 1.000 Personal Services $67,829 All Other $2,068,558 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $2,136,387 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other 2006-07 377.000 $13,102,949 $3,716,118 ____________ $16,819,067 2005-06 17.000 $1,149,200 $198,417 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL HIGHWAY FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other 17.000 $1,208,833 $203,521 ____________ 2006-07 GENERAL FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other 11.000 $638,653 $175,833 ____________ $814,486 2005-06 $19,204 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL $19,204 13.000 $767,993 $230,957 $71,000 ____________ $1,069,950 2005-06 2006-07 13.000 $808,675 $226,916 $180,000 ____________ $1,215,591 2006-07 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 All Other $1,703,415 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $1,703,415 2006-07 $1,746,002 ____________ 2005-06 $83,203 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2006-07 2005-06 2005-06 3.000 $185,764 $707,097 ____________ $892,861 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other $2,192,634 $1,746,002 2006-07 $85,284 ____________ $83,203 $85,284 2005-06 2006-07 TRAFFIC SAFETY 0546 HIGHWAY FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other Capital Expenditures LIQUOR ENFORCEMENT 0293 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other $3,667,019 3.000 $181,568 $696,319 ____________ $877,887 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 1.000 $72,330 $2,120,304 ____________ $1,412,354 $3,458,423 37.500 $3,070,731 $596,288 ____________ DRUG ENFORCEMENT AGENCY 0388 2006-07 $1,347,617 37.500 $2,948,333 $510,090 ____________ 2006-07 MOTOR VEHICLE INSPECTION 0329 STATE POLICE 0291 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other 2005-06 HIGHWAY FUND TOTAL 11.000 $665,413 $180,213 ____________ $845,626 9.000 $886,472 $191,667 $54,000 ____________ $1,132,139 9.000 $901,251 $192,682 $46,000 ____________ $1,139,933 TURNPIKE ENFORCEMENT 0547 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other Capital Expenditures 2006-07 $19,190 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL $19,190 FIRE MARSHAL - OFFICE OF 0327 124 2005-06 41.000 $4,500,604 $453,135 $333,000 ____________ $5,286,739 2006-07 41.000 $4,643,749 $462,582 $340,000 ____________ $5,446,331 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other LICENSING AND ENFORCEMENT - PUBLIC SAFETY 0712 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other Capital Expenditures 2005-06 9.000 $578,740 $240,227 $23,500 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2006-07 9.000 $601,871 $246,343 $0 ____________ $842,467 GENERAL FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other HIGHWAY FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other 2006-07 50.000 $4,315,793 $406,831 $381,000 ____________ $5,103,624 GENERAL FUND TOTAL HIGHWAY FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other FINGERPRINT AND BACKGROUND INFORMATION STATE EXPENSE 0930 GENERAL FUND Personal Services All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 $103,000 $289,000 ____________ $392,000 2006-07 $103,000 $289,000 ____________ $392,000 HIGHWAY FUND TOTAL FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other FHM - FIRE MARSHAL 0964 FUND FOR A HEALTHY MAINE 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 3.500 Personal Services $179,171 All Other $19,719 ____________ FUND FOR A HEALTHY MAINE TOTAL $198,890 2006-07 3.500 $189,548 $20,248 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other $209,796 STATE POLICE - SUPPORT 0981 HIGHWAY FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other HIGHWAY FUND TOTAL 2005-06 10.000 $452,431 $6,728 ____________ $459,159 2006-07 10.000 $473,600 $6,728 ____________ $480,328 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 1.000 $48,479 $15,709 ____________ $64,188 2005-06 $0 ____________ 2006-07 $989,352 ____________ $0 $989,352 2005-06 3.000 $294,089 $46,471 ____________ $340,560 2005-06 14.000 $729,311 $87,027 ____________ $816,338 2005-06 3.000 $209,873 $1,364,639 ____________ 2006-07 3.000 $301,247 $47,197 ____________ $348,444 2006-07 14.000 $763,900 $88,869 ____________ $852,769 2006-07 3.000 $217,050 $1,398,937 ____________ $1,574,512 $1,615,987 2005-06 2006-07 3.000 $285,513 $61,829 ____________ $347,342 3.000 $294,556 $63,409 ____________ $357,965 CRIMINAL JUSTICE ACADEMY 0290 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services BACKGROUND CHECKS - CERTIFIED NURSING ASSISTANTS 0992 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other 10.000 $820,519 $846,585 ____________ $1,667,104 ADMINISTRATION - PUBLIC SAFETY 0088 2005-06 50.000 $4,173,784 $403,991 $341,500 ____________ $4,919,275 2006-07 10.000 $768,462 $846,585 ____________ $1,615,047 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL $848,214 TRAFFIC SAFETY - COMMERCIAL VEHICLE ENFORCEMENT 0715 HIGHWAY FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other Capital Expenditures 2005-06 2006-07 1.000 $51,522 $15,709 ____________ $67,231 125 2006-07 3.000 $216,772 ____________ $216,772 3.000 $223,562 ____________ $223,562 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 All Other $345,396 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $345,396 2006-07 $353,479 ____________ GENERAL FUND TOTAL GAMBLING CONTROL BOARD Z002 2005-06 $353,479 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 2005-06 8.000 $499,613 $798,644 ____________ GENERAL FUND $22,807,196 HIGHWAY FUND $37,705,937 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND $7,770,580 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $13,097,876 FUND FOR A HEALTHY MAINE $198,890 ____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $81,580,479 2006-07 8.000 $518,093 $818,497 ____________ $1,298,257 $1,336,590 2005-06 2006-07 HIGHWAY SAFETY DPS 0457 HIGHWAY FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other HIGHWAY FUND TOTAL 2.000 $117,976 $320,271 ____________ $438,247 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 3.000 Personal Services $231,442 All Other $1,677,278 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $1,908,720 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 1.000 $28,428 $301,495 ____________ $329,923 2005-06 2.000 $121,728 $321,344 ____________ $443,072 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT POSITIONS - FTE COUNT Personal Services All Other 3.000 $239,972 $1,719,235 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other 2006-07 1.000 $29,302 $309,035 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 1.000 $62,300 $22,401 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other $104,805 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2006-07 $89,917 PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 60.000 0.500 $5,359,077 $1,441,036 ____________ $6,800,113 2006-07 60.000 0.500 $5,675,396 $1,477,769 ____________ $7,153,165 2005-06 $6,326,726 ____________ $6,326,726 2006-07 $7,484,894 ____________ $7,484,894 2005-06 6.000 $561,335 $738,665 ____________ $1,300,000 2006-07 3.000 $205,258 $431,632 ____________ $636,890 2006-07 6.000 $601,640 $698,360 ____________ $1,300,000 EMERGENCY SERVICES COMMUNICATION BUREAU 0994 1.000 $66,955 $22,962 ____________ $84,701 2005-06 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 3.000 Personal Services $198,802 All Other $420,680 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $619,482 2006-07 2006-07 $104,805 ____________ $85,849,014 CONSERVATION ADMINISTRATIVE FUND 0966 $338,337 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 All Other $102,150 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $102,150 GENERAL FUND TOTAL $209,796 ____________ CONSERVATION PROGRAM FUND 0967 $1,959,207 5.000 $359,976 $771,591 ____________ $1,131,567 $14,590,553 PUBLIC UTILITIES - ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION 0184 2006-07 5.000 $349,053 $769,430 ____________ $1,118,483 $7,972,114 PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES 0485 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other $23,712,285 $39,364,266 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other 126 2005-06 2006-07 5.000 $411,925 $7,521,597 5.000 $426,271 $7,709,674 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL ____________ GENERAL FUND TOTAL $7,933,522 $8,135,945 PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND $619,482 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $22,360,361 ____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $22,979,843 ____________ $896,571 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 1.000 Personal Services $32,746 All Other $2,608 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $35,354 $636,890 $24,074,004 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Personal Services All Other $24,710,894 RETIREMENT SYSTEM, (BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE) MAINE STATE 2005-06 $32,742 $17,298 ____________ ____________ $934,551 2006-07 1.000 $33,682 $2,673 ____________ $36,355 2006-07 $33,677 $17,730 ____________ RETIREMENT SYSTEM - RETIREMENT ALLOWANCE FUND 0085 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL GENERAL FUND All Other BUREAU OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES AND CORPORATIONS 0692 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 $175,180 ____________ $175,180 2006-07 $182,187 ____________ $182,187 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other RETIREMENT SYSTEM, (BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE) MAINE STATE DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $175,180 ____________ $175,180 $182,187 ____________ GENERAL FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other $182,187 SACO RIVER CORRIDOR COMMISSION SACO RIVER CORRIDOR COMMISSION 0322 GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 $54,742 ____________ $54,742 2006-07 $56,110 ____________ $56,110 2005-06 $33,510 ____________ 2006-07 $34,348 ____________ $33,510 $34,348 SACO RIVER CORRIDOR COMMISSION DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 GENERAL FUND $54,742 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $33,510 ____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $88,252 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL HIGHWAY FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT POSITIONS - FTE COUNT Personal Services All Other Capital Expenditures $34,348 ____________ $90,458 14.000 $815,087 $81,484 14.000 $850,148 $84,403 37.500 $2,068,720 $723,644 ____________ $2,792,364 2006-07 37.500 $2,164,640 $728,619 ____________ $2,893,259 2005-06 4.000 $160,459 $13,546 ____________ 2006-07 4.000 $170,168 $13,885 ____________ $174,005 $184,053 2006-07 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 All Other $485,423 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $485,423 2006-07 $485,423 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 127 2005-06 385.000 0.308 $20,724,793 $12,516,021 $269,098 ____________ $33,509,912 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other ADMINISTRATION - ARCHIVES 0050 2006-07 2005-06 385.000 0.308 $19,817,824 $12,353,300 $256,848 ____________ $32,427,972 HIGHWAY FUND TOTAL $56,110 2005-06 $51,407 ADMINISTRATION - MOTOR VEHICLES 0077 SECRETARY OF STATE, DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other $50,040 2005-06 1.000 $88,721 $35,724 ____________ $124,445 $485,423 2006-07 1.000 $93,080 $33,517 ____________ $126,597 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 MUNICIPAL EXCISE TAX REIMBURSEMENT FUND 0871 URBAN-RURAL INITIATIVE PROGRAM 0337 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other HIGHWAY FUND All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 $855,209 ____________ $855,209 2006-07 $876,589 ____________ HIGHWAY FUND TOTAL SECRETARY OF STATE, DEPARTMENT OF DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 GENERAL FUND $3,688,935 HIGHWAY FUND $32,427,972 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND $605,789 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $1,203,699 ____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $37,926,395 HIGHWAY FUND All Other 2006-07 $0 ____________ HIGHWAY FUND TOTAL HIGHWAY FUND All Other 2006-07 HIGHWAY FUND TOTAL $3,827,810 $33,509,912 GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND Personal Services $521,778 $1,238,646 ____________ GENERAL FUND TOTAL HIGHWAY FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT POSITIONS - FTE COUNT Personal Services All Other Capital Expenditures $39,098,146 2006-07 $26,116 ____________ $26,116 DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $25,479 ____________ $25,479 $26,116 ____________ RESERVE FUND FOR STATE HOUSE PRESERVATION AND MAINTENANCE 0975 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 $800,000 ____________ $800,000 2006-07 $800,000 ____________ $800,000 DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $800,000 ____________ $800,000 2005-06 $140,135 ____________ $140,135 2005-06 2006-07 $140,135 ____________ $140,135 2006-07 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 Personal Services $22,788,100 All Other $20,737,095 Capital Expenditures $124,934,596 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $168,459,791 2006-07 $23,796,482 $21,853,707 $131,661,844 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL $177,312,033 2005-06 $3,893,217 $25,711,369 ____________ 2006-07 $2,993,217 $21,811,369 ____________ $29,604,586 $24,804,586 COLLECTOR ROAD PROGRAM 0505 HIGHWAY FUND Personal Services All Other Capital Expenditures STATE HOUSE PRESERVATION AND MAINTENANCE, RESERVE FUND FOR DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 GENERAL FUND 2006-07 $10,415,000 ____________ $10,415,000 547.000 22.538 $20,454,950 $15,038,498 $32,591,540 ____________ $68,084,988 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other Capital Expenditures $26,116 STATE HOUSE PRESERVATION AND MAINTENANCE, RESERVE FUND FOR GENERAL FUND All Other 2005-06 $13,950,000 ____________ $13,950,000 547.000 22.538 $19,596,677 $14,277,851 $30,735,674 ____________ $64,610,202 HIGHWAY FUND TOTAL ST. CROIX INTERNATIONAL WATERWAY COMMISSION DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 GENERAL FUND 2006-07 $1,387,084 ____________ $1,387,084 HIGHWAY AND BRIDGE IMPROVEMENT 0406 ST. CROIX INTERNATIONAL WATERWAY COMMISSION 0576 2005-06 $25,479 ____________ $25,479 2005-06 $2,007,307 ____________ $2,007,307 BOND RETIREMENT - HIGHWAY 0359 $0 ST. CROIX INTERNATIONAL WATERWAY COMMISSION GENERAL FUND All Other 2006-07 $26,832,768 ____________ $26,832,768 BOND INTEREST - HIGHWAY 0358 $876,589 ELECTIONS AND COMMISSIONS 0693 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 Personal Services $85,012 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $85,012 2005-06 $26,244,417 ____________ $26,244,417 HIGHWAY FUND TOTAL $800,000 ____________ 2005-06 $823,065 $2,092,351 $33,985 ____________ $2,949,401 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 Personal Services $11,582 All Other $27,608 Capital Expenditures $200,000 $800,000 TRANSPORTATION, DEPARTMENT OF 128 2006-07 $860,384 $2,120,013 $33,985 ____________ $3,014,382 2006-07 $12,038 $28,299 $200,000 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other Capital Expenditures $239,190 2005-06 $66,488 $62,500 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL Personal Services All Other ____________ $240,337 ISLAND FERRY SERVICES FUND TOTAL 2006-07 $68,150 $62,500 ____________ $128,988 GENERAL FUND All Other $130,650 2005-06 $252,883 ____________ $252,883 2006-07 $252,883 ____________ $252,883 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 All Other $2,249,432 Capital Expenditures $500,000 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $2,749,432 2006-07 $2,305,668 $500,000 ____________ GENERAL FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other 2006-07 $218,081 __________ $212,762 $218,081 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 $3,277,648 ____________ $3,277,648 2006-07 $3,455,206 ____________ $3,455,206 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 All Other $153,375 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $153,375 2006-07 $157,209 ____________ GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 $103,959 ____________ MARINE PORTS FUND TOTAL $103,959 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other Capital Expenditures HIGHWAY FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT POSITIONS - FTE COUNT Personal Services All Other Capital Expenditures HIGHWAY FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other 2006-07 $399,960 ____________ 2005-06 2006-07 66.500 7.391 66.500 7.391 $862,656 2005-06 $77,463 $7,000 ____________ 2006-07 $79,400 $7,000 ____________ $84,463 $86,400 2005-06 2006-07 131.000 944.000 $62,816,041 $43,490,983 $14,607,582 ____________ $120,914,606 131.000 944.000 $65,707,197 $44,700,704 $15,262,161 ____________ $125,670,062 2005-06 $547,913 ____________ 2006-07 $561,612 ____________ $547,913 $561,612 2005-06 2006-07 TRAFFIC SERVICE 0331 HIGHWAY FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT POSITIONS - FTE COUNT Personal Services All Other Capital Expenditures ISLAND FERRY SERVICE 0326 ISLAND FERRY SERVICES FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT POSITIONS - FTE COUNT 2006-07 $862,656 ____________ HIGHWAY MAINTENANCE 0330 2006-07 $103,959 ____________ $103,959 $399,960 $862,656 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL $157,209 $399,960 2005-06 $862,656 ____________ $11,482,363 VAN-POOL SERVICES 0451 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 $399,960 ____________ AUGUSTA STATE AIRPORT FUND TOTAL 2006-07 $334,455 $8,147,908 $3,000,000 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL AUGUSTA STATE AIRPORT 0325 AUGUSTA STATE AIRPORT FUND All Other FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 Personal Services $320,788 All Other $7,949,177 Capital Expenditures $3,000,000 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $11,269,965 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Capital Expenditures PORTS AND MARINE TRANSPORTATION 0323 MARINE PORTS FUND All Other 2006-07 $528,977 ____________ $528,977 GENERAL FUND TOTAL ADMINISTRATION - PORTS AND MARINE TRANSPORTATION 0298 GENERAL FUND All Other $6,767,807 2005-06 $516,075 ____________ $516,075 $2,805,668 2005-06 $212,762 __________ $6,580,650 $4,613,411 $2,154,396 ____________ TRANSPORTATION SERVICES 0443 ADMINISTRATION - AERONAUTICS 0294 GENERAL FUND All Other $4,426,254 $2,154,396 ____________ HIGHWAY FUND TOTAL 129 39.000 41.519 $3,440,220 $1,852,085 $35,200 ____________ $5,327,505 39.000 41.519 $3,593,842 $1,866,691 $35,200 ____________ $5,495,733 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 Personal Services $2,416,301 All Other $3,026,056 Capital Expenditures $132,800 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $5,575,157 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other 2005-06 $319,142 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other 2006-07 $2,525,370 $3,101,708 $132,800 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL $5,759,878 $327,121 HIGHWAY FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT POSITIONS - FTE COUNT Personal Services All Other Capital Expenditures 2005-06 2006-07 BRIDGE MAINTENANCE 0333 HIGHWAY FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT POSITIONS - FTE COUNT Personal Services All Other Capital Expenditures HIGHWAY FUND TOTAL 20.000 164.000 $11,343,309 $5,336,263 $280,500 ____________ $16,960,072 HIGHWAY FUND TOTAL 20.000 164.000 $11,861,664 $5,404,945 $328,500 ____________ $17,595,109 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL HIGHWAY FUND TOTAL 2005-06 $107,197 ____________ $107,197 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Personal Services All Other Capital Expenditures 2006-07 $109,877 ____________ $109,877 MOTOR TRANSPORT SERVICE 0347 HIGHWAY GARAGE FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT POSITIONS - FTE COUNT Personal Services All Other HIGHWAY GARAGE FUND TOTAL 2005-06 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2006-07 71.000 169.000 $14,883,896 $18,366,996 ____________ 71.000 169.000 $15,632,740 $18,323,627 ____________ $33,250,892 $33,956,367 2005-06 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2006-07 1.000 $66,855 $138,961 ____________ $205,816 1.000 $69,298 $138,961 ____________ $208,259 2005-06 $654,243 ____________ $654,243 2006-07 $670,599 ____________ $670,599 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 Personal Services $11,456 All Other $786,675 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $798,131 2006-07 $11,912 $806,342 ____________ GENERAL FUND TOTAL HIGHWAY FUND All Other HIGHWAY FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 166.000 0.544 $11,311,160 $5,364,636 $260,000 ____________ $16,935,796 166.000 0.544 $11,786,351 $5,447,773 $260,000 ____________ $17,494,124 2005-06 $159,571 ____________ 2006-07 $163,561 ____________ $159,571 $163,561 2005-06 $523,663 $886,308 $153,015 ____________ $1,562,986 2006-07 $546,890 $908,467 $153,015 ____________ $1,608,372 STATE INFRASTRUCTURE BANK 0870 RAILROAD ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 0350 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other $493,514 SUSPENSE RECEIVABLE - TRANSPORTATION 0344 ISLAND TOWN REFUNDS - HIGHWAY 0334 HIGHWAY FUND All Other $488,794 2006-07 $493,514 ____________ ADMINISTRATION AND PLANNING 0339 2006-07 $327,121 ____________ $319,142 2005-06 $488,794 ____________ 2005-06 $189,571 ____________ $189,571 $193,561 TRANSPORTATION, DEPARTMENT OF DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 GENERAL FUND $4,392,557 HIGHWAY FUND $270,660,746 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND $189,245,041 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $34,161,432 HIGHWAY GARAGE FUND $33,250,892 ISLAND FERRY SERVICES FUND $6,580,650 AUGUSTA STATE AIRPORT FUND $399,960 MARINE PORTS FUND $103,959 ____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $538,795,237 $818,254 TREASURER OF STATE, OFFICE OF 130 2006-07 $193,561 ____________ $4,585,460 $276,769,726 $198,575,742 $29,450,114 $33,956,367 $6,767,807 $399,960 $103,959 ____________ $550,609,135 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 EDUCATIONAL AND GENERAL ACTIVITIES - UMS 0031 ADMINISTRATION - TREASURY 0022 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 16.000 $937,958 $290,104 ____________ $1,228,062 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 1.000 Personal Services $41,948 All Other $12,077 ____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $54,025 ABANDONED PROPERTY FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 1.000 Personal Services $80,808 All Other $212,594 ____________ ABANDONED PROPERTY FUND TOTAL $293,402 GENERAL FUND All Other 2006-07 16.000 $992,324 $292,256 ____________ $1,284,580 GENERAL FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other 2006-07 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 $97,153,089 ____________ $97,153,089 GENERAL FUND All Other $57,148 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2006-07 GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL $295,617 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL $120,517,519 $126,165,736 GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 $17,178 ____________ GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL $17,607 TREASURER OF STATE, OFFICE OF DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 GENERAL FUND $98,381,151 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND $54,025 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $120,534,697 ABANDONED PROPERTY FUND $293,402 ____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $219,263,275 2005-06 $2,500,000 ____________ $2,500,000 2006-07 $2,500,000 ____________ $2,500,000 2005-06 $300,000 ____________ $300,000 2006-07 $300,000 ____________ $300,000 2005-06 $12,200,000 ____________ $12,200,000 2006-07 $12,200,000 ____________ $12,200,000 2005-06 $35,000 ____________ $35,000 2006-07 $35,000 ____________ $35,000 UNIVERSITY OF MAINE SYSTEM, BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 GENERAL FUND $186,121,418 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $550,000 ____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $186,671,418 2006-07 $17,607 ____________ $17,178 $550,000 CASCO BAY ESTUARY PROJECT - UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN MAINE 0983 PASSAMAQUODDY SALES TAX FUND 0915 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other $550,000 MAINE ECONOMIC IMPROVEMENT FUND 0986 2006-07 $93,468,100 ____________ $93,468,100 2006-07 $126,165,736 ____________ 2006-07 $550,000 ____________ MAINE PATENT PROGRAM 0931 1.000 $82,931 $212,686 ____________ 2005-06 $120,517,519 ____________ 2005-06 $550,000 ____________ DEBT SERVICE - UNIVERSITY OF MAINE SYSTEM 0902 STATE - MUNICIPAL REVENUE SHARING 0020 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other 2006-07 $179,686,418 ____________ $179,686,418 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 1.000 $44,769 $12,379 ____________ DEBT SERVICE - TREASURY 0021 GENERAL FUND All Other 2005-06 $171,086,418 ____________ $171,086,418 $194,721,418 $550,000 ____________ $195,271,418 WORKERS' COMPENSATION BOARD ADMINISTRATION - WORKERS' COMPENSATION BOARD 0183 $94,752,680 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other $57,148 $126,183,343 $295,617 ____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL $221,288,788 UNIVERSITY OF MAINE SYSTEM, BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE 2005-06 111.000 $7,201,300 $1,276,550 ____________ $8,477,850 2006-07 111.000 $7,495,083 $976,870 ____________ $8,471,953 EMPLOYMENT REHABILITATION PROGRAM 0195 131 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 2005-06 $76,688 ____________ $76,688 AUGUSTA STATE AIRPORT FUND $399,960 $399,960 MARINE PORTS FUND $103,959 $103,959 PRISON INDUSTRIES FUND $1,245,146 $1,276,955 SEED POTATO BOARD FUND $816,628 $849,344 STATE ADMINISTERED FUND $2,094,628 $2,094,628 MAINE MILITARY AUTHORITY ENTERPRISE FUND $60,666,693 $61,429,562 STATE LOTTERY FUND $5,110,908 $5,189,039 EMPLOYMENT SECURITY TRUST FUND $116,852,880 $116,852,880 ABANDONED PROPERTY FUND $293,402 $295,617 _____________ _____________ SECTION TOTAL ALL FUNDS $7,214,198,864 $7,624,259,922 2006-07 $78,605 ____________ $78,605 WORKERS' COMPENSATION BOARD 0751 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Personal Services All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 $30,000 $21,989 ____________ 2006-07 $30,000 $21,989 ____________ $51,989 $51,989 WORKERS' COMPENSATION BOARD DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $8,606,527 ____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $8,606,527 SECTION TOTALS $8,602,547 ____________ PART B $8,602,547 2005-06 2006-07 GENERAL FUND $3,038,859,383 FUND FOR A HEALTHY MAINE $49,501,587 HIGHWAY FUND $343,720,550 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND $2,411,982,587 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $823,119,851 FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT FUND $194,288,514 GENERAL BOND FUNDARBITRAGE $2,400,000 HIGHWAY GARAGE FUND $33,250,892 POSTAL, PRINTING AND SUPPLY FUND $4,194,258 OFFICE OF INFORMATION SERVICES FUND $21,895,333 RISK MANAGEMENT FUND $608,141 WORKERS' COMPENSATION MANAGEMENT FUND $19,345,175 CENTRAL MOTOR POOL $5,354,727 REAL PROPERTY LEASE INTERNAL SERVICE FUND $20,694,849 BUREAU OF REVENUE SERVICES FUND $625,000 RETIREE HEALTH INSURANCE FUND $48,400,235 ACCIDENT, SICKNESS AND HEALTH INSURANCE INTERNAL SERVICE FUND $1,513,884 STATEWIDE RADIO AND NETWORK SYSTEM RESERVE FUND $279,044 ISLAND FERRY SERVICES FUND $6,580,650 $3,210,743,852 Sec. B-1. Supplemental appropriations and allocations. There are appropriated and allocated from various funds for the fiscal years ending June 30, 2006 and June 30, 2007, to the departments listed, the following sums. $50,299,252 $352,630,576 ADMINISTRATIVE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF $2,526,731,008 Office of the Commissioner - Administrative and Financial Svcs 0718 $928,968,779 Initiative: Reduces All Other expenditures to maintain program costs within available resources. $200,046,311 $2,400,000 GENERAL FUND All Other $33,956,367 GENERAL FUND TOTAL $4,308,265 2005-06 2006-07 ($3,000) ($3,000) _____________ _____________ ($3,000) ($3,000) Office of the Commissioner - Administrative and Financial Svcs 0718 $22,462,671 Initiative: Reduces funding previously used to pay for receptionist duties that will be performed with existing staff. Reorganizes a Personnel Payroll Technician position to a Clerk Typist III position in the Division of Financial and Personnel Services in fiscal year 2006-07. $608,141 $19,377,110 $5,422,913 GENERAL FUND All Other $20,701,763 $150,000 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 ($1,411) ($1,411) _____________ _____________ ($1,411) ($1,411) Budget - Bureau of the 0055 $48,400,235 Initiative: Reduces funding previously used to pay for receptionist duties that will be performed with existing staff. Reorganizes a Personnel Payroll Technician position to a Clerk Typist III position in the Division of Financial and Personnel Services in fiscal year 2006-07. $1,513,884 $279,044 GENERAL FUND All Other $6,767,807 132 2005-06 ($5,646) 2006-07 ($5,646) FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 GENERAL FUND TOTAL PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 Initiative: Reduces All Other expenditures to maintain program costs within available resources. _____________ _____________ ($5,646) ($5,646) GENERAL FUND All Other State Controller - Office of the 0056 Initiative: Reduces funding previously used to pay for receptionist duties that will be performed with existing staff. Reorganizes a Personnel Payroll Technician position to a Clerk Typist III position in the Division of Financial and Personnel Services in fiscal year 2006-07. GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND TOTAL Financial and Personnel Services - Division of 0713 Initiative: Reduces funding previously used to pay for receptionist duties that will be performed with existing staff. Reorganizes a Personnel Payroll Technician position to a Clerk Typist III position in the Division of Financial and Personnel Services in fiscal year 2006-07. 2005-06 2006-07 ($11,764) ($11,764) _____________ _____________ ($11,764) ($11,764) GENERAL FUND Personal Services All Other State Controller - Office of the 0056 Initiative: Eliminates one Administrative Secretary position to maintain program costs within available resources. GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2006-07 Initiative: Reduces All Other expenditures to maintain program costs within available resources. POSTAL, PRINTING AND SUPPLY FUND 2005-06 2006-07 All Other ($50,287) ($48,787) _____________ _____________ POSTAL, PRINTING AND SUPPLY FUND TOTAL ($50,287) ($48,787) Initiative: Transfers funding for the accounting, budget and human resources system projects to the Office of the State Controller. GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 $3,918,678 $3,709,230 _____________ _____________ $3,918,678 $3,709,230 Central Services - Purchases 0004 Initiative: Eliminates one Central Services Worker position and adds 2 hours per week to a Clerk Typist III position to maintain program costs within available resources. State Controller - Office of the - Systems Project 0058 Initiative: Reduces All Other expenditures to maintain program costs within available resources. GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL POSTAL, PRINTING AND SUPPLY FUND 2005-06 2006-07 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT (1.000) (1.000) Personal Services ($37,153) ($39,825) _____________ _____________ POSTAL, PRINTING AND SUPPLY FUND TOTAL ($37,153) ($39,825) 2005-06 2006-07 ($60,000) ($60,000) _____________ _____________ ($60,000) ($60,000) State Controller - Office of the - Systems Project 0058 Initiative: Reduces All Other funds from projected savings in technology services provided by the Bureau of Information Services. GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL Central Services - Purchases 0004 Initiative: Transfers one Administrative Secretary position from the Bureau of Purchases, General Fund account to the Bureau of Purchases, Central Services Internal Service Fund to maintain program costs within available resources. 2005-06 2006-07 ($140,808) ($169,846) _____________ _____________ ($140,808) ($169,846) POSTAL, PRINTING AND SUPPLY FUND 2005-06 2006-07 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 1.000 1.000 Personal Services $51,227 $52,879 _____________ _____________ POSTAL, PRINTING AND SUPPLY FUND TOTAL $51,227 $52,879 State Controller - Office of the - Systems Project 0058 Initiative: Transfers funding for the accounting, budget and human resources system projects to the Office of the State Controller. GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 $0 ($1,782) ($7,058) ($7,058) _____________ _____________ ($7,058) ($8,840) Central Services - Purchases 0004 (1.000) (1.000) ($60,142) ($62,436) _____________ _____________ ($60,142) ($62,436) State Controller - Office of the 0056 GENERAL FUND All Other 2005-06 2006-07 ($10,000) ($10,000) _____________ _____________ ($10,000) ($10,000) 2005-06 2006-07 ($3,918,678) ($3,709,230) _____________ _____________ ($3,918,678) ($3,709,230) Central Services - Purchases 0004 Initiative: Eliminates one Clerk Typist III position to maintain program costs within available resources. Financial and Personnel Services - Division of 0713 133 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 Personal Services POSTAL, PRINTING AND SUPPLY FUND 2005-06 2006-07 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT (1.000) (1.000) Personal Services ($46,402) ($47,976) _____________ _____________ POSTAL, PRINTING AND SUPPLY FUND TOTAL ($46,402) ($47,976) GENERAL FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services Administration - Human Resources 0038 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 1.000 1.000 $45,489 $48,833 _____________ _____________ $45,489 $48,833 Initiative: Transfers one Clerk Typist III position from the Bureau of Human Resources General Fund account to the Accident, Sickness and Health Insurance, Internal Service Fund to maintain program costs within available resources. (1.000) (1.000) ($46,536) ($48,106) _____________ _____________ ($46,536) ($48,106) ACCIDENT, SICKNESS AND HEALTH INSURANCE INTERNAL SERVICE FUND 2005-06 2006-07 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 1.000 1.000 Personal Services $48,804 $52,314 _____________ _____________ ACCIDENT, SICKNESS AND HEALTH INSURANCE INTERNAL SERVICE FUND TOTAL $48,804 $52,314 Initiative: Reduces funding previously used to pay for receptionist duties that will be performed with existing staff. Reorganizes a Personnel Payroll Technician position to a Clerk Typist III position in the Division of Financial and Personnel Services in fiscal year 2006-07. GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2006-07 Accident-Sickness-Health Insurance 0455 2006-07 Administration - Human Resources 0038 GENERAL FUND All Other 2005-06 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL Initiative: Eliminates one Clerk Typist III position to maintain program costs within available resources. GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services ($45,489) ($48,833) _____________ _____________ ($45,489) ($48,833) 2005-06 2006-07 ($13,175) ($13,175) _____________ _____________ ($13,175) ($13,175) Employee Relations - Office Of 0244 Administration - Human Resources 0038 Initiative: Reduces All Other expenditures to maintain program costs within available resources. Initiative: Eliminates one Human Resources Development Consultant position to maintain program costs within available resources. GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 2005-06 2006-07 ($13,685) ($13,685) _____________ _____________ ($13,685) ($13,685) Public Improvements - Planning/Construction - Admin 0057 (1.000) (1.000) ($56,667) ($59,877) _____________ _____________ ($56,667) ($59,877) Initiative: Reduces funding previously used to pay for receptionist duties that will be performed with existing staff. Reorganizes a Personnel Payroll Technician position to a Clerk Typist III position in the Division of Financial and Personnel Services in fiscal year 2006-07. Administration - Human Resources 0038 Initiative: Transfers one Clerk Typist III position from the Bureau of Human Resources General Fund account to the Accident, Sickness and Health Insurance, Internal Service Fund to maintain program costs within available resources. GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services Capital Construction/Repairs/Improvements - Admin 0059 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2006-07 (1.000) (1.000) ($48,804) ($52,314) _____________ _____________ ($48,804) ($52,314) Initiative: Reduces funding for major repairs and capital construction projects to stay within available resources. GENERAL FUND All Other Administration - Human Resources 0038 GENERAL FUND TOTAL Initiative: Transfers one Director of Special Projects position to the Human Resources Training account in Other Special Revenue funds to maintain program costs within available resources. GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 2005-06 2006-07 (1.000) (1.000) 2005-06 2006-07 ($4,235) ($4,235) _____________ _____________ ($4,235) ($4,235) 2005-06 2006-07 ($6,423,971) ($6,423,971) _____________ _____________ ($6,423,971) ($6,423,971) Buildings and Grounds Operations 0080 Initiative: Reduces All Other expenditures to maintain program costs within available resources. GENERAL FUND 134 2005-06 2006-07 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 _____________ _____________ $0 ($268,512) _____________ _____________ $0 ($268,512) OFFICE OF INFORMATION SERVICES FUND TOTAL ($385,452) REAL PROPERTY LEASE INTERNAL SERVICE FUND 2005-06 2006-07 All Other ($5,093) ($12,007) _____________ _____________ REAL PROPERTY LEASE INTERNAL SERVICE FUND TOTAL ($5,093) ($12,007) Business Equipment Tax Reimbursement 0806 Buildings and Grounds Operations 0080 GENERAL FUND TOTAL Initiative: Reduces funding from projected salary savings by managing position vacancies in order to maintain program costs within available resources. Revenue Services - Bureau of 0002 GENERAL FUND Personal Services GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL ($952,789) Initiative: Deappropriates funds based on a reprojection of program needs. GENERAL FUND All Other 2005-06 2006-07 ($4,669,154) ($7,178,154) _____________ _____________ ($4,669,154) ($7,178,154) Initiative: Reduces All Other expenditures to maintain program costs within available resources. 2005-06 2006-07 ($198,688) ($212,995) _____________ _____________ ($198,688) ($212,995) GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 ($40,808) ($131,870) _____________ _____________ ($40,808) ($131,870) Purchases - Division of 0007 Revenue Services - Bureau of 0002 Initiative: Reduces All Other expenditures to maintain program costs within available resources. Initiative: Reduces funding from projected salary savings by managing position vacancies in order to maintain program costs within available resources. GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 ($38,923) ($59,344) _____________ _____________ ($38,923) ($59,344) GENERAL FUND Personal Services 2005-06 2006-07 ($1,059,999) ($1,110,000) _____________ _____________ ($1,059,999) ($1,110,000) Purchases - Division of 0007 GENERAL FUND TOTAL Initiative: Reduces funding previously used to pay for receptionist duties that will be performed with existing staff. Reorganizes a Personnel Payroll Technician position to a Clerk Typist III position in the Division of Financial and Personnel Services in fiscal year 2006-07. ADMINISTRATIVE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND ($13,014,483) ($16,014,186) OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $45,489 $48,833 POSTAL, PRINTING AND SUPPLY FUND ($82,615) ($83,709) OFFICE OF INFORMATION SERVICES FUND ($952,789) ($385,452) REAL PROPERTY LEASE INTERNAL SERVICE FUND ($5,093) ($12,007) ACCIDENT, SICKNESS AND HEALTH INSURANCE INTERNAL SERVICE FUND $48,804 $52,314 _____________ _____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS ($13,393,350) ($16,961,544) 2005-06 2006-07 ($3,293) ($3,293) _____________ _____________ ($3,293) ($3,293) Purchases - Division of 0007 Initiative: Transfers one Administrative Secretary position from the Bureau of Purchases General Fund account to the Bureau of Purchases Central Services Internal Service Fund to maintain program costs within available resources. GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 (1.000) (1.000) ($51,227) ($52,879) _____________ _____________ ($51,227) ($52,879) AGRICULTURE, FOOD AND RURAL RESOURCES, DEPARTMENT OF Division of Quality Assurance and Regulation 0393 Initiative: Downgrades one vacant Senior Administrative Secretary position to a Data Entry Specialist position. Information Services 0155 Initiative: Reduces funding from projected salary savings by managing position vacancies in order to maintain program costs within available resources. OFFICE OF INFORMATION SERVICES FUND 2005-06 Personal Services ($385,452) 2006-07 GENERAL FUND Personal Services GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2006-07 ($952,789) 2005-06 2006-07 ($11,897) ($12,879) _____________ _____________ ($11,897) ($12,879) Division of Quality Assurance and Regulation 0393 135 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 Initiative: Eliminates one Food Inspection Supervisor position. GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 ARTS COMMISSION, MAINE DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2006-07 GENERAL FUND (1.000) (1.000) ($62,546) ($66,917) _____________ _____________ ($62,546) ($66,917) DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS ($16,963) Initiative: Reduces funding in Personal Services by managing vacancies in order to maintain program costs within available resources. 2005-06 2006-07 ($5,799) ($13,884) _____________ _____________ ($5,799) ($13,884) GENERAL FUND Personal Services 2005-06 2006-07 ($75,501) ($102,200) _____________ _____________ ($75,501) ($102,200) Harness Racing Commission 0320 GENERAL FUND TOTAL Initiative: Reduces funding for grants in order to maintain program costs within available resources. ATLANTIC SALMON COMMISSION DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND 2005-06 2006-07 ($2,000) ($11,000) _____________ _____________ ($2,000) ($11,000) DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS ($75,501) ATTORNEY GENERAL, DEPARTMENT OF THE Initiative: Eliminates one Dairy Inspector position. Administration - Attorney General 0310 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS (1.000) (1.000) ($66,192) ($68,806) _____________ _____________ ($66,192) ($68,806) GENERAL FUND Personal Services GENERAL FUND TOTAL Initiative: Reduces funding in Personal Services for the elimination of merit pay increases for unclassified positions in fiscal year 2005-06 in order to maintain program costs within available resources. ($173,486) ARTS COMMISSION, MAINE GENERAL FUND Personal Services Arts - Administration 0178 Initiative: Reduces funding of educational grants in order to maintain current services within available resources. GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND TOTAL Initiative: Reduces funding in Personal Services for the elimination of merit pay increases for unclassified positions in fiscal year 2005-06 in order to maintain program costs within available resources. GENERAL FUND Personal Services Initiative: Reduces funding for general operations, technology and grants in order to maintain current services within available resources. GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 ($37,729) ($37,729) _____________ _____________ ($37,729) ($37,729) District Attorneys Salaries 0409 2005-06 2006-07 ($10,175) ($26,963) _____________ _____________ ($10,175) ($26,963) Arts - Administration 0178 GENERAL FUND All Other 2005-06 2006-07 ($142,959) ($142,959) _____________ _____________ ($142,959) ($142,959) Human Services Division 0696 ($148,434) ($173,486) _____________ _____________ ($148,434) ($102,200) Initiative: Reduces funding in Personal Services for the elimination of merit pay increases for unclassified positions in fiscal year 2005-06 in order to maintain program costs within available resources. 2006-07 AGRICULTURE, FOOD AND RURAL RESOURCES, DEPARTMENT OF DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 GENERAL FUND 2006-07 ($75,501) ($102,200) _____________ _____________ Division of Animal Health and Industry 0394 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services ($41,463) Atlantic Salmon Commission 0265 Initiative: Reduces funding for grants in order to maintain program costs within available resources. GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2006-07 ATLANTIC SALMON COMMISSION Office of Agricultural, Natural and Rural Resources 0830 GENERAL FUND All Other 2005-06 ($16,963) ($41,463) _____________ _____________ GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 ($6,788) ($14,500) _____________ _____________ ($6,788) ($14,500) 2005-06 2006-07 ($215,186) ($215,186) _____________ _____________ ($215,186) ($215,186) Civil Rights 0039 Initiative: Reduces funding in Personal Services for the elimination of merit pay increases for unclassified positions in fiscal year 136 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 2005-06 in order to maintain program costs within available resources. GENERAL FUND Personal Services GENERAL FUND TOTAL ($397,981) Centers For Innovation 0911 Initiative: Deappropriates funds to maintain program costs within available resources. ($397,981) AUDIT, DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL FUND All Other Audit - Departmental Bureau 0067 GENERAL FUND TOTAL Initiative: Eliminates one Auditor III position in fiscal years 2005-06 and 2006-07 and one additional Auditor III position in fiscal year 2006-07. CENTERS FOR INNOVATION DEPARTMENT TOTALS GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 CENTERS FOR INNOVATION 2006-07 ($397,981) ($397,981) _____________ _____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS 2005-06 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS ($449,426) ($766,971) _____________ _____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS ($449,426) ($766,971) 2005-06 2006-07 ($2,107) ($2,107) _____________ _____________ ($2,107) ($2,107) ATTORNEY GENERAL, DEPARTMENT OF THE DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT TOTALS GENERAL FUND 2006-07 2005-06 2006-07 ($3,529) ($7,539) _____________ _____________ ($3,529) ($7,539) 2005-06 ($3,529) ($7,539) _____________ _____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS (1.000) (2.000) ($75,681) ($154,747) _____________ _____________ ($75,681) ($154,747) 2006-07 ($3,529) ($7,539) COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM, BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE MAINE Audit - Departmental Bureau 0067 Maine Community College System - Board Of Trustees 0556 Initiative: Reduces funding for in-state travel, general operations, office and other supplies and training expenditures and adjusts funding for technology in order to maintain program costs within available resources. Initiative: Reduces funding for a grant in order to maintain program costs within available resources. GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 ($20,932) $3,519 _____________ _____________ ($20,932) $3,519 AUDIT, DEPARTMENT OF DEPARTMENT TOTALS GENERAL FUND GENERAL FUND All Other 2005-06 GENERAL FUND TOTAL COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM, BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE MAINE DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 2006-07 GENERAL FUND ($96,613) ($151,228) _____________ _____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS ($96,613) 2005-06 2006-07 ($4,519,345) ($6,792,383) _____________ _____________ ($4,519,345) ($6,792,383) ($4,519,345) ($6,792,383) _____________ _____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS ($151,228) ($4,519,345) ($6,792,383) CONSERVATION, DEPARTMENT OF BAXTER COMPENSATION AUTHORITY Administration - Forestry 0223 Baxter Compensation Authority 0117 Initiative: Reduces funding for increased lease cost of Central Fleet Management and increased gas prices. Initiative: Eliminates 2 vacant Baxter Compensation Authority Consultant (BCA) positions and reduces one BCA Consultant position to part time in fiscal year 2005-06 and eliminates the remaining 3.5 BCA Consultant positions effective September 30, 2006 in order to maintain program costs within available resources. OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Personal Services All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL Division of Forest Protection 0232 2005-06 2006-07 ($186,573) ($406,957) ($262,853) ($360,014) _____________ _____________ ($449,426) 2005-06 2006-07 ($118) ($120) _____________ _____________ ($118) ($120) Initiative: Reduces funding for increased lease cost of Central Fleet Management and increased gas prices. GENERAL FUND All Other ($766,971) GENERAL FUND TOTAL BAXTER COMPENSATION AUTHORITY 137 2005-06 2006-07 ($82,125) ($82,526) _____________ _____________ ($82,125) ($82,526) PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 Initiative: Transfers 50% of one Supervisor Outdoor Recreation position to the Federal Expenditures Fund in this program. Division of Forest Protection 0232 Initiative: Reduces funding for capital equipment replacements in order to maintain program costs within available resources. GENERAL FUND Capital Expenditures GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND Personal Services 2005-06 2006-07 ($294,400) ($260,400) _____________ _____________ ($294,400) ($260,400) GENERAL FUND TOTAL FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 2006-07 Personal Services $41,009 $43,103 _____________ _____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $41,009 $43,103 Forest Health and Monitoring 0233 Initiative: Reduces funding for increased lease cost of Central Fleet Management and increased gas prices. GENERAL FUND All Other 2005-06 2006-07 ($41,009) ($43,103) _____________ _____________ ($41,009) ($43,103) Parks - General Operations 0221 2005-06 2006-07 ($13,068) ($13,094) _____________ _____________ ($13,068) ($13,094) Forest Policy and Management - Division of 0240 Initiative: Provides funding for increased utility costs associated with installing power and water hookups for recreational vehicles at certain state parks. Park fees for the upgraded campsites will result in increased undedicated revenue to the General Fund of $70,000. Initiative: Reduces funding for increased lease cost of Central Fleet Management and increased gas prices. GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 ($13,731) ($13,779) _____________ _____________ ($13,731) ($13,779) Parks - General Operations 0221 Initiative: Transfers one 26-week seasonal Park Ranger position from the Parks - General Operations program to the Maine State Parks Development Fund program, Other Special Revenue funds. Parks - General Operations 0221 Initiative: Reduces funding for capital equipment replacements in order to maintain program costs within available resources. GENERAL FUND Capital Expenditures GENERAL FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 2005-06 2006-07 POSITIONS - FTE COUNT 0.500 0.500 Personal Services $23,809 $25,103 _____________ _____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL $23,809 $25,103 2005-06 2006-07 ($389,603) ($388,103) _____________ _____________ ($389,603) ($388,103) Parks - General Operations 0221 Land Use Regulation Commission 0236 Initiative: Reduces funding for ongoing budgeted straight-time holiday pay. GENERAL FUND Personal Services GENERAL FUND TOTAL Initiative: Reduces funding for increased lease cost of Central Fleet Management and increased gas prices. 2005-06 2006-07 ($94,306) ($94,306) _____________ _____________ ($94,306) ($94,306) GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL Parks - General Operations 0221 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 ($3,137) ($3,625) _____________ _____________ ($3,137) ($3,625) Land Use Regulation Commission 0236 Initiative: Reduces funding for ongoing scheduled overtime. GENERAL FUND Personal Services 2005-06 2006-07 $0 $15,000 _____________ _____________ $0 $15,000 Initiative: Reduces funding for capital equipment replacements in order to maintain program costs within available resources. 2005-06 2006-07 ($22,964) ($38,388) _____________ _____________ ($22,964) ($38,388) GENERAL FUND Capital Expenditures 2005-06 2006-07 ($7,000) $0 _____________ _____________ ($7,000) $0 Parks - General Operations 0221 GENERAL FUND TOTAL Initiative: Transfers one 26-week seasonal Park Ranger position from the Parks - General Operations program to the Maine State Parks Development Fund program, Other Special Revenue funds. Land Use Regulation Commission 0236 Initiative: Reduces funding for budgeted per diem costs of the Maine Land Use Regulation Commission. GENERAL FUND 2005-06 2006-07 POSITIONS - FTE COUNT (0.500) (0.500) Personal Services ($23,809) ($25,103) _____________ _____________ GENERAL FUND TOTAL ($23,809) ($25,103) GENERAL FUND Personal Services GENERAL FUND TOTAL Parks - General Operations 0221 2005-06 2006-07 ($6,475) ($6,469) _____________ _____________ ($6,475) ($6,469) Land Use Regulation Commission 0236 138 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 Initiative: Reduces funding in fiscal year 2005-06 and eliminates funds in fiscal year 2006-07 for uniforms for field staff in order to maintain program costs within available resources. GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL Land Use Regulation Commission 0236 Initiative: Reduces funding for the Land Use Regulation Commission in order to maintain program costs within available resources. 2005-06 2006-07 ($1,000) ($9,000) _____________ _____________ ($1,000) ($9,000) GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL Land Use Regulation Commission 0236 Mining Operations 0230 Initiative: Eliminates funds for use of temporary staffing in order to maintain program costs within available resources. GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL Initiative: Transfers 40% of one GIS Coordinator position from the Geological Survey program, General Fund to the Mining Operations program, Other Special Revenue funds in fiscal year 2006-07. 2005-06 2006-07 $0 ($25,000) _____________ _____________ $0 ($25,000) OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Personal Services Land Use Regulation Commission 0236 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL Initiative: Reduces funding for field trips in order to maintain program costs within available resources. GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 $0 ($15,000) _____________ _____________ $0 ($15,000) 2005-06 2006-07 $0 $29,377 _____________ _____________ $0 $29,377 Geological Survey 0237 2005-06 2006-07 $0 ($8,000) _____________ _____________ $0 ($8,000) Initiative: Reduces funding for increased lease cost of Central Fleet Management and increased gas prices. GENERAL FUND All Other Land Use Regulation Commission 0236 2005-06 2006-07 ($110) ($117) _____________ _____________ ($110) ($117) Initiative: Eliminates funds for a field vehicle in fiscal year 2005-06 and a second field vehicle in fiscal year 2006-07 in Greenville in order to maintain program costs within available resources. GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND All Other Initiative: Transfers 40% of one GIS Coordinator position from the Geological Survey program, General Fund to the Mining Operations program, Other Special Revenue funds in fiscal year 2006-07. GENERAL FUND TOTAL Geological Survey 0237 2005-06 2006-07 ($8,000) ($16,000) _____________ _____________ ($8,000) ($16,000) GENERAL FUND Personal Services Land Use Regulation Commission 0236 Initiative: Reduces funding for mileage by 20% in order to maintain program costs within available resources. GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND TOTAL Geological Survey 0237 2005-06 2006-07 $0 ($1,500) _____________ _____________ $0 ($1,500) Initiative: Eliminates funding for the implementation of the Atlantic Salmon Recovery Plan and the cooperative groundwater monitoring network with the US Geological Survey for fiscal years 2005-06 and 2006-07 and groundwater quality studies for fiscal year 2006-07. Land Use Regulation Commission 0236 GENERAL FUND All Other Initiative: Reduces funding for commission meetings attended by field staff in order to maintain program costs within available resources. GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 $0 ($5,000) _____________ _____________ $0 ($5,000) Initiative: Reduces funding for increased lease cost of Central Fleet Management and increased gas prices. GENERAL FUND All Other Initiative: Reduces funding for overnight lodging by the commission and senior staff members in order to maintain program costs within available resources. GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 ($22,000) ($28,927) _____________ _____________ ($22,000) ($28,927) Natural Areas Program 0821 Land Use Regulation Commission 0236 GENERAL FUND All Other 2005-06 2006-07 $0 ($29,377) _____________ _____________ $0 ($29,377) GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 ($33) ($33) _____________ _____________ ($33) ($33) Natural Areas Program 0821 2005-06 2006-07 $0 ($3,000) _____________ _____________ $0 ($3,000) Initiative: Reduces funding for professional services in order to maintain program costs within available resources. 139 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 Initiative: Reduces funding in Personal Services by maintaining vacancies. 2005-06 2006-07 $0 ($2,556) _____________ _____________ $0 ($2,556) GENERAL FUND Personal Services Natural Areas Program 0821 GENERAL FUND TOTAL Initiative: Reduces funding for travel expenses in order to maintain program costs within available resources. GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL Mountain View Youth Development Center 0857 Initiative: Reduces funding in Personal Services by maintaining vacancies. 2005-06 2006-07 $0 ($1,300) _____________ _____________ $0 ($1,300) GENERAL FUND Personal Services Natural Areas Program 0821 GENERAL FUND TOTAL Initiative: Reduces funding for technology expenses in order to maintain costs within available resources. GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL Initiative: Reduces funding in Personal Services by maintaining vacancies. 2005-06 2006-07 $0 ($1,180) _____________ _____________ $0 ($1,180) GENERAL FUND Personal Services GENERAL FUND TOTAL Initiative: Reduces funding for field and office supplies in order to maintain program costs within available resources. GENERAL FUND TOTAL Initiative: Reduces funding in Personal Services by maintaining vacancies. 2005-06 2006-07 $0 ($4,000) _____________ _____________ $0 ($4,000) GENERAL FUND Personal Services GENERAL FUND TOTAL Initiative: Reduces funding for increased lease cost of Central Fleet Management and increased gas prices. GENERAL FUND TOTAL Initiative: Reduces funding in Personal Services by maintaining vacancies. 2005-06 2006-07 ($30) ($30) _____________ _____________ ($30) ($30) GENERAL FUND Personal Services GENERAL FUND TOTAL Initiative: Reduces funding for budgeted standby differential pay for Communication Technician positions. GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 ($201,732) ($201,744) _____________ _____________ ($201,732) ($201,744) Correctional Center 0162 Initiative: Reduces funding in Personal Services by maintaining vacancies. 2005-06 2006-07 ($8,500) ($8,500) _____________ _____________ ($8,500) ($8,500) CONSERVATION, DEPARTMENT OF DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2005-06 2006-07 ($47,586) ($47,589) _____________ _____________ ($47,586) ($47,589) State Prison 0144 Administrative Services - Conservation 0222 GENERAL FUND Personal Services 2005-06 2006-07 ($35,735) ($35,737) _____________ _____________ ($35,735) ($35,737) Adult Community Corrections 0124 Administrative Services - Conservation 0222 GENERAL FUND All Other 2005-06 2006-07 ($83,888) ($83,893) _____________ _____________ ($83,888) ($83,893) Juvenile Community Corrections 0892 Natural Areas Program 0821 GENERAL FUND All Other 2005-06 2006-07 ($95,969) ($95,975) _____________ _____________ ($95,969) ($95,975) GENERAL FUND Personal Services GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2006-07 2005-06 2006-07 ($112,596) ($112,603) _____________ _____________ ($112,596) ($112,603) Administration - Corrections 0141 GENERAL FUND ($1,031,418) ($1,112,536) FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND $41,009 $43,103 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $23,809 $54,480 _____________ _____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS ($966,600) ($1,014,953) Initiative: Reduces funding in Personal Services by maintaining vacancies. GENERAL FUND Personal Services GENERAL FUND TOTAL CORRECTIONS, DEPARTMENT OF 2005-06 2006-07 ($22,494) ($22,495) _____________ _____________ ($22,494) ($22,495) CORRECTIONS, DEPARTMENT OF DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 Long Creek Youth Development Center 0163 GENERAL FUND 140 ($600,000) 2006-07 ($600,036) FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 _____________ _____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS ($600,000) Disability Rights Center 0523 Initiative: Reduces funding for grants in order to maintain current services within available resources. ($600,036) CRIMINAL JUSTICE COMMISSION, MAINE GENERAL FUND All Other Maine Criminal Justice Commission 0795 Initiative: Reduces funding in All Other in order to maintain program costs within available resources. GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL DISABILITY RIGHTS CENTER DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 ($384) ($819) _____________ _____________ ($384) ($819) CRIMINAL JUSTICE COMMISSION, MAINE DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 GENERAL FUND GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS 2006-07 ($819) ($1,676) ($3,580) _____________ _____________ ($1,676) ($3,580) Initiative: Reduces funding for general operating, information technology and grant lines in order to maintain program costs within available resources. New Century Program Fund 0904 GENERAL FUND All Other Initiative: Reduces funding for grants in order to maintain current services within available resources. GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 ($2,250) ($4,806) _____________ _____________ ($2,250) ($4,806) CULTURAL AFFAIRS COUNCIL, MAINE STATE DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 GENERAL FUND 2006-07 Administration - Econ and Comm Dev 0069 ($384) CULTURAL AFFAIRS COUNCIL, MAINE STATE GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, DEPARTMENT OF ($384) ($819) _____________ _____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS GENERAL FUND All Other 2005-06 2006-07 ($1,676) ($3,580) _____________ _____________ ($1,676) ($3,580) Administration - Econ and Comm Dev 0069 Initiative: Reduces funding for contracted receptionist duties that will be absorbed by existing staff. GENERAL FUND All Other 2006-07 ($2,250) ($4,806) _____________ _____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS ($2,250) GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 ($5,500) ($5,500) _____________ _____________ ($5,500) ($5,500) Office of Innovation 0995 ($4,806) Initiative: Reduces funding for grants to the Maine Technology Institute in order to maintain program costs within available resources. DEFENSE, VETERANS AND EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT, DEPARTMENT OF Military Training and Operations 0108 GENERAL FUND All Other Initiative: Adjusts position count for the Maine Military Authority as stated in Part A. GENERAL FUND TOTAL MAINE MILITARY AUTHORITY ENTERPRISE FUND 2005-06 2006-07 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT (580.000) (580.000) _____________ _____________ MAINE MILITARY AUTHORITY ENTERPRISE FUND TOTAL $0 $0 DEFENSE, VETERANS AND EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT, DEPARTMENT OF DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2005-06 2006-07 ($45,136) ($69,679) _____________ _____________ ($45,136) ($69,679) 2005-06 2006-07 ($127,739) ($272,866) _____________ _____________ ($127,739) ($272,866) International Commerce 0674 Initiative: Reduces funding for grants to the Maine International Trade Center in order to maintain program costs within available resources. GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2006-07 MAINE MILITARY AUTHORITY ENTERPRISE FUND $0 $0 _____________ _____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $0 $0 Business Development 0585 DISABILITY RIGHTS CENTER GENERAL FUND 2005-06 2006-07 ($13,050) ($55,417) _____________ _____________ ($13,050) ($55,417) Initiative: Reduces funding for insurance, technology, contract and grant lines in order to maintain program costs within available resources. 141 2005-06 2006-07 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 Initiative: Reduces funding for insurance and technology lines in order to maintain program costs within available resources. ($14,586) ($48,466) _____________ _____________ ($14,586) ($48,466) GENERAL FUND All Other Business Development 0585 2005-06 2006-07 ($234) ($499) _____________ _____________ ($234) ($499) Initiative: Reduces funding for contracted receptionist duties that will be absorbed by existing staff. GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND All Other ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, DEPARTMENT OF DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 ($8,617) ($8,617) _____________ _____________ ($8,617) ($8,617) GENERAL FUND Applied Technology Development Center System 0929 DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS Initiative: Reduces funding for grants to the 7 targeted technology incubation centers in order to maintain program costs within available resources. GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL ($334,697) ($615,095) _____________ _____________ ($334,697) EDUCATION, DEPARTMENT OF General Purpose Aid for Local Schools 0308 2005-06 2006-07 ($41,525) ($48,938) _____________ _____________ ($41,525) ($48,938) Initiative: Adjusts General Purpose Aid for Local Schools funding as approved by the State Board of Education on December 15, 2004. This funding level is based on Public Law 2003, chapter 712 and the essential programs and services model and the mill expectation distribution model. Maine Economic Growth Council 0727 Initiative: Reduces funding for grants to the Maine Economic Growth Council through a reduction in the contract with the Maine Development Foundation in order to maintain program costs within available resources. GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND All Other General Purpose Aid for Local Schools 0308 GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 ($8,721) ($8,721) _____________ _____________ ($8,721) ($8,721) Initiative: Reduces funding for grants to the Eastern Maine Development Corporation in order to maintain program costs within available resources. GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 $504,459 ($516,524) _____________ _____________ $504,459 ($516,524) Initiative: Amends Public Law 2005, chapter 2, Part I, by removing the appropriation and provides instead for the transfer of funds from the General Fund Unappropriated Surplus to the Fund for the Efficient Delivery of Educational Services, Other Special Revenue funds program in Part D. Regional Development 0792 GENERAL FUND All Other ($615,095) GENERAL FUND All Other 2005-06 2006-07 ($18,968) ($45,067) _____________ _____________ ($18,968) ($45,067) GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 $0 ($6,194,152) _____________ _____________ $0 ($6,194,152) Adult Education 0364 Community Development Block Grant Program 0587 Initiative: Reduces funding for grants in order to maintain program costs within available resources. Initiative: Reduces funding for insurance and technology lines in order to maintain program costs within available resources. GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 ($621) ($1,325) _____________ _____________ ($621) ($1,325) 2006-07 2005-06 ($108,010) ($230,722) _____________ _____________ ($108,010) ($230,722) Educational Restructuring and Improvements 0737 Kennebec-Chaudiere Heritage Commission Z003 Initiative: Reduces funding for grants in order to maintain program costs within available resources. Initiative: Reduces funding for the Kennebec-Chaudiere Heritage Commission in order to maintain program costs within available resources. GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 ($50,000) ($50,000) _____________ _____________ ($50,000) ($50,000) 2005-06 2006-07 ($21,195) ($45,275) _____________ _____________ ($21,195) ($45,275) Educational Restructuring and Improvements 0737 Initiative: Reduces funding in the Educational Restructuring and Improvements program to fund required budgeted increases in Personal Services. Maine State Film Commission 0590 142 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 Initiative: Reduces funding for the Maine Education Assessment contract in order to maintain program costs within available resources. 2005-06 2006-07 ($226,070) ($380,865) _____________ _____________ ($226,070) ($380,865) GENERAL FUND All Other Educational Restructuring and Improvements 0737 Initiative: Reduces funding of Reading Recovery services within the Educational Restructuring and Improvements program in order to fund a portion of an increase in the Maine Education Assessment contract costs. GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND TOTAL Regional Services 0840 Initiative: Reduces funding for grants in order to maintain program costs within available resources. 2005-06 2006-07 ($281,012) ($82,979) _____________ _____________ ($281,012) ($82,979) GENERAL FUND All Other Leadership 0836 GENERAL FUND TOTAL Initiative: Reduces funding for rents, insurance and technology in order to maintain program costs within available resources. Professional Development 0859 GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 ($318,988) ($517,021) _____________ _____________ ($318,988) ($517,021) 2005-06 2006-07 ($6,841) ($14,615) _____________ _____________ ($6,841) ($14,615) Initiative: Reduces funding for grants in order to maintain program costs within available resources. 2005-06 2006-07 ($420) ($897) _____________ _____________ ($420) ($897) GENERAL FUND All Other 2005-06 2006-07 ($45,000) ($96,125) _____________ _____________ ($45,000) ($96,125) Support Systems 0837 GENERAL FUND TOTAL Initiative: Reduces funding for rents, insurance, technology and grants in order to maintain program costs within available resources. Jobs For Maine's Graduates 0704 GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL Initiative: Reduces funding for grants in order to maintain program costs within available resources. 2005-06 2006-07 ($29,460) ($62,929) _____________ _____________ ($29,460) ($62,929) GENERAL FUND All Other Management Information Systems 0838 GENERAL FUND TOTAL Initiative: Reduces funding for insurance and technology in order to maintain program costs within available resources. Magnet Schools 0791 GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 ($33,898) ($72,411) _____________ _____________ ($33,898) ($72,411) Initiative: Reduces funding for grants in order to maintain program costs within available resources. 2005-06 2006-07 ($4,179) ($8,926) _____________ _____________ ($4,179) ($8,926) GENERAL FUND All Other 2005-06 2006-07 ($4,460) ($44,379) _____________ _____________ ($4,460) ($44,379) Management Information Systems 0838 GENERAL FUND TOTAL Initiative: Reduces funding for computer maintenance contracts in order to maintain program costs within available resources. Retired Teachers' Health Insurance 0854 GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL Initiative: Reduces funding from savings due to lower than anticipated health insurance rates. 2005-06 2006-07 ($48,600) ($48,600) _____________ _____________ ($48,600) ($48,600) GENERAL FUND All Other 2005-06 2006-07 ($923,609) ($2,041,176) _____________ _____________ ($923,609) ($2,041,176) Learning Systems 0839 GENERAL FUND TOTAL Initiative: Reduces funding for rents, insurance, technology and grants in order to maintain program costs within available resources. Retired Teachers' Health Insurance 0854 GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL Initiative: Reduces funding for retired teachers' health insurance to reflect savings that will accrue when the federal Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003 takes effect and provides prescription drug coverage for eligible retired teachers. 2005-06 2006-07 ($12,729) ($27,188) _____________ _____________ ($12,729) ($27,188) GENERAL FUND All Other Learning Systems 0839 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 143 2005-06 2006-07 $0 ($725,000) _____________ _____________ $0 ($725,000) PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 Fund for the Efficient Delivery of Educational Services Z005 GENERAL FUND TOTAL Initiative: Corrects Public Law 2005, chapter 2, Part I to more accurately reflect the transition adjustments to be funded from the General Purpose Aid for Local Schools program and not by the Fund for the Efficient Delivery of Educational Services. OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Personal Services All Other 2005-06 2006-07 ($6,962,382) $0 _____________ _____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL _____________ _____________ $0 ($49,719) 2005-06 2006-07 $0 $49,719 $0 ($49,719) _____________ _____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL $0 $0 Land and Water Quality 0248 ($6,962,382) EDUCATION, DEPARTMENT OF DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 $0 Initiative: Transfers 50% of one Public Service Manager II position from the Land and Water Quality, General Fund to the Performance Partnership Grant, Federal Expenditures Fund and reduces the All Other in the Performance Partnership Grant, Federal Expenditures Fund by a like amount. 2006-07 GENERAL FUND ($1,560,012) ($11,109,784) OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS ($6,962,382) $0 _____________ _____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS ($8,522,394) ($11,109,784) GENERAL FUND Personal Services GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 $0 ($52,012) _____________ _____________ $0 ($52,012) EDUCATION, STATE BOARD OF Land and Water Quality 0248 State Board of Education 0614 Initiative: Transfers 50% of one Public Service Manager II position from the Land and Water Quality, General Fund to the Maine Environmental Protection, Other Special Revenue funds and reduces the All Other in the Maine Environmental Protection, Other Special Revenue funds by a like amount. Initiative: Reduces funding for technology expenditures to maintain program costs within available resources. GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 ($542) ($1,158) _____________ _____________ ($542) ($1,158) EDUCATION, STATE BOARD OF DEPARTMENT TOTALS GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS GENERAL FUND Personal Services GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 Land and Water Quality 0248 ($542) ($1,158) _____________ _____________ ($542) Initiative: Eliminates one Clerk Typist III position from the Land and Water Quality General Fund. GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services ($1,158) ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, DEPARTMENT OF Land and Water Quality 0248 Initiative: Transfers one Biologist I position from the Land and Water Quality, General Fund to the Performance Partnership Grant, Federal Expenditures Fund and reduces the All Other in the Performance Partnership Grant, Federal Expenditures Fund by a like amount. GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2005-06 2006-07 $0 ($49,225) _____________ _____________ $0 ($49,225) GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 (1.000) (1.000) ($43,826) ($46,849) _____________ _____________ ($43,826) ($46,849) Land and Water Quality 0248 Initiative: Reduces funding for All Other funds by reducing staff support and operating funds within the Bureau of Land and Water Quality. 2006-07 GENERAL FUND All Other (1.000) (1.000) ($77,868) ($80,692) _____________ _____________ ($77,868) ($80,692) GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 ($57,506) ($121,990) _____________ _____________ ($57,506) ($121,990) Remediation and Waste Management 0247 Land and Water Quality 0248 Initiative: Transfers 50% of one Biologist III position from the Land and Water Quality, General Fund to Other Special Revenue funds within the same program and reduces the All Other in Other Special Revenue funds by a like amount. Initiative: Transfers one Management Analyst II position from the Remediation and Waste Management Program, General Fund to Other Special Revenue funds within the same program and reduces the All Other funds in Other Special Revenue funds by a like amount. GENERAL FUND Personal Services GENERAL FUND 2005-06 $0 2006-07 ($49,719) 144 2005-06 2006-07 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services GENERAL FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 _____________ _____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL (1.000) (1.000) ($66,668) ($72,226) _____________ _____________ ($66,668) ($72,226) 2005-06 $0 Initiative: Transfers 50% of one Public Service Manager II position from the Land and Water Quality, General Fund to the Maine Environmental Protection, Other Special Revenue funds and reduces the All Other in the Maine Environmental Protection, Other Special Revenue funds by a like amount. 2006-07 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Personal Services All Other $0 Remediation and Waste Management 0247 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL Initiative: Transfers one Senior Geologist position from the Remediation and Waste Management, General Fund to Other Special Revenue funds within the same program and reduces the All Other in Other Special Revenue funds by a like amount. GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services GENERAL FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other 2005-06 $0 $0 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2006-07 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services $0 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL Performance Partnership Grant 0851 2005-06 2005-06 2006-07 1.000 1.000 $98,984 $101,372 _____________ _____________ $98,984 Administration - Environmental Protection 0251 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 2006-07 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 1.000 1.000 Personal Services $77,868 $80,692 All Other ($77,868) ($80,692) _____________ _____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $0 $0 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other $101,372 Initiative: Eliminates one Information System Support Technician position and reduces All Other support funds from the Administration - Environmental Protection Program to accommodate the transfer in of a General Fund position within the same program. OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL Performance Partnership Grant 0851 2005-06 2006-07 (1.000) (1.000) ($41,789) ($44,480) ($57,195) ($56,892) _____________ _____________ ($98,984) ($101,372) ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, DEPARTMENT OF DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 Initiative: Transfers 50% of one Public Service Manager II position from the Land and Water Quality, General Fund to the Performance Partnership Grant, Federal Expenditures Fund and reduces the All Other in the Performance Partnership Grant, Federal Expenditures Fund by a like amount. 2005-06 $0 $0 2006-07 (1.000) (1.000) ($98,984) ($101,372) _____________ _____________ ($98,984) ($101,372) Initiative: Transfers one Biologist I position from the Land and Water Quality, General Fund to the Performance Partnership Grant, Federal Expenditures Fund and reduces the All Other in the Performance Partnership Grant, Federal Expenditures Fund by a like amount. FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND Personal Services All Other $0 Initiative: Transfers one Public Service Executive I position from the Administration - Environmental Protection Program, General Fund to Other Special Revenue funds within the same program. 2006-07 1.000 1.000 $83,412 $86,312 ($83,412) ($86,312) _____________ _____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 $0 $49,225 $0 ($49,225) _____________ _____________ Administration - Environmental Protection 0251 (1.000) (1.000) ($83,412) ($86,312) _____________ _____________ ($83,412) ($86,312) 2005-06 $0 Maine Environmental Protection Fund 0421 1.000 1.000 $66,668 $72,226 ($66,668) ($72,226) _____________ _____________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL $0 GENERAL FUND ($428,264) FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND $0 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $0 2006-07 $52,012 ($52,012) 145 ($660,397) $0 $0 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 Initiative: Achieves Personal Services savings from the management of position vacancies in the Blaine House account. _____________ _____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS ($428,264) ($660,397) GENERAL FUND Personal Services ETHICS AND ELECTIONS PRACTICES, COMMISSION ON GOVERNMENTAL GENERAL FUND TOTAL Governmental Ethics and Election Practices - Commission on 0414 Administration - Executive - Governor's Office 0165 Initiative: Reduces funding for All Other in order to maintain program costs within available resources. Initiative: Reallocates Personal Services for one Registration/Reporting Officer position to 65% General Fund and 35% Other Special Revenue funds. GENERAL FUND Personal Services GENERAL FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Personal Services OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL GENERAL FUND All Other 2005-06 2006-07 ($12,850) ($13,728) _____________ _____________ ($12,850) ($13,728) GENERAL FUND TOTAL Initiative: Transfers the allocated share of Personal Services costs to the federal MaineCare - Match account for 2 Office of Health Policy and Finance positions. GENERAL FUND Personal Services $13,728 Governmental Ethics and Election Practices - Commission on 0414 GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Personal Services OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 ($13,391) ($13,815) _____________ _____________ ($13,391) ($13,815) Administration - Executive - Governor's Office 0165 Initiative: Transfers the allocated share of Personal Services costs for homeland security to the federal Emergency Management fund account within the Governor's Office. 2005-06 2006-07 $13,391 $13,815 _____________ _____________ $13,391 ETHICS AND ELECTIONS PRACTICES, COMMISSION ON GOVERNMENTAL DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2005-06 2006-07 ($66,467) ($70,770) _____________ _____________ ($66,467) ($70,770) FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 2006-07 Personal Services $64,660 $68,746 All Other $1,940 $2,062 _____________ _____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $66,600 $70,808 Initiative: Reallocates Personal Services for one Public Service Executive I position to 65% General Fund and 35% Other Special Revenue funds. GENERAL FUND Personal Services 2005-06 2006-07 ($28,470) ($33,834) _____________ _____________ ($28,470) ($33,834) Administration - Executive - Governor's Office 0165 2005-06 2006-07 $12,850 $13,728 _____________ _____________ $12,850 2005-06 2006-07 ($19,637) ($19,713) _____________ _____________ ($19,637) ($19,713) GENERAL FUND Personal Services $13,815 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 ($24,391) ($25,868) _____________ _____________ ($24,391) ($25,868) FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 2006-07 Personal Services $24,391 $25,868 All Other $734 $776 _____________ _____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $25,125 $26,644 2006-07 GENERAL FUND ($26,241) ($27,543) OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $26,241 $27,543 _____________ _____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $0 $0 Planning Office 0082 Blaine House 0072 Initiative: Reduces funding for grants, contractual services and technology in order to maintain program costs within available resources. Initiative: Reduces funding for All Other in order to maintain program costs within available resources. GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 ($10,847) ($10,920) _____________ _____________ ($10,847) ($10,920) Blaine House 0072 146 2005-06 2006-07 ($86,347) ($140,569) _____________ _____________ ($86,347) ($140,569) EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 GENERAL FUND ($236,159) ($301,674) FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 GENERAL FUND All Other FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND $91,725 $97,452 _____________ _____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS ($144,434) ($204,222) GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 ($608,139) ($793,363) _____________ _____________ ($608,139) ($793,363) GOVERNOR BAXTER SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 FINANCE AUTHORITY OF MAINE GENERAL FUND Business Development Finance 0512 2006-07 ($608,139) ($793,363) _____________ _____________ Initiative: Reduces funding for grants in order to maintain current services within available resources. DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS GENERAL FUND All Other HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF (FORMERLY BDS) GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 ($713) ($1,524) _____________ _____________ ($713) ($1,524) Initiative: Deappropriates funds due to an error in calculating the salary and benefits of a Nurse II position in this program. Initiative: Reduces funding for grants in order to maintain current services within available resources. GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND Personal Services 2005-06 2006-07 ($3,850) ($8,225) _____________ _____________ ($3,850) ($8,225) GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 $0 ($26,318) _____________ _____________ $0 ($26,318) Office of Management and Budget 0164 Student Financial Assistance Programs 0653 Initiative: Adjusts funding for contracted services. Initiative: Reduces funding for grants in order to maintain current services within available resources. GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 $0 ($370,805) _____________ _____________ $0 ($370,805) FINANCE AUTHORITY OF MAINE DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS 2005-06 2006-07 $100,000 $100,000 _____________ _____________ $100,000 $100,000 Office of Advocacy - BDS 0632 Initiative: Eliminates one vacant Advocate position. This request will reduce General Fund undedicated revenue by $37,652 in each year of the 2006-2007 biennium. 2006-07 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services ($4,563) ($380,554) _____________ _____________ ($4,563) ($793,363) Elizabeth Levinson Center 0119 Natural Resources and Marketing 0513 GENERAL FUND All Other ($608,139) ($380,554) 2005-06 2006-07 (1.000) (1.000) ($66,323) ($68,231) _____________ _____________ ($66,323) ($68,231) FOUNDATION FOR BLOOD RESEARCH GENERAL FUND TOTAL ScienceWorks for ME 0908 Mental Health Services - Children 0136 Initiative: Reduces funding for grants in order to maintain current services within available resources. Initiative: Reduces funding for mediation and dispute resolution services for parents and teens in conflict. GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 ($1,560) ($3,333) _____________ _____________ ($1,560) ($3,333) FOUNDATION FOR BLOOD RESEARCH DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS GENERAL FUND TOTAL Mental Health Services - Children 0136 2006-07 Initiative: Reduces funding for a specialized contract for crisis services/consultation for children with autism as the program has never been implemented. ($1,560) ($3,333) _____________ _____________ ($1,560) 2005-06 2006-07 $0 ($149,000) _____________ _____________ $0 ($149,000) ($3,333) GENERAL FUND All Other GOVERNOR BAXTER SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF 2005-06 2006-07 ($150,000) ($150,000) _____________ _____________ ($150,000) ($150,000) Governor Baxter School for the Deaf 0941 GENERAL FUND TOTAL Initiative: Reduces funding for a grant in order to maintain program costs within available resources. Mental Health Services - Child Medicaid 0731 147 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 Initiative: Reduces funding no longer required for home-based services to MaineCare-eligible children due to newly designed treatment services that will include evidence-based practices for home-based services. Corresponding federal match reductions are reflected in the Medical Care - Payments to Providers program. GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND TOTAL _____________ _____________ $0 ($208,879) Mental Health Services - Community 0121 Initiative: Eliminates funding for costs associated with the courtappointed Receiver for the Riverview Psychiatric Center. 2005-06 2006-07 $0 ($767,220) _____________ _____________ $0 ($767,220) GENERAL FUND All Other 2005-06 2006-07 ($131,681) ($131,681) _____________ _____________ ($131,681) ($131,681) Mental Health Services - Child Medicaid 0731 GENERAL FUND TOTAL Initiative: Reduces funding related to the redesign and implementation of targeted case management through utilization review and capitation. Corresponding federal match reductions are reflected in the Medical Care - Payments to Providers program. Mental Health Services - Community Medicaid 0732 GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL Initiative: Reduces funding related to the redesign and implementation of a system for community integration services. Corresponding federal match reductions are reflected in the Medical Care Payments to Providers program. 2005-06 2006-07 ($200,000) ($887,961) _____________ _____________ ($200,000) ($887,961) GENERAL FUND All Other 2005-06 2006-07 $0 ($900,977) _____________ _____________ $0 ($900,977) Mental Health Services - Child Medicaid 0731 GENERAL FUND TOTAL Initiative: Reduces funding by moving the delivery of services to a competitive request for proposal process to create a more costeffective delivery system for children's outpatient services effective no earlier than July 1, 2006. Corresponding federal match reductions are reflected in the Medical Care - Payments to Providers program. Mental Health Services - Community Medicaid 0732 GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL Initiative: Reduces funding related to implementation of evidencebased best practices for outpatient therapy effective no earlier than July 1, 2006. Corresponding federal match reductions are reflected in the Medical Care - Payments to Providers program. GENERAL FUND All Other 2005-06 2006-07 ($222,464) ($1,222,464) _____________ _____________ ($222,464) ($1,222,464) GENERAL FUND TOTAL Mental Health Services - Community Medicaid 0732 Mental Health Services - Child Medicaid 0731 Initiative: Reduces funding related to implementation of evidencebased best practices for medication management and education services effective no earlier than July 1, 2006. Corresponding federal match reductions are reflected in the Medical Care Payments to Providers program. Initiative: Reduces funding by moving the delivery of services to a competitive request for proposal process to create a more costeffective delivery system for children's medication management effective no earlier than July 1, 2006. Corresponding federal match reductions are reflected in the Medical Care - Payments to Providers program. GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND All Other 2005-06 2006-07 $0 ($662,837) _____________ _____________ $0 ($662,837) GENERAL FUND TOTAL Initiative: Reduces funding from savings achieved by mental health parity initiatives. Corresponding federal match reductions are reflected in the Medical Care - Payments to Providers program. Initiative: Reduces funding from savings achieved by mental health parity initiatives. Corresponding federal match reductions are reflected in the Medical Care - Payments to Providers program. GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND All Other 2005-06 2006-07 ($1,500,000) ($1,500,000) _____________ _____________ ($1,500,000) ($1,500,000) GENERAL FUND TOTAL Initiative: Achieves net savings by using grant funds to create a MaineCare capitated waiver. Corresponding federal matching funds are reflected in the Medical Care - Payments to Providers program. Initiative: Reduces funding for technology, training and transportation. 2005-06 $0 2005-06 2006-07 ($1,500,000) ($1,500,000) _____________ _____________ ($1,500,000) ($1,500,000) Mental Retardation Services - Community 0122 Mental Health Services - Community 0121 GENERAL FUND All Other 2005-06 2006-07 ($369,036) ($1,419,036) _____________ _____________ ($369,036) ($1,419,036) Mental Health Services - Community Medicaid 0732 Mental Health Services - Child Medicaid 0731 GENERAL FUND All Other 2005-06 2006-07 $0 ($515,992) _____________ _____________ $0 ($515,992) GENERAL FUND All Other 2006-07 ($208,879) GENERAL FUND TOTAL 148 2005-06 2006-07 ($2,257,676) ($2,257,676) _____________ _____________ ($2,257,676) ($2,257,676) FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 All Other Mental Retardation Waiver - Supports Z006 Initiative: Achieves net savings by using grant funds to create a MaineCare capitated waiver. Corresponding federal matching funds are reflected in the Medical Care - Payments to Providers program. GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 ($500,000) ($2,000,000) _____________ _____________ ($500,000) ($2,000,000) Foster Care 0137 Initiative: Reduces funding to be replaced by federal allocations through the development of an alternative rate structure for unlicensed foster care providers. Initiative: Eliminates a Social Services Manager I position (Criminal Justice Manager) and appropriates the savings to the All Other line category for substance abuse services. GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 2006-07 All Other $500,000 $1,000,000 _____________ _____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $500,000 $1,000,000 2006-07 (1.000) (1.000) ($75,000) ($75,000) $75,000 $75,000 _____________ _____________ $0 $0 Child Welfare Services 0139 Initiative: Reduces funding for services paid by another account. GENERAL FUND All Other HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF (FORMERLY BDS) DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 ($1,587) ($1,587) _____________ _____________ ($1,587) ($1,587) Child Welfare Services 0139 ($5,767,021) ($13,238,113) _____________ _____________ ($5,767,021) 2005-06 2006-07 ($200,000) ($200,000) _____________ _____________ ($200,000) ($200,000) FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 2006-07 All Other $200,000 $200,000 _____________ _____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $200,000 $200,000 Office of Substance Abuse 0679 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other ($902,276) Initiative: Reduces funding by maximizing Title IV-E federal revenue. Initiative: Reduces funding by implementing a new rate-setting methodology as the result of a Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Real Choices grant that will adjust administrative and program rates in the mental retardation waiver and day habilitation programs. Corresponding federal match reductions are reflected in the Medical Care - Payments to Providers program. GENERAL FUND TOTAL ($300,759) Foster Care 0137 2005-06 2006-07 $1,030,159 $1,030,159 _____________ _____________ $1,030,159 $1,030,159 Mental Retardation Waiver - MaineCare 0987 GENERAL FUND All Other ($300,759) ($902,276) _____________ _____________ Initiative: Reduces funding by reducing the number of children in state custody by 10% over the biennium. GENERAL FUND All Other ($13,238,113) HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF (FORMERLY DHS) GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 ($685,260) ($2,055,780) _____________ _____________ ($685,260) ($2,055,780) Foster Care 0137 Child Welfare Services 0139 Initiative: Reduces funding for services paid by another account. Initiative: Reduces funding to be replaced by federal allocations through the development of an alternative rate structure for unlicensed foster care providers. GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 ($1,478) ($1,513) _____________ _____________ ($1,478) ($1,513) GENERAL FUND All Other Foster Care 0137 GENERAL FUND TOTAL Initiative: Reduces funding by reducing the number of children in state custody by 10% over the biennium. GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL Bureau of Child and Family Services - Regional 0452 Initiative: Reduces funding no longer required. 2005-06 2006-07 ($160,740) ($482,220) _____________ _____________ ($160,740) ($482,220) FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 2005-06 2006-07 ($500,000) ($1,000,000) _____________ _____________ ($500,000) ($1,000,000) GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2006-07 149 2005-06 2006-07 ($5,842) ($5,874) _____________ _____________ ($5,842) ($5,874) PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 2006-07 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 1.000 1.000 Personal Services $50,167 $53,864 All Other $1,480 $1,590 _____________ _____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $51,647 $55,454 Bureau of Child and Family Services - Regional 0452 Initiative: Eliminates 5 vacant Human Services Caseworker positions and 4 vacant Human Services Aide III positions no longer necessary to implement the Child Welfare initiative due to a restructuring of the child welfare system and reduction of children in custody. GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 Medical Care - Payments to Providers 0147 (9.000) (9.000) ($472,286) ($509,042) _____________ _____________ ($472,286) ($509,042) Initiative: Reduces funding for the home visiting program as a universally based, primary health care strategy. Administrative savings within the Bureau of Health in the amount $181,168 will partially offset this reduction. Bureau of Child and Family Services - Regional 0452 Initiative: Reduces funding by eliminating the use of pagers. GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 $0 ($40,000) _____________ _____________ $0 ($40,000) Medical Care - Payments to Providers 0147 Initiative: Reduces funding by restructuring the low-cost drugs for the elderly and disabled program to reflect a change in drug coverage for Medicare beneficiaries when the Medicare Part D drug benefit is fully implemented in January 2006. State Supplement to Federal Supplemental Security Income 0131 Initiative: Reduces funding that is not necessary to meet the maintenance of effort requirement. GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND All Other 2005-06 2006-07 $0 ($214,443) _____________ _____________ $0 ($214,443) GENERAL FUND TOTAL Initiative: Reduces funding by implementing disease management of atypical antipsychotic drugs, a multistate purchasing pool and group purchase of generic drugs. In implementing this initiative community pharmacies must be provided a role in the design of the multistate purchasing pool and the generic group purchase initiative. Initiative: Reduces funding that is not necessary to meet the maintenance of effort requirement. GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 $0 ($612,911) _____________ _____________ $0 ($612,911) GENERAL FUND All Other Additional Support for Persons in Retraining and Employment 0146 GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 $0 ($157,644) _____________ _____________ $0 ($157,644) Medical Care - Payments to Providers 0147 Initiative: Reduces funding by tightening refill criteria, revising the MaineCare policy of providing a 30-day supply but allowing for reasonable refilling of lost drugs and, in the case of controlled substances only, conforming to the practice of commercial plans that limit refills until 90% of a prescription is used. Bureau of Medical Services 0129 Initiative: Establishes 2 Medical Care Coordinator positions in the Third Party Recovery Unit in the Bureau of Medical Services program to increase MaineCare cost avoidance for members with other 3rd-party coverage, resulting in deappropriations in the Medical Care - Payments to Providers program. GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2005-06 2006-07 ($1,700,000) ($1,700,000) _____________ _____________ ($1,700,000) ($1,700,000) FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 2006-07 All Other ($3,180,850) ($3,180,850) _____________ _____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL ($3,180,850) ($3,180,850) Initiative: Reduces funding that is not necessary to meet the maintenance of effort requirement. GENERAL FUND All Other 2005-06 2006-07 $0 ($5,000,000) _____________ _____________ $0 ($5,000,000) Medical Care - Payments to Providers 0147 Temporary Assistance for Needy Families 0138 GENERAL FUND All Other 2005-06 2006-07 ($54,000) ($54,000) _____________ _____________ ($54,000) ($54,000) GENERAL FUND All Other 2006-07 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 1.000 1.000 $50,167 $53,864 _____________ _____________ $50,167 $53,864 2005-06 2006-07 ($1,200,000) ($1,200,000) _____________ _____________ ($1,200,000) ($1,200,000) FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 All Other ($2,245,305) 150 2006-07 ($2,245,305) FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 All Other _____________ _____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL ($2,245,305) FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL ($2,245,305) Medical Care - Payments to Providers 0147 ($2,287,338) Initiative: Reduces funding for a federal match by moving delivery of services to a competitive request for proposals process to create a more cost-effective delivery system for children's medication management effective no earlier than July 1, 2006. Corresponding state funding reductions are reflected in the Mental Health Services - Child Medicaid program. FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 2006-07 All Other $0 ($1,685,807) _____________ _____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $0 ($1,685,807) FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 2006-07 All Other $0 ($1,240,226) _____________ _____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $0 ($1,240,226) Medical Care - Payments to Providers 0147 Initiative: Reduces funding for the federal match related to the implementation of evidence-based best practices for outpatient therapy effective no earlier than July 1, 2006. Corresponding state funding reductions are reflected in the Mental Health Services Community Medicaid program. Medical Care - Payments to Providers 0147 Initiative: Reduces funding for the federal match related to the implementation of evidence-based best practices for medication management and education services effective no earlier than July 1, 2006. Corresponding state funding reductions are reflected in the Mental Health Services - Community Medicaid program. FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 2006-07 All Other $0 ($965,467) _____________ _____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $0 ($965,467) FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 2006-07 All Other ($690,499) ($2,655,141) _____________ _____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL ($690,499) ($2,655,141) Medical Care - Payments to Providers 0147 Initiative: Reduces funding for the federal match related to the redesign and implementation of targeted case management through utilization review and capitation. Corresponding state funding reductions are reflected in the Mental Health Services - Child Medicaid program. Medical Care - Payments to Providers 0147 Initiative: Reduces funding for a federal match by implementing a new rate-setting methodology as the result of a Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Real Choices grant that will adjust administrative and program rates in the mental retardation waiver and day habilitation programs. Corresponding state funding reductions are reflected in the Mental Retardation Waiver MaineCare program. FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 2006-07 All Other ($374,218) ($1,661,453) _____________ _____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL ($374,218) ($1,661,453) FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 2006-07 All Other ($935,544) ($3,742,176) _____________ _____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL ($935,544) ($3,742,176) Medical Care - Payments to Providers 0147 Initiative: Reduces funding no longer required for home-based services for MaineCare-eligible children due to newly designed treatment services that will include evidence-based practices for home-based services. Corresponding state funding reductions are reflected in the Mental Health Services - Child Medicaid program. Medical Care - Payments to Providers 0147 Initiative: Provides funding for the federal match required to create a MaineCare capitated waiver. Corresponding state funding is reflected in the Medicaid Services - Mental Retardation program. FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 2006-07 All Other $0 ($1,435,536) _____________ _____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $0 ($1,435,536) FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 2006-07 All Other $1,927,518 $1,927,518 _____________ _____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $1,927,518 $1,927,518 Medical Care - Payments to Providers 0147 Initiative: Reduces funding for a federal match by moving delivery of services to a competitive request for proposals process to create a more cost-effective delivery system for children's outpatient services effective no earlier than July 1, 2006. Corresponding state funding reductions are reflected in the Mental Health Services - Child Medicaid program. 2005-06 ($416,250) Medical Care - Payments to Providers 0147 Initiative: Reduces funding for the federal match related to the redesign and implementation of a system for community integration services effective no earlier than July 1, 2006. Corresponding state funding reductions are reflected in the Mental Health Services Community Medicaid program. FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND ($416,250) ($2,287,338) _____________ _____________ Medical Care - Payments to Providers 0147 Initiative: Establishes 2 Medical Care Coordinator positions in the Third Party Recovery Unit in the Bureau of Medical Services program to increase MaineCare cost avoidance for members with other 3rd-party coverage, resulting in deappropriations in the Medical Care - Payments to Providers program. 2006-07 151 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 2006-07 All Other ($5,613,264) ($5,613,264) _____________ _____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL ($5,613,264) ($5,613,264) 2005-06 2006-07 ($205,167) ($672,864) _____________ _____________ ($205,167) ($672,864) FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 2006-07 All Other ($383,885) ($1,258,988) _____________ _____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL ($383,885) ($1,258,988) Medical Care - Payments to Providers 0147 Initiative: Reduces funding by implementing primary enforcement of seat belt statutes. GENERAL FUND All Other Medical Care - Payments to Providers 0147 Initiative: Reduces funding as a result of savings to be achieved by recouping MaineCare overpayments to out-of-state vendors. GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND TOTAL FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 2006-07 All Other ($248,855) ($338,667) _____________ _____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL ($248,855) ($338,667) 2005-06 2006-07 ($300,000) ($300,000) _____________ _____________ ($300,000) ($300,000) FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 2006-07 All Other ($561,326) ($561,326) _____________ _____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL ($561,326) ($561,326) HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF (FORMERLY DHS) DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 GENERAL FUND ($18,077,901) ($29,533,106) FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND ($35,676,486) ($55,027,818) _____________ _____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS ($53,754,387) ($84,560,924) Medical Care - Payments to Providers 0147 Initiative: Revises estimated program growth to 8% for each of fiscal years 2005-06 and 2006-07 based on the impact of ongoing previously approved cost containment initiatives, thereby permitting a reduction in funding. GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION, MAINE 2005-06 2006-07 ($11,508,708) ($12,698,092) _____________ _____________ ($11,508,708) ($12,698,092) Historic Preservation Commission 0036 Initiative: Reduces funding for survey grants in order to maintain current services within available resources. FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 2006-07 All Other ($21,533,807) ($23,759,249) _____________ _____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL ($21,533,807) ($23,759,249) GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL Initiative: Reduces funding by identifying and assisting eligible MaineCare members to use United States Veterans Administration pharmacy and other benefits. GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 ($19,222) ($28,281) _____________ _____________ ($19,222) ($28,281) HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION, MAINE DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 Medical Care - Payments to Providers 0147 GENERAL FUND All Other 2005-06 2006-07 ($133,000) ($181,000) _____________ _____________ ($133,000) ($181,000) GENERAL FUND ($19,222) ($28,281) _____________ _____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS 2005-06 2006-07 ($1,000,000) ($2,500,000) _____________ _____________ ($1,000,000) ($2,500,000) ($19,222) ($28,281) HISTORICAL SOCIETY, MAINE Historical Society 0037 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 2006-07 All Other ($1,871,089) ($4,677,721) _____________ _____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL ($1,871,089) ($4,677,721) Initiative: Reduces funding for grants in order to maintain current services within available resources. Medical Care - Payments to Providers 0147 GENERAL FUND TOTAL Initiative: Reduces funding for the federal match related to savings achieved by mental health parity initiatives. Corresponding state funding reductions are reflected in the Mental Health Services Community Medicaid and Mental Health Services - Child Medicaid programs. HISTORICAL SOCIETY, MAINE DEPARTMENT TOTALS GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND 152 2005-06 2006-07 ($1,294) ($2,765) _____________ _____________ ($1,294) ($2,765) 2005-06 2006-07 ($1,294) ($2,765) FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 _____________ _____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS ($1,294) Human Rights Commission - Regulation 0150 Initiative: Reduces funding for general operations and office supplies in order to maintain current services within available resources. ($2,765) HOSPICE COUNCIL, MAINE GENERAL FUND All Other Maine Hospice Council 0663 Initiative: Reduces funding for grants in order to maintain current services within available resources. GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL HOSPICE COUNCIL, MAINE DEPARTMENT TOTALS GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 ($1,560) ($3,333) _____________ _____________ ($1,560) ($3,333) 2005-06 Human Rights Commission - Regulation 0150 Initiative: Reduces funding for per diems in order to maintain current services within available resources. GENERAL FUND Personal Services 2006-07 ($1,560) ($3,333) _____________ _____________ ($1,560) GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND Shelter Operating Subsidy 0661 Initiative: Reduces funding for grants in order to maintain current services within available resources. GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL HOUSING AUTHORITY, MAINE STATE DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 GENERAL FUND ($7,500,000) DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS 2006-07 ($1,597) ($3,411) _____________ _____________ ($1,597) ($3,411) Maine Indian Tribal-State Commission 0554 Initiative: Reduces funding for grants in order to maintain current services within available resources. GENERAL FUND All Other HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION, MAINE GENERAL FUND TOTAL Human Rights Commission - Regulation 0150 2005-06 2006-07 ($812) ($1,734) _____________ _____________ ($812) ($1,734) INDIAN TRIBAL-STATE COMMISSION, MAINE DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 Initiative: Reduces funding for in-state travel, general operations and technology in order to maintain current services within available resources. GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 INDIAN TRIBAL-STATE COMMISSION, MAINE 2006-07 GENERAL FUND ($10,364) ($22,138) OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS ($7,500,000) ($7,500,000) _____________ _____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS ($7,510,364) ($7,522,138) GENERAL FUND All Other 2005-06 2006-07 ($1,597) ($3,411) _____________ _____________ ($1,597) ($3,411) HUMANITIES COUNCIL, MAINE DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 ($7,500,000) ($7,500,000) _____________ _____________ ($7,500,000) ($9,348) Humanities Council 0942 Initiative: Reduces funding based on a reprojection of available revenues from the transfer of real estate taxes. OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL ($8,925) HUMANITIES COUNCIL, MAINE 2005-06 2006-07 ($10,364) ($22,138) _____________ _____________ ($10,364) ($22,138) Housing Authority - State 0442 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other 2006-07 ($8,925) ($9,348) _____________ _____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS Initiative: Reduces funding for grants in order to maintain current services within available resources. GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 ($1,250) ($1,250) _____________ _____________ ($1,250) ($1,250) HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION, MAINE DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 ($3,333) HOUSING AUTHORITY, MAINE STATE GENERAL FUND All Other 2005-06 2006-07 ($4,438) ($4,438) _____________ _____________ ($4,438) ($4,438) GENERAL FUND 2005-06 2006-07 ($3,237) ($3,660) _____________ _____________ ($3,237) ($3,660) DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS 2006-07 ($812) ($1,734) _____________ _____________ ($812) ($1,734) INLAND FISHERIES AND WILDLIFE, DEPARTMENT OF Office of the Commissioner - IF&W 0529 153 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 Initiative: Reduces funding for travel, contracts and technology in order to maintain program costs within available resources. GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND TOTAL Enforcement Operations - IF&W 0537 2005-06 2006-07 $0 ($20,000) _____________ _____________ $0 ($20,000) Initiative: Reduces funding by managing vacant positions. GENERAL FUND Personal Services Administrative Services - IF&W 0530 GENERAL FUND TOTAL Initiative: Reduces funding for maintenance and repairs in order to maintain program costs within available resources. GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND ($4,166) ($702,680) FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND $0 $249,829 _____________ _____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS ($4,166) ($452,851) Initiative: Reduces funding for printing of the any-deer permits and applications and eliminates printing costs of the turkey lottery. GENERAL FUND TOTAL JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT 2005-06 2006-07 ($4,166) ($88,000) _____________ _____________ ($4,166) ($88,000) Courts - Supreme, Superior, District and Administrative 0063 Initiative: Reduces funding for general operations in order to maintain program costs within available resources. Resource Management Services - IF&W 0534 GENERAL FUND All Other Initiative: Transfers 9% of various positions from Resource Management Services - IF&W, General Fund to the Federal Expenditures Fund within the same program. GENERAL FUND Personal Services GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 $0 ($225,484) _____________ _____________ $0 ($225,484) INLAND FISHERIES AND WILDLIFE, DEPARTMENT OF DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 2005-06 2006-07 $0 ($51,367) _____________ _____________ $0 ($51,367) Licensing Services - IF&W 0531 GENERAL FUND All Other _____________ _____________ $0 ($68,000) GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 ($111,588) ($111,588) _____________ _____________ ($111,588) ($111,588) Courts - Supreme, Superior, District and Administrative 0063 2005-06 2006-07 $0 ($203,791) _____________ _____________ $0 ($203,791) Initiative: Reduces funding for indigent defense costs in order to maintain program costs within available resources. FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 2006-07 Personal Services $0 203,791 _____________ _____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $0 203,791 GENERAL FUND All Other Fisheries and Hatcheries Operations 0535 Initiative: Reduces funding for rent in order to maintain program costs within available resources. GENERAL FUND TOTAL Courts - Supreme, Superior, District and Administrative 0063 Initiative: Transfers 3% of various positions from the Fisheries and Hatcheries Operations, General Fund to the Federal Expenditures Fund within the same program. GENERAL FUND Personal Services GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND All Other 2005-06 2006-07 $0 ($46,038) _____________ _____________ $0 ($46,038) GENERAL FUND TOTAL JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT TOTALS FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 2006-07 Personal Services $0 $46,038 _____________ _____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $0 $46,038 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS 2005-06 2006-07 ($600,000) ($650,000) _____________ _____________ ($600,000) ($650,000) Maine Centers for Women, Work and Community 0132 Initiative: Reduces funding for All Other that will eliminate the publication of the Maine Fish and Wildlife magazine in order to maintain program costs within available resources. 2005-06 $0 2005-06 2006-07 ($100,000) ($150,000) _____________ _____________ ($100,000) ($150,000) LABOR, DEPARTMENT OF Public Information and Education, Division of 0729 GENERAL FUND All Other 2005-06 2006-07 ($388,412) ($388,412) _____________ _____________ ($388,412) ($388,412) Initiative: Reduces funding for a contract with the Maine Center for Women, Work and Community. GENERAL FUND All Other 2006-07 ($68,000) 154 2005-06 ($17,468) 2006-07 ($37,314) FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 GENERAL FUND TOTAL PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 _____________ _____________ ($17,468) ($37,314) Safety Education and Training Programs 0161 Initiative: Reduces funding by eliminating one Clerk Typist III position and adjusting the allocation of one Clerk Stenographer III position and one Director of Research Statistics position within the Bureau of Labor Standards. Currently, the latter 2 positions are split-funded between the Bureau's Administration Program and Safety Education and Training Program. This initiative will shift 100% of the allocation to the Safety Education and Training Program. Maine Centers for Women, Work and Community 0132 Initiative: To sustain efforts to serve Maine's micro-entrepreneurs through the Maine Centers for Women, Work and Community. GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 $100,000 $100,000 _____________ _____________ $100,000 $100,000 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services Rehabilitation Services 0799 Initiative: Reduces funding by eliminating one Human Services Aide III position and by reducing contracts for advocacy, education and outreach. GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2006-07 (1.000) (1.000) ($45,421) ($48,834) ($86,945) ($209,077) _____________ _____________ ($132,366) ($257,911) OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services 2005-06 2006-07 ($148,769) ($224,355) _____________ _____________ ($148,769) ($224,355) OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL Administration - Bur Labor Stds 0158 Initiative: Reduces funding by eliminating one Clerk Typist III position and adjusting the allocation of one Clerk Stenographer III position and one Director of Research Statistics position within the Bureau of Labor Standards. Currently, the latter 2 positions are split-funded between the Bureau's Administration Program and Safety Education and Training Program. This initiative will shift 100% of the allocation to the Safety Education and Training Program. GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 GENERAL FUND Personal Services All Other 2006-07 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 1.000 1.000 $36,376 $37,454 _____________ _____________ $36,376 $37,454 2005-06 2006-07 $0 ($2,729) $0 ($436) _____________ _____________ $0 ($3,165) Blind and Visually Impaired - Division for the 0126 Initiative: Reduces funding by eliminating one part-time Visually Handicapped Child Counselor position and associated All Other. GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other Initiative: Reduces funding by eliminating one Clerk Typist III position and adjusting the allocation of one Occupational Health and Safety Program Supervisor position that is currently split-funded between the Regulation and Enforcement Program and the Safety Education and Training Program. This initiative will shift 100% of the allocation to the Safety Education and Training Program. GENERAL FUND TOTAL $42,099 Initiative: Reduces funding by reducing the hours of one Clerk IV position and reducing equipment purchases in fiscal year 2006-07. (3.000) (3.000) ($87,457) ($91,250) _____________ _____________ ($87,457) ($91,250) 2005-06 $41,735 Labor Relations Board 0160 Regulation and Enforcement 0159 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services 2.000 2.000 $41,735 $42,099 _____________ _____________ Initiative: Reduces funding by eliminating one Clerk Typist III position and adjusting the allocation of one Occupational Health and Safety Program Supervisor position that is currently split-funded between the Regulation and Enforcement Program and the Safety Education and Training Program. This initiative will shift 100% of the allocation to the Safety Education and Training Program. Initiative: Reduces funding for rent expenditures, contracts and grants. GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2006-07 Safety Education and Training Programs 0161 Employment Services Activity 0852 GENERAL FUND All Other 2005-06 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 (0.500) (0.500) ($29,774) ($31,875) ($62,744) ($63,743) _____________ _____________ ($92,518) ($95,618) Administration - Labor 0030 2006-07 Initiative: Reduces funding by eliminating one Account Clerk I position; one part-time Clerk Typist II position; one Clerk Typist III position; one Administrative Secretary position; 2 Account Clerk II positions; one Management Analyst I position; one Building Custodian position; and one Publications Designer position and (2.000) (2.000) ($82,098) ($86,605) _____________ _____________ ($82,098) ($86,605) 155 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 from rent savings in fiscal year 2006-07 in the Administration Labor program. GENERAL FUND Personal Services All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL Administration - Library 0215 Initiative: Reduces funding of general operations, technology and grants in order to maintain current services within available resources. 2005-06 2006-07 ($35,254) ($37,274) $0 ($4,583) _____________ _____________ ($35,254) ($41,857) GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 2006-07 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT (8.500) (8.500) Personal Services ($348,806) ($369,478) _____________ _____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL ($348,806) ($369,478) OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Personal Services 2005-06 2006-07 ($1,871) ($3,998) _____________ _____________ ($1,871) ($3,998) Maine State Library 0217 Initiative: Reduces funding for office and educational supplies, general operations and technology in order to maintain current services within available resources. GENERAL FUND All Other 2005-06 2006-07 ($26,424) ($28,004) _____________ _____________ GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 ($106,570) ($99,857) _____________ _____________ ($106,570) ($99,857) Maine State Library 0217 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL ($26,424) ($28,004) LABOR, DEPARTMENT OF DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 Initiative: Reduces funding of general operations, technology and grants in order to maintain current services within available resources. GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND ($495,930) ($738,075) FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND ($348,806) ($369,478) OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $51,687 $51,549 _____________ _____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS ($793,049) ($1,056,004) GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 ($8,796) ($18,787) _____________ _____________ ($8,796) ($18,787) LIBRARY, MAINE STATE DEPARTMENT TOTALS GENERAL FUND LIBRARY, MAINE STATE DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS Statewide Library Information System 0185 2005-06 2006-07 ($143,267) ($161,492) _____________ _____________ ($143,267) ($161,492) Initiative: Reduces funding for office and educational supplies, general operations and technology in order to maintain current services within available resources. LOBSTER PROMOTION COUNCIL GENERAL FUND All Other Initiative: Reduces funding for grants in order to maintain current services within available resources. GENERAL FUND TOTAL Lobster Promotion Fund 0701 2005-06 2006-07 ($5,500) ($387) _____________ _____________ ($5,500) ($387) OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other Statewide Library Information System 0185 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL Initiative: Reduces funding of general operations, technology and grants in order to maintain current services within available resources. GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL ($23,058) 2006-07 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS ($10,795) ($23,058) _____________ _____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS ($10,795) ($23,058) Initiative: Reduces funding for office and educational supplies, general operations and technology in order to maintain current services within available resources. GENERAL FUND TOTAL ($10,795) LOBSTER PROMOTION COUNCIL DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2005-06 2006-07 ($4,500) ($9,613) _____________ _____________ ($4,500) ($9,613) Administration - Library 0215 GENERAL FUND All Other 2005-06 2006-07 ($10,795) ($23,058) _____________ _____________ MARINE RESOURCES, DEPARTMENT OF Bureau of Resource Management 0027 2005-06 2006-07 ($16,030) ($28,850) _____________ _____________ ($16,030) ($28,850) Initiative: Reduces funding for capital items in order to maintain program costs within available resources. 156 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 GENERAL FUND Capital Expenditures GENERAL FUND TOTAL PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services 2005-06 2006-07 ($37,000) ($3,500) _____________ _____________ ($37,000) ($3,500) Bureau of Resource Management 0027 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 1.000 1.000 $37,651 $40,320 _____________ _____________ Initiative: Transfers 50% of one Marine Resource Scientist II position from Bureau of Resource Management, General Fund to the Bureau of Resource Management, Federal Expenditures Fund. Marine Patrol - Bureau of 0029 GENERAL FUND Personal Services Initiative: Reduces funding for capital items in order to maintain program costs within available resources. GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 ($38,197) ($39,232) _____________ _____________ ($38,197) ($39,232) GENERAL FUND Capital Expenditures FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 2006-07 Personal Services $38,197 $39,232 _____________ _____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $38,197 $39,232 GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services 2005-06 2006-07 ($25,000) ($25,000) _____________ _____________ ($25,000) ($25,000) GENERAL FUND TOTAL Bureau of Resource Management 0027 Initiative: Transfers one Marine Resource Specialist II position from the Bureau of Resource Management, General Fund to the Bureau of Resource Management, Federal Expenditures Fund. OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 (1.000) (1.000) ($56,826) ($61,006) _____________ _____________ ($56,826) ($61,006) GENERAL FUND Personal Services GENERAL FUND TOTAL (1.000) (1.000) ($67,161) ($72,090) _____________ _____________ ($67,161) ($72,090) 2005-06 2006-07 1.000 1.000 $67,161 $72,090 _____________ _____________ $67,161 $72,090 2005-06 2006-07 ($17,963) ($18,210) _____________ _____________ ($17,963) ($18,210) Division of Community Resource Development 0043 Initiative: Reduces funding by reducing reliance on contracted services, travel and support services. Initiative: Transfers 50% of one Marine Resource Scientist III position from the Bureau of Resource Management, General Fund to the Bureau of Resource Management Aquaculture Management Fund within Other Special Revenue funds and transfers 50% of one Marine Resource Scientist III position from the Bureau of Resource Management Aquaculture Monitoring Fund to the Aquaculture Management Fund within Other Special Revenue funds. GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2006-07 Initiative: Reduces funding by reorganizing one Public Service Manager II position to a Marine Resource Scientist II position. Bureau of Resource Management 0027 2005-06 2005-06 Division of Community Resource Development 0043 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 2006-07 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 1.000 1.000 Personal Services $56,826 $61,006 _____________ _____________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $56,826 $61,006 GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services 2005-06 2006-07 ($21,000) ($57,000) _____________ _____________ ($21,000) ($57,000) Initiative: Transfers one Marine Patrol Officer position from the Bureau of Marine Patrol General Fund to the Bureau of Marine Patrol Watercraft Fund within Other Special Revenue funds. Initiative: Reduces funding by reducing reliance on contracted services, travel and support services. GENERAL FUND TOTAL $40,320 Marine Patrol - Bureau of 0029 Bureau of Resource Management 0027 GENERAL FUND All Other $37,651 GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 ($10,000) ($10,000) _____________ _____________ ($10,000) ($10,000) Division of Administrative Services 0258 Initiative: Reduces funding for capital items in order to maintain program costs within available resources. 2006-07 (1.000) (1.000) ($37,651) ($40,320) _____________ _____________ ($37,651) ($40,320) GENERAL FUND Capital Expenditures GENERAL FUND TOTAL 157 2005-06 2006-07 ($63,264) ($65,296) _____________ _____________ ($63,264) ($65,296) PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 and grants in order to maintain current services within available resources. Division of Administrative Services 0258 Initiative: Reduces funding by reorganizing one Account Clerk II position to an Account Clerk I position. GENERAL FUND Personal Services GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND All Other 2005-06 2006-07 ($2,525) ($2,828) _____________ _____________ ($2,525) ($2,828) GENERAL FUND TOTAL Maine State Museum 0180 Initiative: Reduces funding of general operations, technology and grants in order to maintain current services within available resources. Division of Administrative Services 0258 Initiative: Reduces funding by reducing reliance on contracted services, travel and support services. GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND All Other 2005-06 2006-07 ($1,252) ($2,155) _____________ _____________ ($1,252) ($2,155) GENERAL FUND TOTAL Initiative: Reorganizes one Accountant I position to an Account Clerk I position. Initiative: Reduces funding by reorganizing one Public Service Manager I position to a Departmental Information System Manager position. GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND Personal Services 2005-06 2006-07 ($5,539) ($5,586) _____________ _____________ ($5,539) ($5,586) MARINE RESOURCES, DEPARTMENT OF DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND 2006-07 DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS MUNICIPAL BOND BANK, MAINE GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS ($124,555) ($136,101) _____________ _____________ ($124,555) ($136,101) Initiative: Reduces funding for All Other to maintain program costs within available resources. GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 ($3,066) ($6,549) _____________ _____________ ($3,066) ($6,549) PINE TREE LEGAL ASSISTANCE DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 ($2,080) ($4,444) _____________ _____________ ($2,080) ($4,444) GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS 2005-06 2006-07 ($3,066) ($6,549) _____________ _____________ ($3,066) ($6,549) PUBLIC BROADCASTING CORPORATION, MAINE 2006-07 Maine Public Broadcasting Corporation 0033 ($2,080) ($4,444) _____________ _____________ ($2,080) 2006-07 Legal Assistance 0553 Initiative: Reduces funding for grants in order to maintain current services within available resources. MUNICIPAL BOND BANK, MAINE DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2005-06 PINE TREE LEGAL ASSISTANCE Maine Municipal Bond Bank - Maine Rural Water Association 0699 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 2006-07 ($5,247) ($5,568) _____________ _____________ ($5,247) ($5,568) MUSEUM, MAINE STATE DEPARTMENT TOTALS GENERAL FUND ($383,378) ($402,223) FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND $95,023 $100,238 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $104,812 $112,410 _____________ _____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS ($183,543) ($189,575) GENERAL FUND All Other 2005-06 2006-07 ($2,347) ($5,673) _____________ _____________ ($2,347) ($5,673) Maine State Museum 0180 Division of Administrative Services 0258 GENERAL FUND Personal Services 2005-06 2006-07 ($116,961) ($124,860) _____________ _____________ ($116,961) ($124,860) Initiative: Reduces funding for grants in order to maintain program costs within available resources. ($4,444) GENERAL FUND All Other MUSEUM, MAINE STATE Maine State Museum 0180 GENERAL FUND TOTAL Initiative: Reduces funding of professional services, out-of-state travel, general operations, technology, equipment, office supplies 2005-06 2006-07 ($51,303) ($109,589) _____________ _____________ ($51,303) ($109,589) PUBLIC BROADCASTING CORPORATION, MAINE DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 158 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 SECRETARY OF STATE, DEPARTMENT OF ($51,303) ($109,589) _____________ _____________ ($51,303) Administration - Archives 0050 ($109,589) Initiative: Eliminates one Microphotographer position in fiscal year 2006-07. PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services State Police 0291 Initiative: Reduces funding for the radio replacement system as authorized by Public Law 2001, chapter 439, Part U. Notwithstanding the deappropriations made in this initiative, the funding ratio for the State Police program remains at the current levels of 63% from the Highway Fund and 37% from the General Fund for the 2006-2007 biennium and that future funding for the State Police program should reflect a goal of achieving a funding split of 60% from the Highway Fund and 40% from the General Fund. GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 0.000 (1.000) $0 ($50,905) _____________ _____________ $0 ($50,905) SECRETARY OF STATE, DEPARTMENT OF DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 GENERAL FUND 2005-06 2006-07 ($1,200,000) ($1,200,000) _____________ _____________ ($1,200,000) ($1,200,000) 2006-07 2006-07 $0 ($50,905) _____________ _____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $0 ($50,905) TREASURER OF STATE, OFFICE OF Gambling Control Board Z002 Administration - Treasury 0022 Initiative: Freezes one Clerk Typist III position, one Identification Specialist II position, one Auditor II position, one State Police Sergeant position and 2 Public Safety Inspector I positions through January 1, 2006 and related costs due to delayed implementation of off-track betting slot machines in Maine. Initiative: Reduces funding for contractual services and technology in order to maintain program costs within available resources. GENERAL FUND Personal Services All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND All Other 2005-06 2006-07 ($194,066) $0 ($450,000) $0 _____________ _____________ ($644,066) $0 TREASURER OF STATE, OFFICE OF DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 GENERAL FUND Criminal Justice Academy 0290 DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS Initiative: Transfers one Clerk Typist III position, one Training Coordinator position and one Public Service Manager II position to Other Special Revenue funds. GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services GENERAL FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 2005-06 2006-07 ($24,725) ($26,835) _____________ _____________ ($24,725) ($26,835) 2006-07 ($24,725) ($26,835) _____________ _____________ ($24,725) ($26,835) UNIVERSITY OF MAINE SYSTEM, BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE 2006-07 Educational and General Activities - UMS 0031 (3.000) (3.000) ($216,772) ($223,562) _____________ _____________ ($216,772) ($223,562) 2005-06 Initiative: Reduces funding for a grant in order to maintain program costs within available resources. GENERAL FUND All Other 2006-07 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 3.000 3.000 $216,772 $223,562 $33,364 $34,350 _____________ _____________ $250,136 $257,912 PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 2005-06 2006-07 ($5,000,000) ($13,600,000) _____________ _____________ ($5,000,000) ($13,600,000) Educational and General Activities - UMS 0031 Initiative: Transfers funding from the Maine Patent program to the Educational and General Activities - UMS program in order to maintain services within available resources. GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND ($2,060,838) ($1,423,562) OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $250,136 $257,912 _____________ _____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS ($1,810,702) ($1,165,650) 2005-06 2006-07 $300,000 $300,000 _____________ _____________ $300,000 $300,000 Maine Patent Program 0931 Initiative: Transfers funding from the Maine Patent program to the Educational and General Activities - UMS program in order to maintain services within available resources. 159 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 GENERAL FUND All Other 2005-06 2006-07 ($300,000) ($300,000) _____________ _____________ ($300,000) ($300,000) GENERAL FUND TOTAL UNIVERSITY OF MAINE SYSTEM, BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 GENERAL FUND Statutes, Title 20-A, section 15683 with 84% transition percentage Total other subsidizable costs pursuant to the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 20-A, section 15681-A 2006-07 ($5,000,000) ($13,600,000) _____________ _____________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $1,089,847,503 $339,867,236 ______________ ($5,000,000) SECTION TOTALS 2005-06 ($13,600,000) 2006-07 GENERAL FUND ($55,890,758) ($100,149,828) FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND ($35,797,535) ($54,906,674) OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS ($14,420,429) ($7,737,302) POSTAL, PRINTING AND SUPPLY FUND ($82,615) ($83,709) REAL PROPERTY LEASE INTERNAL SERVICE FUND ($5,093) ($12,007) ACCIDENT, SICKNESS AND HEALTH INSURANCE INTERNAL SERVICE FUND $48,804 $52,314 MAINE MILITARY AUTHORITY ENTERPRISE FUND $0 $0 OFFICE OF INFORMATION SERVICES FUND ($385,452) ($952,789) _____________ _____________ SECTION TOTAL ALL FUNDS ($106,533,078) ($163,789,995) $1,429,714,739 Total Debt Service Allocation Total debt service allocation pursuant to the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 20-A, section 15683-A $88,665,631 Total Adjustments and Miscellaneous Costs Total adjustments and miscellaneous costs pursuant to the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 20-A, sections 15689 and 15689-A $48,037,274 PART C Sec. C-1. Mill expectation. The mill expectation pursuant to the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 20-A, section 15671-A for fiscal year 2005-06 is 8.26. Sec. C-2. Total cost of funding public education from kindergarten to grade 12. The total cost of funding public education from kindergarten to grade 12 for fiscal year 2005-06 is as follows: ______________ Total Cost of Funding Public Education from Kindergarten to Grade 12 Total cost of funding public education from kindergarten to grade 12 for fiscal year 2005-06 pursuant to the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 20-A, chapter 606-B $1,566,417,644 2005-06 TOTAL Total Operating Allocation Total operating allocation pursuant to the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 20-A, section 15683, as amended by Public Law 2005, chapter 2, Part D, section 47 and affected by sections 72 and 73, without transition percentage Total Operating Allocation Total operating allocation pursuant to the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 20-A, section 15683, as amended by Public Law 2005, chapter 2, Part D, section 47 and affected by sections 72 and 73, with 84% transition percentage plus total other subsidizable costs pursuant to the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 20-A, section 15681-A 2005-06 Transition Adjustment Total cost of the transition adjustment costs pursuant to the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 20-A, section 15686 $1,297,437,503 Total operating allocation pursuant to the Maine Revised 160 $13,425,799 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 Sec. C-3. Local and state contributions to total cost of funding public education from kindergarten to grade 12 and the Fund for the Efficient Delivery of Educational Services. The C. To receive targeted kindergarten to grade 2 funds calculated pursuant to subsection 4, the school administrative unit must be in compliance with any applicable reporting requirements for local early childhood programs. Any program must be in compliance with chapter 203, subchapter 2. local contribution and the state contribution appropriation provided for general purpose aid for local schools for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2005 and ending June 30, 2006 are calculated as follows: 2005-06 LOCAL Local and State Contributions to the Total Cost of Funding Public Education from Kindergarten to Grade 12 and the Fund for the Efficient Delivery of Educational Services Local and state contributions to the total cost of funding public education from kindergarten to grade 12 pursuant to the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 20-A, section 15683 and the Fund for the Efficient Delivery of Educational Services $742,331,574 Sec. D-3. 20-A MRSA §15689-A, sub-§§8 to 10 are enacted to read: 2005-06 STATE 8. Laptop program. The commissioner may pay costs attributed to the contracted support services and annual payments for a program that provides laptop computers to middle school students. 9. Emergency bus loan. The commissioner may pay annual payments for an emergency bus loan. 10. Data management and support services for essential programs and services. The commissioner may pay costs attributed to system maintenance and staff support necessary to implement the requirements of the Essential Programs and Services Funding Act. $837,453,898 Sec. C-4. Limit of State's obligation. If the State's continued obligation for any individual component contained in section 2 of this Part exceeds the level of funding provided for that component, any unexpended balances occurring in other programs may be applied to avoid proration of payments for any individual component. Any unexpended balances from section 2 of this Part may not lapse but must be carried forward for the same purpose. Sec. C-5. Sec. D-4. Transfer from unappropriated surplus. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the State Controller shall transfer $6,194,152 from the General Fund undedicated revenue to the Fund for the Efficient Delivery of Educational Services, Other Special Revenue funds account within the Department of Education in fiscal year 2006-07. PART E Authorization of payments. Sec. E-1. 30-A MRSA §5681, sub-§5, ¶¶A and B, as amended by PL 2003, c. 20, Pt. W, §1, are Sections 1 to 4 of this Part may not be construed to require the State to provide payments that exceed the appropriation of funds for general purpose aid for local schools for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2005 and ending June 30, 2006. further amended to read: A. For months beginning before July 1, 2005 2007, 5.1%; and B. For months beginning on or after July 1, 2005 2007, 5.2%. PART D Sec. D-1. 20-A MRSA §8606-A, sub-§2, ¶C, as amended by PL 2005, c. 2, Pt. D, §30 and PART F affected by §§72 and 73, is further amended to read: Sec. F-1. 4 MRSA §1610-D is enacted to C. The recommendation in the commissioner's funding level certification must include local adult education program cost adjustment to the equivalent of the year prior to the year of allocation. This adjustment is calculated according to the same guidelines established, for purposes of chapter 606-B, by section 15689-C, subsection 3. read: §1610-D. Additional securities Notwithstanding any limitation on the amount of securities that may be issued pursuant to section 1606, subsection 2, the authority may issue additional securities in an amount not to exceed $9,000,000 outstanding at any one time for preliminary planning costs and capital repairs and improvements at various state facilities. Sec. D-2. 20-A MRSA §15681, sub-§1, ¶C, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 504, Pt. A, §6, is amended to read: 161 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 Sec. F-2. Maine Governmental Facilities Authority; issuance of securities. Pursuant to the GENERAL FUND TOTAL Maine Revised Statutes, Title 4, section 1606, subsection 2 and section 1610-D, and notwithstanding the limitation contained in Title 4, section 1606, subsection 2 regarding the amount of securities that may be issued, the Maine Governmental Facilities Authority is authorized to issue securities in its own name in an amount up to $9,000,000 for the purpose of paying the cost, including preliminary planning costs, including but not limited to needs assessments and space planning, master planning, capital asset assessments, concept design, design development and final design including construction drawings, associated with capital repairs and improvements to stateowned facilities throughout the State as designated by the Commissioner of Administrative and Financial Services. Sec. G-1. PL 1995, c. 502, Pt. K, §4, as amended by PL 2003, c. 20, Pt. D, §1, is further amended to read: Sec. K-4. Fiscal agent for the Governor's Office, Blaine House, State Planning Office, Department of Economic and Community Development, Department of Education, Workers' Compensation Board and Commission on Governmental Ethics and Election Practices. The Department of Administrative and Financial Services shall serve as the fiscal agent for the Governor's Office, Blaine House, State Planning Office, Department of Economic and Community Development and, Department of Education, Workers' Compensation Board and Commission on Governmental Ethics and Election Practices, to include such functions as processing payment vouchers and contract documents, and handling personnel and payroll matters, financial management services and other related required functions as agreed upon by the 6 all entities. Sec. F-4. Debt Service - Government Facilities Authority; balance carried forward. Sec. G-2. Review of statewide financial and human resources services to improve efficiency and cost-effectiveness. The Commis- Notwithstanding any other provision of law, $1,436,982 of fiscal year 2004-05 savings resulting from the refunding and reissuance of certain lease revenue bonds in the Debt Service - Government Facilities Authority, General Fund account within the Department of Administrative and Financial Services carries forward into fiscal year 2005-06. sioner of Administrative and Financial Services shall review the current organizational structure of payroll, personnel and accounting units to improve organizational efficiency and cost-effectiveness. The Commissioner of Administrative and Financial Services is authorized to identify savings to the General Fund from the improvements identified from the review. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the State Budget Officer shall transfer position counts and available balances by financial order upon approval of the Governor in order to achieve the saving identified in section 3. These transfers are considered adjustments to authorized position count, appropriations and allocations in fiscal years 2005-06 and 2006-07. The State Budget Officer shall provide the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over appropriations and financial affairs a report of the transferred amounts no later than January 15, 2006. Sec. F-5. Debt Service - Government Facilities Authority; lapsed balances. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, $2,749,600 of fiscal year 2004-05 and fiscal year 2005-06 savings resulting from the refunding and reissuance of certain lease revenue bonds in the Debt Service - Government Facilities Authority, General Fund account within the Department of Administrative and Financial Services lapses to the unappropriated surplus of the General Fund no later than June 30, 2006. Sec. F-6. Appropriations and allocations. The following appropriations and allocations are made. ADMINISTRATIVE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Commissioner of Administrative and Financial Services or a state official designated by the commissioner is responsible for the provisions of financial and human resource services and shall provide oversight for all financial and human resource personnel assigned to each agency. Additionally, the commissioner or the commissioner's designee may reassign Debt Service - Government Facilities Authority 0893 Initiative: Provides funds to pay the debt service associated with Maine Governmental Facilities Authority borrowing for major repairs and capital construction projects. 2005-06 $0 __________ $1,327,500 PART G Sec. F-3. Proceeds. The proceeds from the sale of the securities issued by the Maine Governmental Facilities Authority pursuant to the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 4, section 1610-D must be expended for preliminary planning costs and capital repairs and improvements to state-owned facilities. GENERAL FUND All Other __________ $0 2006-07 $1,327,500 162 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 finance and human resource personnel among agencies as needed to support statewide operations. tional structure, systems and operations of information technology units to improve organizational efficiency and cost-effectiveness. To assist with this review the Chief Information Officer shall use staff resources from the Office of the Chief Information Officer and must be provided staff resources from technology personnel of other agencies. The Chief Information Officer is authorized to identify savings and position eliminations to the General Fund and other funds from the improvements identified from the review. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the State Budget Officer shall transfer position counts and available balances by financial order upon approval of the Governor in order to achieve the saving identified in section 2. These transfers are considered adjustments to authorized position count, appropriations and allocations in fiscal years 2005-06 and 2006-07. The State Budget Officer shall provide the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over appropriations and financial affairs a report of the transferred amounts no later than January 15, 2006. Sec. G-3. Appropriations and allocations. The following appropriations and allocations are made. ADMINISTRATIVE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF Executive Branch Departments and Independent Agencies Statewide 0017 Initiative: Represents projected savings statewide through the consolidation of payroll, personnel and accounting services. Establishes 2 Budget Analyst positions and one Internal Control Audit Manager position. Positions to be eliminated will be identified upon completion of a review of the departments and agencies statewide and the position count will be adjusted by financial order. GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Unallocated GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 3.000 ($725,000) __________ ($725,000) 2006-07 3.000 ($1,560,000) __________ ($1,560,000) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Chief Information Officer or the Chief Information Officer's designee shall provide direct oversight over statewide technology services and oversight over the technology personnel assigned to each agency. The Chief Information Officer or the officer's designee may reassign technology personnel among agencies to support statewide technology operations. PART H Sec. H-1. 36 MRSA §4641-B, sub-§4, as amended by PL 2003, c. 20, Pt. V, §1, is further amended to read: 4. Distribution of State's share of proceeds. The State Tax Assessor shall pay all net receipts received pursuant to this section to the Treasurer of State, and shall at the same time provide the Treasurer of State with documentation showing the amount of revenues derived from the tax imposed by section 4641-A, subsection 1 and the amount of revenues derived from the tax imposed by section 4641-A, subsection 2. The Treasurer of State shall credit 1/2 of the revenues derived from the tax imposed by section 4641-A, subsection 1 to the General Fund and shall monthly pay the remaining 1/2 of such revenues to the Maine State Housing Authority, which shall deposit the funds in the Housing Opportunities for Maine Fund created in Title 30-A, section 4853, except that in fiscal year 2003-04 and, fiscal year 2004-05, fiscal year 2005-06 and fiscal year 2006-07, $7,500,000 of the remaining 1/2 of those revenues must be transferred to the General Fund before any payments are made to the Maine State Housing Authority. The Treasurer of State shall credit to the General Fund all of the revenues derived from the tax imposed by section 4641-A, subsection 2. Sec. I-2. Appropriations and allocations. The following appropriations and allocations are made. ADMINISTRATIVE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF Executive Branch Departments and Independent Agencies Statewide 0017 Initiative: Represents projected savings from departments and agencies statewide from a review of technology functions and systems. GENERAL FUND Unallocated 2005-06 ($1,175,000) __________ ($1,175,000) 2006-07 ($3,765,000) __________ ($3,765,000) HIGHWAY FUND - (Informational) 2005-06 All Other ($103,000) __________ HIGHWAY FUND (INFORMATIONAL) TOTAL ($103,000) 2006-07 ($508,000) __________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 All Other ($190,500) __________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL ($190,500) 2006-07 ($919,500) __________ GENERAL FUND TOTAL PART I Sec. I-1. Review of statewide information technology functions and systems to improve efficiency and cost-effectiveness. The Chief OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Information Officer shall review the current organiza163 2005-06 ($508,000) ($919,500) 2006-07 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 Unallocated ($431,500) __________ ($1,322,500) __________ ($431,500) ($1,322,500) OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL committees of the Legislature having jurisdiction over departments affected by the proposed changes. The commissioner shall inform the State Budget Officer of the amount of savings from the improvements identified and implemented as a result of the review. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the State Budget Officer shall transfer position counts and available balances by financial order upon approval of the Governor in order to achieve the savings in section 2 that are attributable to this section. These transfers are considered adjustments to authorized position count, appropriations and allocations in fiscal year 2006-07. Executive Branch Departments and Independent Agencies Statewide 0017 Initiative: Eliminates 7 General Fund positions and 2 Other Special Revenue funds positions from projected information technology services savings statewide. GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT GENERAL FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 2005-06 (7.000) __________ $0 2005-06 (2.000) __________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2006-07 (7.000) __________ $0 Sec. K-2. Appropriations and allocations. The following appropriations and allocations are made. 2006-07 ADMINISTRATIVE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF (2.000) __________ Departments and Agencies - Statewide 0016 $0 $0 Initiative: Represents projected savings from departments and agencies statewide from a review of administrative hearing functions. PART J Sec. J-1. Overdue fines. The Judicial Department shall implement an accelerated collection effort of overdue fines to increase General Fund revenue by $1,100,000 in fiscal year 2005-06 and $1,900,000 in fiscal year 2006-07. GENERAL FUND Unallocated GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 $0 __________ $0 2006-07 ($80,000) __________ ($80,000) PART L Sec. J-2. Filling vacant positions. The Judicial Department shall fill administrative staff positions held vacant during the 2004-2005 biennium. The additional filled positions are expected to generate additional undedicated General Fund revenue of $1,500,000 in fiscal year 2005-06 and $1,500,000 in fiscal year 2006-07. Sec. L-1. 36 MRSA §5122, sub-§1, ¶V, as amended by PL 2003, c. 705, §8, is further amended to read: V. For tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2003 and before January 1, 2006 2007, the amount claimed as a federal income adjustment for student loan interest under the Code, Section 62 (a)(17), but only for interest paid after 60 months from the start of the loan repayment period; and PART K Sec. K-1. Review of statewide administrative hearing functions to improve efficiency and cost-effectiveness. The Commissioner of Sec. L-2. 36 MRSA §5218, sub-§1, as amended by PL 2003, c. 20, Pt. FF, §1, is further amended to read: Administrative and Financial Services shall review the current organizational structure of administrative hearings units and the proceedings conducted by those units to improve organizational efficiency and cost effectiveness, including but not limited to adjudicatory proceedings conducted pursuant to the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter 4; workers' compensation proceedings conducted pursuant to Title 39-A, chapter 7, subchapter 1; other due process hearings; and licensing disciplinary proceedings. At least 15 days before implementing any change proposed as a result of the review, the commissioner shall report the findings of the review and proposed changes to the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over appropriations and financial affairs and to the joint standing committee or 1. Resident taxpayer. A resident individual is allowed a credit against the tax otherwise due under this Part in the amount of 25% of the federal tax credit allowable for child and dependent care expenses in the same tax year, except that for tax years beginning in 2003, 2004 and 2005 to 2006, the applicable percentage is 21.5% instead of 25%. Sec. L-3. 36 MRSA §5218, sub-§2, as amended by PL 2003, c. 391, §10, is further amended to read: 164 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 except that for estates of decedents dying after December 31, 2002 that do not incur a federal estate tax, all property values are as finally determined by the assessor in accordance with the Code as if the estate had incurred a federal estate tax. The share of the federal credit used to determine the amount of a nonresident individual's estate tax under this section is computed without regard to whether the specific real or tangible personal property located in the State is marital deduction property. 2. Nonresident or part-year resident taxpayer. A nonresident individual is allowed a credit against the tax otherwise due under this Part in the amount of 25% of the federal tax credit allowable for child and dependent care expenses multiplied by the ratio of the individual's Maine adjusted gross income, as defined in section 5102, subsection 1-C, paragraph B, to the individual's entire federal adjusted gross income, as modified by section 5122, except that for tax years beginning in 2003, 2004 and 2005 to 2006, the applicable percentage is 21.5% instead of 25%. Sec. M-2. Application. That section of this Part that amends the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 36, section 4064 applies to estates of decedents dying on or after January 1, 2005. Sec. L-4. 36 MRSA §5218, sub-§2-A, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 391, §10, is amended to read: 2-A. Part-year resident taxpayer. An individual who files a return as a part-year resident in accordance with section 5224-A is allowed a credit against the tax otherwise due under this Part in the amount of 25%, except that for tax years beginning in 2003 to 2006 the applicable percentage is 21.5% instead of 25%, of the federal tax credit allowable for child and dependent care expenses multiplied by a ratio, the numerator of which is the individual's Maine adjusted gross income as defined in section 5102, subsection 1-C, paragraph A for that portion of the taxable year during which the individual was a resident plus the individual's Maine adjusted gross income as defined in section 5102, subsection 1-C, paragraph B for that portion of the taxable year during which the individual was a nonresident and the denominator of which is the individual's entire federal adjusted gross income, as modified by section 5122. PART N Sec. N-1. 36 MRSA §4062, sub-§1-A, as amended by PL 2003, c. 673, Pt. D, §1, is repealed and the following enacted in its place: 1-A. Federal credit. "Federal credit" has the following meanings: A. For the estates of decedents dying after December 31, 2002, "federal credit" means the maximum credit for state death taxes determined under the Code, Section 2011 as of December 31, 2002 exclusive of the reduction of the maximum credit contained in the Code, Section 2011(b)(2); the period of limitations under the Code, Section 2011(c); and the termination provision contained in the Code, Section 2011(f). The federal taxable estate is to be determined using the applicable Code as of the date of the decedent's death, except that: PART M Sec. M-1. 36 MRSA §4064, first ¶, as amended by PL 2003, c. 673, Pt. D, §4, is further amended to read: (1) The state death tax deduction contained in the Code, Section 2058 is to be disregarded; A tax is imposed upon the transfer of real property and tangible personal property situated in this State and held by an individual who dies prior to January 1, 2002 or after December 31, 2002 and who at the time of death was not a resident of this State. When real or tangible personal property has been transferred into a trust or a limited liability company or other pass-through entity, the tax imposed by this section applies as if the trust or limited liability company or other pass-through entity did not exist and the property was personally owned by the decedent. Maine property is subject to the tax imposed by this section to the extent that such property is included in the decedent's federal gross estate. The amount of this tax is a sum equal to that proportion of the federal credit that the value of Maine real and tangible personal property taxed in this State that qualifies for the credit bears to the value of the decedent's federal gross estate. All property values under this section are as finally determined for federal estate tax purposes, (2) The unified credit is to be determined under the Code, Section 2010 as of December 31, 2000; (3) For the estates of decedents dying after December 31, 2004, the federal taxable estate must be decreased by an amount equal to the value of Maine qualified terminable interest property in the estate of the decedent; and (4) For the estates of decedents dying after December 31, 2004, the federal taxable estate must be increased by an amount equal to the value of Maine elective property in respect of the decedent; and 165 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 B. For the estates of all other decedents, "federal credit" means the maximum credit for state death taxes determined under the Code, Section 2011. A. If the personal representative makes no election pursuant to section 4062, subsection 2-B, the personal representative, surviving joint tenant of real estate or any other person whose real estate might be subject to a lien for taxes pursuant to this chapter may at any time file with the assessor in the form prescribed by the assessor a statement of the value of the federal gross estate; and Sec. N-2. 36 MRSA §4062, sub-§§2-A and 2-B are enacted to read: 2-A. Maine elective property. "Maine elective property" means all property in which the decedent at the time of death had a qualified income interest for life and with respect to which, for purposes of determining the tax imposed by this chapter on the estate of a predeceased spouse of the decedent, the federal taxable estate of such predeceased spouse was decreased pursuant to subsection 1-A, paragraph A, subparagraph (3). The value of Maine elective property is the value finally determined by the assessor in accordance with the Code as if such property were includible in the decedent's federal gross estate pursuant to the Code, Section 2044 and, in the case of estates that do not incur a federal estate tax, as if the estate had incurred a federal estate tax. B. If the personal representative makes an election pursuant to section 4062, subsection 2-B, the personal representative shall make such election on a timely filed return. The return must be in the form prescribed by the assessor and it must be accompanied by a copy of the federal estate tax return, if any, and other supporting documentation that the assessor may require, including documentation related to an election made pursuant to section 4062, subsection 2-B. Sec. N-4. Application. Those sections of this Part that repeal and replace the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 36, section 4062, subsection 1-A and section 4068, subsection 3 and enact Title 36, section 4062, subsections 2-A and 2-B apply to estates of decedents dying on or after January 1, 2005. 2-B. Maine qualified terminable interest property. "Maine qualified terminable interest property" means property: A. That is eligible to be treated as qualified terminable interest property under the Code, Section 2056(b)(7); PART O Sec. O-1. B. For which no election allowable under the Code, Section 2056(b)(7) is made with respect to the federal estate tax; and 36 MRSA §1752, sub-§12 is amended to read: 12. Rooming house. "Rooming house" means every house, cottage, condominium unit, vacation home, boat, vehicle, motor court, trailer court or other structure or any place or location kept, used, maintained, advertised or held out to the public to be a place where living quarters are supplied for pay to transient or permanent guests or tenants, whether in one or adjoining buildings. C. With respect to which an election is made, on a return filed timely with the State Tax Assessor, to treat the property as Maine qualified terminable interest property for purposes of the tax imposed by this chapter. The amount of property with respect to which such election is made may not be greater than the amount, if any, by which the applicable exclusion amount determined as of the date of the decedent's death using the Code, Section 2010(c) in effect on that date exceeds the applicable exclusion amount determined as of the date of the decedent's death using the Code, Section 2010(c) in effect on December 31, 2000. The value of Maine qualified terminable interest property is the value finally determined by the assessor in accordance with the Code and, in the case of estates that do not incur a federal estate tax, as if the estate had incurred a federal estate tax. Sec. O-2. 36 MRSA §1754-B, sub-§1, as amended by PL 1997, c. 504, §8, is further amended to read: 1. Persons required to register. The Except as otherwise provided in this section, the following persons, other than casual sellers, shall register with the assessor and collect and remit taxes in accordance with the provisions of this Part: Sec. N-3. 36 MRSA §4068, sub-§3, as amended by PL 2003, c. 673, Pt. D, §6 and affected by §9, is repealed and the following enacted in its place: A. Every seller of tangible personal property or taxable services, whether or not at retail, that maintains in this State any office, manufacturing facility, distribution facility, warehouse or storage facility, sales or sample room or other place of business; 3. No tax liability. In all cases where there is no Maine estate tax liability: B. Every seller of tangible personal property or taxable services that does not maintain a place of 166 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 (5) Using a vendor in this State for printing, drop shipping or telemarketing services. business in this State but makes retail sales in this State or solicits orders, by means of one or more salespeople within this State, for retail sales within this State; Sec. O-3. 36 MRSA §1764, as amended by PL 1999, c. 518, §1, is further amended to read: C. Every lessor engaged in the leasing of tangible personal property located in this State that does not maintain a place of business in this State but makes retail sales to purchasers from this State; §1764. Tax against certain casual rentals and sales The tax imposed by chapters 211 to 225 must be levied upon all casual rentals of living quarters in a hotel, rooming house or tourist or trailer camp and upon all casual sales involving the sale of camper trailers, truck campers, motor vehicles, special mobile equipment except farm tractors and lumber harvesting vehicles or loaders, livestock trailers, watercraft or aircraft except those sold for resale at retail sale or to a corporation, partnership, limited liability company or limited liability partnership when the seller is the owner of a majority of the common stock of the corporation or of the ownership interests in the partnership, limited liability company or limited liability partnership. This section does not apply to the rental of living quarters when that rental is for fewer than 15 days each calendar year. D. Every consignee, agent or salesperson that makes retail sales in this State of tangible personal property or taxable services on behalf of a principal that is outside of this State if the principal is not the holder of a valid registration certificate; E. Every agent, representative, salesperson, solicitor or distributor that receives compensation by reason of sales of tangible personal property or taxable services made outside this State by a principal for use, storage or other consumption in this State; F. Every person that manages or operates in the regular course of business or on a casual basis a hotel, rooming house or tourist or trailer camp in this State or that collects or receives rents from a hotel, rooming house or tourist or trailer camp in this State; and Sec. O-4. Appropriations and allocations. The following appropriations and allocations are made. ADMINISTRATIVE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF G. Every seller of tangible personal property or taxable services that has a substantial physical presence in this State sufficient to satisfy the requirements of the due process and commerce clauses of the United States Constitution. The following activities do not constitute a substantial physical presence for the purpose of this paragraph: Revenue Services - Bureau of 0002 Initiative: Establishes one Tax Examiner position, effective July 1, 2005, and includes All Other funds. This position will audit taxpayer accounts to ensure compliance with the tax on casual rental of living quarters. GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other (1) Solicitation of business in this State through catalogs, flyers, telephone or electronic media when delivery of ordered goods is effected by the United States mail or by an interstate 3rd-party common carrier; GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 1.000 $54,080 $10,642 __________ $64,722 2006-07 1.000 $56,513 $7,622 __________ $64,135 Sec. O-5. Application. Those sections of this Part that amend the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 36, section 1752, subsection 12; section 1754-B, subsection 1; and section 1764 apply to casual rentals of living quarters occurring on or after July 1, 2005. (2) Attending trade shows, seminars or conventions in this State; (3) Holding a meeting of a corporate board of directors or shareholders or holding a company retreat or recreational event in this State; PART P Sec. P-1. 36 MRSA §111, sub-§1-A, as amended by PL 2003, c. 705, §1 and affected by §14, is further amended to read: (4) Maintaining a bank account or banking relationship in this State; or 1-A. Code. "Code" means the United States Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and amendments to that Code as of December 31, 2003 January 7, 2005. 167 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 Sec. P-2. 36 MRSA §5122, sub-§1, ¶N, as amended by PL 2003, c. 588, §14, is further amended to read: §5124-A. Standard deduction; resident The standard deduction of a resident individual is equal to the standard deduction as determined in accordance with the Code, Section 63, except that for tax years beginning in 2003, 2004 and 2005 after 2002, the Code, Section 63(c)(2) must be applied as if the basic standard deduction is $5,000 in the case of a joint return and a surviving spouse and $2,500 in the case of a married individual filing a separate return. N. With respect to property placed in service during the taxable year, an amount equal to the net increase in depreciation or expensing attributable to: (1) For taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2002 but prior to January 1, 2006, a 30% bonus depreciation deduction claimed by the taxpayer pursuant to Section 101 of the federal Job Creation and Worker Assistance Act of 2002, Public Law 107-147 with respect to property placed in service during the taxable year; Sec. P-6. 36 MRSA §5125, sub-§3, ¶A, as amended by PL 2003, c. 390, §34, is further amended to read: A. Reduced by any amount attributable to income taxes or sales and use taxes imposed by this State or any other taxing jurisdiction; (2) For taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2002 but prior to January 1, 2006, a 50% bonus depreciation deduction claimed by the taxpayer pursuant to Section 201 of the federal Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003, Public Law 108-27 with respect to property placed in service during the taxable year; and Sec. P-7. 36 MRSA §5200-A, sub-§1, ¶N, as amended by PL 2003, c. 588, §16, is further amended to read: N. With respect to property placed in service during the taxable year, an amount equal to the net increase in depreciation or expensing attributable to: (3) For taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2003 but prior to January 1, 2006 2008, the increase in aggregate cost claimed under Section 179 of the Code pursuant to Section 202 of the federal Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003, Public Law 108-27 or pursuant to Section 201 of the federal American Jobs Creation Act of 2004, Public Law 108-357; (1) For taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2002 but prior to January 1, 2006, a 30% bonus depreciation deduction claimed by the taxpayer pursuant to Section 101 of the federal Job Creation and Worker Assistance Act of 2002, Public Law 107-147 with respect to property placed in service during the taxable year; (2) For taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2002 but prior to January 1, 2006, a 50% bonus depreciation deduction claimed by the taxpayer pursuant to Section 201 of the federal Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003, Public Law 108-27 with respect to property placed in service during the taxable year; and Sec. P-3. 36 MRSA §5122, sub-§1, ¶W, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 705, §9, is amended to read: W. For tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2004, for an eligible individual as defined by the Code, Section 223 (c)(1), the amount of contributions to the eligible individual's health savings account under the Code, Sections 106 and 223 to the extent that those contributions, exclusive of rollovers, for the taxable year are not included in the eligible individual's federal adjusted gross income.; and (3) For taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2003 but prior to January 1, 2006 2008, the increase in aggregate cost claimed under Section 179 of the Code pursuant to Section 202 of the federal Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003, Public Law 108-27 or pursuant to Section 201 of the federal American Jobs Creation Act of 2004, Public Law 108-357; Sec. P-4. 36 MRSA §5122, sub-§1, ¶X is enacted to read: X. An amount equal to the taxpayer's federal deduction relating to income attributable to domestic production activities claimed in accordance with Section 102 of the federal American Jobs Creation Act of 2004, Public Law 108-357. Sec. P-8. 36 MRSA §5200-A, sub-§1, ¶P, as amended by PL 2003, c. 20, Pt. II, §3, is further amended to read: Sec. P-5. 36 MRSA §5124-A, as amended by PL 2003, c. 479, §4, is further amended to read: 168 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 P. The amount of the loan repayment included in the credit base of the recruitment credit under section 5219-V to the extent that the contribution has been used to adjust federal taxable income; and 7. Rulemaking. The authority, after consultation with the Bureau of Revenue Services, shall establish rules for the application, eligibility and annual filing requirements necessary to implement the certification of qualified scholarship organizations pursuant to this section and may include any rules necessary to establish initial application fees and penalties, which may include monetary penalties and revocation of certification, to ensure that a qualified scholarship organization is fulfilling the requirements of this section. These rules may also include any necessary conflict-of-interest provisions pertaining to qualified scholarship organizations. The authority shall also establish any rules necessary to define postsecondary education loans that are eligible for the recruitment credits provided under Title 36, sections 2528 and 5219-V. Rules adopted pursuant to this subsection, including those setting initial application fees and penalties, are routine technical rules as defined in Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter 2-A. The authority shall submit a report to the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over education and cultural affairs and to the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over taxation matters by January 30, 2006 2007 on the rules and rule-making process to implement the tax credit program established pursuant to this subchapter. Sec. P-9. 36 MRSA §5200-A, sub-§1, ¶S is enacted to read: S. An amount equal to the taxpayer's federal deduction relating to income attributable to domestic production activities claimed in accordance with Section 102 of the federal American Jobs Creation Act of 2004, Public Law 108-357. Sec. P-10. Application. That section of this Part that amends the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 36, section 111, subsection 1-A applies to tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2004 and to any prior years as specifically provided by the United States Internal Revenue Code. Those sections of this Part that amend Title 36, section 5122, subsection 1, paragraph N and section 5200-A, subsection 1, paragraph N apply to tax years beginning in 2006 and 2007. Those sections of this Part that enact Title 36, section 5122, subsection 1, paragraph X and section 5200-A, subsection 1, paragraph S apply to tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2005. That section of this Part that amends Title 36, section 5125, subsection 3, paragraph A applies to tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2004. Sec. Q-3. 36 MRSA §2527, sub-§2, ¶¶B and C, as amended by PL 2003, c. 451, Pt. JJ, §3, are further amended to read: PART Q B. Twenty percent of the amount contributed during the taxable year to a qualified scholarship organization for need-based scholarships for tax years beginning in 2006 2007; or Sec. Q-1. 10 MRSA §1100-Y, sub-§2, ¶A, as amended by PL 2003, c. 451, Pt. JJ, §1, is further amended to read: C. Fifty percent of the amount contributed during the taxable year to a qualified scholarship organization for need-based scholarships for tax years beginning after 2006 2007. A. For initial certification, the organization must be a private, nonprofit organization that is qualified under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, that has as one of its purposes the provision of need-based scholarships to eligible students, that meets the standards adopted by the authority by rule under subsection 7, that files reports as required by this section and that: Sec. Q-4. 36 MRSA §2528, sub-§1, ¶B, as amended by PL 2003, c. 451, Pt. JJ, §4, is further amended to read: B. Beginning in 2006 2007, 15% of the amount of loan repayments paid during the taxable year to a creditor on behalf of an employee of the taxpayer as part of a postsecondary education loan repayment agreement between the taxpayer and the employee of the taxpayer. (1) Is affiliated with and designated by an accredited institution of higher education in this State; or (2) Has filed as a nonprofit corporation with the Secretary of State on or before April 1, 2005 2006 and continues as a nonprofit corporation in good standing with the Secretary of State. Sec. Q-5. 36 MRSA §5219-U, sub-§2, ¶¶B and C, as amended by PL 2003, c. 451, Pt. JJ, §5, are further amended to read: Sec. Q-2. 10 MRSA §1100-Y, sub-§7, as amended by PL 2003, c. 451, Pt. JJ, §2, is further amended to read: B. Twenty percent of the amount contributed during the taxable year to a qualified scholarship organization for need-based scholarships for tax years beginning in 2006 2007; or 169 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 C. Fifty percent of the amount contributed during the taxable year to a qualified scholarship organization for need-based scholarships for tax years beginning after 2006 2007. This subsection is repealed July 1, 2005. Sec. R-2. 5 MRSA §17151, sub-§3, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 20, Pt. NN, §2, is repealed. Sec. R-3. Calculation and transfer; General Fund savings; retirement amortization. Sec. Q-6. 36 MRSA §5219-V, sub-§1, ¶B, as amended by PL 2003, c. 451, Pt. JJ, §6, is further amended to read: Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the State Budget Officer shall calculate the amount of savings in section 5 of this Part that applies against each General Fund account for all departments and agencies except legislative branch departments and agencies from extending the amortization schedule of the unfunded liability of the Maine State Retirement System and shall transfer the amounts by financial order upon the approval of the Governor. These transfers are considered adjustments to appropriations in fiscal years 2005-06 and 2006-07. The State Budget Officer shall provide the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over appropriations and financial affairs a report of the transferred amounts no later than November 1, 2005. B. Beginning in 2006 2007, 15% of the amount of loan repayments paid during the taxable year to a creditor on behalf of an employee of the taxpayer as part of a postsecondary education loan repayment agreement between the taxpayer and the employee of the taxpayer. PART R Sec. R-1. 5 MRSA §17151, sub-§2, as amended by PL 2003, c. 20, Pt. NN, §1, is further amended to read: 2. Intent. It is the intent of the Legislature that there must be appropriated and transferred annually to the retirement system the funds necessary to meet the system's long-term and short-term financial obligations based on the actuarial assumptions established by the board upon the advice of the actuary. The amount of the unfunded liability attributable to state employees and teachers as of July 1, 2002 2004, as certified by the board or as that amount may be revised in accordance with the terms of the certification, must be retired in no more than 25 23 years from June 30, 2003 2005. For fiscal year 2002-03 2004-05, the Legislature must appropriate or allocate and there must be transferred to the retirement system funds necessary to institute, as of July 1, 2003 2005, the 25-year 23-year amortization schedule. For each fiscal year starting with the fiscal year that begins July 1, 2003 2005, the Legislature shall appropriate or allocate and transfer to the retirement system the funds necessary to meet the 25-year 23-year requirement set forth in this subsection, unless the Legislature establishes a different amortization period. Funds that have been appropriated must be considered assets of the retirement system. Sec. R-4. Calculation and transfer; Other Special Revenue savings; retirement amortization. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the State Budget Officer shall calculate the amount of savings in section 5 of this Part that applies against each Other Special Revenue funds account for all departments and agencies except legislative branch departments and agencies from extending the amortization schedule of the unfunded liability of the Maine State Retirement System and shall transfer the calculated amounts to the General Fund by financial order upon the approval of the Governor. These transfers are considered adjustments to allocations in fiscal years 2005-06 and 2006-07, including allocations from the Fund for a Healthy Maine. The State Budget Officer shall provide the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over appropriations and financial affairs a report of the transferred amounts no later than November 1, 2005. The following Other Special Revenue funds accounts are exempt from these calculations: the Public Reserved Lands Management Fund account and the Submerged Lands Fund account in the Department of Conservation; the Baxter State Park Authority account; the AMHI and BMHI Disproportionate Share accounts and the Public Drinking Water Fund account in the Department of Health and Human Services; the Truancy, Dropout and Alternative Education account in the Department of Education; the Administrative Revolving Loan and Project account in the Department of Environmental Protection; the Kennebec Fisheries account in the Department of Marine Resources; the Nongame Endangered Species account, Resource Management - Land account, Fisheries and Hatcheries OPS - Lake and River Protection Fund account, Enforcement Operations - Lake and River Protection Fund account, Maine Wildlife Park Fund A. The goal of the actuarial assumptions is to achieve a fully funded retirement system. B. The retirement system's unfunded liability for persons formerly subject to the Maine Revised Statutes of 1944, chapter 37, sections 212 to 220 must be repaid to the system from annual appropriations over the funding period of the retirement system. C. This section may not be construed to require the State to appropriate and transfer funds to meet the obligations of participating local districts to the retirement system. 170 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 account, Public Information and Education - Lake and River Protection Fund account and Maine Outdoor Heritage Fund account in the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife; the Audit - Unorganized Territory account in the Department of Audit; and the Certified Seed Fund account in the Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Resources. OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS ($2,724,765) __________ SECTION TOTAL ALL FUNDS ($68,483,585) Sec. R-6. Appropriations and allocations. Sec. R-5. Appropriations and allocations. LEGISLATURE Legislature ADMINISTRATIVE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF Initiative: Reduces funding by extending the amortization schedule for the unfunded actuarial liability of the Maine State Retirement System from 14 years to 23 years. Departments and Agencies - Statewide 0016 GENERAL FUND Personal Services Initiative: Reduces funding by extending the amortization schedule for the unfunded actuarial liability of the Maine State Retirement System from 14 years to 23 years. GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2006-07 ($10,836,208) __________ ($10,836,208) 2005-06 ($2,724,765) __________ 2006-07 ($2,879,108) __________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS ($2,724,765) ($2,879,108) Law and Legislative Reference Library OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 GENERAL FUND ($10,258,373) OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS ($2,724,765) __________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS ($12,983,138) GENERAL FUND EDUCATION, DEPARTMENT OF DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2006-07 ($10,836,208) GENERAL FUND Personal Services ($2,879,108) __________ GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS SECTION TOTALS GENERAL FUND ($55,550,447) ($58,552,627) ($65,758,820) 2005-06 ($34,064) __________ ($34,064) 2006-07 ($35,753) __________ ($35,753) ($34,064) __________ ($35,753) __________ ($34,064) ($35,753) Initiative: Reduces funding by extending the amortization schedule for the unfunded actuarial liability of the Maine State Retirement System from 14 years to 23 years. GENERAL FUND Personal Services GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 ($415,586) Office of Program Evaluation and Governmental Accountability 2006-07 ($58,552,627) __________ ($391,065) OFFICE OF PROGRAM EVALUATION AND GOVERNMENTAL ACCOUNTABILITY 2006-07 ($58,552,627) __________ ($58,552,627) ($55,500,447) __________ ($415,586) __________ LAW AND LEGISLATIVE REFERENCE LIBRARY, DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 ($13,715,316) GENERAL FUND 2005-06 ($391,065) __________ Initiative: Reduces funding by extending the amortization schedule for the unfunded actuarial liability of the Maine State Retirement System from 14 years to 23 years. Initiative: Provides for a reduction in funding by extending the amortization schedule for the unfunded actuarial liability of the Maine State Retirement System from 14 years to 23 years. GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2006-07 LAW AND LEGISLATIVE REFERENCE LIBRARY Teacher Retirement 0170 2005-06 ($55,500,447) __________ ($55,500,447) 2006-07 ($415,586) __________ ($415,586) LEGISLATURE, DEPARTMENT OF DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 EDUCATION, DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL FUND All Other 2005-06 ($391,065) __________ ($391,065) 2005-06 ($10,258,373) __________ ($10,258,373) OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Personal Services ($72,267,943) The following appropriations and allocations are made. The following appropriations and allocations are made. GENERAL FUND Personal Services ($2,879,108) __________ 2005-06 ($17,557) __________ ($17,557) OFFICE OF PROGRAM EVALUATION AND GOVERNMENTAL ACCOUNTABILITY, DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 ($69,388,835) GENERAL FUND 171 ($17,557) 2006-07 ($19,151) __________ ($19,151) 2006-07 ($19,151) PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 __________ __________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS ($17,557) ($19,151) SECTION TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 GENERAL FUND SECTION TOTAL ALL FUNDS ($442,686) __________ ($470,490) __________ ($442,686) ($470,490) 2. Significant action recommended by State Budget Officer. The Department of Administrative and Financial Services, Bureau of the Budget shall inform the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over appropriations and financial affairs, through the Office of Fiscal and Program Review, of significant action recommended by the bureau in the performance of assigned budget responsibilities. PART S 3. Personal Services funding. The total number of positions and the costs appropriated or allocated in any program may not, during any fiscal year, vary either from the positions included in computing the total dollars appropriated or allocated for Personal Services or in the specific cost of each position upon which the appropriations and allocations are based. This subsection does not apply to positions funded by the Maine Military Authority Enterprise Fund. The State Budget Officer shall take the action necessary to ensure compliance with this section except as provided for in this section and section 1583-B. Sec. S-1. 36 MRSA §1760, sub-§31, ¶A, as amended by PL 2003, c. 20, Pt. Z, §1, is further amended to read: A. For use by the purchaser directly and primarily in the production of tangible personal property intended to be sold or leased ultimately for final use or consumption or in the production of tangible personal property pursuant to a contract with the United States Government or any agency thereof, or, in the case of sales occurring after June 30, 2005 2007, in the generation of radio and television broadcast signals by broadcast stations regulated under 47 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 73. This exemption applies even if the purchaser sells the machinery or equipment and leases it back in a sale and leaseback transaction. This exemption also applies whether the purchaser agrees before or after the purchase of the machinery or equipment to enter into the sale and leaseback transaction and whether the purchaser's use of the machinery or equipment in production commences before or after the sale and leaseback transaction occurs; and 4. Use of savings; personal services funds. Savings accrued from unused funding of employee benefits may not be used to increase services provided by employees. Accrued salary savings generated from vacant positions within an appropriation or allocation for Personal Services may be used for the payment of nonrecurring Personal Services costs only within the account where the savings exist. Accrued savings generated from vacant positions within a General Fund account's appropriation for Personal Services may be used to offset Personal Services shortfalls in other General Fund accounts that occur as a direct result of Personal Services appropriation reductions for projected vacancies; except that the transfer of such accrued savings is subject to review by the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over appropriations and financial affairs. Costs related to acting capacity appointments and emergency, unbudgeted overtime for which it is impractical to budget in advance may be used with the approval of the appointing authority. Other actions such as retroactive compensation for reclassifications or reallocations and retroactive or one-time settlements related to arbitrator or court decisions must be recommended by the department or agency head and approved by the State Budget Officer. Salary and employee benefits savings may not be used to fund recurring Personal Services actions either in the account where the savings exist or in another account. PART T Sec. T-1. 5 MRSA §1582, as amended by PL 1975, c. 771, §71, is further amended to read: §1582. Handling appropriations No appropriations Appropriations to any state department or agency shall do not become available for expenditure until allotted upon the basis of the work program duly approved by the Governor as provided. 1. New or expanded programs. A state department may not establish a new program or expand an existing program beyond the scope of the program already established, recognized and approved by the Legislature until the program and the method of financing are submitted to the Department of Administrative and Financial Services, Bureau of the Budget for evaluation and recommendation to the Legislature and until the funds are made available for the program by the Legislature. Sec. T-2. 5 MRSA §1583-A, as amended by PL 1999, c. 401, Pt. J, §1, is further amended to read: §1583-A. Creation of positions Notwithstanding any other provision of law, limited period, project or any other temporary positions 172 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 may be established by financial order so long as the end date for such those positions does not exceed the statutory adjournment date for the next regular session of the Legislature. Temporary positions established by financial order may not be continued past the statutory adjournment date unless the Legislature specifically appropriates or allocates funds to continue those positions. the Director of the Bureau of Human Resources within the Department of Administrative and Financial Services to ensure that classified and unclassified positions are assigned to the proper pay grade and of the State Budget Officer to ensure that the positions are within authorized headcount and funds. 2. Personal services flexibility. Any classification or reclassification of a position and any allocation or reallocation of a position within the compensation plan made by the Director of the Bureau of Human Resources within the Department of Administrative and Financial Services pursuant to the Civil Service Law and applicable rules becomes effective on the first day of the fiscal year following approval by the State Budget Officer and the appropriation or allocation of funds therefore, except that the State Budget Officer may, if the officer determines that sufficient funds exist, authorize an effective date prior to the first day of the ensuing fiscal year. 2. Workers' compensation positions. Limitedperiod positions may be established for former regular employees of the State who are presently receiving workers' compensation payments from the State when that action enables those employees to return to productive employment with the State. These positions may be established, if funds are available, only until those employees can be returned to regular positions. Notwithstanding any other restrictions on funds appropriated or allocated, the State Budget Officer may, after determining that funds are available, either approve the use of these funds or recommend appropriate action to the Governor when the Governor's approval is required. Available funds may include amounts appropriated or allocated for Personal Services, including funds in any salary account or special account for state employee salary increases, All Other, Capital Expenditures and unallocated. §1583-C. Seasonal or temporary employees All appointing authorities in State Government shall inform all employees who are hired for or appointed to seasonal, temporary or time-limited positions of the approximate date of termination of employment at the time of hire or appointment. 3. Number of necessary employees. The Governor and the State Budget Officer when preparing the budget proposals for the Legislature may at their discretion make the necessary adjustments to reflect the number of limited-period positions that, in their opinion, are necessary to the proper operation of each department, institution or agency. Sec. T-4. 5 MRSA §1585, sub-§4 is enacted to read: 4. Reorganization of departments. A state department or agency may not transfer Positions or Personal Services, All Other or Capital Expenditures funding between accounts when the expenditures will allow an action to take place that will cause an increased appropriation or allocation request in the Part I current services budget for any program. 4. Federally funded programs. If federal funds are not available as anticipated for programs, there is no obligation to provide state funds in excess of those appropriated or allocated by the Legislature. Positions entirely or partially funded by federal or nonstate sources of funds are considered limitedperiod positions. Sec. T-5. 5 MRSA §1589, first ¶, as amended by PL 2003, c. 641, §1, is further amended to read: The State Controller may close the books as soon as practicable after the close of the fiscal year. Any bills or invoices presented after that date may be paid from appropriations or allocations for the ensuing year on the recommendation of the State Controller if within the amounts of approved allotments. At the end of each fiscal year, unencumbered appropriation and allocation balances lapse into the appropriate fund and are not available unless authorized by law. Encumbered balances may not be carried forward more than once at the end of a fiscal year, except that all encumbered balances and accounts for financial assistance and regional planning grants in accordance with Title 30-A, chapter 187 may be carried forward for 2 years beyond the year in which those balances are encumbered. Sec. T-3. 5 MRSA §§1583-B and 1583-C are enacted to read: §1583-B. Personal services policy 1. Personal services policy and review. The Department of Administrative and Financial Services, Bureau of the Budget shall continually review with all state departments the status of their staffing levels and patterns for the purpose of determining whether funds and positions are being utilized and managed in the most economical and efficient manner to accomplish the intent of the Legislature. Permanent positions for which funds are appropriated or allocated must be classified positions unless specifically designated otherwise by the Legislature. It is the responsibility of 173 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 Sec. T-6. 5 MRSA §1666, as amended by PL 1995, c. 464, §14, is further amended by adding after the first paragraph a new paragraph to read: B. Failure to allot the funds under subsection 1 could have a significant detrimental impact on current programs. The Governor, when submitting the budget to the Legislature, shall submit the budget document and the General Fund and Highway Fund bills in a manner that identifies the gross amount of resources for each program. The gross unified budget bills and budget document encompass resources from the General Fund, Highway Fund, Federal Expenditures Fund, Federal Block Grant Fund and Other Special Revenue funds. Separate gross unified budget bills must be submitted for the General Fund and the Highway Fund. In case of extraordinary emergency situations, the requirements of subsection 4 may be waived by vote of the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over appropriations and financial affairs. Sec. T-8. 5 MRSA §1811, sub-§8, as corrected by RR 2003, c. 1, §3, is amended to read: 8. Cooperative purchasing. To permit any political subdivision or school administrative district in the State or nonprofit free health care clinic that provides free primary or preventative services to make purchases of foodstuffs, materials, equipment and supplies through the Bureau of General Services, subject to such procedures, rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the director. This subsection applies to a municipality notwithstanding any provision in its municipal charter to the contrary; and Sec. T-7. 5 MRSA §1667-B is enacted to read: §1667-B. Allotment in excess of legislatively authorized allocations Allotments in Other Special Revenue funds accounts and internal service fund accounts may exceed current year allocations and the unused balance of allocations authorized to carry forward by law under the following conditions, except that funds in Other Special Revenue funds accounts and internal service fund accounts must be expended in accordance with the statutes that establish the accounts and for no other purpose: Sec. T-9. 5 MRSA §1811, sub-§9, ¶K, as amended by PL 1991, c. 780, Pt. Y, §66, is further amended to read: K. The Director of the Bureau of General Services shall report to the joint standing committees of the legislature Legislature having jurisdiction over state and local government matters and appropriations and financial affairs matters by February 15th of each year with respect to the status of current vehicle operations, projected requirements, anticipated costs and savings realized to date for each fiscal year.; 1. Sufficient cash. Sufficient cash is available from the Other Special Revenue funds accounts, the internal service fund accounts or the unencumbered balance authorized to carry forward by law; 2. Recommendation and approval. Allotment of the funds under subsection 1 is recommended by the State Budget Officer and approved by the Governor by financial order as an allotment increase in the annual work program; Sec. T-10. 5 MRSA §1811, sub-§§10 and 11 are enacted to read: 10. Equipment to be reviewed. To choose a designee to conduct a thorough review of all types of equipment, including automobiles, pickups and vans, owned, leased or otherwise available to the departments and agencies of the State, regardless of the source of supporting funds, and to make recommendations via the budgetary process for combining the uses of the equipment, providing centralized facilities or eliminating existing equipment and facilities, as believed to be most economical and efficient for the State. The department may also develop and institute review and control mechanisms considered necessary to ensure that capital equipment purchases authorized by the Legislature are consistent with the intent for which funds were recommended and made available; and 3. Legislative review. Allotment of the funds under subsection 1 is subject to review by the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over appropriations and financial affairs; 4. 30-day wait. Allotment of the funds under subsection 1 does not take effect until 30 days after the approval by the Governor; and 5. Collective bargaining; detrimental effect. Either one of the following: A. Allotment of the funds under subsection 1 is required to provide for the costs of approved collective bargaining agreements; or 11. Motor vehicle replacement policy. To require that requisitions for replacement motor vehicles include the age and total mileage of the motor vehicles 174 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 being replaced. For the purposes of this subsection, "motor vehicles" means passenger cars and panel and pickup trucks, excluding those vehicles authorized and assigned for pursuit purposes. Under no circumstances are any state vehicles to be used for commuting purposes. It is the intent of the Legislature that motor vehicles be in service for at least 5 years or 75,000 miles, whichever occurs first, before they are replaced. This policy must also be adopted by the State Budget Officer when preparing a budget document. Exceptions to this replacement policy require the prior approval of the Commissioner of Administrative and Financial Services. The Commissioner of Administrative and Financial Services may also set appropriate standards with regard to motor vehicle type, size and equipment and direct that all motor vehicles be purchased in accordance with a commodity calendar established by the Director of the Bureau of General Services. section must be carried forward at the end of each fiscal year, and the budgeted transfers to the administrative account for the ensuing fiscal year must be proportionally reduced by the amount of that carried balance. Notwithstanding section 685-D, beginning with fiscal year 1991-92 2005-06, funding for planning services and activities of the commission must be assessed and allocated to the unorganized territory in an amount not to exceed 10% 18% of the total General Fund appropriation to the commission. Sec. T-11. 5 MRSA §1877-A, sub-§4 is en- Sec. U-2. 12 MRSA §9326 is enacted to read: PART U Sec. U-1. 12 MRSA §685-E, first ¶, as enacted by PL 1991, c. 528, Pt. LL, §1 and affected by Pt. RRR and enacted by c. 591, Pt. LL, §1, is amended to read: acted to read: §9326. Pilot project for issuing permits electronically 4. State cost allocation program. The state cost allocation program must annually identify the kind and cost of central services furnished to each state agency from General Fund appropriations. The non-General Fund portion of each agency must be assessed for these services as determined by the state cost allocation program procedures to the extent that payments are not expressly prohibited by state or federal law or by the terms of a gift or donation made to the State from private sources. These payments must be credited to the General Fund as undedicated revenue. The state cost allocation program may provide for the separate assessment of certain statewide single audit costs to federally funded programs. The commissioner, or the commissioner's designee, may adjust this assessment to any individual account. The Director of the Bureau of Forestry shall develop or cause to be developed a system to electronically issue permits for burning using a publicly accessible site on the Internet. Beginning July 1, 2005, the director may issue permits electronically for burning within the unorganized territory and within the southernmost region of the 3 geographic regions of the State established in accordance with section 8906. For the purposes of this section, the unorganized territory and the southernmost region are referred to as "the pilot region." The system developed under this section for electronically issuing permits must provide a fire warden with the ability to change the criteria for issuing a permit in a municipality except for times when the director imposes more restrictive criteria or a ban on the issuance of permits. Non-General Fund resources that contribute to funding costs related to general departmentwide functions, such as accounting, personnel administration, maintenance of property records and general purchasing, that have been made available to an account by legislative action may be consolidated into one or more administrative accounts, unless such a consolidation is expressly prohibited by state or federal law. All resources and costs affected by such a consolidation must be properly identified and included in the budget process in accordance with chapter 149. When the Legislature is not in session and upon recommendation of the State Budget Officer, the Governor may approve necessary adjustments to these consolidations for a period not to extend beyond the end of the current fiscal year. The Director of the Office of Fiscal and Program Review must be notified of any such action. The unencumbered balance of each administrative account established pursuant to this Beginning July 1, 2005, a person may apply for a permit to burn within the pilot region using the Internet or as otherwise provided in this article. When a person applies for and is issued a permit electronically using the Internet, a fee of $7 must be paid. From the $7 fee, $6 must be deposited in the General Fund and the remainder of $1 must be used to cover administrative costs. Sec. U-3. Report. No later than February 1, 2006, the Commissioner of Conservation shall provide the Joint Standing Committee on Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry with a preliminary report on the pilot project for issuing burn permits electronically authorized under the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 12, section 9326. No later than February 1, 2007, the Commissioner of Conservation shall submit 175 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 a report to the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over forestry matters on the pilot project, including information on the number of permits issued electronically, the number issued electronically as a percent of total permits issued in the pilot region and the revenue generated and costs associated with the electronic issuance of permits. The commissioner shall include recommendations for the continuance, discontinuance or expansion of the program. All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL CONSERVATION, DEPARTMENT OF DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 GENERAL FUND $285,871 Sec. V-2. Continuation of health insurance. Notwithstanding the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 5, section 285, subsection 7 and section 903, the State shall continue to pay health and dental insurance benefits for state employees who apply prior to July 1, 2007 to participate in a voluntary employee incentive program based upon the scheduled workweek in effect prior to the employee's participation in the voluntary employee incentive program. Sec. V-3. Continuation of group life inNotwithstanding the Maine Revised surance. Statutes, Title 5, sections 903 and 18056 and the rules of the Maine State Retirement System, the life, accidental death and dismemberment, supplemental and dependent insurance amounts for a state employee who applies prior to July 1, 2007 to participate in a voluntary employee incentive program are based upon the scheduled hours of the employee prior to the employee's participation in the voluntary employee incentive program. Sec. U-7. Appropriations and allocations. The following appropriations and allocations are made. CONSERVATION, DEPARTMENT OF Parks - General Operations 0221 Sec. V-4. General Fund savings. Notwithstanding the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 5, section 1585, the State Budget Officer shall transfer the General Fund savings resulting from the voluntary employee incentive programs to the General Fund Compensation and Benefit Plan account in the Department of Administrative and Financial Services. The State Budget Officer shall submit to the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over appropriations and financial affairs a report of the transferred amounts no later than January 15, 2007. Initiative: Provides additional funding for the maintenance of state parks. 2006-07 $132,245 __________ $132,245 Land Use Regulation Commission 0236 Initiative: Appropriates funds for 2 additional Senior Planner positions. 2005-06 2.000 $133,722 $275,967 Statutes, Title 5, section 903, subsections 1 and 2, the Commissioner of Administrative and Financial Services shall offer for use prior to July 1, 2007 special voluntary employee incentive programs for state employees, including a 50% workweek option, flexible position staffing and time off without pay. Employee participation in a voluntary employee incentive program is subject to the approval of the employee's appointing authority. Sec. U-6. Report. No later than November 15, 2005, the Commissioner of Conservation shall provide the Joint Standing Committee on Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry and the Joint Standing Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs with a detailed plan regarding the demonstration forestry activities that will be employed by the Department of Conservation to generate the additional General Fund revenues specified in section 5 of this Part. The commissioner shall report to both committees on an ongoing basis on any plans of the department to generate additional General Fund revenue from any demonstration forestry activity. GENERAL FUND Positions - Legislative Count Personal Services $285,871 __________ Sec. V-1. Voluntary employee incentive programs. Notwithstanding the Maine Revised Sec. U-5. Additional revenue. Demonstration forestry activities employed by the Department of Conservation, Bureau of Parks and Lands are expected to increase General Fund undedicated revenue by $200,000 in fiscal year 2005-06 and $300,000 in fiscal year 2006-07. GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2006-07 PART V ment of Conservation, Bureau of Parks and Lands shall impose a $1 increase in the adult day-use fee charged at state parks that provide lifeguard coverage. This fee increase is expected to increase General Fund undedicated revenue by $264,490 in each year of the biennium. 2005-06 $132,245 __________ $132,245 $10,000 __________ $153,626 $275,967 __________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS Sec. U-4. Additional revenue. The Depart- GENERAL FUND All Other $10,000 __________ $143,722 2006-07 2.000 $143,626 176 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 Sec. V-5. Lapsed balances. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, $350,000 in fiscal year 2005-06 and $350,000 in fiscal year 2006-07 of savings identified from the voluntary employee incentive programs in this Part lapse to the General Fund. ($200,000) §1, are further amended to read: B. Thirty-five percent from July 1, 2002 to July 31, 2003; and Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Protection shall review the current organizational structure and functions of the department to determine cost reductions and shall calculate the amount of savings in section 2 that applies against each General Fund and Other Special Revenue funds account within the department. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the State Budget Officer shall transfer the amounts by financial order upon the approval of the Governor. These transfers are considered adjustments to appropriations and allocations in fiscal years 2005-06 and 2006-07. The State Controller shall transfer the savings identified in the Other Special Revenue funds accounts to the General Fund as unappropriated surplus. The State Budget Officer shall provide the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over appropriations and financial affairs and the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over natural resources matters a report of the transferred amounts no later than November 1, 2005. C. Forty percent after July 31 from August 1, 2003. to September 30, 2005; and Sec. X-2. 20-A MRSA §13451, sub-§3, ¶D is enacted to read: D. Forty-five percent after September 30, 2005. Sec. X-3. 20-A MRSA §13451, sub-§3-B is enacted to read: 3-B. Plan experience. If at the end of a contract year a plan under this section experiences a rebate, investment gain or other positive gains, the State shall share that gain at the same percentage of premium participation. Sec. X-4. Appropriations and allocations. The following appropriations and allocations are made. EDUCATION, DEPARTMENT OF Sec. W-2. Appropriations and allocations. Retired Teachers' Health Insurance 0854 The following appropriations and allocations are made. Initiative: Provides funding for the increase in the state share of retired teachers' health insurance from 40% to 45%, beginning October 1, 2005. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, DEPARTMENT OF Departmentwide DEP 0680 GENERAL FUND All Other Initiative: Deappropriates funds from savings achieved through function and cost reductions. Reductions may be realized through the deappropriation of funds for the Southern Maine Regional Director (PSE I) position (#083300041) in the amount of $107,636 in fiscal year 2005-06 and $110,880 in fiscal year 2006-07. The legislative position count shall remain within the Department of Environmental Protection in the event that future funding for this position is forthcoming. Reductions may not be realized through the elimination of a Clerk Typist II position (#083301257) in the Bangor office and a Clerk Typist II position (#083001852) in the Presque Isle office. OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Unallocated ($200,000) Sec. X-1. 20-A MRSA §13451, sub-§3, ¶¶B and C, as amended by PL 2003, c. 451, Pt. OO, Sec. W-1. Cost reduction savings; Department of Environmental Protection. The GENERAL FUND TOTAL __________ PART X PART W GENERAL FUND Unallocated __________ OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 ($219,715) __________ ($219,715) 2006-07 ($215,133) __________ ($215,133) 2005-06 ($200,000) 2006-07 ($200,000) GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 $1,323,566 __________ $1,323,566 2006-07 $1,888,288 __________ $1,888,288 PART Y Sec. Y-1. Department of Corrections; overtime. Notwithstanding the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 5, section 1585 or any other provision of law, the Department of Corrections is authorized to transfer, by financial order, Personal Services, All Other or Capital Expenditures funding between accounts within the same fund for the purpose of paying overtime expenses. Sec. Y-2. Additional revenue. The Long Creek Youth Development Center within the Department of Corrections expects to increase General Fund undedicated revenue by $379,600 in fiscal year 2005-06 and $474,500 in fiscal year 2006-07 through boarding juveniles from other governmental entities. 177 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 Sec. Y-3. Additional revenue. By working with the Judicial Department to assess fees on more probationers, improving the department's collections of supervision fees using technology and imposing supervision fees on out-of-state probationers, the Adult Community Corrections program within the Department of Corrections expects to increase General Fund undedicated revenue by $290,000 in fiscal year 2005-06 and $290,000 in fiscal year 2006-07. PART Z Sec. Z-1. 12 MRSA §10202, sub-§9, as affected by PL 2003, c. 614, §9 and amended by c. 655, Pt. B, §43 and affected by §422, is further amended to read: 9. Fiscal Stability Program. The Fiscal Stability Program is established to ensure that the general public and hunters and anglers share the cost of the fish and wildlife conservation programs of the department. To achieve this goal, beginning with the 2006-2007 2008-2009 biennial budget and for each biennial budget thereafter, the biennial budget submitted by the executive branch must include an additional General Fund appropriation of 18% in excess of the department's requested biennial budget. PART AA Sec. AA-1. Tax expenditures. The following tax expenditures for fiscal years 2005-06 and 2006-07, in accordance with the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 5, section 1666, will continue in effect unless repealed or modified by the 122nd Legislature. General Fund Sales and Use Tax Expenditures 36 MRSA FY'06 FY'07 Casual Sales 1752 sub§11 D D Sales by Executors 1752 sub§11 A A Separately Charged Labor Service Fees 1752 sub§14 $23,397,465 $24,450,351 Tips Given Directly to Employees 1752 sub§14 $690,409 $711,121 Sales Tax Prohibited by the Federal and State Constitutions 1760 sub§1 D D 178 Sales to the State and Political Subdivisions 1760 sub§2 $113,368,153 $115,635,517 Grocery Staples 1760 sub§3 $54,064,440 $55,704,480 Ships Stores 1760 sub§4 C C Prescription Drugs 1760 sub§5 $15,708,360 $16,286,640 Prosthetic Devices 1760 sub§5A $1,409,866 $1,466,260 Meals Served by Public or Private Schools 1760 sub§6 ¶A $9,037,403 $9,308,524 Meals Served to Patients in Hospitals and Nursing Homes 1760 sub§6 ¶B E E Providing Meals for the Elderly 1760 sub§6 ¶C $370,448 $372,300 Providing Meals to Residents of Certain Nonprofit Congregate Housing Facilities 1760 sub§6 ¶D A A Certain Meals Served by Colleges to Employees of the College 1760 sub§6 ¶E A A Products Used in Agricultural and Aquacultural Production and Bait 1760 sub§7 $5,403,600 $5,403,600 Certain Jet Fuel 1760 sub§8 ¶B $2,029,118 $2,089,992 Coal, Oil and Wood for Cooking and Heating Homes 1760 sub§9 $23,880,120 $24,448,920 Fuel Oil for Burning Blueberry Land 1760 sub§9A A A FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 First 750 KW Hours of Residential Electricity Per Month 1760 sub§9B $19,130,640 $19,595,160 Gas When Used for Cooking and Heating in Residences 1760 sub§9C $3,573,960 $3,649,800 Fuel and Electricity Used in Manufacturing 1760 sub§9D $36,720,469 $37,454,879 Fuel Oil or Coal that becomes an Ingredient or Component Part 1760 sub§9G A A Certain Returnable Containers 1760 sub§12 Packaging Materials 1760 sub§12A Publications Sold on Short Intervals $996,990 Automobiles Used in Driver Education Programs 1760 sub§21 A A Automobiles Sold to Amputee Veterans 1760 sub§22 A A Certain Vehicles Purchased or Leased by Nonresidents 1760 sub§23C C C Funeral Services 1760 sub§24 $2,787,120 $2,891,400 Watercraft Purchased by Nonresidents 1760 sub§25 B B Snowmobiles and All-terrain Vehicles Purchased by Nonresidents 1760 sub§§25A, 25B B B Sales to Ambulance Services and Fire Departments 1760 sub§26 B B Sales to Community Mental Health, Substance Abuse and Mental Retardation Facilities 1760 sub§28 B B Water Pollution Control Facilities 1760 sub§29 C C Air Pollution Control Facilities 1760 sub§30 C C Machinery and Equipment 1760 sub§31 $31,037,520 $31,615,800 New Machinery for Experimental Research 1760 sub§32 B B Diabetic Supplies 1760 sub§33 $750,053 $780,055 Sales Through Coin-operated Vending Machines 1760 sub§34 $671,312 $701,521 $1,046,839 $12,333,480 $12,447,240 1760 sub§14 $3,630,840 $3,735,120 Sales to Hospitals, Research Centers, Churches and Schools 1760 sub§16 F F Camp Rentals 1760 sub§17 B B Rental Charges for Living Quarters in Nursing Homes and Hospitals 1760 sub§18 C C Sales to Certain Nonprofit Residential Child Care Institutions 1760 sub§18A B Rental of Living Quarters at Schools 1760 sub§19 E E Rental Charges on Continuous Residence for More Than 28 Days 1760 sub§20 $21,301,560 $21,652,320 B 179 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 Goods and Services for Seeing Eye Dogs 1760 sub§35 A A Sales to Regional Planning Agencies 1760 sub§37 A A Water Used in Private Residences 1760 sub§39 $7,631,400 Mobile and Modular Homes 1760 sub§40 Property Used in Interstate Commerce Sales to Veterans' Memorial Cemetery Associations 1760 sub§51 A A Railroad Track Materials 1760 sub§52 $49,315 $50,301 $7,811,520 Sales to Nonprofit Rescue Operations 1760 sub§53 A A $3,887,878 $4,082,272 Items Purchased with Food Stamps 1760 sub§54 $662,953 $669,583 1760 sub§41 C C Sales to Hospice Organizations 1760 sub§55 A A B B 1760 sub§56 C 1760 sub§42 Sales to Nonprofit Youth and Scouting Organizations C Sales to Historical Societies and Museums Sales to Day Care Centers and Nursery Schools 1760 sub§43 B B Self-help Literature on Alcoholism 1760 sub§57 A A Sales to Church Affiliated Residential Homes 1760 sub§44 A A Portable Classrooms 1760 sub§58 A A 1760 sub§59 A A Certain Property Purchased Out-of-State 1760 sub§45 A A Sales to Certain Incorporated Nonprofit Educational Organizations Sales to Organizations that Provide Residential Facilities for Medical Patients 1760 sub§46 A A Sales to Incorporated Nonprofit Animal Shelters 1760 sub§60 A A 1760 sub§61 D D Sales to Emergency Shelters and Feeding Organizations 1760 sub§47A Construction Contracts with Exempt Organizations 1760 sub§62 A A Sales to Community Action Agencies; Child Abuse Councils; Child Advocacy Organizations 1760 sub§49 Sales to Certain Charitable Suppliers of Medical Equipment 1760 sub§63 A A Sales to any Nonprofit Free Libraries 1760 sub§50 Sales to Organizations that Fulfill the Wishes of Children with Life-threatening Diseases A C B A C B 180 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 Sales by Schools and Schoolsponsored Organizations 1760 sub§64 C C Sales to Monasteries and Convents 1760 sub§65 A A Sales to Providers of Certain Support Systems for Single-parent Families 1760 sub§66 A A Sales to Nonprofit Home Construction Organizations 1760 sub§67 Sales to Organizations that Create and Maintain a Registry of Vietnam Veterans 1760 sub§69 Sales to Organizations that Provide Certain Services for Hearing-impaired Persons 1760 sub§70 Sales to Statechartered Credit Unions 1760 sub§71 A Sales to Nonprofit Housing Development Organizations 1760 sub§72 B B Seedlings for Commercial Forestry Use 1760 sub§73 B B Property Used in Manufacturing Production 1760 sub§74 $222,912,720 $227,178,720 Meals and Lodging Provided to Employees 1760 sub§75 $2,447,297 $2,545,189 Certain Aircraft Parts 1760 sub§76 A A Sales to Eye Banks 1760 sub§77 A A A A A A A A A 181 Sales of Certain Farm Animal Bedding and Hay 1760 sub§78 A A Partial Exemption For Clean Fuel Vehicles 1760 sub§79 B $0 Electricity Used for Net Billing 1760 sub§80 A A Animal Waste Storage Facility 1760 sub§81 A A Sales of Property Delivered Outside this State 1760 sub§82 F F Sales of Certain Printed Materials 1760 sub§83 C C Sales to Centers for Innovation 1760 sub§84 A A Certain Sales by an Auxiliary Organization of the American Legion 1760 sub§85 B B Construction Contracts with Qualified Development Zone Businesses 1760 sub§86 $408,825 $474,000 Sales of Tangible Personal Property to Qualified Development Zone Businesses 1760 sub§87 $9,534 $17,480 Trade-in Credits 1765 $28,445,558 $29,867,836 Sales Tax Credit on Worthless Accounts 1811-A A A Credit for Sales Taxes Paid to Another State 1862 A A Returned Merchandise Donated to Charity 1863 B B PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 Merchandise Donated from a Retailer's Inventory to Exempt Organizations 1864 Refund of Sales Tax on Goods Removed from the State 2012 Refund of Sales Tax on Certain Depreciable Machinery and Equipment 2013 Fish Passage Facilities 2014 Barber Shop, Beauty Parlor and Health Club Services 1752 sub§11 Cleaning, Storage and Repair of Clothing and Shoes 1752 sub§11 $4,030,744 Business and Legal Services Purchased by Consumers 1752 sub§11 $15,317,711 Amusement and Recreational Services 1752 sub§11 Health Services 1752 sub§11 $229,741,716 $239,161,126 Educational Services 1752 sub§11 $30,909,905 $32,579,039 Social, Religious, Welfare, Membership and Other Organization Services 1752 sub§11 $56,667,448 $59,047,481 Finance, Insurance and Real Estate Services 1752 sub§11 B A $9,282,491 Professional, Scientific and Technical Services 1752 sub§11 $116,381,557 $122,317,016 Administrative and Support Services 1752 sub§11 $69,772,458 $74,028,578 Information Services 1752 sub§11 $19,575,740 $20,711,133 Transportation and Warehousing Services 1752 sub§11 $58,919,448 $62,160,017 Construction Services 1752 sub§11 $140,656,550 $147,267,408 Management of Companies and Enterprises Services 1752 sub§11 $54,040,892 $56,256,568 36 MRSA $4,159,728 General Fund Excise Tax and Insurance Premium Tax Expenditures $15,899,784 Excise Tax Exemption on Jet or Turbojet Fuel B A $9,653,791 A A $4,877,201 $5,033,271 $16,790,545 $294,230,568 $17,411,795 $304,528,637 182 FY'06 FY'07 2903 $629,190 $635,482 Fuel Brought into the State in the Fuel Tanks of Aircraft 2903 A A Refund of Excise Tax on Fuel Used in Piston Aircraft 2910 $59,000 $60,000 Insurance Company Exclusions From Premiums Tax 2514 B B Deductions of Dividends and Direct Return Premiums 2515 A A Insurance Company Tax Credit for Employerassisted Day Care 2524 A A FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 Insurance Company Tax Credit for Employerprovided Longterm Care Benefits 2525 Solid Waste Reduction Investment Tax Credit for Insurance Companies 2526 Educational Attainment Investment Tax Credit for Insurance Companies 2527 Recruitment Tax Credit for Insurance Companies 2528 Pine Tree Development Zone Tax Credit for Insurance Companies 2529 Cigarette Stamp Tax Deduction for Licensed Distributors 4366-A sub§2 $1,902,154 $1,885,577 Exemptions of the Real Estate Transfer Tax 4641-C C C Local Government Fund Sales and Use Tax Expenditures 36 MRSA FY'06 FY'07 Casual Sales 1752 sub§11 B B Sales by Executors 1752 sub§11 A A Separately Charged Labor Service Fees 1752 sub§14 $1,283,405 $1,341,158 Tips Given Directly to Employees 1752 sub§14 $37,871 $39,007 A A A A A Sales Tax Prohibited by the Federal and State Constitutions 1760 sub§1 B B Sales to the State and Political Subdivisions 1760 sub§2 $6,218,506 $6,342,876 Grocery Staples 1760 sub§3 $2,965,560 $3,055,520 Ships Stores 1760 sub§4 A A Prescription Drugs 1760 sub§5 $861,640 $893,360 Prosthetic Devices 1760 sub§5A $77,334 $80,428 1760 sub§6 ¶A $495,723 $510,594 A Meals Served by Public or Private Schools 1760 sub§6 ¶B B B A Meals Served to Patients in Hospitals and Nursing Homes Providing Meals for the Elderly 1760 sub§6 ¶C $20,320 $20,421 Providing Meals to Residents of Certain Nonprofit Congregate Housing Facilities 1760 sub§6 ¶D A A Certain Meals Served by Colleges to Employees of the College 1760 sub§6 ¶E A A Products Used in Agricultural and Aquacultural Production and Bait 1760 sub§7 $296,400 $296,400 Certain Jet Fuel 1760 sub§8 ¶B $111,302 $114,641 Coal, Oil and Wood for Cooking and Heating Homes 1760 sub§9 $1,309,880 $1,341,080 A A A 183 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 Fuel Oil for Burning Blueberry Land 1760 sub§9A A A First 750 KW Hours of Residential Electricity Per Month 1760 sub§9B $1,049,360 $1,074,840 Gas When Used for Cooking and Heating in Residences 1760 sub§9C $196,040 Fuel and Electricity Used in Manufacturing 1760 sub§9D $2,014,203 $2,054,487 Fuel Oil or Coal that becomes an Ingredient or Component Part 1760 sub§9G A A Certain Returnable Containers 1760 sub§12 $54,687 $57,422 Packaging Materials 1760 sub§12A $676,520 $682,760 Publications Sold on Short Intervals 1760 sub§14 $199,160 $204,880 Sales to Hospitals, Research Centers, Churches and Schools 1760 sub§16 C C Camp Rentals 1760 sub§17 A A Rental Charges for Living Quarters in Nursing Homes and Hospitals 1760 sub§18 A A Sales to Certain Nonprofit Residential Child Care Institutions 1760 sub§18A Rental of Living Quarters at Schools 1760 sub§19 A B Rental Charges on Continuous Residence for More Than 28 Days 1760 sub§20 $1,168,440 $1,187,680 Automobiles Used in Driver Education Programs 1760 sub§21 A A Automobiles Sold to Amputee Veterans 1760 sub§22 A A Certain Vehicles Purchased or Leased by Nonresidents 1760 sub§23C A A Funeral Services 1760 sub§24 $152,880 $158,600 Watercraft Purchased by Nonresidents 1760 sub§25 A A Snowmobiles and All-terrain Vehicles Purchased by Nonresidents 1760 sub§§25A, 25B A A Sales to Ambulance Services and Fire Departments 1760 sub§26 A A Sales to Community Mental Health, Substance Abuse and Mental Retardation Facilities 1760 sub§28 A A Water Pollution Control Facilities 1760 sub§29 A A Air Pollution Control Facilities 1760 sub§30 A A Machinery and Equipment 1760 sub§31 $1,702,480 $1,734,200 New Machinery for Experimental Research 1760 sub§32 A A Diabetic Supplies 1760 sub§33 $41,142 $42,788 $200,200 A B 184 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 Sales Through Coin-operated Vending Machines 1760 sub§34 $36,823 $38,480 Goods and Services for Seeing Eye Dogs 1760 sub§35 A A Sales to Regional Planning Agencies 1760 sub§37 A A Water Used in Private Residences 1760 sub§39 $418,600 $428,480 Mobile and Modular Homes 1760 sub§40 $213,259 $223,922 Property Used in Interstate Commerce 1760 sub§41 A A Sales to Historical Societies and Museums 1760 sub§42 A A Sales to Day Care Centers and Nursery Schools 1760 sub§43 A A Sales to Churchaffiliated Residential Homes 1760 sub§44 A A Certain Property Purchased Out-ofState 1760 sub§45 A A Sales to Organizations that Provide Residential Facilities for Medical Patients 1760 sub§46 A A Sales to Emergency Shelters and Feeding Organizations 1760 sub§47A Sales to Community Action Agencies; Child Abuse Councils; Child Advocacy Organizations 1760 sub§49 A A Sales to any Nonprofit Free Libraries 1760 sub§50 A A Sales to Veterans' Memorial Cemetery Associations 1760 sub§51 A A Railroad Track Materials 1760 sub§52 $2,705 $2,759 Sales to Nonprofit Rescue Operations 1760 sub§53 A A Items Purchased with Food Stamps 1760 sub§54 $36,365 $36,728 Sales to Hospice Organizations 1760 sub§55 A A Sales to Nonprofit Youth and Scouting Organizations 1760 sub§56 A A Self-help Literature on Alcoholism 1760 sub§57 A A Portable Classrooms 1760 sub§58 A A Sales to Certain Incorporated Nonprofit Educational Organizations 1760 sub§59 A A Sales to Incorporated Nonprofit Animal Shelters 1760 sub§60 A A 1760 sub§61 B B A Construction Contracts with Exempt Organizations 1760 sub§62 A A A Sales to Certain Charitable Suppliers of Medical Equipment 185 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 Sales to Organizations that Fulfill the Wishes of Children with Life- threatening Diseases 1760 sub§63 Sales by Schools and Schoolsponsored Organizations 1760 sub§64 Sales to Monasteries and Convents 1760 sub§65 A Sales to Providers of Certain Support Systems for Single-parent Families 1760 sub§66 A Sales to Nonprofit Home Construction Organizations 1760 sub§67 A Sales to Organizations that Create and Maintain a Registry of Vietnam Veterans 1760 sub§69 A Sales to Organizations that Provide Certain Services for Hearing-impaired Persons 1760 sub§70 A Sales to Statechartered Credit Unions 1760 sub§71 A A Sales to Nonprofit Housing Development Organizations 1760 sub§72 A A Seedlings for Commercial Forestry Use 1760 sub§73 A A Property Used in Manufacturing Production 1760 sub§74 $12,227,280 $12,461,280 Meals and Lodging Provided to Employees 1760 sub§75 $134,240 $139,610 A A A A A A A A A 186 Certain Aircraft Parts 1760 sub§76 A A Sales to Eye Banks 1760 sub§77 A A Sales of Certain Farm Animal Bedding and Hay 1760 sub§78 A A Partial Exemption for Clean Fuel Vehicles 1760 sub§79 A $0 Electricity Used for Net Billing 1760 sub§80 A A Animal Waste Storage Facility 1760 sub§81 A A Sales of Property Delivered Outside this State 1760 sub§82 C C Sales of Certain Printed Materials 1760 sub§83 A A Sales to Centers for Innovation 1760 sub§84 A A Certain Sales by an Auxiliary Organization of the American Legion 1760 sub§85 A A Construction Contracts with Qualified Development Zone Businesses 1760 sub§86 $22,425 $26,000 Sales of Tangible Personal Property to Qualified Development Zone Businesses 1760 sub§87 $523 $959 Trade-in Credits 1765 $1,560,305 $1,638,320 Sales Tax Credit on Worthless Accounts 1811-A A A Credit for Sales Taxes Paid to Another State 1862 A A FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 Returned Merchandise Donated to Charity 1863 A A Finance, Insurance and Real Estate Services 1752 sub§11 $16,139,229 $16,704,102 Merchandise Donated from a Retailer's Inventory to Exempt Organizations 1864 A A Professional, Scientific and Technical Services 1752 sub§11 $6,383,798 $6,709,372 1752 sub§11 $3,827,181 $4,060,639 Refund of Sales Tax on Goods Removed from the State 2012 Administrative and Support Services Information Services 1752 sub§11 $1,073,775 $1,136,054 Refund of Sales Tax on Certain Depreciable Machinery and Equipment 2013 Transportation and Warehousing Services 1752 sub§11 $3,231,868 $3,409,621 Construction Services 1752 sub§11 $7,715,338 $8,077,959 Fish Passage Facilities 2014 1752 sub§11 $2,964,268 $3,085,803 Barber Shop, Beauty Parlor and Health Club Services 1752 sub§11 Management of Companies and Enterprises Services 36 MRSA FY'06 FY'07 Cleaning, Storage and Repair of Clothing and Shoes 1752 sub§11 $221,096 H.O.M.E. Fund Excise Tax Expenditure Exemptions of the Real Estate Transfer Tax 4641-C C C Business and Legal Services Purchased by Consumers 1752 sub§11 $840,212 $872,140 Highway Fund Sales and Use Tax Expenditures 36 MRSA FY'06 FY'07 Amusement and Recreational Services 1752 sub§11 $921,000 $955,077 Motor Vehicle Fuel 1760 sub§8 $86,603,870 $87,497,068 Health Services 1752 sub§11 $12,601,866 $13,118,543 36 MRSA FY'06 FY'07 Educational Services 1752 sub§11 $1,695,480 $1,787,036 Highway Fund Gasoline and Special Fuel Tax Expenditures 2903 $826,325 $850,826 Social, Religious, Welfare Membership and Other Organization Services 1752 sub§11 $3,108,341 Local Government Exemption from the Gasoline Tax Federal Exemption from the Gasoline Tax 2903 $734,414 $756,189 A $509,166 A $529,533 A A $267,526 $276,087 $228,171 $3,238,891 187 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 Gasoline Exported from the State 2903 $63,550,860 $65,435,130 Fuel Brought into the State in Fuel Tanks of Autos and Trucks 2903 A A Gasoline Shrinkage Allowance 2906 $762,273 $782,955 Refund on Worthless Accounts 2906-A Refund of the Gasoline Tax for Off-highway Use and for Certain Bus Companies 2908 State and Local Government Exemption from the Special Fuel Tax 3204-A Distillate Fuel Credit for Worthless Accounts 3214 A A Refund of the Special Fuel Tax for Off-highway Use and for Certain Bus Companies 3218 $3,463,043 $3,613,043 Distillate Fuel Exported from the State 3204-A Exemptions by United States Law 3204-A $2,587,625 Dyed Fuel 3204-A Fuel Used Solely for Heating or Cooking 3204-A Fuel Sold for the Generation of Power for Resale or Manufacturing 3204-A General Fund Income Tax Expenditures 36 MRSA Individual Income Tax Exemptions of Interest on U.S. Obligations FY'06 FY'07 5122 sub§2 ¶A $6,230,892 $6,480,128 Deduction for Social Security Benefits Taxable at Federal Level 5122 sub§2 ¶C $26,126,824 $27,433,166 Deduction of Premiums Paid for Long-term Health Care Insurance 5122 sub§2 ¶L $1,349,261 $1,416,724 Deduction for Contributions to a Capital Construction Fund 5122 sub§2 ¶I C C Deduction for Qualified Withdrawal from Higher Education Account 5122 sub§2 ¶J C C Deduction for Pension Income 5122 sub§2 ¶M $12,795,650 $13,435,432 Deduction for Holocaust Victim Settlement Payments 5122 sub§2 ¶O A A Itemized Deductions 5125 $74,892,000 $79,726,800 $2,671,763 Income Tax Paid to Another Jurisdiction 5217-A $25,965,166 $27,263,424 $16,411,469 $16,946,679 5218 $3,756,924 $3,871,632 $7,676,896 $7,909,115 Income Tax Credit for Child Care Expense 5219-A $3,796 $3,416 $1,090,667 Retirement and Disability Tax Credit Income Taxes for Non-Maine Resident Servicemen 5142 sub§7 $3,327,364 $3,552,580 A $891,273 $2,355,550 $7,649,456 $1,056,222 A $921,477 $2,432,221 $7,898,920 188 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 Exempt Assocs. and Trusts from Fed. Tax are Exempt from the ME Corp Inc. Tax 5162 sub§2 Credit for Income Taxes Paid Another State on an Estate or Trust 5165 Tax Credit on a Resident Trust 5214-A A A Nonresident Trusts and Estates 5175 A A Corporate Income Tax Exemptions by U.S. Law 5200-A sub§2 ¶A $13,875,249 $14,014,002 Exclusion for a Portion of the Dividends Received from Uncombined Affiliates 5200-A sub§2 ¶G D D Double-weighted Sales Tax Apportionment Formula 5211 Single Sales Factor Apportionment for Mutual Fund Service Providers 5212 Jobs and Investment Tax Credit 5215 Maine Seed Capital Tax Credit A A $2,248,359 A A A 5217-B A A Forest Management Planning Tax Credit 5219-C A A Solid Waste Reduction Investment Tax Credit 5219-D B B Machinery and Equipment Investment Tax Credit 5219-E $124,875 $18,731 Research Expense Tax Credit 5219-K $254,142 $264,308 Super Research and Development Expense Tax Credit 5219-L $815,547 $856,324 High-technology Investment Tax Credit 5219-M $1,524,853 $1,585,847 Low-income Tax Credit 5219-N D D Dependent Health Insurance Tax Credit 5219-O A A Clean Fuel Vehicle Economic and Infrastructure Development Credit 5219-P A A Educational Attainment Investment Tax Credit 5219-U $834,158 $5,623,410 Recruitment Credit 5219-V $92,684 $173,920 Quality Child Care Investment Credit 5219-Q A A $2,270,842 A $1,047,747 $1,079,180 5216-B $864,083 $898,647 Family Development Account Credit 5216-C $20,331 $21,145 Employerassisted Child Care Tax Credit 5217 A Employerprovided Longterm Care Benefits Credit A 189 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 Credit for Rehabilitation of Historic Properties 5219-R $152,485 $158,585 State Earned Income Tax Credit 5219-S $1,444,514 $1,487,849 Deduction for Unreimbursed Teacher Expenses 5102 sub§11 $101,883 $0 Net Exclusion of Pension Contributions and Earnings (Employer Plans) 5102 sub§11 $95,366,927 $100,126,121 Net Exclusion of Pension Contributions and Earnings (Ind. Retire. Plans) 5102 sub§11 $15,741,950 Net Exclusion of Pension Contributions and Earnings (Keogh Plans) 5102 sub§11 Exclusion of Premiums on Accident and Disability Insurance 5102 sub§11 Deductibility of Casualty and Theft Losses 5102 sub§11 Exclusion of Untaxed Medicare Benefits 5102 sub§11 Deductibility of Medical Expenses 5102 sub§11 $15,358,548 $17,049,780 Excl. Contributions by Employers for Med. Insurance Premiums and Med. Care 5102 sub§11 $111,200,400 $120,993,357 $6,223,561 $2,471,120 $196,443 $34,229,588 $17,114,794 $6,589,653 $2,562,643 $241,995 $38,714,213 190 Exclusion of Public Assistance Benefits 5102 sub§11 $3,203,304 $3,294,827 Expensing Multiperiod Timber Growing Costs 5102 sub§11 $183,046 $183,046 Expensing of Exploration and Development Costs of Nonfuel Minerals 5102 sub§11 C C Excess of Percentage over Cost Depletion, Nonfuel Minerals 5102 sub§11 $134,827 $134,827 Excess of Percentage over Cost Depletion 5102 sub§11 $447,667 $447,667 Deferral of Income of Controlled Foreign Corporations 5102 sub§11 $1,354,502 $1,408,682 Expensing of Research and Development Expenditures 5102 sub§11 $568,800 $331,800 Exclusion of Benefits and Allowances to Armed Forces Personnel 5102 sub§11 $2,562,643 $2,654,166 Exclusion of Income of Foreign Sales Corporations 5102 sub§11 $2,831,360 $2,972,928 Exclusion of Income Earned Abroad by U.S. Citizens 5102 sub§11 $3,477,873 $3,660,919 Expensing of Exploration and Development Costs 5102 sub§11 C C Exclusion of Workers' Compensation Benefits 5102 sub§11 $3,660,919 $3,843,964 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 Deductibility of Charitable Contributions 5102 sub§11 $26,343,024 $27,973,584 Exclusion for Employerprovided Child Care 5102 sub§11 $823,707 $915,230 Exclusion for Certain Foster Care Payments 5102 sub§11 $640,661 Expensing Costs of Removing Architectural Barriers 5102 sub§11 Exclusion of Cafeteria Plans Exclusion of Interest on State & Local Government Bonds for Private Nonprofit Educational Facilities 5102 sub§11 $1,006,753 $1,006,753 $732,184 Deductibility of Other State and Local Taxes 5102 sub§11 $9,976,981 $10,376,060 $457,615 $457,615 5102 sub§11 $7,229,600 $8,342,400 5102 sub§11 $17,846,978 $18,945,253 Deduction of Self employed Health and Long-term Care Insurance Premiums $57,480,400 5102 sub§11 $823,707 5102 sub§11 $53,720,000 Exclusion of Employees' Meals and Lodging (Other Than Military) Exclusion of Capital Gains at Death Amortization of Business Start-up Costs 5102 sub§11 $549,138 $549,138 Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs) 5102 sub§11 $1,315,066 $1,315,066 5102 sub§11 $2,454,789 $6,619,164 Exclusion of Rental Allowances of Ministers' Homes 5102 sub§11 $457,615 $457,615 Depreciation on Equipment in Excess of Alternative Depreciation System $5,491,378 $5,674,424 5102 sub§11 $3,867,840 5102 sub§11 Exclusion of Interest on State and Local Government Student Loan Bonds 5102 sub§11 $366,092 $366,092 Depreciation of Rental Housing in Excess of Alternative Depreciation System $3,303,780 Exclusion of Miscellaneous Fringe Benefits 5102 sub§11 $805,800 $1,128,120 Exclusion of Scholarship and Fellowship Income 5102 sub§11 $1,489,835 $1,489,835 Depreciation on Buildings Other than Rental Housing in Excess of Alternative Depreciation System $732,184 $823,707 5102 sub§11 $16,931,748 5102 sub§11 Exclusion of Capital Gains on Homes Sales $16,748,702 Deduction for Interest on Student Loans 5102 sub§11 $328,766 5102 sub§11 Exclusion of Interest on State and Local Rental-housing Bonds $328,766 Deferral of Tax on Earnings of Qualified State Tuition Programs $640,661 $823,707 $732,184 191 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 Exclusion of Interest on State and Local Owner-housing Bonds 5102 sub§11 Deduction of Property Tax on Owner-occupied Homes 5102 sub§11 $28,664,676 $31,174,980 Deductibility of Mortgage Interest on Owneroccupied Homes 5102 sub§11 $36,202,224 $37,297,164 Permanent Exemption of Imputed Interest Rules 5102 sub§11 $328,766 $328,766 Deferral of Gain on Installment Sales 5102 sub§11 $1,506,846 $1,643,832 Completed Contract Rules 5102 sub§11 $219,178 $219,178 Exclusion of Interest on State and Local Small Issue Bonds 5102 sub§11 $487,061 $487,061 Additional Standard Deduction for the Blind and the Elderly 5102 sub§11 $3,079,104 $3,195,708 Parental Personal Exemption for Students Age 19 to 23 5102 sub§11 $640,661 $549,138 Exclusion of Veterans Disability Compensations, Veterans Pensions and G.I. Bill Benefits 5102 sub§11 Exclusion of Military Disability Benefits 5102 sub§11 Exclusion of Employee Awards 5102 sub§11 $1,315,066 $3,386,350 $91,523 $183,046 $1,315,066 $3,477,873 $91,523 $183,046 192 Deferral of Gain on Like-kind Exchanges 5102 sub§11 $1,972,598 $1,972,598 Exclusion of Interest on State and Local Govt. Sewage, Water and Hazardous Waste Bonds 5102 sub§11 $457,615 $457,615 Employer-paid Transportation Benefits 5102 sub§11 $869,468 $893,290 Exclusion of Interest on State and Local Govt. Bonds for Private Airports, Docks and Marine Facilities 5102 sub§11 $876,710 $876,710 Exclusion of Interest on State and Local Govt. Bonds for Private Nonprofit Hospital Facilities 5102 sub§11 $155,589 $164,741 Exclusion of Interest on State and Local Govt. IBDs for Energy Production Facilities 5102 sub§11 $91,523 $91,523 Energy Production Facilities Loring Title 13080 5, $353,165 $370,823 State Tax Increment Financing Title 30-A, 5242 $640,467 $672,491 Employment Tax Increment Financing 6754 $984,792 $1,043,879 Pine Tree Zone Income Tax Credit 2529 B C Shipbuilding Facility Credit 6853 $3,081,000 $3,081,000 Maine Residents Tax and Rent Program 6207 $27,729,893 $27,209,897 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 CODE TAX LOSS A $0 - 49,999 B $50,000 - 249,999 C $250,000 - 999,999 D $1,000,000 - 2,999,999 E $3,000,000 - 5,999,999 F $6,000,000 or more access any funds available to the State. The Governor shall identify by financial order the account, fund or other source from which payment is made. Funds accessed for this purpose may not exceed $750,000. PART DD Sec. DD-1. Admission fees. Effective July 1, 2005, the Maine State Museum shall reopen on Sundays and Mondays and shall continue to charge general admission fees. Income from admission fees of $41,000 in fiscal year 2005-06 and $43,000 in fiscal year 2006-07 must be deposited to the General Fund as undedicated revenue. PART BB Sec. BB-1. Transfer of funds. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the State Budget Officer in conjunction with the Commissioner of Labor shall identify savings within the Department of Labor's General Fund accounts related to improvements in organizational efficiency and costeffectiveness. The State Budget Officer shall transfer the amounts by financial order upon the approval of the Governor. These transfers are considered adjustments to appropriations in fiscal year 2005-06 and fiscal year 2006-07. The identified savings must be administrative cost reductions or savings that result from efficiencies in the delivery of services. The State Budget Officer shall provide to the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over appropriations and financial affairs a report of the transferred amounts no later than November 1, 2005. PART EE Sec. EE-1. Speed enforcement. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Commissioner of Public Safety is authorized to increase the number of speed details using aircraft by 60 per year, resulting in an increase in undedicated revenue to the General Fund of $300,000 in fiscal year 2005-06 and fiscal year 2006-07. Sec. EE-2. Transfer of funds; State Fire Marshal. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the State Controller shall transfer $517,963 from the State Fire Marshal's Other Special Revenue funds account in the Department of Public Safety to the unappropriated surplus of the General Fund by June 30, 2007. Sec. BB-2. Appropriations and allocations. The following appropriations and allocations PART FF Sec. FF-1. 5 MRSA §87, as amended by PL 1989, c. 501, Pt. L, §3, is further amended to read: are made. LABOR, DEPARTMENT OF §87. Fees payable by public officers Departmentwide Z004 A fee of $25 shall $50 must be paid to the Secretary of State by any a person appointed to the office of notary public, commissioner to take depositions and disclosures, disclosure commissioner and or commissioner appointed under Title 33, section 251, before the person enters upon the discharge of official duties. Initiative: Reduces funding from efficiencies gained through the department's "Bend the Curve" initiative referenced elsewhere in this Act. GENERAL FUND Unallocated GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 ($84,376) __________ ($84,376) 2006-07 ($129,799) __________ ($129,799) Sec. FF-2. 13-B MRSA §1401, sub-§§34 and 35, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 631, §12, are PART CC amended to read: Sec. CC-1. 5 MRSA §1507, as amended by PL 2003, c. 114, §1 and c. 689, Pt. B, §§6 and 7, is further amended by adding at the end a new paragraph to read: 34. Late filing; penalty. For failing to deliver an annual report by its due date, in addition to the annual report filing fee, $10 $25; and Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if the funds remaining in the State Contingent Account are not sufficient to address a purpose consistent with the purposes specified in subsection 4, the Governor may upon consultation with the State Budget Officer 35. Reinstatement fee after administrative dissolution of domestic or foreign corporation. For failure to file an annual report, $10 $25 for each period of delinquency; for failure to pay the annual report late filing penalty, $10 $25; for failure to appoint or maintain a registered agent or registered office, $10 193 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 $25; for failure to notify the Secretary of State that its registered agent or registered office has been changed, that its registered agent has resigned or that its registered office has been discontinued, $10 $25; and for filing false information, $10 $25. registered office has been changed, that its registered agent has resigned or that its registered office has been discontinued, a fee of $100 $150; for failure to file an amended application, a fee of $100 $150; and for filing false information, a fee of $100 $150; Sec. FF-3. 13-C MRSA §123, sub-§1, ¶J, Sec. FF-7. 31 MRSA §526, sub-§15-B, as reallocated by RR 2003, c. 2, §95, is amended to read: as enacted by PL 2001, c. 640, Pt. A, §2 and affected by Pt. B, §7, is amended to read: J. For a notice of resignation of a clerk or registered agent, the fee is $20 $35. 15-B. Amended annual report. For filing an amended annual report under section 529-A, a fee of $10 $85; Sec. FF-4. 13-C MRSA §123, sub-§1, ¶¶U to X, as enacted by PL 2001, c. 640, Pt. A, §2 and Sec. FF-8. 31 MRSA §526, sub-§21, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 631, §48, is amended to read: affected by Pt. B, §7, are amended to read: 21. Late filing penalty. For failing to deliver an annual report by its due date, in addition to the annual report filing fee, a fee of $25 $50. U. For an application for reinstatement following administrative dissolution for failure to file an annual report, the fee is $125 $150. The maximum reinstatement fee may not exceed $500 $600, regardless of the number of delinquent reports or the period of delinquency. Sec. FF-9. 31 MRSA §751, sub-§7-A, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 631, §58, is amended to read: 7-A. Reinstatement fee after administrative dissolution. For failure to file an annual report, a fee of $125 $150, to a maximum fee of $500 $600, regardless of the number of delinquent reports or the period of delinquency; for failure to pay the annual report late filing penalty, a fee of $100 $150; for failure to appoint or maintain a registered agent or registered office, a fee of $100 $150; for failure to notify the Secretary of State that its registered agent or registered office has been changed, that its registered agent has resigned or that its registered office has been discontinued, a fee of $100 $150; and for filing false information, a fee of $100 $150; V. For an application for reinstatement following administrative dissolution for failure to pay the annual report late filing penalty, the fee is $25 $150. W. For an application for reinstatement following administrative dissolution for failure to appoint or maintain a clerk or registered office, the fee is $25 $150. X. For an application for reinstatement following administrative dissolution for failure to notify the Secretary of State that its clerk or registered office has been changed, that its clerk has resigned or that its registered office has been discontinued, the fee is $25 $150. Sec. FF-10. 31 MRSA §751, sub-§20-B, as reallocated by RR 2003, c. 2, §96, is amended to read: 20-B. Amended annual report. For filing an amended annual report under section 757-A, a fee of $10 $85; Sec. FF-5. 13-C MRSA §123, sub-§1, ¶EE, as enacted by PL 2001, c. 640, Pt. A, §2 and affected by Pt. B, §7, is amended to read: Sec. FF-11. 31 MRSA §751, sub-§26, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 631, §63, is amended to read: EE. For failing to deliver an annual report by its due date, in addition to the annual report filing fee, the fee is $25 $50. 26. Late filing penalty. For failing to deliver an annual report by its due date, in addition to the annual report filing fee, a fee of $25 $50. Sec. FF-6. 31 MRSA §526, sub-§6-A, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 631, §43, is amended to read: Sec. FF-12. 31 MRSA §871, sub-§7-A, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 631, §73, is amended to read: 6-A. Reinstatement fee after administrative dissolution. For failure to file an annual report, a fee of $125 $150, to a maximum fee of $500 $600, regardless of the number of delinquent reports or the period of delinquency; for failure to pay the annual report late filing penalty, a fee of $100 $150; for failure to appoint or maintain a registered agent or registered office, a fee of $100 $150; for failure to notify the Secretary of State that its registered agent or 7-A. Reinstatement fee after revocation. For failure to file an annual report, a fee of $125 $150, to a maximum fee of $500 $600, regardless of the number of delinquent reports or the period of delinquency; for failure to pay the annual report late filing penalty, a fee of $100 $150; for failure to appoint or maintain a registered agent or registered office, a fee of $100 $150; for failure to notify the Secretary of State that its 194 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 B. Before November 1st for all property not included in paragraph A reportable as of the end of the preceding state fiscal year ending June 30th. registered agent or registered office has been changed, that its registered agent has resigned or that its registered office has been discontinued, a fee of $100 $150; for failure to file an amended application, a fee of $100 $150; and for filing false information, a fee of $100 $150; Sec. GG-3. Additional abandoned property revenues. The Treasurer of State shall implement a policy regarding the sale of unclaimed shares of stock. This policy is expected to generate additional General Fund revenue of $2,550,000 in fiscal year 2005-06 and $950,000 in fiscal year 2006-07. Sec. FF-13. 31 MRSA §871, sub-§18-B, as reallocated by RR 2003, c. 2, §97, is amended to read: 18-B. Amended annual report. For filing an amended annual report under section 873-A, a fee of $10 $85; PART HH Sec. FF-14. 31 MRSA §871, sub-§22, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 631, §78, is amended to read: Sec. HH-1. Calculation and transfer; health insurance savings; hospital inpatient rates. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, 22. Late filing penalty. For failing to deliver an annual report by its due date, in addition to the annual report filing fee, a fee of $25 $50. the State Budget Officer shall calculate the amount of savings in section 3, as achieved and implemented by the State Employee Health Commission or from other savings achieved by the State Employee Health Commission consistent with this section, that applies against each General Fund account for all departments and agencies except legislative branch departments and agencies from savings in the cost of health insurance attributable to reductions of hospital inpatient rates and shall transfer the amounts by financial order upon the approval of the Governor. These transfers are considered adjustments to appropriations in fiscal years 2005-06 and 2006-07. The State Budget Officer shall provide the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over appropriations and financial affairs a report of the transferred amounts no later than November 1, 2005. PART GG Sec. GG-1. 33 MRSA §1953, sub-§1, ¶G, as amended by PL 2003, c. 339, §2, is further amended to read: G. A gift obligation or stored-value card, 3 2 years after December 31st of the year in which the gift obligation occurred or the card was purchased. A period of limitation may not be imposed on the owner's right to redeem the gift obligation or stored-value card. The amount unclaimed is the face value of the gift obligation or stored-value card, except that the amount unclaimed is 60% of the gift obligation's or storedvalue card's face value if the issuer of the gift obligation does not impose a dormancy charge. Fees or charges may not be imposed on gift obligations or stored-value cards unless they are noted on the gift obligation or stored-value card and are in accordance with section 1956. The amount of these charges or fees may not be unconscionable; Sec. HH-2. Calculation and transfer; health insurance savings; hospital inpatient rates. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the State Budget Officer shall calculate the amount of savings in section 3 that applies against the General Purpose Aid for Local Schools and Retired Teachers' Health Insurance General Fund accounts within the Department of Education from savings in the cost of health insurance attributable to reductions of hospital inpatient rates and shall transfer the amounts by financial order upon the approval of the Governor. These transfers are considered adjustments to appropriations in fiscal year 2006-07. The State Budget Officer shall provide the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over appropriations and financial affairs a report of the transferred amounts no later than November 1, 2006. Sec. GG-2. 33 MRSA §1958, sub-§4, as enacted by PL 1997, c. 508, Pt. A, §2 and affected by §3, is amended to read: 4. Filing period. The report must be filed before November 1st of each year and cover the 12 months next preceding July 1st of that year, but a report with respect to a life insurance company must be filed before May 1st of each year for the calendar year next preceding.: Sec. HH-3. Appropriations and allocations. The following appropriations and allocations A. Before May 1st for amounts owed under life insurance policies, gift obligations and storedvalue cards reportable as of the end of the preceding calendar year; and are made. ADMINISTRATIVE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF Departments and Agencies - Statewide 0016 195 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 Initiative: Reduces funding from projected health insurance savings attributable to reductions in hospital inpatient rates. Initiative: Reduces funding from projected health insurance savings attributable to reductions in hospital inpatient rates. GENERAL FUND Personal Services GENERAL FUND Personal Services GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 ($770,142) __________ ($770,142) 2006-07 ($800,749) __________ ($800,749) ADMINISTRATIVE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS 2005-06 ($2,089) __________ ($2,089) GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2006-07 ($2,255) __________ ($2,255) LAW AND LEGISLATIVE REFERENCE LIBRARY DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 2006-07 ($770,142) __________ ($800,749) __________ ($770,142) ($800,749) GENERAL FUND ($2,089) __________ ($2,255) __________ ($2,089) ($2,255) DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS EDUCATION, DEPARTMENT OF OFFICE OF PROGRAM EVALUATION AND GOVERNMENTAL ACCOUNTABILITY Departmentwide 0026 Office of Program Evaluation and Governmental Accountability Initiative: Reduces funding from projected health insurance savings to schools attributable to reductions in hospital inpatient rates. Initiative: Reduces funding from projected health insurance savings attributable to reductions in hospital inpatient rates. GENERAL FUND Personal Services GENERAL FUND Personal Services GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 $0 __________ $0 EDUCATION, DEPARTMENT OF DEPARTMENT TOTALS GENERAL FUND 2005-06 $0 __________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS SECTION TOTAL ALL FUNDS OFFICE OF PROGRAM EVALUATION AND GOVERNMENTAL ACCOUNTABILITY DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 ($829,200) __________ GENERAL FUND ($829,200) 2005-06 2006-07 ($770,142) __________ ($1,629,949) __________ ($770,142) ($1,629,949) ($1,532) ($1,692) SECTION TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 ($54,858) __________ ($59,251) __________ ($54,858) ($59,251) Sec. II-1. Calculation and transfer; General Fund health insurance savings; negotiated plan. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, Legislature the State Budget Officer shall calculate the amount of savings in section 3 that apply against each General Fund account for all departments and agencies except legislative branch departments and agencies from savings in the cost of health insurance and shall transfer the amounts by financial order upon the approval of the Governor. These transfers are considered adjustments to appropriations in fiscal years 2005-06 and 2006-07. The State Budget Officer shall provide the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over appropriations and financial affairs a report of the transferred amounts no later than November 1, 2005. Initiative: Reduces funding from projected health insurance savings attributable to reductions in hospital inpatient rates. 2005-06 ($51,237) __________ ($51,237) LEGISLATURE DEPARTMENT TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS PART II LEGISLATURE GENERAL FUND 2006-07 ($1,692) __________ SECTION TOTAL ALL FUNDS are made. GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2006-07 ($1,692) __________ ($1,692) ($1,532) __________ GENERAL FUND Sec. HH-4. Appropriations and allocations. The following appropriations and allocations GENERAL FUND Personal Services 2005-06 ($1,532) __________ ($1,532) GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2006-07 $0 SECTION TOTALS GENERAL FUND 2006-07 ($829,200) __________ ($829,200) 2006-07 ($55,304) __________ ($55,304) 2005-06 2006-07 ($51,237) __________ ($55,304) __________ ($51,237) ($55,304) Sec. II-2. Calculation and transfer; Other Special Revenue health insurance savings; negotiated plan. Notwithstanding any other LAW AND LEGISLATIVE REFERENCE LIBRARY Law and Legislative Reference Library 196 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 provision of law, the State Budget Officer shall calculate the amount of savings in this Part that apply against each Other Special Revenue funds account for all departments and agencies from savings in the cost of health insurance and shall transfer the calculated amounts to the General Fund by financial order upon the approval of the Governor. These transfers are considered adjustments to allocations in fiscal year 2005-06 and 2006-07. The State Budget Officer shall provide the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over appropriations and financial affairs a report of the transferred amounts no later than November 1, 2005. The following Other Special Revenue funds accounts are exempt from these calculations: the Public Reserved Lands Management Fund account and the Submerged Lands Fund account in the Department of Conservation; the Baxter State Park Authority account; the Augusta Mental Health Institute and Bangor Mental Health Institute Disproportionate Share accounts and the Public Drinking Water Fund account in the Department of Health and Human Services; the Truancy, Dropout and Alternative Education account in the Department of Education; the Administrative Revolving Loan and Project account in the Department of Environmental Protection; the Kennebec Fisheries account in the Department of Marine Resources; the Nongame Endangered Species account, Resource Management - Land account, Fisheries and Hatcheries OPS - Lake and River Protection Fund account, Enforcement Operations - Lake and River Protection Fund account, Maine Wildlife Park Fund account, Public Information and Education - Lake and River Protection Fund account and Maine Outdoor Heritage Fund account in the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife; the Audit - Unorganized Territory account in the Department of Audit; and the Certified Seed Fund account in the Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Resources. OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Personal Services OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL HIGHWAY FUND (INFORMATIONAL) TOTAL 2005-06 ($1,284,997) __________ 2006-07 ($3,910,853) __________ ($1,284,997) ($3,910,853) ($8,220,748) ($3,910,853) ($2,114,807) __________ ($14,246,408) LEGISLATURE Legislature Initiative: Reduces funding to reflect savings to the State for the cost of health insurance through negotiated plan savings. GENERAL FUND Personal Services GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 ($167,334) __________ ($167,334) LEGISLATURE DEPARTMENT TOTALS GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS 2006-07 ($521,216) __________ ($521,216) 2005-06 2006-07 ($167,334) __________ ($521,216) __________ ($167,334) ($521,216) LAW AND LEGISLATIVE REFERENCE LIBRARY Law and Legislative Reference Library Initiative: Reduces funding to reflect savings to the State for the cost of health insurance through negotiated plan savings. GENERAL FUND Personal Services GENERAL FUND TOTAL Initiative: Deappropriates and deallocates funds to reflect savings to the State for the cost of health insurance through negotiated plan savings. HIGHWAY FUND (INFORMATIONAL) Personal Services 2006-07 Sec. II-4. Appropriations and allocations. Departments and Agencies - Statewide 0016 GENERAL FUND TOTAL ($2,114,807) The following appropriations and allocations are made. ADMINISTRATIVE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF 2006-07 ($8,220,748) __________ ($8,220,748) ($718,810) GENERAL FUND ($2,767,901) HIGHWAY FUND (INFORMATIONAL) ($1,284,997) OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS ($718,810) __________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS ($4,771,708) The following appropriations and allocations are made. 2005-06 ($2,767,901) __________ ($2,767,901) 2006-07 ($2,114,807) __________ ADMINISTRATIVE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 Sec. II-3. Appropriations and allocations. GENERAL FUND Personal Services 2005-06 ($718,810) __________ 2005-06 ($8,462) __________ ($8,462) 2006-07 ($25,618) __________ ($25,618) LAW AND LEGISLATIVE REFERENCE LIBRARY DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS ($8,462) __________ ($25,618) __________ ($8,462) ($25,618) OFFICE OF PROGRAM EVALUATION AND GOVERNMENTAL ACCOUNTABILITY Office of Program Evaluation and Governmental Accountability 197 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 cense fees must be deposited as General Fund undedicated revenue in fiscal year 2005-06 and 2006-07. Initiative: Reduces funding to reflect savings to the State for the cost of health insurance through negotiated plan savings. GENERAL FUND Personal Services GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 ($5,401) __________ ($5,401) OFFICE OF PROGRAM EVALUATION AND GOVERNMENTAL ACCOUNTABILITY DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 GENERAL FUND 2006-07 ($9,838) __________ ($9,838) ($9,838) __________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS ($5,401) ($9,838) SECTION TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 SECTION TOTAL ALL FUNDS Sec. LL-1. 3 MRSA §162, sub-§8, as repealed and replaced by PL 1973, c. 590, §4, is amended to read: 2006-07 ($5,401) __________ GENERAL FUND PART LL ($181,197) __________ ($556,672) __________ ($181,197) ($556,672) 8. Oversight of legislative appropriations and accounts. To oversee the appropriations and other financial accounts, including position control, of the Legislature and of all legislative agencies, departments and offices and to comply with provisions of Title 5, Part 4 determined by the Legislative Council as relevant and applicable to the legislative branch and necessary for maintaining proper accounting controls and reporting. Appropriations for carrying out the purposes of this chapter shall must be made annually by the Legislature. All appropriations or allocations by the Legislature, including appropriations or allocations for specific studies to be carried out by the joint standing committees or joint select committees shall, may not lapse but shall must be carried forward and expended for the purpose for which the appropriation or allocation was made. The balance of any appropriation or allocation for such studies that is not fully expended shall must be refunded to the Legislature; PART JJ Sec. JJ-1. 17-A MRSA §207, sub-§3 is enacted to read: 3. For a violation under subsection 1, the court shall impose a sentencing alternative that involves a fine of not less than $300, which may not be suspended. Sec. LL-2. 5 MRSA §1521 is enacted to Sec. JJ-2. 29-A MRSA §2413, sub-§3, as enacted by PL 1993, c. 683, Pt. A, §2 and affected by Pt. B, §5, is amended to read: read: 3. Penalties. In addition to any other penalty, the court shall suspend the driver's license for not less than 30 days nor more than 180 days, which minimum may not be suspended. If the court fails to suspend the license, the Secretary of State shall impose the minimum period of suspension. The court shall impose a sentencing alternative that involves a fine of not less than $575, which may not be suspended. Unless the language in this Part specifically states that it applies to the legislative branch, the legislative branch may not be required to comply with the provisions of this Part unless determined relevant and applicable by the Legislative Council pursuant to Title 3, section 162. §1521. Application to legislative branch Sec. LL-3. Legislative account; lapsed balances; Legislative General Fund. Notwith- Sec. JJ-3. Transfer of funds. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the State Controller shall transfer $40,033 in fiscal year 2005-06 and $68,355 in fiscal year 2006-07 in savings from the Division of Elections and Commissions, Administrative Services and Corporations, Other Special Revenue funds account in the Department of the Secretary of State to the unappropriated surplus of the General Fund no later than June 30, 2006 and June 30, 2007. standing any other provision of law, $250,000 of unencumbered balance forward in the Personal Services line category and $96,892 in the All Other line category in fiscal year 2004-05 in the Legislative General Fund account in the Legislature lapses to the General Fund in fiscal year 2005-06. Sec. LL-4. Legislative account; lapsed balances; Apportionment Commission. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, $5,482 of unencumbered balance forward in the All Other line category in fiscal year 2004-05 in the Apportionment Commission account in the Legislature lapses to the General Fund in fiscal year 2005-06. PART KK Sec. KK-1. License fees. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Commissioner of Health and Human Services is authorized to increase license fees through rulemaking to include home child care, child care centers and nursery schools. These li- Sec. LL-5. Legislative account; lapsed balances; Law and Legislative Reference 198 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 Library. Notwithstanding any other provision of Initiative: Reduces funding for data processing consulting services for the Senate. law, $50,000 of unencumbered balance forward in the Personal Services line category in fiscal year 2004-05 in the Law and Legislative Reference Library account lapses to the General Fund in fiscal year 2005-06. GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL Sec. LL-6. Appropriations and allocations. The following appropriations and allocations Initiative: Reduces funding for advertising notices for the House. LEGISLATURE GENERAL FUND All Other Legislature GENERAL FUND TOTAL Initiative: Provides funding for one full-time Legislative Aide position for the Senate Democratic Office, one full-time Legislative Aide position for the Senate Republican Office, one full-time Senior Office Assistant for the Senate Secretary's Office and to convert one session-only Executive Secretary's position in the Senate Secretary's Office to full-time. GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 4.000 (.692) $233,779 __________ $233,779 GENERAL FUND All Other 2006-07 4.000 (.692) $245,086 __________ $245,086 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2006-07 ($25,740) ($32,760) __________ ($58,500) GENERAL FUND Personal Services All Other 2006-07 ($2,000) __________ ($2,000) GENERAL FUND TOTAL LEGISLATURE DEPARTMENT TOTALS GENERAL FUND Legislature Initiative: Reduces funding for legal services for the Senate. GENERAL FUND Personal Services GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 ($15,000) __________ ($15,000) DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS 2006-07 ($15,000) __________ ($15,000) GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 $99,899 __________ $99,899 2006-07 ($1,100) ($2,960) __________ ($4,060) 2006-07 $110,626 __________ $110,626 Sec. MM-1. Transfer from Personal Services to All Other. Notwithstanding the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 5, section 1585 or any other provision of law, available Personal Services salary savings balances in fiscal year 2005-06 and 2006-07 in Bangor Mental Health Institute accounts, which result from Physician positions that are vacant as a result of the inability to recruit, may be transferred to All Other by financial order upon recommendation of the State Budget Officer and approval of the Governor. Initiative: Reduces funding for data processing consulting services for the House. 2005-06 ($25,000) __________ ($25,000) 2005-06 ($1,760) ($2,720) __________ ($4,480) PART MM Legislature GENERAL FUND All Other 2006-07 ($1,500) __________ ($1,500) Initiative: Eliminates unneeded funds budgeted for the Maine Higher Educational Attainment Council. Initiative: Reduces funding for legal services for the House. GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 ($1,500) __________ ($1,500) Legislature Legislature 2005-06 ($2,000) __________ ($2,000) 2006-07 ($1,000) __________ ($1,000) Initiative: Eliminates unneeded funds budgeted for art exhibits. GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND Personal Services 2005-06 $0 __________ $0 Legislature Initiative: Reduces funding for interim committee meetings. GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2006-07 ($2,400) __________ ($2,400) Initiative: Reduces funding for the projected increase in the cost of data lines. GENERAL FUND All Other 2005-06 ($25,740) ($32,760) __________ ($58,500) 2005-06 ($2,400) __________ ($2,400) Legislature Legislature GENERAL FUND Personal Services All Other 2006-07 ($25,000) __________ ($25,000) Legislature are made. GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT POSITIONS - FTE COUNT Personal Services 2005-06 ($25,000) __________ ($25,000) 2006-07 ($25,000) __________ ($25,000) Legislature 199 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS ($500,000) ($250,000) PART NN Sec. NN-1. Reduction of regulatory and administrative burdens for health and human services providers. Notwithstanding any other PART PP Sec. PP-1. 5 MRSA c. 165 is enacted to read: provision of law, the Commissioner of Health and Human Services shall organize and implement work groups to include staff of the Department of Health and Human Services and staff of health and human services providers for the purpose of achieving reductions in regulatory and administrative burdens for health and human services providers. CHAPTER 165 PHARMACEUTICAL COST MANAGEMENT COUNCIL §2031. Pharmaceutical Cost Management Council The Commissioner of Health and Human Services shall organize and implement the following work groups with a goal to achieve a reduction in the costs of regulatory and administrative processes in each such work group area: 1. Council established. The Pharmaceutical Cost Management Council, referred to in this chapter as "the council," is established and consists of no more than 15 members as follows: A. The Commissioner of Administrative and Financial Services or the commissioner's designee; 1. Licensing; 2. Contracting; B. The Commissioner of Health and Human Services or the commissioner's designee; 3. Auditing; C. The Executive Director of the Workers' Compensation Board or the executive director's designee; 4. Billing; and 5. Other administrative processes. D. One representative of private payors who join the council; The Commissioner of Health and Human Services shall report no later than January 31, 2006 to the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over health and human services matters and the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over appropriations and financial affairs the results of each of the above-referenced work groups including the amount of annual savings achieved. E. One or more members from each of the following publicly funded groups: (1) The Maine state employees health insurance program, one member representing labor and one member representing management; PART OO (2) The University of Maine System; and Sec. OO-1. Appropriations and allocations. The following appropriations and allocations (3) The Maine Community College System; are made. F. The director of the Governor's Office of Health Policy and Finance or the director's designee or the director of a successor agency; CORRECTIONS, DEPARTMENT OF Departmentwide - Overtime 0032 G. Other public purchasers not listed above. Representatives of municipal or county governments, the Maine Education Association's benefits trust, the Maine School Management Association's benefits trust and private purchasers may be allowed to join the council to participate in savings opportunities; Initiative: Deappropriates salary savings to remain within available resources. GENERAL FUND Personal Services 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 ($500,000) ($250,000) ($250,000) __________ __________ __________ GENERAL FUND TOTAL ($500,000) ($250,000) CORRECTIONS, DEPARTMENT OF DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2004-05 GENERAL FUND ($250,000) 2005-06 ($250,000) H. A health care provider; and 2006-07 I. A clinical pharmacist. ($500,000) ($250,000) ($250,000) __________ __________ __________ 200 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 G. Incentives may be implemented to reward the use of mail order and community pharmacies will be given the opportunity to provide medications under the same terms as mail-order pharmacies; and Public purchasers not otherwise listed in this subsection and private purchasers may be allowed to join the council to participate in savings opportunities. 2. Chair and staff assistance. The chair of the council is the director of the Governor's Office of Health Policy and Finance or the director's designee or the director of a successor agency. The chair shall convene the council. The Governor's Office of Health Policy and Finance or a successor agency shall provide necessary staffing services to the council. H. All participating plans share in the savings realized through the pooled purchasing effort. Sec. PP-2. 5 MRSA §12004-G, sub-§14-E is enacted to read: 3. Purpose. The purpose of the council is to develop options to maximize the cost-effectiveness of the pharmaceutical benefit offered by all health plans that are financed, in whole or in part, with public dollars. A simple majority of all members must be achieved to make final decisions on vendor selection and related matters. 14-E. Human Services 4. Parameters of council. The council shall make recommendations to public purchasers regarding the joint purchasing of pharmaceuticals with the State in order to reduce costs for all participating parties and maximize savings by pooling purchasing power, but not to fundamentally alter the independent nature of any of the health plans involved in the council. Any joint purchasing effort must ensure that: the State Budget Officer shall calculate the amount of savings in section 4, as achieved and implemented by the State Employee Health Commission or from other savings achieved by the State Employee Health Commission consistent with this section, that apply against each General Fund account for all departments and agencies except legislative branch departments and agencies from savings in the cost of health insurance attributable to maximizing the cost effectiveness of the pharmaceutical benefit provided by publicly offered health insurance plans and shall transfer the amounts by financial order upon the approval of the Governor. These transfers are considered adjustments to appropriations in fiscal years 2005-06 and 2006-07. The State Budget Officer shall provide the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over appropriations and financial affairs a report of the transferred amounts no later than November 1, 2005. Pharmaceutical Cost Management Council 5 MRSA §2031 Not Authorized Sec. PP-3. Calculation and transfer; health insurance savings; pharmaceutical benefit. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, A. Each of the participating plans retains its distinct nature, with members of each plan maintaining their current medical coverage and participating organizations retaining current contracts, except for amendments required to implement the joint pharmaceutical purchasing effort; B. The members of participating plans have open access to all prescription drugs, as medically needed. The council shall design and implement a 3-tiered pharmaceutical benefit; Sec. PP-4. Appropriations and allocations. The following appropriations and allocations C. Full coverage of certain drugs is contingent upon satisfaction of clinical criteria; are made. ADMINISTRATIVE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF D. A preferred drug list identifies clinically efficacious high-quality prescription drugs that are also cost-effective; these drugs may not require prior approval. The preferred drug list must to the extent possible be based on MaineCare's preferred drug list and must be advised by MaineCare's clinical drug utilization committee; Departments and Agencies - Statewide 0016 Initiative: Reduces funding from projected health insurance savings attributable to maximizing the cost-effectiveness of the pharmaceutical benefit provided by publicly offered health insurance plans. GENERAL FUND Personal Services E. Administrative efficiencies are realized by pooled purchasing; clinically efficacious, costeffective drugs are preferred; and rebates are negotiated on behalf of the entire group; GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 ($1,361,310) __________ ($1,361,310) 2006-07 ($2,722,277) __________ ($2,722,277) ADMINISTRATIVE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 F. Reimbursement for prescription generic drugs are capped at maximum allowable costs or the MaineCare bid price, whichever is lower; GENERAL FUND 201 ($1,361,310) 2006-07 ($2,722,277) PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 __________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS ($1,361,310) __________ __________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS ($2,795) ($5,723) SECTION TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 __________ ($2,722,277) Sec. PP-5. Appropriations and allocations. The following appropriations and allocations GENERAL FUND are made. SECTION TOTAL ALL FUNDS LEGISLATURE Legislature GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 ($93,408) __________ ($93,408) LEGISLATURE DEPARTMENT TOTALS GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS ($187,018) __________ ($93,408) ($187,018) ($200,367) 5. Audit methods. When conducting audits pursuant to this section, the department may not engage a private vendor to conduct the audit or base any auditor's compensation on a percentage of the alleged overpayment amount, except that the department may engage a private vendor to conduct audits of providers located outside this State and may base that vendor's compensation on a percentage of the amount of overpayment received by the department. The department shall disclose to the public any mathematical algorithm used in performance of an audit. 2006-07 ($93,408) __________ ($100,012) Sec. QQ-1. 22 MRSA §13, sub-§5, as enacted by PL 2001, c. 464, §1 and affected by §2, is amended to read: 2006-07 ($187,018) __________ ($187,018) 2005-06 ($200,367) __________ PART QQ Initiative: Reduces funding from projected health insurance savings attributable to maximizing the cost-effectiveness of the pharmaceutical benefit provided by publicly offered health insurance plans. GENERAL FUND Personal Services ($100,012) __________ LAW AND LEGISLATIVE REFERENCE LIBRARY Law and Legislative Reference Library PART RR Initiative: Reduces funding from projected health insurance savings attributable to maximizing the cost-effectiveness of the pharmaceutical benefit provided by publicly offered health insurance plans. GENERAL FUND Personal Services GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 ($3,809) __________ ($3,809) Sec. RR-1. 22 MRSA §8104, sub-§4 is enacted to read: 2006-07 ($7,626) __________ ($7,626) 4. Authority to change daily rate for unlicensed foster care providers. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the department may change the daily rates for foster board and care paid to unlicensed homes and may provide the opportunity for those unlicensed homes, if they choose to apply, to pursue licensure that could result in a higher rate of payment. LAW AND LEGISLATIVE REFERENCE LIBRARY DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS ($3,809) __________ ($7,626) __________ ($3,809) ($7,626) PART SS Sec. SS-1. 1 MRSA §535, sub-§1, ¶B, as OFFICE OF PROGRAM EVALUATION AND GOVERNMENTAL ACCOUNTABILITY enacted by PL 1997, c. 713, §1, is amended to read: B. Procedures ensuring that executive branch and semiautonomous state agencies comply with the standards and policies adopted by the Information Services Policy Board Chief Information Officer of the Office of Information Technology within the Department of Administrative and Financial Services. Office of Program Evaluation and Governmental Accountability Initiative: Reduces funding from projected health insurance savings attributable to maximizing the cost-effectiveness of the pharmaceutical benefit provided by publicly offered health insurance plans. GENERAL FUND Personal Services GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 ($2,795) __________ ($2,795) OFFICE OF PROGRAM EVALUATION AND GOVERNMENTAL ACCOUNTABILITY DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 GENERAL FUND ($2,795) 2006-07 ($5,723) __________ ($5,723) Sec. SS-2. 2 MRSA §6, sub-§3, as repealed and replaced by PL 1999, c. 259, §2, is amended to read: 2006-07 3. Range 89. The salaries of the following state officials and employees are within salary range 89: ($5,723) Director, Bureau of General Services; 202 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 Director, Bureau of Alcoholic Beverages and Lottery Operations; ner and that the financial affairs of the fund are properly managed; State Budget Officer; (2) Maintain records of radio and network system requirements for all agencies using the system and make this information available to state agencies; State Controller; Director of the Bureau of Forestry; (3) Require state agencies to become part of the statewide radio and network system when replacing their current systems or purchasing new systems; Chief of the State Police; Director, State Planning Office; Director, Energy Resources Office; (4) Acquire, expand, upgrade or replace the statewide radio and network system in accordance with an established replacement plan; and Director of Human Resources; Director, Bureau of Children with Special Needs; Commissioner of Defense, Veterans and Emergency Management; (5) Transfer radio equipment and network infrastructure into the fund from agencies using the system, purchase, lease, leasepurchase or enter into other financing agreements, in accordance with section 1587, for the acquisition, expansion, upgrade or replacement of the system or any of its components in accordance with paragraph B when it can be demonstrated that any such action or agreement provides a clear cost or program advantage to the State. Director, Bureau of Parks and Lands; and Director, Bureau of Information Services; and Director of Econometric Research. Sec. SS-3. 5 MRSA §947-B, sub-§1, ¶A, as enacted by PL 1991, c. 780, Pt. Y, §37, is repealed. Sec. SS-4. 5 MRSA §1520, as corrected by RR 2003, c. 2, §2, is amended to read: B. The Chief Information Officer and the bureau, in conjunction with the agencies using the statewide radio and network system, shall establish the following: §1520. Statewide Radio and Network System Reserve Fund 1. Fund established. The Statewide Radio and Network System Reserve Fund, referred to in this section as the "fund," is established as an internal service fund in the Department of Administrative and Financial Services, Bureau of Information Services Office of Information Technology, referred to in this section as the "bureau," "office," for the purposes of managing the fund and acquiring, expanding, upgrading and replacing a statewide radio and network system for use by state agencies. The bureau office shall charge a fee to agencies using the statewide radio and network system in accordance with an established rate structure. Revenues derived from operations must be used to pay the costs of the lease-purchase to acquire a system, expand, upgrade and replace the system, and to manage the fund. (1) Standards for statewide radio and network system operations; (2) Specifications for systems and components to be acquired by the State; and (3) Standards for the exemption or waiver of state agencies from the requirements of this section. By January 15, 2002, standards must be developed for statewide radio and network system usage by all state agencies not exempted under subparagraph (3). C. The bureau office shall establish, through the Department of Administrative and Financial Services, Office of the State Controller, the Statewide Radio and Network System Reserve Fund account. The funds deposited in the account may include, but are not limited to, appropriations made to the account, funds transferred to the account from within the Department of Administrative and Financial Services, funds received from state departments and agencies using the A. The bureau office shall work closely with all departments and agencies to identify radio and network requirements for the statewide system to ensure that agency program requirements are met to the maximum extent possible. The bureau office shall: (1) Ensure that the annual costs of the lease or lease-purchase are paid in a timely man203 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 (1) The Information Services Policy Board and the Chief Information Officer shall also describe and evaluate the problems that exist with respect to the coordination of data processing and computer programming in State Government and that evaluation must be included in this part of the report; services provided by the bureau office, earnings by the fund from the Treasurer of State's pool and proceeds from the sale of system assets under the administrative control of the fund by the state surplus property program in the Department of Administrative and Financial Services, Bureau of General Services in accordance with paragraph B and other provisions of law. C. The degree to which personnel needs of state agencies are being met; D. The fund may levy charges according to a rate schedule recommended by the Director of the Bureau of Information Services Chief Information Officer and approved by the Commissioner of Administrative and Financial Services against all departments and agencies using the services of the statewide radio and network system. D. Any problems that exist with respect to current policies and procedures as they relate to the personnel needs of state agencies. This portion of the report must also include the evaluation of the Civil Service Policy Review Board with respect to the issue of this paragraph; and E. All temporary and contracted positions within each agency and bureau of State Government. This information must include the duration and turnover of each position; the separate costs of each position for wages, benefits, contract fees and administration costs; and the position title or function. The costs associated with preparing this report must be absorbed utilizing existing department resources. E. Service charges for the statewide radio and network system must be calculated to provide for system acquisition costs, expansion costs, upgrade costs, necessary capital investment and fund management costs, replacement costs and sufficient working capital for the fund. F. Each department or agency using the services of the statewide radio and network system must budget adequate funds to pay for costs described in paragraph E. Sec. SS-7. 5 MRSA c. 158, sub-cc. 2, 2-A, 2-B, 3 and 4, as amended, are repealed. Sec. SS-5. 5 MRSA §1873, as amended by Sec. SS-8. 5 MRSA c. 163, as amended, is further amended by repealing the chapter headnote and enacting the following in its place: PL 2001, c. 388, §3, is repealed. Sec. SS-6. 5 MRSA §1877-A, sub-§1, as amended by PL 2001, c. 388, §4, is further amended to read: CHAPTER 163 1. Report to the Legislature. The commissioner and the Chief Information Officer shall report to the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over appropriations and financial affairs at the beginning of the first regular session of each Legislature with respect to: OFFICE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SUBCHAPTER 1 CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER Sec. SS-9. 5 MRSA §1971, as enacted by PL 2001, c. 388, §14, is repealed and the following enacted in its place: A. The degree of progress that has been made with respect to the coordination of data processing and computer programming within State Government: §1971. Chief Information Officer; appointment; qualifications (1) The Information Services Policy Board and the Chief Information Officer shall also evaluate the degree of progress in the coordination of data processing and computer programming within State Government and that evaluation must be included in this part of the report; The Commissioner of Administrative and Financial Services shall appoint the Chief Information Officer. The Chief Information Officer must be a qualified professional person who shall: 1. Policy-making information. Direct, coordinate and oversee information technology policy making, planning, architecture and standardization; and B. The problems that exist with respect to the coordination of data processing and computer programming activities within State Government: 204 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 2. Provide services. Direct and oversee the provision of information technology and enterprise services in data processing and telecommunications throughout State Government. transmitting and receiving any information, including voice, data and video, by any medium, including wire, microwave, fiberoptics, radio, laser and satellite. Sec. SS-11. 5 MRSA §1973, sub-§1, as enacted by PL 2001, c. 388, §14, is amended to read: Sec. SS-10. 5 MRSA §1972, as amended by PL 2003, c. 176, §1, is further amended to read: 1. Information technology leadership. Chief Information Officer shall: §1972. Definitions The As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise indicates, the following terms have the following meanings. A. Provide central leadership and vision in the use of information and telecommunications technology on a statewide basis; 1. Board. "Board" means the Information Services Policy Board established under section 1891. B. Set policies and standards for the implementation and use of information and telecommunications technologies, including privacy and security standards and standards of the federal Americans with Disabilities Act, for information technology. The policies and standards are subject to final approval by the board under section 1891; 2. Chief Information Officer. "Chief Information Officer" means the person who holds the lead information technology position within the executive branch that directs, coordinates and oversees information technology policy making, planning, architecture and standardization. The Chief Information Officer is also responsible for the provision of information technology and enterprise services in data processing and telecommunications throughout State Government. C. Assist the Governor's Office and the commissioner with development and support of information technology-related legislation; D. Identify and implement information technology best business practices and project management; and 3. Commissioner. "Commissioner" means the Commissioner of Administrative and Financial Services. E. Facilitate research and development activities to identify and establish effective information technology service delivery in State Government.; and 4. Computer system. "Computer system" has the same meaning as in Title 17-A, section 431. 6. Data processing. "Data processing" means the process that encompasses all computerized and auxiliary automated information handling, including systems analysis and design, conversion of data, computer programming, information storage and retrieval, data and facsimile transmission, requisite system controls, simulation and all related interactions between people and machines. "Data processing" also includes all word or text manipulation processing. F. Facilitate interjurisdictional collaboration, services, sharing and initiatives among agencies, instrumentalities and political subdivisions of State Government and with other states and the Federal Government. Sec. SS-12. 5 MRSA §1974, sub-§3, as enacted by PL 2001, c. 388, §14, is amended to read: 3. Develop and administer written standards for data processing and telecommunications. The Chief Information Officer shall develop and administer written standards for data processing and telecommunications subject to approval by the board. These written standards pertain to: 7. Enterprise. "Enterprise" means collectively all departments and agencies of the executive branch. 8. Office. "Office" means the Office of Information Technology. 9. Semiautonomous state agency. "Semiautonomous state agency" means an agency created by an act of the Legislature that is not a part of the Executive Department. This term does not include the Legislature, Judicial Department, Department of the Attorney General, Department of the Secretary of State, Office of the Treasurer of State and Department of Audit. A. Acquisition of equipment; B. Acquisition of computer software and systems; C. Development of computer systems and computer programs; D. Computer operations; and 10. Telecommunications. "Telecommunications" means, but is not limited to, the process of 205 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 E. Any other standards determined necessary by the Chief Information Officer and the board. 1. Service agency. The office shall serve as a service agency to meet the needs of client agencies in a timely, efficient and cost-effective manner. Sec. SS-13. 5 MRSA §1974, sub-§4, as en- A. The office shall ensure that a high quality of service is provided to all users. acted by PL 2001, c. 388, §14, is repealed. Sec. SS-14. 5 MRSA §1974, sub-§§5 and 6, as enacted by PL 2001, c. 388, §14, are amended to B. The office shall allocate resources as necessary to meet peak demands and to best use available resources. read: 5. Develop and implement strategic and departmental planning process. The Chief Information Officer, in conjunction with the board and with the participation of the affected state agencies, shall develop and maintain strategic planning initiatives for all of State Government and specific state agencies for data processing and telecommunications. The Chief Information Officer is responsible for assisting state agencies in implementing the planning process. C. The office shall ensure adequate backup for all information services. 2. Duties of office. The office shall provide the major data processing and telecommunications services in State Government, including computer operations and programming and applications systems. The office, as authorized by the commissioner, shall work to ensure consistency in programming services, stability in data processing functions, reliability in the operation and maintenance of systems throughout State Government and responsiveness and flexibility to react to changing situations and needs. The Chief Information Officer shall submit a report on the planning process to the Governor and the Legislature at the beginning of each legislative session. 6. Report to the Legislature. The Chief Information Officer shall report to the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over appropriations and financial affairs by January 31st of each year with respect to the achievements, the problems and the procedures planned for resolving the problems of the office and its mission. This report must include a complete compilation of written standards for data processing and telecommunications that have been approved by the board. §1982. Powers and duties 1. Maintain central telecommunications services. The Chief Information Officer shall maintain and operate central telecommunications services and may: A. Employ or engage outside technical and professional services that may be necessary for telecommunications purposes; Sec. SS-15. 5 MRSA §1975, sub-§1, ¶B, as enacted by PL 2001, c. 388, §14, is amended to read: B. Levy charges, according to a rate schedule based on uniform billing procedures approved by the commissioner, against all units utilizing telecommunications services; B. Fails to adhere to the data processing standards established by the commissioner, and the Chief Information Officer and the board. C. Submit a budget of estimated revenues and costs to be incurred by the office as part of the unified current services budget legislation in accordance with sections 1663 to 1666. Notwithstanding section 1583, allocations may be increased or adjusted by the State Budget Officer, with approval of the Governor, to specifically cover those adjustments determined to be necessary by the commissioner. A request for adjustment to the allocation is subject to review by the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over appropriations and financial affairs; and Sec. SS-16. 5 MRSA c. 163, sub-cc. 2, 3, 4 and 5 are enacted to read: SUBCHAPTER 2 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES §1981. Mission of Office of Information Technology The mission of the Office of Information Technology includes providing high-quality, responsive, cost-effective information technology services to the agencies, instrumentalities and political subdivisions of State Government. These services include, but are not limited to, voice and data computer and networking services, applications development and maintenance and desktop support, centralized geographic information systems and data and security advice to customers. D. Require departments and agencies to be a part of the central telecommunications service network. Capital items purchased through the office may not be given, transferred, sold or otherwise conveyed to any other department, agency or account without authorization through the 206 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 normal budgetary process. Except as authorized by the Chief Information Officer, telecommunications services, equipment and systems are the responsibility and property of the office. objectives of this chapter and accept funds from the Federal Government, municipal and county agencies or any individual or corporation to be expended for purposes consistent with this chapter. 2. Staff and technical assistance. The Chief Information Officer shall provide staff and technical assistance in data processing to other state agencies. §1984. Internal services fund accounts The office may establish internal services fund accounts. These funds include, but are not limited to, appropriations made to the office, funds transferred to the office from within the department and funds received for data processing and telecommunications planning services rendered to state agencies. 3. Maintain central data processing services. The Chief Information Officer shall maintain and operate central data processing and geographic information systems pursuant to subchapter 3. 4. InforME responsibilities. The Chief Information Officer shall serve as the contracting authority under Title 1, chapter 14 and shall provide staff to the InforME Board established in Title 1, chapter 14. SUBCHAPTER 3 GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS §1991. Definitions 5. Charges. The Chief Information Officer may levy appropriate charges against all state agencies using services provided by the office and for operations of the office of the Chief Information Officer. The charges must be those fixed in a schedule or schedules prepared and revised as necessary by the Chief Information Officer and approved by the commissioner. The schedule of charges must be supported and explained by accompanying information. As used in this subchapter, unless the context otherwise indicates, the following terms have the following meanings. 1. Administrator. "Administrator" means the Administrator of the Office of Geographic Information Systems. 2. Geographic information system or GIS. "Geographic information system" or "GIS" means an entire formula, pattern, compilation, program, device, method, technique, process, digital data base or system that electronically records, stores, reproduces and manipulates by computer geographic information system data. 6. Budget. The Chief Information Officer shall submit a budget of estimated revenues and costs to be incurred by the office. 7. Professional and technical services. The Chief Information Officer may employ or engage, within funds available, outside technical or professional personnel and services as necessary for carrying out the purposes of this chapter, subject to the approval of the commissioner. 3. Geographic information system data or GIS data. "Geographic information system data" or "GIS data" means geographic information that has been compiled and digitized for use in geographic information systems by a state agency, either alone or in cooperation with other agencies. 8. Rules. The Chief Information Officer may make rules, subject to the approval of the commissioner, for carrying out the purposes of this chapter. 4. Geographic information system services or GIS services. "Geographic information system services" or "GIS services" means the process of gathering, storing, maintaining and providing geographic information system data for geographic information systems. "Geographic information system services" or "GIS services" does not include general purpose data processing services. 9. Protection of information files. The Chief Information Officer shall develop rules regarding the safeguarding, maintenance and use of information files relating to data processing, subject to the approval of the commissioner. The office is responsible for the enforcement of those rules. All data files are the property of the agency or agencies responsible for their collection and use. §1983. Intergovernmental assistance cooperation §1992. Office of Geographic Information Systems established and The Office of Geographic Information Systems is established within the Office of Information Technology. The commissioner may enter into agreements with the Federal Government, the University of Maine System, the Maine Community College System and other agencies and organizations that will promote the §1993. Powers 207 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 GIS data are subject to licensing agreements and may be made available only in accordance with this subchapter and upon payment of fees established under this subchapter. The licensing agreement must protect the security and integrity of the GIS data, limit the liability of the data owners and the office providing the services and products and identify the source of the GIS data. The Office of Information Technology through the Office of Geographic Information Systems shall: 1. Geographic information system. Establish, maintain and operate a geographic data base information center, develop and administer standards, subject to the approval of the Chief Information Officer, and provide geographic information system services to the public. A request to provide the Legislature or an office of the Legislature with existing information for the purposes of making policy decisions must be considered high priority; §1996. Priority of responsibilities The activities authorized under this subchapter do not take priority over the primary responsibilities of the Office of Information Technology. If there are not sufficient financial or personnel resources for the Office of Geographic Information Systems to perform certain GIS services and deliver GIS data and products as provided in this subchapter, the administrative management functions related to the Office of Geographic Information Systems, technical support for other state agency GIS users, office equipment maintenance and GIS data base management must take precedence. 2. GIS data repository. Create a GIS data repository for the proper management of GIS data and ensure the GIS data are documented, including ownership. Data must be stored and managed in a manner that facilitates the evolution of a distributed agency GIS network; 3. Data ownership. Maintain GIS base map data and other multipurpose data not specific to any state agency. All other GIS data are owned by the agency originally compiling the mapped data that were digitized for the GIS. Data owners are responsible for updating their GIS data and certifying its accuracy; SUBCHAPTER 4 MAINE LIBRARY OF GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION 4. Accuracy level. Ensure that GIS data added on the GIS data repository are developed and maintained at an accuracy level and in a format that meets the GIS data standards, kept in a format that is compatible with the GIS and, upon request of a potential user, made available to the user; §2001. Short title This subchapter may be known and cited as "the Maine Library of Geographic Information Act." 5. Charges. Levy appropriate charges on those using the services provided by the office, except that charges may not be levied on the Legislature for existing information. The charges must be fixed in a schedule or schedules. The schedule of charges must be supported and explained by accompanying information and approved by the Chief Information Officer and the commissioner; and §2002. Definitions As used in this subchapter, unless the context otherwise indicates, the following terms have the following meanings. 1. Association. "Association" means an organization: A. Whose membership is identifiable by regular payment of organizational dues and regularly maintained membership lists; 6. Consultation with Chief Information Officer. Consult with the Chief Information Officer on all major policy issues, including fee schedules, related to the management of GIS data and development of GIS data standards. §1994. Intergovernmental assistance cooperation B. That is registered with the State or is a corporation in the State; and and C. That exists for the purpose of advancing the common occupation or profession of its membership. The administrator, with the approval of the Chief Information Officer, may enter into such agreements with other agencies and organizations as will promote the objectives of this subchapter and accept funds from public and private organizations to be expended for purposes consistent with this subchapter. 2. Data custodian. "Data custodian" means a federal data custodian, state data custodian or nonstate data custodian. 3. Federal data custodian. "Federal data custodian" means any branch, agency or instrumentality of the Federal Government. §1995. Licensing agreements 208 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 4. Geographic information board. "Geographic information board" means the Maine Library of Geographic Information Board. The presence of data in the library does not, by itself, make that information a public record. 10. State data custodian. "State data custodian" means any branch, agency or instrumentality of State Government. 5. Geographic information system. "Geographic information system" or "GIS" means a computer system capable of assembling, storing, manipulating, analyzing and displaying information identified according to locations. A GIS includes operating personnel, hardware, software and the data that go into the system. 11. State funds. "State funds" means bond revenues and money appropriated or allocated by the Legislature. §2003. Maine Library of Geographic Information Board 6. Maine Library of Geographic Information. "Maine Library of Geographic Information" or "library" means the statewide network created pursuant to this subchapter by which data custodians or their designees organize and catalog public geographic information and provide access to that information to all levels of government and to the public. 1. Purposes and duties. The Maine Library of Geographic Information Board, as established by section 12004-G, subsection 30-B, has the following purposes and duties: A. To oversee the Maine Library of Geographic Information to ensure that it operates as a coordinated, cost-effective electronic gateway providing public access to data custodians' public geographic information. Nothing in this paragraph may be construed to affect the rights of persons to inspect or copy public records under Title 1, chapter 13, subchapter 1, or the duty of data custodians to provide for public inspection and copying of those records; 7. Nonstate data custodian. "Nonstate data custodian" means any agency or instrumentality of a political subdivision of the State. 8. Public geographic information. "Public geographic information" means public information that is referenced to a physical location. Public geographic information includes, but is not limited to, physical, legal, economic or environmental information or characteristics concerning land, water, groundwater, subsurface resources or air in this State relating to: B. To establish and maintain standards, rules and policies for nonstate data custodians' geographic information that is incorporated into the Maine Library of Geographic Information. These standards, rules and policies must be consistent with the standards, rules and policies set by the Chief Information Officer that govern state data custodians' information technology. The geographic information board shall adopt rules to carry out this subchapter. Rules adopted pursuant to this paragraph are routine technical rules as defined in chapter 375, subchapter 2-A. Standards and policies may concern, without limitation: A. Topography, soil, soil erosion, geology, minerals, vegetation, land cover, wildlife and associated natural resources; B. Land ownership, land use, land use controls and restrictions, jurisdictional boundaries, tax assessments, land value and land survey records and references; and C. Geodetic control networks, aerial photographs, maps, planimetric data, remote sensing data, historic and prehistoric sites and economic projections. (1) Methods of access and delivery of information held by the library; 9. Public information. "Public information" means information that is stored, gathered, generated, maintained or financed by a data custodian. Information of state and nonstate data custodians is public information only if it is either: (2) Geographic information system technical specifications; (3) Data content, metadata and security, including guideline criteria for accepting 3rdparty data from data custodians or data volunteered by the private sector; A. A public record under Title 1, section 402, subsection 3; or (4) Privacy and privacy protection; B. Otherwise expressly authorized by law to be released. (5) Mechanisms to correct inaccuracies; and (6) Data validation tools and processes; 209 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 C. To reduce redundancies in the creation, verification and maintenance of public geographic information and to enhance its utility for complex analyses. F. To enter partnerships to promote the purposes of this subchapter; G. To hear and resolve disputes that may arise between data custodians or with respect to information to be placed in the Maine Library of Geographic Information, enforcement of geographic information board standards, rules or policies or other related matters, all in accordance with the Maine Administrative Procedure Act. Complainants may directly present their case to the geographic information board, which has the power to hold investigations, inquiries and hearings concerning matters brought to its attention and to make decisions with respect to the case. All interested parties must be given reasonable notice of the hearing and an opportunity to be heard. Hearings must be open to the public; (1) Each state data custodian, or its designee, that acquires, purchases, verifies, maintains or produces geographic information with state funds or grants shall: (a) Inform the geographic information board and the Office of Geographic Information Systems of the existence of this information and its geographic extent; and (b) Upon request, provide to the library and office an electronic copy of all information classified as public, in a form compatible with standards set by the Chief Information Officer. H. To conduct studies relating to the coordination, development and use of statewide geographic information; (2) Each nonstate data custodian, or its designee, that acquires, purchases, verifies, maintains or produces geographic information with state funds specifically provided for that purpose shall: I. To report annually by January 1st to the joint standing committees of the Legislature having jurisdiction over natural resources matters, and state and local government matters. The report must provide a review of the past year's activities, including, but not limited to, a description of standards adopted, data added to the library, partnerships established, disputes addressed, studies conducted and financial activity. The library shall also make this report available to the public. This report may also include suggested legislative language intended to address geographic information issues needing legislative action; and (a) Inform the geographic information board and the Office of Geographic Information Systems of the existence of this information and its geographic extent; and (b) Upon request, provide to the library and Office of Geographic Information Systems an electronic copy of all information classified as public, in a form compatible with standards set by the Chief Information Officer; J. To develop appropriate internal services to facilitate generalized access for and use of data by governmental agencies and the public. The library may not compete directly with private enterprise. The library shall work in partnership with nonstate data custodians to promote the purposes of this subchapter. D. To set priorities and authorize the expenditure of state funds, including awarding of grants or subgrants to data custodians when available. The geographic information board may seek federal and other funding partners, accept gifts and grants and expend the funds acquired for purposes consistent with this subchapter; 2. Membership. The geographic information board consists of 15 voting members as follows: E. To promote innovative uses of geographic information through the provision of verified, coordinated, intergovernmental information via the Maine Library of Geographic Information. The geographic information board shall seek advice from the general public, professional associations, academic groups and institutions and individuals with knowledge of and interest in geographic information regarding needed information and potential innovative uses of geographic information; A. The commissioner or the commissioner's designee; B. The Chief Information Officer or the Chief Information Officer's designee; C. Two members, or the members' designees, who are responsible for overseeing GIS functions of a state department that is a data custodian of geographic information, appointed by the Governor; 210 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 5. Quorum; action. Eight members of the geographic information board constitute a quorum. The affirmative vote of 7 members is necessary for any action taken by the geographic information board. A vacancy in the membership of the geographic information board does not impair the right of a quorum to exercise all the powers and perform the duties of the geographic information board. The geographic information board may use video conferencing and other technologies to conduct its business but is not exempt from Title 1, chapter 13, subchapter 1. D. Eight representatives as follows: (1) A representative of the University of Maine System, appointed by the Chancellor of the University of Maine System; (2) Two representatives of a statewide association of municipalities, one representative appointed by the President of the Senate from nominations made by the association's governing body and one representative appointed by the Speaker of the House from nominations made by the association's governing body; 6. Meetings. The geographic information board shall meet at the call of the chair but not less than quarterly. Notice must be provided no less than 5 working days prior to the meeting. Notice may be in writing by facsimile or electronic transmission. (3) One representative of a statewide association of regional councils, appointed by the Speaker of the House from nominations made by the Executive Department, State Planning Office; 7. Memorandum of understanding. Information to be provided by a nonstate data custodian or its designee to the Maine Library of Geographic Information is governed by a memorandum of understanding between the geographic information board or its designee and the nonstate data custodian or its designee. (4) One representative of a statewide association of counties, appointed by the Governor from nominations made by the association's governing body; (5) One representative of a statewide association representing real estate and development interests, appointed by the President of the Senate; 8. Data custodian responsibilities. Federal and nonstate data custodians may voluntarily contribute data to the Maine Library of Geographic Information, except that data developed with state funds must be submitted to the library. Data custodians or their designees are responsible for: (6) One representative of a statewide association representing environmental interests, appointed by the Speaker of the House; and A. Ensuring that the public information is accurate, complete and current through the creation of adequate procedures; (7) One member representing public utilities, appointed by the Governor; B. Updating source data bases following verification of suggested corrections that users submit in accordance with geographic information board standards; E. Two members of the private sector representing geographic information vendors, one member appointed by the President of the Senate and one member appointed by the Speaker of the House; and C. Complying with standards adopted by the geographic information board; and F. One public member, appointed by the President of the Senate. D. Providing reasonable safeguards to protect confidentiality. The terms for the members appointed pursuant to paragraphs C, D, E and F are 3 years. A member who designates another person to serve on the geographic information board as that member's designee shall provide written notice to the geographic information board's staff of the name and title of the designee. §2004. Liability The geographic information board and any of the parties submitting data to the Maine Library of Geographic Information for public use may not be held liable for any use of those data. 3. Board chair. The geographic information board shall annually elect a chair from its membership at the first meeting in each year. §2005. Copyrights and fees Copyright or licensing restrictions may not be fixed by the geographic information board or data custodians to the information made available through 4. Staff. Staff support to the geographic information board is provided by the Department of Administrative and Financial Services. 211 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 the Director of the Bureau of Information Services, the Chief Information Officer, a representative of the Maine Prosecutors Association appointed by the Attorney General, a representative of the Maine Chiefs of Police Association appointed by the Commissioner of Public Safety, a representative of the Maine Sheriff's Association appointed by the Commissioner of Public Safety, a representative of a federal criminal justice agency appointed by the Governor, a representative of a nongovernmental agency that provides services to victims of domestic violence appointed by the Governor and a public member who represents private users of criminal offender record information appointed by the Governor. the Maine Library of Geographic Information. The geographic information board may set fees for electronic copies of library data that are no more than 3 times the actual cost of reproduction. Fee schedules must be set annually and made readily available to requestors. SUBCHAPTER 5 APPEALS PROCESS §2011. Appeals Any state agency or semiautonomous state agency disagreeing with an action or decision of the Chief Information Officer as it affects that agency may appeal the decision in accordance with the provisions of this section. Sec. SS-20. 16 MRSA §634, as enacted by PL 1993, c. 346, §1, is amended to read: §634. Term of membership 1. Appeal. A state agency may appeal the decision or action of the Chief Information Officer to the commissioner. The Attorney General, the Commissioner of Public Safety, the Commissioner of Corrections, the Commissioner of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, the State Court Administrator, the Chief of the State Police, the Director of the Division of Probation and Parole and the Director of the Bureau of Information Services Chief Information Officer are members of the board during their terms of office and may appoint designees to serve in their place. The other members of the board serve terms of 3 years. Members of the board serve without compensation, except for reimbursement for actual expenses incurred in the performance of their duties. Any vacancy on the board must be filled in the same manner as the original appointment, but only for the unexpired term. 2. Appeal to Governor. In the event that an agency is aggrieved by the decision of the commissioner, the agency may appeal to the Governor to alter the decision or action, and the decision of the Governor is final. 3. Written decisions. In responding to a state agency, the person or organization to whom the appeal has been made shall provide the decision in writing. If the decision fails to uphold the state agency appeal, the decision must contain the specific reasons for the decision. Sec. SS-17. 5 MRSA §12004-G, sub-§1, as Sec. SS-21. 21-A MRSA §192, sub-§1, ¶F, enacted by PL 1987, c. 786, §5, is repealed. as enacted by PL 2001, c. 637, §2, is amended to read: Sec. SS-18. 5 MRSA §12004-G, sub§30-B, as enacted by PL 2001, c. 649, §2, is amended F. The Director of the Bureau of Information Services Chief Information Officer within the Department of Administration Administrative and Financial Services or the director's Chief Information Officer's designee; and to read: 30-B. Public Information Maine Library of Geographic Information Board Expenses Only 5 MRSA §1890-K §2003 Sec. SS-22. 38 MRSA §420-B, sub-§2, as amended by PL 1995, c. 152, §6, is further amended to read: Sec. SS-19. 16 MRSA §633, as amended by PL 2001, c. 388, §15, is further amended to read: 2. Data management. The commissioner shall maintain data collected under this section in a manner consistent with standards established under Title 5, chapter 158 163, subchapter II-A 3 for the State's geographic information system. All data is available to the public. §633. Policy board established; membership There is established the Maine Criminal Justice Information System Policy Board, referred to in this subchapter as the "board." The board consists of 14 13 members that include the Attorney General, the Commissioner of Public Safety, the Commissioner of Corrections, the State Court Administrator, the Chief of the State Police, the Associate Commissioner for Adult Services within the Department of Corrections, PART TT Sec. TT-1. 22 MRSA §1552, sub-§1, as amended by PL 2003, c. 673, Pt. CC, §1, is further amended to read: 212 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 C. For a school administrative unit with 251 or more limited English proficiency students, the unit receives an additional weight of .60 per student.; and 1. Application process; license fees. An applicant for an annual retail tobacco license shall file an application in the form required by the department. The department shall make provisions for applications under this section. The fee for a retail tobacco license is $50 annually must be determined annually by the department by rulemaking. The applicant shall enclose the fee with the application for the license. Rules adopted pursuant to this section are routine technical rules as defined in Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter 2-A. D. Notwithstanding paragraphs A, B and C and for fiscal year 2005-06 only, a school administrative unit that receives an allocation for limited English proficiency students and that has more than 15 and fewer than 26 limited English proficiency students is eligible for an adjustment to its allocation for limited English proficiency students that is the difference between the amount that the school unit would have received under the calculation described in paragraph B and the amount that is calculated when the school unit receives for the first 15 students a weight of .50 instead of .30 as otherwise required under paragraph B. This paragraph is repealed June 30, 2006. Sec. TT-2. Tobacco fee calculation and revenue requirements. Beginning July 1, 2005, the Department of Health and Human Services shall implement a sliding-scale license fee based on the relative size of retail tobacco licensees. In determining the sliding-scale license fee, the department may rely on a number of measures of the relative size of the licensee, including, but not limited to: total sales, total cigarette sales, total square footage of the retail establishment and the relative size of the retailer's cigarette display. The sliding-scale license fees assessed under this Part must generate total revenues per year no less than the revenues that would be generated by a $100 flat annual fee applied to all retail tobacco licensees. Eligibility for state funds under this subsection is limited to school administrative units that are providing services to limited English proficient proficiency students through programs approved by the department. Sec. UU-3. 20-A MRSA §15681-A, sub§3, as enacted by PL 2005, c. 2, Pt. D, §44 and PART UU affected by §§72 and 73, is amended to read: Sec. UU-1. 20-A MRSA §15671, sub-§6, as 3. Transportation costs. For fiscal year 2005-06, the commissioner, using information provided by a statewide education policy research institute, shall establish a per-pupil transportation cost for each school administrative unit based on an analysis of the most recent year's reported transportation expenditures and a predicted per-pupil transportation cost based on the number of resident pupils, the number of miles of Class 1 to Class 5 roads in the school administrative unit and any approved adjustments. In fiscal year 2005-06 the established per-pupil transportation cost for each school administrative unit is the most recent year's reported transportation expenditures or predicted per-pupil transportation cost, plus 10%, whichever is lower. Beginning in fiscal year 2006-07, and for each subsequent fiscal year, the perpupil transportation costs for each school administrative unit are its established costs for the most recent year adjusted by the Consumer Price Index or other comparable index. For fiscal years 2005-06 and 2006-07, in no case may the per-pupil transportation costs for a school administrative unit be less than 75% of the established costs for the most recent fiscal year, except that for fiscal year 2005-06 only the per-pupil transportation costs for a school administrative district or a community school district that has more than 1,250 resident pupils in the school district may not be less than 90% of the established costs for the most recent fiscal year. Every 3 years, the commissioner, amended by PL 2005, c. 2, Pt. D, §33 and affected by §§72 and 73, is further amended to read: 6. Targeted funds. Funds for technology, assessment and the costs of additional investments in educating children in kindergarten to grade 2 as described in section 15681 must be provided as targeted grants allocations. School administrative units shall submit a plan for the use of these funds and shall receive funding based on approval of the plan by the commissioner. Sec. UU-2. 20-A MRSA §15675, sub-§1, as amended by PL 2005, c. 2, Pt. D, §38 and affected by §§72 and 73, is further amended to read: 1. Limited English proficiency students. The additional weights for school administrative units with limited English proficiency students are as follows: A. For a school administrative unit with 15 or fewer limited English proficiency students, the unit receives an additional weight of .50 per student; B. For a school administrative unit with more than 15 and fewer than 251 limited English proficiency students, the unit receives an additional weight of .30 per student; and 213 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 using information provided by a statewide education policy research institute, shall examine and may adjust reported transportation expenditures and predicted transportation costs. The commissioner shall develop an appeals procedure for established per-pupil transportation costs for school administrative units; pursuant to section 15683, subsection 2 in fiscal year 2005-06. Sec. UU-5. Fund for the Efficient Delivery of Educational Services; grant program for cost-effective small schools. In developing the implementation plan for the Fund for Efficient Delivery of Educational Services as required pursuant to Public Law 2005, chapter 2, Part D, section 66, the Commissioner of Education shall review the delivery of educational programs and services in small school administrative units and shall design a grant program to promote the preservation of cost-effective community schools in small school administrative units in the State. Sec. UU-4. 20-A MRSA §15686, sub-§1, as enacted by PL 2005, c. 2, Pt. D, §52 and affected by §§72 and 73, is repealed and the following enacted in its place: 1. Adjustment in fiscal year 2005-06. A school administrative unit is eligible for a transition adjustment in fiscal year 2005-06 according to the provisions of this subsection. Sec. UU-6. Study of high-performing and cost-effective small schools. The Maine Education A. A school administrative unit is eligible to receive a transition adjustment in fiscal year 2005-06 if the school administrative unit's state share of the total allocation, including the debt service adjustment pursuant to section 15689, subsection 2, and the minimum state share of its total allocation pursuant to section 15689, subsection 1 is less than the fiscal year 2004-05 state share of its total allocation, including the minimum state share of its total allocation pursuant to former section 15689, subsection 1 and the adjustment for geographic isolation pursuant to section 15612, subsection 2. The state share adjustment is an amount equal to that difference less the losses due to reduced expenditures for buses, debt service, special education, gifted and talented education and vocational education. Policy Research Institute within the University of Southern Maine shall conduct a review of highperforming and cost-effective small schools in the State. The steering committee of the Maine Education Policy Research Institute shall include a targeted research project to the fiscal year 2005-06 work plan to permit the principal investigators of the Maine Education Policy Research Institute to provide such technical assistance as may be required to complete this study. The Maine Education Policy Research Institute may receive input from the Joint Standing Committee on Education and Cultural Affairs regarding the expectations of the Legislature with respect to the completion of this study. Based upon its analyses, the Maine Education Policy Research Institute shall develop models of small schools that are both high-performing and cost-effective. The Maine Education Policy Research Institute shall report its findings and recommendations, including the characteristics of high-performing and cost-effective small schools and proposed adjustments to the cost components of the Essential Programs and Services Funding Act, to the Joint Standing Committee on Education and Cultural Affairs by November 30, 2005. The Joint Standing Committee on Education and Cultural Affairs may introduce a bill related to the report to the Second Regular Session of the 122nd Legislature. (1) A school administrative unit that meets the criteria under this paragraph is eligible to receive no less than a 5% transition adjustment in fiscal year 2005-06 if the school administrative unit operates an elementary or secondary school and also has a student count of less than 1,000. (2) A school administrative unit that meets the criteria under this paragraph is eligible to receive no less than a 2.5% transition adjustment in fiscal year 2005-06 if the school administrative unit operates an elementary or secondary school and also has a student count of 1,000 or more. Sec. UU-7. Review of additional weights provided for limited English proficiency. The Commissioner of Education shall review the most recent data available related to the costs borne by school administrative units that are providing services to limited English proficiency students. The commissioner may consult with the Maine Educational Policy Research Institute within the University of Southern Maine to conduct this review. The commissioner shall report the findings of this review, including any recommended legislation, to the Joint Standing Committee on Education and Cultural Affairs by November 30, 2005. The Joint Standing Committee on Education and Cultural Affairs may introduce a bill B. A small school administrative unit is eligible to receive a transition adjustment in fiscal year 2005-06 if the school administrative unit operates an elementary or secondary school, raises the maximum local cost share expectation pursuant to section 15671-A and also has a student count of less than 500. A school administrative unit that meets these criteria is eligible to receive 86% instead of 84% of the base total calculated 214 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 related to the report to the Second Regular Session of the 122nd Legislature. the State compared to the 35 labor market areas previously used for these purposes. Sec. UU-8. Allocation of targeted funds for technology, assessment and costs of education for kindergarten to grade 2 in fiscal year 2005-06. For fiscal year 2005-06, each school The Commissioner of Education shall report the findings of this review, including any recommended legislation, to the Joint Standing Committee on Education and Cultural Affairs by November 30, 2005. The Joint Standing Committee on Education and Cultural Affairs may introduce a bill related to the report to the Second Regular Session of the 122nd Legislature. administrative unit must receive targeted allocations for technology, assessment and costs of education for kindergarten to grade 2 in accordance with the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 20-A, section 15671, subsection 6. School administrative units shall make every effort to use these targeted allocations for the purposes for which they were provided, however school administrative units may not be penalized for not adhering explicitly to the intent of the targeted funds in fiscal year 2005-06. Each school administrative unit must submit a plan for the use of targeted funds for both fiscal years 2005-06 and 2006-07 by January 15, 2006 for approval of the plans by the Commissioner of Education. The commissioner shall provisionally adopt rules pursuant to the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 20-A, section 15687 that establish the requirements for school administrative unit plans and the use of targeted funds for technology, assessment and costs of education for kindergarten to grade 2 in accordance with Title 20-A, section 15671, subsection 6 and Title 20-A, section 15681 no later than December 2, 2005 so that the Legislature may consider these rules during the Second Regular Session of the 122nd Legislature. Sec. UU-10. Review of implications of minimum state allocation adjustments for The certain school administrative units. Commissioner of Education shall review the most recent data available related to the implications of the minimum state allocation adjustments enacted pursuant to Public Law 2005, chapter 2 for certain school administrative units whose state share of the school administrative unit's debt service costs were adjusted pursuant to the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 20-A, section 15689, subsection 2. The commissioner shall conduct a comprehensive analysis of the 6 socalled "outlier" school administrative units that may be adversely affected by the minimum state allocation adjustments enacted pursuant to Public Law 2005, chapter 2. The commissioner shall propose potential solutions, including a phase-in approach to resolving the adverse fiscal impact for these school administrative units. The commissioner shall report the findings of this review, including any recommended legislation, to the Joint Standing Committee on Education and Cultural Affairs by November 30, 2005. The Joint Standing Committee on Education and Cultural Affairs may introduce a bill related to the report to the Second Regular Session of the 122nd Legislature. Sec. UU-9. Review of regional adjustment to salary and benefit costs for fiscal year 2006-07. For fiscal year 2006-07, the Commissioner of Education shall review the regional adjustment to the salary and benefit costs of school-level teachers and for school-level staff who are not teachers as calculated under the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 20-A, section 15682. The Commissioner of Education may consult with the Commissioner of Labor and the Maine Educational Policy Research Institute within the University of Southern Maine to address the following: Sec. UU-11. Review of transportation costs for certain rural schools. The Commissioner of Education shall review the costs defined in the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 20-A, section 15681-A, subsection 3 as the costs pertain to school administrative districts or community school districts that have more than 1,250 resident pupils, in conjunction with other adjustments and funding increases provided by law to determine an appropriate level of funding for fiscal year 2006-07 in order for those districts to maintain their current level of transportation services. The commissioner shall report these findings by November 30, 2005 including any recommended legislation to the Joint Standing Committee on Education and Cultural Affairs and the Joint Standing Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs. 1. The efficacy of using this regional adjustment as a means to providing an adequate level of resources for teachers and other school-level personnel under the Essential Programs and Services Funding Act; 2. The efficacy of using this regional adjustment as a means to providing a recruitment and retention incentive for teachers in all school administrative units in the State; and 3. The implications of the reduction in the number of labor market areas in the State on this regional adjustment, including an analysis of the impact of the Department of Labor plan to develop its labor force employment data based on 31 labor market areas in Sec. UU-12. Application. This Part applies to school budgets passed for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2005, and thereafter. 215 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 Sec. UU-13. Effective date. This Part takes Other Special Revenue Funds account in the Department of Human Services or, the Other Special Revenue funds Mental Health Services - Community Medicaid program, the Medicaid Services - Mental Retardation program and the Office of Substance Abuse - Medicaid Seed program within the Department of Behavioral and Developmental Health and Human Services. effect July 1, 2005. PART VV Sec. VV-1. 36 MRSA §2551, sub-§1-A is enacted to read: 1-A. Community support services. "Community support services" means rehabilitative services provided to adults at least 18 years of age or to emancipated children that are provided in the context of a supportive relationship pursuant to an individual support plan that promotes a person's recovery and integration of the person into the community and that sustain the person in that person's current living situation or another living situation of that person's choice. "Community support services" include only those services provided by a designated community support services provider licensed by and operating under a contract with the Department of Health and Human Services for such services, whether the provider is reimbursed through participation in the MaineCare program or with state grant funds. Sec. VV-5. Appropriations and allocations. The following appropriations and allocations are made. HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF (FORMERLY BDS) Mental Health Services - Community Medicaid 0732 Initiative: Reduces funding to be replaced by dedicated revenue from extending the service provider tax to facilitate MaineCare reimbursement of community support services. GENERAL FUND All Other 2005-06 ($912,380) __________ ($912,380) 2006-07 ($912,380) __________ ($912,380) 2005-06 $1,400,000 __________ 2006-07 $1,400,000 __________ $1,400,000 $1,400,000 HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF (FORMERLY BDS) DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 GENERAL FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other Sec. VV-2. 36 MRSA §2552, sub-§1, ¶¶F and G, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 673, Pt. V, §25 and affected by §29, are amended to read: OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL F. The installation, maintenance or repair of telecommunications equipment; and G. Private nonmedical institution services.; and Sec. VV-3. 36 MRSA §2552, sub-§1, ¶H is GENERAL FUND OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE enacted to read: H. Community support services. Sec. VV-4. 36 MRSA §2559, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 673, Pt. V, §25 and affected by §29, is amended to read: DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS ($912,380) ($912,380) $1,400,000 __________ $1,400,000 __________ $487,620 $487,620 HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF (FORMERLY DHS) §2559. Application of revenues Medical Care - Payments to Providers 0147 Revenues derived by the tax imposed by this chapter must be credited to a General Fund suspense account. On or before the last day of each month, the State Controller shall transfer a percentage of the revenues received by the State Tax Assessor during the preceding month pursuant to the tax imposed by section 2552, subsection 1, paragraphs A to F to the Local Government Fund as provided by Title 30-A, section 5681, subsection 5. The balance remaining in the General Fund suspense account must be transferred to service provider tax General Fund revenue. On or before the 15th day of each month, the State Controller shall transfer all revenues received by the assessor during the preceding month pursuant to the tax imposed by section 2552, subsection 1, paragraph G paragraphs G and H to the Medical Care Services Initiative: Provides funding for the federal match required from extending the service provider tax to facilitate MaineCare reimbursement of community support services. FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 All Other $912,380 __________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $912,380 216 2006-07 $912,380 __________ $912,380 HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF (FORMERLY DHS) DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND $912,380 $912,380 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS SECTION TOTALS PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 __________ __________ $912,380 $912,380 2005-06 2006-07 GENERAL FUND ($912,380) OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $1,400,000 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND $912,380 __________ SECTION TOTAL ALL FUNDS $1,400,000 tion and referendum process with respect to the matters described in this paragraph. (1) A majority of the entire membership of the school board or committee must approve the additional amount in a regular budget meeting. ($912,380) $1,400,000 (2) An article approving the additional amount must conform to the requirements of section 15690, subsection 3, paragraph B and be approved by a majority of the entire membership of the council in a vote taken in accordance with section 15690, subsection 5 or, if the council votes not to approve the article, by a majority of voters voting in a referendum called pursuant to subparagraph (4). $912,380 __________ $1,400,000 PART WW Sec. WW-1. 20-A MRSA §1305-A, sub§1, ¶B, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 710, §5, is amended to read: (3) If an article is approved by the council pursuant to subparagraph (2), the voters may petition for a referendum vote on the same article in accordance with subparagraph (4). If a petition is filed in accordance with subparagraph (4), the vote of the council is suspended pending the outcome of the referendum vote. Upon approval of the article by a majority of the voters voting in that referendum, the article takes effect. If the article is not approved by a majority of the voters voting in that referendum, the article does not take effect. Subsequent to the vote, the school committee or board may again propose an additional amount, subject to the requirements of this section. B. Revenue sources: (1) Foundation allocation Total education costs appropriated pursuant to section 15690, subsection 1; (2) Debt Non-state-funded debt service allocation costs approved pursuant to section 15690, subsection 2, if any; and (3) Additional local funds, if any, approved pursuant to section 15690, subsection 3, paragraph A or B; Sec. WW-2. 20-A MRSA §1701-A, sub§1, ¶B, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 710, §11, is amended to read: (4) If a written petition, signed by at least 10% of the number of voters voting in the last gubernatorial election in the municipality, requesting a vote on the additional amount is submitted to the municipal officers within 30 days of the council's vote pursuant to subparagraph (2), the article voted on by the council must be submitted to the legal voters in the next regular election or a special election called for the purpose. The election must be held within 45 days of the submission of the petition. The election must be called, advertised and conducted according to the law relating to municipal elections, except that the registrar of voters is not required to prepare or the clerk to post a new list of voters and absentee ballots must be prepared and made available at least 14 days prior to the date of the referendum. For the purpose of registration of voters, the registrar of voters must be in session the secular day preceding the election. The voters shall indicate by a cross or check mark placed against the word "Yes" B. Revenue sources: (1) Foundation allocation Total education costs appropriated pursuant to section 15690, subsection 1; (2) Debt Non-state-funded debt service allocation costs approved pursuant to section 15690, subsection 2, if any; and (3) Additional local funds, if any, approved pursuant to section 15690, subsection 3, paragraph A or B; Sec. WW-3. 20-A MRSA §15671-A, sub§5, ¶B, as enacted by PL 2005, c. 2, Pt. D, §35 and affected by §§72 and 73, is amended to read: B. In a municipality where the responsibility for final adoption of the school budget is vested by the municipal charter in a council, this paragraph applies, except that the petition and referendum provisions apply only if the municipal charter does not otherwise provide for or prohibit a peti217 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 (1) "Article ....: To see what sum each municipality the district will appropriate for the school administrative unit's contribution to the total cost of funding public education from kindergarten to grade 12 as described in the Essential Programs and Services Funding Act and to see what sum each municipality the district will raise and assess as each municipality's contribution to the total cost of funding public education from kindergarten to grade 12 as described in the Essential Programs and Services Funding Act in accordance with the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 20-A, section 15688 (Recommends Recommend amount set forth below): or "No" their opinion on the article. The results must be declared by the municipal officers and entered upon the municipal records. Sec. WW-4. 20-A MRSA §15672, sub§30-A, ¶A, as enacted by PL 2005, c. 2, Pt. D, §36 and affected by §§72 and 73, is amended to read: A. The salary and benefit costs of certified professionals, assistants and aides or costs of persons contracted to perform a special education service; Sec. WW-5. 20-A MRSA §15690, sub-§1, ¶¶A and B, as enacted by PL 2005, c. 2, Pt. D, §62 and affected by §§72 and 73, are amended to read: A. For a municipal school unit, an article in substantially the following form must be used when a single municipal school administrative unit is considering the appropriation of an amount up to its required contribution to the total cost of education as described in section 15688. (1) "Article.....: To see what sum the municipality will appropriate for the school administrative unit's contribution to the total cost of funding public education from kindergarten to grade 12 as described in the Essential Programs and Services Funding Act (Recommend $......) and to see what sum the municipality will raise as the municipality's contribution to the total cost of funding public education from kindergarten to grade 12 as described in the Essential Programs and Services Funding Act in accordance with the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 20-A, section 15688. (Recommend $......)" Total cost appropriated (by municipality): Municipal local contribution Total raised (district assessments by municipality): Town A ($amount) Town A ($amount) Town B ($amount) Town B ($amount) Town C ($amount) Town C ($amount) School District Total Appropriated ($sum of above) School District Total Raised ($sum of above)" (2) The following statement must accompany the article in subparagraph (1). "Explanation: The school administrative unit's contribution to the total cost of funding public education from kindergarten to grade 12 as described in the Essential Programs and Services Funding Act is the amount of money determined by state law to be the minimum amount that each municipality the district must raise and assess in order to receive the full amount of state dollars." (2) The following statement must accompany the article in subparagraph (1). "Explanation: The school administrative unit's contribution to the total cost of funding public education from kindergarten to grade 12 as described in the Essential Programs and Services Funding Act is the amount of money determined by state law to be the minimum amount that a municipality must raise in order to receive the full amount of state dollars." Sec. WW-6. 20-A MRSA §15690, sub-§2, as enacted by PL 2005, c. 2, Pt. D, §62 and affected by §§72 and 73, is amended to read: 2. Non-state-funded debt service. For each a school administrative unit's contribution to debt service indebtedness previously approved by its legislative body for non-state-funded major capital school construction projects or non-state-funded portions of major capital school construction projects and minor capital projects, the legislative body of each school administrative unit may vote to raise and appropriate an amount up to the municipality's or district's annual payments for non-state-funded debt service. B. For a school administrative district or a community school district, an article in substantially the following form must be used when the school administrative district or community school district is considering the appropriation of an amount up to its required contribution to the total cost of education as described in section 15688. 218 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 bution to the total cost of funding public education from kindergarten to grade 12 as described in the Essential Programs and Services Funding Act and local amounts raised for the annual debt service payment on previously approved non-state-funded school construction projects or and the nonstate-funded portion of a school construction project projects and minor capital projects that will help achieve the (municipality's or district's) budget for educational programs." A. An article in substantially the following form must be used when a school administrative unit is considering the appropriation for debt service allocation for non-state-funded school construction projects or non-state-funded portions of school construction projects and minor capital projects. (1) "Article ....: To see what sum the (municipality or district) will raise and appropriate for the annual debt service payments on a debt service previously approved by the legislative body for non-state-funded school construction project or projects, nonstate-funded portion portions of a school construction project projects and minor capital projects in addition to the funds appropriated as the local share of the school administrative unit's contribution to the total cost of funding public education from kindergarten to grade 12. (Recommend $......)" Sec. WW-8. 20-A MRSA §15904, sub-§4, ¶C, as enacted by PL 1981, c. 693, §§5 and 8, is repealed. Sec. WW-9. 20-A MRSA §15904, sub-§4, ¶E, as amended by PL 1985, c. 570, §2, is further amended to read: E. The school administrative unit shall be is responsible for the local share of debt service allocation to be calculated in accordance with state law annual principal and interest payments for this school construction project included in the total cost of education appropriated pursuant to section 15690, subsection 1, if any, and for the annual principal and interest payments for the non-state-funded portion of this school construction project. (2) The following statement must accompany the article in subparagraph (1). "Explanation: Non-state-funded debt service is the amount of money needed for the annual payments on the (municipality's or district's) long-term debt for major capital school construction projects and minor capital renovation projects that is are not approved for state subsidy. The bonding of this long-term debt was previously approved by the voters on (date of original referendum) or other legislative body." Sec. WW-10. 30-A MRSA §706-A, sub§7, as enacted by PL 2005, c. 2, Pt. B, §1 and affected by §§2 and 3, is amended to read: 7. Process for exceeding county assessment limit. A county may exceed or increase the county assessment limit only if approved by a vote of a majority of all the members of both the county budget committee or county budget advisory committee and the county commissioners. Sec. WW-7. 20-A MRSA §15690, sub-§3, ¶A, as enacted by PL 2005, c. 2, Pt. D, §62 and affected by §§72 and 73, is amended to read: A. If the amount of the additional funds does not result in the unit's exceeding its maximum state and local spending target established pursuant to section 15671-A, subsection 4, an article in substantially the following form must be used when a school administrative unit is considering the appropriation of additional local funds: Unless a county charter otherwise provides or prohibits a petition and referendum process, if a written petition, signed by at least 10% of the number of voters voting in the last gubernatorial election in the county, requesting a vote on the question of exceeding the county assessment limit is submitted to the county commissioners within 30 days of the commissioners' vote pursuant to this subsection, the article voted on by the commissioners must be submitted to the legal voters in the next regular election or a special election called for that purpose. The election must be held within 45 days of the submission of the petition. The election must be called, advertised and conducted according to the law relating to municipal elections, except that the registrar of voters is not required to prepare or the clerk to post a new list of voters, the filing requirement contained in section 2528 does not (1) "Article ....: To see what sum the (municipality or district) will raise and to appropriate the sum of (Recommend $.....) in additional local funds for school purposes under the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 20-A, section 15690. (Recommend $......)" (2) The following statement must accompany the article in subparagraph (1). "Explanation: The additional local funds are those locally raised funds over and above the school administrative unit's local contri219 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 purpose of registration of voters, the registrar of voters must be in session the secular day preceding the election. The voters shall indicate by a cross or check mark placed against the word "Yes" or "No" their opinion on the article. The results must be declared by the municipal officers and entered upon the municipal records. apply and absentee ballots must be prepared and made available at least 14 days prior to the date of the referendum. For the purpose of registration of voters, the registrar of voters must be in session the secular day preceding the election. The voters shall indicate by a cross or check mark placed against the word "Yes" or "No" their opinion on the article. The results must be declared by the county commissioners and entered upon the county records. Sec. WW-13. PL 2005, c. 2, Pt. B, §3 is repealed. Sec. WW-11. 30-A MRSA §5721-A, sub§1, ¶D, as enacted by PL 2005, c. 2, Pt. C, §1 and Sec. WW-14. PL 2005, c. 2, Pt. B, §4 is enacted to read: affected by §§3 and 4, is amended to read: Sec. B-4. Effective date. This Part takes ef- D. "Property tax levy" means the total annual municipal appropriations, excluding assessments properly issued by a county of which the municipality is a member and amounts governed by and appropriated in accordance with Title 20-A, chapter 606-B, appropriated as the local share of the cost of essential programs and services under Title 20-A, chapter 606-B, and amounts appropriated to pay assessments properly issued by a school administrative unit or tuition for students or amounts attributable to a tax increment financing district agreement or similar special tax district, reduced by all resources available to fund those appropriations other than the property tax. fect July 1, 2005. Sec. WW-15. PL 2005, c. 2, Pt. C, §4 is repealed. Sec. WW-16. PL 2005, c. 2, Pt. C, §5 is enacted to read: Sec. C-5. Effective date. This Part takes effect July 1, 2005. Sec. WW-17. PL 2005, c. 2, Pt. D, §73 is repealed. Sec. WW-18. PL 2005, c. 2, Pt. D, §74 is enacted to read: Sec. WW-12. 30-A MRSA §5721-A, sub§7, ¶B, as enacted by PL 2005, c. 2, Pt. C, §1 and Sec. D-74. Effective date. This Part takes effect July 1, 2005. affected by §§3 and 4, is amended to read: PART XX B. If the municipal budget is adopted by a town council or city council, the property tax levy limit may be exceeded only by a majority vote of all the elected members of the town council or city council on a separate article that specifically identifies the intent to exceed the property tax levy limit. Unless a municipal charter otherwise provides or prohibits a petition and referendum process, if a written petition, signed by at least 10% of the number of voters voting in the last gubernatorial election in the municipality, requesting a vote on the question of exceeding the property tax levy limit is submitted to the municipal officers within 30 days of the council's vote pursuant to this paragraph, the article voted on by the council must be submitted to the legal voters in the next regular election or a special election called for that purpose. The election must be held within 45 days of the submission of the petition. The election must be called, advertised and conducted according to the law relating to municipal elections, except that the registrar of voters is not required to prepare or the clerk to post a new list of voters and absentee ballots must be prepared and made available at least 14 days prior to the date of the referendum. For the Sec. XX-1. Calculation and transfer; savings for all departments and agencies. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the State Budget Officer shall calculate the amount of savings that applies against each General Fund account for all departments and agencies from reductions in All Other and shall transfer the amounts by financial order upon the approval of the Governor. These transfers are considered adjustments to appropriations in fiscal year 2005-06 and fiscal year 2006-07. The State Budget Officer shall provide the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over appropriations and financial affairs reports of the transferred amounts no later than January 15, 2006 for the transfers in fiscal year 2005-06 and January 15, 2007 for the transfers in fiscal year 2006-07. Sec. XX-2. Appropriations and allocations. The following appropriations and allocations are made. ADMINISTRATIVE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF Executive Branch Departments and Independent 220 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 Agencies - Statewide 0017 GENERAL FUND All Other Initiative: Represents projected savings from departments and agencies statewide from an across-the-board reduction in All Other funds in fiscal year 2005-06 and 2006-07. General Fund All Other 2005-06 ($5,750,000) __________ ($5,750,000) General Fund Total DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS Initiative: Reduces funding for the Child Development Services System from savings achieved through administrative and program cost efficiencies. GENERAL FUND All Other 2006-07 ($5,750,000) __________ ($5,750,000) __________ ($5,750,000) ($5,750,000) 2006-07 ($881,749) __________ ($881,749) Preschool Handicapped 0449 2006-07 ($5,750,000) __________ ($5,750,000) ADMINISTRATIVE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 GENERAL FUND GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 ($412,781) __________ ($412,781) GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 $0 __________ $0 2006-07 ($6,500,000) __________ ($6,500,000) Preschool Handicapped 0449 Initiative: Provides additional funds to support services within the Child Development Services program. PART YY GENERAL FUND All Other Sec. YY-1. Child Development Services System; restructuring plan. By November 1, GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005, the Commissioner of Education shall present a report of the Department of Education plan to restructure the Child Development Services System to the Joint Standing Committee on Education and Cultural Affairs and the Joint Standing Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs. The report must include: 2005-06 $0 __________ $0 EDUCATION, DEPARTMENT OF DEPARTMENT TOTALS GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS 2006-07 $200,000 __________ $200,000 2005-06 2006-07 ($412,781) __________ ($7,181,749) __________ ($412,781) ($7,181,749) PART ZZ 1. A description of the proposed restructuring plan; Sec. ZZ-1. 36 MRSA §2891, sub-§4, as en- 2. A timeline for the implementation of the proposed restructuring plan; acted by PL 2003, c. 513, Pt. H, §1, is repealed. Sec. ZZ-2. 36 MRSA §2892, as amended by PL 2003, c. 673, Pt. HH, §3 and affected by §§6 and 7, is further amended to read: 3. An explanation of how the proposed restructuring plan will neither interrupt eligible children's early intervention and special education service plans nor diminish necessary services to eligible children in the future; and §2892. Tax imposed For the state fiscal year beginning on July 1, 2003, a tax is imposed against each hospital in the State. The tax is equal to .74% of net operating revenue for the tax year as identified on the hospital's most recent audited annual financial statement for that tax year. Delinquent tax payments are subject to Title 22, section 3175-C. 4. A fiscal analysis of the proposed restructuring plan. Sec. YY-2. Reduction in funding. Funds deappropriated from the Child Development Services program within the Department of Education in fiscal year 2006-07 must be absorbed through administrative savings within the existing program and not through decreases in eligibility for program services or reductions in service benefits. For state fiscal years beginning on or after July 1, 2004, a tax is imposed annually against each hospital in the State. The tax is equal to 2.23% of the hospital's net operating revenue used in the determination of the tax due for the state fiscal year beginning on July 1, 2003 as identified in the hospital's audited financial statement for the hospital's taxable year. For the state fiscal year beginning July 1, 2004, the hospital's taxable year is the hospital's fiscal year that ended during calendar year 2002. For the state fiscal year beginning July 1, 2005, the hospital's taxable year is the hospital's fiscal year that ended during calendar year 2003. For state fiscal years beginning on or after Sec. YY-3. Appropriations and allocations. The following appropriations and allocations are made. EDUCATION, DEPARTMENT OF Preschool Handicapped 0449 Initiative: Reduces funding for grants in order to maintain program costs within available resources. 221 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 July 1, 2006, the hospital's taxable year is the hospital's fiscal year that ended during calendar year 2004. $125 for the 2nd offense and $250 for the 3rd and subsequent offenses must be imposed. A fine imposed under this subsection may not be suspended by the court. Sec. ZZ-3. Appropriations and allocations. The following appropriations and allocations A. The operator shall ensure that a child who weighs at least 40 pounds but less than 80 pounds and who is less than 8 years of age is properly secured in a federally approved child restraint system. Nonprofit, municipal or contracted transportation service providers are exempt from this paragraph until February 1, 2005, except that the operator shall ensure that the child is properly secured in a seat belt. are made. HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF (FORMERLY DHS) Medical Care - Payments to Providers 0147 Initiative: Reduces funding to be replaced by dedicated revenue from increased hospital tax revenue and allocates dedicated revenue from increased hospital tax. GENERAL FUND All Other 2005-06 ($2,867,627) __________ ($2,867,627) 2006-07 ($3,929,172) __________ ($3,929,172) FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 All Other $2,867,627 __________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $2,867,627 2006-07 $3,929,172 __________ GENERAL FUND TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL B. The operator shall ensure that a child who is less than 18 years of age and at least 8 years of age or who is less than 18 years of age and more than 4 feet, 7 inches in height is properly secured in a seat belt. C. The operator shall ensure that a child who is less than 12 years of age and who weighs less than 100 pounds is properly secured in the rear seat of a vehicle, if possible. $3,929,172 2005-06 $4,400,225 __________ 2006-07 $6,029,111 __________ $4,400,225 $6,029,111 Sec. AAA-3. 29-A MRSA §2081, sub§3-A, as amended by PL 1997, c. 450, §2, is further amended to read: 3-A. Other passengers 18 years of age and older; operators. When a person 18 years of age or older is a passenger in a vehicle that is required by the United States Department of Transportation to be equipped with seat belts, the passenger must be properly secured in a seat belt. Each such passenger is responsible for wearing a seat belt as required by this subsection, and a passenger that fails to wear a seat belt as required by this subsection is subject to the enforcement provisions of subsection 4. The operator of a vehicle that is required by the United States Department of Transportation to be equipped with seat belts must be secured in the operator's seat belt. Violation of this subsection is a traffic infraction for which a fine of $50 for the first offense, $125 for the 2nd offense and $250 for the 3rd and subsequent offenses must be imposed. A fine imposed under this subsection may not be suspended by the court. PART AAA Sec. AAA-1. 29-A MRSA §2081, sub-§2, as amended by PL 2001, c. 585, §2 and affected by §6, is further amended to read: 2. Children under 40 pounds. When a child who weighs less than 40 pounds is being transported in a motor vehicle that is required by the United States Department of Transportation to be equipped with safety seat belts, the operator must have the child properly secured in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions in a child safety seat. Violation of this subsection is a traffic infraction for which a fine of $50 for the first offense, $125 for the 2nd offense and $250 for the 3rd and subsequent offenses must be imposed. A fine imposed under this subsection may not be suspended by the court. Sec. AAA-4. 29-A MRSA §2081, sub-§4, ¶B, as amended by PL 2001, c. 585, §4 and affected Sec. AAA-2. 29-A MRSA §2081, sub-§3, as amended by PL 2003, c. 380, §§2 and 3 and affected by §5, is further amended to read: by §6, is repealed. Sec. AAA-5. 29-A MRSA §2081, sub-§4, ¶C, as amended by PL 2001, c. 585, §5 and affected 3. Passengers less than 18 years of age. Except as provided in subsection 2, the following provisions apply to passengers less than 18 years of age riding in a vehicle that is required by the United States Department of Transportation to be equipped with seat belts. Violation of this subsection is a traffic infraction for which a fine of $50 for the first offense, by §6, is repealed. Sec. AAA-6. 29-A MRSA §2081, sub-§4, ¶D, as amended by PL 2003, c. 380, §4 and affected by §5, is repealed. 222 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 Sec. AAA-7. Appropriations and allocations. The following appropriations and allocations $338,667 1-D. Retail sales facilities. Reimbursement pursuant to this chapter may not be made with respect to property that is located in a retail sales facility exceeding 100,000 square feet of interior customer selling space and used primarily in a retail sales activity, unless the facility is owned by a business whose Maine-based operation derives less than 50% of its total annual revenue on a calendar-year basis from sales that are subject to Maine sales tax. This subsection applies to property tax years beginning after April 1, 2006. Property affected by this subsection that was eligible for reimbursement pursuant to this chapter for property taxes paid for the 2006 property tax year is grandfathered into the program and continues to be eligible for reimbursement to the extent permitted by this chapter as it existed on April 1, 2006, unless that property subsequently becomes ineligible. HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 Sec. BBB-3. 36 MRSA §6655, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 368, Pt. FFF, §2, is amended to read: GENERAL FUND $133,000 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND $248,855 __________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $381,855 §6655. Forms are made. HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF Medical Care - Payment to Providers Initiative: Restores funding that was deappropriated in Part B due to the primary enforcement of seat belt statutes. GENERAL FUND All Other 2005-06 $133,000 __________ $133,000 2006-07 $181,000 __________ $181,000 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 All Other $248,855 __________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $248,855 2006-07 $338,667 __________ GENERAL FUND TOTAL SECTION TOTALS 2005-06 GENERAL FUND $133,000 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND $248,855 __________ SECTION TOTAL ALL FUNDS $381,855 $181,000 $338,667 __________ The State Tax Assessor shall prescribe forms for the notice of claim and statement of the assessor or assessors provided in section 6653 and the claim for reimbursement, with instructions, and make those forms available to taxpayers and taxing jurisdictions. The forms must include a checkoff to indicate if the applicant is also receiving tax increment financing. $519,667 2006-07 $181,000 $338,667 __________ Sec. BBB-4. 36 MRSA §6656, as amended by PL 2001, c. 714, Pt. BB, §2 and affected by §4, is further amended to read: $519,667 §6656. Payment of claims PART BBB Except as provided in section 6652, subsection 3, upon receipt of a timely and properly completed claim for reimbursement, the State Tax Assessor shall certify that the claimant is eligible for reimbursement and shall pay the amount claimed from the General Fund as provided by this section by November 1st or within 90 days after receipt of the claim, whichever is later. For those claims for which payments are withheld pursuant to section 6652, subsection 3, reimbursement must be paid within 90 days after the assessor receives notification under that subsection that the report has been received. Sec. BBB-1. 36 MRSA §6651, sub-§§2-A, 4 and 5 are enacted to read: 2-A. Primarily. "Primarily" means more than 50% of the time. 4. Retail sales activity. "Retail sales activity" means an activity associated with the selection and purchase of goods or the rental of tangible personal property. 5. Retail sales facility. "Retail sales facility" means a structure used to serve customers who are physically present at the facility for the purpose of selecting and purchasing goods at retail or for renting tangible personal property. "Retail sales facility" does not include a separate structure that is used as a warehouse or call center facility. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the State Tax Assessor shall determine the benefit for each claimant under this chapter and certify the amount to the State Controller to be transferred to the Business Equipment Tax Reimbursement reserve account established, maintained and administered by the State Controller from General Fund undedicated revenue within the individual income tax category. The assessor shall pay the certified amounts to each approved applicant qualifying for the benefit under Sec. BBB-2. 36 MRSA §6652, sub-§1-D is enacted to read: 223 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 this chapter. Interest is not allowed on any payment made to a claimant pursuant to this chapter. A. The projected costs of benefits for the current biennium and ensuing 2 biennia; and Sec. BBB-5. 36 MRSA §§6664 and 6665 B. The economic factors and underlying assumptions that contribute to the projected costs. are enacted to read: Sec. BBB-6. Application date. Those sections of this Part that enact subsections in the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 36, section 6651 and enact Title 36, section 6652, subsection 1-D apply to property taxes based on the status of property on or after April 1, 2007. §6664. Report 1. Report to Legislature. By January 15th annually, the State Tax Assessor shall submit to the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over appropriations and financial affairs and the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over taxation matters a report that contains the following information with regard to persons receiving benefits under this chapter: Sec. BBB-7. Appropriations and allocations. The following appropriations and allocations are made. A. A list of persons receiving reimbursement for property taxes both under this chapter and under a tax increment financing agreement; ADMINISTRATIVE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF B. The total tax increment financing district property value for each person; Initiative: Eliminates the appropriation for the Business Equipment Tax Reimbursement, BETR, program and in its place creates the Business Equipment Tax Reimbursement reserve account, to which transfers are made from General Fund undedicated revenue within the individual income tax category in order to pay benefits under the BETR program. Business Equipment Tax Reimbursement 0806 C. The municipality of each tax increment financing district and the property tax rate for that municipality; GENERAL FUND All Other D. The total tax increment financing district property taxes paid, categorized by real property and personal property; GENERAL FUND TOTAL E. The total of tax increment financing credit enhancement agreement reimbursement for property taxes paid categorized by real property and personal property; 2005-06 ($73,463,191) __________ ($73,463,191) 2006-07 ($75,718,341) __________ ($75,718,341) PART CCC Sec. CCC-1. Transfer from unappropriated surplus at close of fiscal year 2005-06. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, at the close of fiscal year 2005-06, the State Controller shall transfer an amount up to $8,122,000 available from the unappropriated surplus of the General Fund to the department and agency accounts listed in section 2 after all required deductions of appropriations, budgeted financial commitments and adjustments considered necessary by the State Controller have been made and as the next priority after the transfers required pursuant to the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 5, sections 1507, 1511 and 1536. F. The total reimbursement received by each person under this chapter; and G. The extent of overlap between reimbursement for property taxes on personal property under this chapter and under a tax increment financing agreement. 2. Cooperation. The Department of Economic and Community Development and municipalities shall provide any information requested by the State Tax Assessor for the completion of the report required by this section. Sec. CCC-2. Priority of transfers. Transfers made in accordance with section 1 must be expended for the purposes listed in this section in the following amounts. §6665. Financial projections report 1. Report to Legislature. By January 15th annually, the State Tax Assessor shall submit to the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over appropriations and financial affairs and the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over taxation matters a report that contains the following information with regard to the projected cost of benefits under this chapter: The Baxter Compensation Authority must receive up to $8,122,000 less the transfer amount received from unappropriated surplus at the close of fiscal year 2004-05 for use in fiscal year 2005-06. Transfers made to the Baxter Compensation Authority must be expended for claims of former students of the Governor Baxter School for the Deaf and the Maine School for the Deaf. 224 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 Sec. CCC-3. Transferred amounts. Notwithstanding the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 5, section 1585, the amounts transferred by the State Controller for the purposes listed in section 2 are considered adjustments to appropriations in fiscal year 2006-07. These funds may be allotted by financial order upon recommendation of the State Budget Officer and approval of the Governor. The State Budget Officer shall provide the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over appropriations and financial affairs with a report of the transferred amounts no later than January 15, 2007. hearing. Notice shall must be given in the manner prescribed by section 1-401 by the petitioner to the persons herein enumerated in this subsection and to any additional person who has filed a demand for notice under section 3-204. Notice shall must be given to the following persons: the surviving spouse, children, and other heirs of the decedent, the devisees and executors named in any will that is being, or has been, probated, or offered for informal or formal probate in the county, or that is known by the petitioner to have been probated, or offered for informal or formal probate elsewhere, and any personal representative of the decedent whose appointment has not been terminated. If the decedent was 55 years of age or older, the petitioner shall give notice as described in section 1-401 to the Department of Health and Human Services. Notice may be given to other persons. In addition, the petitioner shall give notice by publication to all unknown persons and to all known persons whose addresses are unknown who have any interest in the matters being litigated. PART DDD Sec. DDD-1. 18-A MRSA §3-306, as amended by PL 1979, c. 690, §5, is further amended to read: §3-306. Informal probate; notice requirements The moving party must shall give notice as described by section 1-401 of his the moving party's application for informal probate to any person demanding it notice pursuant to section 3-204, to an heir, devisee or personal representative who has not waived notice in a writing filed with the court, and to any personal representative of the decendent decedent whose appointment has not been terminated. If the decedent was 55 years of age or older, the moving party shall give notice as described in section 1-401 to the Department of Health and Human Services. No other notice of informal probate is required. Sec. DDD-4. 18-A MRSA §5-408, sub-§(6) is enacted to read: (6) The court may authorize a gift or other transfer for less than fair market value from the protected person's estate other than to the protected person's spouse or dependent, blind or disabled child if the court finds that the gift or other transfer will not, directly or indirectly, diminish the protected person's estate in order to qualify for federal or state aid or benefits, including the MaineCare program under Title 22, chapter 855, and the court finds: Sec. DDD-2. 18-A MRSA §3-310, as amended by PL 1979, c. 690, §6, is further amended to read: §3-310. Informal appointment notice requirements (a) That the remaining estate assets of the protected person are sufficient for the protected person's care and maintenance for the next 36 months, including due provision for the protected person's established standard of living and for the support of any persons the protected person is legally obligated to support and any dependents of the protected person; and proceedings; The moving party must shall give notice as described by section 1-401 of his the moving party's intention to seek an appointment informally: (1) to any person demanding it notice pursuant to section 3-204; (2) to an heir or devisee, who has not waived notice in a writing filed with the court; and (3) to any person having a prior or equal right to appointment not waived in writing and filed with the court. If the decedent was 55 years of age or older, the moving party shall give notice as described in section 1-401 to the Department of Health and Human Services. No other notice of an informal appointment proceeding is required. (b) That the gift or other transfer will not hasten the date of eligibility for MaineCare coverage of the protected person's long-term care expenses during the next 36 months. This subsection does not prevent a transfer to a trust established pursuant to 42 United States Code, Section 1396p(d)(4) or otherwise specifically allowed by law governing the federal Medicaid program under 42 United States Code. Sec. DDD-3. 18-A MRSA §3-403, sub§(a), as enacted by PL 1979, c. 540, §1, is amended to Sec. DDD-5. 18-A MRSA §5-409, sub§(b), as enacted by PL 1979, c. 540, §1, is amended to read: read: (a) Upon commencement of a formal testacy proceeding, the court shall fix a time and place of 225 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 (b) When If it has been established in a proper proceeding that a basis exists as described in section 5-401 for affecting the property and affairs of a person, the court, without appointing a conservator, may authorize, direct or ratify any contract, trust or other transaction relating to the protected person's financial affairs or involving his the protected person's estate if the court determines that the transaction is in the best interests of the protected person, subject to the provisions of subsection (d). Sec. DDD-6. (b-1) The court may authorize a gift or other transfer for less than fair market value from the protected person's estate other than to the spouse or dependent, blind or disabled child if the court finds that the gift or other transfer will not, directly or indirectly, diminish the protected person's estate in order to qualify for federal or state aid or benefits, including the MaineCare program under Title 22, chapter 855, and the court finds: (1) That the remaining estate assets of the protected person are sufficient for the protected person's care and maintenance for the next 36 months, including due provision for the protected person's established standard of living and for the support of any persons the protected person is legally obligated to support and any dependents of the protected person; and 18-A MRSA §5-409, sub- §(d) is enacted to read: (d) The court may authorize a gift or other transfer for less than fair market value from the protected person's estate other than to the protected person's spouse or dependent, blind or disabled child if the court finds that the gift or other transfer will not, directly or indirectly, diminish the protected person's estate in order to qualify for federal or state aid or benefits, including the MaineCare program under Title 22, chapter 855, and the court finds: (2) That the gift or other transfer will not hasten the date of eligibility for MaineCare coverage of the protected person's long-term care expenses during the next 36 months. (1) That the remaining estate assets of the protected person are sufficient for the protected person's care and maintenance for the next 36 months, including due provision for the protected person's established standard of living and for the support of any persons the protected person is legally obligated to support and any dependents of the protected person; and This subsection does not prevent a transfer to a trust established pursuant to 42 United States Code, Section 1396p(d)(4) or otherwise specifically allowed by law governing the federal Medicaid program under 42 United States Code. Sec. DDD-9. 22 MRSA §14, sub-§2-I, as amended by PL 2003, c. 20, Pt. K, §2, is further amended to read: (2) That the gift or other transfer will not hasten the date of eligibility for MaineCare coverage of the protected person's long-term care expenses during the next 36 months. 2-I. Claims against estates of MaineCare recipients. Claims against the estates of MaineCare recipients are governed by this subsection. A. The department has a claim against the estate of a MaineCare recipient when, after the death of the recipient: This subsection does not prevent a transfer to a trust established pursuant to 42 United States Code, Section 1396p(d)(4) or otherwise specifically allowed by law governing the federal Medicaid program under 42 United States Code. (1) Property or other assets are discovered that existed and were owned by the recipient during the period when MaineCare benefits were paid for the recipient and disclosure of the property or assets at the time benefits were being paid would have rendered the recipient ineligible to receive the benefits; Sec. DDD-7. 18-A MRSA §5-425, sub§(b), as enacted by PL 1979, c. 540, §1, is amended to read: (b) If the estate is ample to provide for the purposes implicit in the distributions authorized by the preceding subsections, a conservator for a protected person other than a minor has power to make gifts to charity and other objects as the protected person might have been expected to make, in amounts which that do not exceed in total for any year 20% of the income from the estate, subject to the provisions of subsection (b-1). (2) It is determined that the recipient was 55 years of age or older when that person received MaineCare assistance; or (3) It is determined that the recipient has received or is entitled to receive benefits under a long-term care insurance policy in connection with which assets or resources are disregarded and medical assistance was Sec. DDD-8. 18-A MRSA §5-425, sub§(b-1) is enacted to read: 226 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 paid on behalf of the recipient for nursing facility or other long-term care services. date the asset was received by the spouse or child, less any value actually transferred to the recipient. The amount of the claim is not decreased by the fact that the asset has been lost, diminished, sold, encumbered, transferred or the title otherwise adversely affected after the date of receipt by the spouse or child. B. The amount of MaineCare benefits paid and recoverable under this subsection is a claim against the estate of the deceased recipient. (1) As to assets of the recipient included in the probated estate, this claim may be enforced pursuant to Title 18-A, Article 3, Part 8. (2) As to assets of the recipient not included in the probated estate, this claim may be enforced by filing a claim in any court of competent jurisdiction. C-2. The department shall provide heirs, assignees or transferees of a deceased recipient an opportunity to pay a claim under this subsection through a voluntary payment arrangement that is acceptable to the department. The payment arrangement may consist of a payment plan, promissory note or other payment mechanism. C. A Except for a claim collected through a voluntary payment arrangement under paragraph C2, a claim may not be made under paragraph A, subparagraph (2) or (3) until: D. Paragraph A, subparagraphs (2) and (3) apply only to a recipient who died on or after October 1, 1993 for MaineCare payments made on or after October 1, 1993. (1) The recipient has no surviving spouse; and C-1. If a claim under this subsection is delayed pursuant to paragraph C, the provisions of this paragraph apply to any recovery under paragraph C. E. A claim under paragraph A, subparagraph (2) must be waived if enforcement of the claim would create an undue hardship under criteria developed by the department or if the costs of collection are likely to exceed the amount recovered. A waiver may be granted in full or in part. A waiver may not be granted if the recipient or waiver applicant acted to lose, diminish, divest, encumber or otherwise transfer any value of or title to an asset for the purpose of preventing recovery under this subsection. (1) The following assets are exempt from recovery: F. As used in this subsection, unless the context otherwise indicates, the term "estate" means: (a) The first $100,000 in value of the estate; and (1) All real and personal property and other assets included in the recipient's estate, as defined in Title 18-A, section 1-201; and (2) The recipient has no surviving child who is under age 21 or who is blind or permanently and totally disabled as defined in 42 United States Code, Section 1382c. (b) The value of any asset of the recipient, including the value of the primary residence, that passed to the surviving spouse and was later transferred by the spouse for the sole benefit of a child who is blind or permanently and totally disabled as defined in 42 United States Code, Section 1382c. (2) Any other real and personal property and other assets in which the recipient had any legal interest at the time of death, to the extent of that interest, including assets conveyed to a survivor, heir or assign of the deceased recipient through tenancy in common, survivorship, life estate, living trust, joint tenancy in personal property or other arrangement. (2) The amount of MaineCare benefits paid and recoverable under this subsection is a claim against the estate of the spouse or the estate of the child if that person received any asset for less than fair market value from the recipient while the recipient was receiving MaineCare benefits or from the estate of the recipient. G. The department may accept, hold, transfer title to and sell real property to collect a claim under this subsection. The department may receive title to real property from a personal representative, special or public administrator, creditor, heir, devisee, assignee or transferee in full or partial satisfaction of a claim under this subsection. (3) A claim under this paragraph is enforceable as to the value of the asset on the 227 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 Sec. DDD-10. 22 MRSA §3174-GG is en- policies in this State and who later relocate and apply for Medicaid long-term care benefits in other states. acted to read: 6. Other laws. Eligibility for the program does not preclude enforcement of laws regarding recovery of MaineCare benefits incorrectly paid or 3rd-party liability claims by the department. The provisions of this section do not enlarge or otherwise modify medical assistance benefits under the MaineCare program. The provisions of section 14, subsection 2-I, paragraph A, subparagraph (3) do not apply to assets disregarded under the program. §3174-GG. Long-term Care Partnership Program There is established within the department the Long-term Care Partnership Program, referred to in this section as "the program," to provide incentives for persons to insure the costs of their own long-term care and to alleviate some of the costs of long-term care being paid by MaineCare. The department shall administer the program as a part of MaineCare, contingent upon federal Medicaid participation, beginning 3 months after the federal Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 is amended to allow new state partnership programs. 7. Rulemaking. The department, after consultation with the Superintendent of Insurance within the Department of Professional and Financial Regulation, shall adopt rules to implement this section. Rules adopted pursuant to this subsection are routine technical rules as defined in Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter 2-A. 1. Eligibility. A person is eligible for the program if that person has purchased a policy of longterm care insurance approved for the purpose of the program and then has used the policy alone or in combination with private resources to pay for longterm care costs at the nursing facility level of care, without resort to MaineCare coverage, for a period of time specified by the program. In order to qualify for benefits under the program, a person must be eligible under this subsection and meet the other criteria required for long-term care benefits under the MaineCare program as provided in this chapter and in rules adopted by the department. Sec. DDD-11. Public information regarding estate recovery in MaineCare. After consultation with interested parties and advocates and before January 1, 2006, the Department of Health and Human Services shall prepare and distribute a brochure describing the requirements of the estate recovery program of the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 22, section 14 in clear and easily understandable language. 1. The brochure must describe the estate recovery program and include the criteria for a hardship waiver, answers to frequently asked questions and a toll-free telephone number for further information. 2. Benefits. The benefits of the program include coverage under MaineCare for long-term care at the nursing facility level of care after the person participating in the program has exhausted the coverage and benefits purchased under the approved long-term care policy. 2. The department shall provide the brochure to all new MaineCare applicants 50 years of age or older, responsible parties for applicants 50 years of age or older at the time of application for benefits or renewal of benefits and to all personal representatives of deceased persons whom the department determines may be subject to the estate recovery provisions. 3. Disregard. In addition to assets disregarded or exempt under MaineCare program rules, in determining eligibility for MaineCare and the amount of MaineCare benefits and in estate recovery pursuant to section 14, subsection 2-I, the program must disregard assets of an eligible person that are disclosed to the department in the application process in an amount equal to the benefits paid by the approved long-term care insurance policy for nursing facility level of care. 3. The department shall make the brochure available to the general public, to the area agencies on aging and to the Probate Courts and shall post the brochure on its Internet website. 4. Failure of the department to provide the brochure as described in this section does not invalidate any claim that the department may have under Title 22, section 14. 4. Information. In cooperation with the Department of Professional and Financial Regulation, Bureau of Insurance, the department shall provide information to the public regarding the program and approved long-term care insurance policies. Sec. DDD-12. Rules regarding rate of income production in MaineCare. The Department 5. Reciprocal agreements. The department shall enter into reciprocal agreements with other states to extend the program to persons who purchased longterm care insurance policies equivalent to policies approved in this State and to extend similar programs in other states to persons who purchase approved of Health and Human Services shall adopt rules governing MaineCare eligibility that provide that income-producing property owned by a MaineCare recipient is considered a countable asset unless the property produces an annual rate of return that equals 228 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 reflect the current average monthly cost to a privatepay patient in a nursing facility. or exceeds the average annual rate of return available from banking or savings institutions within the State for deposits of similar value in readily available government-insured instruments. 6. The department shall annually survey nursing homes within the State and establish the average monthly cost to a private patient in a nursing facility in the State or, at the option of the department, in the community in which the individual is institutionalized at the time of application. 1. The department shall annually survey banking and savings institutions and establish the average rate of return. 2. The rules may not count property as a resource if: Rules adopted under this section are routine technical rules pursuant to the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter 2-A and apply only to transactions occurring on or after July 1, 2005. A. The property cannot be used due to circumstances reasonably beyond the control of the individual; Sec. DDD-14. Calculation of community spouse allowance in MaineCare. The Depart- B. The owner is making good faith efforts to sell the property at a reasonable price; or ment of Health and Human Services shall adopt rules that require, in determining eligibility for MaineCare long-term care coverage and calculating the minimum monthly maintenance needs allowance of the recipient's or applicant's spouse that lives in the community, called in this section "the community spouse," the use of the income-first method. Using the income-first method, the rules must provide that the income of the recipient or applicant that could be made available to support the community spouse is allocated to the community spouse for purposes of the minimum monthly maintenance needs allowance. The rules may not increase the community spouse's resource allowance unless the community spouse's income does not meet the minimum monthly maintenance needs allowance after taking into account any income that may be made available from the applicant or recipient. C. The property cannot be used due to the inability of the individual to use the property for up to 24 months. Rules adopted under this section are routine technical rules pursuant to the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter 2-A and apply only to transactions occurring on or after July 1, 2005. Sec. DDD-13. Penalty regarding transfers of assets in MaineCare. The Department of Health and Human Services shall adopt rules governing MaineCare eligibility that impose a penalty for the transfer of any asset for less than fair market value to anyone other than a spouse or dependent, blind or disabled child. Rules adopted under this section are routine technical rules pursuant to the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter 2-A and apply only to transactions occurring on or after July 1, 2005. 1. The rules must provide that, when the value of the asset is less than or equal to the average monthly cost to a private patient in a nursing facility, the penalty must be in the form of a one-month disqualification from MaineCare eligibility for nursing facility or waiver coverage. Sec. DDD-15. Certain annuity contracts as countable assets in MaineCare. The Depart- 2. The rules must provide for penalties for more than one month calculated by comparison of the value of the asset transferred to the cost per month of private patient care, using a rounding up method for the value of a partial month. ment of Health and Human Services shall adopt rules for MaineCare eligibility purposes that count as an asset the value of an irrevocable contract of annuity insurance purchased by an applicant or recipient unless the contract: 3. The rules may not prevent a transfer to a trust established pursuant to 42 United States Code, Section 1396p(d)(4) or otherwise specifically allowed by law governing the federal Medicaid program under 42 United States Code. 1. Names as the only beneficiary the recipient or applicant or that person's community spouse or dependent, blind or disabled child; 2. Prohibits a residual beneficiary, other than a dependent or disabled child, in the event the spouse dies before the payout period ends; and 4. The rules may not penalize the recipient for making irregular and infrequent gifts, provided the cumulative amount of the gifts does not exceed $500 per calendar quarter. 3. Provides no benefit to the spouse or dependent or disabled child other than a regular stream of income in equal payments over a period no longer than the spouse's life expectancy determined at the time of purchase, as established by the life expectancy tables 5. By January 1, 2006, the department shall amend the rule on penalties for transfers of assets to 229 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 published by the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services or other appropriate federal agencies identified by the department. amends Title 18-A, section 3-403, subsection (a); amends Title 18-A, section 5-408, subsection (6); amends Title 18-A, section 5-409, subsection (b); enacts Title 18-A, section 5-409, subsection (d); amends Title 18-A, section 5-425, subsection (b); and enacts Title 18-A, section 5-425, subsection (b-1). That section of this Part that amends Title 22, section 14, subsection 2-I applies to assets received by the MaineCare recipient's spouse or child on or after July 1, 2005. These rules do not displace the provisions of the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 24-A, section 2428, exempting from claims of creditors the proceeds of a contract of annuity insurance. The department is authorized to count as an available asset for MaineCare eligibility the value of any contract of annuity insurance that does not qualify for exclusion as described in Title 24-A, section 2428. Sec. DDD-18. Appropriations and allocations. The following appropriations and allocations The department shall send notice to producers of long-term care insurance explaining the laws and rules that take effect on July 1, 2005. are made. Rules adopted under this section are routine technical rules pursuant to the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter 2-A and apply only to transactions occurring on or after July 1, 2005. Human Services Division 0696 Sec. DDD-16. Determination of long-term care insurance and eligibility for MaineCare. GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other ATTORNEY GENERAL, DEPARTMENT OF THE Initiative: Establishes one Assistant Attorney General to be funded 50% from the General Fund and 50% from the Federal Expenditures Fund for Medicaid estate recovery. The Department of Health and Human Services shall adopt rules regarding eligibility for MaineCare benefits that, contingent upon federal Medicaid participation, allow the transfers of assets in exchange for the purchase of long-term care insurance. With regard to an asset that was transferred within 36 months of an application for MaineCare, or within 60 months in the case of a transfer to a qualifying Medicaid trust, the rule must deem that asset to be transferred for fair market value or for a purpose other than to qualify for MaineCare if, in exchange for the transfer, the transferee purchased a policy of long-term care insurance approved by the Superintendent of Insurance within the Department of Professional and Financial Regulation that was sufficient, alone or in combination with private resources, to provide fully for the care of the transferor at the nursing facility level for at least 36 months without resort to MaineCare coverage. Nothing in this section or in rules adopted pursuant to this section precludes recovery of MaineCare benefits incorrectly paid or 3rd-party liability claims by the department. The provisions of this section do not enlarge or otherwise modify medical assistance benefits under the MaineCare program. The Superintendent of Insurance shall adopt rules regarding approved policies for long-term care insurance for the purposes of this section. Rules adopted pursuant to this section are routine technical rules as defined in Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter 2-A. 2005-06 2006-07 1.000 $43,412 $2,400 __________ $45,812 1.000 $46,541 $900 __________ $47,441 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 Personal Services $43,407 All Other $3,190 __________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $46,597 2006-07 $46,534 $3,344 __________ GENERAL FUND TOTAL ATTORNEY GENERAL, DEPARTMENT OF THE DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 GENERAL FUND FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND $45,812 $46,597 __________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $92,409 $49,878 2006-07 $47,441 $49,878 __________ $97,319 HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF (FORMERLY DHS) Bureau of Medical Services 0129 Initiative: Establishes one Paralegal position and 2 Medical Care Coordinator positions to assist in the recovery of assets from estates of persons who have used MaineCare services, resulting in savings in the Medical Care - Payments to Providers and Nursing Facilities programs. GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services Sec. DDD-17. Application. The following sections of this Part apply to Probate Court proceedings occurring after July 1, 2005: the section that amends the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 18-A, section 3-306; amends Title 18-A, section 3-310; GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 1.000 $78,120 __________ $78,120 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 230 2005-06 2006-07 1.000 $83,893 __________ $83,893 2006-07 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 2.000 $78,122 $2,305 __________ $80,427 PART EEE 2.000 $83,898 $2,476 __________ Sec. EEE-1. 7 MRSA §743, first ¶, as amended by PL 2001, c. 670, §1, is further amended to read: $86,374 Each brand and grade of commercial fertilizer must be registered before being offered for sale, sold or distributed in this State. The application for registration must be submitted to the commissioner on forms furnished by the commissioner and must be accompanied by an annual fee of $14 $100 per plant food element guaranteed product. All registrations expire on December 31st or in a manner consistent with the provisions as to license expiration of the Maine Administrative Procedure Act, Title 5, section 10002, whichever is later. The commissioner may issue a registration for a one-year, 2-year or 3-year period. Registrations for a period in excess of one year may only be issued with the agreement of or at the request of the applicant. The fee for a 2-year registration is 2 times the annual fee. The fee for a 3-year registration is 3 times the annual fee. The commissioner may refuse to register or renew or may suspend or cancel registration for failure to comply with this subchapter or with rules adopted pursuant to this subchapter. This refusal, suspension or cancellation is considered rule-making rulemaking as that term is defined in the Maine Administrative Procedure Act, Title 5, chapter 375 and notice and opportunity for a hearing must be provided in a manner consistent with the Maine Administrative Procedure Act, Title 5, chapter 375. The application must include the following information: Medical Care - Payments to Providers 0147 Initiative: Establishes one Paralegal position and 2 Medical Care Coordinator positions to assist in the recovery of assets from estates of persons who have used MaineCare services, resulting in savings in the Medical Care - Payments to Providers and Nursing Facilities programs. GENERAL FUND All Other 2005-06 ($541,419) __________ ($541,419) 2006-07 ($1,544,086) __________ ($1,544,086) FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 All Other ($1,013,043) __________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL ($1,013,043) 2006-07 ($2,889,121) __________ GENERAL FUND TOTAL ($2,889,121) Nursing Facilities 0148 Initiative: Establishes one Paralegal position and 2 Medical Care Coordinator positions to assist in the recovery of assets from estates of persons who have used MaineCare services, resulting in savings in the Medical Care - Payments to Providers and Nursing Facilities programs. GENERAL FUND All Other 2005-06 ($1,182,513) __________ ($1,182,513) 2006-07 ($3,187,248) __________ ($3,187,248) FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 All Other ($2,212,586) __________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL ($2,212,586) 2006-07 ($5,963,622) __________ GENERAL FUND TOTAL Sec. EEE-2. 7 MRSA §1044-A, sub-§2, amended by PL 1997, c. 454, §3, is further amended to read: ($5,963,622) 2. Seed labeling license. No A person, firm or corporation may not label agricultural, vegetable and tree and shrub seeds, except seed potatoes, for planting purposes for distribution or sale in this State without having obtained a seed labeling license. The seed labeling licensee is responsible for the accuracy of the seed contents of all packages, boxes and bags of seeds labeled by the licensee. The fee for a seed labeling license is $30 $50 annually. A license may be issued for a one-year, 2-year or 3-year period. Licenses for a period in excess of one year may only be issued with the agreement of or at the request of the applicant. The fee for a 2-year license is 2 times the annual fee. The fee for a 3-year license is 3 times the annual fee. HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF (FORMERLY DHS) DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 GENERAL FUND ($1,645,812) FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND ($3,145,202) __________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS ($4,791,014) SECTION TOTALS 2005-06 GENERAL FUND ($1,600,000) FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND ($3,098,605) __________ SECTION TOTAL ALL FUNDS ($4,698,605) ($4,647,441) ($8,766,369) __________ ($13,413,810) 2006-07 ($4,600,000) ($8,716,491) __________ Sec. EEE-3. Additional revenue. The Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Resources shall deposit reimbursement for services provided to partner agencies as undedicated revenue to the General Fund in the amount of $33,042 in fiscal year 2005-06 and $34,349 in fiscal year 2006-07. ($13,316,491) 231 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 Sec. EEE-4. Additional revenue. The Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Resources shall deposit reimbursement for services provided to the United States Department of Agriculture as undedicated revenue to the General Fund in the amount of $25,956 in fiscal year 2005-06 and $26,706 in fiscal year 2006-07. AGRICULTURE, FOOD AND RURAL RESOURCES, DEPARTMENT OF Milk Commission 0188 Initiative: Transfers 1/2 of a Clerk Typist III position from the Harness Racing Commission to the Other Special Revenue Funds account. OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services PART FFF Sec. FFF-1. Transfer of funds. Notwithstanding the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 5, section 1585 or any other provision of law, available balances of appropriations in MaineCare General Fund accounts in fiscal years 2005-06 and 2006-07 may be transferred between accounts by financial order upon the recommendation of the State Budget Officer and approval of the Governor. OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 0.500 $23,416 __________ $23,416 2006-07 0.500 $25,148 __________ $25,148 Harness Racing Commission 0320 Initiative: Transfers 1/2 of a Clerk Typist III position to the Other Special Revenue Funds account and split-funds the position with the Maine Milk Commission. PART GGG GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services Sec. GGG-1. 36 MRSA §1760, sub-§7, as amended by PL 1997, c. 550, §1, is repealed. Sec. GGG-2. 36 MRSA §1760, sub-§§7-A to 7-C are enacted to read: GENERAL FUND TOTAL 7-A. Products used in aquacultural production and bait. Sales of feed, hormones, pesticides, antibiotics and medicine for use in aquacultural production and sales of bait to commercial fishermen. OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services 7-B. Products used in commercial agricultural crop production. Sales of seed, fertilizers, defoliants and pesticides, including, but not limited to, rodenticides, insecticides, fungicides and weed killers, for use in the commercial production of an agricultural crop. OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 (1.000) ($46,832) __________ ($46,832) 2005-06 0.500 $23,416 __________ $23,416 2006-07 (1.000) ($50,296) __________ ($50,296) 2006-07 0.500 $25,148 __________ $25,148 Certified Seed Fund 0787 Initiative: Provides allocations to reflect ongoing funding support from the General Fund. 7-C. Products used in animal agriculture. Sales of breeding stock, semen, embryos, feed, hormones, antibiotics, medicine, pesticides and litter for use in animal agricultural production. Animal agricultural production includes the raising and keeping of equines. OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 $120,000 __________ 2006-07 $120,000 __________ $120,000 $120,000 Agricultural, Natural and Rural Resources, Office of 0803 PART HHH Sec. HHH-1. 7 MRSA §2108 is enacted to Initiative: Provides funds to establish one Nutrient Management Coordinator position. read: GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services §2108. Annual General Fund transfer On or before July 31st of each fiscal year, the State Controller shall transfer $120,000 from General Fund undedicated revenue to the Certified Seed Fund established in section 2107. GENERAL FUND TOTAL Division of Market and Production Development 0833 Sec. HHH-2. Appropriations and allocations. The following appropriations and allocations are made. 232 2005-06 1.000 $68,708 __________ $68,708 2006-07 1.000 $73,944 __________ $73,944 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 Initiative: Provides funds to establish one Planning and Research Associate II position for administrative support of the Maine Senior FarmShare program. Sec. III-3. 12 MRSA §10751, sub-§8, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 655, Pt. B, §84 and affected by §422, is amended to read: GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services 8. Transaction fees. The commissioner may charge a transaction fee of up to $10 $12 to cover administrative costs for the issuance of a license or permit that does not have a fee provided by law. When a transfer of a license or permit or exchange of a hunting zone or area is authorized under this Part, the commissioner may assess a $5 $7 transaction fee for that transfer or exchange. GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 1.000 $62,247 __________ $62,247 2006-07 1.000 $66,901 __________ $66,901 AGRICULTURE, FOOD AND RURAL RESOURCES, DEPARTMENT OF DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 GENERAL FUND $84,123 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $166,832 __________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $250,955 The commissioner may adopt rules to implement this subsection. Rules adopted pursuant to this subsection are routine technical rules as defined in Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter 2-A. $90,549 $170,296 __________ Sec. III-4. 12 MRSA §11109, sub-§3, as affected by PL 2003, c. 614, §9 and amended by c. 655, Pt. B, §§115 and 116 and affected by §422, is further amended to read: $260,845 PART III Sec. III-1. 12 MRSA §10202, sub-§15, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 655, Pt. B, §45 and affected by §422, is repealed. 3. Hunting licenses; combination licenses; fees. Hunting licenses, combination licenses and fees are as follows. Sec. III-2. 12 MRSA §10206, sub-§3, ¶C, as affected by PL 2003, c. 614, §9 and amended by c. 655, Pt. B, §49 and affected by §422, is further amended to read: A. A resident junior hunting license, for a person 10 years of age or older and under 16 years of age, is $5 $7. C. All revenues collected under the provisions of this Part relating to watercraft, including chapter 935, including fines, fees and other available money deposited with the Treasurer of State, must be distributed as undedicated revenue to the General Fund and the Department of Marine Resources according to an allocation rate that directly relates to the administrative costs of the Division of Licensing and Registration. Three dollars of each motorized watercraft registration is dedicated to the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife and is not subject to the split with another agency as required under this paragraph. The Legislature shall appropriate to the department in each fiscal year an amount equal to the administrative costs incurred by the department in collecting revenue under this subsection. Those costs must be verified by the Department of Marine Resources and the Department of Administrative and Financial Services. The allocation rate must also allow for any necessary year-end reconciliation and accounting distribution. The allocation rate must be jointly agreed to by the department and the Department of Marine Resources and approved by the Department of Administrative and Financial Services, Bureau of the Budget. B. A resident hunting license, for a person 16 years of age or older, is $19 $21. C. A resident small game hunting license, for a person 16 years of age or older, which permits hunting for all legal species except deer, bear, turkey, moose, raccoon and bobcat, is $12 $14. D. A resident combination hunting and fishing license is $36 $38. E. A resident combination archery hunting and fishing license is $36 $38. F. A nonresident junior hunting license, for a person 10 years of age or older and under 16 years of age, is $25 $27. G. A nonresident small game hunting license, which permits hunting of all legal species except deer, bear, turkey, moose, raccoon and bobcat, is $55 $67. H. A nonresident 3-day small game hunting license, valid for 3 consecutive hunting days, which permits hunting of all legal species except deer, bear, turkey, moose, raccoon and bobcat for the 72-hour period specified on the license, is $30 $42. 233 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 I. A nonresident big game hunting license, which permits hunting of all species including deer and bear, is $85 $102. eligibility requirements for the equivalent license or permit. A super pack license includes 6 chances in the moose lottery under section 11154, subsection 6. A super pack license includes an antlerless deer permit as provided under section 11152, except that it is only valid for antlerless deer in wildlife management districts in which at least 5,000 antlerless deer permits are issued. No more than 2.5% of those antlerless deer permits may be in the form of a super pack license. A person must indicate on the super pack license application 3 wildlife management districts in which that person is willing to hunt antlerless deer. The department shall indicate on the license in which district that person may hunt antlerless deer or, if none of the districts indicated on the application is available, indicate that that license is not valid for hunting antlerless deer as provided under section 11152. A super pack license does not include a moose permit or trapping privileges. J. A nonresident combination hunting and fishing license is $123 $137. K. An alien small game hunting license, which permits hunting of all species except deer, bear, turkey, moose, raccoon and bobcat, is $70 $72. L. An alien big game hunting license, which permits hunting of all species including deer and bear, is $125 $127. M. An alien combination hunting and fishing license is $176 $178. N. A license to use leashed dogs to track wounded animals, which permits a person to use one or more leashed dogs to track a lawfully wounded deer, moose or bear, is $25 $27. The fee for a super pack license is $200 for residents and $175 for a person holding 2 or more lifetime licenses. Sec. III-5. 12 MRSA §11109, sub-§§5 and 7, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 414, Pt. A, §2 and Sec. III-7. 12 MRSA §11151, sub-§3, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 414, Pt. A, §2 and affected by c. 614, §9, is amended to read: affected by c. 614, §9, are amended to read: 5. Muzzle-loading licenses and fees. Muzzleloading hunting licenses and fees are as follows: 3. Issuance; permit fee. The commissioner, through the commissioner's authorized agent, shall issue a bear hunting permit to an eligible person. The annual fee for each permit issued is $25 $27 for residents and $65 $67 for nonresidents. A. A resident muzzle-loading hunting license is $11 $13; B. A nonresident muzzle-loading hunting license is $33 $62; and Sec. III-8. 12 MRSA §11153, sub-§1, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 414, Pt. A, §2 and affected by c. 614, §9, is amended to read: C. An alien muzzle-loading hunting license is $58 $72. 7. Archery hunting licenses; combination licenses; fees. Archery hunting licenses, combination licenses and fees are as follows: 1. Special season deer hunting permits; authority to issue for special season. The commissioner may implement a permit system to regulate hunter participation in a special season established by the commissioner pursuant to section 11402, subsection 4, paragraph B and the number, sex and age of deer harvested. If permits are issued, the fee for a deer permit other than an antlerless deer permit is $30 $32 and the fee for an antlerless deer permit is $10 $12. A. A resident archery license is $19 $21; B. A resident combination archery hunting and fishing license is $36 $38; C. A nonresident archery license is $55 $62; and Sec. III-9. 12 MRSA §11154, sub-§3, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 414, Pt. A, §2 and affected by c. 614, §9, is amended to read: D. An alien archery license is $70 $72. Sec. III-6. 12 MRSA §11109-A is enacted to read: 3. Moose hunting permit fee. The fee for a moose hunting permit is $50 $52 for a resident and $475 $477 for a nonresident or alien. §11109-A. Super pack license A super pack license permits a person to hunt and fish all legal game and fish species subject to the restrictions placed on the equivalent individual license or permit issued under this Part for that species. All restrictions and conditions on hunting and fishing apply to a super pack licensee, including issuance and Sec. III-10. 12 MRSA §11154, sub-§6, as affected by PL 2003, c. 614, §9 and amended by c. 655, Pt. B, §127 and affected by §422, is further amended to read: 234 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 Sec. III-13. 12 MRSA §11155, sub-§4, as affected by PL 2003, c. 614, §9 and amended by c. 655, Pt. B, §130 and affected by §422, is repealed. 6. Application procedure. An eligible person wishing to apply for a permit must file a written application for a permit on a form furnished by the commissioner. The application fee is nonrefundable. A person may file no more than one application. A person who submits more than one application is disqualified from the selection of permittees. The application must be accompanied by an application fee of: Sec. III-14. 12 MRSA §11155, sub-§§5, 6, 7 and 8, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 414, Pt. A, §2 and affected by c. 614, §9, are repealed. Sec. III-15. 12 MRSA §11156, sub-§4, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 414, Pt. A, §2 and affected by c. 614, §9, is amended to read: A. For a resident: (1) Five Seven dollars for a one-chance application; 4. Fee. The fee for a pheasant hunting permit is $16 $18, $1 of which is retained by the commissioner's authorized agent. (2) Ten Twelve dollars for a 3-chance application. A resident must possess a valid big game hunting license to be eligible to purchase a 3-chance application; and Sec. III-16. 12 MRSA §11157, sub-§3, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 414, Pt. A, §2 and affected by c. 614, §9, is amended to read: 3. Fee. The fee for a migratory waterfowl hunting permit is $5.50 $7.50, 25¢ of which must be retained by the agent. (3) Twenty Twenty-two dollars for a 6-chance application. A resident must possess a valid big game hunting license to be eligible to purchase a 6-chance application; or Sec. III-17. 12 MRSA §11159, sub-§3, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 414, Pt. A, §2 and affected by c. 614, §9, is amended to read: B. For a nonresident: 3. Issuance and fee. The commissioner shall issue permits to eligible persons to engage in the practice of falconry at a fee of $24 $26. (1) Ten Fifteen dollars for a one-chance application; (2) Twenty Twenty-five dollars for a 3-chance application; A. The permit may be for a one-year, 2-year or 3-year period at a fee equivalent to the sum of the annual fees established for each of the years for which the permit is issued. (3) Thirty Thirty-five dollars for a 6-chance application; and B. A person not a resident of the State who holds a valid permit to engage in the practice of falconry in another state may import and use raptors in this State for up to 30 days solely for the purpose of hunting without the permit described in this section if that person holds a valid Maine hunting license issued in accordance with subchapter 2. A person must have both the permit to engage in the practice of falconry in the other state and the Maine hunting license in possession at all times while engaged in the practice of falconry in this State. These documents must be exhibited to a warden or employee of the department upon request. (4) Fifty Fifty-five dollars for a 10-chance application; multiple 10-chance options may be purchased. After June 30, 2005, a nonresident may not file more than one 10-chance application per year. Sec. III-11. 12 MRSA §11155, sub-§§1-A and 1-B are enacted to read: 1-A. Eligibility; big game license required. A person who possesses a valid license to hunt big game may obtain a permit to hunt for wild turkey from the commissioner or an authorized agent. 1-B. Issuance; permit fee. The commissioner, through the commissioner's authorized agent, shall issue a wild turkey hunting permit to an eligible person. The annual fee for a wild turkey hunting permit is $20 for residents and $47 for nonresidents and aliens. Sec. III-18. 12 MRSA §11160, sub-§3, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 414, Pt. A, §2 and affected by c. 614, §9, is amended to read: 3. Issuance. The commissioner shall issue a permit to hunt coyotes at night to eligible persons at a fee of $2 $4. Sec. III-12. 12 MRSA §11155, sub-§§2 and 3, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 414, Pt. A, §2 and affected by c. 614, §9, are repealed. 235 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 Sec. III-19. 12 MRSA §12052, sub-§3, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 414, Pt. A, §2 and affected by c. 614, §9, is amended to read: Sec. III-24. 12 MRSA §12501, sub-§6, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 414, Pt. A, §2 and affected by c. 614, §9, is amended to read: 3. Fee. The fee for a special dog training area license is $25 $27. 6. Schedule of fees. The fees for fishing licenses are as follows. Sec. III-20. 12 MRSA §12055, sub-§3, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 414, Pt. A, §2 and affected by c. 614, §9, is amended to read: A. A resident fishing license is $19 $21. B. A resident combination hunting and fishing license is $36 $38. 3. Fee. The fee for a license to hold field trials for sporting dogs is $25 $27. C. A resident combination archery hunting and fishing license is $36 $38. Sec. III-21. 12 MRSA §12101, sub-§3, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 414, Pt. A, §2 and affected by c. 614, §9, is amended to read: D. A nonresident junior fishing license, for persons 12 years of age or older and under 16 years of age, is $7 $9. 3. Fees. The fee for a commercial shooting area license is: E. A 3-day fishing license for a resident or nonresident, valid for the 72-hour period specified on the license, is $21 $23. A. For the first year of operation, $500 $502; and F. A nonresident 7-day fishing license, valid for 7 days from date indicated on license, is $34 $36. B. For each subsequent year, $250 $252, payable prior to July 1st of each year. G. A nonresident 15-day fishing license, valid for 15 days from date indicated on license, is $38 $40. Sec. III-22. 12 MRSA §12152, sub-§4, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 414, Pt. A, §2 and affected by c. 614, §9, is amended to read: H. A nonresident season fishing license for persons 16 years of age or older is $50 $52. 4. Fees. Permit fees are as follows: I. An alien season fishing license for persons 16 years of age or older is $70 $72. A. Propagation, $25 $27 for 2 calendar years; B. Commercial exhibition or attracting trade, $145 $147 every 2 years from July 1st to June 30th; J. A one-day fishing license for a resident or nonresident, valid for the 24-hour period indicated on license, is $9 $11. C. Personal use, professional or vocational husbandry, therapy or aid to disabled persons, $25 $27 every 2 calendar years; and Sec. III-25. 12 MRSA §12505, sub-§4, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 414, Pt. A, §2 and affected by c. 614, §9, is amended to read: D. Rehabilitation, renewable every 2 years, no fee. 4. Fee. The fee for a bass tournament permit is: Sec. III-23. 12 MRSA §12201, sub-§6, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 414, Pt. A, §2 and affected by c. 614, §9, is amended to read: A. For weigh-in tournaments, $50 $52 per day; and B. For catch-and-release tournaments, $10 $12 per day. 6. Trapping fees. The fees for trapping licenses are as follows: Sec. III-26. 12 MRSA §12506, sub-§3, as affected by PL 2003, c. 614, §9 and repealed and replaced by c. 655, Pt. B, §253 and affected by §422, is amended to read: A. A resident junior trapping license, for a person 10 years of age or older and under 16 years of age, is $7 $9; B. A resident trapping license, for a person 16 years of age or older, is $33 $35; and 3. Fees; transfer of permit. The minimum fee for an individual permit for alewives, suckers, lampreys and yellow perch is $42 $44. A crew permit may be sold for alewives, suckers, lampreys and yellow perch for $100 $102, authorizing up to 3 persons to engage in the permitted activity. The C. A nonresident trapping license is $308 $310. 236 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 4. Fee. The fee for a license to sell commercially grown or imported fish is $25 $27 annually. 6. Allocation fee. When allocations are required, an outfitter shall pay the department an annual allocation fee of $250 $252 per unit of 20 passengers or less. Additional passengers over each increment of 20 constitute a new unit. The annual allocation fee may be paid in quarterly payments, beginning 30 days after the allocation is awarded. The maximum allocation fee an outfitter may pay is $2,625 $2,627 annually. Sec. III-28. 12 MRSA §12508, sub-§3, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 414, Pt. A, §2 and affected by c. 614, §9, is amended to read: Sec. III-34. 12 MRSA §12953, sub-§6, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 414, Pt. A, §2 and affected by c. 614, §9, is amended to read: 3. Fee. The fee for a private fee pond license is $25 $27. 6. Fee. License applicants who successfully meet the qualifications set forth in this section must be issued a license upon payment of a $65 $67 fee. This fee is in addition to the $10 $12 examination fee. annual fee for an eel pot or weir permit is $100 $102. An eel pot or eel weir permit is not transferable. Sec. III-27. 12 MRSA §12507, sub-§4, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 414, Pt. A, §2 and affected by c. 614, §9, is amended to read: Sec. III-29. 12 MRSA §12551-A, sub-§4, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 655, Pt. B, §259 and affected by §422, is amended to read: Sec. III-35. 12 MRSA §12953, sub-§7, as affected by c. 614, §9 and amended by c. 655, Pt. B, §346 and affected by §422, is further amended to read: 4. Schedule of fees. The fees for licenses under this section are: 7. Annual renewal of license; fees. Licenses issued pursuant to this section run for the current year until the 30th day of June following the date of the issuance, on which date the license terminates unless it is revoked sooner. Subject to any revocation or suspension, the license or permit may be renewed annually upon application by the licensee accompanied by a $75 $77 license fee. A. For a live bait retailer's license, $14 $16; B. For a baitfish wholesaler's license, $24 $26; and C. For a smelt wholesaler's license, $69 $71. Sec. III-30. 12 MRSA §12853, sub-§5, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 414, Pt. A, §2 and affected by c. 614, §9, is amended to read: 5. Fee. The fee for a 3-year guide license is $79 Sec. III-36. 12 MRSA §12954, sub-§4, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 414, Pt. A, §2 and affected by c. 614, §9, is amended to read: Sec. III-31. 12 MRSA §12860, sub-§6, as are: $81. 4. Fee. The annual fees for hide dealer licenses enacted by PL 2003, c. 414, Pt. A, §2 and affected by c. 614, §9, is amended to read: A. For a resident hide dealer, $58 $60; and 6. Fee. The initial qualifying fee for a trip leader permit is $18 $20. The permit may be renewed upon payment of $13 $15 if requirements of the department are met. B. For a nonresident hide dealer, $108 $110. Sec. III-37. 12 MRSA §12955, sub-§4, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 414, Pt. A, §2 and affected by c. 614, §9, is amended to read: Sec. III-32. 12 MRSA §12909, sub-§4, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 414, Pt. A, §2 and affected by c. 614, §9, is amended to read: 4. Fee. The annual fee for a special hide dealer's license is $10 $12. Sec. III-38. 12 MRSA §13056, sub-§§8 and 10, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 414, Pt. A, §2 and 4. Fee. The fee for an examination is $100 and is not refundable. An applicant may retake the examination once without paying an additional examination fee. A whitewater guide's license is a 3-year license. The fee for a whitewater guide's license is $87 $89. affected by c. 614, §9, are amended to read: 8. Fees. The fees for each original or renewal certificate of number with 2 validation stickers are set out in this subsection. Sec. III-33. 12 MRSA §12913, sub-§6, as affected by PL 2003, c. 614, §9 and amended by c. 655, Pt. B, §339 and affected by §422, is further amended to read: A. For a watercraft requiring or whose owner requests a certificate of number and that is equipped with a motor having a manufacturer's horsepower rating of: 237 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 (1) Ten horsepower or less, the fee is $6 $10; 3. Fee. The fee for a dealer's certificate of number is $15 $17 annually from each January 1st. (2) Greater than 10, but not more than 50 horsepower, the fee is $10 $15; and Sec. III-41. 12 MRSA §13104, sub-§§4 and 5, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 414, Pt. A, §2 and affected by c. 614, §9, are amended to read: (3) Greater than 50 horsepower but not more than 115 horsepower, the fee is $15 $21. 4. Fee. Except as provided in subsection 5, the annual snowmobile registration fee is as follows: A. For residents, $30 $33. The registration for a snowmobile owned by a resident is valid for one year, commencing on July 1st of each year. B. For a personal watercraft requiring or whose owner requests a certificate of number and watercraft equipped with a motor having a manufacturer's horsepower rating of 115 horsepower or greater, the fee is $20 $29. (1) Whoever obtains an original resident snowmobile registration after March 31st may pay $37.50 and receive a registration covering the remainder of the registration period plus one additional year; and C. For a duplicate certificate of number, the fee is $1. D. For a duplicate validation sticker (per set), the fee is $1. B. For nonresidents: E. For a certificate of number issued with transfer of ownership authorized in subsection 10, the fee is $2. (1) Forty Forty-three dollars for a 3-consecutive-day registration. A person may purchase more than one 3-day registration in any season; F. For a registration issued for an expanded registration period authorized in subsection 11, paragraph A: (2) Fifty-five Fifty-eight dollars for a 10-consecutive-day registration. A person may purchase more than one 10-day registration in any season; and (1) Ten horsepower or less, the fee is $7.50; (3) Sixty-five Sixty-eight dollars for a seasonal registration. (2) Greater than 10, but not more than 50 horsepower, the fee is $12.50; The registration for a snowmobile owned by a nonresident must specify the dates for which the registration is valid. (3) Greater than 50 horsepower, the fee is $18.75; and (4) Personal watercraft, the fee is $25.00. Five dollars from each registration fee collected pursuant to this subsection must be transferred to a special fund administered by the Off-Road Vehicle Division of the Bureau of Parks and Lands within the Department of Conservation. The funds must be used to assist any entity that has a snowmobile trailgrooming contract with the bureau in the purchase of trail-grooming equipment. Validation stickers are nontransferable. 10. Transfer of ownership. Whoever transfers ownership of a motorboat for which a certificate of number has already been issued under this chapter and applies for a certificate of number for another motorboat is entitled to a new certificate of number upon payment of a transfer fee of $2 $4 as set forth in subsection 8, paragraph E, provided the applicant returns to the commissioner the old certificate of number properly signed and executed, showing that ownership of the motorboat has been transferred. 5. Antique snowmobile registration fee. A resident who owns a snowmobile that is more than 25 years old and that is substantially maintained in original or restored condition may register that snowmobile under this subsection as an antique snowmobile. An antique snowmobile registration authorizes that snowmobile to be operated only for the purpose of traveling to, returning from and participating in an exhibition, parade or other event of interest to the public or for occasional personal use. The fee for an antique snowmobile registration is $30 $33. An antique snowmobile registration is valid until the ownership of that antique snowmobile is transferred to Sec. III-39. 12 MRSA §13056, sub-§11, ¶A, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 414, Pt. A, §2 and affected by c. 614, §9, is repealed. Sec. III-40. 12 MRSA §13059, sub-§3, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 414, Pt. A, §2 and affected by c. 614, §9, is amended to read: 238 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 balances. Notwithstanding any other provision of another person. Upon the transfer of ownership, the new owner may reregister that snowmobile as an antique snowmobile by paying the $30 $33 antique snowmobile registration fee. The registration fee for an antique snowmobile is allocated according to section 10206, subsection 2, paragraph A. law, $585,755 in fiscal year 2005-06 in the Carrying Balances - Inland Fisheries and Wildlife program lapses into the General Fund. Sec. III-46. Appropriations and allocations. The following appropriations and allocations Sec. III-42. 12 MRSA §13104, sub-§10, ¶A, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 414, Pt. A, §2 and are made. INLAND FISHERIES AND WILDLIFE, DEPARTMENT OF affected by c. 614, §9, is amended to read: A. A person who transfers the ownership or permanently discontinues the use of a snowmobile having a resident registration or a nonresident seasonal registration and applies for registration of another snowmobile in the same registration year is entitled to a registration upon payment of a transfer fee of $2 $4 and is not required to pay the regular registration fee. Administrative Services - IFW 0530 Initiative: Appropriates funds for the repair and maintenance of hatcheries and other department facilities. GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL Sec. III-43. 12 MRSA §13155, sub-§5, as affected by PL 2003, c. 614, §9 and amended by c. 695, Pt. B, §13 and affected by Pt. C, §1, is further amended to read: 2005-06 $0 __________ $0 2006-07 $150,000 __________ $150,000 Licensing Services - IFW 0531 Initiative: Appropriates funds to support costs related to nonmotorized conservation stickers. GENERAL FUND All Other 5. Fees. The annual registration fee for an ATV is $17 $33 for a resident and $35 $68 for a nonresident. GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 $15,000 __________ $15,000 2006-07 $5,000 __________ $5,000 Fisheries and Hatcheries Operations 0535 Sec. III-44. 29-A MRSA §456-C is enacted to read: Initiative: Appropriates funds to establish one Fish Culturist Assistant Supervisor position, changes 2 seasonal Fish Culturist positions to full-time and provides funding for hatchery renovations and the purchase of 4 fish transport trucks and fish tanks. §456-C. Sportsman registration plates Beginning November 1, 2006 and notwithstanding section 468, subsection 2, the Secretary of State shall issue sportsman registration plates pursuant to section 468. GENERAL FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT 1.000 POSITIONS NONLEGISLATIVE COUNT 0.846 Personal Services $86,079 All Other $175,000 Capital Expenditures $60,000 __________ GENERAL FUND TOTAL $321,079 1. Sportsman registration plates. The Secretary of State, upon receiving an application and evidence of payment of the registration fee required by section 501 and the excise tax required by Title 36, section 1482, shall issue a registration certificate and a set of sportsman plates to be used in lieu of regular registration plates. These plates must bear identification numbers and letters. 2006-07 1.000 0.846 $90,476 $250,000 $60,000 __________ $400,476 Fisheries and Hatcheries Operations 0535 Initiative: Transfers 25% of the costs of 2 Biologist Specialist positions and 100% of the costs of 2 Fish Culturist positions from federal funding to the General Fund for fiscal year 2005-06 and an additional 2 Fish Culturist positions in fiscal year 2006-07. 2. Administration fee. A person may apply for the special registration plates by paying a sum of $20 credited to the Lifetime License Fund established in Title 12, section 10251. GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services 3. Renewal fee. In addition to the regular motor vehicle registration fee prescribed by law, the annual renewal contribution for sportsman registration plates is $20 to be credited to the Lifetime License Fund established in Title 12, section 10251. GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 4.000 $76,024 __________ $76,024 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT (4.000) Personal Services ($76,024) Sec. III-45. Carrying balances - Inland Fisheries and Wildlife program; lapsed 239 2006-07 6.000 $195,658 __________ $195,658 2006-07 (6.000) ($195,658) PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 __________ __________ PART JJJ ($76,024) ($195,658) Sec. JJJ-1. Appropriations and allocations. The following appropriations and allocations Endangered Nongame Operations 0536 are made. Initiative: Establishes 2 Biologist I positions dedicated to nongame and endangered species operations. These positions will be splitfund, 25% from the General Fund and 75% from the Federal Expenditures Fund. GENERAL FUND POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other 2005-06 Office of Innovation 2006-07 2.000 $32,664 $7,500 __________ $40,164 2.000 $35,091 $7,500 __________ $42,591 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 Personal Services $97,992 All Other $22,500 __________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $120,492 2006-07 $105,273 $22,500 __________ GENERAL FUND TOTAL ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, DEPARTMENT OF Initiative: Provides funds for the operation of the Fractionation Development Center in fiscal years 2005-06 and 2006-07. GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL Initiative: Appropriates funds to continue the current level of services provided to the State's microbusinesses and small and medium businesses by the Maine Small Business Development Centers. $127,773 GENERAL FUND All Other Initiative: Establishes 2 Biologist II positions and one Cartographer position dedicated to nongame and endangered species operations. These positions will be split-funded, 25% coming from Other Special Revenue funds and 75% from the Federal Expenditures Fund. OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POSITIONS LEGISLATIVE COUNT Personal Services All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2006-07 $210,000 __________ $210,000 Maine Small Business Commission 0675 Endangered Nongame Operations 0536 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 Personal Services $136,889 All Other $9,000 __________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $145,889 2005-06 $210,000 __________ $210,000 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 $100,000 __________ $100,000 2006-07 $100,000 __________ $100,000 ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, DEPARTMENT OF DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 2006-07 $142,105 $9,000 __________ GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $310,000 __________ $310,000 __________ $310,000 $310,000 $151,105 PART KKK 2005-06 3.000 $45,630 $3,000 __________ 2006-07 3.000 $47,368 $3,000 __________ $48,630 $50,368 INLAND FISHERIES AND WILDLIFE, DEPARTMENT OF DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 2006-07 GENERAL FUND $452,267 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND $190,357 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $48,630 __________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $691,254 Sec. KKK-1. 22 MRSA §254, sub-§11-A, as enacted by PL 2001, c. 691, §1 and affected by §6, is amended to read: 11-A. Retention of eligibility. A person who was eligible for the program at any time from August 1, 1998 to July 31, 1999 and who does not meet the requirements of subsection 10 retains eligibility for the program if that person is a member of a household of an eligible person; and Sec. KKK-2. 22 MRSA §254, sub-§12, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 731, Pt. TT, §10, is amended to read: $793,725 $83,220 12. Funds not to lapse. Funds appropriated from the General Fund to carry out the purpose of this section may not lapse but must carry from year to year.; and $50,368 __________ $927,313 Sec. KKK-3. 22 MRSA §254, sub-§13 is enacted to read: 240 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 through the normal budgetary process. As a result of their limited nature, positions funded by the operating revenues of the Maine Military Authority Enterprise Fund are not included as a part of the overall position count of state government operations. 13. MaineCare coverage. The department shall use any funds that become available in the elderly low-cost drug program as a result of implementation of the federal Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003, Public Law 108-173 to provide, to the greatest extent possible, the same or equivalent coverage for pharmacy services to persons in the elderly low-cost drug or MaineCare programs for which they would be eligible but for the implementation of the federal Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003, Public Law 108-173. PART NNN Sec. NNN-1. 5 MRSA §285, §13 is enacted to read: 13. Contract on pilot basis authorized. Notwithstanding the requirements of subsection 9, paragraph G, the State may enter into a contract on a pilot basis that does not adhere to any geographic access requirements set forth in Title 24-A or rules adopted by the Superintendent of Insurance. The department shall report annually beginning January 15, 2006 to the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over insurance and financial services matters on its progress in establishing and operating a pilot program pursuant to this subsection. PART LLL Sec. LLL-1. Transfers of funds. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the State Controller shall transfer $519,209 from the Rehabilitation Services - Medicaid account in the Department of Labor to the unappropriated surplus of the General Fund on or before June 30, 2005. PART MMM PART OOO Sec. MMM-1. 37-B MRSA §157, sub-§§4, 5 and 6 are enacted to read: Sec. OOO-1. Evaluation of economic development programs. In accordance with the 4. Fund flexibility and adjustments. Notwithstanding the provisions of Title 5, section 1585, in order to provide sufficient flexibility to adjust to market forces, adjustments to the Maine Military Authority Enterprise Fund may be made through financial orders recommended to the Governor by the State Budget Officer. Maine Revised Statutes, Title 3, chapter 37, the Office of Program Evaluation and Government Accountability, referred to in this section as "the office," may conduct an evaluation of state programs that provide public subsidies or incentives for economic development, as follows. 5. No obligation of state funds. If revenues or other sources of operating funds are not sufficient or available as anticipated for the Maine Military Authority Enterprise Fund, there is no obligation to provide state funds. 1. Programs. The office may evaluate any one or more of the following programs: 6. Quarterly reports. The Maine Military Authority shall provide quarterly financial statements regarding the Maine Military Authority Enterprise Fund in a format prescribed by the State Controller to the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over appropriations and financial affairs and the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over the Maine Military Authority. B. The Regional Economic Development Revolving Loan Program created in Title 10, section 1026-M; Sec. MMM-2. 37-B MRSA §394, sub-§4, E. Municipal tax increment financing under Title 30-A, chapter 206, subchapter 1; A. The Economic Recovery Program Fund created in Title 10, section 1023-I; C. Maine Quality Centers under Title 20-A, chapter 431-A; D. The Governor's Training Initiative Program under Title 26, chapter 25, subchapter 4; as enacted by PL 2003, c. 646, §9, is amended to read: 4. Establish positions. By financial order, the Adjutant General may establish positions necessary to support the operations of the Maine Readiness Sustainment Center in Limestone or to maintain, repair, store and manufacture equipment under section 157. In order for a position that is established by financial order to become permanent, it must be presented to the next session of the Legislature F. Pine Tree Development Zones designated under Title 30-A, chapter 206, subchapter 4; G. The jobs and investment tax credit under Title 36, section 5215; H. The credit for seed capital investment under Title 36, section 5216-B; 241 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 the fiscal year ending June 30, 2006 and in the amount of $19,666,881 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007 to implement the economic terms of the collective bargaining agreements, including market pay adjustments and benefits, made by the State and the Maine State Employees Association, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees and Maine State Troopers Association, and, notwithstanding the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 26, section 979-D, subsection 1, paragraph E, subparagraph (3), for confidential employees. I. The research expense tax credit under Title 36, section 5219-K; J. Reimbursement for taxes paid on certain business property under Title 36, chapter 915; K. Employment tax increment financing under Title 36, chapter 917; L. The shipbuilding facility credit under Title 36, chapter 919; M. Assistance provided by the Office of Small Business Development Centers created pursuant to the federal Small Business Development Center Act of 1980, Public Law 96-302, Title II, 15 United States Code, Section 636 and Section 648; and Sec. PPP-2. Costs to Highway Fund. Costs to the Highway Fund must be provided in the Salary Plan account referred to in this Act to cover the costs to the Highway Fund in the amount of $3,704,004 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2006 and in the amount of $7,594,947 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007 to implement the economic terms of the collective bargaining agreements, including market pay adjustments and benefits, made by the State and the Maine State Employees Association, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees and Maine State Troopers Association, and, notwithstanding the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 26, section 979-D, subsection 1, paragraph E, subparagraph (3), for confidential employees. N. Other similar economic development programs as the office considers appropriate. 2. Evaluation. As part of its evaluation, the office shall determine: A. Whether the program has a clearly stated public purpose and, if so, whether the program meets that purpose; B. Whether the program has clearly stated goals and benchmarks by which to measure its success. If the program does have such goals and benchmarks, the office shall determine whether the program achieves them. If the program does not have such goals and benchmarks, the office shall determine what goals and benchmarks are appropriate and whether the program achieves them; beginning of the pay week commencing closest to July 1, 2005, the salary schedules for employees in sections 1 and 2 of this Part must be adjusted upward by 3%. C. Whether there is overlap or redundancy among the programs; beginning of the pay week commencing closest to July 1, 2006, the salary schedules for employees in sections 1 and 2 of this Part must be adjusted upward by 3%. D. What additional data should be collected regarding the various programs and to whom the data should be reported; and Sec. PPP-5. New employees; similar and equitable treatment. Employees in classifications Sec. PPP-3. Adjustment of salary schedules for fiscal year 2005-06. Effective at the Sec. PPP-4. Adjustment of salary schedules for fiscal year 2006-07. Effective at the included in bargaining units in sections 1 and 2 of this Part who are excluded from collective bargaining pursuant to the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 26, section 979-A, subsection 6, paragraphs E and F must be given similar and equitable treatment on a pro rata basis to that treatment given employees covered by the collective bargaining agreements. E. Whether additional methods of accountability are needed in the program. As part of its evaluation, the office shall review reports prepared pursuant to Title 5, section 13070-J and any independently audited reports relating to the programs. Sec. PPP-6. Confidential employees; similar and equitable treatment. Confidential 3. Report. The office shall submit its report to the legislative Government Oversight Committee. employees must be given similar and equitable treatment on a pro rata basis to that given employees covered by the collective bargaining agreements. For the purposes of this Part, "confidential employees" means those employees within the executive branch, including probationary employees, who are in positions excluded from bargaining units pursuant to PART PPP Sec. PPP-1. Costs to General Fund. Costs to the General Fund must be provided in the Salary Plan account referred to in this Act to cover the costs to the General Fund in the amount of $9,401,462 for 242 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 section 3 of this Part. Excepted employees must be given similar and equitable treatment on a pro rata basis similar to that treatment given employees covered by the collective bargaining agreements. the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 26, section 979-A, subsection 6, paragraphs B, C, D, I and J. Sec. PPP-7. Employees salaries subject to Governor's adjustment or approval. The Sec. QQQ-5. Governor is authorized to grant similar and equitable treatment consistent with this Act for those unclassified employees whose salaries are subject to the Governor's adjustment or approval. Costs to General Fund. Costs to the General Fund must be provided in the Salary Plan account referred to in Part SSS, section 1 of this Act, in the amount of $600,110 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2006 and in the amount of $1,242,715 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007 to implement the economic terms of the collective bargaining agreements made between the Judicial Department and the Maine State Employees Association for the administrative services bargaining unit, the supervisory bargaining unit and the professional bargaining unit and, notwithstanding the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 26, section 1285, subsection 1, paragraph E, for the costs of those Judicial Department employees excluded from collective bargaining pursuant to Title 26, section 1282, subsection 5, paragraphs C, D, E, F and G. Sec. PPP-8. Employees of legislative branch. The Legislative Council may approve salary and benefit increases for employees within the legislative branch, including constitutional officers and the State Auditor, not subject to collective bargaining. PART QQQ Sec. QQQ-1. Adjustment of salary schedules for fiscal year 2005-06. Effective at the beginning of the pay week commencing closest to July 1, 2005, the salary schedules for the employees of the Judicial Department in the administrative services bargaining unit, the supervisory bargaining unit and the professional bargaining unit and employees referred to in sections 3 and 4 of this Part must be adjusted upward by 3%. Employees referred to in section 4 of this Part must also receive miscellaneous step adjustments. PART RRR Sec. RRR-1. 5 MRSA §8, as amended by PL 2001, c. 438, Pt. D, §1, is further amended to read: §8. Mileage allowance The State shall pay for the use of privately owned automobiles for travel by employees of the State in the business of the State such reimbursement as agreed to between the State and their certified or recognized bargaining agent. For employees and state officers and officials not subject to any such agreement, the State shall pay 30¢ 36¢ per mile effective July 1, 2001 January 1, 2006 and 32¢ 38¢ per mile effective July 1, 2002 January 1, 2007 for miles actually traveled on state business. The Governor may suspend the operation of this section and require state officials and employees to travel in automobiles owned or controlled by the State, if such automobiles are available. Sec. QQQ-2. Adjustment of salary schedules for fiscal year 2006-07. Effective at the beginning of the pay week commencing closest to July 1, 2006, the salary schedules for employees of the Judicial Department in the administrative services bargaining unit, the supervisory bargaining unit and the professional bargaining unit and employees referred to in sections 3 and 4 of this Part must be adjusted upward by 3%. Sec. QQQ-3. Other employees; similar and equitable treatment. Employees of the Judicial Department in classifications included in the administrative services bargaining unit, the supervisory bargaining unit and the professional bargaining unit but who are excluded from collective bargaining pursuant to the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 26, section 1282, subsection 5, paragraphs C, F and G must be given similar and equitable treatment on a pro rata basis similar to that treatment given employees covered by the collective bargaining agreements. Sec. RRR-2. Effective date. That section of this Part that amends the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 5, section 8, takes effect January 1, 2006. PART SSS Sec. SSS-1. Transfer from Salary Plan and special account funding. The Salary Plan Sec. QQQ-4. Excepted employees; similar and equitable treatment. For the purposes of this account in the Department of Administrative and Financial Services may be made available as needed in allotment by financial order upon the recommendation of the State Budget Officer and approval of the Governor to be used for the implementation of collective bargaining agreements for state employees and for other economic items contained in this Act in Part, "excepted employees" means the employees within the Judicial Department who are in positions excluded from bargaining units pursuant to the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 26, section 1282, subsection 5, paragraphs C, D and E, other than those referred to in 243 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 Sec. TTT-2. 36 MRSA §2551, sub-§2, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 673, Pt. V, §25 and affected by §29, is amended to read: fiscal years 2005-06 and 2006-07. Positions supported from sources of funding other than the General Fund and the Highway Fund must be funded from those other sources. 2. Extended cable and satellite television services. "Extended cable and satellite television services" means all cable and satellite television service that is in addition to the minimum service that can be purchased from a cable or satellite television supplier, including the use of associated equipment for which a charge is made. It does not include installation of the associated equipment for which a separate charge is levied. Sec. SSS-2. Authorization for reimbursement of costs associated with contract resolution. The Department of Administrative and Financial Services may be reimbursed from the Salary Plan account for the costs of contract resolution, administration, implementation and other costs required by the process of collective bargaining and negotiation procedures. Sec. TTT-3. 36 MRSA §2552, sub-§1, ¶A, PART TTT as enacted by PL 2003, c. 673, Pt. V, §25 and affected by §29, is amended to read: Sec. TTT-1. 36 MRSA §1752, sub-§11, ¶B, as amended by PL 2003, c. 390, §7, is further A. Extended cable and satellite television services; amended to read: B. "Retail sale" does not include: Sec. TTT-4. Application. Those sections of this Part that amend the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 36, section 1752, subsection 11, paragraph B; Title 36, section 2551, subsection 2; and Title 36, section 2552, subsection 1, paragraph A apply to sales occurring on or after October 1, 2005. (1) Any casual sale; (2) Any sale by a personal representative in the settlement of an estate, unless the sale is made through a retailer, or unless the sale is made in the continuation or operation of a business; PART UUU (3) The sale, to a person engaged in the business of renting automobiles, of automobiles, integral parts of automobiles or accessories to automobiles, for rental or for use in an automobile rented on a short-term basis; Sec. UUU-1. 20-A MRSA §10901-A is enacted to read: §10901-A. University of Maine System The University of Maine System is made up of 7 universities. (4) The sale, to a person engaged in the business of renting audio or video media and audio or video equipment, of audio or video media or audio or video equipment for rental; 1. Campuses. The universities of the University of Maine System are located and named as follows: A. Orono - University of Maine; B. Augusta - University of Maine at Augusta; (5) The sale, to a person engaged in the business of renting or leasing automobiles, of automobiles for rental or lease for one year or more; C. Farmington - University of Maine at Farmington; D. Fort Kent - University of Maine at Fort Kent; (6) The sale, to a person engaged in the business of providing cable or satellite television services, of cable converter boxes and remote-control units associated equipment for rental or lease to subscribers in conjunction with a sale of extended cable or extended satellite television services; or E. Machias - University of Maine at Machias; F. Presque Isle - University of Maine at Presque Isle; and G. Portland and Gorham - University of Southern Maine. (7) The sale, to a person engaged in the business of renting furniture, of furniture for rental. Sec. UUU-2. Appropriations and allocations. The following appropriations and allocations are made. 244 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 UNIVERSITY OF MAINE SYSTEM, BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE PART XXX Sec. XXX-1. Working group; mental health services system redesign. The Department Educational and General Activities - UMS 0031 Initiative: Provides additional ongoing funds for the University of Maine System. GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 $3,000,000 __________ $3,000,000 of Health and Human Services shall convene a working group including representatives of provider, consumer, family and advocacy groups to develop a regional system for the financing, management and oversight of the mental health system beginning in fiscal year 2006-07. 2006-07 $3,000,000 __________ $3,000,000 Educational and General Activities - UMS 0031 The working group must meet at least 4 times and develop a plan for the regional system redesign that may include a pilot demonstration and specify the actions required to implement the new system of services, finance the system and transition from the current mental health service delivery system. If a pilot demonstration is implemented, the plan must also include a process for evaluating the required pilot demonstration before the new system is implemented statewide. Initiative: Provides funds for the University of Maine at Augusta campus for the purpose of planning for reaccreditation as a 4-year college. GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 $100,000 __________ $100,000 UNIVERSITY OF MAINE SYSTEM, 2005-06 BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS 2006-07 $0 __________ $0 2006-07 $3,100,000 __________ $3,000,000 __________ $3,100,000 $3,000,000 The Department of Health and Human Services shall provide a report with recommendations of the working group to the Joint Standing Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs and the Joint Standing Committee on Health and Human Services no later than January 15, 2006. PART VVV Sec. VVV-1. Rulemaking. The Department of Health and Human Services shall adopt rules no later than January 1, 2006 to amend the MaineCare Benefits Manual to include provisions under Chapter II, Section 65, Mental Health Services, that were previously included under Chapter II, Section 37, Home Based Mental Health Services. The provisions added to Section 65 must be considered with the provisions adopted as Section 37 of the MaineCare Benefits Manual as of April 1, 2002 consistent with the rules adopted for Chapter II, Section 65 for outpatient mental health services. Rules adopted pursuant to this section are routine technical rules as defined in the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter 2-A. PART YYY Sec. YYY-1. MaineCare benefits for noncategorical adults. The Department of Health and Human Services shall adopt rules effective through June 30, 2006 that define the benefit package for a member eligible for MaineCare benefits under the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 22, section 3174-G, subsection 1, paragraph F, referred to in this section as "noncategorical adults." By February 1, 2006, the department shall report to the Joint Standing Committee on Health and Human Services a proposal for a new benefit package effective July 1, 2006 that ensures maximum enrollment, provides adequate coverage, is appropriate and sufficient to meet the needs of noncategorical adults and allows the MaineCare program to operate within the federally established limit. The department shall seek the input of the committee and the MaineCare Advisory Committee. The committee may report out legislation relating to the benefit package of noncategorical adults to the Second Regular Session of the 122nd Legislature. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, this section and the rules adopted under it control the MaineCare benefits of noncategorical adults through June 30, 2006. PART WWW Sec. WWW-1. Rulemaking prohibited. The Department of Health and Human Services may not adopt rules to change the eligibility of care requirements in the MaineCare Benefits Manual Chapter II, Section 17, Community Support Services during fiscal year 2005-06. This limitation does not restrict the department's ability to revise individual determinations based on the assessment of medical necessity. Sec. YYY-2. Noncategorical waiver; mental health services rates. The rate of reimbursement for mental health services provided to individuals eligible for MaineCare under the noncate245 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 gorical waiver pursuant to the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 22, section 3174-G, subsection 1, paragraph F must be consistent with the rate of reimbursement for services defined in the MaineCare Benefits Manual, Chapter II, Section 65 Mental Health Services. share of the costs for this purpose, $1,194,943 is for transportation services, $998,265 is for emergency dental services and $96,438 is for chiropractic services. Federal matching funds would not be available until October 1, 2005. GENERAL FUND Sec. YYY-3. Appropriations and allocations. The following appropriations and allocations 2004-05 All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF (FORMERLY BDS) FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND All Other Initiative: Appropriates funds for the Office of Substance Abuse to make grants to community agencies that are significantly affected by changes to the noncategorical MaineCare benefits package required under this Part. GENERAL FUND All Other 2004-05 $0 $1,500,000 HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF (FORMERLY BDS) DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2004-05 2005-06 $0 $1,500,000 $0 GENERAL FUND FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2006-07 GENERAL FUND FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND All Other 2004-05 2005-06 $632,621 ($9,937,967) ($15,206,718) 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 $632,621 ($1,342,975) ($5,296,500) $0 ($7,094,992) ($9,910,218) __________ __________ __________ $632,621 ($8,437,967) ($15,206,718) §1714-B. Critical access hospital reimbursement For state fiscal years beginning on or after July 1, 2005, the department shall reimburse critical access hospitals that are unconditionally licensed at 75% of charges or 117% of MaineCare allowable costs, whichever is less, for both inpatient and outpatient services provided to patients covered by the MaineCare program. 2006-07 $0 ($8,419,897) ($9,910,218) __________ __________ __________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL 2006-07 to read: $0 ($4,500,000) ($5,296,500) FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 Sec. ZZZ-1. 22 MRSA §1714-B is enacted 2006-07 $0 ($4,500,000) ($5,296,500) __________ __________ __________ GENERAL FUND TOTAL All Other 2005-06 2004-05 $0 PART ZZZ Initiative: Reduces funding by redesigning MaineCare coverage for noncategorical eligible members. 2004-05 $0 $1,324,905 $0 ($7,094,992) ($9,910,218) __________ __________ __________ SECTION TOTAL – ALL FUNDS Medical Care - Payments to Providers 0147 2006-07 $632,621 ($2,842,975) ($5,296,500) SECTION TOTALS $0 2005-06 $0 $0 $1,324,905 $0 __________ __________ __________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF (FORMERLY DHS) GENERAL FUND 2004-05 HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF (FORMERLY DHS) DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2006-07 $0 $1,500,000 $0 __________ __________ __________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $632,621 $1,657,025 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL $0 $1,500,000 $0 __________ __________ __________ GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND 2005-06 2006-07 $632,621 $1,657,025 $0 __________ __________ __________ are made. Office of Substance Abuse 0679 2005-06 $0 ($8,419,897) ($9,910,218) Sec. ZZZ-2. Appropriations and allocations. The following appropriations and allocations Medical Care - Payments to Providers 0147 are made. Initiative: Appropriates and allocates funds to retain transportation services, emergency dental services and chiropractic services for MaineCare enrollees under the noncategorical waiver for the period May 1, 2005 to June 30, 2006. Of the total appropriated for the state HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF (FORMERLY DHS) 246 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 Medical Care - Payments to Providers 0147 HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF (FORMERLY BDS) Initiative: Deallocates a portion of the funds allocated under Part A of this Act that were to meet the costs to the MaineCare program resulting from the program's adoption of the new critical access hospital standards specified in the federal Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003. OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 ($1,100,000) __________ 2006-07 ($1,100,000) __________ ($1,100,000) ($1,100,000) Mental Retardation Waiver - MaineCare 0987 Initiative: Reduces funding by converting the living arrangements of approximately 100 individuals in fiscal year 2005-06 and 100 individuals in fiscal year 2006-07 presently living in group homes to living in shared living models (Individualized Support Option) to promote autonomy, individualized services and integration in the community. Corresponding federal match reductions are reflected in the Medical Care - Payments to Providers program. GENERAL FUND All Other Medical Care - Payments to Providers 0147 GENERAL FUND TOTAL Initiative: Allocates funds for payments to critical access hospitals authorized under this Part. OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Other OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2005-06 $1,100,000 __________ 2006-07 $1,100,000 __________ $1,100,000 $1,100,000 HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF (FORMERLY DHS) DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $0 __________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $0 2005-06 ($1,089,800) __________ ($1,089,800) HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF (FORMERLY BDS) DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS 2006-07 ($2,089,800) __________ ($2,089,800) 2006-07 ($1,089,800) __________ ($2,089,800) __________ ($1,089,800) ($2,089,800) HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF (FORMERLY DHS) 2006-07 Medical Care - Payments to Providers 0147 Initiative: Reduces funding for a federal match by converting the living arrangements of approximately 100 individuals in fiscal year 2005-06 and 100 individuals in fiscal year 2006-07 presently living in group homes to living in shared living models (Individualized Support Option) to promote autonomy, individualized services and integration in the community. Corresponding state funding reductions are reflected in the Mental Retardation Waiver MaineCare program. $0 __________ $0 PART AAAA Sec. AAAA-1. Deposit of excess assessment to General Fund. Notwithstanding any other FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND 2005-06 All Other ($2,039,112) __________ FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND TOTAL ($2,039,112) provision of law, having determined that the aggregate assessment of insurers and health maintenance organizations licensed to do business in the State exceeded the actual expenditures of the Department of Professional and Financial Regulation, Bureau of Insurance, the Superintendent of Insurance shall deposit the excess amount of $6,335,897 to the General Fund Unappropriated Surplus no later than July 31, 2005. HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF (FORMERLY DHS) DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND ($2,039,112) __________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS ($2,039,113) PART BBBB Sec. BBBB-1. Individual service option. The Department of Health and Human Services shall utilize existing providers of services to persons with mental retardation to oversee the development and implementation of an individual service option model of providing residential services to persons with mental retardation to the extent possible. SECTION TOTALS 2005-06 GENERAL FUND ($1,089,800) FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND ($2,039,112) __________ SECTION TOTAL ALL FUNDS ($3,128,912) Sec. BBBB-2. Appropriations and allocations. The following appropriations and allocations are made. 247 2006-07 ($3,910,200) __________ ($3,910,200) 2006-07 ($3,910,200) __________ ($3,910,200) 2006-07 ($2,089,800) ($3,910,200) __________ ($6,000,000) PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PART CCCC GENERAL FUND TOTAL Sec. CCCC-1. Rate schedule, assessment of need and resource allocation. With regard to EDUCATION, DEPARTMENT OF DEPARTMENT TOTALS the services provided under the MaineCare mental retardation waiver, by June 1, 2005 the Department of Health and Human Services shall report on the development of a rate schedule for services under the mental retardation waiver and a methodology for application of the rate schedule based on assessment of individual need and criteria for resource allocation. The report must include: the base cost of each service and variations in cost related to geography and service availability, criteria for needs assessment and resource allocation, and the projected annual costs of the waiver, expressed as average costs per person and total costs for the population enrolled May 1, 2005 and anticipated to be enrolled January 1, 2006 and July 1, 2006. By January 1, 2006 the Department of Health and Human Services shall adopt rules for the rate schedule. Rules adopted pursuant to this section are routine technical rules as defined in the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter 2-A. GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS __________ $342,063 2005-06 __________ $342,063 2006-07 $342,063 __________ $342,063 __________ $342,063 $342,063 HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF (FORMERLY BDS) Mental Retardation Services - Community 0122 Initiative: Transfers funding for the Committee on Transition, a statewide network that focuses on the transition of teens and graduates into the adult service system, from the Mental Retardation Services - Community program within the Department of Health and Human Services to the Learning Systems program within the Department of Education. GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 ($342,063) __________ ($342,063) HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF (FORMERLY BDS) DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 PART DDDD Sec. DDDD-1. Debt Service Funds carried forward. Notwithstanding any other provision of GENERAL FUND law, $3,672,000 in the Treasurer's General Fund Debt Service Account must be carried forward for the same purpose until June 30, 2006. DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS SECTION TOTALS Sec. DDDD-2. Debt Service Savings transferred to Budget Stabilization Fund. Notwith- GENERAL FUND standing any other provision of law, during fiscal years 2005-06 and 2006-07 any balance in the Treasurer's General Fund Debt Service Account pertaining to General Obligation Bonds not required by the State Treasurer to pay the cost of debt service must be immediately transferred by the State Controller to the Budget Stabilization Fund. Each transfer must be made by June 30th of each fiscal year. 2006-07 ($342,063) __________ ($342,063) 2006-07 ($342,063) __________ ($342,063) __________ ($342,063) ($342,063) 2005-06 2006-07 $0 __________ SECTION TOTAL ALL FUNDS $0 $0 __________ $0 PART FFFF Sec. FFFF-1. Appropriations and allocations. The following appropriations and allocations are made. PART EEEE EDUCATION, DEPARTMENT OF Adult Education 0364 Sec. EEEE-1. Appropriations and allocations. The following appropriations and allocations are made. Initiative: Provides additional funds to increase state subsidy for local adult education programs. EDUCATION, DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL FUND All Other Learning Systems 0839 Initiative: Transfers funding for the Committee on Transition, a statewide network that focuses on the transition of teens and graduates into the adult service system, from the Mental Retardation Services - Community program within the Department of Health and Human Services to the Learning Systems program within the Department of Education. GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND All Other 2005-06 $342,063 2005-06 $400,000 __________ $400,000 2006-07 $500,000 __________ $500,000 Support Systems Initiative: Provides additional funds to the Department of Education to enable approximately 60 additional secondary school students per semester to take postsecondary courses at eligible institutions. 2006-07 $342,063 248 2005-06 $25,000 2006-07 $25,000 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 GENERAL FUND TOTAL EDUCATION, DEPARTMENT OF DEPARTMENT TOTALS GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 __________ $25,000 2005-06 Initiative: Deappropriates funds no longer needed for the homestead property tax exemption reimbursement program in fiscal year 2004-05. __________ $25,000 2006-07 $425,000 __________ $525,000 __________ $425,000 $525,000 GENERAL FUND 2004-05 All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL PART GGGG ADMINISTRATIVE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF DEPARTMENT TOTALS Sec. GGGG-1. 5 MRSA §1590, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 401, Pt. E, §2, is repealed. Sec. GGGG-2. 5 MRSA §1591 is enacted to GENERAL FUND read: §1591. Remaining balances of nonlapsing funds DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS 1. Department of Administrative and Financial Services. The Department of Administrative and Financial Services must apply: ($1,905,075) __________ ($1,905,075) 2004-05 ($1,905,075) __________ ($1,905,075) PART IIII Sec. IIII-1. Cost-of-living adjustments for nursing facilities. Notwithstanding any other A. Any balance remaining in the Salary Plan program in the Department of Administrative and Financial Services at the end of any fiscal year to be carried forward for the next fiscal year; and provision of law, any unexpended balance in the Department of Health and Human Services, Nursing Facilities, Other Special Revenue funds account as of June 30, 2005 and June 30, 2006 carries forward for the purpose of funding cost-of-living adjustments for nursing facilities licensed under the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 22, chapter 405 and residential care facilities as defined in Title 22, section 7852, subsection 14 in fiscal year 2005-06 and fiscal year 2006-07. B. Any balance remaining in the General Fund Capital, Construction, Repairs, Improvements Administrative program in the Department of Administrative and Financial Services at the end of any fiscal year to be carried forward for the next fiscal year. Sec. IIII-2. Reimbursement rate. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Department of Health and Human Services shall provide cost-ofliving adjustments to nursing facilities licensed under the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 22, chapter 405 and residential care facilities as defined in Title 22, section 7852, subsection 14 in fiscal year 2005-06 and fiscal year 2006-07 in the amount of 2%, as applied to all components of the reimbursement rate except the fixed cost component, per year per facility. If the Commissioner of Health and Human Services determines as of May 1, 2006, for fiscal year 2006-07, that sufficient funds are not projected to be available pursuant to sections 1 and 4 of this Part to fund a 2% adjustment for fiscal year 2006-07, then the department may reduce the percentage adjustment for that fiscal year to the extent necessary to ensure that the amount available in the Nursing Facilities, Other Special Revenue funds account is sufficient to fund the adjustment provided. In projecting the amount available, the commissioner shall consider the projected amount to be carried forward pursuant to section 1 of this Part and the department's best reasonable estimate of the expected tax revenue growth in the fiscal year for which the adjustment will 2. Department of Health and Human Services. The Department of Health and Human Services must apply: A. Any balance remaining in the accounts of the Department of Health and Human Services, Bureau of Elder and Adult Services appropriated for the purposes of homemaker or home-based care services at the end of any fiscal year to be carried forward for use by either program in the next fiscal year. PART HHHH Sec. HHHH-1. Appropriations and allocations. The following appropriations and allocations are made. ADMINISTRATIVE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF Homestead Property Tax Exemption Reimbursement 0886 249 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 tive working group to advise the commissioner on the children's mental health services and child welfare systems. The working group must include representatives of consumers of services and their families, providers of services, advocates, foster parents and the Department of Health and Human Services. The working group must meet at least 4 times to discuss the effective and efficient delivery of services, the needs of consumers, legal requirements for the system, service system redesign and the impact of initiatives authorized by the Legislature or proposed by the department. The commissioner shall provide a report with the recommendations of the working group to the Joint Standing Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs and the Joint Standing Committee on Health and Human Services by January 15, 2006. be provided. The department shall publish its calculation of the projected available funds and the resulting cost-of-living adjustment no later than May 25, 2006. Sec. IIII-3. Increase for frontline employees. Any facility that accepts the cost-of-living adjustment authorized under this Part for fiscal year 2005-06 and fiscal year 2006-07 must provide an equal percentage increase in wages and benefits to all frontline employees in each of those years in accordance with the department's Principles of Reimbursement for Nursing Facilities. For the purposes of this section, "frontline employees" means all employees who work in the facility, excluding the administrator. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the amount of the cost-of-living adjustment to be recouped for any failure to comply with this section is limited to the portion of the adjustment that: PART KKKK Sec. KKKK-1. 32 MRSA §10306, sub-§1, ¶A, as amended by PL 2003, c. 201, §4, is further 1. Applies to wage and benefit expense; and amended to read: 2. Exceeds the percentage increase in wages and benefits actually provided to frontline employees during the applicable fiscal period. A. Broker-dealer, $200 $250; Sec. KKKK-2. 32 MRSA §10306, sub-§1, ¶B, as amended by PL 2001, c. 183, Pt. A, §3 and Sec. IIII-4. Cost-of-living funding. Except as specifically allocated to other purposes under Part A, any unexpended balances in the Department of Health and Human Services, Nursing Facilities, Other Special Revenue funds account as of June 30, 2005 and June 30, 2006 must first be used to the extent necessary to fund the cost-of-living adjustments granted in section 2 of this Part. affected by §14, is further amended to read: B. Sales representative, $40 $50; Sec. KKKK-3. 32 MRSA §10306, sub-§1, ¶D, as amended by PL 2003, c. 201, §6, is further amended to read: D. Investment adviser representative, $40 $50; and PART JJJJ Sec. JJJJ-1. Adult mental retardation services working group. The Commissioner of Sec. KKKK-4. 32 MRSA §10306, sub-§2, ¶A, as amended by PL 2003, c. 201, §8, is further Health and Human Services shall utilize existing working groups to advise the commissioner on the adult mental retardation services system. The working groups must include representatives of consumers of services and their families, providers of services, advocates and the Department of Health and Human Services. The working groups must meet at least 4 times to discuss the effective and efficient delivery of services, the needs of consumers, legal requirements for the system, service system redesign and the impact of initiatives authorized by the Legislature or proposed by the department. The commissioner shall provide a report with the recommendations of the working groups to the Joint Standing Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs and the Joint Standing Committee on Health and Human Services by January 15, 2006. amended to read: A. Broker-dealer, $200 $250; Sec. KKKK-5. 32 MRSA §10306, sub-§2, ¶C, as amended by PL 2003, c. 201, §9, is further amended to read: C. Investment adviser, $100 $200; PART LLLL Sec. LLLL-1. 36 MRSA §5142, sub-§1, as amended by PL 2003, c. 391, §6, is further amended to read: 1. General. The Maine adjusted gross income of a nonresident individual derived from or connected with sources in this State is the sum of the following: Sec. JJJJ-2. Children's services reform working group. The Commissioner of Health and A. The net amount of items of income, gain, loss, and deduction entering into the nonresident Human Services shall convene a broadly representa250 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 individual's federal adjusted gross income that are derived from or connected with sources in this State including (i) the individual's distributive share of partnership or limited liability company income and deductions determined under section 5192, (ii) the individual's share of estate or trust income and deductions determined under section 5176, and (iii) the individual's pro rata share of the income of an S corporation derived from or connected with sources in this State; and property includes property owned or rented and is valued in accordance with section 5211, subsection 10. If more than 50% of the value of the partnership's assets consist of intangible property, gain or loss from the sale of the partnership interest is sourced to this State in accordance with the sales factor of the partnership for its first full tax period immediately preceding the tax period of the partnership during which the partnership interest was sold. For purposes of this subsection, the sales factor of a partnership is determined in accordance with section 5211, subsections 14, 15 and 16. This subsection does not apply to the sale of a limited partner's interest in an investment partnership where more than 80% of the value of the partnership's total assets consists of intangible personal property held for investment, except that such property cannot include an interest in a partnership unless that partnership is itself an investment partnership. B. The portion of the modifications described in section 5122, subsections 1 and 2 that relates to income derived from or connected with sources in this State, including any modifications attributable to the nonresident individual as a partner of a partnership, shareholder of an S corporation, member of a limited liability company or beneficiary of an estate or trust; and. C. Proceeds from any Maine State Lottery or Tri-state Lotto tickets purchased in this State, including payments received from a 3rd party for the transfer of the rights to future proceeds related to any such tickets. If the apportionment provisions of this section do not fairly represent the extent of the partnership's business activity in this State, the taxpayer may petition for, or the State Tax Assessor may require, in respect to all or any part of the partnership's business activity the employment of any other method to effectuate an equitable apportionment to this State of the partner's income from the sale of the partnership interest. Sec. LLLL-2. 36 MRSA §5142, sub-§2, as enacted by P&SL 1969, c. 154, §F, is amended to read: Sec. MMMM-2. 36 MRSA §5211, sub§16, as enacted by P&SL 1969, c. 154, §F, is 2. Attribution. Items of income, gain, loss, and deduction derived from or connected with sources within this State are those items attributable to: amended to read: 16. When sales other than tangible personal property are in State. Sales, other than sales of tangible personal property, are in this State if: A. The ownership or disposition of any interest in real or tangible personal property in this State; and A. The income-producing activity is performed in this State; or B. A business, trade, profession or occupation carried on in this State.; and B. The income-producing activity is performed both in and outside this State and a greater proportion of the income-producing activity is performed in this State than in any other state, based on costs of performance.; or C. Proceeds from any gambling activity conducted in this State or lottery tickets purchased in this State, including payments received by a 3rd party for the transfer of the rights to future proceeds related to any gambling activity or lottery tickets. C. The sales are sales of a partnership interest sourced to Maine in accordance with section 5142, subsection 3-A. PART MMMM Sec. MMMM-1. 36 MRSA §5142, sub§3-A is enacted to read: Sec. MMMM-3. Application. This Part applies to gains or losses from the sale of partnerships on or after July 1, 2005. 3-A. Gain or loss on sale of partnership interest. Notwithstanding subsection 3, the gain or loss on the sale of a partnership interest is sourced to this State in an amount equal to the gain or loss multiplied by the ratio obtained by dividing the original cost of partnership tangible property located in Maine by the original cost of partnership tangible property everywhere, determined at the time of the sale. Tangible PART NNNN Sec. NNNN-1. 36 MRSA §185, as enacted by PL 1981, c. 364, §13, is repealed and the following enacted in its place: §185. Set-off 251 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 3. Sufficient investments essential. Ensuring sufficient investments in teacher and state employee retirement is essential to the continued vitality of the economy of this State; 1. Obligation owed to taxpayer. The State or a department, agency or official acting in an official capacity may assign to the State Tax Assessor, in payment of any liquidated tax liability of a taxpayer under this Title, an obligation owed to that taxpayer by the State or that department, agency or official. 4. Funding increased investment. Funding increased investment in teacher and state employee retirement with increased taxes or by cutting essential services to the most vulnerable citizens of this State is not in the best interests of the State and would undermine the economic recovery in this State; and 2. Liquidated tax liability. Payments to a person pursuant to a contract with agencies and departments of the legislative, executive and judicial branches of State Government are automatically assigned to the State Tax Assessor if that person has a liquidated tax liability to the State under this Title, but only to the extent of the liquidated tax liability. 5. Pension obligation financings. Pension obligation financings as authorized in this subchapter are tax-exempt or taxable bonds repaid as provided in this subchapter and therefore do not represent constitutional debt of or the pledge of the full faith and credit of the State. PART OOOO Sec. OOOO-1. Appropriations and allocations. The following appropriations and allocations are made. §6042. Pension cost reduction bonds authorized ADMINISTRATIVE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no later than August 15, 2005, the bank may issue up to $410,000,138 plus financing costs, excluding bonds to refund bonds for the purpose of obtaining the economic benefit of reducing the debt service on the outstanding bonds, of pension cost reduction bonds, to be repaid solely from funds provided in this subchapter. Lottery Operations 0023 Initiative: Reduces the All Other in the information technology line to reflect the over budgeting of expenses. This initiative will result in additional General Fund revenue of $500,000 in fiscal year 2005-06. STATE LOTTERY FUND All Other STATE LOTTERY FUND TOTAL 2005-06 ($500,000) __________ ($500,000) ADMINISTRATIVE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005-06 STATE LOTTERY FUND ($500,000) __________ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS 2006-07 $0 __________ $0 The bank may issue pension cost reduction bonds pursuant to a resolution to be adopted by the bank in the amount and upon such terms as it considers appropriate. The terms of the pension cost reduction bonds, their repayment schedule and other provisions to facilitate their creditworthiness must be determined by the bank. 2006-07 $0 __________ ($500,000) The pension cost reduction bonds must be in the form, must bear interest at the rate or rates that, under the United States Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, in the opinion of bond counsel to the bank may be included in or excludable from the gross income of the owners for federal income tax purposes and state income tax purposes, must mature at the time and must have such other terms as are determined by the bank except that no pension cost reduction bond may mature more than 20 years from the date of its issue. $0 PART PPPP Sec. PPPP-1. 30-A MRSA c. 225, sub-c. 4 is enacted to read: SUBCHAPTER 4 PENSION COST REDUCTION BONDS Pension cost reduction bonds are not, and may not be deemed to constitute, a debt or liability of the State or of any political subdivision of the State, or a pledge of the full faith and credit of the State or of any political subdivision of the State, but are special obligations of the bank payable solely from the funds and revenues pledged therefor. §6041. Legislative findings The Legislature finds that: 1. People served. The people of this State are served by dedicated teachers and state employees; 2. Unfunded liability. The State has a significant unfunded liability to its teacher and state employee retirement fund; Proceeds from any sale of the pension cost reduction bonds must be deposited into the Retirement Allowance Fund established in Title 5, section 17251. 252 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 require the exercise of state powers by authorizing, but not requiring, a state instrumentality to issue its bonds to finance all or a portion of the costs of pension cost reduction under this subchapter. §6043. Maine Municipal Bond Bank provisions The bank has the powers and duties provided by this chapter, modified and supplemented as provided in this section for the purposes set forth in this section. 4. Lending and borrowing powers. The bank may assist the State by borrowing money to finance or refinance from time to time all or a portion of the costs of the pension obligation and make the proceeds of such borrowing available to the State as set out in this subchapter. The principal of and interest on any pension cost reduction bonds issued by the bank and any ancillary obligation must be secured by the debt service fund and capital reserve fund established pursuant to subsection 6 in accordance with and as may be determined by resolution of the bank. Bonds, ancillary obligations or other forms of debt or liability entered into or issued by the bank under this section are not in any way a debt or liability of the State and do not constitute a loan of the credit of the State or create any debt or debts, liability or liabilities on behalf of the State or constitute a pledge of the faith and credit of the State. Each bond, ancillary obligation or other evidence of debt or liability entered into by the bank must contain a statement to the effect that the bank is obligated to pay the principal, interest, redemption premium, if any, and other amounts payable solely from the sources pledged for that purpose by the bank, and that neither the faith and credit nor the taxing power of the State is pledged to the payment of the principal, interest, premium, charge, fee or other amount on the bond, ancillary obligation or other form of indebtedness, as the case may be. 1. Definitions. As used in this subchapter, unless the context otherwise indicates, the following terms have the following meanings. A. "Ancillary obligation" means the obligation of the bank under any credit enhancement or liquidity agreement, including any obligation in the form of bond insurance, a letter of credit, standby bond purchase agreement, reimbursement agreement, liquidity facility or other similar arrangement; under any remarketing agreement, auction agent agreement, broker-dealer agreement or other agreement relating to the marketing of the bonds, interest rate or other type of swap or hedging contract; or under any investment agreement, forward purchase agreement or similarly structured investment contract, entered into by the bank in connection with any bonds issued under this subchapter. B. "Bonds" or "pension cost reduction bonds" means any bonds, notes and other evidence of indebtedness issued by the bank pursuant to this subchapter. C. "Costs of issuance" means any item of expense directly or indirectly payable or reimbursable by the bank and related to the authorization, sale or issuance of bonds, including, but not limited to, underwriting fees and fees and expenses of professional consultants and fiduciaries. 5. Debt service fund. The bank shall establish and maintain a debt service fund as a trust fund called "the Pension Cost Reduction Debt Service Fund" and referred to in this subsection as "the debt service fund," into which there must be deposited directly money received into funds established by Title 8, section 386; Title 8, section 1036, subsection 2, paragraphs B, C, D, H and I; Title 10, sections 1527-B and 1527-D; Title 13-B, sections 1402-A and 1405; Title 13-C, sections 124 and 143; Title 31, sections 414 and 416; Title 31, sections 613 and 615; and Title 31, sections 813 and 815; all proceeds of bonds required to be deposited in the debt service fund by terms of any contract between the bank and its bondholders or any resolution of the bank with respect to the proceeds of bonds, any other money or funds of the bank that it determines to deposit in the debt service fund and any other money or funds transferred and made available to the bank only for the purposes of the debt service fund from any other source or sources. Money in the debt service fund must be held and applied solely to the payment of the interest on and principal of bonds secured by the debt service fund as they become due and payable and for the retirement of bonds, including the payment of any D. "Costs of the pension obligation" includes the amount of $410,000,138 for the payment to the Maine State Retirement System for the fiscal years ending June 30, 2006 and June 30, 2007 and financing costs. E. "Debt service fund" means the trust fund established by the bank pursuant to subsection 5. F. "Financing costs" means all costs of issuance, capitalized interest, capitalized operating expenses and debt service reserves, fees, and cost of any ancillary obligation and other fees, expenses and costs related to issuing, securing and marketing the bonds. 2. Declaration of purpose. It is declared to be in the public interest and to be the policy of the State to authorize the bank to issue pension cost reduction bonds. 3. Declaration of necessity. It is declared that credit and municipal bond market conditions may 253 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 redemption premium required to be paid when any bonds are redeemed or retired before maturity or, in accordance with the resolution authorizing the issuance of the bonds, for the payment of ancillary obligations; except that, in each month, to the extent there is money or funds therein not needed in accordance with the resolution, and subject in all respects to the provisions of the resolution, the bank shall withdraw any excess money or funds and transfer it to accounts identified by the State Controller. department of the State with respect to the costs of the pension obligation and fix the terms and conditions of the costs of the pension obligation and enter into agreements with the State or any agency, political subdivision, instrumentality or department of the State or of any political subdivision of the State in connection with the costs of the pension obligation. 9. Bonds of bank. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 6003, the bank may issue its bonds, including bonds to refund bonds, from time to time in any principal amounts pursuant to and as prescribed by this subchapter. 6. Capital reserve fund. Pursuant to this chapter, a capital reserve fund, upon the adoption of a resolution authorizing the issuance of pension cost reduction bonds, must be created pursuant to section 6006, subsection 1-A with the same effect as provided in section 6006 as if set forth fully in this subsection, including the provisions respecting the restoration of the capital reserve fund, except that, in lieu of investments prescribed in section 6006, subsection 3, the bank may provide for a surety on such terms and conditions as prescribed by the resolution establishing the capital reserve fund. 10. Agreements with financial institutions. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 6019, the bank may enter into any ancillary obligation or other agreements or contracts with any commercial banks, trust companies or banking or other financial institutions within or outside the State that are necessary, desirable or convenient in the opinion of the bank to provide any other services to the bank to assist the bank in effectuating the purposes of this subchapter. The bank may enter into, amend or terminate any ancillary obligation as it determines to be necessary or appropriate to place the obligations or investments of the bank, as represented by the bonds or the investment of their proceeds, in whole or in part, on the interest rate, cash flow or other basis approved by the bank. The obligation may include without limitation contracts commonly known as interest rate swap agreements, forward purchase contracts or guaranteed investment contracts and futures or contracts providing for payments based on levels of, or changes in, interest rates. These contracts or arrangements may be entered into by the bank in connection with or incidental to entering into or maintaining any agreement that secures bonds of the bank or any investment or contract providing for investment of reserves or similar facility guaranteeing an investment rate for a period of years not to exceed the underlying terms of the bonds. The determination by the bank that an ancillary obligation or the amendment or termination of an ancillary obligation is necessary or appropriate as provided in this subsection is conclusive. Any ancillary obligation may contain such payment, security, default, remedy, termination provisions and payments and other terms and conditions as determined by the bank, after giving due consideration to the creditworthiness of the counterparty or other obligated party, including any rating by any nationally recognized rating agency, and to any other criteria as may be appropriate. 7. Transfer of funds. So long as there are any pension cost reduction bonds issued by the bank outstanding, as defined by and under its resolution, and subject to appropriation, if any, required by law, for payment and transfer to the Pension Cost Reduction Debt Service Fund established pursuant to subsection 5 the State Controller shall transfer immediately all sums deposited into accounts authorized by Title 8, section 386; Title 8, section 1036, subsection 2, paragraphs B, C, D, H and I; Title 10, sections 1527-B and 1527-D; Title 13-B, sections 1402-A and 1405; Title 13-C, sections 124 and 143; Title 31, sections 414 and 416; Title 31, sections 613 and 615; and Title 31, sections 813 and 815, less costs of administering the programs funded by these accounts, including prizes. 8. Corporate powers. In addition to all other powers granted to the bank, for carrying out the purposes of this subchapter, the bank may: A. Make, enter into and enforce all contracts or agreements necessary, convenient or desirable for the purposes of financing or refinancing the costs of the pension obligation; B. Invest any funds or money of the bank not then required for funding costs of the pension obligation in the same manner as permitted for the investment of funds belonging to the State or held in the State Treasury, except as otherwise permitted or provided by this subchapter; and Bonds or any ancillary obligation may contain a recital that they are issued or executed, respectively, pursuant to this subchapter. The recital is conclusive evidence of their validity and of the regularity of the proceedings relating to them. C. Fix and prescribe any form of application or procedure to be required of the State or of any agency, political subdivision, instrumentality or 254 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 Sec. PPPP-3. Funds reserved in Budget Stabilization Fund. On or before June 30, 2007, 11. Remedies of holders of bonds. In addition to all other rights or remedies set forth in section 6023, subsection 2, the trustee appointed pursuant to section 6023, subsection 1 may, and upon written request of the holders of 25% in principal amount of all outstanding bonds or holders of ancillary obligations in the percentage set forth in the bank's authorizing resolution, shall, in the trustee's or the bank's own name, by mandamus or other suit, action or proceeding at law or in equity, enforce all rights of the bondholders or holders of the ancillary obligations and require the bank to carry out any other agreements with the bondholders or holders of such ancillary obligations and to perform its duties under this subchapter, provided the bonds are limited revenue obligations of the bank. The bank's obligations to make debt service payments do not constitute a debt or liability of the State or any political subdivision of the State other than the bank within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory limitation, or a loan of the credit of the State, or a pledge of the faith and credit of the State or any political subdivision of the State other than the bank, or a contractual obligation in excess of the amounts deposited therein, and the State has no continuing legal or moral obligation to appropriate money for said payments or other obligations of the bank. Payments of the principal of, redemption premium, if any, and interest on the bonds must be made solely from amounts derived from the Pension Cost Reduction Debt Service Fund established pursuant to subsection 5. Neither the faith and credit nor the taxing power of the State or of any political subdivision of the State is pledged to the payment of the principal of, redemption premium, if any, or interest on the bonds. The bank has no taxing power. the State Controller shall reserve $66,656,703 in the Budget Stabilization Fund. Sec. PPPP-4. Transfer to Pension Cost Reduction Debt Service Fund. On June 30, 2007, the State Controller shall transfer $8,000,000 from the Budget Stabilization Fund to the Pension Cost Reduction Debt Service Fund within the Maine Municipal Bond Bank to be held as a working capital reserve to account for the seasonality of revenues deposited to the account to ensure timely payment of debt service to the Bond Bank. After the final payment to the bank, the working capital reserve along with any interest earned, and after all fees have been paid to the trustee, shall revert to the Budget Stabilization Fund or its successor. Sec. PPPP-5. Appropriations and allocations. The following appropriations and allocations are made. EDUCATION, DEPARTMENT OF Teacher Retirement 0170 Initiative: Deappropriates funds due to the prefunding of the normal cost of teachers' retirement with proceeds from the Pension Cost Reduction Bond. GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 ($61,167,861) _____________ ($61,167,861) 2006-07 ($64,532,094) ____________ ($64,532,094) Teacher Retirement 0170 Initiative: Deappropriates funds due to prefunding of the unfunded actuarial liability of teachers' retirement with proceeds from the Pension Cost Reduction Bond. §6044. Construction This subchapter and all powers granted by this subchapter must be liberally construed to effectuate its intent and their purposes, without implied limitations thereon. This subchapter constitutes full and complete authority for all things contemplated to be done in this subchapter. All rights and powers granted in this subchapter are cumulative with those derived from other sources and may not, except as expressly stated in this subchapter, be construed in limitation thereof. Insofar as the provisions of this subchapter are inconsistent with any other provision of law or the provisions of any other act, general or special, the provisions of this subchapter are controlling. GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 ($113,316,207) _____________ ($113,316,207) EDUCATION, DEPARTMENT OF DEPARTMENT TOTALS GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FUNDS 2005-06 2006-07 ($119,548,943) ____________ ($119,548,943) 2006-07 ($174,484,068) _____________ ($184,081,037) ____________ ($174,484,068) ($184,081,037) PART QQQQ Sec. PPPP-2. Prepayment of teacher retirement contribution. The State Controller shall Sec. QQQQ-1. 20-A MRSA §3252, sub§4-A is enacted to read: transfer $41,908,402 from General Fund unappropriated surplus on or before January 1, 2006 to the Retirement Allowance Fund. This transfer must be deposited as a prepayment of the unfunded actuarial liability of teachers. 4-A. Targeted funds. In addition to tuition rates calculated pursuant to chapter 219, targeted funds for each student in the unorganized territory must be paid to the school administrative unit or private school approved for tuition purposes that a 255 PUBLIC LAW, C. 12 FIRST REGULAR SESSION - 2005 student attends. For purposes of this subsection, "targeted funds" means those funds identified under essential programs and services for technology, assessment and kindergarten to grade 2 pursuant to section 15671, subsection 6 and section 15681. The State Senate consists of 35 Senators with one Senator elected from each of the following districts. 1. Senate District 1. Senate District 1 consists of: Sec. QQQQ-2. 20-A MRSA §3253-A, sub§3-A is enacted to read: A. In York County, the municipalities of Eliot, Kittery, Ogunquit, South Berwick and York. 3-A. Targeted funds. In addition to tuition rates calculated pursuant to chapter 219, targeted funds for each student in the unorganized territory must be paid to the school administrative unit or private school approved for tuition purposes that a student attends. For purposes of this subsection, "targeted funds" means those funds identified under essential programs and services for technology, assessment and kindergarten to grade 2 pursuant to section 15671, subsection 6 and section 15681. 2. Senate District 2. Senate District 2 consists of: A. In York County, the municipalities of Acton, Berwick, Cornish, Lebanon, Limerick, Newfield, North Berwick, Parsonsfield, Shapleigh and Wells. 3. Senate District 3. Senate District 3 consists of: Sec. QQQQ-3. Appropriations and allocations. The following appropriations and alloca- A. In York County, the municipalities of Alfred, Limington, Lyman, Sanford and Waterboro. tions are made. 4. Senate District 4. Senate District 4 consists EDUCATION, DEPARTMENT OF of: Education in the Unorganized Territory 0220 A. In York County, the municipalities of Arundel, Kennebunk and Kennebunkport and that portion of the municipality of Biddeford bounded by a line described as: beginning at the Biddeford-Arundel boundary and its intersection with the abandoned railroad; then northeast along the abandoned railroad until it intersects with the Biddeford Connector; then southeast along the Biddeford Connector until it intersects with the Boston and Maine Railroad; then northeast along the Boston and Maine Railroad until it intersects with South Street; then northwest along South Street until it intersects with Main Street; then northeast along Main Street until it intersects with Thacher Brook; then east along Thacher Brook until it intersects with the Saco River at the Biddeford-Saco boundary; then southeast along the Saco River until it intersects with the Atlantic Ocean; then southwest along the Atlantic Ocean until it intersects with the BiddefordKennebunkport boundary; then northwest along the Biddeford-Kennebunkport boundary until it intersects with the Biddeford-Arundel boundary; then northwest along the Biddeford-Arundel boundary to the beginning point; and including all islands. Initiative: Appropriates funds for the additional cost of providing targeted funds, identified under essential programs and services for technology, assessment and kindergarten to grade 2, to the school administrative unit or private school that each student from the unorganized territory attends. GENERAL FUND All Other GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2005-06 $412,600 __________ $412,600 2006-07 $437,356 __________ $437,356 See title page for effective date, unless otherwise indicated. CHAPTER 13 S.P. 40 - L.D. 98 An Act To Codify Senate Districts in Statute Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows: Sec. 1. 21-A MRSA §1203, as amended by PL 2003, c. 62, §1 and affected by §§5 and 6, is repealed. 5. Senate District 5. Senate District 5 consists Sec. 2. 21-A MRSA §1203-A is enacted to of: read: A. In York County, the municipalities of Buxton, Dayton, Old Orchard Beach and Saco and that portion of the municipality of Biddeford north of the Biddeford-Arundel boundary and §1203-A. State Senate districts 256