[Hi The Alabama Department of Gammon Mm Saul-nu Cara-1 Mental Health I . ?ip/mg Community Service Provider Site Visit Sour-es mm? ?h Plus Required Mental Illness Jefferson Bimingham oear Selection 1'500'367?0955 mama Click here to i Hill Cred Behavioral Health Services Show site Visits Fill Services ammun- 3' Site Visits. found . . . 10' 1 museum . a? CenterfSub Mdnens T?Irpe Date Score Aim-um 5- . 'e - Hill Oral Behamoral Health Samoa 61368 5th Ave Regilar 5f25}2017 11]] 5m Rehab Inlenenljon are Enrichment (RISE) CRF Birmirlj'lall?l, 35212 (OHM M52111 I: I I . Hill Crest Behavioral Health Services sees 5th AVE 5 Boomer 100 MW Child 3. Adolescent R?triintf?eclusilm Birrnirlg1amr 35212 MT ?mi Hill 05! Behavioral Health Seneca 6-1368 5th AVE 5 Regllar 5f24J2017 11]] Govemirlg Body Binnirlg'lan'l, Al 3-5212 N?mm Hill Crest Behavioral Health Services 6-1369 51h AVE 5 Regular 5&5;ch loo huh-Cum MI Pic-9am Staff Elirrnirlgiamr 35212 Hill Behavioral Health Sewioa 6-1368 5th AVE 5 Regilar $23201? Bl] Quality A?urance Birmil'lj'lam, Al 35212 Hill Crest Behavioral Health Services 6-1369 51h AVE 5 RegLiar 5f2'1f201? 1011 Administrative Services Elirlnirlgianir 35212 Hill Behavioral Health Sewioa 6-1368 5th AVE 5 Regilar 5f2?lj'201? 11]] Child 8i Molr?oent CRF Birminghamr Al 35212 The Gart?ta?oon of commonly programs is de?ned In The Alaba'rla Mnin'strative Code mapher 5130-3-23. The degree ofurn?ianoew'rlh DMHcer??ial?on Thecem'?odjon ti'rld?rarnes for [Immunity proglaris are as ?allms: 90% or above receive a two?year certi?raticn, receive a one-yea cel'lj?lrdjon and 19% and bllollt receive a provisional certi?cation which is up to 60 days. Definijcris of Dill-l Progra'nma?c Ste Hunt-resins occur eliery 24 mcl'?is. Weir?s are for a new service. mmwv'sits occur following a orle year or prairisiorld DUI-re?ll: occur due to rncn'ltoling, for-talisman roam the Emilio! DiIiI'EiDl'sdeem mm Mme occur when DHi-l 3:21:11}; a ?ceree or awed'll?jon issued trimmer ?eucf an additiond ?le DMH E?ti?t?tloi'l pro-cues. The DUE-raid Meets may not besccred.