MICHAEL H. ROBERTSON OR JOHN w. FODOR CHIEF OF DETECTIVES THOMAS J. CHIRICIIELLAJR. FIRSTASSISTANT FROSECUTOR FRAVCISCO RuleN, JR. DFPUTY Cl-llEF 0i DEFECTIVES Submit :r CouM'v Unncr. 40 NORTH BRIDLJE STREET PO. BOX 3000 SOMERVILLE, NEW JERSEY 088764262 908-575-3300 NET October IO, 2017 Re' Notice regarding your DWI case Court records indicate that you were arrested for and/or convicted of drunk driving sometime between 2003 and zmo. This letter is to inform you that it is possible there may have been an issue in the proceedings in your DWI case. Specifically, it has been alleued that on or about October 6, 2015. and on or about October 7 2015, New Jersey State Police Sergeant Marc Dennis, a former coordinator in the Alcolial Drug Testing Unit, calibrated the Alcotest 7110 ("Alcolesl") evidential breath testing instruments in the city ofAshury Park, the city of Long Branch, and the Township of Marlboro, without following the established protocol and then certified tltat the calibration was done in accordance tlte required procedures. Sergeant alleged false swearing and improper calibrations three instruments may call into question ull of calibrations performed by Sergeanl Dennis over the course ofhis career as a 2008 201a), and might possibly entitle you to future relief The New Jersey Supreme Court has assigned the Honorable Joseph Lisa, (retired and ya on recall) to preside over a hearing to determine whether Sergeant Dcnnis's failure to perform a specific step in the established protocol adversely affected the scientific reliability of the calibrations he performed as well as any evidential breath tests on those Alcotest instruments. The outcome ofthese legal proceedings, which are now underway, will whether you are entitled to future relief. If you believe that you are presently suffering a . adverse consequences from your conviction or pending DWI case, you should consult an attorney to detemrinc if you arc to emergent, immediate relief When the ahoverlloled hearing is completed, Judge Lisa will determine whether Sergeant Dennls's failure to perform the specific step in the established protocol adversely affected the reliability ofthe calibrations ire performed, if the Judge decides that it did have such art affect, he will also determine whether you are entitled to relicftherefrom. Updates concerning [he Alcolesl litigaliml mentioned above be available an the Somerset County Proscculor's Office webs": ill under hcadlng Alcotesl Please check mm Websilr for Ilic most current status ul'that litigation as you will not receive any additional letters about that litigation fioln this office. Very truly yours, Thomas]. First Prosecutor Snmerwr County is An Equal Fnrpioyer