IN THE SUPREME COURT OF PENNSYLVANIA OFFICE OF DISCIPLINARY COUNSEL, : : Petitioner : : v. : : : RUFUS SETH WILLIAMS, : : Respondent No. 2372 Disciplinary Docket No. 3 No. 55 DB 2017 Attorney Registration No. 67145 (Philadelphia) ORDER PER CURIAM AND NOW, this 19th day of October, 2017 upon consideration of the Verified Statement of Resignation, Rufus Seth Williams is disbarred on consent from the Bar of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, retroactive to April 13, 2017. See Pa.R.D.E. 215. Respondent shall comply with the provisions of Pa.R.D.E. 217 and pay costs to the Disciplinary Board, pursuant to Pa.R.D.E. 208(g). A True Copy Patricia Nicola As Of 10/19/2017 Attest: ___________________ Chief Clerk Supreme Court of Pennsylvania BEFORE THE DISCIPLINARY BOARD OF THE SUPREME COURT OF OFFICE OF DISCIPLINARY COUNSEL No. 2372 Disciplinary Docket No. 3 Petitioner No. 55 DB 2017 v. Attorney Registration No. 67145 RUFUS SETH WILLIAMS Respondent (Philadelphia) RESIGNATION BY RESPONDENT Pursuant to Rule 215 of the Rules of Disciplinary Enforcement BEFORE THE DISCIPLINARY BOARD OF THE SUPREME COURT OF Of?ce of Disciplinary Counsel No. 2372 Disciplinary Docket No. 3 Petitioner No. 55 DB 2017 v. File No. 03-17-186 Rufus Seth Williams, Attorney Registration No. 67145 Respondent (Philadelphia County) RESIGNATION STATEMENT UNDER RULE 215 PA. R.D.E. I, Rufus Seth Williams, hereby resign from the practice of law in the Commonwealth of in oonforrnity with Rule 215 of the Rules of Disciplinary Enforcement. and further state as follows: 1. I am an attorney admitted in the Commonwealth of having been admitted to the bar on December 10, 1992. My registration number is 67145. 2. I desire to resign from the Bar of the Commonwealth of 3. My resignation is freely and voluntarily rendered; I am not being subjected to coercion or duress; and I am fully aware of the implications of submitting this resignation. 4. I am presently represented by Samuel C. Stretton, Esq., PO. Box 3231-, West Chester, 19381. 5. I am aware 'of a pending investigation by the Of?ce of Disciplinary Counsel of alleged serious professional misconduct on my part. I acknowledge the material facts related to this misconduct are more fully set forth in the on 9/29/2017 The Disciplinary Board of the Supreme Court of Suspension, ?led April 3, 2017, which resulted in the Court's April 13, 2017, Order of Temporary Suspension. The Petition and Order are attached hereto and incorporated herein as ?Exhibit and. ?Exhibit respectively. 6. acknoWledge that the material facts set forth in the aforementioned Exhibits A and are true. 7. On June 29, 2017, pled guilty to one count of Travel and use of Interstate Facilities to promote and Facilitate Bribery Contrary to Law, 18 U.S.C. 1952. A true and correct copy of the Guilty Plea Agreement is attached hereto as ?Exhibit 8. I further admitted to committing the following additional offenses, which will be considered in the calculation of my sentence and restitution amount: a. acceptance of bribes from Business Owner as described and charged in Counts One to Five (Travel and Use of Interstate Facilities to Promote and Facilitate Bribery Contrary to Law, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 1952), Count Six (Hobbs Act Extortion, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 1951), and Counts Fourteen and Fifteen (Honest Services Wire Fraud, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 1343 and 1346); b. acceptance of bribes from Business Owner as described and charged in Counts Seven to Twelve (Travel and Use of Interstate Facilities to Promote and Facilitate Bribery Contrary to Law, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 1952), Count Thirteen (Hobbs Act Extortion, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 1951), and Counts Fourteen and Fifteen (Honest Services Wire Fraud, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 1343 and 1346); c. a scheme to defraud a nursing home at which my mother resided, and friends of my mother as described and charged in Counts Sixteen to Twenty- One (Wire Fraud, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 1343); d. a scheme to defraud a political action committee, as described and charged in Counts Twenty-Two to Twenty-Five (Wire Fraud, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 1343); e. a scheme to defraud the City of Philadelphia and the HIDTA program, as described and charged in Counts Twenty-Six to Twenty-Seven (\Mre Fraud, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 1343) and Counts Twenty?Eight to Twenty-Nine (Mail Fraud, in violation of 18 U.S.C.. 1341). 9. I am submitting my resignation because I know that I could not successfully defend against charges predicated upon the misconduct under investigation, in violation of the Rules of Professional Conduct, as set forth in the aforementioned Exhibits A to C. 10. I am fully aware that the submission of this Resignation Statement is irrevocable and that I can only apply for reinstatement to the practice of law pursuant to the provisions of Enforcement Rule 11. I am aware that pursuant to Enforcement Rule 215(c), the fact that I have tendered my resignation shall become a matter of public record immediately upon delivery of the resignation statement to Disciplinary Counsel or the Secretary of the Board. 12. Upon entry of the diebarment Order. I wl? comply with the notice, withdrawal, resignation, trust account. and cease-and-deelst provisions of Enforcement Rule 217(eHd). 13. After entry or the drsbarment Older, I will ?le a veri?ed statement of compliance, as requlred by Enforcement Rule 217(e)(1). 14. lam aware maimewai?ng period forellgibllity to apply for reinstahcrneruto the practice of law under Enforcemant Rule 218(b) shall not begin until I ?le the veri?ed shtement of compliance required by Enforcement Rule 217(e)(1). However. if lhe herein penaltiesof18 Pa. GSA. ?4904 (relating to unewom falsi?m?on to Signedthis [17?qu WITNESS: mas-mm Wm Rule 215. PRIDE. of! {Khan :29 Egg; Data ma.? ?/2qu gym/{13$ ?Zw/n ?25" OF THE 04? ImuiKMhn v? Chief Disch?nary Counsel Bum SUPREME COURT OF - mu Deputy Chief Disablinary Counsel Duh-let Ill Ofl'leo PA Judicial Center 601 Commonwealth Avenue. Suite 5800 PO. Box 82675 Harrisburg. PA 17106 (717) 772-8572 FAX (717) 77237463 OFFICE OF DISCIPLINARY COUNSEL April 3, 2017 Prothonotary Supreme Court of Western District Office 801 City-County Building 414 Grant Street Pittsburgh, PA 15219 ATTN: John A. Vaskov, Esq. Deputy Prothonotary Couml-in-cmlge Ramona M. Mariam Disciplinary Counsel Anthony A Czudmidti Suzy S. Moore Kristin A Wells Re: Office of Disciplinary Counsel v. Rufus Seth Williams ODC File No. C3?l7?186 Attorney Registration No. 67145 Dear Mr. Vaskov: Enclosed for filing is a Joint Petition for Temporary Suspension with Affidavit of Service. District Attorney Williams requests that the Court include language similar to that in Kathleen Kane's matter ?This order should not be construed as removing Respondent from elected office and is limited to the temporary suspension of [his] license to practice law.? ODC takes no position as to the inclusion or omission of this language. Respectfully, WJQNAD Kristin A. Wells Disciplinary Counsel District KAW Enclosures Emmi A Prothonotary Supreme Court of April 3, 2017 Page 2 cc: Paul J. Killion, Chief Disciplinary Counsel (w/enclosures) Paul J. Burgoyne, Deputy Chief Disciplinary' Counsel (w/enclOsures) Julia M. Frankston-Morris, Secretary of The Disciplinary Board (w/enclosures) Samuel C. Stretton, Esq., Respondent's Counsel IN THE SUPREME COURT OF OFFICE OF DISCIPLINARY COUNSEL. No. I Disciplinary Docket Petitioner Docket No. v. Board File No. C3-l 7-186 (United States District Court Eastern District of (Philadelphia) No. 2:17-cr-00137-PD) RUFUS SETH WILLIAMS, Attorney Reg. No. 67145 Respondent (Philadelphia County) WW TO THE HONORABLE, THE CHIEF JUSTICE AND JUSTICES OF THE SUPREME COURT OF Of?ce of Disciplinary Counsel (hereinafter ?Petitioner?), by Paul J. Killion, Esquire, Chief Disciplinary Counsel, and by Kristin Wells, Esquire, Disciplinary Counsel, and Rufus Seth Williams (?Respondent?), by and through his counsel, Samuel C. Stretton, Esquire, jointly petition this Honorable Court for an Order temporarily suspending Respondent from the practice of law, and in support thereof state: I 1. Petitioner, whose principal office is situated at PA Judie ial Center, 601 Com- - monwealth Ave., Suite 2700, PO. Box 62485, Harrisburg, 17106 is invested, pursuant to 207, with the power and duty to investigate all matters involvingal- leged misconduct of an attorney admitted to practice law in the Commonwealth of and to prosecute all disciplinary proceedings brought in accordance with the various provisions of the aforesaid Enforcement Rules. 2. Respondent, Rufus Seth Williams, was bom on January 2, 1967, and was ad- mitted to practice law in the Commonwealth of on December 10, 1992. Re- spondent's Attorney Registration No. is 67145. Respondent is currently on active status, and is subject to the disciplinaryjurisdiction of the Disciplinary Board of the Supreme Court. 3. On March 21, 201 7, a grandjury convened in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of issued a twenty-three count Indictment charging Re- spondent with criminal misconduct. 4. The Indictment alleges that Respondent, the Philadelphia District Attorney, among other things, engaged in bribery and extortion. 5. Counts One to Five of the lndictrnent charged Respondent with travel and use of interstate facilities to promote and facilitate bribery contrary to law, in viola- tionof Title 18, United States Code, Section 1952(a)(3) and Section 2. 6. Count Six charged Respondent with obstructing and affecting interstate and foreign commerce by extortion under color of official right, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Sections 1951(a) and and Section 2. 7. Counts Seven to Eleven charged Respondent with travel and use of interstate facilities to promote and facilitate bribery contrary to law, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section l952(a)(3) and Section 2. 8. Count Twelve charged Respondent with obstructing and affecting interstate . and foreign commerce by extortion under color of official right, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Sections 1951(a) and and Section 2. 9. Counts Thirteen to Seventeen charged Respondent with scheme to defraud the city and county of Philadelphia and its citizens of Defendant Williams?s honest I services, in violation of Title United States Code, Sections [343, 1346, and 2. 10. Counts Eighteen to Twenty-Three charged Respondent with wire fraud, in vi- olation of Title United States Code, Section 1343 and Section 1. Respondent pled not guilty to all counts. 12. Respondent?s trial has not yet been scheduled. Respondent has no record of discipline. l4. Pursuant to 2 Respondent and Petitioner believe that it would be in the best interest of the Respondent and the legal system for Respondent to be immediately suspended at this time pending the ultimate resolution of any disciplinary pro- ceedings arising as a result of the aforementioned criminal proceedings. 15. By agreeing to the interim Suspension, Respondent is not in any way admitting any misconduct and reserves the right to challenge the allegations at a later date. WHEREFORE, Petitioner and Respondentjointly move your Honorable Court to en- ter an Order temporarily suspending Respondent from the practice of law and for further pro- ceedings pursuant to Rule 214, Pa. R.D.E., depending upon the outcome of the pending crim- inal case, to determine the extent of final discipline. Why-W DFBCE 0? BMW gunman. mm hm MWNO. 3120M WWCW 691 PL). 30162575 (717)712-8572 No. 671.45 9.2: "j MW Sde. Smanm Mariam WWNO. 18491 THE SUPREME COURT OF OFFICE OF DISCIPLINARY COUNSEL, No. Disciplinary Docket Petitioner Docket No. v. Board File No. 1-17-78 (United States District Court Eastern District of (Philadelphia) No. 2:17-cr-00137-PD) RUFUS SETH WILLIAMS, Attorney Reg. No. 67145 Respondent (Philadelphia County) CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that lam causing to be served a copy of the Joint Petition for Tempo- rary Suspension and all accompanying documents upon the persons and in the manner indi? cated below which service satis?es the requirements of 121: Service by ?rst-class mail to Respondent as follows: Rufus Seth Williams c/o Samuel C. Stretton, Esquire Law Of?ce of Samuel C. Stretton P.0. Box 3231 West Chester, PA 19381 Date: 3 all? 2,011 Kristin A. We 3 Disciplinary Counsel, District 111 Attorney Registration No. 312080 Judicial Center 601 Commonwealth Avenue, Suite 5800 PD. Box 62675 Harrisburg, 17106 (717)772-8572 mm int: m1 a: Airman-Ed attract to 6:11:51th c: 5.- Miles. No. 511m THE SUPREME COURT OF OFFICE OF DISCIPLINARY COUNSEL, No. Disciplinary Docket Petitioner Docket No. v. Board File No. Cl-17-78 (United States District Court Eastern District of (Philadelphia) No. 2:17-cr-00137-PD) RUFUS SETH WILLIAMS, Attorney Reg. No. 67l45 Respondent (Philadelphia County) AND NOW, this day of 2017, theJoint Petition for Temporary Suspension is granted, and, pursuant to Rule 214, Rufus Seth Williams is placed on temporary suspension and he shall comply with all the provisions of Rule 2] 7 Respondent?s rights to petition for dissolution or amendment of this Order and to request accelerated disposition of charges underlying this Order pursuant to 208(f)(6), are speci?cally preserved. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF OFFICE OF DISCIPLINARY COUNSEL, No. 2372 Disciplinary Docket No. 3 Petitioner File No. v. (United States District Court for the Eastern District of RUFUS SETH WILLIAMS, (Philadelphia), No. Respondent Attorney Reg. No. 67145 (Philadelphia County) PER CURIAM AND NOW, this 13'h day of April, 2017, upon consideration of the Joint Petition to Temporarily Suspend an Attorney, Rufus Seth Williams is placed on temporary suspension, see 214(d)(5), and, to the extent applicable, he shall comply with all the provisions of 217. A True Co; Patricia Nicola As Of 4/1 [$017 Attest: Chief . - Supreme Court of lOl?l? l3 IN THE UNITED STATES-DISTRICT COURT . FDR DISTRICT 01-" UNI-IED STATES OF AMERICA . FILED minu?stonawmg gu?typleaw t. 1-. Colman: 01?ng iII'IrlolahUmelS U.S.C. 1952, aris'mg?'omme WSW and-mm mefeinlre?sset- mm?emof?rfm 1-8 via-S 991(an The dcfm?m?r?la acknowledges hiswaiver as set. i 2. a. Move to diSmiSs Camus oflhe Superseding Indictment as to this defendant. The defendant waives the Statute _of1imitations as to all counts int?; dismissed-Willis agreementand agrees that ifthc defendant Case 2:17-cr-00137-PD Document 125 Filed 06129117 P'age 2 of-14 .1 ham, or successfully challenges, the guilty plea entered under this Went, or it?theue I b. mfodmm . mquwamsnisedbyenmmem.wmmenmmu 31mm., A I . :1 any postmm 3.- . ofthree years, a; mum ?ne, and a 1100 special mam restitution and forfeiture shall also be ordered, as imbu- explained belaw. Case Document 125 Filed 06?29117 Page 3 of 14 4. violn?m?of?mvined mm ?e?pnasible'paiodo?nme??mlemlm 5. - I I 6.. thepurpnseofdemminmg-dm dams W3Guidelinesmgc,5ec?on Case Document 125 Filed 06129!? Page 4 of 14 a. Acceptance of bribes, from Business Ownbr?l as described and dmged in Counts 011: to Five (travel and Use 01mm Facili?'cs minim and . Facilitate Blibery cm in Law, in mh?on of 1s usn 1952), Count Six (Hobbs. Act W011, in vim of 13 use. 5 1951), and Comm Fainteen .mdFi?em (11m Sam: Mariana. in vinia?on of 1.8 0.5.1; 1343 1111111346). b. whom 8611mm manic quw?c?i?sto Pm Comm 111 Pei-imam, in viola?m om 113.13. 1952), Cmi?ntThirteen (Hobbs ActEm?m, invigh?m of 111 11.515.119.51}, and cm Fi?ncn (Hm Sam Wire Fraud, 0118 v.51; 1343 and 13445). . . . c. 1343). . d. aimed in Cami Twig-Two to Twenty-mgmm? Fraud, 11111101111111.1311: 11s.; ?1343). I Aschemetode??md?le City ofPhiladdphiaand?ieI-IIDTA prognm, as desaibed and charged in Cm Twenty-Six to in violatioii of 18 13:43), and Counts Twenty-Eight (Mail Fraud, in violation of 11: U.S.C. 1341). Case 2:17-cr-00137-PD Document 125 Filed 06129117 Page 5 of 14 8. The defcndant agrees that'he? my be held'rwponsible for all restitution -- Xfof?nisagieanenghan mm 1W. chasm 0mm] mas manila diet the g?uih'y plea am before 5. -. Such forfeitum is not grossly diapr?por?onat'eto his mum; conduct. Case 2:17-cr-00137-PD Document 125 Filed Page 6 of 14 . c. . agieementdonot- animlmm Extraordinary mm ofmponm'bility ahddo not 10. a. - . . u. date omis agreemcni, demonstrated acceptance his meme, making the downward under applicability ofanyo?ietpmvisionofths conduct, offense characteristics, criminal history, adjusunents, and depamscc; (2) this- stipulation is not binding upbn eitherihel?mbation Of?ce or the Court; and (3) the Court c6- case 2:17-cr-00137-PD Document 125 Filed 06129117 Page 7 of 14 maybEilnposed. L2. fame agtennent andis ammo: canteen-ma (b)the 3mm wilt-infatutheW?emfessional mg6.- ?fths 1' cl. . db 13. date . o??s-agteundn ai?hism motheriwisevioiatesany chamisim ofthis am Hum-may museum nf??ic at its option: mamas clefenda'nt teeny insultingi Masthead lo, perm. on and using any in?xnaionprovidediby the defml'iant duringthe investigation and prosecutim oflhe criminal lease: upon 'Wmo?on, reimtate the defendant anally oaunts-whiehwara tube, ortvhidl?h'ad been, dismissed on-?le basis of this agreement; (6) be relieved of any obligations under this agreement regarding recommendations as to salience; and be te?eved of any stipula?onselmder the Case 2:17-cr-00137-PD Document 125 Filed Page 8 of 14 Sentencing Guidelines; Moreover, defendmn's previously entet?d guilty plea ?till m-a-MMmemMamm?mt-nmm 14. defwdant?s emvic?on. M's: any - 18 2251mm)! mm of law. an. 15. t2) challenging adeciaionby?tesmtenchigjudgeto imposean departure" pursuant to the Sntencing Guidelines; Case Document 125 Filed 06129117 Page 9 of 14 (3) - ?it! ?(141 mm?l?imbemvha - 1-5. nemmwges lhat?linginnppeal army :3on 'wniued?iu?te' mayemmh?eaheaehof?mpleamm as?mmisde?nedinapplieablelaw. 16. the investigation or prosecution of this matter. Case Document 125 Filed 06129l17 Page 10 of 14 17. ?552, ortheP?vacyAcLSUHSC ?5528. 1& . -10. Case Document 125 Filed 06129117 Page 11 of 14 JEFFRSONB. Attomey?memloflhcumdsm WEMATRIEK fauc'?nhkeiotamewm mevmeonmm, Come! ?rm Wof?ewlasey Ema w. Dq?dy. Q5144: Cine-ml D'w'?'tm -11- Case 2:17-cr-oo137-PD Document 125 - Filed 06129117 Page-12 of 14 Attachment IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF mu sures or AMERICA v. mutual-1.137 RUFUS surnmeIAMs guilty I 2.. commeedbeforethis-Cm . 3. a. b. could onlyconvietmeifall were c; d. govemntemhedproventhatlwas guilty; e. anyappeel followingthetrial, andthat iflcouldnota?ordtohirealawyer ?tecourt would appoint one for me free of charge Case Document 125 Filed 06l29117 Page Mme. 4. thettialwauldetmhejuuywmm 5. misforlyin;mdet,oam 6. IWMiflpleldguilly, Ihavegivalupmyriglttoappeai, 7. givingmun forth in l! U.S.-C. including swims ofthe offaitsc, educational onvoca?onnl training, medical care, or other correctional treatmentinmemost e?'ec?vemanncr; (3) the kinds of senmnces available; -2- Case Document 125 Fiie'd 06129117 Page avoidunwarranwd sentence dispnri?? ammg with - (5)?1eneed to provide m?ugionto any victims ofthe 93611.58- 30311014,. Counsel forthe new Ii