New anland 555 NEW ZEALAND DEFENCE FORCE Pg Te Ope Kaatua a Aatearoa Tr ()yr Mn.- 0 Auk-no. HEADQUARTERS YOUTH DEVELOPMENT UNIT Queens Drive, Burnham Military Camp, 7600 Christchurch. HQ YDU 1630/1 26 February 2014 C0 YDU LIMITED SERVICE VOLUNTEER (LSV) VALIDATION Reference A: 1000Minds Software Service Proposal Reference B: Performance and Evaluation Review 2013 Reference C: Limited Service Volunteer Evaluation dated 20 January 2014 Introduction 1. The Youth Development Unit conducted a survey of graduates on the Limited Services Volunteer Courses conducted at Burnham, 805/14 and Trentham The survey was conducted in three parts: 1. On commencement day one ofthe course 2. On completion day 42 of the course 3. 3 months post course 2. The surveys are available on the internet and are managed by 1000minds, reference A refers. Purpose 3. The purpose of this report is to document the learning outcomes of the LSV course and if these learning outcomes are transferred into employment or study at the completion of the course. In terms of outcomes, the LSV course is best measured by using the acronyms SCCR (Self Discipline, (Io?operation, Con?dence. Respect) and Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes, instead of speci?c learning outcomes. Learning outcomes imply that trainees are completing a course in order to prepare for a speci?c job. LSV trainees do not know what type ofjob they will have at the completion of the course. The LSV course is a life skills course therefore SCCR, Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes are the best measure. Reference refers. Aim 5. The Aim of the report is to provide the statics to illustrate the results of the surveys conducted during and post LSV courses 305/13 and 005/13. The results are from information provided by the trainee graduates utilising the ROPELOC surveys conducted onmonths post course. Key Outcomes 6. The statistics are dependant on the following; Trainees having noti?ed NZDF of their current email addresses Staff ensuring trainees complete the ROPLOC surveys on day 1 and day 42 Trainees completing the online survey form 3 months post course Noti?cation of employer details, by trainees, and Employers completing a survey ROPELOC Case Studies 7. This ROPELOC case study is taken from courses conducted at YDU South, Burnham (805/13) and YDU Central, Trentham (005/13). The courses were conducted in Burn ham followed by Trentham two weeks later. The ?rst survey is completed on day 1 of the course; a second survey is completed on day 42 of the course. The ?nal survey being completed 3 months post course involving trainees. From the information given a survey was to be sent to employers identi?ed by trainees. Results of ROPELOC Studies 8. Results of the ROPELOC case study for day 1 and 42 are attached at annex A to this report. 3 Months Post Graduation 9. This survey was initially distributed in November 2013 both electronically and post. Due to the lack of electronic replies 3 second email was sent to trainees, encouraging them to complete and submit the survey, with a close off date of 31 Jan 2014. No hard copy document was sent. At the close off date one electronic copy of the survey was received however this did not include details of employer. 10. On 5 February 14 a 3 month post course survey was electronically sent to graduates of LSV Courses 801/14 and 001/14, to date only one reply has been received. Employer Survey 11. Due to the lack of an employer survey document and subsequently a lack of employer information, from the ?ve trainees that took the time to reply, no employer survey has been collated. Observation 12. Trainees completed the surveys on day 1 and 42 however it is apparent this is only due to their location, being on the course and with direction from NZDF staff. Survey information emailed to trainees, for the 3 month post survey, in November 2013, January 2014 and February 2014 only two were completed and received by 1000minds. This has resulted in no comparative result of data captured. Once the trainees left the course there appears to be a lack of interest in completing the survey. The effect of the lack of data means no information has been collated as stated in reference C. 13. Further adding to this, there is no programme for the Employers survey to be receipted and collated. There has been no direction given to, 1000minds, in regards to design, receipt, collation and dissemination of information. Conclusion 14. The LSV Validation (ROPELOC) has delivered a partial result in that it re?ects the data collated from day 1 and 42. Annex A shows a positive result between the two and it is believed that the motivation and growth in the trainees has continued even though this has not been con?rmed, due to the lack of submissions for the 3 month post course survey. NZDF have no control over trainees completing the 3 month post course survey. If the survey was to continue beyond the next data collection then there is a requirement for follow up by MSD or some other means of data capture. 15. At present data continues to be recorded the LSV courses however this data needs to be analysed to gauge its true value and to ensure NZDF are still producing a programme that best re?ects the learning outcomes that have been identi?ed. 16. Due to the above the following recommendations are made in order of priority: 1. ROPELOC be discontinued due to the lack of input from trainees once they leave the course. 2. ROPELOC continue however with the capture of data on day 1 and 42 surveys only, discontinue attempting to capture data 3 Months Post course. 3. ROPELOC continue in its current form. 17. Further. if the 3 month post course surveys are to continue beyond 801/14 and 001/14 it is recommended the employers details be included in one survey as opposed to two and a programme be designed to capture and collate this information IOT enable the distribution of an Employers survey. Currently there is a survey designed for employers however as there is no programme designed to capture data (should it be submitted by the Employer). one should be designed by 1000minds. The information provided by the Employers survey is designed to identify whether the learning outcomes are transferrable into employment. There is no way of matching these learning outcomes should a trainee return to education. [3 Training Manager Annex: A. 805/13, 005/13 ROPELOC Survey Day 1 and 42. B. 801/14, 001/14 ROPELOC Survey Day 1 and 42 Annex A to LSV Course Validation Dated Feb 14 These statistics are from Reference 1. LSV Burnham June 2013 (305113) The following statistics breakdown data generated from the ROPELOC survey on the LSV 805/13. Table 1: LSV 805/13 ROPELOC Scores Factor Day 1 a? Difference Active Involvement 74% 81% 8% Coping with change 65% 72% 7% Control Items 45% 52% 7% Cooperative Teamwork 76% 75% External Locus of 36% 39% 3% ontrol Igternal Locus of 82% 90% 7% ontrol Leadership Ability 60% 68% 8% Overall Effectiveness 62% 71% 9% Open Thinking 75% 81% 6% Quality Seeking 78% 84% 6% Self Con?dence 73% 83% 9% Social Effectiveness 63% 73% 10% Self Ef?cacy 66% 73% 7% Stress Management 61% 68% 7% Time Efficiency 61% 70% 9% Table 2: LSV 305/13 Trainee Start and Finish Numbers Number Started Number Finished Of the 80 students who completed the ROPELOC survey on Day One, only 60 students ?nished the course and completed the ROPELOC survey on Day 42. 2. LSV Trentham June 2013 (005113) The following statistics breakdown data generated from the ROPELOC survey on LSV 005/13. Table 3: LSV 005/13 ROPELOC Scores Factor Day 1 a? Difference Active Involvement 74% 83% 9% Coping with change 64% 80% 16% Control Items 46% 55% 8% Cooperative Teamwork 78% 87% 9% aft?" Locus Of 38% 32% SEE Locus 0f 87% 93% 6% Leadership Ability 59% 75% 16% Overall Effectiveness 65% 79% 14% Open Thinking 75% 85% 10% Quality Seeking 82% 89% 7% Self Con?dence 75% 87% 12% Social Effectiveness 64% 78% 14% Ef?cacy 64% 79% 15% Stress Management 61% 75% 14% Time Efficiency 63% 77% 14% Table 4: LSV 005113 Trainee Start and Finish Numbers Number Started Number Finished Of the 82 students who completed the ROPELOC survey on Day One. only 62 students ?nished the course and completed the ROPELOC survey on Day 42. 3. LSV Burnham September 2013 (801/14) Annex to LSV Course Validation Dated Feb 14 The following statistics breakdown data generated from the ROPELOC survey on the LSV 801/14. Table 5: LSV 801/14 ROPELOC Scores Day Factor Day 1 42 Difference Active involvement 74% 75% 1% Coping with change 68% 78% 10% Control Items 47% 52% 4% Cooperative Teamwork 79% 76% External Locus of 37% 77% 40% ontrol 32:22:: Locus 0f 87% 75% 41% Leadership Ability 64% 75% 11% Overall Effectiveness 68% 81% 13% Open Thinking 78% 74% Quality Seeking 83% 77% Self Con?dence 79% 78% Social Effectiveness 68% 76% 9% Self Ef?cacy 70% 74% 4% Stress Management 64% 75% 10% Time Efficiency 66% 76% 10% Table 6: LSV 801l14 Trainee Start and Finish Numbers Number Started Number Finished Of the 78 students who completed the ROPELOC survey on Day One, only 73 students ?nished the course and completed the ROPELOC survey on Day 42. 4. LSV Trentham August 2013 [001114) The following statistics breakdown data generated from the ROPELOC survey on LSV Table 7: LSV C01l14 ROPELOC Scores Factor Day 1 tray Difference Active Involvement 76% 85% 10% Coping with change 70% 80% 10% Control Items 49% 54% 6% Cooperative Teamwork 81% 85% 4% 5353' Locus 0f 39% 35% internal Locus of 86% 91% 5% Control Leadership Ability 65% 78% 13% Overall Effectiveness 67% 78% 10% Open Thinking 78% 83% 5% Quality Seeking 82% 86% 4% Self Con?dence 78% 86% 7% Social Effectiveness 67% 76% 9% Self Ef?cacy 70% 79% 9% Stress Management 67% 77% 10% Time Efficiency 64% 78% 15% Table 8: LSV 601/14 Trainee Start and Finish Numbers Number Started Number Finished Of the 80 students who completed the ROPELOC survey on Day One, only 72 students ?nished the course and completed the ROPELOC survey on Day 42. NEW ZEALAND DEFENCE FORCE Egg! FORCE Te 0pc Kaatua Aotearoa 1(0me HEADQUARTERS YOUTH DEVELOPMENT UNIT Queens Drive, Burnham Military Camp, 7600 Christchurch. HQ YDU 1630/1 December 2014 CO YDU LIMITED SERVICE VOLUNTEER (LSV) VALIDATION Reference A: 1000Minds Software Service Proposal Reference B: Performance and Evaluation Review 2013 Introduction 1. The Youth Development Unit conducted a survey of graduates on the Limited Services Volunteer Courses conducted at Burnham, Trentham and Hobsonville. The survey was conducted in two parts: 1. On commencement day one of the course 2. On completion day 42 of the course 2. The surveys are available on the internet and are managed by 1000minds, reference A refers. Purpose 3. The purpose of this report is to document the learning outcomes of the LSV course and if these learning outcomes are transferred into employment or study at the completion of the course. In terms of outcomes, the LSV course is best measured by using the acronyms SCCR (Self Discipline, Co- operation, Con?dence, Respect) and Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes, instead of speci?c learning outcomes. Learning outcomes imply that trainees are completing a course in order to prepare for a speci?c job. LSV trainees do not know what type ofjob they will have at the completion of the course. The LSV course is a life skills course therefore SCCR, Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes are the best measure. Reference refers. Aim 5. The Aim of the report is to provide the statics to illustrate the results of the surveys conducted during and post LSV courses for 2014. The results are from information provided by the trainee graduates utilising the ROPELOC surveys conducted on: day 1, day 42. Key Outcomes 6. The statistics are dependant on the following; . Staff ensuring trainees complete the ROPLOC surveys Staff ensuring data input is accurate ROPELOC Case Studies 7. This ROPELOC case study is taken from courses conducted at YDU South, Burnham, YDU Central. Trentham and YDU North, Hobsonville. The first survey is completed on day 1 of the course: a second survey is completed on day 42 of the course. Results of ROPELOC Studies 8. Results of the ROPELOC case study for day 1 and 42 are attached at annex A to this report. Observation 9. Trainees completed the surveys on day 1 and 42 however it is apparent this is only due to their location, being on the course and with direction from NZDF staff. There has been conflicting results with some survey information being lost due to a staff error whilst inputting data from courses onto the ROPELOC data base. Conclusion 10. The LSV Validation (ROPELOC) has delivered a result that re?ects the data collated from day 1 and 42. Annex A shows a positive result between the two collection days and it is beiieved that the motivation and growth in the trainees has continued even though this has not been con?rmed. There is a requirement for follow up by MSD or some other means of data capture. 11. Data continues to be recorded the LSV courses however this data needs to be analysed to gauge its true value and to ensure NZDF (YOU) are still producing a programme that best reflects the learning outcomes that have been identi?ed. From discussions had with employers, during the employers expo held by the sub Units. it appears the programme does meet some of the speci?cs in their recruiting processes. Training Manager Annex: A. ROPELOC Survey Day 1 and 42 for 2014. B. ROPELOC Survey by Sub Units ROPELOC Survey for 2014 1. Statistics for 2014 Annex A to LSV Course Validation Dated 1Dec 14 The following statistics breakdown data generated from the ROPELOC survey for LSV Courses conducted by YDU sub Units for 2014. Table 1: 2014 ROPELOC Scores ROPELOC 2014 As at November 2014 Cse Cse Cse Cse Cse Courses 03/14 04/14 05/14 01/15 02/15 Trainee Returns 201 204 288 306 Category Active Involvement 31% Coping with Change 18% *18% 43% 40% 1 Control 20% 35% 21% 10% 24% 22% External locus of Control 0% 11% Internal Locus of Control 10% 15% 24% 15%_ i. Leadership Ability 240/3 3 28% 46% 32% in Overall Effectivenessw 24% 48% 26% i_ Open Thinking 12% ?15% 27% 21% Quality Seeking 10% 12% 24% 25% Self Con?dence 15% 18% 35% 23% Social Effectiveness 19% 18% 43% 24% Self Ef?cacy 15% 18% 38% 26% Stress Management 16% 17% 40% 13% [Time Efficiency 230/0 25% 47% 40% These Statistics are based on the following: 1. The courses conducted in each of the three regions 2. The number of trainees who completed the course and completed the ROPELOC survey on dayt and day 42 3. Number of returns ?uctuated clue to invalid data entry Note: 1. The percentages show an improvement in each of the categories through each course 2. External Locus of control in Cse 01/15 is expected to drop to 0% or minus as trainees take control of their own decisions 3. Figure for External Locus of Control is an improvement although it shows as a negative, this means a number of trainees no longer rely on outside in?uences 4. Cse 02/15 stats are incomplete due to a course still underway at YDU Nonh Table 2: YDU Central ROPELOC Scores for 2014 Annex to LSV Course Validation Dated 1Dec 14 ROPELOC STATISTICS YDU CENTRAL 2014 As at November 2014 Cse Cse Cse Cse Cse Courses 03/14 04/14 05/14 01/15 02/15 Trainee Returns 65 78 88 Category Active Involvement 7% 11% 10% Coping with Change 7% 15% 15% Control Items 3% 13% 12% Cooperative Teamwork 3% 8% 5% External locus of Control Internal Locus of Control 7% 7% 6% Leadership Ability 10% 12% 16% __Q_verall Effectiveness 15% 16% _oi2en Thinking- 4% ?9.41 33/3 Quality Seeking Self Con?denge - 8% 12% Social Effectiveness 9% 13% 11% Self Ef?cacy 6% 13% 11% Stress Management 7% 17% 13% Time Ef?ciency 8% 19% 15% Note: Cse 04/14 information incomplete due to data entry error Table 3: YDU South ROPELOC Scores for 2014 ROPELOC STATISTICS YDU SOUTH 2014 As at November 2014 Cse Cse Cse Cse Cse Courses 03/14 04/14 05/14 01/15 02/15 Trainee Returns 75 77 80 Category Active Involvement I 12% 16% 11% 2.. nging with Change 5 10% 18% 12% Control Items 8% 14% 9% Cooperative Teamwork . 6% 10% 8% External locus of Control I -10% Internal Locus of Control 12% 12% 8% Leadership Ability 16% 20% 14% Overall Effectiveness 14% 18% 14% Open Thinking 12% 13% 7% Quality Seeking 10% 12% 9% Self Con?dence 11% 13% 11% Social Effectiveness . 1 1 17% 12% Self Ef?cacy 1 1 15% 1 1% Stress Management 1 10% 15% 8% Time Ef?ciency 1 14% 16% 13% Table 4: YDU North ROPELOC Scores for 2014 Note: Cse 03/14 information incomplete due to data entry error ROPELOC STATISTICS YDU NORTH 2014 As at November 2014 Cse Cse Cse Cse Cse Courses 03/14 04/14 05/14 01/15 02/15 Trainee Returns 136 129 133 138 Category Active Involvement 12% 5% 10% 20% Ceping with Change 11% 8% 10% 18% Control Items 12% 8% 14% 6% Cooperative Teamwork 4% 3% 6% 16% External locus of Control 0% 0% 1% ?27% Internal Locus of Control 3% 3% 5% 14% Leadership Ability 14% 13% 14% 40% Overall Effectiveness 12% 10% 14% 31% Open Thinking 8% 3% 6% 8% Quality Seeking 5% 2% 6% 18% Self Con?dence i 7% 7% 8% 23% Social Effectiveness 10% 7% 134 24% Self Efficacy 9% 6% 10% 25% Stress Management 9% 7% 8% . 9% 1 Time Efficiency 15% 11% 14% i 16% Note: Cse 02/15 information unavailable due to course currently being conducted at YDU (N).