WOODY CREEK CAUCUS MINUTES July 27, 2017 The meeting was called to order by Cathy Jandegian at 6:30. Those present were: Cathy Jandegian Valerie Braun Greg Poschman Phil Holstein Gail Holstein Nancy MacKenzie Bill MacKenzie Bill Dinsmoor Jane Dinsmoor Janet Schoeberlein Ellen Anderson Gail Braun Bill Braun Anita Rayburn Peg O’Brien The minutes from the June 29th meeting were read and approved. AIRPORT Nancy reported that our memo was sent on July 21st to the BOCC, Airport Manager and personnel, and Jon Peacock. Our memo: “The following motion concerning the current environmental assessment of the Pitkin County Airport was unanimously approved: The Woody Creek Caucus will contact the airport officials and the County Commissioners informing them that the current environmental assessment does not take into account the specific conditions of a high altitude, narrow mountain valley. We request an independent and unbiased study that includes air quality, emergency response, and noise issues, in accordance with our Master Plan.” In our memo to further support this motion we included additional background information from Chapter 2 of our Master Plan which addresses our concerns with the Pitkin County Airport. We reminded them that our Master Plan was adopted by the Pitkin County Planning and Zoning Commission: Resolution No. PZ 2016-08. We discussed the continued concerns we have and we want to continue to take a stand. Greg Poschman said he had received our letter regarding the airport. It was too soon yet for anyone to review it. We will also send our memo to county attorney, John Ely. PROPOSED CITY WATER RESERVOIR IN WOODY CREEK Greg said he has no info so far. It is all conjecture. He will let us know when/if he hears more. Some thoughts we considered: Castle Ck is not an old water right; we should start retaining our water during spring runoff. MARIJUANA MORITORIUM Val Braun reviewed with us our position on the Marijuana Licensing Moratorium put in place February of 2014. The moratorium is scheduled to be reviewed by the BOCC in February 2018. At our Caucus meeting in June it was proposed that the caucus have another vote this September to reinforce our continued support of the moratorium. After that meeting the Woody Creek Caucus Planning Commission received significant feedback from caucus members and members of the Woody Creek Caucus Master Plan committee that there was no need to vote on this issue as the caucus position is clearly stated in the caucus approved and Pitkin County Planning and Zoning Commission accepted the Woody Creek Master Plan. Our Master Plan supports the continuation of the Pitkin County Marijuana Moratorium as well as the Caucus position that there be no further commercial expansion of any kind within the Woody Creek Caucus area. The caucus Planning Commission had a lively debate last Monday regarding our response. We spent a great deal of time processing what our Master Plan represents to our caucus. It is our guiding document with regard to the future of Woody Creek. We came to realize that our document must be honored not to mention the time, effort, blood, sweat, and tears put into the creation, explanation, and completion of our document that was approved by the caucus August 27, 2015 in a vote of 42 in favor, 8 opposed and 3 ballots deemed invalid. The Woody Creek Master Plan in turn was “vetted” by the Pitkin County Planning Department (what they did was make sure there was nothing in conflict with current county rules, regulations, and statutes), and finally accepted by the Pitkin County Planning and Zoning Commission in November of 2016. After considerable discussion we came to consensus that any vote contrary to our Master Plan would not be valid without an amendment to the completed Woody Creek Master Plan. In other words, don’t put the cart before the horse. It was decided to not do another vote and the Planning Commission will reiterate the wording in the Master Plan to the County Commissioners. Members at today’s Caucus meeting had further discussion that there is a real difference between growing hay and growing a crop that needs security, fencing, and special infrastructure, etc. Bill Dinsmoor and Phil Holstein reminded us that individuals did have the option and the right to write their own views to the BOCC. There was no further discussion, nor opposition to Val’s report on our position to not allow marijuana/commercial grow operations in Woody Creek. FURTHER DISCUSSIONS We discussed that commercial infrastructure in WC is limited to ‘downtown’ Woody Creek (the Tavern and the next door building that previously housed the WC Community Center). We are opposed to any new commercial uses such as any non-traditional ag uses that require infrastructure. It was mentioned that WC Tavern’s commercial zone is a conditional use and we should look into this. ----------------------------Greg Poschman was at the Limelight tonight hearing a climate/ag scientist discuss ideas for our area to use traditional, non-chemical ag methods, crop rotation, and old fashion ways with new knowledge. Members questioned: is it commercially viable at this altitude/climate. ------------------------------Greg informed us that the Landfill is asking to put up a new large sign for the Landfill entrance. We decided to write a letter to the BOCC opposing a new large sign that violates the sign code. A small sign that meets county sign size as traditionally used throughout the county is all that is needed. The meeting was adjourned by Cathy at 7:45. Respectfully submitted, Nancy MacKenzie, Acting Secretary