- 1i: Filiszl? huppmi mi: ?i?vurih'ibi 99:19 43111 b.5513. lJEJu?Jdi Lt] 80% SL??(Irt?i?i V. Office 365 SharePoint wt'n SHJ-F Men a [II-me Item Eon Close item Manage 'lmc Production Support Form - ID: 2024 i Home 4115mm? "remit-e Issue CPP Consent - Degree checkout statuses ProgramfPlan Changes nio?mahon Secu'rt} Description PeopleSoiz Au Update: mums .zomm The completion team with Charles' approval has approved the customization to remove degree checkout status anytime a program has changed for AA, A65. A5. AFA and plan change for CERTY. CE RTN, and AAS. 'v'wD Glut?:- Original Request: In fall 2015. advisers were told to never touch the Degree Checkout status within the even when changing PRGC, PLNC. DATA, etc. tater, advisers were told to back out of con?rmation when changing programs. and speci?c plans. This info was sent via email, and despite the importance and opposing concepts. no training was o?ered. As a result. we have a situation at Wright where an adviser from another campus and carried over con?rmation without notes regarding con?rmation. in fact. the only notes we do have re?ect the fact that the student does not want the newly re?ected degree. The ID ls 001135011 [Denny 'l'apla.i Denny is now at conditional approval. How do we move forward? Primary Canton who can we call or email to discuss this Issue? It not you. please change Lin Gardner impact: Everyone All Students Some Students