Real Estate For Sale, To Let or Wanted? Advertise In tomorrow's Wednesday Globe. During the 8 months ending August 31, the Globe printed 25,000 more Real Estate advts than the second Boston paper. 'VOL XCiV—NO. 72 EVENING SEPTEMBEK 10, CLOSING MARKET-PRICES EVENING EDITION—7:3O LATEST Quentin DIVISION OF MONEY THE CAUSE AND 20 AND 32 TO 36 Efforts to Settle Difference in TOWNS IN FIRST CALL TO COLORS Morning Failed British Hurl Back a German ROSE PASTOR STOKES * Counter Attack FINED AT DEBS TRIAL British Forces Have Captured 75,000 Germans and 750 Guns in Four Weeks LONDON, Sept 10—-The capture by the British of 75,000 prisoners and 750 guns in four weeks is announced by Field Marshal Haig in an order of the day. PARIS, Sept 10—South of St Quen- Grand, according to the official statetin French troops have captured Gib- ment given out today by the French ercourt and have made progress to- War Office. wards 1-Iinacou.rt ihid Essigny-LeUsed Autos, Trucks, Tires and Accessories For Sale? Advertise in tomorrow's Globe. Read, the want pages today. DEPOSIT "SOUK SAVINGS AT THIS HANOVERTRUSTCO WE HAVE PAID IMTEREST or YOU DO NOT HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL THE END OR BEGINNING OF THE MONTH. INTEREST BEGINS AT ONCE. OPEN ACCOUNT BY MAIL MAIN OFFICE 268 Washington St. Cor. Water Branch Office 132 Hanover St. Your Savings Earn the Limit If you open an account with us Our Lust i at LONDON, Sept 10—The Germans delivered a counter-attack yesterday against the positions won by the British to the west of Gouzeacourt, fronting the Hindenburg line southwest of Cambrai. Field Marshal Haig announced in his official statement today that the pnemy assault had been completely repulsed. In this same sector the British line was advanced during the night south of the town of Havrlncourt. On the Flanders front the British progressed northeast of Neuve Ohapelle and north of Armentieres. The statement reads: "Yesterday evening the enemy launched a second counter-attack against the positions gained by us during the morning west of Couzeacourt. He was completely repulsed. Our. line has been advanced during the night south of Havrincourt. "Progress was made by us northeast of Neuve Chapelle and west and north of Armentieres." / Intereit Starts Each Month SOUTH BOSTON TRUST CO 474 Broadway, South Boston Send for Our Story, "Banking by Mail." <"JL.KV.ELA'!S,-D, Sei5t 10-Judsre D. G. Westenhaver administered lines at the opening of the Debs trial today to the s ven persons who applauded in court Rose Pastor Stoltes, Mrs Margaret Prevey and J. .J. P'ried were fined $25 and the others $10. Mrs Stokes and Mrs Prevey at first insisted they would go to .lall as a matter of principle, but friends argued them out of it. The Government then began the introduction o£ evidence In its attempt to prove that Eusene V. Debs violated the Espionage act in a speech at Canton, O, June 16. Clyde R. Miller, a Cleveland newspaper reporter who heard Debs speak ?ii M nion and interviewed him, and Virgil P. Stelner, a stenographer employed by the United States Department of Justice to copy speeches, were witnesses. Steiner was cross-examined by Seymour Stedman, counsel for Debs, as to variations in his shorthand notes and compared with another report in the hands of the defense. The witness readily admitted many omissions of words and entire phrases. Dist Atty Edwin S. Wertz informed the court that the stenographer who copied the speech for the Socialists would be put on the stand later. The defense hopes to prove that Dobs' remarks were of a general rather than a speciflte nature: that he spoke In opposition to war in general, not to the prosecution of this war. In the speech he repeatedly expressed hate for the German Junkers and for all lunknrs of every land, including the "Wall Street junkers." The Socialists, he said, had opposed junkerdom in Germany jts early as I860 and had consistently'foiiFhl It ever since. BY GENCROWDER All those who have come from another country to the United States, unless they have taken out final papers or have become citizens with their parents, are not citizens of the United States. They will have to answer one question by telling the name of the country they came from and the. subdivision they lived in, as Great Britain (Scotland). Note: Czecho-Slovaks, Poles, Alsatians, Lorrainers and others from countries held by Germany or Austria or Russia, must name the country which claims them as subjects. In addition to the permanent home address of the registrant he willalso be asked'for the address where he usually receives mail. This will be written underneath his signature. Timo is getting ver; short, for absentees to get their registration cards filled out and in the hands of their own draft board before Thursday. There is 110 central headquarters for absentees, and they may apply at their own board or at that one which is most convenient. They will not receive a registration certificate when they make out thei. registration card, but will send with their card a stamped addressed envelope, in which their own draft board will send them their certificate. Absentees who do not know the address of their-own draft board may get around the-difficulty by sending their card to "the draft board having jurisdiction over ," followed by their own home address. Must Be Ready to Answer Call in October FIELD AGENT FOR WAR WORK At a meeting of the War Resource Committee of New England H t the WASHINGTON, Sept 10—What apparently is a re(. riamber of Commerce today, it. was aiir.ounced by Stewart W. Webb, rcgiontil liable report that an American tank steamship has sunk a adviser of Now England of tlu> resources and conversions section of the German submarine in a fight off the Atlantic coast reached vVar Industries .Board, that a New England office would be established in Washington and that a field agent the Navy Department today and is being investigated. would be appointed to keep in touch with the purchasing divisions of the various Government Departments for greater efficiency in distributing war U-BOAT BLOWN CLEAN idea of the size of the murder craft of work among New England manufacthe ocean. But the captain took a turers. OUT OF THE WATER good, It was also voted that the eight sublong look at the stranger, and regional chairmen who represent the AN ATLANTIC PORT, 'Sept 10— made her out a submarine. shall be given wider AMERICAN COLORED TROOPS manufacturers :>owers in handling the business of the One of the big supersubmersiblcs The tanker carried two 4.7 guns FREE FRENCH PRISONERS their resources and conversion sections In \vhich has been prowling about the respective districts. forward and a six-inch gun aft. The AVITH THE AMERICAN ARMY IN tg .*-w*< PRANCE, Sept 9 (by A. P.)—The DIVIDEND 41% at the rate of BRITISH HURL BACK A GERMAN COUNTER-ATTACK Penalty on Six Others Also for Applauding REGISTRATION REMINDERS STATEMENT MADE enemy heavily shelled towns in'the Woevre sector behind our lines this morning. One of his patrols attacked the American outposts, but was easily driven off. There was considerable patrol ac~ Continued on the Second Page. 668,432 More Than the Post 1,654,661 More Than the Herald During the eight months ending August 31, 1918, the Globe printed 5,653,886 of advertising. This was 668,432 more lines than the Post printed, and was 1,654,661 more lines than appeared in the Herald during the eight months. North Atlantic for the past several THE WEATHER months, sinking tugs, fishing boats United States AVeathFAIR and merchantmen, and lying in wait er Bureau forecasts: For Boston and vicinity a n d Southern for a transport, was sent to the botN e w England: F a i r tom on Sunday morning 400 miles off n n d cooler tonight; Wednesday 1° a i r and Sandy Hook, after a running fight of continued cool; moder- 40 minutes with an oil tanker, acate northwest to north wind. cording to the captain, gunners and F o r Northern N o w TSngland: Partly cloudy crew of tho tanker, which arrived a n d cooler tonltflit; 1 probably light frost in I here yesterday and made her docic .. interior, If weather last night. ars; Wednesday fair, continued cool; It was early on 'Sunday, according moderate, northwest to north wind. Temperatures a t S a m : White River. to the story, when the lookout, Ont. 22; Key Went, 78; Northliold, Vt, 4-'; "Oil tanker, light, dead New York, CO; Washington, 54; Jackson- shouted: ville, 66; Chicago, D4; San Francisco, 56. ahead." Highland J-isht, 8 a m: Wind west, five miles, clear. Through the glass the vessel Boston observations, S a m: Barometer, 30.20 inches; temperature, GO; high- seemed at first glance to be what the est yesterday, 66; lowest last night, 57; I humidity, 86 percent; wind west, eight lookout reported, which gives some ' miles; weather, clear. j The Temperature Today i The tlitTmorm'U-r »t Thompson'* Sim record* : too temiteratuff 1 up In rt p in toduy :i ' 11117 1U1K y. « m (1 11 m (I K in 12 m KK fi.'i 54 Ml 1 p in .... - (t ui... . if p m . . . . 1017 .. (10 .. ( > i You Don't Expect Still the unexpected usimllv happen*;, especially In war times. HP preparad with a savings account ut the Cosmopolitan Trust Company, 60 Devonshire street, Boston.—Advertisement. "The Town Blouse," from The BlousemaUere of Fifth Avenue. New York, featured in September VOKUC and Harpe/'i Guzur. now on sale at Wm. Fllene's Bon* Company.—Advertisement. WASHINGTON, Sept 10 —Provost Marshal General Crowder announces that the first call to the colors of men who register Thursday will include men in the 19 and 20-year-old classes and in the classes from 32 to 36 years inclusive. Questionnaires will go first to registrants within these specified age limits, and local boards will be ordered to classify them first in readiness for calls beginning in October. Young men in the 19 and 20-year classes will be accepted for induction into the Students' Army Training Corps, but Gen Crowder points out that the authorized strength of this corps is only 160,000 men, whereas the total number of registrants below 20 will be over 3,000,000. The General refused to discuss furthdr the educational plans, saying that they were not within his province. He pointed out the total number of fit men which he expected to br. secured from the classes over 32 was only 601,000, and repeated the statement that Class 1 men now registered would be almost completely exhausted by Oct 1. He issued today a general appeal to employers to assist in the presentation of claims for occupational exemptions and declared that this was the "unexplored field of the new draft and that no estimates could be made as to the number of men who ought to be excluded from military service in the upper age limits because of their occupations." GREAT SHORTAGE OF REGISTRARS FOR DRAFT skipper ordered full steam ahead. The most important element in the He was going out to meet the enemy draft situation at present IB the iicute and give him a dose of his own medi- shortage of registrars nnd othe- clerlc'ul j assistants in many of the draft divisions cine. of the city. As the vessels neared each other Division 4, which lias its headquarters the German swung to starboard to in City Hall, in the Aldermanie Chamhas enrolled at present not more get a broadside crack at the tanker. ber, t h a n 751 registrars and assistants, where The latter turned her stern to tho f r o m JM to 50G are needed, and is sending1 an S. O. S. fall to all those in tip. enemy to bring into play her big six- out district willliiK or able to serve. Particularly this board needs those of forinch gun. eign l-iirth to act as registrars for forThe crew of the tanker crowded elprmu's and interpreters, and an effort is beliiK' made to induce lawyers, doctors on deck to watch the sea fight and and others! amonu the foreign races to to yell nnd cheer for the gunners. volunteer more numerously than they have to date. They were all navy men, most of At a. meotlnK of the C'tty of Boston Central Draft Committee, held ye.sterthem from the Pacific Coast, and day afternoon in the Tremont Building. were wildly enthusiastic. .Tuclse Deveroni was authorized to ask continued OK the seoo,,,i REQUESTS NO SALE OF LIQUOR ON REGISTRATION DAY Gov McCnll will formally request that dealers in liquors refrain from any Bales next Thursday, Registration Day. The Governor places the matter on patriotic grounds and will tonight issue a statement giving his reasons why there should be no liquor dispensed in any form throughout the State Sept a2. The request will apply to all dealers, hotels, restaurants aud clubs. "• Mayor Peters has .made a similar renuest in regard to places in Boston VENUS PENCILS set world standard for quality. BUY VENUS.-Advt. where liquor is sold. FENWAY PARK, Boston, Sept 10 I—After the game had been held up for half an hour an announcer stated through a megaphone that the game would begin "in about 15 minutes." other clubs in the first division of each league. It was shown how these last-named players would sot up a claim for their rights under the original plan and cause endless bickering and squabbling, besides getting the game aud the players generally By J. C. O'LBARY FENWAY PARK, Sept 10—A strike in bad repute. • 'by the ball players of the Boston Red Crowd Restless Sox and Chicago Cubs developed A very much smaller crowd than here this afternoon. Not a man from that of yesterday turned out to sen either team had appeared on the the game scheduled for this after- . field at 2:30 o'clock and the explananoon, of course there was mucli tion was that they had decided not speculating amongst them over tho to go on with this afternoon's game unless they had, before the game was non-appearance of the players for' their usual practice, but they prob> started, definite assurances from the ably1 did not realize the true situa* National Commission that their re- tion. quest made this forenoon would be The band was kept constantly at granted. work to distract their attention and This request, was that there would it succeeded fairly well until 2:30 r be a reapportionmeut of the players' auad there was no sign uf a playei fahare of tho receipts for the series. They claim., d that they were in ef- in uniform anywhere in sight. Then fect promised $2000 .for each player they began to inquire as to the causa on the winning club and $1400 to and became fore or less restless, each player on the losing club, and Continued on the Fourth Page. they wish to be assured of this amount before the other three clubs in the first division of each league are provided for. To sen Used Machinery, adverThe commission stalled at this tise in the Globe. Remember, forenoon's conference, hence the Globe advts make sales. action of the players. Their attitude in the matter will not redound to their credit, but it looked as if they were going to go through with their bluff, if it was a bluff, for at the time French and Spanish Courses the game was scheduled to be started most, of the players were still in their street clothes. This made it appear that the commission would have to accede to their demands, or at least arrange a compromise,~4 the series was to be continued. Players' Claim If there was any new conference going on between the players and the commission, it was conducted under cover. One claim set up by the players at this morning's confernce with the commission was that it was unreasonable to cut the share of each player on the winning team to $900 or less, and then pay each of ;he four umpires used in the series $1000. The rejoinder of the commission was that the receipts for the series? n the first four games, the only ones in which thp players participate in the division, were not half of what It: was expected they would be when the two leagues arranged for tho $2000 apportionment to each player on tho winning team and $1400 to each player of tho losing team, and then making provisions for a share to bn given to the members of the three Mayor Peters to allow the clerks at I City Hall to report for registration duty on Thursday at 4 p in. This mornhiij Mayor Peters, without hesitation, assented to tho proposition, and employes of the city clerk's ofiice will report on Thursday afternoon at the headquarters ! of Division 8, at 1 Beacon St. From this headquarters the clerks will be sent wherever they are needed, as a kind of tlyint! squadron, to' help out wherever a sudden congestion appears I The t'reatest rush of the day. it I.1- exi pected, will come between E and i> o'clock ; In the evenlns. and many boards are faclns the probability of working lar i n t o the night, or ill! night, unless their supply of workers is greatly increased. At tin- mci'lli.K yesterday o! the Cen- i tral Urn ft Committee, the 25 division chairmen were expected to appear to report on the work in their section ol i the city. Only five men appeared, how- . ever. Judge Frank J-,everonl, Judge Ml- i rhael J. Murray, Judpe T. 11. Connolly. I H. U Shattuck and H. P. Craig. At ; this meeting considerable opposition developed to the plan some divisions are i planning to use, wherebv the regls- Continued on the Fourth Fltgr. Begins September 23 Peace or war, there'll still be need of stenographers, bookkeepers and trained office workers for years to come. Your chance for success will come if you fit yourself for a business position at Burdett Night School this Fall and Winter. SPECIAL TUITION RATE FOR 8 MONTHS £LQI??^-91^^Vv?-'!'L<'-'l?l.1!il/?_1.Mi_t0--^?!2tLJ?]* Courses: EtiihlncHN, Accountancy C.ontlilned. Minrtlmnil, Civil Service, French, [>Ay sclFoor sti'orfNTs 'AII'JUTTIED _KVKK_y_ M O N M A Y _ Which ciltillog *hnl] vef send you— clu.v or nlKht school? 18 BOYLSTON STREET Cor. \VnshinKton Street, Uontun A NOTICE Will MKTlllei- l'"lv«'-Ton Dump Truck, m-u. v'.th cniitrucl, Miiull im.vmrnt down, Imlam-e on t-UhV .L«'rniH. Ht* I uin Ktiinir with (lovrriiment. I . II. ('HANK, 070 Culutnblit road. OPEN A SAVINGS ACCOUNT WITH THE 1 UNITED STATES TRUST CO. 3O COURT ST., BOSTON Dividend Declared at Rate of TOTAL RESOURCES $15,OOO,OOO Account* may be opened in person or by mail V ** THE BOSTON GLOBE—TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, FRACTIONAL LOSSES THROUGHOUT LIST NEW YORK STOCK MARKET RED SOX AND CUBS • Toilny'n ON STRIKE, WHILE Open High Loir Lastsalo CROWD YELLSJPLAY BALL' Advance Humloy.. 15}^ 15>i 1SH I 1918 OCT12 TO BE BIG DAY IN LIBERTY LOAN BRTMOIT 1MASKINS A S'CLLS CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS •Y I.OUH Advance Rumely pr 46 4S DENVER Continued! From the Virtit Pnne. CAULS AODRCM "HA«K«ty.t«"^ A!auk* Gold 8 & ATLANTA AlHjura Juneiu IH U< 30 BROAD •TBEBT • ALTIMOfl* Thoro was no public announcement 30 J j Allis-Chalmors. ... .11 SI NEW" I.ONDON Stocks wore weak today, the same in- Am Ajtri Chcm 96 98 96M 96H in regard to the unusual situation. fluences that yesterday operated to Am Beet Sucar 68 68 f8 68 Government cause softness in the list being respon- Am Can Co Municipal 45 45 J6^f MH Crowd Begins to Yell sible for free selling. Tho losses in Am Can Co pr oafs' 93 H Railroad Industrial Shortly after 2:30 the crowd besome of the most active issues were as ' Am Car* Foundry SB SB Mi WE ANNOlMctf >HE OPENING OF AH mi, eh as a. point, with n few of -' points I Am Cotton Oil 40? ( Public Utility gan yelling for tho appearance of Plans to rmiko Columbus Day, Oct 12, or more. The list as a whole, however, Am Hido & Leather lO'-S 20 H the players. No players showed up, tho lirst big day in the Fourth Liberty •OFFICE IN BOSTON. ON 'SEPTEMBER 1ST. 1918., •was off only fractionally. The volume 87 89 of trading was much larger than on Am Ice Securities.. an Campnlgn were ariuounoed at the however, but instead four mounted 30 Vi Monday. •Boston Headquarters, corner of Milk 49,4 police officers rode on to (he playing 4944 >N THE INDIA Buiu>iNa.^e4 STATE STREET^ The money situation was the big fac- Am Ice pr anil Pearl sts, this morning. The anni521£ tor causing 'the liquidation. The require- Am International.. 63 ^ 62 if field. Either the Police Department ment that all loans by brokers be re- Am Linsoed Oil.... 40% versary of the discovery of America, 41 41 40Ji AND THE.APPOINTMENT OF>lR; RALPH K. HYDB, ported daily naturally is distasteful, and Am Linseed Oil pr.. 7S 78 Mi 78 78 H or the management of the baseball now observed as a holiday in 34 of tho It 'has had an unsettling effect, on the Am Locomotive.... 65J$' market. That is why a drive against proposition, or both, anticipated States, will be celebrated as "Liberty C. P. A. (MXaBACHUSBTTB); AS MANAGER. the list made this morning caused some Am Malt Corp..... 5 in the nearly oOO.OOO school dissome excitement and possible trou- Day" sixuble losses. No attention was paid Am M Corp 1st pr.. 42 42 tricts throughout the country. t n the war news, to tho Maine election, Am Smelt ins 77H 77 ble when the true situation of affairs Tho Federal Bureau of Kclucatton Is 77H or to the unfilled orders of the Steel cor91,4 was realized by the 20,000 fans on outlining the program and will assist poration. The small decrease in tho lat- Am Smelting pr A.. 91 ^ 91,H' HASKINS & SzuJl Am Stool Foundry. frO i-OJli 80 Ji every city and town In carrying it into ter tonnage is practically w i t h o u t Influeffect. The celebrations will be some103H 108V5 108J;; lOSVa land. ence, as the Steel corporation could Am Sugar pr what similar to the Harvest festivals. have many more orders If it was willing Am Sumatra 120^ 118 W 120S-4 The chances were that there were The local Liberty Loan committees will to accept them. , . . Am Tel & Tol 675$ more mounted policemen and patrol- act in cooperation with the. school ofThe market today opened weak and Am Tobacco pr n... 98 9.) 93 ficials. the list sagged readily. Steel was sold 66 H nen held under cover in reserve in 66H B6H Suggestions for possible iprogrramB in large volume and kept declining, dur- Am Wool 95}$ 9S!^ ing the morning dipping below 1(>S. There Am Wool pr 95 Ja ease their services should be needed. varied according to the resources of the communities, will be sent to every was a moderate rally and it came back Am Writ Paper pr.. 33 33 32H !!2Js j'.'hool district by the Bureau of EducaAm Zinc. 16 16 16 16 tion. The keynote 'will be the thought Herrmann's Statement , 50 Am Zinc pr 60 60 60 of t h e ' discovery of America, the new upport ... ,..*..•fi7>i 67 t'6« When the National Commission road to freedom If opened and the duty ble Steel was hard hit and dropped to Anacoala of the citizens to help preserve the lib62 62 Associated Oil 62Vi about es'-s. off -}•• pojnts. Other heavy __ , . it T came out to the park and asked the erties they have inherited by sutscrlpCentral leather 'incl Bald- Atchison 85 S6&3 f6 tive. off about 2 points each. Atchisonpr :lub owners to ascertain what their SOH SOW Bethlehem Si eel B, Great Northern A t G & W I I , . T ., TTT, 101 101 101 teams proposed to do, that the spec64 64 AtG&WJpr* 64 6-1 tators might be informed, Chairman 86JS 8.' 8J 88 Mi and \Yestlnshouse were oft about a Baldwin Loco Herrmann made this statement: Balt&Ohio 64"j point each. Charter'] with a s s a u l t i n g a nurse at W A S H I N G T O N , Sept 10 — " « n r t i m e The rails were not especially active, Barrett Co 93.'.,' 'I told Leslie Mann, the Cubs' left but those not already m e n t i o n e d as H 100>ji 100}i lOOJf 100M fielder, over the telephone that the the P l a t e I n s t i t u t i o n at Walk Hill si. p r o h i b i t i o n moved a stop nearer today j JJ^t ««ere off fractionally. The regular Barrett Co pr 1 1 1 1 Forest H i l l F . two weeks ago, Daniel when the House A g r i c u l t u r a l Commit- j divl'den" declarations on tho porphyry BatopiUs Mill those copper Bethlehem StecJ... S2M 82 > 82 H 82 M commission could not change the rule report f a v o r a b l y the food copper Bethlehem Stl B. . . 88}f t3 82 H SUM and that if the players did not proBeth Steel pr S pc. . 105 105 106 105 pose to play to inform the public at Booth Fisheries. . . . 26j-*j "Revised selective service regulations MEN IN FIRST CALL once at the gates. I further told Brooklyn Rapid T. 39 39^ on the subject of classification of regisBrooklyn Un Gas. . 81 SI SI 81 Maun that we would end the series at trants with respect to engagement In TO THE COLORS 11 Brunswick Term.. . 11 11 11 this point and divide the money that BEHIND THE BRITISH LINES IN industries, occupations or employments, wine- u n t i l .May 1. r.'it>. as requested yesBurns B-03 ........ 145 143 H 145 Continued From the First Page. eiit-'-red t h e i n s t i t u t i o n u n d e r t h e l e r d a y by the I t a l i a n Government vhich was no change. was coming to the players egually FRANCE, Aug G (Correspondence of including agriculture," have been reButte Cop & Zinc. . 10?4' 10M p r e t e x t < > f v i s i t i n " M i f M i . r i a r t v . :,-•[ t h i M t i t r h t h e S t a t e D e p a r t m e n t . As. ceived at the State draft headquarers trantF will Butte Superior. .. 255J ill be handed their question25J4 among the club owners and that we A. P.)— Aerial bombing is today far at the State House, from Provost Mar- naire at the time of their 1 l H would lop MONEY AND EXCHANGE registration, 40 4fl' 40 California Peaking. 40 ohf"i ^f^JlK^^ac^^ ' " " I Boston more of an exact science than was supwould take care of the players' share with the purpose of saving time, stamps shal Gen Crowder. These regulations banks have been doing a hand Cal Petroleum p r . . 62,4 tor and look Mrs M o r i a r t y f r o m t h e C2.4 and removing the alibi offered by some posed possible a year and a half ago. form tb,e flnal instruction us to who place, s p i r i t i n g her away in an a u t o j to mouth bus-iness for the past several Canadian Pacific.. .159J^ I60H' i59>i J5i»i of the Red Cross contribution." that they did not receive their AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE In the early days of the war, dropping shall be exempted in the coming draft slackers, nuiliile. i months w i t h the great bulk of their Central Leather.... 67 67 65 J< questionnaire. because of their being essential to an Ban B. Johnson, president of the The f a t h e r was f o u n d not guilty and p D n c p p D n i l C Y F A R i loans in n very l i q u i d condition. Call Ccrro de Pasco bombs was largely a matter of luck, 34 34 34 34 Judge Murray particularly opposed. which is itself essential to the r n U o r L n U U d 1 CHn , the charge dismissed. The sons were hlv nc.t bet , n ,. e ii C d on to keep American League, said he had noth- and the straight eye of the aviator was industry prosecution of.'the'war, and will affect the idea, saying that in many districts 67 67 67 convicted and lined S!00 each 'in one. A n d r e w F k t e h t r , president of the ! f u ] u i s s.. but the time business Chesapeake & Ohio. 57 the only factor relied upon for suc- many millions of the men who will reg- where as many as 3000 registrants wer.a c o m p l a i n t and tn serve S N m o n t h s in A m e r i c a n L o c o m o t i v e Company. his ! takc-n on has been for the shorter dates Chicago Gt West... 7>-j 24> Today, however, matters are entirely : report to the stockholders says: mann had said. These regulations first provide for the Impossible, since the men are given They a p p e a l e d . d of in case there is any urgent Chic N Western— 94 avai 1 S4 84 days in which to return their' different. Accurate bombslghts have appointment of three industrial advisors "The profits for the y e a r were Si ,030.OSS d e m a n d for cash. Rates are reported While the band was taking a been produced which, carefully used, for each District Board, one to be ap- seven questionnaire, and Uie 8000 questionl'5«-g from w h i c h there has been deducted S-t.percent for all m a t u r i t i e s which C h i c & R I BOSTON & MAINE AND ! OK\K""». naires would thus bo returned to the are a guarantee of the bomb falling on reserved for income and war pointed by the Department of Labor, 65J.J breathing spell the bat boy of the Red practically limited to a m a x i m u m Chici R I 6 p c . . . . C6>4 tho object aimed at, within a very one by the Department of Agriculture, draft board In one avalanche, instead l a x t s . l e a v i n g a 1-alanee available o f l of f i t i r m o n t h s . 16 1C Chile Copper 16 ITS PROSPECTS ?;,.I'll. t Sox voluntarily, or at the suggestion of five percent a day for 20 days. The and one by the District draft board. small margin of error. Of course. In __________ _____________________ . . . If 1ST. A f t e r p a y m e n t of the usual 7 j market conditions in Isew Chino Copper 393-ij 40 Should t h e Boston s h u m a n element Is sometimes rcspon- they may i be appointed by the president holders accept the plan as o u t l i n e d by Colorado Fuel 46 46 J-^ crowd, appeared in uniforni and sible for errors of calculation, and a """' from "• the~ two departments Dis- volved. The meeting aa a whole was ~"~ " ------'-------'~ and ""' the "'" '*""" T i i r e r t o r Oem-fa! Me.\doo, t h o company T not In favor of the proposition. Columbia G & E . . . 34 34 3«. S posted himself on the top rail of the small error on a bombsight at 15,000 trict Boards already referred to. will h a v e a t o t a l ol n e a r l y $37."!'V>"" for ; feet will send a bomb far out of its These Industrial advisors are required ConsolGas 88 88 88 S8 On Thursday night, after the reglaw t h e r e h a b i l i t a t i o n of t h e p r o p e r t y in the to furnish the District Board at its j Boston club's dugout. He was the course. Corn Prod Ret 41 41 41>4 41J-5 In the words of an American airman meetings, with all facts and information tration finally ends, the chief jegistraf n e x t live y-^ar?. T h i p w i l l -:-oine f r o m i 11 j only one in baseball uniform that Crucible Steel CSi-5 15 d i t i o n s and b e t t e r m e n t s to the plants, j,!': who has done some splendid raiding In their possession as to preference in each unit will bundle the registrasix m o n t h ? the Si'0,"'«Xi."'\i loan of the G o v e r n m e n t ' The- r e m a i n i n g profit of SI.I'll.137 was i .j.!","" issued by the Priorities Division tion cards together, count them, and Crucible Steel pr... 90>ii had been seen by the crowd up to work in France, "It Is wonderful what lists n<. yeiir. a n d SlxT'i^Ki 1 ) s u r p l u s e a r n i n g s a f t e r t h e of the War Industries Board, but tho turn thorn in to the division headquaryou can miss with a bomb." Cuba Cane Sugar.. EOJ-j My, 30 regulations state siiecilically that "such ters, which in turn will report the totals I'mFrom this it must not be thought that p a y m e n t o f t h e preferred d i v i d e n d s w i t h 7 7 Den& R i o G p r . . . . 7 7, 8 7,335 tho majority of Allied bombs do -not lists shall not be regarded as binding to the State draft headquarters at the Another little diversion was in evi- reach Distillers Sec 65»i upon the District Board in its conclu- Statt3 House. It is not thought postheir billets in Germany or in the I n c l u d i n g oilier e x p e n d i t u r e s since 1W.137 Erie IBJ-i I taxes, include:: j-;'::.Sil obtained from Iv'Mon Subtri-nsiiry credit.. isj-i 16H dence when some wounded soldiers German lines; for aerial photographs sions as to whether or not. .any particu- sible, however, that, detailed reports O73..1."i.»07 Xvw Yurk •'.nsf ; the m u n i t i o n s b u s i n e s s ; the remaining lar Industry, occupation, or employment, will be available for publication, exthere w i l l h a v e been expended on Erie.1st pr 31J-5 31 31 Ja after raids have shown that they ! 6(i.-'SS.:UI7 were assisted to seats in the grand- taken of SiVv'J.271) being derived from New York balani-rs do. But emphasis is laid on tho import- including agriculture, Is a necessary in- cept, possibly, from Boston proper, be100 100 100 100 system ill the period from 1:"0 to if."3 H ; I'l'ofit 2, L'42,449 GenChempr t h e i-e'-'ular ioeor.iotive business. The N,-w York .subirciisiiry debit dustry, or occupation, or employment fore the next morning. General Cigars 47,'^s grand total of n e a r l y ?•!!'.C'W.'ijU. 47H stand. The crowd gave them an en- ance of the personal factor in bombinsr. within the meaning of the law and Some boards are planning to expefinal deliveries of m u n i t i o n s were made Local posted rates follow: In the excitement of work of this kind It is l i k e l y t h a t the new m o n e y loaned from t h e M o n t r e a l a n d R i c h m o n d p l a n t s 121 General Motors.... 121 120 thusiastic reception. After this was —often in the midst of heavy shell fire— regulations, nor shall such lists prevent dite greatly the process of counting the SO-Da.TS Sight b y t h e G o v e r n m e n t w i l l b e a r i n t e r e s t at in J u l y a n d A u g u s t . 1;H7. and the work 78 Lf Gen Motors pr 78)^ cards by tieing them in bundles of 50 the District Board from holding as nec78 K iraosfirs J."IV>B very cool head is required to maniputhe rate of » percent per a n n u m , am] it of r e s t n r i n ^ t h e s e p l a n t s for locomotive . fableover the people began to show very a' storliuc 4.73 Goodrich Rubber.. 4&J-4 4.7:i% late an Instrument as delicate as a essary any Industry, occupation or em- to 100 through the day, as the chief will lie the f i r s t n e w c a p i t a l put i n t o the m a n u f a c t u r i n g was p r a c i . a l l y complv't- ' rKHI-KITS' registrar looks them over to make sure. ployment not contained therein." uu '. i: Vc'n-i;il 4.7f.' 92 decided signs of uneasiness, and a bomhsight. British airmen, for exam4 Great Northern pr. 92 91J-2 system since the sale of ?"J7,000/H>.i notes r-d d'.iring Oc-iolu-r. l'.<17. .Since t h e n all rraili.'» il'liris that they are correctly made out. This S.45 ple, receive a very thorough training in Great North Ore... oljg in 1913. These notes were f i n a l l y paid off the plants of the company have been Kr:in.-« i s w l s s l few patrolmen, in charge of a ser4.4Sr will enable the chief registrar to turn bombing before they are allowed to pro- Important Definitions from the proceeds ol the. sale of the engaged e x c l u s i v e l y on locomotive pro- Guilders i Holland) Greene-Cananea... 44J4 •Jo 47 v, in with their f u l l count within a geant, joined the four mounted offi- coed overseas, and must obtain a cer- The process of exemption In many them Maine C e n t r a l stock, which was pur- ritictior.. The cost of restoring the Rich- U n i l y i 6.a« Gult State Steel.... 83 S3 83 tu few minutes after the registration tain number of hits before they can cases will start with tho industrial ad- closes. chased with part of the proceeds from i moncl and M o n t r e a l p l a n t s " has been Kreii"! (Sweili'ii) o-.SO HartmanCo 48 48 48 48 cers on the field. the sale o f t h e notes. . . . a reserve created for . . this . . Kr.-ner iN"rwayi graduate. 80.50 charged to visor, who flies w(th the district board Haskell & Barker... 44 44 44 44 The,net a d d i t i o n s to the property ex- purpose out of previous years' profits. Krr.n-'!- i D u t n m l k ) 3U By this time the majority of those .22.65 a claim for exemption for the individual 96 96 clude the 51.761,000 paid for t h e stork of Illinois Central 96 116 Germans Behind Allies in Sights PELLETIERl OFFERS HELP "The de.hit-lion of J4.'.''!?.B50 for taxes I'esctaa (Spain) present became aware of the fact registrant. The district board then notithe AVorcester. -\a.-hna & R o c h e s t e r in f u l l y provides for all income and war Inspiration Cop.... 522-s IS Dist-Atty Joseph C. Pelletier haS It is thought that quite a lot of tho fies the local toard, which forwards to 3810, w h i c h hud I'revioiisly been leased; profits taxes coniputed in accordance [nterboro Con 6J^ 6H that the players were on a strike and wanton and useless destruction of pri- tho district iboard the individual's ques- placed his offices at the disposal of the BOSTON CURB PRICES the purchase of Boston A: Lowell stock w i t h the e x i s t i n g laws of the United 31 Intcrboro Con pr... 31 31 31 tionnaire and any other information Government for registration purposes at a cost of ?1,10S,S20. the purchase of Slates and C a n a d a , and also includes an if these athletes only heard what was vate property In England by German about Int Agricultural pr. 60^ 10« him available, for the district Concord & Montreal stock at a cost of allowance of £1,400.000 for a n t i c i p a t e d inis due to f>^i- bad bombing. board's consideration. If this process on Thursday and on such other days said about them and their alleged raiders SS33.GOO and the retirement of S511,'>X' creases in the 1'niteu S t a t e s war inInt Mer Marine ct(. 265* 27' they may be needed. The assistants Undoubtedly the Cenu-al Powers are betakes place before the individual is as "Worcester. N a s h u a *'c Rochester l i o n d s . i onif and excess profits taxes lor the Int Mer Mar ctf pr.llOJ^ 101 99K Mr Pelletier have been iiSHigued to "hold-up" methods, they certainly hind the Allies in regard to bombing called for military service he is not to of m a k i n g a t o t a l of S7.004.dl'.;. besides the six m o n t h s ended June 30, I'.ilS, which iturte & I.o:i. l.V l.V aid the movement arid on Thursday 1 Int Nickel ctt 2S«•2i)li S gear, for on a large German twinbe Inducted Into service until his case no in payment of SI.761.-1i: of u n e a r n e d d i v i - may become e f f e c t i v e as of Jan 1, l' !^. Cliiunpion . . . 'iuy4Vye would not have been so well satissession of the Superior Criminal 1 Int Paper 34 34 engined bombing airplane, recently can- has been decided. 32 dends, m a k i n g a grand total of $11.700,41-, u p o n the papnase < > f the r.e-.v '.var reve- i""Mi-f t'olis .. Jt ., ^'.j Court will be held. tured, was f o u n d a crude copy of an fled with themselves as they apparKauCSopr 54 54 84 6-1' These advisors shall also confer with 1'ry-ita! 45c 4&c vhieh can h a r d l y be figured as additions nue law, now pending in Congress. English bomb-sight which was Intro- managers and heads of various indus1 1-16 1 1-18 Kcnnecolt Conner* 32Ji Uc'iibiKu Silver 1 1-10 t'-v to the p r o p e r t y . 33 32J-5 Belmont Registra.ion Stations ently were. duced more than two years ago. I'onsbty Tin- ^ Url 1'.* tries and those familiar with the needs The sale ol' $i:,(ii.'U,C'tiO p r e f e r r e d V O T E S TO MERGE Kings County Elec. 90 90 90 l-'ii.-i N a t i u i i H l 1^ l i Aerial bombs range In size from 10 Of various Industries and employments BELMONT, Sept 10—The places foi< stock a n d t h e s u r p l u s e a r n i n g s w i l l Kreas Co, S H pr... 103 103 ! Forluna fie 5c 103 103 The stockholders of the I n t e r n a t i o n a l Called "Bolsheviki" by Fans pounds up to 50 or 60 times that weight, to (lie a claim for- the deferred classifi- the registration for tho draft, Sept 12, provide for the r e t i r e m e n t of t h e - Gov4 Si' llijmii Oil ... 4V MiLackawanna titee.* 82 82 82 and are roughly of two kinds, Incendiary cation of some individual necessary to in this town, have been amended so that e r n m e n t loan of ?_0.<>("'.'.H'.ii.i. and the H a r v e s t e r C o m p a n y a n d t h e I n t e r n a - i Hnuirlitoii . .. 7.'"7",.They were called "Bolsheviki" and and Lehigli Valley 1,0 60 high-explosive. They are generally the Industry. d e d u c t i o n o f t h e l a t t e r a n d t i . e a d d i - t i o n a l C o r p o r a t i o n , h a v e voted t o a p - ; Iron ray ... lOM lt) I10'^ IP',4 now they are as follows: Precinct 1, 44c Loose-Wiles Biscuit 28 tions of the above p m - ' - h a s e s of o t h e r p r o v e t h e a ^ r e e m e n t i-eiween t h e d i - ! Ixi Ko.-i44-.4.-ii' 28 28 "shameless holdups" and a lot of laid on their sides in racks underneath A local board may In some cases start Town Hall, Belmont; Precinct 2, Munlcl* 17o 17f 17,; the airplane, but sometimes they are a claim bv considering a certain indi- pal Building, Waverly; Precinct 3, firesecurities w i i ! r i v e t h e k'VviisL: net r e c t o r s for a m e r g e r i n t o a new com- • Malc.-l!tr . .. 17iMax Motor Co 27Ji other names which would not look carried in cells specially fitted in the vidual justified to deferred classifica- house, Harvard lawn. US-:' US'addition to tJ-ie s y s t e m the period pany, to he calle-'l the I n t e r n a t i o n a l i Mvl M r t a l s . .'We: Max Motor 1st pr.. 67J^ MI.JIIVI- Tunes l.V 14e lie from j i ' O l i to l l ' L ' u i n c l u s nice in print or have been pleasant j fusllage (or body)" of, the machine. Jn tion, whether or not a claim In his H a r v e s t e r Company. is IS N,-W CorDf'itl IH IS Mex Petroleum... .101H 100M i _ ,, , , i either case they are fused and released behalf has been filed. In that case the :!7e This f o l l o w s a. e o m p r o m : s e reached ! N i Xevail.i :l7i' "7'' Miami 28 28 28 to have been heard by those to whom by levers placed convenient to the pilot local board forwards the questionnaire CHAPLAIN ON THE WAR between the Pepartmer.! of J u s t i c e and : 1''.' I ' M l i i - e l l - i J f r . !M i.'ll-,'.; l . - l . Midvale Steel oljf or observer, the bombs themselves be- and the necessary papers to the District S2 \-rnlf. Kxt 37 : n e C'liii^'ariie.. i n t h e G o v e r n m e n t ' s ' , Rev J. B. McNalr, chaplain of the these terms applied. ItllO-Sllli' "f i - i u ' - k ..I I'M.". Board, which takes the case under con•loria M i l l . {'^'.' ing far out of reach. ^;o, K a n & T e x p r . . 11J< a i i t i t r u s t s u i t . T h e ne\\" c o m p a n y w i l l * Charlestown Navy Yard, who was reSl-l-'i 1,1 r M : : . ! - At 12:50, or 20 minutes after the When a bomb is released, it does not sideration. Mo Pacific 23Ji -4 h a v e $«!-'.000.000 p r e f e r r e d aail 5S-0,- ' Several Important definitions are In- cently returned from the front, \vfts the fall directly downward, but takes a foru 'JOi.i.OOO c o m n : o n . t h i s c a i j i t a l i ^ a t i o n be- j BOSTON STOCK MARKET Mo Pacific pr 06j,^ 50 'A In these revised regulations. It speaker at the weekly dinner of the game should have been started, ward 'p'ath''as''it In the direction cluded i n g the same as t h e old H a r v e s t e r I ]fii::-Xut< To.l.iy'3 National Conduit. . lo'/i made plain that no person engaged , Totnl Company's at the time it was d i v i d e d , things remained in statu quo. There in which the machine Is traveling. This it in such industries is entitled to de- Cilgrim Publicity Association at its last ?a'e National Enamel.. oOJs Op,en STOCKS HlBh L0)l I l!)i:;—!--j i- uf I ' l i r l i a u d Is clue to the m o m e n t u m imparted to It ferred classification i n K'l.-!. st,. nt noon today. he rooms,. 1!59 Washington .. merely because National Lead bS'/l had been no announcement by the 78 Ahmeek* 78.4 by the speed o£ the aircraft. 1,'mler the aj-'rr-ornent thtpreferred of told a snappy story of actual conj (j'ril'lill l i i l : Is in that Industry. "Th evidence He : so Nevada Copper.... -0 20 . 49.1J 50 both compani*-* \vill be f - x ' - h a n ^ c d n h a r e Allour-z W» ditions among the American troops In I'll!-'ha>'- nl M i . ' i - l i ] l : t r v sli,--l>. ;i:!'l management or any explanation to Fuse Time-Length Important must establish that the registrant Is the field. 3 3 N Y Air Brake 121J^ 121 121 M.'iim- ('.-n'ril I - I I K - ' ' - " ! ' ! ' ai.4.",;.]lL for i-han; in the :.,.-w p r e f e r r e d . I n t t - r - Alaska G o l d . . . . . 3 engaged in a particular Industrial or the people present of the cause of rjlviil'-ii'l-- i : i l i l in rii'-d ;., ]!'!.'!.... 4,V:i-!.J-~! n a t i o n a ! H a r v e s t - r C 1o m p a n y , common Am Agri Chera.. . 07 97 97 97 N Y Central '3J4 711 A factor of great Importance In agricultural enterprise, or occupation, lioldcr.s \\'il! rc-c-t i\-t- I ;, .sbare^ of r.ev/ Too Speedy for That 92 S2 New York Dock... 20 92 20 20 the delay or how long it was likely bomhlns Is tbo time-length of the fuse. or employment, and that the particular 20 j\(M (;n\\.niin*-n; luaii ^ I.IKIII.IIK.I ot common ».-x"" ——••• «••• 92 Industrial or agricultural enterprise, or "Gilant" Eddie Richa-rclson, Superior 7!) 79 NYNH&U 44X Aiitl Miri» for livf.' yi-.»!-s nt F3.; j ,.Vi,0<><> I'i.T.^i.liiM (.-hanged, ^vhile common holders of I n - Amoskeag 80 81 43 />{ 44 h' 42 M For example, if a railway junction was to continue. occupation, or employment, is necesTotal (I7..14u.';i ', let-national H a r v e s t e r C o r p o r a t i o n w i l l ] Am Sugar 108 N Y O n t & W e s t . . . SOJi Court stenographer who has just re^ iOJi lOY.'i 108 Hm- i cnniiiii:- from Ji'1-1 10 ! l a 7 . . . . I.^ii7.1"8 obain t w o - t h i r d s of one share .if now Am Tel & Tel.... The band seated on the green in being attacked, a bomb which, exploded Tho word "unnecessary" la defined signed his position to enter the navy, 98 Norfolk& West....103 98 103 10ZH 103 Gnind loui] rvv>:iii.7-8 common on contact would do far more damage for each sharit u r n e d ixf-sn i ; o v > - r n n i i - n t loan to l»: p f i ' d . . . l-o.iwin.tiiiii 96 96 9G North Pacilic S9J< Am Woolen pr. . wy, front of the first-base pavilion was than one with a delay fuse; for the ror- as meaning that "the discontinuance, once when he first started to be a short89K Xl-t :nl H i l o n -IS.Slii.'i'M 67 Ohio Cities Gas 37Ja 38 38 would have a wide, low radius of the serious interruption or the material- hand writer, was sent by George Bardoing heroic work. It played almost mer U N F I L L E D O R D E R S OF "cor,::. Ontario Silver 9% action—smashing- up the railway lines- ly reduced production thereof, will re- rows to the office of the late Judge 9 ; while the lattetr would, during- the de- sult in substantial material loss and Foster to take, down a private hearing. constantly, and this seemed to keep Owen Bottle M 60 82 H 60' CO GO 82 H STEEL C O R P O R A T I O N jB«th!eh.mstiu. bury Itself in the ground and merely detriment to the adequate and effective Eddie Is short in hiivht and boyish Bmt'ham Mines., 10.'-i lOJi Pacific Mailt 31H 31 31H 31M the crowd contented and peaceably lay, maintenance of the military establish- looking, make a deep crater of small area. The u n f i l l e d t o n n a g e of the U n i t e d despite his SO odd venrs. BarPanama Am Pet pr. 98 93 liooth Fisherif/a.. 26f-i 93 93 'IZ% The reverse, however, would apply in ment or the effective operation of tho rows couldn't go himself, but told Judge Inclined. i-;taie^ ,Stei:l Corporation en Aug ol, Boston & Albany.. .130. 129 129 Pennsylvania ^3Jli 130 43J the caso of a munition factory. A bomb military forces, or the maintenance of Foster he would send a capable man. I1,''!?, waii S.Tul'^i- tons, a decrease of Uraian Elevated.. . 69>j National Interest during the emergenIt did look, though, as if there exploding on contact would go off as C9K People's Gas 46 70 45 45 45 When Eddie entered the office, tho 1M,7-5!i tons compared with t h a t on J u l y Boston El p r u r c t s . 97 97 97 97 Peru Marquette ct.. 14 14 looked at him and said: 13 'A might be a strike of the musicians ooon afi it touched the roof, doing little or no damage to the remainder of the J!. i'JIS. C'onijTirison of u n f i l l e d to:i- H r « t ™ & Lowell. . . 88 "Are you from the Western Union? 88 88 88 Philadelphia Co.... 28H unless there was some relief for building; but an appropriately timed-de- When One is "Necessary" I didn't ring for a messenger boy."—i iiagL- i.- ma'l--- w i t h previous reports as Boston 4: Maine... . 37 37 Pierce A r r o w . . . . 89 35 39 lay fuse would give the bomb time to Portland Evening Express. follows: Pierce Oil them, and this certainly would mean crash through to the middle or ground The regulations emphasize this point Calumet & Arizona* 67}^ C55i 15H Kill; again, in saying "a particular industry, fioora, where it would 'bo Infinitely more 445 PittiburgCoal... Calumet i: Hecla...445 445 445 49H I D A H O CROPS D O I N G W E L L more mounted and foot policemen. destructive. or occupation, or employment, shall be ,'!4Ji Canadian Pacific... 159«-i 15SH 1695-5 J69H Pittsburg & West 33 .H Harvest of Fall and "Winter apples in Up to this time there had been no 67H 67^ Century Steel 14H 14H Pressed Steel.... found to be 'necessary' only when it 1ft 14K shown that It IB contributing substan- Idaho Is about three weeks In advance 39 YOU puzzled 3» Pullman Car real demonstration of disapproval by J A M A I C A PLAIN MAN 39 lll)i 11154' Chino 39 and materially to the maintenance of last year. Picking will begin early Copper Range 47 46 46 Hkilway Stl Spr.. 86 R E C E I V E S COMMISSION tially 47 6S% 66, 'n' the crowd. 655-s by such words and Everybody remained of the military establishment, or the el. in September. Cuban Port TVm. . 12^ 12 12 Ray Consol Cop. 24 2-1 2-1 >» 24 Carl T. Thoner, a fective operation of the military forceh, phrases as "arbitrage, avseated and apparently more or less j well known nowsShowers this week were of general Crucible Stix-1. . . . 64.'-i 64 K 64 Reading 88 J 6-1 !-£ 88 87 88 or the maintenance of National interest eraging down, voting trusts, Duly- V.'esl 2;-.. RepublicIr& Stl.. bO reconciled. 90 durlnj? the emergency, and In the case heneflt to crops in this district, where 885-i 2 Hi paper photographer, stop orders, splits, proxies, of a particular agricultural enterpriBe, the chief products arc, fruit, corn, alSeaboard Air Line-. 7Ji Davis-Daly 5!4 8 and son of Mr and penny slocks ?" that it is producing an appreciable falfa and vegetables. Irrigation for the Seab'd Air Line pr. 20 East But In it", 20 amount of agricultural produce o \ e r season has been greatly reduced a.nd j Mrs ICrnest O. Sears-Roebuck.... 139 Eastern S£ Co 7JJ 139 las 189 nnd above what is necessary for tho orchard fruits have been aided in deThoner of 48 SedsrSinclair Oil & IUI. . 31»^ 52 M n n - h :i 31H maintenance of those livlnpr upon the velopment. The corn crop Is rapidly "The Language of wlck Rt, Jamaica , ! u i t > - Ho 58 yt Slos»-She(Stefil.... 60 Fitchburg pr ^^I'-i BO BO maturing and will be unusually good. Pl Scpi ;m Plain, was comWh"at makes an individftal necessary The third c u t t i n g of alfalfa Is being FranUlin 4K Soutnern Pacific. . . KG Hi the Stock Market" 4J-S 86H III to his work is also defined with syeat made, and there Is fair prospect for a missioned n 2d lieuGa Ry i- Elen pr . . 75 Southern Railway., 25;-^ 76 76 76 2Bii nxactnesB. AH defined, it. means that fourth cutting. was published for the Southern Rail pr... 67yt t e n a n t in the SigGeijeral Kleetric. . ,H« Ilnllkrr of fiS4 4lh at. 4(i ( li«en made that American soldiers in overseas for servtheir memories on the the removal of sueh registrant would I'liniTliI MTVlceH will bo liclrt n t Kt. Mnt. if,,i,y..(>/i to 1-. '".",'• 'i p o u i ' d s ol n i p p e r a : JB ]',J f; r «-k Coal pr. 60',-'. myt 80 H Stuts Motor 3914 38 as result in a direct, substantial material England were being badly treated by ice at t). ! front in meaning of these and more thew'n Fvplsropul ('hurcli, Bromlwny, nour F t !il l l l; lE > J T OHK and detriment to the effectiveness •' i It •V. ' « ( . , Fri'lny, Sept. 13, nl a p. m. 1'li'iiKc omit unscrupulous t r a d e r s who overcharged j France lie will ,rei',-: A, " T ^ 1 ,r. ;;e A ^i 11 .r nnunrJ j J»J« »" ' »*; ..... than 400 other words and of the Industry, and that tho available 166 20 25.4 Texas Co 165 •i~A • j : i t o; i.-arnings. The n t w p l a n t w i l l i "•'' Ko/ale....... tho men for common commodities and I port for d u t y at LIBDT CAUL expressions used by broksupply of such persons competent, in Texas Pacific 16Jj[ —In t h l B city, Sent. 8. K«lc A. ::i;i!;ir it l!O.-'-:ii >le for f e r n , I', u:r;i i Lat:i: C'ipp'-'r ...... TIIONEIl. the capacity recited IK such that the made short change on American bank i tho Columbia UnlConUclKO nf Sotilh TUiititn. Filnern! Her\'ic»iH ers and financial writers. f r o m l."^,'"'.!'.1.!'') to 144.IKM.fjiO p o u n d s of .Mass Cons'd ...... 4H Tobacco Pro'lucta.. 67J-e ««J» v c r M t y for a short time. ' registrant cannot be replaced without w i l l be held nt the 1-Tnwi'K Churoli, HrontUvny, notes. I Tobacco Prod p r . . . 90 Mam (Ja» R4 84 84 00 06 npnr O pt., Frlflny, Sept. 1", el 1 p. in. HclThis booklet is free. It l..Ieut Thoner is 2!) years old. He will direct, substantial material loss and Brig Gen iMcCalmont, 'MP, head of tho ' , , , , , T, , , nlivr"< nli'l frlnncH; lire i n v l t e l . Uni'jn Puci.ic 123^ 0-1 G4 64 Joseph I ' a v i s , -,•']<-<: prt .^i'l.-ni anrl r-on- i Mass GUF pr.. lioiit be remembered In Boston In con- detriment to^the effective operation ot FENNBKSKy—In is vest pocket size and may Hyrto I'nrlt, Kpp(. u, Ii.mlel c o m m i t t e e for the entcrt.'i I n m c n t of United Ciz Slores. .100 . . . . . . . Mayflower-Old Col. 'i'-', 100 : o l ] f r of i InA m e r i c a n Lofjn.'oUv,f'oinn e c t i o n w i t h his services In the art de2^ be had without obligation The length of time a man haa been In r., belovprt hoti of M n r y It'iuincshcy (iu:o 130}i 130J ,al^', h:;.^ !•» en t-U-rted a i ! i i e - ' l o r to MergenthalM Un. 112 112 112 " United Fruit lao 1UO A t m - r i c a n noldiors, in r o n K P t i u c n r - o has p a r t m e n t of t h e Globe. S u b s e q u e n t l y his work, whether or not in tho opinion Ailftiuh) uiKl tlie l u l o Lntse FciiniiKi-i'y. Fuby merely writing for - u i ' t - i - i l the l a t e S y l v a n u s I-. H ' b o o n - Michigan nm.ounccr] t h a t 1 t h n commitu-i: IH prtU S Cast Iron Pipe. 12 J4' 3 lii-rnl frnui his bile rctilili'lH'e, 1(2 (.iiirtleld uv., of the hoard a man has joined t h a t inparing a (.•ondf-n: *:-! scalu of c o m p a r a t i v e I he was connected with Washington and ciuatrv Booklet H H 989. •I'liiirsilny, Kept. 12, lit 8 n. in. Servleps at: Mohawk K U S Cast Ir Pipe pr. 40 to evade the draft, the n a t u r e valiu-B to l.e d l F t r l b u t e d In Iiriil.-:h horn I ' h i l a i l o lKp hui a jiapcrs. I b e Clitiri'll of Illf Me»l Previous Hlood ut II of the nian'e study, t r a i n i n g and exN E Tel & Tel . . . . to U S I n d u s Alcohol..118 88 t-H of the Tuoli rn ilaj-H w h e n troops a n ' d i s e m b a r k i n g . ! "" h>' tiro t her, Wilfred O. Thoner^ perience, and the actual conditions Tlie nru'floi-k. JONES & BAKER U S Rubber. . . . . . . til is '<' i. «H' The roinmltli;u IK e i i K f r to p r e v e n t , lit p r e s e n t tn.-rving w i t h .Base Hospital which would result from his removal, FOL1CV—Sept 10, M u r t l n Juinos A., lii-luvt-d s a 1st class sergeant. Ho l e f t are all points which the district boards ' i i n p a r c d w i t h ',•". U S Rubber Istpr..l03>i fliich c-xtortioiiH, ui,il it a j i p e a l s to the. N North B u t t e SRCI'RITIIES 11 14 14 luiKlmiKl "f (ii'i-triHlci U'nwen Foli-y. l-'niii-rul p n l , M o to report i n i - t a n i ' i - n of it. 'J'h» KoMmi the hospital u n i t of the are directed to F.crutinl/.e carefully. finiii lilv; i n l o ii'slili'iH-e, fi'-' r i i ' i i i i - n t u v . , \\'est U S Smelting 42 Nurthl-ake 70c 70c 70c GS DeTonshire Si., Boston Hosum I ' l t y Hftspllnl something over a newfipapi.-rH h a v e t i m e and a j r a l n c:allei I t u x l m r v , I'l'MiiJ 1 , Keptt'UiliiT 111, l i t K n. in. U S Steel 108!f 10'Ji-i 107,'i The regulations finally provide for 43 >j 43 43 43 K TlioDH Fort Hill a215-i6-17 Illi;ll nini-s of i i - i i u l u i n lit Snereil Heart a i t e n t l o n to ciisi-H of Die k l n r l . year ago, n ostirnrii ' unriftiei?: !ly tli;U t h ^ iu-t N Y N H & H 1 placing a man in one of f o u r classes Tilj. •'. Plltiiliuriili Phlladflplile n2 62 rliun.'li ut II n'l'lni-li. ll'Jl-f ll'lj,, n n u l s of tin in vis, b a l y C o m p a n y for (jsceola^ w i t h respect to bis a s r l c i i l t u r a l enter- L Y N C H - - I n f ' l l i n b - I o w n , Si-pi. H, 'I'tumms F., Clilrtiio Uirtct Private Wire* Nrw York L'Uli Copper Ill Ml u ' i i > t were {- 'i'i'i. pom- '-nrfi i l r i l l y of J ' a c i f i i - M i l l i 141 DIVIDENDS DECLARED prise or industry. The first clasa inDAIRY MARKETS bi'l'ived liiihlminl nl' Mill-Kiil-i'l T. Lynrh (mm i re s - h i l ' i i ' - r l f r o m t r u - Pond Crrck Coal. ! 8 U 18Ji Va-Caro Chemical. f.4 Dutc Stock of cludes men not engaged in a necessary TlKhe). Fiiui'i-iil from h i s bile resMenco, !I4 ant'iht- in co,,,,,;,- con- ! Pullman Co lyocal j o b b i n g i i u o l i L t i o i m f o l l o w : WabashRR Dividend piiyable in ill :onl industry or not necessary to that indus11! V V u K l i i i i R l i m K I . , Tlinrnliiy, Sept. 12. ul H:'M. : to 1-' P'-n-':Ilt. Ki-pl in try l i u t l c i - — K a i i f - y Xorthe.rn u r o a i n r r y , Am W i n 'i;l Mrh, pr 1 Hi% uu Oft Wiibaiih pr A The second Includes men necen88 :-i lti>i Uloui lilKli ilium nl SI. J l i i r y V r i i i i r u h , I lli.pul) J r o n & Stl.. ; oc'i B scjit in sa'ry as laborers; tho third, men neces- \Viirren A m \ V I : i ( i l l l H S Jlrh Vlr H i . , nt II ''>l,'j'.il 1 ,Superior&: Koston.. 'iK fuii-t^c.; AVciKlcni oroiiincry, MifitiV&v, N u l l l.ll-orir-o, ir ^:^ 8:1 3A a ft West Union Mi'CAllTHY—In Ciimlil'lrtpp. Si'pl. 111. . h i M i n Sfpl 14 I ' H I K - H O S H , I.llkc HIl I'//-',, Hll ' ^ooil tr, clioire. ereaniiii'v-W-SirW/v, i'nir in J u l y . u r i i t H , i i i ' - l t i d i n f . ' cLiHtorn j gwilt4: Co 104 48 4 -'I 103KI I u R l i , lii-lnveil liiislinnil "I llriiii-ei M.-Ciu-lhy 1 Sopt 28 work, or as highly specialized experts, 4';l mi .proum-i ., */ i r o d l l f t Hh,. \\ < : >- \ a ! UK! a t $4K4,'.'7S. co:u - I «. - -, to Kood '\h>//iii'.n-; ronovatdfl I m t t i J r 4(j'i-i Hiii'hliinrl 'J'rni.1 oj^ I White Motor Car.. ««if (nce \Valf-hl. F u n e r a l I'rnm b l ^ b i l e luinie. 1 K i ' p t S J l or un assistant or associate purer! w i t h SS'-.n*, in J u l y . The d e - v'. n u y ''':; .,.,/' 4ii'/if. l i i d l i - K 41«).lCi-. ir,l Spring H I . , Tbnri-iliiy, Sepl. 1". 111 N :i. ni. M Kept r, I the case of other industries. The f o u r t h 122'/[ i Willya-Ovr.rUnd. . . 20 %% mi Hliiiwijim C Mllli-.'lir IV/'I" , C'roas" i:i l u i n . - , t , : i ] u r i i o n \\-ar r a u f - e ' l i Lnlon i afiln. .. . . J ^ ; R 13,'i ''I '•!• New York t w i n s , fiin<..y IiM/.fr<, Sliliwiillll (.'ot M I I K . -i% iiu Keiiulein b l R b inil^s nl Hie ( ' h m v h nl I h e r 1!8 Septt fi ! I-.IBHR claHB includes inclucloB men necessary neceBHary as sole 12'J }i\ tin- a e r i a l i r a m w a y to inil!^ lielnR out j United Fruit lHOii lao Willy»-Overlund pr. 82H '-'!ii-, f a i r to gooil ai'.iii/27c, Y U U I I K A i n e r l i - u T r i i i n i i i i l l Sin'1, ir.. SiH'leil Huiirl nl 0 n'rlnck. Iteblllvos nnd Oct 1 ---manrtsmB, controllln and dlroctlnjs f r o i n m i H p i o n Idr ]fi 'H. O p c r n t l n s United Shoe Mach. 40Jf f r i e n d s res ii'elfully I n v l t p i l 10 n l l e n d . tu'4 •40J-J Wortb'ton Purap... ti.IJa flcl eonclition^ an- no'.v n ' j n n a l . J C u M H — F i i n c y ne.nrby h e n n e r y tffft-fftr, Oct 1 .... M<-pt 2n .Uit-ephine Nff_>, lii-biM-d w i f e of .lohn M r d u i r o . K i i n l e r n clmire r,Mn;\n, WeHtern o x l n m i; l-'rnli C'i,.., Letter From France IWI'A T}if( S h a n n o n copper m i n e s pro'lnof-tl U SKu-cl ........ l O S ^ t ,«1 nil Si-pt nil Kept is Fniienil from lit-r luti; liotiie, IH " i r i n i e H K I . , r,7«/f,Ki:, ,rime flr.slH KfnfAu, Mi'KlB Wi. ('him. ri.ppi-r i'n r Utali-i'one'd ...... 10 10 10 10 O u H i i l u n i i n i o S u K i i r . . *].!!& ' Mil Kept 17 T{lii,o si>pt " ' ions and Interesting letter from France. lllllt-H III St. A l l l T l l M l n e ' s C l i u n ' l l 111 (I 1,'rlwk. a ck-'-rease f r o m J u l > , \ v h t n the. n t n j ut Utah Mi-la! ....... I K K e r e j ] , I s H u l l e r . 12!l,7-J!l I b n ; r iet-fi\ Securities for Safety COTTON MARKET in scut isoH I' He nays,, in part: Itt'llillveK n n d I r i e n d s r e i - p i v t l u l l y l i n l l f d . t o t a l e d 7'14,'iiKi pounils. V e n t u r a Oil 7 l i x p ; t-KKH, !I2",1 i:n; i;innv d a y laM NN i' u' vi lm hr ii nfai .kr i «\-n l lSi l ui i it ,«• hi' ,i ID KI-III u r,'ili;''/r,le; e x t r a l i i ' H l f i , 47*/r,fj(-; iioeondn, tain takes us all out— which means that B < ' l l A l ' ' F N i : i l I n .lainliicn i i l n . Sepl. I", l l n r i ' i i * r n i n p a n - M w i t h ii^ii.'i.7 i i o u i n l - . of , ,,p. .34. :ir, ;, ;::,.n B4.7L- 4-i' ii'.'Ar; r i . - c i l i i U , il,u;;j I , H K H ; KUIIH'. •J'nyulile lii 4W% Liberty Hoort*. . " . . ; ! ! , - ..iM . ' I l i e i - ul 111" J . l f l l i i i ' I Hi; nothlnK save heart failure can save the luiru I-'... widow nt tin- I n l eI ' lMeliolnii .1. Si-hiiffptr and >,UJD OUII«,B of silver in J u l y . i . u h ' L H i l ^;il1,. ol Ilie I'nii-n ale the i l n y I K H I year, l't,74H pkKM. ]•':«« tntirltet recalcitrant from a bath. Just before lii'r, In ln-r 8Slb yi-ur. Fnuernl hervlcin ,,t :-;,:-i- ..f M . , - H r l t \ . one water hater dived in he exclaimed: 1ln> I'l'f.ideucr. .'HViH Wiish'.nKlun fcl., Thui-bl i n n ; M i K t H , 41'/j'!M-",ir: o r d i n a r y llnsti,, COMMERCIAL NOTES l . i ! l i l r i m . sll'.l. I l l n f Mli-pllll- fVlllltfBONDS RECEIPTS OF STAPLES ilay, Sept. U, in 2 p. in. " 'Ooodby to the laat of American Tho New York Coffee a.iul Bugar ExAt G A WIKS.1B M l A W - l n Cambridge, Si.- it. 10, Kl zn 'J'.. w f« IWMnn n ^ e l p t ^ nf runillUK'.l! it'> S" ,l i n ; .l PI !ll-'ipl\!. d,-prndllt'UNew Y o r k - l i u i l o r ina rlie?r l i n n ; ex- r h u n y o will not be In nesalon on ThurB"Our captain tells of an Incident that (if Finnli 11. Slinw, 81 ft". II IIKIH. ^B di. . r . i . n i i i ' uiu! li-lnly umrUi-labllitjr. \\'m,l, duju. liaj^l.lMi I'll-hSefl Ma.-e[,. ear ] Cuilrul Vt let -la. .. MOW ortLKANS, Kel.t 10— Tixluv IK. HK Servii-i'S nt her bile re^ldelive, 1(1 \ V e n d e l l ut,, t r a s i!C i.eore), >i~V/'i!i'ji'.; l,'^ lu-r H r u r i n f . ' , rtay, Iii.-Klsira.tluo I»ay. occurred to him on the way to tills Wool, f u r , l,nli' .. . !<2li Uiol. lliiI'/J.-Hi" C l i t y j t i s . !<-«ul line. In O . I I O N K s e U l i K , . Wl M-i.i.'ilMe; t i i - K l i i ll-S t o HI n c o r c j , . 'J"'I f,2i'; Wednesday. Sppt. 11. nl .') p. m. Denomination* village. The column was advancing, fiimlirlili:)', Cnllnn, r t , m i , Liili-s i n Api'll-i.. lil'l" . . . i:.',i Mai* Giu, 4 ' ; * ' 3 1 . . 81 i - l e M - i l . Tin- i-l,- ,ui:pe alix, w i l l l,« < luneil , I l e l n t l v e * unit friends i n v l l i i l . liilerrnent u t Thf N u t i o n a l Glnnei'H 1 Association ts- arid tne omnipresent swarm of French l e e1 e i i i t K . 7r,7'.i ,ltgn; i . a i i i e d a y lasl year. \ lI'M'Ulnln*, Me. itoclillilid. Me., iiaprrt. plenMB!.or! feel . .i;r,".:io!iir, ii: ,i,i'. T !,.,. \:\,\*\ >•; '•'•'i '' l'k>-,:-. I ' l i e i ' K i : H K i r l . ' - l . l i n n ; I n - I l l l i i n n t o n th«! rnnisiirnptlon of cotton In children ran out to meet It. They nil copy. , - - , A UK lint at fiZD/rfiO bnl(.-N, as H g a t n h t 6(i'J,- cried for cents. One little plrl apl-'limr. !''•]!• IL'.ilVi,: I'en. U KLiU-r' 101.46 101.01 101.14 Doesn't Seem to Learn Ptrtial Pnyroent* if Decirod Brighton, M a r y , I n f a n t twin W l l l ' l l l . I'll 4",'.lVl;l'.,,,l r e1 e1 e i p l h . I ''ill I I X K , proached our captain with thl* universal V dAnrni ui Hl i lAi -Nr —of I nMichael d a y last O'lO In Aiitruiit last year. U H Liberty cv 4« . S/4.U4 'J4.74 &-1.64 &4.7.1 and A n n i e VaiiKlinn (nf» ( H i l l . , Ill] ,'i.'-.'-)'l;l.el]i WHITi' f'OH J'KEC BOttK "The K u i t i c r is a h a r d man to t e a r h plea. NotliiR that she h«d already col4 ! -. I I X K . l-;j-'(,' W n r r e n l . I-"nneral freni reftidence <»f pun-ntR, USLiU-rty c-v 4s r.. !I4.«4 D4.74 114.64 94. M / o u u Vftii-e^titrnrji -Vi>. COS a t h e i ,-d e : i l i ; i The pr'iposi'd rhangn In the Chicago lected quite a number, he said: '1 Lltiit H I . . Tuebilii*' u ( 1* p. in. J- -:,I:'F. Lll ..'..... J - i n - C r i ^ . cli'in. t*k^.l." .."'fi" U S Liberty 4n. . . S4.24 !"4.60 U4. . tu. . . .IS.flTSlCrp!-, ' l i n n . '-11.1"- . " .."."• Ui=UI*rty4.i V42... 06 !"5 '•<» i!tnl (2,000,000 "You'd t h i n k by t h i n M i n e he'd be con- l;iht > bti-d w-sro adoiitfid by u vote of 293 to w ' t h me?' 11,1^11 ' h. • Poultrj-. M;I:» .... 8 4 'e'2S.. £i5.BO S5.60 9G.24 9G.64 lloiue. 8(1 Union H.. Thursday. Sept. 12. nt 8 make n General. "—Louleville Courlerturancc for grain than ill* »v*r be«n ly and earnently offered to go 60-50 with storage packed order, country ca»dl«d, I SR- pnl"^«*. *>W» eu Coeds milk, bbls. t>8 U S SmeItini;6B n. in. Kdiulem mute, nt St. Jotciih's CliurcU 95 D5 Journal. ohlalnablo horetoforo, him!" at (i a'clocli. lu-lutlveu and friends luvltotl. ; Fr«i»li bctl, i:ui'b.. iiij BONDS Plans For Celebration by School Children LEE, HIGGINSON & Co TWO SONS FINED $100 HOUSE PUSHES WAR ; WITH JAIL SENTENCE TIME PROHIBITION WHEN A DRAFT REGISTRANT IS "NECESSARY" IN HIS WORK MoriartysAttacked Nurse,!Committee Acts on ImTook Mother Away portation of Italian Wine YOU MISS WITH BOMB" Very Cool Aviator Needed to Hit Targets -.en Is Market News "Greet" To You—? AMERICAN SOLDIERS ARE OVERCHARGED I I I : - IOWA $50-$100-$500"$1000 I TJiat and Other Questions Cleared Up in Revised Regulations