AGENCY INFORMATION Eleased under the John Kennedy -.. FBI . ssassinatiun Records allectinn Act of 1992 RECORD NUMBER: 124-10004-10023 PM US: 21m HEEL RECORD SERIES: DL 1 Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 100-10461-SEE COMMENTS 7 DOCUMENT INFORMATION ORIGINATOR: DOS FROM: TITLE: DATE: 00/00/0000 PAGES: 34 SUBJECT: SEE FBI 105-82555-5612 DOCUMENT TYPE: 0 PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT ORIGINAL Secret NEW CLASSIFICATION: CLASSIFICATION: 09/25/1997 711/03/2000 STATUS Redact RESTRICTIONS: JFK Act 6 COMMENTS: INC DOS MEMOS, LIST, AIRGRAMS, CIT LTR NH 5402? Page 1 ?-m?muvcnc- . NH 5402'? . . . . A 41; .mv 'r-y?wn- my. an; J: H, mug-L.- (?..-.. - . 53:3 - u. . n. ?anymenu.l?fss?w mt" ?cm (Lil's: N0 bananas to ?qu .- . - lift 7 L- a; EMURMATION IHIS uwiemm, a? (6M MPT ,?yg 15 I ?IF/ea . ?-coeu I 55" 5? we 85431539 cm . #9 am 712cm SUBJECT: Investigation of Lee Harvey canard MEMORANDUM 1. While-serving as Political Officergin: h' City'from 1964 to 1967 I became quite;frie?di iright, Elena Garro Paz.? An intellegent, witty ,?bk oh I found er a veryf?EEf?I?if sometimes biased sourCeaofrpoIitical_gossipqit and personal history on significant Mexican my wife and me to many important peeple in Mexico. She was also.parti? cularly knowledgeable about agrarian affairs- A biographic report that I prepared on her on May 3, 1966 is attached (Tab A). - 2. On one occasion, Miss-Garro inadvertently mentioned to me that she had been at a party with Lee Harvey Oswald and two?American companions when Oswald was in Mexico just hefore_the Kennedy?assassination. The party had been at the home of her cousin, Rubeng?urap. ?The memorandum of that'conversation, dated December 10, l?6?1fis attached'CTab B). I had not read the Warren Report, but I assumed that if Oswald had been to such a party in Mexico, it would have been well known to the Embassy. I also knew Miss Garro to be something of a professional anti-communist who tended to see a communist plot behind any untoward politiCal event. However, the episode about her being escorted into hidingiat an obscure hotel intrigued me. Accordingly, I decided to report the matter in writing. I gave the memorandum of conversation limited distribution within the Embassy, and did not_send any copies to Washington.. 1 3. A few days later I wa called to the office of Mr. Winston Scott,' who headed the Embassy' olitical Research Sectio (CIA). Also present 'was Mr. Nathan Ferris, Embassy's Legal Attache FBI). They had noted with ?ecemher 10 memorandum of conversation. They pointed out that there had been a great many rumors about Oswald at the time of the assassination and that some could not be verified and others had; proved false. They asked me, however, to try and get a?mhr?hde Eii?d15g;' replay of Miss Garro's story. Mr. Scott made clEar thatith hadifully re3ponsibility for any further investigations of the Oswald ca??w /0?9 90709 4. In a memorandum of conversation dated December ?provided a much more_detailed and accur te.restatement?oflMiss Gair? alleged encounter with Oswald and an equent,developm??tl in my original presentation were rected' art ?p.H admitted that she had gone I: .. .a -, . m7.? ., nunIa:32114649 Page 2 NH 5402? . b7American publication has at least some -knowledge of Durans after the assassination about a party which Oswald had reportedly . attended, but that the transoript of the interrogation was entirely unsatisfactory by normal investigatory standards. Furthermore' the party inquired. about was not the one at Ruben Duran' 3 house, reported by P?Elena Garro, but at an entirely different place. This transcript -may - well be the sOurce of Mr. Ferris bel-ief that Elena Garro? 3 story had been - checked out and. found .to be '10. It would appear that whereas the FBI has discounted the Elena Garro allegations, is still considerably disturbed by them.I The CIA ?may not have pressed for further investigation, however, for a number of' reasons: l).consideringI the senSitive overlap and subtle competition . between two intelligence collecting -aIgencies, it had to yield Ito the 5 clear jurisdiction, 2) there are Obvious complications in conducting such an investigation in a Eoreign country; 3) that is a close and delicate relationshipretween the.CIA Station-Chie?E: nd the former Minister of IInterior PresidentI Gustavo Diaz Ordaz; and 4) som of the people I appearing in the Elena Garro scenario may well be agents'of the CIA. Under the circumstances it is unlikely that any further investigation of this matter .will ever take place unless iU is_ordered by a high official inI 'Washington. - 1 If all _Ithe allegations in V.the attached memoranda were true, they would not, in themselves, prove that there was a conspiracy to assassinate President Kennedy. .However, if they were ever made public, those who have tried to discredit the WarrenIReport could have a field day in. specula-ting about their?implications., The credibility of the Warren Report. ~would be damaged all the more if -it were learned that these allegations- -Iwere known and neverI adequately investigated by the competent American Iauthorities. .2 I - . 12.- Reference is made again to the biographic report (Tab A) on Elena Garro. She is hardly an ordinary or average person.? Her and. weaknesses become exaggerated preciSely because she is not. It would be easy and convenient to sweep this matter under the rug by claiming that Miss Garro is an unreliable informant since she is emotional, Iopinionated, and "artistic." I have been affected at times by that. temptation, myself. No American official, however, knows her better than I do. On the basis of the facts that I have presented, I believe that, on balance, the matter warrants further investigation.I 13. Finally, the record shOuld show that a represent?tive of a major - 15 st ry.? DueId:32114649 Page 3