8/28/2014 - JFK Full Results National Archives and Records Administration Kennedy Assassination Collection Full Results under the John Kennedy elleetien Act of 1992 [44 USC 219? Note]. 53932 Date: B?le?E?lT Baickzit'o' {Backtoseamh} Hits 1AGENCY RECORD NUMBER RECORDS SERIES .AGENCY FILE NUMBER ORIGINATOR FROM TITLE DATE PAGES DOCUMENT TYPE SUBJECTS CLASSIFICATION RESTRICTIONS CURRENT STATUS DATE OF LAST REVIEW OPENING CRITERIA AGENCY INFORMATION FBI 124-10023?10230 HQ 105~82555-2087 DOCUMENT INFORMATION FBI SULLIVAN, W. C. BELMONT, A. H. [No Title] 01/30/1964 12 PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT LHO, INFORMANT, ALLEGATIONS, INITIAL FBI RPT UNCLASSIFIED 4 RELEASED WITH DELETIONS 06/17/1996 INDEFINITE Audit historv for this Record Identification Form Hits 1-1 of 1 '[igeqok10 F;Baekggto?SeareHF?FF National Archives and Records Administration webmaster??namgov 1m 1H T?m9"? - i' sow?loo 3517111065 comb" 7, Sm. - 5&1; ?34: .3 i (A, ?aw-71?? 1 - Mr. Belmont "ere?u??f . . 1 - 111-. J. P. Hour A Eii?fngiL? ?iMr.iRosen Lm, w. c. Sullivan, 111-, Branigan . Baumgardner~ 34:13:10 ry "3 0' D. J, Brennan \ndeflnate 3: norandum 1s to eiplore allegation Lee Harvey was ?lminformant and related) points covered by President' I: 31rd (10 procedures we us in development and control of .L-rthe system used 111 handling 1niformant's' 111 Special gr ice- (818)? program, and (3) details concerning Wade's 3? theiFBI- -. . . - ., reclude the nun-g without know 7 stability. REG 27/0 5 ismw- -. .. . Whenwe do authorize, we follow informant's developmentj pig letters ?which field offices subm1t at 1.1- in. intervals. npprove use of symbols and names, 11111111111114 1113541111 may be us?'di twice by the ?ne field mice. we 'authorize payments on regular 11113113 and maintain current van: .LEE HARVEY oswann NH 53932 Memorandum Mr; W, C. Sullivan, to MT. Belmont Absence of Payments to Oswald . Had any.of our offices even made payments to him under the authority, these would have been shown in and vouchers submitted by each office. These records have been checked and double-checked and no such payment was ever made. Symbol Numbers Identifiable Had Oswald been assigned a symbol number, this would be a matter of rqugd not only by number bggwalso by _gam?. As a matter of fact, wemchn'ia??tif??every symbol number used, past or present. The number 179 supposedly assigned Oswald is currently used by the Dallas Office for a criminal informant, Velma Yy ?ne Graham, a Negro madam who runs a house of.prostitution.??En New Orleans, where?0swa1d spent some time, the number 179 was used by the New Orleans Office back in 1941 to designate an informant, Joseph A. Partridge, who was reporting security information and who was discontinued in 1944. As previously noted, once a number is used in any capacity, whether to designate a security or a iminal informant, it cannot be used again. In Mexico, to which Oswald traveled just prior to the assassi- nation of President Kennedy, our Legal Attache there currently has a security informant 179 who was so designated in 1960. He is Ignacio Olivo, who furnishes information on the Mexican? Russiag Institute of Cultural Exchange in Morelia, Michoacan, Mexico Lu) Procedural Steps Never Taken Furthermore, Oswald could not.have been assigned such a symbol number without a pripnrhackgroupd by any -field office considhff?EEhim for any field office considered developing him, it would have had to obtain approval by the 806. There is no record of any such request by any field office and no record of any such approval. DueId132123393 Page 3